Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Nov 24, 2007


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 52


This story is copyright 2007 by yours truly, Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to another website without the permission of the author. The story contains descriptions of acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this kind of material offends you or you are underage to be reading this in your territory or country, then please leave now. If it is illegal for you to be reading this in your country, then you should also leave now.

If you would like to drop me a line then please feel free to do so at I enjoy reading your e-mails and I always endeavour to reply to them.

From the last chapter!!!!!!!

The Saturday of the next weekend saw us back at Wembley stadium, this time performing in our right at the Earth live concert. Once we got on stage, Gary said, "the reason that we are here today is to highlight the problems of global warming and the damage that has been caused to the planet by our parents and grandparents."

"But that doesn't make us any better than them,"" Chris said. "We use so much electronic equipment that we are just as guilty as them when it comes to causing damage to the planet."

"And we came here today in our private helicopter,"Liam announced. "So don't think that we are just trying to pass the blame onto previous generations."

With that we got on with the business of performing the music. The audience loved us and wanted more but due to the time constraints that just wasn't possible.

On the flight home I was thinking about all the really bad weather that we had been having and the flooding that had occurred in many parts of the country. It was kind of depressing to know that there were people who had lost everything and I put it to the rest of the guys about us organizing a concert to raise money to help these people. They all thought that it was a really cool idea and we decided that we would get things organized over the next few days.

SAD SONG OF A GAY TEEN 52!!!!!!!!!!!

The next morning, over breakfast, we were all discussing the plans for the flood relief concert. Liam said that he was going to call his hero, David Gilmour (from PINK FLOYD), to find out if he would be interested in appearing as a guest artist. Steve suggested calling the other people who had been in that band to ask if they would be interested in being involved and asked to call some of his contacts to get the relevant phone numbers. It would be really cool if we could get Pink Floyd together for one more show but it seemed very unlikely as they had made it quite clear after their performance at the LIVE 8 concert that that would be the last time they would ever appear together. We talked to dad about this and he just said, "Never say never."

After finishing breakfast, I decided that I would e-mail Dane and Colt in Iowa. After meeting them and getting to know them in New York, we had said that we would keep in touch, even if it was only by e-mail. It had been a few weeks since I had written to them but they had sent me a couple of e-mails from Washington DC along with a load of photos that they took on that trip. The band had been so busy that I hadn't had a chance to reply to any of those e-mails and now seemed like as good a time as any to do that.

From Mozarty2k6@???????

7__th July 2007

Hi Dane and Colt and I am so sorry that I have not had a chance to write for a few weeks but with school and all the stuff going on with the band I really haven't had a chance.

Anyway, the two appearances at Wembley went really well and getting to meet out future King and his brother was a real honour.

We have been experiencing some really bad weather over here and there has been serious flooding in many parts of the country and many people have lost their homes and their treasured possessions and as a result we have decided to organize a concert to raise money to help the victims of the flooding.

Give my congratulations to your dad on receiving the medal. That must have been a real honour and a very big shock. I also got to see the interview that he did on TV and he seems to have opened a very big can of worms with what he said. I also have a great deal of respect and admiration for the few words that you guys said and hopefully it will make a real difference to a lot of people like us out there. Coming from you two it has a lot more impact than it does from me.

Of course, the real hero in all of this is Barry Wilson, hopefully he has left the world a better place. Would you pass on my congratulations to his sister or get your dad to do it for me and also for the rest of the guys in the band?

Well, I'll have to go now as I have a concert to organize. Give my love to Dave, Dustin, Joel and Alex.

Lol Jason.........

Before hitting the send button, I attached some photos of the two appearances at Wembley. Just as I hit the send button, Cecil came in to the room and asked me what I was doing. I told him about the guys from Iowa winning the competition to see us in New York and I also filled him on the rest of the details.

"You certainly get to know the right people, don't you?" Cecil asked.

"Well, dad is always telling me that in this life it isn't what you know but who you know," I replied.

The rest of Sunday was just spent relaxing in the pool and enjoying a fantastic Sunday lunch. Oh, and doing our homework ready for school on Monday.

