Ryans School Days

By length length

Published on Aug 3, 2000


Part Two: Train Ride

Forth period math with Mr. Dawes. Combine this with the heat of the day and nothing more than one functioning ceiling fan and you had an infallible recipe for sleep.

It was just after the bell had sounded for commencement of the period when there was a timid knock at the door.

Without pausing from what he was saying Mr. Dawes went to the door, opened it and motioned the boy to come in.

As the student headed for an isle Mr. Dawes addressed him in a somewhat resigned fashion, "Mr. Mears seat yourself next to Mr. Hillard."

As the boy slightly altered his direction and headed towards where Ryan was sitting, the scowl on his face was obvious. Ryan new that Luke would have considered this direction from the teacher as somewhat undermining, as Ryan was not known as one of the cool kids.

As Luke came closer, Ryan noticed that he looked somewhat disheveled, however, he reminded himself that was how Luke usually appeared, and wasn't he always getting into trouble from the teachers to `tidy himself up'?

Luke came over and dropped himself and his backpack next to Ryan. Straight away Ryan could smell tobacco on Luke's breath and clothes.

After a few minutes when Luke's tardiness had been forgotten and the class was again underway, Luke gave Ryan a slight jab in the ribs to gain his attention. Ryan turned to face Luke, who was grinning.

"Know why I was late?" whispered Luke.

"Na, no idea," returned Ryan.

"Had to squeeze in a durry before this shit boring subject started."

"Yeah, I smelt it as soon as you sat down."

"What, didja? I dropped one of those really strong mints before I came in here."

"Well it didn't work," Ryan informed him.

"Ah well, fuck it," sighed Luke. "I think all the teachers know anyway and just can't be fucked doing anything about it. It wouldn't be the first time I got busted."

Ryan noticed the teacher looking in their direction. He turned away from Luke, who, as a result, also clued in to what was happening.

As soon as Mr. Dawes attention was again turned to a fellow student, Luke turned to Ryan and asked him if he had ever tried a cigarette.

Ryan, who didn't want to appear uncool, stammered, "Yeah. yeah, sure I smoke, but only when I'm socialising."

Luke grinned at him and in a soft voice said, "Yeah, I know what you mean."

After that both boys remained silent and attempted to concentrate on their work, more so because they had noticed their teacher watching them and Mr. Dawes was renowned for his detentions.

Ryan's mind was far from the work at hand, whilst he was supposed to be studying from his textbook, his thoughts were elsewhere entirely.

Ryan was intensely engaged in a fantasy focussing on the hot boy sitting next to him.

He had always admired Luke, but only from afar. Ryan did not have the confidence to approach Luke or his circle of friends for fear of ridicule and rejection.

Ryan found Luke particularly appealing, both physically and by way of his disposition.

Luke had tussled black hair which hung into his eyes, a constant source of irritation, resulting in either a flicking of the head or a sweeping of the hand. His eyes were a deep green, his lips full and sensual.

Ryan guessed his height to be somewhere around 180cm, with a medium build, he had developed some muscle tone, particularly in his legs, probably due to the sports Luke participated in.

Ryan was now visualising what Luke's cock might look like. He wondered if Luke was cut or not.

Very slyly Ryan attempted to sneak a look down towards Luke's crotch. Unfortunately his view was blocked by Luke's blazer, which had swung forwards as he was hunched over his books.

Ryan did however manage a quick perve at Luke's thighs and long tapered legs, which were snugly encased in the fabric of his well worn school trousers.

So near, yet so far, thought Ryan to himself, almost salivating. Thinking what it would feel like to reach across and run his hand, ever so lightly, up the inside of Luke's thighs, finally coming to rest against his crotch. Once there, Ryan would begin to gently knead his cock and balls, enjoying the sensation as they reacted to his touch.

Ryan's own cock was now standing at attention inside his Bonds underpants, dribbling beads of precum into the cotton material. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, in a desperate attempt to reduce the pressure on his foreskin as his cock head attempted to thrust upwards and outwards.

As this maneuver failed to produce the desired effect, Ryan decided to make the adjustments manually. To avoid suspicion he disguised the action as one where he was simply scratching his balls. He ensured that his blazer was hanging forward as his right hand found its target.

With some swift, yet determined, movements, he was able push his dick into a more comfortable position.

He casually glanced around him, and was satisfied that no one had noticed.

Without warning, Luke sat upright, clasped his hands behind his head and lent back in his chair. Whilst he was having a stretch he pushed out his chest and closed his eyes for a moment.

Automatically, Ryan's eyes diverted straight to Luke's groin. His pants had ridden up and his scrotum was clearly visible. Ryan almost gasped, Luke appeared to be sporting a semi hardon.

What Ryan didn't notice was that Luke had now opened his eyes and seemed to be enjoying giving Ryan a free for all.

Ryan's euphoric state was broken when Luke let out a small cough. Ryan immediately averted his gaze, not even glancing at Luke in the process.

Luke resume his earlier position, hunched over his work.

This little encounter left Ryan feeling so horny that his penis was now pushing upright against the waistline of his underpants oozing precum at an amazing rate. He was so damp that he feared that the clear liquid may actually seep through his trousers, leaving a telltale mark for all to see.

Ryan knew that he would need to relieve himself as soon as the lunch bell rang. Lucky for him he didn't have long to wait.

