S Yid Music Corp

By John Bromfield

Published on Dec 18, 2018



S Yid music corp John Bromfield > dash10uk@yahoo.com

The songs I write have had only a little success the same as the pop group I started 9 months ago. It has come to a point on whether to get out of this industry and find a "real job" as my father calls it.

I get a call from some guy who wants to sale his music and would my group like to perform a demo? Cash in hand only and no paperwork. How could I refuse an offer like that?

He gave me odd instructions like meeting at a café in a railway station and tell no one about the deal if there was going to be one. Well here's nothing.

I appeared 20 minutes early not wishing to loose this chance of ready cash. He turned up on the dot. Well he seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Good morning Brian. I have a test piece of music I would like you to record. The music must be played exactly as written. I will give you half the money now and the other when you give me the taped recording." He said with a foreign accent. He was handsome with black short hair that was all curls. "We have not talked about time or when is the finish date? I can get it done in a week as I have to get all the band members around" not trying to put barriers up. "A week is fine and I must remind you that the music has to be exactly played as in the score. It is a one off recording but if I am happy with the results I will commission a full album. After this single recording I would like to see the members of your band to talk to each about their future." His words were said like a song and songs I can remember.

I picked up the two envelopes from the table but when I looked up he was gone. Where did he go? Like he vanished into thin air. When I got home first I checked on this man's company and it didn't come up in any of my internet searches. The top of the score was a mobile number and a tag line "Ring this number for further information"

Ringing around the members of the band with the news that we have to record a song as per the score. Should be easy and in the scale of C and no sharps or flats. When I told them there could be an album and money paid in cash if we play our cards right. Yea cool man" they all replied the same.

We arranged a recording on the Tuesday and handed the copies of the score to the boys. Ok boys we should be able to record this on the second time we play this. "Tapes rolling" says the man in the mixer room. A one, a one two three four. Yes I had never heard anything like this before. Like it sent vibes to my brain oh wow and my cock gets hard. All the guys in the band are straight but I could see they were all getting stiff cocks and looking at eachother. The guy in the mixer said "Hey you guys are so sexy playing that stuff and its good enough to go for a print".

The guys went to the bathroom for to wank their cocks as they were in such a need they just closed their eyes ignoring the other band members but they couldn't hide the groans and the oh fuck yes Aaaaah fuck. After cumming the guys turned all together and said "Sorry guys I don't why that happened there". With red faces they left the room.

The mixer guy was full of smiles when he handed me the tape and he brushed his body next to mine saying "I can't wait till you come here and play again" rubbing his thigh next to mine. Strangely I liked it and said "We could be back soon and we could get to know eachother better". What the fuck where did that come from?

I rang S Yid music corp "Hello" "Please wait transferring your call now" the computer answering system kicks in. "Your call is important to us, please hold. Trying to connect you" There is a click and a voice answers "Good afternoon I have been expecting your call. Did everything work out fine" it was the voice of the man I met in the café. "Yes I have the tape of the music as requested" "Good" he said "Meet me at the same place at 5:30pm and we can talk further" click and the phone went silent.

I arrive late as a car accident had delayed me. I was out of breath when I reach the café. Damn he was not there so I got myself a coffee turned around and he was sitting at the table. "Sorry I'm late" "No matter you are here now" he said with a slight smile on his face. "Here is the rest of your money. Now we are developing headphones with built-in music and downloadable music. It has noise cancelling so you only hear great music. Would like to visit our production unit? Its in the testing stage at the moment we just need to download the music." If I can get an album out of this and get the free publicity that every unit will have our music we could make a fortune out of this. "Yes I would like to" trying not to be sounding too keen. "Good that's settled. Are free this evening?" "I don't have anything special on" I relied "Would like to visit HQ its not the usual factory as its only the lab. The real factory will be out of the town. We have not tested the headphones yet would like to listen?" there was a real smile on his face so I smiled back. "Yes" "Its not far oh and by the way it a sterile environment if you don't mind taking a shower do you? Good" before I could reply "And while you do that we will setup the headphones" still smiling. He was right about the place a handsome regency terrace house on reaching the door it opened and a very small man who ushered us in. "Would like to follow me?" as the man walked up the large staircase and found the little man was standing on the top of the stairs. I reached the top and was led into a very large bedroom.