The rest of the week was uneventful and our lunch hours were spent making numerous phone calls to get the charity concert set up. We didn't have a great deal of time to do this as it was now Friday July 13th and the concert was taking place the following week on the 20th. Planning of the event was progressing well and we had numerous guests lined up. Billy Joel had agreed to fly over from New York to perform MY LIFE. We had the four guys from Pink Floyd lined up to appear, although none of them was aware that the others would be there, we would just have to deal with any problems on the day. We had called the EAGLES to see if they would fly over and perform HOTEL CALIFORNIA with us but they were busy finishing their new album. Elton John wished us well with the show but was unable to appear due to his touring commitments. We had also got Paul McCartney to come along and we would be performing his song BAND ON THE RUN. As far as ticket sales were concerned, the event was a sell out.

It was on that Friday that I arrived and found that my credit card statement had arrived. I opened it and it was really bad news. I noticed that someone had spent a lot of my money at various shops and restaurants in New York that I knew we had not been to. Dad told me to call the credit card company and cancel the card and to tell them that I was the victim of fraud, of an identity theft. Cancelling the card was the easy part but when it came to the fraud, I was made to feel like a criminal. I felt like saying that I would just pay money that I owed them, even for the goods and services that I had not had but that was the easy way out. I didn't see why I should be made pay for stuff that I hadn't even had. It took over an hour but the credit card company finally agreed to cancel all the charges for the things that I hadn't had. I did point out to them that I could provide plenty of witnesses to prove that I had not been to any of those shops or restaurants.

Thursday July 19th was the last day of school. The following day we had a our big flood relief fund raising concert and then on the Saturday it was off to South America. As it was the last day, school was letting out at midday and as I made my way to the exit, along with Chris and Steve, we had an awful lot of people coming up to us and wishing us well with the concert the following day. It wasn't as if we wouldn't be seeing any of them for weeks as we would be back at school this evening for the end of year dress ball that had been organized.

Liam, Keith and I boarded the chopper and headed for home. We were all very hungry when we got there and thankfully Tom was making steak and Swiss cheese sandwiches for lunch and they smelled really good. I went upstairs to change and bumped in to mum as I got to the top of the stairs.

"Is Gary home?" I asked.

"He should be back soon, he went to pick up the tuxedos for the ball tonight," mum informed me.

With that I headed for my room and got changes and then went to get lunch.

We all had our plans before going to the actual ball. Keith told us that Alexei had hired a vintage Rolls Royce and was taking him to a Japanese restaurant for dinner. Liam had booked a stretch limo and was taking Nick to their favourite restaurant. Dad had said that Gary and I could use the Rolls Royce for the night. We were going to our favourite Italian restaurant for dinner and then on to the ball.

We had all just started eating when Gary arrived home.

"Hi babe," he said as he kissed me on the cheek and helped himself to a chip from my plate.

"Hi, yourself," I said as I slapped his hand for stealing my lunch.

"Tom, I don't suppose there would be any chance of one of those steak sandwiches?" Gary asked.

"It'll be ready in ten minutes," Tom said.

Gary headed up stairs with the tuxedos and was soon back and tucking into his lunch.

We spent much of the afternoon in the studio mixing tracks for the new album. We wrapped things up in the studio at about four thirty so that we could all go and get ready. An hour later we where all sitting in the lounge with mum telling us how nice we all looked and that we should all dress up more often. Dad was busy taking photos. The limo that Liam had hired was the first to show up.

"Make sure that Kim or Dean take some nice photos," mum said as he was leaving, "and tell them that I want copies of them."

"I'll pass the message on but you understand that I had do to this. You, Phil, Jason, Gary, Nick, Dean and Kim have all been so great to me since I became a part of the band and since mum died that I wanted to have the chance to do something in return," Liam said.

Before he headed out of the door, dad handed Liam a half bottle of champagne and said, "It's a pleasure having you in the family. Make sure you and Nick enjoy that."

"Thanks, Phil," Liam said as he got in the limo and waved goodbye.

About five minutes later, Alexei showed up. Mum opened the door for him and said, "You look stunning and if I ever decide to get myself a toy boy, you are top of the list."

"Thank you, Jane," he said.

Needless to say, dad took some photos of Keith and Alexei before they left. Gary and I were the last ones to leave and when we got in the Rolls, we found that dad had put a half bottle of champagne in the small fridge for us.

"Should we have this now or should we save it until later?" I asked.

