
By zeca

Published on Oct 3, 2004


First thanks to all the people that emailed me about this short story. I really loved talking to you and hear your opinions. Most of you hated Nate's decision. LOL

Anyways, I wrote the first chapter ages ago. I wrote it when I was depressed and in a really bad time of my life. I actually didn't believe that it would be posted, but guess what I posted it. And after reading it, I wanted to bring some happiness into it. Maybe like a little fantasy of mine. LOL

I really hope you like it and mail me with your opinions to

Sacrifices 2

I watched him walking away. I took one big sigh and walked to my seat. I felt something jumping onto my back and hug my neck

"Uncle Nate, we're gonna be late...lets go..."

" I'm a horse now?"

He chuckled" A big horse... And I'm ridding you, so take me to my seat..."

I rolled my eyes and carried Natie to our seats. I dropped him and started to tickle him" So I'm a horse huh?"

He laughed" Well... you do smell like one sometimes..:"

I grinned" That's it kid, you're dead..."

I was about to grab him when someone put a hand on my shoulder

"Nate calm down, its about to start."

I nodded at Janice and made a quiet gesture to Natie. We quietly sat and looked at the altar where Tom stood looking at us. Our eyes locked and memories come flooding back

"I am so drunk right now..."

Janice laughed out loud finding that sentence hilarious. We were hanging onto each other trying not to fall on the ground.

"I'm no better than you honey... "she closed her eyes for a few seconds and continued" And where the hell is that goddamned boyfriend of mine anyway?"

I chuckled" He has a nice ass though..."

She smacked my shoulder" lusting on my boyfriend... I might be totally drunk but I'm not stupid..."

I giggled" But he does have a nice ass..."

She sighed" Yeah he does..."

We both cracked up and started laughing. A couple of girls passed by us and laughed at our situation, but we didn't care. Pete had invited us to the party, to celebrate his promotion, and well...we were celebrating.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I clumsy turned around.

Pete rolled his eyes" God you're drunk...I've got someone to introduce you to...but now I'm having second thoughts..."

I put my arm around his neck" Pete... did I ever disappoint you?"

Janice smacked my shoulder again" I said no lusting after my boyfriend bitch."

I chuckled" He's way to small for me..."

"Hei... boyfriend is present...and you guys are drunk..."

He kindly removed my arm from around his neck and put his around Janice's. He pointed to someone and I looked. My breath was stuck in my throat. A hunk wearing the sexiest shirt I have ever seen was standing in front of me with a bear on his hand.

He had black curly hair long enough to be cute, the deepest set of eyes I had ever seen and the shirt. GOD , THE shirt.

"Nate this is Tom, Tom this is Nate."

I ignored Pete and launched myself at the hunk. I grabbed his head and planted a full-tongue included- kiss on him. To my drunken surprise he didn't flinch back, he even responded to the kiss.

"Nice to meet you too do this to every guy you meet?"

I smiled at him and traced the shape of his nipple" Only to the ones wearing sinfully sexy shirts..."

"In other words he's a total slut"

I glared at Janice. Tom chuckled, making his chest rise. I almost drooled at the sight. Tom grabbed my hand and drag me to a quieter place. "Lets get it on" come on, and something come over me.

I pulled Tom to me and started gyrating my hips. He smiled at me and put his arms around my neck. I grabbed onto his ass and almost fainted from the feeling. He gave a groan and his head descended onto my neck where he began nibbling.

I smiled and started to get into the music and my hands started to take of my t-shirt. Tom gasped at the act. We were still surrounded by people. After it was off he smiled at me and that's the last thing I remember.

"Uncle Nate? Its starting, you got to be up like me."

I looked to Natie and returned to the church. He chuckled and we both turned at the same time to the entrance where Jennifer was standing smiling at everyone. I felt my stomach turn and closed my eyes for a few seconds. Natie grabbed my hand and whispered "You ok?"

I nodded and patted his head. He returned his attention to the walking bride. I looked at the altar and at Tom. He was looking at me. A wishful look on his face, I sighed. I needed some fresh air. I leaned into Natie" I'm going outside for a few seconds, I'll be right back."

He nodded and returned his attention to the altar. I slowly walked away of that place. I breathed in the smell of the country. I spotted an old bench and walked towards it.


I was baking a chocolate cake, and right in the middle of it someone had to ring on my bell. I walked to the front door and opened it without checking to see who was it.

Standing outside with a grin and a 5 years old behind his legs was Tom.

"Tom?...I...huh... what are you doing here?"

He smiled" Well...I wanted you to meet my son, Nate, but he prefers to be called Natie..."