Not ten minutes later the students were gathering their books and heading for the door.

As the two boys were stuffing their books into their backpacks, Luke turned to Ryan and with a sly look on his face said, "There's something I wanna show you. Meet me at the cricket nets in about half an hour."

Ryan was puzzled, but said, "Yeah, sure." He was most intrigued by what Luke had in mind.

Still suffering a severe boner, Ryan was careful to conceal himself by holding his backpack casually in front of him. He decided to frequent a block of toilets away from the main yard area, where there were now hundreds of boys milling about.

As he was walking towards the toilet block located in the basement of the science building, he passed several of his mates whom asked him where he was going.

"Oh, I have to see Mr. Huntley for a bit," replied Ryan, as he continued to walk past them. "I'll catch up with you guys when I get back," he yelled over his shoulder.

At last, the door to the toilet block was insight, Ryan entered and made a quick appraisal of what was happening.

One guy washing his hands and on the way out, another guy taking a piss at the urinals. Out of the eight stalls only two had their doors closed and the strong odor of cigarette smoke was an indication as to what was happening in at least one of the cubicles.

Ryan noted that both end booths, adjoining the wall, were empty. His preference was for the one on the left as he knew that the latch worked.

Without hesitation, Ryan approached the cubicle, entered and locked the door.

He couldn't believe how horny he felt as he lowered the toilet seat and lid, sat down and began stroking himself vigorously.

Oh no, he thought, as he realised that his precum had permeated the material of the pants and now a small wet patch appeared at the front of his trousers.

Oh well, too late now, was Ryan's attitude, and consumed with lust he continued his feverish activity.

Leaning back against the wall, eyes closed and legs splayed, Ryan continued to rub his cock and balls through his pants with the palm of his right hand. Oh man this feels excellent he mused. Soon his left hand found its way down to his balls and simultaneously he began caressing his gonads. "Oh yeah," he murmured.

Without thinking, the teenager began releasing his fly. His right hand delved inside his pants where he continued the rubbing motion with the flat of his hand. His other hand remained on his nuts.

The limited opening in his pants was proving to restrictive for the level of attention his cock demanded. Soon Ryan was grappling with his belt and the catch at the top of his trousers. He also tugged his shirt out of the way, pushing it up his belly.

Ryan pushed his pants out of the way. They remained around the top of his thighs as his legs were spread eagle.

Intuitively, his hands returned to their previous positions.

As he looked down he could see the solid outline of his cock pressing against the tight cotton material of his two-tone underpants. He again placed the palm of his hand over the big snake and continued to rub along its length with great downward thrusts.

Before long, this style of masturbation had forced the head of Ryan's phallus out over the top of his briefs. It was hugely engorged and glistening with precum, the foreskin well and truly locked behind the crown.

Having direct contact between the exposed head and his hand, was sending Ryan into orbit. His left hand, which continued to manipulate his nuts, worked its way inside their cotton prison, releasing them down his left leg.

No sooner were his balls out, than Ryan grabbed at his shaft, pushing the underpants back to its base and wrapping his fingers around the swollen tool, slowly working his fist the entire length.

Ryan was now in an extremely aroused state, his slick cock highly sensitive. As a precaution, his pumping action began to subside considerably.

Ryan knew that it would not be long now before he blew an almighty load. He realised that in his current position he would end up shooting all over himself, his shirt, tie and blazer, which would definitely not be a good look.

Instead, Ryan stood up, facing the stall door. His pants dropped in a heap around his ankles, he pushed his underpants down slightly, just enough to clear his sack. He reached his left arm out, which took a grip at the top of the door to steady himself.

His right hand once again enclosed around his prick. He carefully released a long line of spittle down to his shaft, then turned his thoughts back to what he had witnessed in the classroom earlier.

Images of himself bent face down in Luke's crotch, sucking on his juicy dick whilst the lesson continued around them, the taste of his precum on his tongue, Luke's hands on the back of his head, forcing his cock deeper and deeper down his throat. These were some of the lewd scenarios racing through Ryan's mind as he continued to jerk himself.

Another few strokes sent Ryan spinning, his manhood jolted and then began spewing out, what felt like, a continual stream of thick white sticky love juice. Most of his cum hit the painted wooden door and streamed downwards, mixing with older stains from similar events.

Ryan was attempting to keep his gasping to a minimum, his body was convulsing as his hand continued to slide smoothly over the length of his manhood. As his climax began to wane, his grip tightened as he tried to milk out each last drop. When he could cum no more, he simply stood there gripping his cock at the base and shaking it quite rigorously.

What missed the door landed on the ground and a few drops ended up adorning his pants and shoes.

Ryan returned to sitting on the toilet where he rested, waiting for his breathing to return to normal.

Next he pulled up his jocks, using them to wipe any remaining cum off his dick, straightened up his shirt, which he noticed also had cum stains on it, luckily these would be hidden once his shirt was tucked into his pants, and then refastened his trousers.

Now he folded some squares of toilet paper and proceeded to wipe off the cum which had splattered on to his pants and shoes. Giving himself the once over and satisfied that his appearance was acceptable he made ready to leave the facility.

Checking to make sure that no one would observe him leaving the cubicle, Ryan beat a hasty retreat from the toilet block.

