Ryans Intentions

By Boogie Boy

Published on Oct 17, 2022


*This story is fictional and isn't meant to imply that Ryan Phillippe is gay. If you are too young to read this, or if this material offends you, please leave. If not, read on and I hope you enjoy the story (it's fictional- I'm not even in my own country)!

*This is the first of this type of story I have written. My physical description is accurate. Any comments and suggestions, please send them to: boy_boogie@hotmail.com

*By the way, this story isn't just a quickie sex story. It's romance, and a lot of the stuff that occurs or is described now, may seem confusing but it will explained later in the series.


I opened my eyes, and looked into the solid blue eyes on the shadowy figure of the man, with his arm caressing my upper torso, slowly, and carefully, before a finger trailed down to my navel, where it began to circle. I closed my eyes and moaned. He moved closer to me, his face towards mine. I arched my head back, as he began to kiss my neck, passionately, before biting it slightly, working on giving me a hickey. My neck was my weakness. The slightest touch and I would become victim to my lust. The feeling of ecstasy soon followed through the rest of my body, as I then saw light released from my body. A beam exited my stomach, another from my right arm, and others from all over my body. It was just abut light enough to see who I was with, but I woke up.

I looked around. I was not in my apartment. I then remembered that I was aboard the cruise ship Grandia. I layed back in the comfortable and large bed and thought about the recurring dream. I had know I was gay for about six months now, but I've never been with a man before. The past six months have been the worst of my life. I tried to forget about my worries and get back to sleep, but I couldn't. I put on a robe and walked outside my room, down the long hall, and entered the dining hall. I walked over to the stage area, and stepped behind it, slowly making my way to the dimly lit grand piano.

It was about half past one in the morning. I had boarded the cruise about six hours ago. I didn't care about the time though. I lifted up the lid, revealing the keys. So it was late - I was only going to give it a little play, with a quiet song anyway. I decided to play Moonlight Sonata, a piece which meant a lot to me. I was not very confident about it, but I knew I had to. I began to play, quietly and slowly. So far, so good. No memory lapses yet. I only knew the first movement, and had passed about the halfway mark, when I just forgot the notes. My hands froze, I couldn't remember what to play, or how the rest of the song went. A tear rolled down my cheek, as I began to whimper, quietly. I have to do this. Maybe not now, but I will have to, I thought to myself, before I began to cry with more force. I was interrupted by the concerned voice of a young man.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I sat still, surprised by the voice. I looked at the piano, hoping to see a reflection, but there was barely enough light for me to see the keys. Slowly, I turned around and saw the dark figure which stood before me. I attempted to stop my crying and answer him.

"Yeah, I'm okay, it's just this song is so sad." I replied lying, although I did not sound very convincing.

"It is sad." He said agreeing, "You played it so beautifully."

"Thanks. I better get going now, it is the middle of the night, and I should get some sleep."

"Please don't. I'm sorry if I bothered you, I just wanted to hear the rest of the piece, but you stopped and began crying. Why?" he asked, with sincerity.

"It's-" I tried to tell him, but I couldn't, "It's just that things are difficult for me at the moment. I had to get away, and the song reminded me of what I left behind."

What I told him wasn't far from the truth. How could I tell someone I didn't even know? As if he would really be bothered anyway. I didn't look at the man.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. I'm not a charity case. I should get going now anyway. Sorry for waking you."

I responded quickly and moved out of the hall, back down to the hall and into my room. I thought about the conversation that had just occurred and pictured the man I was speaking with. I only saw his face briefly, but I felt as if I had seen it before. I tried to forget about it and to sleep. I'm on a cruise, for twenty nine days, just ignore everything that has been, and try to have fun on this cruise! I thought to myself. Yes, tomorrow, I'm going to forget `before'. My new life starts on this cruise. Tomorrow.


The sun crept in through the window to the left of the bed. Obviously, the curtains did not keep out much light. Sluggishly, I rolled over and before I knew it - THUMP! I fell on the floor. What a great start to the day', I thought to myself. I got up and there was enough light for me to finally take good notice of the room I was in. The walls were painted in a faint peach cream colour, with the bed beside a window looking out the right side of the ship. Is it port or bow?' I could never remember. The king-sized bed itself, had huge wooden posts at the corners which rose and curtains were at the top, which could be pulled down for privacy. To the right of the bed was the nicely furnished bathroom, with the toilet, shower, and large spa. A mirror above the sink was in the centre of it and there was another mirror beside the entrance to the lounge room.