I looked down at the embarrassed little boy. I gave an intense look at Tom trying to understand why he was here. But the kid was too cute, so I crouched to his level and smiled

"Hei little guy... I'm baking a cake, you wanna help me out?"

He looked at his dad with a curious look. I extended my hand" I won't bite...I promise."

He smiled and gave me his hand. I gave a brief look at Tom and walked with Natie to the kitchen. "You ever cooked?"

He shook his head

"Your dad isn't that good in the kitchen isn't he?"

He chuckled and nodded.

"Hei...I'll get you for that one later kid."

Tom entered the kitchen and sat at the table. I turned to Natie" Now...if you're going to cook, you need to wash your hands... the bathroom is right next to the kitchen... "

He nodded and bolted out of the kitchen. I turned to Tom" So...long time no see huh?"

He smiled" You look great Nate..."

I sighed" Why did you come?"

He grabbed an apple from the fruit basket" Well... I wanted you to meet my son, and since you seem to busy to go to my place, I decided to bring him here."

"How's...what's her name? Sheila?"

He sighed" Anne...and we broke up..."

I felt a strange feeling of happiness. I shrugged those thoughts away when Natie come back to the kitchen" You have a nice bathroom sir."

I laughed" You can call me Nate, no sir please."

He grinned. He had the same grin as his father" Ok Nate.. so you gonna teach me how to bake?"

I smiled" grab that spoon and help me put the milk."

He grabbed the spoon and jumped onto a chair, since he was to small. He giggled when some of the milk spilled on my shirt, and when we were adding the flour and some ended up on my face. In the end we managed to finish the cake and Natie was happy with the result.

"Hei...I'll be right back, I've got to change my shirt."

I noticed that Tom had been staring at us the whole time. I noticed the wishful look on his face. The happy laugh on him when Natie laughed. It all felt familiar and right. And it scared me.

I was looking for a shirt in the dresser when a pair of arms encircled my waist. A familiar breath on my neck gave me shivers.

"You two looked so right together..."

Strangely I didn't removed his arms


"Nate...why won't you take me back?"

I turned around so that I could face him" Tom... as much as it cost me to say it, I still love you, I forgive you for cheating on me, I even forgive you for leaving me without even giving me a chance of helping out, but I can't be with you if you still want the wife and 2.5 kids. I just can't live thinking that I can never make you happy..."

He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder" Why can't things be simpler?"

I put my arms around his neck" They are Tom... you're the one that wants something that's not possible..."

He was about to reply when a voice interrupted him" Nate? Can I watch cartoons?"

I let go of Tom and walked towards him and grabbed Natie's hand" Sure kid...I'll show you where the TV is."

I sat on the bench and put my head on my hands. Why couldn't me and Tom stay together? I was a stubborn bastard, yeah. But he was the one that couldn't trust me enough to help him take care of Natie. Why did he had to leave without giving me a chance? Why couldn't he just admit to his son that he loved another man? Why did we had to spend 7 years in this shitty cycle?

I fell a someone sitting next to me" You ok uncle Nate?"

I looked up at Natie and gave him my best fake smile" Yeah...just a little tired."

His little hand found mine and grabbed it" You sure? You don't look so good..."

"Come here kid."

I grabbed him and sat him on my lap, I grabbed his waist and rested my head on his shoulder" I'm just a little sad that's all... but since you're here and I love you more than anything I'm feeling a lot better..."

He giggled" I'm glad uncle Nate..."

I sighed" I love you kid..."

He giggled harder" I love you too uncle Nate."

"You like Jennifer?"

HE stopped giggling " She's weird uncle..."

"How so kid?"

"She's afraid of horses and hates when I come back from playing with them, always sends me to a bath..."

I chuckled. Jennifer was not a country girl.

"She'll get over it kid..."

"Uncle Nate?"


"Will you still come over after she moves in?"

I hugged him harder" Of course kid, I wouldn't leave you for anything."

"Do you love daddy?"

We had this conversation before. Even though Tom never told him a thing, I bet Natie was starting to place two and two together. The kid was smart and I don't know for how long Tom could hid it form him.

We both looked up to see a group of people leaving the church. I sighed" I guess we missed the ceremony huh?"

He giggled" IT was boring anyway..."

I carefully put him on the ground and grabbed his hand" Got to congratulate your father huh?"

He made a face" I don't want to congratulate Jennifer...she hates horses..."

I smiled at that. We walked towards the entrance in time to catch Janice walking with Sam" Hei Nate you feeling okay? You left looking sick..."

"I'm okay...just needed some fresh air... "

Natie and Sam quickly walked away from us giggling" So how was the ceremony?"

She grinned" What ceremony? Jennifer said no."

I almost stopped breathing" Huh?"