Glancing at his watch, Ryan realised that lunch was nearly half over. He decided to head for the cricket nets before catching up with his mates.

Upon arriving at the enclosures, Ryan surveyed the mass of boys, some practicing their cricket techniques or playing a game, others just standing around talking. Whilst he did spot some of Luke's friends, he was unable to locate Luke himself.

After standing there for a few minutes he felt a hand clamp his shoulder. Without even turning around, he knew it to be Luke, the smell of stale tobacco giving him away.

"Yo matey, glad you could make it," drawled Luke, as Ryan turned to face him.

"I was starting to think you would be a `no show'," replied Ryan.

"Never fear," was Luke's only response.

Typical, thought Ryan.

"So what's the big secret?" stirred Ryan.

Luke lowered his voice, "Well you've got to swear to keep this to yourself."

"Yeah, sure man."

"Ok, then come over here," Luke motioned with his head.

When the boys had reached a less populated corner of the yard, Luke dropped his backpack, glanced around to see if anyone was watching, then proceeded to rummage through his bag.

After a moment he appeared to have found what he was after.

Again standing, he had his back to the crowd and seemed to be clutching something in his fist.

"Well, what is it?" questioned Ryan, somewhat impatiently.

As Luke opened his fist, he asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Ryan stared blankly at what essentially looked like a T' shaped object made of steel rod which was approximately five or six millimeters thick. The bar of the T' had rounded ends, whilst the end five millimeters of the `leg' were fashioned into a quadratic shape.

"No idea," came Ryan's baffled reply.

"Its a key."


"It's used for the locks on the guards compartment and interconnecting doors on the trains," came Luke's enthusiastic reply.

Ryan was still unsure as to where this was heading.

So Luke continued, "With this you get to have your own private section on the train. No need to share with all the other plebs, you can do what you want."

"Oh, sounds cool," said Ryan, still unsure as to why Luke was sharing this with him and not his own mates.

"So anyway, where did you score this thing?"

Luke looked rather guilty, and before answering said, "This stays between you and me, right?"

"Sure bro," Ryan conceded.

"Well a couple of days ago, there was this railway dude down at the station and he must have gone to take a dump or something. Anyway, he took off his tool belt and put it down on a seat outside the dunnies. I walked over to where he left it and then saw this key. So, I had seen them used before and knew what it did. Anyway, I thought it would be cool to swipe it for myself."

Luke could tell that Ryan was impressed by the grin on his face.

"So, what now?" asked Ryan.

"Well dude, I was thinking we try it out this arvo on our way home."

Ryan was pretty nervous about the whole idea, but the thought of spending time alone with Luke in a small locked room, really turned him on.

So against his better judgement he said, "Yeah sure Luke, sounds cool man."

"Alright dude, meet me on the platform after school and we'll do it," Luke enthused.

"Cool, catch ya then," replied Ryan.

Both boys parted and headed their separate ways.

Ryan noticed that his dick had once more become hard, and he could still feel the sticky dampness of his briefs against his skin and matted pubes.

He shoved his hands deep into his pockets as he headed off in search of his friends.

The final two periods of the day crawled by at a snails pace.

His dick remained unyielding in anticipation of the train ride home.

After what felt like an eternity, Ryan found himself standing on the platform in the warm afternoon sun. He had managed to give his friends the slip and was now scouring the crowd for Luke.

Not long after, he spotted Luke ambling through the throng of people. They soon made eye contact, and Luke made his way towards Ryan.

"Hey dude," was Luke's greeting.

"Yo man," responded Ryan.

Before long, the train's distinct click-clacking sound could be heard.

Luke cast his eye down the track and informed Ryan, "Not this one mate, it's a `Tangara', and this key only works on the older trains. Also if we wait for the next train, there won't be so many people about."

"Oh, ok," said Ryan.

Both boys sat back down on the low brick wall of the garden, and entered into idle banter.

Ryan found Luke easy to talk to and was enjoying his company.

Nonetheless, still fantasising about him the whole time and taking a peak between his legs whenever the opportunity presented itself. God, was he hot!

Within fifteen minutes the next train was pulling into the platform.

Luke was leading the way along towards where he anticipated the middle of the train would be. These were the guard's cabins which were always deserted.

The train ground to a halt, the pneumatic doors sprung opened and the boys piled in.

As Luke had predicted, there were fewer people on this service.

Luke whispered to Ryan to follow him and provide cover whilst he unlocked the door.

Luck was on their side, by design, this carriage had a small alcove leading to the guard's compartment, and even better, this area was free of any passengers.

It only took Luke a second to unlock the door, and the boys another second to file in. Once inside, Luke ensured that the door was fastened.

"Wow, I'm impressed," said Ryan as he took in his surroundings.

"Yeah, piece of piss," laughed Luke.

"Added bonus," cried Luke. He had noticed that the door to the driver's compartment was also swinging too and fro.

The guard's compartment consisted of a small bench, a few windows, all fitted with blinds, an interconnecting door to the next carriage, and little else.

The driver's compartment, which ran off the guard's room was very cramped, barely fitting the driver's fixed chair and the panel of basic instruments.

For the first few minutes the boys explored the two rooms, ridding in the driver's chair and generally being silly.

Luke then stepped onto the bench and perched himself on a wide ledge which extended from beneath the large window, which was facing the direction of travel. Luke used the window as a backrest.

