Sad and Single

By john olly

Published on May 9, 2000


Sad and Single Part 2

My college days went on uneventfully after my encounters with Dave. I needed a summer vacation job to keep me going. I applied to be a temporary housefather in a children's home. I was only eighteen but I got the post.

I was effectively the parent of a small family of kids in a provincial town. I was considerably younger than the other staff and therefore made friends with the children with comparative ease. We would play and talk and my irreverence would endear me to them. I remember Simon and his brother Rick. They were 14 and 16 respectively and had come from a violent family. They were hard and commanded respect from the other kids but I sensed their vulnerability immediately.

Simon was quite simply beautiful. His dark hair hung over his brow in an almost provocative manner and his body was beginning to develop muscle and power. I remember the Christmas when he got some long fishing wellingtons. He called me to the bathroom that evening and what I saw is etched on my memory. He was striding up and down the tub, naked apart from the boots, which came up to his upper thigh. My eyes were transfixed on his dick. A good three inches with a small patch of pubes adorning it. His plum-sized balls swung behind it as he splashed and laughed. He was allowing me to feast on his most private parts. I loved him. That moment I knew that I would have to have him.

I would often sleep over - it was organized on a rota and deeply unpopular with most staff. Not me. The normal procedure was to sit up talking to the night staff until around midnight, then go to a free bed in one of the kids' bedrooms. I went slightly earlier, pretending to be tired. I had made sure there was a spare bed in Simon's room. I undressed and went across to his bed and gently pulled the covers away from him. The Home was always overheated so he would not really notice. He was sleeping in his underwear, usually patterned briefs. I looked at his chest moving up and down as he slept and dreamt. I took hold of his hand. It was cool but inviting. I wasn't sure how to progress but I knew where I wanted to finish - touching, stroking even licking his cock and balls. To my amazement his fingers tightened around my hand and began to move. He guided me via his hairless chest to a spot about two inches from the waistband of his underpants. I scrutinized his face. There was not a flicker. I had to go on. My hand now took the initiative. It left his and moved downwards, my fingertips gently pushing underneath the elasticated band and exploring further. They met the soft but wiry hair I had seen in the bath. I felt no dick - he was not yet hard. A slight groan. Was he awake? Still no sign on his face. Then I knew as he slowly raised his hips off the bed and with both hands slowly pulled down his briefs and removed them completely. He knew I was there and was signalling his desire for me to continue. I took a moment to look at the freshly revealed parts only inches from my face as I knelt beside his bed. The dick was lengthening, now about four inches. He was not circumcised but the skin was not enough to cover his inviting head, glistening in the half-light. I gently cupped his balls and pulled them downwards causing him to both moan again and immediately harden to the full extent. He grasped my hand and folded it round his dick. The first two strokes were under his instruction but I continued to wank him slowly for many minutes. My face lowered itself until my nose was just touching his pubes. The smell was completely overwhelming. I came at that moment, my seed spilling on the side of his bed and on the floor. I was done but sensing that I might leave, Simon put an arm around my neck to keep me there. I continued to stroke his cock and unbelievably I was hard again within a minute. I kissed his dick and licked it from head to bush. He said nothing but began to shiver. Cold, I thought but no - he shot a small load across his stomach and breathed heavily. I scooped up his cum and put it to my nose. The smell was rich and I tasted a small amount before it cooled. This was the most exciting thing I had ever done sexually. I knew that if anyone found out it would mean the end of my life as I knew it.

I didn't care.

I got up and whispered something like 'Goodnight then'

'Night' he replied in a sensual whisper. It had been worth it whatever the next day would bring. We had never looked one another in the face during the whole encounter.

I went to bed, excited that I was still so close to Simon. I heard him pull on his underwear some minutes later, turn over and fall into a contented sleep.

The next morning he looked at me when we woke up. I wasn't sure how to play it but his look said it all. We both know what happened and we both know we can't talk about it. I loved him even more.

We had several more encounters that summer, all good, but none as memorable as the first

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