Her grin got wider" And then Tom said no also"

I was in shock. She rested her hand on my shoulder" Breathe Nate..:"

"They blew the whole thing off?"

She nodded" I don't know about Jennifer's reasons, but I could bet my life on Tom's."

I was about to reply when a familiar arm rested on my neck" So enjoying the ceremony?"

Janice laughed" sure is unique..."

Tom laughed" Jennifer's old man almost had an heart attack, considering that he's paying for almost all of this."

"I still don't get why..."

Tom turned to me" Don't play know damn well why... but I'll see you guys at the party, the old man said that at least we could enjoy it, since its already paid."

And with that he was gone. I looked at Janice and she laughed" You should see you face right now...its priceless..."

"I...I..I'm really confused here..."

She looked straight at me" Nate... you guys put your relationship on hold for 7 years... that' these days... if the guy actually said no at the altar...well...maybe he is ready after all huh?"

An exited Pete appeared out of nowhere" Hei... great wedding huh? You wanna ride Nate?"

I shook my head" No need for that. I brought my car...thanks anyway."

Pete smiled" This means that we're finally going to your wedding huh? I mean..."

Janice smacked his shoulder" Honey, could you go and get the car please?"

Pete pouted" Hei... what did I do?"

She kissed him" Nothing, just go and get the car."

He rolled his eyes and with a smile he was gone

"Don't listen to him. Just don't be a stubborn ass this time okay?"

I was suspicious" This time? Do you know of something miss know-it-all?"

She grinned" Me? Of course not."

I smiled" You know something bitch."

Her grin got wider" Now now...I'm a mother now, you can't call me that now..."

I laughed" Yeah right, you're the same old Janice."

We heard a honk and Pete waving "Well I'll see you at the party Nate."

I nodded and she walked of. She called for Sam whom was running around with Natie. He ran of to the car and Natie ran of to me. He was panting and sweating

"Where are we going now uncle Nate?"


He laughed" Cool, I'm hungry."

"There you are kid. I was crazy looking for you."

Tom lifted Natie and put him on his shoulder. Natie giggled at the gesture

"I was playing around with Sam, I was the cowboy!" he said proudly

Me and Tom rolled our eyes" As usual."

"Hei Nate... could you give me and Natie a ride? I didn't brought my car and the place is still far from here."

"Sure... lets go."

Natie sat in the backseat and Tom on the passenger seat. I drove of and Natie started

"Dad? Why didn't you get married?"

"Well...Jennifer decided that she was happier on her city."

"Then why didn't she told you that before?"

Tom chuckled" Well... I guess we're both stubborn huh?"

That one was directed at me. I smiled

"So now you're going to stay with uncle Nate?"

I looked at Tom to see him grinning and with a slight blush. That was something new, see Tom blush

"We'll see son , we'll see..."

Natie had a proud smile on his face. God that kid was becoming another Tom.

"Nate, can we pass by my house first? I need to change into something more comfortable."


Tom's house was a typical farm house. It only had one floor, but it was huge. The interior was totally modern. From the outside no one would think that this was a modern house.

He dropped his keys on the small table near the front door. "Son, you could change into something more comfortable to..."

Natie grinned" Cool..."

He ran of to his room. Tom grabbed my hand" Want to help me pick my clothes out?"

I looked into our hands and into his eyes" Sure Tom."

He grinned, and I could see the little boy inside him jumping around out of happiness. His bedroom was simple and big. A queen size bed, a desk with a few papers, and a huge dresser. He took of his tie and turned to me

"You must be wondering huh?"

I nodded

He started to unbutton his shirt" This seven years have been one hell of a ride for me. I had a kid, lost my love and almost got married. I can't say that my life is dull huh?"

I nodded again. I sat on the foot of his bed staring at him without his shirt on.

"I regret leaving your house without giving us a chance more than anything. I regret not trusting you to help me with Nate, but I also don't understand why you didn't take me back, God knows I tried."

I smiled at that." Tom... after you found out about Nate, well I guess things changed for you. You decided that Nate deserved a "normal" family and you always tried to find a women to fill the part. You never gave me a shoot at helping you. I was hurt. Yeah, I'm a stubborn selfish bastard, I delayed this for way to long, but I'm waiting until the day you give up on that "normal" family dream."

Tom held two different shirts. I pointed to the one on the left" The blue one."

He dropped the other and put on the blue. "Nate... I always though that Nate needed a mom to be a normal boy, but guess what, he grew up 7 years without one and he's normal as any boy can be. I was stupid, but now I understand that Nate can live with us being together. I just hope that 7 years is not too long..."

He walked towards me. I was looking into his stomach. I looked up at his eyes and sighed" Lets go with the flow okay?"

He sighed and patted my head. I leaned into him and rested my head on his stomach hugging his waist.