"Hey Ryan, chuck us me bag," requested Luke.

Ryan threw him his backpack.

Luke rummaged around and soon produced his pack of smokes. He zipped up his bag and tossed it back to the floor.

Luke drew out a fag and slowly placed it between his lips, almost seductively, before bringing the lighter to his face, igniting a flame and inhaling deeply.

Throughout the whole process, he never once broke his gaze from Ryan.

Ryan was finding this display incredibly horny. Watching Luke sitting there in full school uniform, only sixteen years of age, looking so sophisticated with his cigarette.

Ryan's cock was aching and he was employing every technique known to him to hide his excitement.

Catching Ryan off guard, Luke said, "Hey man, why don't you come and have a toke?"

This sent Ryan into a mild panic as he realised that the moment of truth had arrived.

Still refusing to admit defeat, he stepped over to where Luke was sitting and stretched out his hand to accept the offering.

He brought the cigarette to his mouth and took a puff.

Almost instantly he began to cough violently.

Luke exploded into fits of laughter, rocking back and forth as Ryan continued to splutter.

Once Ryan had regained his composure, his face had turned a deep shade of red with embarrassment.

"Here, give it back," said Luke, motioning towards the smoke.

"Now, come over here you goose and I'll show you how to draw back," said Luke, still smiling.

Ryan came and stood in front of Luke as he began to give a detailed demonstration on how to inhale.

After a few more attempts, with only slight improvement, the cigarette had burnt down to the butt.

Luke's next statement took Ryan by complete suprise.

"Ya know, having a durry always gets me real towie."

"Sorry?" enquired Ryan.

"You know, horny."

Ryan was dumbfounded, lost for words.

Luke continued, "Yeah, I don't know why, whenever I suck on a cigga I get a shocken hardon."

After having somewhat recovered, Ryan gingerly enquired, "So, does that mean you got one now?"

"Why don't you come over here and check it out for yourself, dude?"

Ryan's head was spinning as he made his way across the swaying floor to where Luke was sitting.

He noticed that Luke's blazer was pulled together around his waist, and was therefore unable to determine if he was stiff or not.

"I can't really tell," stammered Ryan, "Your jackets in the way."

"You're a smart lad," commented Luke, "I'm sure you'll be able to find a way around it."

Ryan nervously extended his arms towards Luke. He was feeling unbelievably excited and at the same time weird, a good weird, however.

He gently pushed the jacket aside and was rewarded by the sight of a considerable bulge in Luke's snug fitting school pants.

"Hmm, I. I think your right," stuttered Ryan, unable to shift his gaze from the glorious sight.

"You can touch it if you like," Luke said, "It won't bite. Anyway, I saw you perving at my dick in class today. I know you want it bad."

Ryan was speechless, so said nothing. Instead, he slowly extended his hand to Luke's inner thigh, inching his way towards the lewd swelling that awaited.

"Ohhh yeah," moaned Luke, "Keep going man." He stretched out his right arm and put it around Ryan's shoulders, both to steady himself with the trains continual rocking and also to draw Ryan closer.

Ryan was in ecstasy, his penis rock solid and spasmodically secreting precum into his already damp undies.

As he continued to stroke Luke's donger, he could feel it straining to move upright inside the pants. To aid this, Ryan changed his method of manipulation, coaxing Luke's dick to achieve it's desired position.

Luke placed his own hand on top of Ryan's, exerting further force, soon manipulating Ryan's hand into clutching his love muscle through the fabric and to carry on a wanking motion.

"Oooh that feels good, don't stop man, don't stop," crooned Luke.

Almost in a manner of approval, Luke further spread his legs, drawing Ryan closer into him.

Somehow through the sexual daze that had enveloped both boys, Ryan became aware that the train had come to a standstill, and milling directly outside the window were herds of school children and adults.

"Hey, man, it might be a good idea to pull the blinds down, look at all those people outside."

"Oh shit!, I was so into what you were doing I didn't even notice. Yeah, let's get the shades dude."

In next to no time the cabin was considerably darker, although shards of light continued to penetrate, due to tears in the blinds. There was also the fluorescent tube on the ceiling.

Reclaiming his perch on the window ledge Luke looked at Ryan and said in a husky voice, "Man, you got me feeling so hot, I'm all sticky inside my dack's and my cock's aching.

"And another thing, whatever goes on between us stays that way, right? I'm not a fag and I don't ever want the other guys to get wind of this." And for good measure he added, "Cause if they do, you'll come off second best, you got that?"

Ryan had no qualms with that, he didn't need the publicity either and so simply replied, "Yeah right, as if I'm gonna say anything to anyone", then thought to add, "And of course I know your not a fag."

"Good, well that's settled then."

The train had since resumed its journey and was almost at the next station.

Luke motioned with his head that Ryan should move closer to him, again extending his arm about his shoulders, and casting his eyes toward his crotch. This Ryan interpreted as to continue where he had left off.

Ryan resumed his grip on Luke's dick and again began jerking it through the material. He thought he could feel a slightly damp patch near where the head was, and upon closer inspection his suspicions were confirmed.

Ryan's efforts were inspired by the obscenities he could hear Luke muttering. "Oooh fuck yeah", "Rub harder you little cunt", and, "Ahhh yeah man, keep doin it to me."