"I have made you some coffee and someone in this house has an allergy to cows milk. So I hope you don't mind having a special goats milk" he sounded if he was not happy having visitors. "The shower and bathroom is through that door sir" He made a cup of coffee and indeed it did taste strange and the other thing was I must have been thirsty as I immediately wanted another. I took off my clothes and went into a bathroom where all the metal fixtures were gold plated. The shower was warm and made me tired. So I got out dried myself and returned to the bedroom. My clothes were gone and where I put them was a pair of headphones and pair of very dark sunglasses (the type the rap-a-round to stop most of the light reaching the eye.) There was no one around so I made another cup of this delicious coffee and that milk tastes real good. I finish it and lay back on the bed. I looked at the headphones and see an on button. Yes that's us playing alright. I put the sunglasses on and then the headphones. I feel ever so light headed and my cock gets hard and twist a turn.

"I think he is nearly ready my little imp, don't you think?" "Yes master but he will need feeding again before we invite your brother to visit" both were grinning at what they had achieved. "I will have to feed him directly from my fount of joy" The music has lowered their victim into a trance state of bliss as the cock stand proudly upwards. The man standing by the bed is no longer a man but satyr and his cock is stiff and brings it to the man's mouth. He immediately open his mouth and starts sucking on the satyr's lovely tasting cock. "Good its working he cant get enough milk here it is my beauty drink my seed, Aaah yes drink it all my sweet yes oh yes don't you go and waste a drop it does magic to the man that is eager to receive" Slave prepare his ass for me "Master may I have his pleasure too it has been so long now, please" he pleaded "Very well but be quick the hour is approaching" The imp raise the legs of the man and the imp placed his cock on the man's rosebud it was relaxed and slipped in easily. The man felt this imp fucking him hitting his joy spot each time making him moan. "Have you not finished yet imp?" "Master I am nearly there near so oh fuck yes yes take it you worthless bit of shit Aaaaaah aaaaah aaaaah " "Right little man turn him over, that's it so his ass is in the air perfect position, nearly midnight and the time to the summoning" The satyr now get behinds the man and mounts the ass the sheath slides back and as it enters the man moans "Yes my precious you will get more than this cock tonight" as he pumps that ass he chants the chant that is being played in the headphones. "Come my brother from thy prison come and be free Come my brother this man freely gives to you by my seed I command you to return" as midnight strikes he pumps his seed into the man "Yes take all and keep it" and there is a thunder clap and a flash of lightning. The man's ass clamps down on the satyrs cock making sure none of the seed is lost.

By the light flashes of the storm changes start to happen to the man. His legs become hairy and feet become hooves. Horns grow from the forehead and his hair turns to tight black curls The satyr removes the headphones and sunglasses. There stands a new satyr with balls full of sweet tasting regenerating satyr milk. "Welcome back Asisa" "Thankyou brother for rescuing me from that dreadful pit of hell" "I have a plan in place to rescue all our kind from that torment and set them free. How is the man's body I have provided for you?" "He is happy as I have been sending him much pleasure and so much he falls sleep. His joy will be every time I fuck or is fucked he gets to feel it too. "We have 200 headphones and we need just 200 men to rescue our brothers. We have seen how willing they are once they hear the chant of enchantment we have them as easy prey. Their rewards for giving us their bodies is to feel our lust and joy that only a satyr can give whether it be a man or woman or a fellow satyr. When a human has tasted our seed or have had our seed pumped inside they become addicted and want only satyrs to seeding them. Once all our race is back we shall return to Babylon to a fuck fest like no other.

I may not be in control of my body anymore but every day and forever I get the best sex because I am no longer a human I am a satyr. "Oh Asisa I love you." "Yes human feel this as I fuck my brother. I will release hundreds of years of pent up passion and he to will get his ass fucked, It has been long time. See his hooves stand apart and ass eager for my cock to enter his gates of paradise and see his tail waggle with glee"

Yes I feel it Oh Asisa, Oh Asisa, Asisa, Asisa, aaaaaah aaaaaah yes zzzzzzzzzzzzzz "Enjoy my gift human though you sleep, together we are both happy to live in the harmony and joy that is love" "We have now the job of bringing back the others of my kind and we are going to have fun. Oh yes yes yes won't we my brother oh fuck fuck yes Oh fuck yes take my seed " "Thankyou my brother I oh so needed that. Now I don't have to live on distant memories. Yes it is still the best feeling in the world, fucking ass"

Note: This is my Forth story to be submitted after a request from another author on this site who wanted ideas for plots in his stories. Please support www.nifty.org as with out funds as it always needs money to continue. And so we can sleep and dream of being fucked by those lustful satyrs "Take my seed human mmmm oh yes"

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