There was a large wardrobe in front of the bed, against the wall, just to the left of the doorway. I walked into the lounge and noticed the walls and ceiling were the same colour, and a classy light hung from the ceiling. There were a couple of bookshelves and wooden cabinets, one large entertainment unit with a TV, VCR, Nintendo 64, and video box. This was opposite the three large leather couches. I sat on the couch. To the right of it was the entrance, to the left, the bedroom, and behind it was the small kitchen with mini-fridge and table. `Wow, first class really is great!' I thought, smiling. I looked at the clock on the wall. Eight thirty.

I went to the bathroom. I took off my boxers and turned on the hot water. I stepped into the shower, washed myself up with shower gel, then washed my hair, before I turned off the water and stepped out. I was in there for ten minutes. I usually just stand there for about twenty!

Before I reached for a towel, I looked at myself in the mirror. My very short dark blonde hair was dark and damp on my head. My brown eyes are large, and looked at me inquisitively. I had a good build, with defined chest and abdominal muscles, but I was a bit short (about 5'9) and not very big. I had muscles, but was slightly thinner than thicker, although not lanky. I did not have a hairy body, just blonde hairs on my legs, arms, and a small faint snail trail beneath my navel. I smiled. I thought I was attractive, but I was really admiring my nose. It was so perfect for my face. Hey, I'm smiling, that's a change!' I thought cheerily as I reached for the towel. I grabbed the towel and stopped. I heard a knock at the door. I tied the towel around my waist and walked to the door. Who could that be? Room service?' I opened the door, and to my surprise, a handsome man was standing there, holding my - "Is this your robe?" he asked me, holding it with both hands and twirling it around. Forget handsome, this man was sexy.

"Yes it is," I replied surprised, "I didn't even realise I had lost it!"

"It was beside the piano stool. You left it there last night."

`This is who it was?' I grabbed the robe off him and thanked him again.

"Thank you, um"


"Thank you Ryan."

"No problem--"


"No probs Justin. Hey, later on I was going to go to the pool on our deck. Do you wanna come with me?" `What a cute smile!'

"Sure, I'd like to." I replied smiling.

"Hey, you have an accent. Is it `Aussie'?" He asked me, weakly imitating my speech.

"Yes, I'm Australian, but I think everyone else has the `accent'!" I joked.

"Cool. I'll come back here in half an hour then." he exclaimed happily.

"Okay, I'll see you then." I said happily and closed the door.

Questions ran through my mind. How did he find my room? Did he follow me last night or knock on all the doors this morning? What does he think of me for crying during the playing last night? Where had I seen him before?' I dropped the robe onto the couch, and noticed my hard-on. Shit, did he see that?' I wondered, hoping he didn't. I dried myself off and went back into the bedroom, picking out a pair of bathers from the ten I brought. I decided on my bright red board shorts. I put them on, and some beach thongs too. I put on my sun glasses, and got a towel. Well, I look slick with these sunnies', I thought. I heard a knock on the door. I yelled "Come in." and he did, wearing black board shorts with thongs and a towel. What a beautiful body', I thought to myself, hoping I wasn't drooling!

"G'day mate!" Ryan said. I laughed.

"Well, it looks like you are picking up some of my accent!" I smirked.

"Slick glasses." Ryan complimented.

"Thanks." I said, beginning to blush. I hope he didn't notice.

"So where is the pool?"

"This way" he gestured, as I closed the door to my room. We talked to the end of the hall, and turned outside.

"So are you on this cruise for the whole trip to and back?" Ryan asked me.

"No, I'm getting off at Bali. Are you going back to LA?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that's where I work." Ryan answered.

"Really? What do you do?"

"I'm an actor."

"No kidding?! Wow! Have you been in any big movies?" I asked, thinking I must have seen him in one.

"I've been in a couple. One was 54, and another Cruel Intentions'."

"Holy moly! I've seen the preview for both those movies. That's you? Aren't you engaged to the blonde woman in Cruel Intentions?" I asked, hoping I wasn't sounding too excited.

"Yup." He replied rather grimly. I thought I shouldn't talk about that.

"I thought I had seen you somewhere before. You know, for a celebrity, you are pretty down-to-earth. I mean, you brought my robe back and complimented my playing!" I said, feeling myself blush a little. I'm like a magnet that seems to attract blushing.

"Thank you." Said Ryan blushing a bit also. "So why did you stop playing last night?"

I avoided answering the question.

"Wow, that is a large pool down there."

"Um, yeah, it is." He agreed.

I looked around and noticed the many people, a majority of them about thirty or older, lying around on the back chairs, towels, and even floating in the pool.

"There is a free space." Ryan exclaimed as he pointed to a table and umbrella.

We walked down the steps and plonked our stuff onto the table and I placed a towel down onto the ground, about two metres away from the edge of the pool. I then sat on it. It was a beautifully sunny day, and I just realised that I should put on some sunscreen. But I didn't bring any.