Turning to look up at Luke, Ryan noticed his face to be contorting and a wild lust raging in his eyes.

Ryan found this an incredible turn on which only inspired him to try harder to please Luke.

His second hand left his own genitals and placed itself on Luke's nuts. So while stroking his cock he was also tugging down on his ball sack, all through the confines of the sexy school trousers.

Ryan wanted more than anything to bring his face closer to where the action was, to inhale the erogenous scents which were being excreted in the form of sweat and precum. Almost as if reading Ryan's thoughts, Luke suggested that if Ryan were to move around directly in front of him and kneel on the bench between his legs it would make it more `comfortable' for them both.

Without breaking contact with Luke's cock, Ryan maneuvered himself into position. He was now directly facing Luke's groin area.

Luke managed to gasp, "I'm cool with anything you want to do man, just go ahead and do it."

Almost as if to emphasise the point Luke placed his hands behind Ryan's head and began to pull him towards his crotch. Ryan was most obliging.

Ryan was overcome with the intoxicating smells of Luke's sex. He had draped his arms over Luke's upper legs, whilst his face nuzzled deep within Luke's thighs.

Luke was holding Ryan's head and dragging it up and down his crotch. Ryan couldn't get enough of the heady smells and tastes that he was experiencing. After a while, he gently pushed Luke's hands away as he was determined to lick the length of the shaft and savor the precum that had permeated the material near where the head rested.

Whilst delicately nibbling Luke's beautiful cockhead, Ryan felt that he was able to determine that Luke was cut.

Luke's pants were completely saturated with precum, which was oozing out in waves. Ryan was lapping franticly, enticed by the exotic salty sensation. He decided that it tasted similar to his own, yet somehow different.

As he continued to pleasure Luke, Ryan felt Luke's legs tightening around his head, locking him into his groin. Luke's hands again clasped his head, only this time he was actually grabbing handfuls of hair. Before Ryan knew what hit him, Luke was humping his face, his arse actually rising from the platform where he sat.

"Oh fuck yeah, oh fuck yeah," screamed Luke over and over again, pulsating into Ryan's face. He could feel Ryan's tongue and mouth working him over, Ryan's hot breath penetrating the material of his pants, sending waves of heat into his already burning scrotum. Occasionally Ryan would also yell something indistinguishable which would reverberate through Luke's groin, sending further shock waves through his body.

After ridding roughshod for a few minutes, Luke slowed down and eased off, he wanted it to be pleasurable for Ryan too, also he didn't want to cum just yet.

As Ryan came up for air, he was in a state of disarray, his face glistening with sweat and precum, his hair tousled and his clothes disheveled

"Sorry dude, but I don't know what came over me. like. you know." Luke trailed off sheepishly.

"That's cool man," smiled Ryan, "It's not as though I wasn't enjoying it."

Both boys just grinned at each other knowingly.

"Hey," Ryan and Luke started in unison.

"Ah you go first," said Luke.

"Na, you."

"Ok then," Luke was hesitant, "I was gonna say if you wanned to suck my cock for real."

A huge grin crept across Ryan's face, "Just the same thing I was gonna ask you man."

"Excellent," Luke smiled. "Well, it's all yours," he gestured toward his inner thighs.

Ryan reached forward and grappled for the zipper. His fingers were trembling as he sought to unfasten the device. It opened with some difficulty, due to the duress placed on it by the swollen member held captive inside.

"Oooh yeah," hissed Luke, as he felt the material giving way.

With the zipper tugged down, the cotton clad bulge spilled forward, protruding obscenely through the opening. Luke's undies were sodden and reeked of lecherous boy carnality. Furthermore, in this state of wetness, the briefs had become almost translucent. Ryan noticed that it was almost possibly to make out each individual pubic hair.

Ryan shifted his head forward as though some unknown force had taken control of his movements. Luke's cock and balls were now outlined in amazing detail, Ryan ran his tongue the length of the shaft, enjoying the feel of the cotton, the taste of the precum and the amorous scent.

Realising that the head of Luke's cock was still out of his reach, trapped above the zipper and the most part of his nuts, below, Ryan. without missing a beat, reached up towards the slim black belt around Luke's waist, undid the buckle and disconnected the two ends, then reached for the small clasp and unfastened it.

As the trousers sprang open, a snug fitting pair of Calvin Klein's were revealed. Ryan sighted with bliss as he beheld a sight he had only ever dreamt of. A hot, young classmate before him in uniform, trousers thrown open with his distended member straining vulgarly beneath a pair of tight fitting briefs, almost see-through with precum.

Yeah, thought Ryan, as he licked his lips lecherously.

To better his access to Luke's testicles, Ryan took hold of each flap of the open trousers and shuffled them forward. Luke slightly raised his butt to facilitate the process. Because of the position Luke was sitting in, it was easier for Ryan to let the garment fall in a heap at Luke's feet.

Ryan reached forward and slid his hand under Luke's balls, where he proceeded rolling them in the flat of his hand. At the same time he used his other palm to massage Luke's rock hard meat.

Luke was rocking back and forth, now in a delirious state, forming unintelligible sounds, almost gurgling. His prick was straining up hard against the waistband of his `C. K's. and his balls had begun to retract up into his scrotum.

Ryan once again replaced his hands with his mouth, only this time to use his teeth to draw down the briefs.