"We'll have it now," Gary said as he began to open the champagne. He pored two glasses and said, "here's to us and a great future together."

We clinked our glasses and I made my own little toast by saying, "And here's to South America and hopefully another great tour."

"So are you looking forward to the tour?" Gary asked.

"Of course I am. Being on stage in front of an audience is the best part of all of this," I replied. "I'm really looking forward to the shows in Rio."

In Rio we would be performing at the Maracana stadium and there would be three shows in all. Dad had told me that there would be a quarter of a million people at each show, making them the largest audiences that we had performed to so far. I was really excited by that.

We soon arrived at the restaurant and were shown to our table. As we sat looking at the menu, Gary said, "In a few weeks I'll be old enough to order some wine to have with my food when we eat out."

"Not if your driving," I said, "I wouldn't want you getting arrested for drink driving."

Anyway, we had a great meal and just enjoyed each others company. Gary did keep asking just what plans I had for his birthday but I just remained very tight lipped and wouldn't give him even the smallest clue about all the plans that I had for that very special day. I paid the bill for dinner and then we headed for school and the ball.

On arriving, we joined the queue to have an official photo taken and then we went to find a table. That didn't take long as Callum and Aaron had already arrived and found a big table for everyone.

"Hi guys," I said as I took a seat.

"Hi Jason," They both said.

"Are you looking forward to the show tomorrow?" I asked my two friends.

They both said that they were. Callum and Aaron would be helping out on the baking vocals. They were also fantastic dancers and had come up with some great dance routines that they would be performing on a couple of songs. Next to arrive were Chris and Steve with Carla and Kate, their girlfriends.

"You two look stunning tonight," Carla said, referring to Gary and I.

"Thanks," Gary responded.

"Maybe we should trade these two in for better models?" Kate said as she pointed at Chris and Steve.

Gary asked what we all wanted to drink and him and Chris went off to get the drinks. By the time that Gary and Chris returned with our drinks, we had been joined by a few of our other friends, including Lee, who was with Mark, his boyfriend. It was really good to see that Lee had changed so much since the bullying incident outside school two summers ago. Gavin and Brett had also joined us and thanked us for allowing them to go to New York with us. They had spent most of that trip with their friends from Boston. Gavin, in particular seemed to be really coming to terms with the death of his parents. We all talked about our plans for the summer holidays and it was that point that Liam told us that his dad and Neil where taking him and Nick to Vancouver for a couple of weeks the day after Garys' birthday. I felt that that would be really good for him, as he had never had a holiday in his life. Due to his background, his mum just hadn't been able to afford such luxuries. Several teachers had also come over to talk to us, Gary especially, as they wanted to know how he was doing in life now that he had left school. This went on for around half an hour, until one of our favourite songs came on and I asked Gary if he would dance with me. It was an off that he didn't hesitate to refuse. All in all we had a great time at the dance and it was over all too soon.

Friday was a busy day and we arrived at the MEN arena at just after nine on the Friday morning. Callum, Aaron, Kate and Carla where all already there and looked to be hard at work as Gary, Liam and I approached them.

"Morning everyone," I said.

They all returned the greeting and we got talking. It turned out hat Callum had been going to ballet lessons since he was four and that would explain why he was such a good dancer. After chatting for a little while, I let them get back to work.

By this time the first of our guests had arrived, Sir Paul McCartney. We talked for a while before heading to the stage and running through the song. That went really well. By this time, the guys from Pink Floyd had arrived and this led to the first problem of the day. Their gear had already been set up on stage but David Gilmour was saying that there was no way that he was going on stage with the other guys.

"So you mean you are leaving?" Liam asked.

"It looks that way," came the response from David.

"But you can't ," Liam protested. "OK, so we've been a little devious in the way that we got you guys here today but you have to agree that we are doing this for the right reasons, to help people who are less fortunate than we are."

After some lengthy discussions, David Gilmour agreed to do the show so we spent the rest of the morning rehearsing the Pink Floyd material. After a break for lunch we did a final sound check/dress rehearsal. By around five pm we were all ready to go. Gary and I made our way to our dressing room and took a shower together and, yes, we did fool around and sucked each other to orgasm. We were both rewarded with a healthy dose of teen protein. Then we and joined the rest of the guys for some food. The show went really well and the dance routine that Callum had put together for BAND ON THE RUN was awesome. The part of the show were we did the Pink Floyd material was rally cool, the only thing missing was my biological father. He had been a huge fan of that band and would have loved seeing me and my friends performing with them. We did dedicate the song WISH YOU WHERE HERE to the memory of my late parents. At the end of the show dad came on stage.

