S Club Ate Me

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Oct 6, 2003


Warning: The following story is homoerotic in content, meaning it features boy on boy sex. It also features two bright kids from S Club 8.

For non-Brits; S Club 8 is the sort of Band where they interview seven million wannabe stars and ..... you know what I mean!

I don't imagine for one minute that they're gay but if they get to read this and get the hump I would ask how the hell they got onto the site in the fist place.

Anyway, apologies to Calvin and Aaron from S Club 8.

If you want to see some decent pictures of the boys go to http://www.storiesbygymnopedies.com (Celebrity Section on the Message Board).

t/t/t/ (16, 14 and 13)

S Club Ate Me


G. Cutter.

It was a hot summer night and I was doing cover for a friend of mine, it was my Uncle's hotel so no probs there. What I didn't like was that it was around ten o'clock at night and I was bored out of my crust. I was doing the room service bit which meant, as I'm sure you all know, that if any guests on my floor wanted anything I has to get it ..... sandwiches, drinks, sex (joking). You know the score.

The night guy was running late, he should have relieved me by now and I was getting pissed off. There had been a bunch of screaming girls and some rather furtive boys milling about for the last couple of hours turning the place into a bedlam but they were all gone now. We had a new teeny bopper group in residence. From what I could gather the girls had two rooms, the boys had another and their guardians or chaperones took up the third. I'd never heard of them but I was sixteen so perhaps they were a little below my musical tastes which ran to N'Sync and Back Passage ..... sorry, Back Street Boys.

Yeah, I was a bit gay, you know how it is, I wasn't too sure and I wasn't getting enough of anything to make a firm decision. If one of the girls or the boys from this new group came by I'd be hard put to make a decision.

My relief, the miserable sod, rolled up ten minutes late just as the buzzer flashed for room 1424. I looked on the list and all it said was SC8 (Boys), I picked up the phone.

'Room service.'

'You the kid who was there a couple of hours ago?' A West Country voice, I recognised the accent straight away.

'Probably, I've been here for six hours.' I needed questions like a hole in the head, mind you he seemed polite enough.

'Pushing my luck here. Any chance of a couple or four Reefs or a couple of cans of lager,' the voice had dropped to a whisper.

'You'll get me shot,' I kept my voice down, the relief was standing outside the cubby with his ears flapping. 'You're kids.'

'Go on, we'll see you alright.'

I had to think about this. I know the law and the hotel rules and I could quite literally get shot shipping in booze into kids of their age which I suspected was around fourteen or fifteen. 'I'm just about finished, I could get you some stuff and dump it and run, then there's no kick back to me.' That was an offer they couldn't refuse.

'Good man.' It was a differnt boy, this time the accent was quite clearly Scottish. I knew the third kid was coloured and the youngest so it could be a bit of a United Kingdom in their room. 'We'll make it worth your while.'

'I don't want anything over the top, just pay for the bag,' I still kept my voice down, I didn't want big ears outside grassing me up.

'Do it, pal. We'll look after you.' I heard a snigger. I don't know what he meant but I'd gone to far now, anyway, I could always claim a couple of photos and autographs, I could give them to one of the bellboys I vaguely had the hots for.

'OK, Frank. I'm off.' I replaced the phone before I left the cubby.

'What was that all about?'

'Some guy whinging about the crap on TV.'

'Woopsie doo, sad pratt.' Frank didn't give a hoot, he just wanted to sit in the cubby all night with his walkman and an electric kettle. His idea of devotion to duty.

I shot down in the lift and left him to it, I'd realised that I could get back upto Room 1424 without passing him in the cubby and I felt a bit better about what I was going to do. I shot into our bar and got six bottle of alcopops telling the barman that they were for a bit of a private party. He made some sort of remark about sixteen year old sex monsters and that was it. I took the back porter's lift which kept me well out of Frank's way and I was upto their room in around ten minutes lapsed, bloody good time if I say so myself.

A gentle rat-a-tat on the door.

'Who is it?' The West Country voice.

'Room Service with the bag you ordered.'

'Come in, come in.' This short kid with spikey hair opened the door and nearly dragged me inside. 'Hey, you're the man,' he gave me a playful punch on the arm. He has an open sports shirt on and a towel around his waist. I was transfixed by his smooth brown chest and his grinning face, he was a dish, a doll, a cracker, call it what you will. Mr Penis stirred.