"Hey Ryan, do you have any sunscreen?" I asked.

"Sure." he said, pulling some out of his little back pack. I held out my hand, and enough sunscreen came out. After I rubbed it over my legs, arms, stomach and face, I realises I didn't have any left for my back.

"Um, Ryan, could you put some on my back?" I carefully asked, unsure of his response. He seemed slightly surprised, but he nodded.

I turned away from him as he put some sunscreen on his hand, and began to spread it over my back. I tried to stop myself from smiling too much, but it felt so good, the way his hands seemed to glide over my body, gently while rubbing in the lotion and circling up and down. After my pleasure had ceased, I turned around, gesturing him to rub my chest.

"You can reach that yourself, can't you?" He asked, humorously. Boy, was I embarrassed!

"Just kidding." I lied.

"Well, I can't exactly reach my back, so could you rub it for me?"

"Sure." I said.

I put some sunscreen on my hands as he turned around. I placed my hands on the centre of his back, then spread them out to each side, making wing-like smudges. `His body is so solid, so muscular, so--so perfect', I thought to myself. Then I realised I had been circling the same spot with my right hand. I continued to rub into his back, gradually with more force.

I was really getting turned on and looked down before I was surprised by my raging hard-on!! `Shit!'

"Okay, I rubbed your sun stick good." Ryan turned, with a `What?!' expression on his face.

"Er, I mean you're stick rubbed in the cream. No, wait, I mean the sunscreen in rubbed!" I can be a complete klutz at times, and this was certainly one of them. Ryan looked at me with an amused yet confused expression on his face.

"Well, I'm going to hop in the pool now." I stated, hoping he wouldn't see my hard on.

I got up, and literally began hopping on my right leg until I turned and saw Ryan laugh as he pushed me into the pool! The water was cold and for a moment I froze, but I then quickly adapted to it. I then surfaced! I looked at Ryan smirking.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Just felt like it!" he replied smugly.

"Well, can you help me out then?" I asked, innocently.

"Sure." He replied, reaching for my hand.

He then realised as he grabbed my hand, what I was going to do. I pulled back and Ryan fell into the water, on top of me. I laughed under the water as we both wiggled our bodies out, trying to surface, and I was sure that I felt his hand brush my cock. We surfaced, and looked at each other, laughing.

"Hey, no fair!" Ryan exclaimed.

"All's fair in love and war!" I teased, suddenly realising it would have been better not to say that.

"You're accent is so cool. So adorable. It's so cute!" Ryan complimented.

"Thanks, but your American accent is pretty grouse too!" I replied, trying to return the compliment.

"So where in Australia are you from? Melbourne? Sydney?"

"I'm from Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. Anyway, you pronounced the names wrong! It's Melbourne. Not Melbourne. And Sydney, well, I'll just let it slide." I teased.

I admired Ryan's beautiful body and damp hair. His eyes sparkled excitedly. I began to slowly move back as he tried to splash me. I splashed back at him a couple of times, but he really kept up splashing at me.

"Look, so you are a celebrity. It doesn't mean you have to pick on us foreign, poor, sweet little Australian musicians!"

Ryan nodded his head, smiling in such a cute and innocent manner.

"Oh, okay then.. I see the sense in that!" I replied sarcastically. Ryan wasn't getting any closer to me, so he dived under the water and headed towards me, while I kept walking backwards.

"Oh God! Jaws is attacking!" I cried in my corniest voice.

He inched closer and closer until I reached the other side of the pool and couldn't head back any more. Ryan then surfaced. As he did, I could swear he intentionally brushed my cock again!. I brought my hands up to the edge of the pool. He stood up and looked into my eyes. The water was up to my neck, and just lapping up to Ryan's shoulders. His beautiful blue eyes stared intently into mine. I tried to move back as much as I could, but I couldn't. I looked into his eyes, and knew what was going to happen. A shy and sly smirk appeared on his face. I blushed. He grabbed my submerged arms, and held them.

"Well, usually, being a celebrity doesn't allow you to do this, but.."

A look of shock spread my face as he closed his eyes, leaned in, and kissed me. I closed my eyes before his lips met mine. They briefly remained stationary, before slowly moving. He kissed me with such care, and I kissed him back with all my passionate might. An electric bolt ran through my body. I freed my arms from his grasp and moved them around his to his sides. This movement caused me to slip and fall in the water, splashing water all over Ryan's face, and also ruining the moment. God, I can be a klutz at the worst times.

To be continued...

Believe me, it will get better! There might be a delay of about 1.5 to 2 weeks for the next part, but I will promise you it will be worth it. Anyway, any negative or positive comments, please send them to: boy_boogie@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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