He began his speech by saying, "I'm Phil Russell and I manage the band. I wouldn't normally get dragged on stage, not even by wild horses but tonight is different. I have to say that I am so proud of these guys as they have organized this event themselves and in less than two weeks and they didn't even ask for my help.''

That earned a huge round of applause. Dad continued by saying, "I just have one more thing to say and that is that the total raised so far is £23,475, 203."

Once again there was big round of applause.

After this we did one final song. For this we had chosen to do GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD, one of my favourite Elton John songs. Billy Joel and I both played piano and we were joined by the rest of our guests. There was a small party back stage after the show before we all headed home.

It was around six thirty on Saturday morning when I heard the door of our room open and Craig said, in a whisper, "Steve, they're still asleep."

"Well go and wake the fuckers up," Steve whispered back.

With that, Craig ran across the room and launched himself at the bed and said, "Come on, wake up, rise and shine, we have a plane to catch."

"Good morning to you, too," I said to Craig.

I noticed that Steve was standing by the door with a big grin on his face, so I threw a pillow at him. That was a mistake as Craig just said, "Oh goody, a pillow fight."

Steve came over and got Craig and said, "No, no pillow fight. Should we go and see if your milkshake is ready?"

"Mmmm........OK," was the response from Craig.

Gary and I got up and showered and dressed before going downstairs. After a quick breakfast of croissants, muffins, coffee and fruit juice we got on the chopper to head for our departure point of Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Boris had provided us with a luxury Boeing777 for the tour. Once we were on board, Liam said, "Singapore Airlines weren't this good when we went to Australia last year."

It was around an hour later when we got airborne. Soon after this a flight attendant came around asking us what we would all like to drink. When he got to me I was in something of a mischievous mood and I said, "I'll have a coke please."

"And how would you like that?" I was asked.

"On a mirror with a credit card and a rolled up twenty pound note, please," I responded.

The flight attendant walked away, looking really horrified. Amanda was sitting behind me and she leaned around and said, "What did you say to that flight attendant? He looked really horrified."

"I told him that I wanted a coke. He asked me how I wanted it and I told him, 'on a mirror with a credit card and a rolled up twenty pound note.' You know, the whole "sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll thing,' I said, as I began to laugh.

"Just promise me that you'll stick to the rock 'n' roll and the sex but stay well away from the drugs," Amanda said.

"I've got no intentions of going down that road," I said, "I've heard to many horror stories already from many of the people that we've met since we got the record deal."

Amanda and I talked for a while. I didn't see her as much as I had when I was younger. It was much more convenient for Chris and all of my other friends to spend the weekend at my house. The first part of the flight was from Liverpool to Tenerife in the Canary Islands. During this part of the flight we had a lavish breakfast and the guys from the band along with Nick, Shane, Kate and Carla chilled out in one of the lounge areas on the plane. Soon after leaving Tenerife we had lunch. Once lunch was over, I said to Craig, "So what do you plan to do now?"

"I was just going to read my comics," Craig responded.

"I brought some Billy Connelly DVDs, if anyone wants to watch them," Steve said.

We all made our way to one of the lounge areas and watched the DVDs. We had been doing that for a couple of hours when Craig came in and said, "I'm bored now. When will be landing?"

No one answered and Craig had noticed something else. "Hey, why are you all crying?" He asked.

"It's not because we are sad," Gary replied, "It's just that we have been laughing so much that it made us cry."

"Oh, OK," Craig said.

It would be about another two hours before we landed in Sao Paulo. I took advantage of this time to send some e-mails to a few people. These included Dane and Colt in Iowa, my cousins in New York, Josh in California and Adam in Australia. I also attached a selection of the photos that dad and Nick had taken at the concert the previous night.

It didn't seem long before we were landing in Sao Paulo and it was as we waited to collect our bags that Cecil came over to me and said, "It's really good of you to allow me to come on this tour with you but I wish I didn't feel like such a free loader."

