Ryans Love

By Justin's Boy

Published on Dec 3, 2001


****This story is completely fictional. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the real Ryan Phillippe or about any of the other people mentioned. Nor is it meant to be representative of the relationship of the real Ryan and Reese.

***Well, it's been nearly two years since I gave Ryan and Seth their happily ever after. Am I crazy to try and come back to them now? Maybe. Sometimes, you really can't go home again. We'll see if that proves to be the case with Ryan's Love. I've been toying with the idea of a Holiday update of the guys for some time now. I almost did it last year, but changed my mind at the last minute. Now, tis the Season again and I find myself wanting to check in on the guys! This will be a brief visit, just a few short chapters set at Christmas. I hope there will be some people out there who will enjoy stepping back into Ryan and Seth's love for a moment or two and catching up on their lives, and their friends lives. :)

I was walking down a street, in the half light that existed briefly in winter evenings before it became truly dark. There were lighted shop windows on both sides of the street and the sounds of talking and laughter pouring out of them. Shoppers, going about their business, rushing to finish up so they could get home before it got too late, to get home to their dinners and their families.

There was something cozy and warm about the street. Something old fashioned. Cobblestones. Hand carved wooden shop signs. Victorian, almost. Only, not real Victoria. Not the slums and poverty that actually existed in that time, but rather the rosy picture painted afterwards of a bygone time. The false image.

Yet, the street wasn't where the feeling came from. It was something else. Something nearby. Something I could feel and not see. I turned slowly in a circle. Despite the voices coming from the shops, I was completely alone in the street. But... there was someone. I could feel someone. I could feel him.

Ryan. One of the voices, behind one of the windows? No. Closer. He was...

"Behind you!" Ryan's breath was hot on the side of my face as he wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled me close. I could feel the heat of his body pressing against mine and I leaned into him and closed my eyes, my body tingling with a sense of happiness, of rightness. This was the only thing that could ever be right, being held in his arms.

"I knew you were here. I could feel you," I murmured.

"Do you want to go now?"

"Where?" I asked, opening my eyes again, a feeling of fear in my stomach. The street was gone. We were sitting together on the foot of our bed, facing each other.

"You know we can't stay here, Seth," Ryan's eyes took on a sad look and I felt despair rush through me.

"Yes we can! Ryan, we can. Forever. It doesn't matter, not when we're together!" I could hear the fear in my voice and I knew Ryan could, too.

"Seth...." Ryan shook his head, his eyes tearing up. "Why won't you come with me, Seth? Seth? Seth! C'mon. Hey. Time to get up!"

I opened my eyes and sat up with a jolt, nearly knocking Ryan off the edge of the bed where he sat, one hand on my shoulder.

"Whoa! You okay?" Ryan touched my face, his fingers cool against my cheek.

"I... huh?" My mind was still cloudy from sleep. The last image of Ryan from my dream, looking so sad and hurt, crying, was the only thing vivid and real in my mind for a few seconds after waking.

"Bad dream? You don't usually jump like that when you wake up," Ryan's voice was soft and concerned and it fully woke me up. My eyes focused on his face, on those crystal blue eyes so filled with love. Love for me. There was no sadness, no hurt. Definitely no tears. It was just a dream.

"Yeah, I guess it was a bad dream," I said, shaking my head to rid myself of the images. "But waking up to you makes up for it."

"Oh, someone is fishing for a kiss this morning," Ryan grinned.

"A kiss? Ha! I'm fishing for much more than that, Mr.. Phillippe," I growled softly as I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him towards me, our mouths and tongues meeting. I slipped a hand up inside his shirt, running my fingers up his smooth stomach to softly pinch his nipple between my fingers.

"Man, you should wake up in this mood more often! All it takes is a bad dream, huh? I say from now on we watch horror movies before bed!" Ryan smiled when we pulled apart, his voice breathless from the kiss.

"Anything but I Know What You Did Last Summer," I said, resting my forehead against his and looking into his eyes. "You know how I feel about seeing you die!"

"Yeah, but you love the locker room scene!" Ryan laughed, his eyes sparkling.

"True. But why do I need to see that when I've got the real thing?" I asked, reaching down and gently squeezing the bulge I'd noticed growing in the front of his slacks.