He allowed himself one last digression to sample the goods through the drenched cloth. Starting with the now withdrawn nuts, further saturating them with his own saliva, in a tongue lashing that can be described only as frenzied, then proceeding up along the shaft, ensuring that no part be overlooked, until finally, coming to rest at the fountaining head.

After enjoying one final suck, this time with the entire fabric encased head in his mouth, he released the dick, hearing a dull `thwack' as it sprung back against Luke's belly. Ryan then moved to the elastic waistband.

"Hey Luke, hold up your shirt for me, it's in the way," Ryan requested.

Luke had been oblivious to this as he had had his eyes closed for some time now. He automatically reached down and gathered up his shirt and tie.

Ryan was now free to place his head on Luke's belly and work his teeth into the waistband. This wasn't too difficult as the straining cock was slightly lifting the material anyway.

Holding onto Luke's thighs, Ryan began to tug at the tight fitting garment. As Luke was sitting on them, it made it difficult for Ryan to dislodge the briefs. He managed to remove them most of the way down the shaft.

Ryan gasped in awe at the magnificent cock which stood proudly before him. Smooth and well proportioned, it must have been at least six and a half inches. Slightly thicker than his own, yet not as long.

Reaching behind Luke, Ryan ran his hands over the boys' sleek globes, before hooking his fingers into the waistband, thus compelling Luke to lift his backside. Where upon, in one swift motion, slid the briefs beneath Luke and down his legs, till they came to rest with his trousers.

"Hey Luke, I want to see you have a smoke while I suck your cock."

After Ryan had addressed Luke it took him a few seconds to reenter the earth's orbit before he replied, "Sounds good to me. Do you want one too?"

"Na man, I just reckon its horny if you have one."

"Yeah, cool dude," replied Luke, "Now go suck me hard, man."

Luke then reached inside his blazer pocket and produced the crumpled packet of cigarettes and lighter. It wasn't long before the all to familiar smell permeated the inside of the cabin.

Before continuing, Ryan, unzipped his own pants, reached inside, and fished out his dick. It was so wet that he wondered if he hadn't already cum in his pants. Ensuring that his Bonds were hooked under his balls, he dragged his nuts out into the open as well.

In the meantime, Luke was sitting there grasping his shaft with his fist, waving it in the direction of Ryan's face. He had a lustful smile on his lips.

Ryan bent forward and began to lick Luke's slimy balls while Luke continued fisting his manhood. However, Ryan was experiencing difficulty getting close enough to carry out his intentions. To get around this he decided to place Luke's legs over his shoulders.

To achieve this would mean taking off Luke's shoes, pants and undies. Instead, he simply got up and stepped back

"Oh no, what are you doin man," wailed Luke.

"Just lift your legs in the air man."

Luke just looked at him blankly.

"C'mon dude, hurry up," pleaded Ryan.

Slowly Luke lifted his legs, Ryan helped to steady them, then ducked underneath, coming up between them and helping Luke locate his legs on his shoulders.

Luke's arse was now pointing upwards, his arms by his sides, fingers gripping the edge of the shelf where he was poised. His legs hooked over Ryan's shoulders, bent at the knees. Ryan could feel the heels of Luke's school shoes knocking against his back with each jolt of the train. He was glad he still had his blazer on.

In this position, Ryan felt that he was locked between Luke's thighs. Not a bad place to be, he mused.

With this thought he brought his head forward until he could feel the intricate hairs on Luke's balls brushing against his tongue. Before commencing a full assault with his tongue he tenderly kissed each nut several times, alternating between them.

Ryan disregarded Luke's twitching shaft above him as he lapped his way around Luke's scrotum. Now with his head at just the right angle, Ryan popped Luke's left testicle into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, making it slick with spit.

Luke was quivering uncontrollably and moaning wildly. It took all his effort and combined strength not to slide of his perch.

Ryan was now focussing his attention on Luke's second gonad, giving it much the same treatment as the first. Ryan observed that both balls had little hair. More like fluff he thought to himself.

It occurred to Ryan that he might be able to cram both balls into his mouth at the same time. With a bit of effort he soon achieved this and was rolling the two spheres against each other, lashing them with his tongue in the confines of his mouth. The feelings evoked within both boys were sensational.

In the meantime, Ryan's right hand was furiously working on his own tool, sliding the entire length of his shaft, sending spasms through his young body each time his fist made contact with the sensitive, now permanently exposed cockhead. With each well-lubed thrust his balls slammed against the rough material of his trousers, causing further sensations.

As Ryan emptied Luke's nuts from his mouth, he noticed a steady trail of saliva and precum running down the crack beneath Luke's balls, some pooling in his puckered arsehole, then continuing its journey down the small of his back, before finally cascading into a small puddle which had formed below him.

Ryan was infatuated by the sight. He ran the middle finger of his right hand up along the flowing juices, swamping his finger with muck. Quickly, he brought his finger toward his face, opened his mouth and slipped the finger inside. After having cleaned his digit thoroughly, he began to experience a totally heady sensation, the combined taste and smell of the juices was incredible.

Immediately, Ryan knew that he needed more of this magic potion. Once again, he spearheaded his face toward the honey pot, only this time he used his tongue in one long slurping motion to gather up the nectar. Firstly from just above Luke's arse to the base of his balls, then on to his arsehole, beginning by circling his tongue around the rim, then proceeding to delve deeper into the dank cavity, savoring ever drop of the delicious boy fluids.