Scott was standing close by and said, "We could always use an extra pair of hands loading and unloading the trucks, if you are up for it?"

"Sounds like fun," Cecil responded.

"More like seriously hard graft," Steve pointed out.

Once we arrived at the hotel, we all made our way to our suites and just chilled for a couple of hours after the long flight. That night, Gary and I had dinner with Steve, Chris, Kate, Carla, Nick, Liam, Ross and Shane. Steve and Carla had offered to look after Craig for the evening so that Linda and Howard Could have a romantic dinner together.

"What about Cecil?" Gary asked.

I called Cecil in his suite and said, "Hi Cecil, would you like to join us for dinner?"

"As long as it's nothing to expensive. My foster parents only gave me a small amount of spending and when I asked my dad he told me that I would have to go elsewhere if I wanted money," Cecil informed me.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about money. I don't mind helping you out," I said.

"I couldn't expect you to do that for me," Cecil said.

"You aren't the first person that I've said this to but I'm fifteen and have more money than I can ever possibly spend. I have no housing costs to pay for, I'm too young to have a car and, apart from the helicopter, I just don't have any real expenses to cover, so I am always happy to be able to share my wealth with my friends," I said.

"You know, you are the best friend anyone could ever have," Cecil told me.

We had a great dinner with fantastic company, great food and wonderful conversation. Liam told us that his dad and Neil were taking him and Nick to Vancouver for holiday the last two weeks of the summer holiday. This could have been something of an inconvenience but our appearance at the the Matthew Street festival in Liverpool had been cancelled. This was as a result of the whole event being cancelled by the city council on health and safety grounds. We had Sunday free to explore the city and the one thing that really got our attention was the amount of serious poverty that we saw. It was kind of upsetting to see kids our age and even younger living on the streets and begging or stealing to survive but Howard was very quick to point that that was the only kind of life that they knew. Monday was a very busy day as we were rehearsing and doing the sound check for the show. The show itself was a huge success, especially the opening stunt. We had decided to open with the Queen song WE WILL ROCK YOU. For this Gary and I went to the back of the stadium and climbed up to the roof. We then secured ourselves in special safety harnesses. Chris played the opening bars of the song as Gary and I slid down to the stage on wires suspended above the audience. It was a great entrance and very well received by the crowd. After breakfast on the Tuesday we flew to Receife. We had the rest of the day and all day Wednesday to just do our own thing before the show on the Thursday night.

Friday it was on to Rio. We had the weekend free and spent much of the time on Copacabana beach but we did also visit Sugarloaf mountain. The three shows in Rio were on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It was a totally awesome experience performing for 250, 000 people at each show. We had a final free day in Rio on the Thursday and again, we spent the day at Copacabana beach. Friday we flew to Buenos Airies in Argentina. On arriving at the hotel, there was a small protest going on and people calling out, "go home English pigs."

Geoff explained to us that this was all a throw back to the Falklands war of the 1980s' and it was obvious that these people had not forgiven the British for their defeat. We were quickly ushered into the hotel. We had a couple of days to go sight seeing in the city and found it to be fascinating place. The one show that we did here went down really well and we had some fantastic reviews the next day in the local papers. The final stop on the tour was Santiago, the capital of Chile. Again, we felt that we had given a fantastic performance. By the time we got on the plane for the flight home, we had been away for nearly three weeks but it had just flown by.

We arrived home on the Thursday the 9th August. The following day we would be meeting Uncle Bill and Aunt Terri, along with my cousins as they would be arriving for their visit. Keith and Alexei met us as we got out of the chopper.

"How's mum and dad?" I asked.

"They're at the hospital," Keith said. "Janes' waters broke at about four this morning."

We had breakfast but for Gary and I, the seconds became minutes and the minutes became before we finally got the call from the hospital. Dad told us that we had a sister and they had decided to call her Gemma. She had been born at 11.34am and weighed in at eight and half pounds. Dad said that he would be home shortly so that mum could get some rest and he was in need of some food. Dad did say that he would take us to the hospital later in the day.

We got to the hospital just after five and after giving mum a kiss on the cheek and congratulating her, we went to take our first look at our new sister.

"She's beautiful," I said. "Would be OK if I hold her?"

"Yes," mum said, 'but just be careful and make sure you support her head properly."

