Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jun 23, 2023


Over the following months, as our high school days waned toward graduation, Rick and I continued to fuck on a fairly regular basis. He still carried his self-imposed hangup about the "gayness" of his actions, but they only surfaced in the afterglow of his fucking me, and, hangup or not, he finally did give up trying to resist his desire to fuck me, and just let it happen.

I had loved him as a brother for a very long time, and now that our relationship had grown to what it currently was, I knew that I could, wanted to, love him as a lover, a life partner, if he would only let me. But alas, that was not going to be, given his insistence that he was straight, and determined to one day be a husband, and father. His frequent tangles with his father continued to escalate, and his presence in my bedroom as an escape became a pretty regular event which nearly always culminated in sex, so I had pretty much come to actually look forward to their battles so that Rick would show up, and take his frustrations out on me in my bed.

Jason's fourteen year old brother Eric had become a fairly regular visitor as well, and while my interest in him was purely sexual, and nothing on a level with my feelings for Rick, he was cute as hell, and he was fun, and he had a really cute cock that I loved to play with, and suck. He was typical of his age, constantly horny, and looking for new adventure, and I suppose it was inevitable that one day he would end up fucking me, as well.

I was actually thinking of just that right now, as I lay stretched out next to Eric on my bed, idly fondling his cute little penis, and balls, as he basked in the afterglow of the blow job I had just administered. As I stroked his mostly soft penis, I began wondering if he had an interest in putting it in me, and I wondered how it might feel if he did. I leaned closer to him, and lapped my tongue over the smooth head of his cock, and let my hand slide between his legs to cup his plump scrotum, and fondle his balls as I licked him like an ice cream cone. Being barely fourteen, he of course reacted to this renewed attention in the predictable fashion, his cute boyhood rapidly re-inflating as I toyed with it. Once fully hard, I sucked it a bit, and licked his balls, taking each orb between my lips to suckle it gently, while he mewed happily. I slid the rigid staff out of my mouth, and gripped its base, as I looked up at him, and said,

"Damn, little dude....you have such a cute dick...I love it...and love to play with it, and suck it....and taste your cum...and, you know....it really is just about the perfect dick for fucking, too....you ever stuck it in anybody?"

Eric giggled, his head shaking in the negative, as he replied,

"Not actually, no....but I'm thinking I'd really like to some time....check it out, you know...?.....see what that's like."

I smiled, and said quietly,

"Cool....you, um.....wanna try it with me....now...?"

His wide grin provided all the answer I needed to the question, so I nodded, and reached over to the night stand, and fished out the k-y. I squirted a big glob in my palm, and once more gripped Eric's pretty cock, working my hand up and down it, coating it with the slick gel, as he shuddered, and groaned. Once his erection was glistening with the lube, I squirted some more on my fingers, and reached back to grease up my hole, then, swung one leg over his torso, and straddled his middle. He looked up at me, his eyes going wide, as I reach down and gripped his erection, and lined up the head with my ass, and started to slowly lower myself onto his rigid cock.

"Holy shit!" he barked, as the head of his cock slid past my tight ring, and eased into me about an inch. I paused, running my hands over his satin smooth chest, and nipples, as I slid down, taking another inch or so if his hardness into my ass.

I smiled, and winked at him, easing lower still, and asked,

"Nice...?....you like that...?"

His head bobbed rapidly on the pillow, as his hips thrust upward, driving the rest of his rampant boyhood deeply into my bowels, and I shuddered with the suddenness of the invasion. Pressing firmly down on his chest with my hands, I told him,

"Whoa there, stud....easy....just chill, and let me do the work, ok...?"

He froze, and expression of concern painting over his cute young face, and I slowly rose up, sliding my clutching rectum up the length of his cock until just the head remained inside. I paused, then, sank back down on him, my nerve endings exploding in pleasure as the familiar feeing of fullness washed over me. My own cock was hard as granite, and after a few more ups and downs, I picked up his hand, and moved it to my throbbing erection. He gripped my shaft, and stroked it, matching his rhythm to my up and down movements as I rode his cock, and small white lights began to swim around my eyes.

"Oh man, Ryan....wow....this feels freeking awesome...!" He chirped, his face flush with tension as I continued to glide up and down on his rigid boyhood, gaining speed, as my own orgasm began churning deep in my balls.

"No shit.....awesome is right....you fit me perfect, dude....really fucking good...!" I responded.

We got into it seriously then, no more talking, with only the sounds of our feverish coupling filling the room. I tightened my anal muscles, milking his pulsing erection, as I rode him faster, and reached a hand behind me to grope his balls, my ass tightly clamped on his very hard cock.