"You do know that this is the shirt you wore when we met huh?"

He laughed" Glad you noticed."

"Daddy where are my blue shorts?"

We both turned to see Natie standing wearing his boxers and huge grin

"You left them in the bathroom."

He looked at me and winked" So, you're daddy number 2 now?"

I blushed and winked back" Nope, I'm daddy, he's mommy now."

Tom smacked my head and Natie ran laughing.

"Tom did you cooked this by yourself?"

Tom nodded. Truth was that it was horrible. Tom didn't knew how to cook to save his life. I was having a hard time hiding it from him

He gave me a sad look" It's horrible isn't it?"

I faked a smile" Actually it's quite good... you used pepper on this?"

He rolled his eyes" You want to order pizza?"

I sighed" Yeah...but thanks for the effort, you know I love you right?"

He chuckled" yeah, even though I suck at cooking..."

I got up and sat on his lap" Well... You exceed in other areas..."

He grinned" The ones that matter right?"

I nodded and gave him a kiss. As I was about to get up, Tom grabbed me firmly

"Nate? You ever though about adoption?"


"You adopting a kid..."

I was not ready for this" I don't know...never though about it really..."

"Come on you don't see us raising a little Nate or a little Tom?"

I grinned at the though" Sure, as long as little Tom took lessons on how to cook."

He rolled his eyes" Come on Nate, I'm serious, don't you want to have kids?"

"I...I...Don' know Tom, never though about it would be nice and all, but maybe when we're both more secure financially."

He looked at me and sighed" Fine...just go and get the pizzas."

Well, surprisingly everyone was having a good time. We weren't celebrating a thing. People were dancing and eating, and strangely having a good time. Jennifer's dad was even dancing with his daughter. I was sitting after being on the dance floor with Janice dancing away.

I took a gulp of wine and looked for Tom. He was dancing with one of the maids of honour. He knew how to dance and the fact that the shirt that he was wearing made him a sexy beast explained the grin on the girl.

"God I'm getting to old for this..."

I rolled my eyes at Janice" Like'll be beck in there after teasing me for not taking Tom back sooner..."

She rested her head on my shoulder" Weird huh? Now we're both married, I mean at least attached in a long term relationship, and with kids! But you know what? I don't regret a thing."

I smiled" yeah... "

She sighed" I guess you'll be moving to Tom's huh?"

I chuckled" We'll see where the flow takes us..."

She groaned" God, don't wait another 7 years to move in...that would be plain stupid."

I giggled. We were interrupted by someone pulling on Janice's dress" Mom ,dance with me please?"

Janice smiled" Sure thing honey."

She looked at me" I'll see ya later."

With that she left with Sam. I wasn't left alone for long. Another electric ball came running into my lap" Hei uncle Nate."

"Hei kid"

"Can I call you daddy Nate now?"

I smiled at that and a warm feeling came over me" Why's that kid?"

"Because dad said that you would be moving in and that he and you were together."

I patted his head" Sure, with one condition kid."


"I got to call you son."

He beamed. He truly was an adorable kid, and I loved him as my son" Sure dad."

I hugged him hard" Well kid, or I'm getting to old for this or that little girl is waiting for you to ask her to dance."

He rolled his eyes" Daaaaaaad."

I lowered him onto the floor" You go kid...have fun."

He kissed my check and ran away. I sighed and relaxed into the chair, but a pair of hands covered my eyes" Guess who?"

That voice was difficult to disguise" John from the library?"

He chuckled" More handsome."

I giggled" Brad Pitt?"

His hands left my eyes and rested on my shoulders" So you think I'm less that John and Brad Pitt?"

I tilted my head back and looked at Tom" are getting old..."

He smiled at me" Care to dance?"


He chuckled" Well...we could go to a quiet spot... I don't want to shook everyone."

I stood up" Sure...lead the way stud."

"So I'm a stud now huh?"

I smacked his butt" With that shirt you can be anything."

Tom dragged me to a nearby room. He locked the door and turned to me with a grin. We could still ear the music form the main room.

"My, with that grin I could say that you wanted to take advantage of me..."

He got closer" Like you would mind..."

I chuckled" With that shirt you can bet on it."

He was standing in front of me smiling. "You do love this shirt huh?"

I caressed his pecks" Yeah... it made me strip in front of everyone."

He chuckled at the memory and grabbed my head" Care to dance?"

I leaned into him" Sure... since there's no one else."

He rolled his eyes and we started to dance. Just slowly rocking hugging each other

"Natie told me you told him I was moving in..."

He sighed" That kid will be the end of me..."

I chuckled" Is Monday okay?"

He kissed my neck and I felt a shiver up my spine" What about tonight?"

The End

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