Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jun 8, 2005


This story is copyright 2005 by Paul Walker.You may not copy or post it to anyother web site wiyhout my permission.The story will contain sex scenes between teen males so if you underage to be reading this please leave now.All comments on the stoory canbe e-mailed to

Sad song of a gay teen. A work of fiction by Paul walker.

I opend my eyes and thought,"fuck that hurts",so i closed my eyes again.I was unsure of where i was and my body hurt all over,my mind was a complete blank.It was then that i heard someone mention something about there being signs of anal penetration and that who ever had done this to me had not been very gentle.It was then that i realized that i must be in the hospital following the horrific ordeal that i had been subjected to at school,all for the simple reason that i'm gay.I began to cry uncontrolably and wondered why this had happend.Well, i knew why,i just didn't understand why the bullies had had to go to such extremes.

It began as a typical day with my mum waking me and telling me that it was time for school and so began another day of dread and fear.I had already admitted to my parents that i was gay when i was twelve and they seemed to accept the fact ,although it was never really talked about.I had realized at the age of eleven that i liked boys alot more than i would ever like girls although i had never done anything sexual with another boy(as much as i wanted to).Anyway ,i had arrived at school and as usual was greeted by the gang of boys who had been tormenting me,bullying me and just making my life hell for the past few years but in my own way i had learnt to cope with it as it was about all i felt i could do.Little did i know that today was going to turn into just about the worst day of my life.I walked through the school gates and was immediately attacked and thrown against a wall in a very violent way and i remember the blood pouring from my ear but this was only the begining.I was then dragged to a disused classroom and one of my attackers was waving his cock in my face,whilst at the same time one of the other boys was forcing my mouth open and before i knew it ,the cock was in mouth and i felt sick but had no control over what was happening.

After about five minutes the boy whose cock i had been forced to suck had his orgasm and the jizz entered my mouth.After that i was dragged over to a table and my pants and boxers were ripped off.The next thing i knew i felt a cock being forced into me and someone saying"see, the gay boy is enjoying this",even tho' i was screaming loudly and just wanted the whole thing to stop.I don't know how long it went on for but ,after the first boy had finished fucking me another three took their turn.After the whole thing was over i passed out from the pain of being used and abused in this way.When i came round the first thing that i saw was the pool of blood from my ear and my head hurt and then i felt the pain in my stomach,as if i had been punched (which i was to later discover that i had).Then i felt the most excrutiating pain of all in my ass and it was then that i realized that i had been raped.I tried to call for help but barely a wimper left my mouth. I don't know how long i had been there before Gary found me but i do remember that he was shocked by the state he found me in.

"Don't try to say anything ,"he said,"i'm gonna go and get some help".

A short while later he returned with the headmaster and another teacher.Somehow i managed to find the strength to scream out"those fucking bastards raped me."

I vaguely remember the headmaster calling the police and ambulence on his mobile phone and then i remembered nothing until now.I was still crying and a nurse was trying to comfort me and telling me that my parents where on there way.

"Sshh,"the nurse was saying"i know you are in alot of pain but the school have contacted your parents and they're on their way here right now.The boy who found you is outside and wants to see you.Is it ok if he comes in?"

Through my tears i manged to give a response but not before i called out "i just want my fucking mum!"

It was at this point that Gary came in."Hey tough guy,how do you feel?"

"Not so tough, otherwise i wouldn't be hear now would i",i told him."I just want my mum,"i cried out again."

Gary told me that my parents where on the way."You do know that you are gonna have to talk to the police about whats happend?The bastards that did this can't be allowed to just walk free.I had to give the police a statement.I hate to tell you this but i did see the attack on you start but walked away thinking it wasn't my problem but after i saw you being dragged off i missed a whole morning of lessons looking for you.I feel so guilty that i could have stopped this and i didn't.I'm sorry!"

"Where's my mum",i screamed out again.

Gary looked at me and said "hey,calm down,shes on her way.Did they tell you that they're gonna have take you to the operating theatre?They have to sort out the damage that has been done to your butt during the rape."

I just lay there crying and wishing that they had just killed me instead.At least that would have been alot less painful.At that point the nurse returned and told Gary he was gonna have to leave.She then spoke to me and said"you've been here for two hours and although we should wait for your parents we really do need get you to the operating theatre to fix you up.Are you ok with us doing that?"