As I offered the carrier bag and took a quick glance around the room Mr Penis went apeshit. There was a second kid, must be the Scotty sprawled on the bed and he was naked....... fuckin' naked.

'Hey, man,' he gave me a little wave.

'Hey,' I said weakly.

'Sit down have a drink,' he got off the bed with his dangly bits dangling and sat, still naked, at the small table. He was another one, he was fucking gorgeous, he was probably the same size as the other kid but his rig was outsized. He looked to be around thirteen or fourteen, he was uncicumcised and his dick must have been four or five inches and that was relaxed. 'Shocked?' He grinned at me. 'Lot of our girl fans would like to be in here right now.'

'I'm not a girl,' I sat down, I was losing track a bit.

'Never mind,' the other kid had moved in behind me, he rested his hands on my shoulders. If I'd had any sense I shoud have done a runner there and then.

'What's your name?' The West Country kid was massaging my neck and it felt good.

'Chris, as in Christian,' I croaked, I was getting hard, I couldn't stop myself.

'I'm Calvin,' the Scotty spoke. 'The guy who fancies you is called Aaron. Mind you I fancy you as well,' his bare leg came up under the table and his foot rested on my crotch really sending me into overdrive. 'You like,' Calvin giggled as he gently rubbed my burgeoning erection.

'Yeah,' I croaked. No point in denying it. 'Where's the other kid, the black boy?'

'Don't call him that, he'll go potty,' Aaron spoke over my shoulder. I nearly passed out as I felt his hot dry lips slip across my neck. 'We clocked you on the way in,' he whispered and his hands slipped over my shoulders and went down into my shirt, a hand per nip. 'You like,' he gently rubbed each nipple and nuzzled at the back of my neck. 'His mum collected him 'cos we've got a day off tomorrow, they don't live too far away.'

'Yeah,' I was losing my voice.

Calvin stood up and I noticed that his penis was now sticking fully out and up, as I'd suspected it was outsized for a kid of his age and build, it stuck out at around five and a half or six inches pretty much the same as my own but his was fatter and believe it or not he was hairier on the belly than I was. I felt a twinge of jealousy but consoled myself with the thought that he was darker that I was and the darkies always beat the blondies on the hair front.

'Stand up, Chris,' Calvin moved in for the kill.

What could I do in the face of two teeny sex maniacs, I stood.

Aaron unbuttoned my shirt from behind me playing with my nips and stroking my smooth chest, all the time he nuzzled at my neck and shoulders. Calvin attacked from the front. He firstly got down on his knees and I thought he was going to blow me but he unlaced my uniform shoes and disposed of them and my socks, I lifted each foot in turn to help out. I was enjoying this. Aaron peeled my shirt off and made a meal of licking and lapping my shoulders gradually working his way down to my hips.

They combined for the final assault, Calvin unclipped my trousers and unzipped, then he slowly slid my trousers down to my ankles and Aaron took care of my BVD briefs. They sandwiched me and I was surrounded by naked flesh, Aaron must have shed his shirt and towel.

Calvin grasped my erection and slowly moved it to and fro as I swayed in their embrace eyes closed just savouring the tactile sensations of two young teen agers pleasuring my body.

I felt Aaron leave and a moment later the room light went off just leaving the bedside lamp as an illumination.

'On the bed, Chris,' Calvin smiled and sexily licked his lips. 'You up for this?'

'Yeah,' I groaned. I was so hard my erection was actually aching. I don't know what these two had in mind but I desperately needed relief.

'Anything goes?' Calvin grinned and lay on the bed on his back dragging me down onto his warmth.


I felt Aaron move in behind me and I felt his stiffness slip between my legs, he didn't seem to be as big as Calvin and myself but it was big enough.

Calvin held my head in his hands and gently kissed me full on the lips. He did it again and this time I felt his tongue flicker at my lips, I opened my mouth and allowed his darting tongue to enter. Aaron had dropped down the bed and I felt him part my arse cheeks and then shock, horror. His wet tongue started to lap at my ring, the dirty little bastard was rimming me, I wriggled my butt, it was rather nice.

'You gonna fuck me?' Calvin's legs rose and his knees went to his chest.

'You're dry,' I mumbled.

'I've just had a shower,' he giggled and glued his lips onto mine. 'I'm oiled up,' he whispered.