Ryan moaned and closed his eyes. "You drive me crazy."

"Even after all this time?" I asked, stroking him through the layers of material.

"Always," Ryan half whispered and half moaned.

"Why are you dressed already?" I asked as I began to unbutton the slacks he was wearing. "It's too early for clothes."

"If I had my way, I'd never wear anything around you! We'd just stay naked all day long and play," Ryan said.

"What would the neighbors think??" I asked with mock horror as I pulled down his zipper and slipped my hand inside and began to rub his dick with only the thin silk layer of his boxer shorts between our flesh.

Ryan made a soft whimpering sound at the touch and then opened his eyes to smile at me. "They'll be too busy getting rich taking pictures for the tabloids to think much of anything."

"Let's give them something really juicy then," I said, kissing his lips softly and then running my tongue gently across them and down his chin, where I began to kiss his throat.

"Seth...." Ryan groaned. "We have to stop."

"Why? You're not shooting today. I'm not going in. Let's stay in bed all day," I whispered, my hand moving inside his boxers to stroke his stiff cock.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Ryan asked, the last word rising a bit as he fought back a moan.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure this is how it works. First I get you hard, then I-"

"Seth! You know what I mean," Ryan laughed. "And if you don't stop that, I'm going to have to change my pants!"

"Or you could go naked," I suggested as I tugged on the top of his slacks with my free hand, trying to pull them off of him.

"Yeah, that would look good, considering we're going to have a house full of people in a few hours!" Ryan laughed.

"Hmmm. Good point. I don't want a bunch of people staring at my guy. More than they normally do, I mean."

"Then you'd better stop that and get in the shower!" Ryan smiled grabbing my wrist and pulling at my hand.

"Come shower with me?" I asked.

"I've already showered. Besides, if we got in there together, we wouldn't even make it to our own Christmas party! And what would our friends think then?"

"That we had an incredible sex life and couldn't get enough of each other?" I smiled, not releasing my hold on him despite his attempt to get me to stop.

"Seth, come on. You're driving me crazy! We don't have time. You and Reese are the ones who had to have this party, remember? Now you've got to pay the price. No nookie until after the party!" Ryan grinned in that wicked way of his.

"Awwww. That's no fair!" I groaned as Ryan pulled away from me and stood up, trying to arrange the bulge in his pants.

"Hey, I said 'Let's just have a quiet family Christmas.' Remember? You and Reese out voted me. You wanted the big party with all our friends and the Christmas music and the egg nog and the whole festive package," Ryan reminded me, a smile on his face. He was clearly enjoying my pouting.

"Right now, that's not the package i'm interested in!" I said, earning a laugh and a quick kiss on the lips from Ryan.

"Hit the showers. You can open this particular package after the party," he said, gesturing to the front of his slacks.

"Promises, promises. I'd better make it a cold shower, then," I sighed like a martyr.

"And you'd better make it a quick one, too. Reese is on the war path. Everything has to be perfect for today," Ryan rolled his eyes, but it was clear from the smile playing around his lips that he was in a wonderful mood and looking forward to the party.

"Okay. Listen, could I just get a little taste of what's to come? Sort of a Ghost of Christmas Future type thing?" I asked, reaching out for him.

"Hmmm. I guess we can arrange that," Ryan smiled and moved forward, pulling me into a tight embrace, his tongue sliding between my lips and dancing around my mouth as his hands moved down to squeeze my ass, grinding his crotch into mine.

"I must have been a really good boy this year," I smiled as we pulled apart. Ryan laughed and swatted me playfully on the butt.

"Shower! We've got a party to get ready for. And then tonight, I'll show you the true meaning of Christmas," Ryan winked as he made his exit from our bedroom.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I stripped out of the boxer briefs I'd slept in and headed for the bathroom door. I flipped on the CD player we kept in the bathroom and turned on the shower.

The water was hot and felt incredible against my skin and as I began to sing along with Bing Crosby as he dreamed of that perfect white Christmas, I felt a sense of contentment and peace.

Dreams were silly, unimportant things. What did it matter that I'd been having a few bad ones recently? It meant nothing. Everything was perfect with Ryan and I. Just perfect.

******Write to justins_boy@hotmail.com to let me know if I should have left the guys alone or if you liked it! :)

Next: Chapter 21

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