What began as a tightness, and small burning sensation in my balls quickly escalated into a full out orgasm, as my pent up load suddenly began its rush through the length of my cock, and erupted, spewing long, thick ropes of my cum into the air, then landing, as the sticky stuff painted long streaks over Eric's smooth chest and stomach. His slender fingers flew over my spitting cock, milking every single spurt of my stuff from my exploding balls, and as my spewing slowed to dribbles, he all but shouted,

"Aw, fuuuuuuck.....gonna......cumm.....!"

I felt his cock spasm strongly in my tight grip, and I stopped moving, using only my ass muscles to grip, and relax, on his shooting cock, as he emptied his second load of the afternoon deep inside my bowels in rapid-fire jets, as I savored the feel of each strong ejaculation, until he was drained once again, and settled back on the bed, panting like a sprint runner.

I rose up then, and his wilting cock slipped out of my hole with an audible "pop," and I felt his copious ejaculate ooze from my gaping hole, as I stretched out next to him. Propping my head on my hand, I grinned into his cute face, and asked,

"So stud.....how was that...?"

He grinned like the proverbial cat, his head nodding rapidly, as he replied,

"Awesome.....freeking rocked, big time....the best, for sure!"

I chuckled, nodding my agreement, and teased,

"So.....does this mean that I got your cherry, little boy....?.....are you always gonna remember me as your "first"...?

He blushed sweetly, nodding some more, as he squeaked,

"Yea, huh.....guess so....cool....totally cool....!"

Eric and I cuddled and fooled around a bit more, then, shared a mostly hygienic shower, which didn't really start another serious round, but was fun none the less, then, he got dressed, and headed for home, much wiser in the ways of the bedroom than when he had arrived a couple of hours ago. I pulled on some shorts, and a shirt, and headed off to join the `rents for dinner. Sucking, and fucking, a fourteen year old boy creates a killer appetite!

Later, following a delicious dinner, and some pleasant conversation with my parents, I was back in my corner of the house, kicked back on my bed, and contemplating my earlier romp with young Eric, and once again thinking about Rick and me, too, when my cell phone chirped to life. I answered, seeing Rick's number lit up in the caller ID, and he asked if it was cool for him to come over, and again spend the night. Apparently he and his old man had been at it again, and Rick, as usual, was needing to escape the situation before it got totally ugly. I told him of course, and hung up the phone, heading to the back porch to await his arrival.

In a few minutes he showed, and we exchanged a small hug in the near darkness of the back porch, and he gushed on, thanking me for again bailing him out of home, as usual, then, he totally stunned me, as he said, very seriously,

"Ain't gonna happen ever again, dude.....I fixed it for sure, this time....fixed it, like, once and forever!"

I looked at him, an uneasy feeling creeping over me, as I noted the intensity of his expression, and I asked, almost afraid of the answer I might get,

"Dude....what...?....what.....did you....do?"

He smirked slightly, and kind of hunched his shoulders, as he made an attempt to stand taller, or straighter, something, as he inhaled a big breath, and told me,

"Fixed that shit, dude....no more freeking old man to deal with....none of that shit....all fixed....dude....I....I.....oh shit...so I freeking joined the Marine Corps, ok....?"

The breath seemed to just fly of me, as I tried to fathom what he had just said, and I know my chin was no doubt on my chest, as I just stood there, incredulous, staring at him for maybe a full minute. Finally, I sucked in some air, and said,

"You....did what...??

He nodded, the intense expression still firm on his handsome face, and he repeated the horrible words again,

"I joined the Marines....semper-fi, dude... I am so fucking outa here....no old man...no drunk beefs....gone....fucking-A gone...!"

Still in shock, I stammered,

"No way....dude....you got college...all that...you can't go in the service...what the fuck...?"

He snorted, shaking his head, as he replied,

"Yea, right.....college....like my old man has that kind of money....even if he did....damn sure not spending it on me....he freeking hates me, dude...!"

My head was still spinning as I struggled to digest all this, and I grabbed his arm, and tugged him toward the house, needing to get to my room, so we could talk this through, and, find some way to undo what he had apparently done! Once in my room, he elaborated, telling me that it suddenly occurred to him that joining the military was his ticket out, an opportunity to get away from his father, and the tedious home life they led, and his best chance at ever getting to college, after his tour. I listened, still not quite believing what I was hearing, and when he finally stopped talking, I shook my head, and said,

"Rick....dude....that is, like, so fucked.....I didn't think they would even sign you up until you were eighteen.....and you're not, yet...and still in high school....what the fuck...?"

He chuckled, then replied,

"They will, if you have a parent sign off on the enlistment forms....and, let me tell you, dude....my old man couldn't write his freeking name fast enough when I showed it to him, the prick!"