'What was a red blooded sixteen year old to do. I raised my hips a bit with Aaron still licking away at my very private place and rubbed my glans up against Calvin's pucker.

'Do it, Chris.' He was gone, his eyes were glazed as he softly grasped my hot cock and positioned it at his Tunnel of Love.

I pushed against his sphicter and it opened to admit my raging hardness. This kid was no virgin, he sighed with satisfaction and grinned up at me as I entered his hot tunnel and started to slowly move inside his tight young body.

'Yeah, I like it,' He whisperd and kissed me. 'Take your time, make it last.'

This was nice, I slowly ploughed his furrow kissing and starting to work from side to side and get in as deep as I could, he wriggled and moaned as I fucked, this kid was turned on big time.

I'd forgotten about Aaron on my back until I felt his spongey lump at my hole. I had been expecting it but it came as a bit of a shock all the same.

'Jeez,' That hurt but once he'd made the initial penetration it wasn't too bad. After all, I had been a virgin until then. Aaron had taken my cherry whilst I serviced his mate and now we were a sweaty trio pumping and groaning with Calvin like a grinning munchkin on the bottom. As I fucked his tight little arse I grasped his fat cock and worked it to and fro trying to keep the whole performance in sync.

'Ooooh, I'm gonna cum,' Aaron cried out, must have been seriously up for it, I could go on all night, I was in a seventh heaven of boy flesh and loving every moment.

Christ. I felt his cock seem to expand and as he groaned it began to pump hot spurts into my belly. I clamped my cheeks as I rammed into Calvin and he held me tightly.

'Don't make me cum, I wanna do it to you,' he whispered urgently moving my hand from his straining cock.

''Ok,' I gasped as I felt Aaron slip free and his cum trickled down my leg. I was there myself, I could feel my balls tight and the tension and pressure in my shaft, I was about to blast a load into the wacky little boy pinned on my hot meat. 'I'm cumming.'

'Yes, yes, yes.' Calvin pulled my hips in as I fucked and squirted and spurted the biggest cum of my young life up his tight little ass. On my life, that kid was wonderful sex. My movement slowed as I felt my cock slip easily in and out of his little hole covered with my own cum and his body juices. I slowly slipped free and fell onto Aaron who was laying alongside looking totally knackered.

I leant over and kissed him and he grinned up at me. 'You're a good fuck, Chris.'

'I hope you will be.' I put a mock scowl on my face.

'I shall be,' he promised and put his arms around my chest and held me tightly.

'Ouch.' I'd forgotten Calvin for a brief moment and there he was. I felt his fat cock slip through my well eased ring and slip inside my gut on a coating of his mate's cum. 'Go on Cal, do your stuff.'

He was good sex, I must be getting used to young teenagers up my bum. He lunged and plunged nearly eating the back of my neck off but it was over too soon. Talk about squishy splashy, his come combined with Aaron's was all over my legs, my thighs and absolutely covered Calvin's pubes and lower belly.

'Time for a drink,' Aaron grinned tiredly and slipped from the bed, I studied his trim little arse as he sorted the bottle and managed to uncap three. I was going to have that tight little bottom tonight as sure as God made little green apples. I think that the deal might go with Cal glued to my back but I could live with that.

'You are staying the night,' Cal whispered nibbling at my ear. 'We gotta day off tomorrow, we might stay in bed all day.'

'Sounds like an offer I can't refuse,' I looked at him and gave him a quick kiss on the nose. 'The next time we make love I wanna do it one on one.'

'I'll go for that,' he giggled and accepted a drink from his mate, I took another one and we all sat up against the headboard of the bed trying to let our pumping hearts and labouring lungs back to normal.

Whilst the lads were drinking I went to the toilet which thankfully was en suite, as far as abortions go this was a doozy. I was followed by Cal and after that we decided to have a group shower. There was no way we were going to have standup sex. I was taller than the two boys and it would be a matter of tiptoes of bended knees, I'd settle for the bed but the randy S Club 8ers had other ideas.

About two minutes into the shower Cal dropped to his knees in front of me and took my limp cock in his hand and then his mouth, I was surprised to see how quickly it became hard again but then again it was helped by Aaron sticking his tongue up my butt crack again, that boy had a thing for the male bum. I didn't mind it was a new experience and I quite liked it.