"If it's gonna make me stop hurting so much, i don't care what the fuck you do.And i'm sorry about my language,"i told her.

"After what you've been through its perfectly understandable."The nurse then told Gary that he really would have to leave now but it would be ok for him to come back when i woke up.

Gary looked at the nurse and said"could i just have two minutes with Jason in private,please?"

"I suppose that as you're a friend then it would be ok!"

"Jason"he said "I really am sorry that i let this happen but is it anything to do with you being gay?"

I just nodded my reponse to him.

"Well thats ok with me,coz i'm gay as well and if you need a friend ,then you have one.I won't be leaving the hospital anytime soon and i'll be waiting for you when you wake up."

"Thanks"was about all i could say .It was then that Gary really did have to leave.By now i was feeling really scared and alone.

I don't know how much later it was when i woke up but i was in a different room and a nurse was checking my blood pressure.I could hear someone outside shouting"well i know you need to fucking talk to him but i told you that you can't right now.Jason didn't just hurt himself on some playground ride ,he got raped,have you people got no repect?" I realized it was Gary and began to wonder who it was he was talking to.The nurse then walked over to the door and said"if you don't keep it down, i'll have to get security to remove you."

I heard the nurse tell Gary that he could come in and see me now but before he did come in i heard him tell that whoever he was talking to that he would have to ask me if i was ready to talk to them.It was obviously the police.Before he did finally come into my room i heard him say"and before i even consider letting you talk to Jason ,i need to tell him about the other thing."

As Gary was about to enter the room i heard the nurse ask him if he was going to be ok to do this.

"No,not really but i said i would handle it and i will."Then he came over to the side of my bed and began to cry.

Although i still felt groggy from the anaesthetic ,i asked him why he was crying and added"what is it that you have to tell me?"

"Its to do with that fucking idiot professor Thomas,the headmaster at school and more importantly your parents."

"What about my parents?"

"Instead of letting the police handle things,Thomas took it upon himself to call them at work and they got in the car to get here straight away.It seems they went through a redlight and where hit by a bus.They didn't make it."

"Noooooooooooooooooo",i cried out.This was just way to much to handle.I blacked out.

It was hours later when i woke up again and i some how felt really calm.The last thing i remembered was Gary telling me that my parents had been killed in a car crash on the way to the hospital.I wanted to cry again but i just couldn't .I also remembered the rape at school and realized that i had cried for hours after that and as a result i think it was impossible for me to cry anymore.I felt someone holding my hand and so i opend my eyes and saw Gary."Hi,wot time is it?"

"Its 5am and you've been asleep for ten hours.I'm so sorry about your parents and if you want to cry or scream or whatever, then go ahead.After i told you about the accident, thay gave you something to make you sleep and something else that they said would make you feel relaxed when you woke up.Anyways,how are you feeling?"

"Hungry,i haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday and my butt hurts like hell."

"The nurse said i was to tell her when you woke up.Don't go anywhere and i'll be right back," he said with a laugh.

"I'm hardly likely to jump out of bed to go and run a marathon now,am i?"Although it hurt,i did manage to laugh at my comment.

"Anything else you want me to get for you?"

"A glass of milk would be nice and....... a kiss!"I couldn't believe that i had asked him to do that but he leaned over and kissed my forehead."No,stupid,i meant on the lips".The next thing i knew he was fulfilling my request and it felt good."Thats made me feel a whole lot better already,"i said to Gary with a smile.

"I'll be back before you know it."After he left, i felt alone and frightend but he was back five minutes later with a glass of milk and some buttered toast with strawberry jam."I told the nurse that you have woken up and she was going to come back with me to check you over but i asked if we could be alone for a while,she said that wouldn't be a problem."

"Thanks for being here when i woke up but you could have gone home to bed."

"I didn't want you waking up on your own and i wouldn't have slept anyway,i've been so worried about you.My mum and dad came to see how you where but you where out cold.Mum said you looked cute and would make a great boyfriend.They know that i'm gay but i didn't say anything about you as its not for me tell anyone,so your secrets safe with me.Jim and Cathy stoped in as well,i think they said they're your grandparents on your mums side?They said they would stay with you but i said they should go home as they have enough to cope with,especially as they just lost their daughter and son in law."