"I still remember what to do," I said, "Steve and I used to hold Craig all the time when he was a baby."

As I lifted Gemma out of the cot, I explained to Gary what I was doing and showed him how to hold Gemma so that her head was properly supported. This was a very special moment in our lives. The main topic of conversation was the trip to South America. As I held my new sister, Gary and I told mum and dad about our adventures in South America. Gary had brought his laptop so that we could show mum some of the many photos that we had taken on the trip.

I suddenly noticed that Gemmas' bum had got a little warm and I knew exactly what this meant, so I said to Gary, "I think that it's your turn to hold her."

"Why dose her bum feel warm?" Gary asked, as I he took the baby from me.

"Probably because she needs changing," I said. "In which case it's time for me to make a hasty retreat. Anyone want anything from the cafeteria?"

Dad and I went to the cafeteria and had a coffee while Gary stayed with mum, so that he could learn how to change the babies nappy. Soon after going back to mums room, it was time for Gemma to have her very first bath. Dad, Gary and I were all getting hungry by this time and so we said our goodbyes to mum and headed home. We did stop off at a Thai restaurant near to the school for some dinner and then we went home. I was feeling tired after the long flight home from Chile and so, soon after arriving home, I said goodnight to everyone and went to bed. At six thirty the next morning we were on the helicopter heading for the airport. Chris D had made Gary and I honorary FI agents and as a result we were able to use our FI badges to get right to the arrival gate. We had been there for around twenty minutes when the Delta Airlines flight from New York pulled up. As the passengers came out of the aircraft and onto the airbridge, it was Ricky who noticed us first and shouted at the top of his voice, "Hey, that's Gawy and Jason there."

Before I knew it, he had reached us. I picked him up and said, "Was the flight good?"

"I fink so but I was asweep most of the way," Ricky replied to my question.

The next ones to reach us were Rory and Connor. I put Ricky down so that I could get a hug from them. "Hi guys, how was the flight?"

"It was really smooth and took a little over six and half hours but they had us stacked up waiting to land," Connor said.

Once Uncle Bill and Aunt Terri reached us, Gary said, "OK, passport control and baggage claim is this way."

As we walked along, I chatted with Rory and Connor while Gary talked to my aunt and uncle. Of course, we did have to tell them how we had been allowed to get past all the security so that we could actually meet them at the gate.

"So how do we get to your house from here?" Rory asked.

"On my school bus," I responded. "not that there are many people who can say that their school bus is a Sikorsky S92 helicopter."

We had soon cleared passport control, baggage claim and customs and were on board the chopper heading for the house. As soon as it came in to view, I could tell that everyone was impressed. Gary was pointing out the studio and the swimming pool. Once we had landed Jack came bounding over, wanting to meet these new people. Dad was just leaving for the hospital and hopefully he would be bringing mum and Gemma home after they had been seen by the doctors. Tom said that breakfast would be ready in thirty minutes. This gave us time to show everyone to there rooms and it also gave then time to freshen up. As Gary and I where heading down for breakfast, Ricky came out of his room wearing just a pair of shorts and dragging a towel behind him.

"And where do you think that you are going?" I asked.

"I wanna go swimmin'," he said.

"Maybe later but for now you better get dressed properly so that we can have some breakfast," I told the youngest of my three cousins.

Over breakfast, everyone finally got to meet Keith. We kept ourselves busy for the day. Liam, Gary and I allowed Rory and Connor to have a listen to some of the tracks from the new album. Dad told them that should feel really honoured as he usually only got to hear our new stuff when it was ready to be handed over to the record company. Mum, dad and Gemma came home from the hospital and as soon as she saw the baby, aunt Terri was making a real fuss. I got the distinct impression that mum was going to enjoy having another woman around the house, even if it was only for a couple of weeks. Connor and Rory showed off their skateboarding skills in Keiths very own private skate park. I have to admit that I didn't know an awful lot about skateboarding but my cousins were very impressive. After lunch we went swimming for a couple of hours. Howard and Linda arrived to see the baby late afternoon.

Ricky instantly recognised Howard and said, "you're Cwaigs dad, is he wiv you?"

"No, he went to his friends birthday party today," Howard replied.

"UM.....OK," Ricky said.