'Cal,' I pulled the slight kid to his feet.

'Yeah,' he grinned at me expectantly.

'I think I can manage that one on one now.'

'I thought you'd never ask,' he grinned and looked at Aaron. 'We're sixty nining but I gotta be on top.'

,No probs,' Aaron laughed. 'But when Chris does me it's got to be a one on one as well.'

'All sorted,' Cal laughed and left us grabbing a towel on the way out back to the bedroom.

'You gotta take it easy with me,' Aaron snuggled up and slid his hands onto my slippery flanks. 'I don't normally get fucked, Cal's the bottom boy.'

'Be a new experience then,' I span him around and sank to my knees. I gave him what he gave me, I parted his legs and got my tongue between his delicious bubble buns.

'Eeeek. Cal doesn't do this,' he giggled as my hot tongue probed at his ring. It was a first for me too and his little arse was yummy, I just couldn't wait to take his bum. 'I am a virgin you know, Cal's never fucked me.'

'Why don't you let him then?'

'He's scared of hurting me, he say's he's got a fat dick and I've got a tiny bum.'

'You have, tiny but bloody beautiful.' I got to my feet behind him and my hardness slipped between his legs, 'All you have to do is be wiling and all he has to do is be carefull and give you a bit of the finger first, loosen you up a bit.' I proved my point by withdrawing and slipping one finger straight through his tiny pucket.

'Jeeeez,' he leapt but then pushed back and clamped on my soapy finger. 'That's so good,' he wriggled and laughed softly. 'You do me later then he can do me.'

'Come on you two,' Cal rapped on the door. 'Show time.'

We went back into the room and I let the kids take up their sixty niner, true to his word Cal was crouched over Aaron who lay flat on his back on the bed. I could hear the slurping and slobbering as the boys made a big deal out of sucking each other's cocks but what got my attention was Cal's little boy butt stuck up in the air just begging a servicing. I positioned myself between Cal's outspread legs and I felt Aaron reach through and caress my balls I bent over and lapped at Cal's nice clean pucker and he moaned around Aaron's cock as he sucked on it.

I didn't waste too much time, he'd been done already and it should be an easy entry. I just put some spit on my swollen glans and shoved. I slipped into his hot little arse with no effort at all.

'Aaah, yessss.' Cal groaned and pushed back, he'd obviously stopped blowing Aaron. 'Go on, Chris. Fuck me hard. Hard and deep.' He shoved his tight arse back onto my thrusts and I went for it as he dropped his head again and swallowed Aaron's meat.

This time it took longer and knowing how well used Cal was I fucked long, hard and put some real effort into it smashing into his soft jellylike buns like a maniac. I sensed when Cal came and also when Aaron shot his load but I was more concerned with ramming my hard six inches deep into this Scottish arse.

When I came it was a good one, not the flood of before but a good one all the same. As a threesome we collapsed onto the bed and I kept stuck up Cal slowly moving to and fro into his cum soaked hole.

There were two double beds in the room and I think it was after this we finally crept under the bedding and dropped off to sleep ..... three in one bed of course.

I awoke early as I often do to find myself as hard as a rock and with someone's hot little mouth licking and lapping on my belly and a warm hand gently toying with my balls.

'About time,' Aaron whispered.

'Jeez, what time is it?'


'Fuck me,' I groaned and stretched in the bed. Cal was alongside but he was breathing regularly with a bittle bubbly noise every now and then, he was sparko.

'No,' Aaron grined. 'Fuck me time,' he grinned. 'My first time,' he slipped out of the bed and stood looking down at me. His penis was circumcised I noticed and stuck out hard and proud. 'You promised,' he bent forward to whisper. He stood up and moved over and slid into the second bed, the fresh one.

I lay there for a moment before moving. Both boys were nice, Cal was a marvellous fuck but Aaron was a self confessed virgin and I just had to have that cute little bubble butt of his. I'd found out he was a bit of a surfer and it showed, he was about the same height as Cal but he had better definition, he was muscled without being musclebound if you know what I mean. Mind you he was only fourteen but some kids that age looked like junior weightlifters, Aaron retained the boyishness and his arse.................

I slipped into the nice cool bed alongside and he grinned at me, we shared a kiss and he fondled my hardness. 'It's big,' he whispered.

'You can do it,' I spread him onto his back and folded his legs back with his knees upto his chest.