Luke was almost beside himself as he felt Ryan's tongue probing his sensitive arsehole, managing only to gibber a string of incomprehensible sounds in an attempt to express his untold pleasure.

Even once the bowl had been emptied of its divine contents, Ryan continued to enjoy the sensation his tongue was experiencing, simply by continuing to probe the depths. Occasionally he felt the anus relax, allowing him to delve slightly deeper. Soon it was possible for him to actually permeate the tightness and deploy the tip of his tongue inside the damp void.

Ryan was again itching to return his attention to the steely member which continued to sway erratically above him, however, not before cleaning the remaining trail of elixir running down below Luke's butthole.

"Mmm," sighed Ryan as he licked the last of the hot boy juices from his sultry lips.

He glanced down to where he was still fisting his own weapon and noticed that the head had now turned a purple/blue, the shaft was slick with precum, the excess running off under the base of the shaft, down over his balls and soaking into the charcoal fabric of his trousers.

Reaching down for a quick fondle of his nuts, Ryan discovered that his balls were positively saturated with his own love juices. Upon removing his hand, Ryan brought it to his face where he inhaled deeply, savoring the stimulating scent that was his very being. Luxuriously, Ryan dragged his tongue across the face of his open palm, relishing the mysterious delights of his own boy nectar.

Whilst Ryan had been temporarily distracted attending to his own needs, Luke had sparked up another cigarette, from which he was expelling great clouds of smoke which circled around Ryan's head.

Upon replacing his hand to his own engorged organ, Ryan returned his attention to the young stud sitting before him. Ryan could tell that Luke was close to the brink by the vacant look in his eyes, the intensity with which he was drawing on his smoke and the way in which his gonads had now drawn themselves tightly into his youthful body.

Ryan leaned forward and tentatively began to lick the meaty pole. He tasted the sweat and precum which had built up there, the smell invigorating him. To gain control of the swinging rod, he grasped the base with his free hand. Now with his head tilted, he was able to run his mouth along the underside of the shaft, each time stopping just short of the crown. In order to give the same treatment to the reverse side, he pulled the dick toward him and continued to wash the topside.

Ryan could feel the hard rod quivering uncontrollably.

At that instant a streak of ash landed on Luke's left thigh. Ryan glanced upward and noticed that Luke had clasped the smoke between his lips as he was forced to use both hands to steady himself. God, he looked so damn horny, especially with his disheveled uniform, thought Ryan.

With his hand firmly placed around the root of Luke's cock, Ryan angled the weapon so that it pointed directly at his lips. Next, he opened his mouth wide, forming a perfect `O', then, drawing in a deep breath, placed his lips around the swollen head.

Once inside his mouth, Ryan lovingly encased the crown, swirling his tongue wildly over the slicked surface, paying particular attention to the piss-slit, which he probed intensely.

Luke was experiencing rapture, ratified by the continual waves of precum which escaped his throbbing organ. He could no longer coordinate his cigarette, which he abruptly spat to the floor.

"Ohhh, fuuuck yesss," droned Luke, over and over again, as if in a trance.

Ryan began to sink his mouth further down the shaft. He fast began to realise that to engulf six and a half inches of swollen cock-meat was a far greater feat than he had imagined. However, this only made the young boy all the more determined.

Comfortably, Ryan was able to take in about half the length of cock. Upon reaching capacity, he would pull back, keeping just the head in his mouth, then go down again.

He recalled having once read about a technique which allowed a guy to take another guy's cock up to the hilt. It was a long time ago, but if he remembered correctly, it entailed something about relaxing the throat muscles. He decided to give it a go.

On each down stroke he attempted to take a bit more of Luke's sleek tool into his mouth. At first he felt himself gagging, but being a determined lad, not to mention Luke's cries of encouragement, he forged on.

With each down stroke, a fraction more of Luke's stiff penis disappeared from view. Finally, Ryan could feel his nose burying itself in Luke's matted pubes. In a state of jubilation, he held his face in this position for a few seconds, savoring the delights of his achievement.

Ryan was now running his mouth the length of Luke's magnificent dick. Up and down, up and down, glided his moist lips. Both boys were stimulated beyond anything either had ever experienced. Their bodies contorting uncontrollably. Luke, tightening his hold, thrust his pelvis mercilessly against Ryan's face, slamming his cock deep into his mate's throat. Lunging without reprieve, Luke was face-fucking Ryan like there was no tomorrow.

Ryan was having difficult keeping up with the velocity of Luke's stabs. He placed his fist around Luke's shaft, a resounding `pop' being heard as he disengaged the mighty member from his mouth. He was completely breathless and panting for air.

"C'mon, c'mon, keep doin it," yelled Luke impatiently.

Once his gasping had subsided somewhat, Ryan released his grip and resumed sucking cock.

It won't be long now, he thought, as he eagerly went back to deep-throating Luke's fat cock.

Almost as though he were possessed, Luke continued ramming Ryan's face with untold gusto. Each lunge sent his balls smashing into Ryan's chin, which had a steady trickle of precum dribbling down onto the bench where he was kneeling.