"How about I come and pick you up tomorrow and you can stay with Craig at our house for a couple days?" Linda asked.

"Kwel," Craig said as he left the room, followed by Jack, who had taken a real liking to my youngest cousin.

Over the next few days we made use of the limo so that my relatives could see the city of Manchester. The other reason for this was so that uncle Bill could show Rory and Connor where he grew up, went to school and that kind of thing. We had a great time, especially hearing the stories about things that my dad and Bill had got up to when they were kids.

The day of Garys birthday arrived and I was awake first, so I kissed him on the lips to wake him up. When he was awake, I said, "Happy birthday babe, now I can say that I have a real man in my life. And, now I'm going to give you your first present."

"And what is it?" Gary asked.

"I'm gonna fuck you senseless," I said, giving my lover and soulmate one of my huge shit eating grins.

For the next forty minutes we explored every inch of each others bodies and sucked on each others stiff cocks. Half of that time was spent with me plowing Garys ass with my stiffy and hitting all the right buttons, judging from the sounds emanating from his mouth. I finally got to the point where I just could hold back any longer and I emptied copious amounts of my juice deep inside my lover. Gary was shooting wads of the stuff over both of our bodies too. Once it was all over, we rested for a while before I handed Gary his birthday card and presents. He opened the card and then kissed me on the lips. Then he opened the first of the two packages. This was a miniature model of the Aston Martin DB9. Gary just gave me a strange look.

"Ever since you saw that last James Bond movie, you have been saying that you want one of those, so I got you one," I said.

Gary then opened the second package and found that it contained some keys. He looked at me again before saying, "I hope these are for the real DB9?"

"They are," was all I could say before I got a very passionate kiss from Gary.

We showered and dressed and headed down to breakfast. Everyone was waiting for and Gary had a mass of gifts to open. Mum and dad saved theirs until last. It was an envelope containing the details of the trust fund that mum and dad had set up for Gary when he was born. It was now worth four and a half million pounds.

"I can't take this," Gary said.

"And why not?" Mum asked.

"Because I'm already a multi millionaire in my own right," Gary responded.

"We set that up for you when you were born so that you would have a good start in life. We never ever dreamed that Jason would come into our lives or that you would end up in a successful rock band. We just wanted to do what we thought was best for you.," dad said.

Gary got up and gave mum a kiss on the cheek and said thank you. He then went and shook hands with dad and, again said thank you and added, "I would kiss you on the cheek but that's how nasty rumours start."

Liam, Keith, Rory and Connor all wanted to go for a ride in the new car and that took up a large part of the morning. Once everyone had had their turn, Gary asked, "So what else do you have planned?"

"I have a table booked for lunch at one of our favourite restaurants and then we head over to Dukeys estate to see Cullen, Chris D and the gang from Tucson," I said.

We had time for some coffee before we headed out to lunch. The meal was excellent. I had booked a private room and the waiter brought us each a glass of champagne to have while we looked at the menu. OK, so I wasn't old enough to drink but the waiter said that it would be a little secret between the three of us and, it was after all a very special occasion. It was kind of nice having this quality time with Gary. After lunch we made the trip to the Dukes estate. When we got there the first person I spotted was Eric, who everyone said could be my long lost twin due to the fact that we looked so alike. "Hi Jason," he shouted as he released something from his hand. It hit me right on the face and I realised that it was jelly.

"Mmmm......lemon flavour," I said as I licked some from around my lips. I noticed the table full of jelly and went to get some, which I held behind my back as I approached Gary.

"Everything OK?" He asked.

"Most definitely," I said as I plonked the jelly on his head.

"OK, I am sooooooooo gonna get you for that," Gary said.

That was it. All hell broke loose as jelly was being thrown in all directions. I spotted Cullen and walked over to him, jelly in hand and said, "Good day your hinnery."

Cullen was just about to say something when I slapped the jelly straight in his face. I had also noticed a pit and said to Cullen, "What's that?"

"It's a nude mud wrestling pit," Cullen informed me.

I called Gary over and we both got undressed and rolled in the mud for about twenty minutes. It was lucky that we had brought a change of clothes with us. Cullen showed us were we could get hosed down and then said that we could use his bathroom to take a shower. Once that was done, Gary went to talk with Chris D about ideas for his investing the latest addition to his increasing wealth. I could tell that something was bothering Cullen and asked, "So what's on your mind?"