"Thanks and its nice to have someone who cares so much.I don't think my life will ever be the same again and there is no way i can ever go back to school.I couldn't cope with it.Anyway,you said i need to talk to the police.Can you arrange for me to do that today?I may as well get it over with.I don't feel like doing it but i need to get that over with.Would you also call my grandad and ask him to go my house and bring my laptop computer in for me.I need something to keep me entertained while i'm here.One more thing,would you be my first boyfriend?I really am going to need my own special person in my life now."

"Well to answer your question,yes i will be your boyfriend and i promise that i'll never do anything to hurt you and if anyone else tries to hurt you they'll be hurting me as well and i wouldn't want to be responsible for what i might do."With that he kissed me again.I was falling in love with this guy....and fast.At that point the nurse came in and started to check my tempreture and blood pressure.She also checked the dressing on my ass and said that it would not need to be changed just at the moment.She also gave me another injection, to ease the pain,which i was greatful for.While the nurse was checking me over,Gary went to phone my grandad,who probably hadn't slept much either.I also began to wonder where i would end up living now that i was an orphan.

Gary returned about ten minutes later"I called your grandad and he said he'll be here soon and that it wouldn't be a problem for him to pick up your computer.I phoned home as well ,to let them know that you are awake and feeling as well as expected under the circumstances.Dad said he would drop by before going to work as he wants to bring some clean clothes for me and my toothbrush.The nurse said it would be ok for me to have a shower."

"Its really good of you to be here but if you want to go home and get some rest, then don't let me stop you.And what about school?"

"After i found you and got help, i went into a state of shock and threw up...........over that fucking wanker, professor Thomas.He wasn't amused."We both had a good laugh over that."Anyway they said i should take some time off to get over this and,besides,i want to get to know my boyfriend."

"My boyfriend" i thought,it was good to here him call me that.

An hour later a man who i had never seen before came into my room.Gary said"morning dad and thanks for bringing my stuff.Dad,thats Jason lying in the bed and Jason, this is my dad,Phil."The man walked over to my bed and shook my hand.

"Its nice to meet you.Gary,i forgot to ask,did you call the police?"

"Yes,they said that they will be here at ten."

Phil looked at me"are you sure that you are ready to talk to them?The boys that did this to you have already been arrested and are being held in custody.They have been charged with assault,actual bodily harm and other charges related to sexual activity with an underage minor.They have also been charged with rape based on the DNA matches with the semen samples that where taken from you."

"But how did they get the names of my attakers?"

"Sorry, but with everything thats been going on, i just forgot to tell you.When i talked to the police at school yesterday and told them that i had seen the start of the attack,i also gave them the names of the boys who did this.I hope that you're not mad at me?I was just trying to help."Gary said to me with a rather sad look on his face,as if what he had done was wrong.

I couldn't hold back the pain,anger,frustration and hurt any longer.I had another outburst!"Of course i'm not fucking mad at you and i hope those guys get wot they fucking deserve.They are nothing but fucking low life scum bags who deserve everything thats coming to them.I hope the bastards get locked up and never let out.When this gets to court ,i hope the judge orders the keys to be destroyed as well.Those bastards are worse than fucking barbarians.At least if fucking barbarians had done this to me they would have killed me when they had finished.Those assholes not only violated me in a way that no human being should violated but ruined my life as well and to add insult to injury, they killed my parents too."I couldn't hold back any longer and began to cry again.I was also shaking violently.Phil had rushed out to get the nurse and she gave me another injection to calm me down.It did the trick but i still cried for what felt like an eternity.While i lay there ,crying, Gary had slipped off to take a shower and freshen up but his dad stayed with me.It was nice that he did, as the last thing i wanted ,or needed right now was to be left alone.

When Gary came back, Phil said to him"do you want me to call work and take the day off?"

"No.i think i'll be ok.If that happens again, then i can just call the nurse.You go to work,i've already been given time off school to get over this and besides,I'm about the only friend Jason has right now and i don't want to leave him.For a thirteen year old,he's been through more in the last twenty four hours than most people go through in a life time.I want to take care of him now."

"Ok, but call my mobile phone if you need me.I'll come back later and i'll bring your mum too.We have something that we want to talk to you and Jason about."

"Bye dad and have a good day"

"He's nice your dad,"i said to Gary after Phil had left."I hope i can find someone like him to live with when i get out of here."

At this point the nurse brought us some breakfast.It was welcome as i was really hungry having missed lunch and dinner because of all that had happend yesterday.

Next: Chapter 2

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