After a while, Luke's jabs became slower, yet more deliberate, on each upward push he would hold his meat deep inside Ryan's throat, moving his hips in a circular motion against his face, before slowly retracting. His breathing had become slow and controlled.

Subconsciously, Ryan had slowed his own pace, from furious jerking to one that mimicked the tempo his mate had set.

Luke's probing tool had now slowed to a point where he almost looked as if he were in slow motion, his head was tilted back and his eyes closed tightly. His face was almost expressionless, except for the slight movement of his lips, from which emanated inaudible sounds.

Noticing that Luke's arsehole had again become inundated with a mixture of both boys' juices, Ryan, not missing a beat, slid the middle finger of his left hand around in the syrup. When he was satisfied that it was thoroughly coated, he positioned his finger over the entrance of Luke's puckered hole. Taking Luke completely by surprise, Ryan bored his finger into the depths of Luke's tight canal.

Once Luke had adjusted to this unexpected invasion, the feelings evoked only heightened his already exuberant state of arousal.

One last drawn out penetration slowly came to rest against Ryan's distended mouth, the penis so enlarged that Ryan was beginning to choke. Luke's hips were raised and he freed his right hand to grasp Ryan's head, pulling him down onto himself.

Starting as a slight trembling deep within his gut, this feeling quickly intensified to an orgasm which can only be described as phenomenal. His rigid cock was erupting a deluge of hot molten teenage lava deep within the confines of his victim's gullet. Luke could feel Ryan struggling to swallow the flood of cum, as volley after volley of hot gooey semen escaped his hefty member.

Eventually the discharge began to subside. Luke's prick was still hard as he sluggishly pulled back from Ryan's mouth. Only now was it beginning to dawn on him that in his delirium he had almost gagged his friend.

For Ryan, the event had almost sent him unconscious. He had experienced an orgasm more stupendous than he could have ever conceived possible. His ejaculation followed Luke's by mere seconds. It did, however, scare him that he had come so incredibly close to passing out.

His pants were sodden with cum, all the way down his legs. Some had shot up against the panel in front of him, whilst the remainder had splattered on the bench. His hands too, were covered with the sticky liquid

Ryan had cum dripping from the corners of his mouth, down his chin and then blotching his shirt and tie.

After some time the boys made eye contact, both still in their original positions.

Luke's cock was still semi-erect.

He smiled at Ryan, and then spoke, "That was awesome."

"Yeah, fuckin amazing," agreed Ryan.

Still recovering, Luke said, "Can I ask you one more little favor dude?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Can you just clean up my dick for me before I get dressed?"

After what had already gone down, Ryan couldn't see the harm, and said so.

He leaned forward and Luke guided his dick into Ryan's mouth. Ryan let Luke hold his penis while he went about washing any last remnants of cum from the now supple skin. To finish off, Luke rotated his doodle in Ryan's mouth, as though he were stirring a pot. He then retracted his now almost limp dick.

Whilst this had been happening, Ryan had come up with a request of his own.

"Luke," he said, moderately embarrassed, "Could I. er. as a memento of our little get together. uhm. keep your undies?"

Luke had a confused look on his face, but said, "I don't get it, but if it makes you happy, then sure."

"Great," said Ryan, with a gleeful look on his face.

"Now, lets get ourselves untangled and straightened up," said Luke.

Both boys felt slightly stiff after having held such awkward positions for that length of time.

As they disengaged from one another, Luke commented that their current predicament was not unlike playing Twister. Both boys laughed at the comparison.

Luke moved over to the driver's chair, where he sat and removed his shoes thus enabling him to take off his trousers and subsequently his soiled briefs, which he then handed to Ryan.

Ryan muttered thanks, and then stuffed the sordid underpants into his backpack.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me," said Luke, "Did you go to the dunnies and flog yourself after math class today?"

Ryan was taken aback.

Ensuing a short pause Luke continued, "I reckon you did, cause you disappeared real quick after class and then you were gone for most of lunch. I also reckon you had a boner when you left Mr. Dawes class."

Still no response.

"Well, didja," Luke persisted.

Ryan just turned to look at Luke, smiled shrewdly but admitting nothing.

Realising that he wasn't going to get anywhere, Luke dropped his interrogation. Nonetheless, he remained convinced that he was right.

As he pulled up his pants and fastened them, Luke became aware of a new sensation. His prick was floundering unconstrained in his pants, the coarse material creating friction against his exposed cockhead. Mmm, could be fun, he contemplated

Soon both boys were dressed, when Luke commented, "Wow man, your totally covered in cum. How are you going to get that past your mum?"

"I hope it'll have dried by the time I get back," replied Ryan lamely, other than that he had no good answer.

Luke started to flick open the blinds when he exclaimed, "Holy fuckin shit! Do you know where we are man?"

It was a rhetorical question to which both boys knew the answer.

"Oh fuckin Jesus," moaned Ryan as the reality of their situation hit him.

They had ended up on the outskirts of Sydney, at least half an hour from where they wanted to be.

Luke, taking control of the situation said, "Next major station and were outa here. We'll catch a `limited stops' back and then change to one that stops at our station's."

Automatically, Luke had reached for his smokes and was soon puffing away. He offered a drag to Ryan, who shook his head and mumbled, "not now dude, but ta anyway."

Approximately twenty minutes later the boys were sitting in silence in a near empty carriage as they made their way back in the direction of the city.


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