"It's my aunt, the queen and my horrible cousin. They were assassinated," Cullen told me.

"Soooooo.......let me guess? That means you finally get to be king instead of queen," I said.

This earned me a playful swat on the arm from my old school friend before I said, "So why look so glum about it?"

"I just don't think that I am ready for this," Cullen said with a few tears in his eyes.

We talked at length about being in the public spotlight. Cullen told me that the coronation was to be held on the 5th March 2008, his seventeenth birthday. I would be sixteen ten days prior to this but Cullen suggested that we have a joint party again, just as we had in Las Vegas.

"Well, maybe not that outrageous," I said, "Gary and I have committed ourselves to each other and we don't really want to do anything like that again," I said.

Cullen also asked if the band would come and perform at the coronation ball. I said yes and I was sure that everyone would be in agreement. We finally left the Dukes place at just after four. As we drove away, Gary asked, "So where are we headed now?"

"Manchester city centre," I said.

"I heard there is a huge concert happening tonight. You mean you got tickets for that?" He asked.

"We don't need any tickets," I said. "Now I have to be honest with you, I'm the one who is performing. It's a huge multi-media event and it is being broadcast live, worldwide, on MTV"

"So that's why you were so secretive about what we would be doing on my birthday."

"Yeah, dad and I have organised the whole thing for you."

"No wonder I love you so much, I could kiss you right now."

"Not while you are driving," I said, "we don't want any accidents. I have a show to do."

After showing our security passes we headed for the area where the stage had been set up. There must have already been several hundred thousand people here. Many had probably arrived early in the hope of getting a good vantage point. We met up with the family and the rest of the guys form the band. Chris and Steve approached first and it was Steve who said, "I heard you went to see Cullen today? How is he?"

"Don't make any plans for March 5th next year," I replied.

"So Cullen is inviting us to his birthday party?" Chris asked.

"And his coronation," I informed everyone.

"When did you find out about this? What happened to his aunt and his cousin?" Gary asked.

"The queen and her son were assassinated. Cullen didn't have too much information on what happened but he is the next in line to throne," I said. "Cullen told me when you were talking to Chris D about the best ways to invest your money." That last part was directed at Gary.

We talked for a while with Connor and Rory wanting to know what we had been doing all afternoon. When I told them about the jelly fight they said that they wished that they had come with me. That wouldn't have been very practical as the Aston Martin DB9 is only really built to hold two people. finally I had to go and get ready. I walked out on stage dressed as Darth Vader from Star Wars. Inside the helmet I had a microphone that was connected to a vocoder (voice synthesizer) to make my voice sound strange and robotic. As I walked across the stage I used my light sabre to point in different directions, saying "that road is closed, that road is closed and finally, welcome to a city in chaos."

I pointed the light sabre towards the sky and as I did, a massive display of fireworks erupted, brightening the night sky. Once that was over the sky was lit up with a swirling laser beam that spelled out HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY GARY RUSSELL. Then I pressed a button inside my costume and it fell away from my body. At the same time the music began. I made my way to my keyboard set up and began to play. All around there was a fantastic light and laser show, fireworks and a host of video screens, all for added visual effect. The first part of the show lasted for an hour and fifteen minutes. Then I introduced my special guest for the show, Jean Michel Jarre and it was an awesome experience to be working with such a legend. For the last Jean Michel Jarre piece we were joined by Chris and Steve. It seemed like no time at all before I played the final notes and left the stage. Gary was already waiting for me. He grabbed hold of me and kissed me then said, "Thanks for such a fantastic birthday. That was just so special."

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it but things aren't over yet," I informed him.

After getting changed, Gary and I got in his new car and headed for home.

End of Chapter 52!!!!!!!

Hey, apologies that this has taken so long but I've been really busy with my music projects of late. Visit my artist page at

I haven't included this for a while but it is the link to my profile at myspace, which is going from strength to strength

In the last three weeks I have had over five hundred profile views and added 70 new friends.

Anyway, bye for now.

Lol Paul............

P.S. If you go to Google and type in mindwalk2007,then click 'google search', it will come up with over three hundred results and they are all stuff to do with my music.

Next: Chapter 55

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