'Don't hurt me,' he looked at me with sparkly eyes.

'Tell me to stop if it hurts,' I ducked down and lapped his warm pucker savouring the smooth skin and his ring which seemed to twitch as I licked it.

'Aaah,' he sighed softly and relaxed and played with my hair. 'Go on, Chris.'

I licked him good, I could have sworn his pucker yielded to my probing but I wasn't too sure. I gently prodded with one finger and felt it slip inside his hot flesh. He tensed up but relaxed again as my finger slowly moved in and out stirring and relaxing his virgin anal muscle.

More saliva and the second finger.

'Ooooh,' he was louder this time. I put my hand over his mouth and frowned. I wanted to enjoy him without Cal waking up and getting up my arse. I must admit I don't mind fuck sandwiches but I'd rather be the bread than the meat in the middle. He just nodded at me and grinned, I took my hand away and clasped his super smooth ballbag, he was tight. With luck he would cum when I did, a perfect love making for a first time.

'Aaah,' he moaned and quivered, I'd found his prostate, his eyes were glazed and a trickle of spittle ran from the corner of his mouth. My two fingers were gliding in and out quite easily and I was getting the depth, he was ready.

'You ready for this?' I slipped my fingers out and smeared spit over my glans, it was weeping precum anyway, I think it was slippery enough for this little beauty.

'Yeah,' he whispered and slipped his suntanned legs onto my shoulders as I took up the position.

I rubbed my shiny and well lubricated glans over his pucker and gently pushed into his fierce internal body heat. His mouth opened and he silently yelled but hung onto my hips and seemed to gradually pull himself onto my advancing organ. I nearly fainted with the experience, he was so hot, so tight and so smooth. I could die and go to heaven in this boy's fanny, he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me onto his lips.

'Fuck me, Chris. Fuck me like you did Cal.'

I didn't, I took it slow until I felt my pubics crush against the underside of his tight nutsac and then I went for it. We managed the whole fuck in relative silence and it began to get a bit noisy towards the end.

'Fuck me harder, Chris. Harder,' he forced his arse up and pulled on my hips, his calves pressed onto my sweat sheened back. He looked at me with what seemed to be anguish on his face as his circumcised cock jerked and splattered onto his belly.

'I'm cumming,' I gasped as I rammed into his sweet bottom pushing him up the bed and spunking and splattering long creamy jets of superheated semen into his writhing sweat soaked body. His legs slid off my back and still pumping the remainder of my massive cum into his flooded anus I slipped onto his cum covered belly.

'You made enough noise,' Cal spoke sleepily from the adjoining bed. 'I'm as hard as a chocolate frog,' he smiled across and leant up on one elbow.

'I think you've got a customer here,' I gently slid free from my wonderful young lover, the ex virgin, Aaron.

'What say you, Aaron?' Cal grinned across.

'Go for it, lover boy,' Aaron grinned and flashed me a glance. 'Thank you, Chris. I'll always remember you, my first and best.'

I sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Cal jumped across with his fat cock swinging and knelt between Cal's legs. A second later he was in the sweet arse I'd just vacated and was pumping like a maniac.

We finally finished off around midday, it was a morning I'll never forget, I was a shattered wreck at the end of it, these two were literally insatiable, they just didn't stop. Oh to be fourteen again.

Eventually all good things come to an end. I had to go, they had to show their faces to their chaperones and later to their fans.

'We're back in town in two or three weeks,' Cal looked at me and grinned. 'We're gonna tell our agent to book us in here.'

'Damn right,' Aaron grinned. 'You're going to be around.'

'If you want me to be.'

'He didn't ask a question, he made a statement,' Cal laughed. 'Bring a friend.'

'Straight or bent?'

'Don't be silly, Chrissy Wissy,' Cal laughed as I crept upto the door. God knows who was outside the place.

'We will see you again, won't we,' Aaron was near to tears, I sensed that he was far more emotional that Cal and in all honesty I felt more for Aaron than I did for Cal but a pair of ravers was a pair of ravers after all.

'Bet your life on it, lover,' I gave them one last kiss apiece and I was history.

I had to go home and sleep for what was it ..... two or three weeks.


GCutter66@aol.com for comments/criticism

I think that's a one off basic sex fest but if anyone wants to continue it, feel free.

Next: Chapter 2

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