I shook my head again, a feeling of hopelessness washing over me, as I let it sink in that he was serious.....he had actually enlisted! I looked at him, sighed, and said,

"So, there must be, like, a cool-down period...something...to let you change your mind, right...?...it's not like this is a done deal....we can undo this, right....my Dad could probably help, even....?"

He shook his head, then, moved to stand in front of me, and put his strong arms around me, hugging me, as I kind of melted into him. He actually kissed the top of my head, then nuzzled his face into my neck, as he said softly,

"Even if all that were true, Ry, I don't want it undone...I'm going, dude.....want to go....actually, need to go....for a hell of a lot of reasons."

I pulled back slightly, and stared into his sexy eyes, seeing the fierce determination there, a look of solid resolve that he always got when he was determined about something, and I knew he was dead serious, and determined about this. I sighed, and asked,

"Rick....shoot straight with me here....how much of this madness is on account of me...us...the "gay" thing....aw, shit....you know what I'm asking....?"

He looked straight into my eyes, his strong arms still holding me, and answered,

"Ryan....dude....you are, like, my best bud in the whole freeking world...bar none...you know that...hell, I even love you....and yea, I guess the "gay" thing might be some part of it, to be truthful....but shit...you never actually held a gun to my head, or anything....so the shit we been doing is stuff we both got into, so don't go thinking me joining up is, like, your fault, or something, ok?"

I just stared back at him, my body leaning into his taut, strong frame, and realized that what we had was over...finished...history...and, that the person I cared most for in the world was actually going to leave me...go away, God knows where, and for how long....shit...and I was going to lose him forever....damn, damn, damn....and I felt it coming then, suddenly feeling like some dopey school girl, as the tears just welled up in my eyes, and overflowed, long streams of the stuff running down my cheeks, and dripping onto my chest.

"Rick...oh shit, Rick....fuck, fuck, fuck....!" I wailed, blabbering like a baby, as I buried my face into his chest, my arms clinging to his body as if I could stop him, simply by clinging to him, as I blubbered against his chest.

He held me, saying nothing, for several minutes, letting me cry it out, and begrudgingly accept what was happening to my little world, and as my crying jag subsided, I was suddenly filled with desire for him, a need that grew suddenly to a near hunger for him to hold me, and touch me, and fuck me, until I was a part of him, could be with him always, so that he couldn't leave me here, alone, and without him. I relaxed my death grip on his body, and looked directly into his eyes, as I felt my cock grow hard, and press wantonly against his crotch, as I tried for, and nearly made it, a smile, as I shamelessly said,

"Fuck me, Rick....right now...hard, and long...enough to last forever....please...?"

He stared into my eyes for a minute, then, gave a slight nod, and kissed me, giving me what may well have been the most intense kiss he had ever given me, and I shuddered with lust for him, feeling his tongue invade my mouth where I hungrily sucked it, much as I was very soon going to suck his beautiful cock, until he was filled with a need equal to my own...a need to fuck me...own me...even if it was going to be for the last time ever!

Somehow, we ended up naked on my bed, going at each other as if it was the very last day of life as we knew it, our hands, and mouths all over each others body, kissing, and licking every crease and crevice, sucking, and fingering any nearby orifice, and when he finally rolled me onto my back I was on fire, feeling a lust, and a passion like I had never known before, or since. He parted my legs, and slid in between them, gripping his turgid cock, and centering the thick, angry looking head on my hungry pucker. I lifted, and bent my legs, opening myself to him as fully as possible, and I groaned, long and deep, as I savored the overwhelming sensation of him penetrating me, one last time.

Rick fucked me that night, showing an animal lust that I had never seen in him before that moment, and I all but passed out from the sheer elegance of that fuck, his thick cock sliding in and out of me, taking me places previously unknown, and, when it finally ended in our mutual, stunning orgasms, I gave in to the blackness that overcame me, and allowed myself to slide into the rabbit hole of unconsciousness, completely overcome with a mixture of pure joy, and abject grief.

Throughout that long night, and the few that followed, before Rick left for boot camp, he would demonstrate that same passion each time he fucked me, and I will be forever grateful to him for giving me himself that way, for allowing me the joy of possessing all that he had to give, before he took it all away for the last time. It was, after all, the swan song of his own "gay" impulses, and that he had shared that with me was a gift of ultimate value.

I stood there at the bus stop in front of the Armory in the dim, just breaking, light of the dawn, and watched the tail lights of the Marine Corp bus fade into the distance, carrying my one true love in its core, and I fought off the tears that threatened, and smiled, as I let the entire Ryan and Rick video play out in my mind. As the bus rounded a corner, and disappeared from sight, I nodded, and told myself that yup, I had done exactly the right thing, way back then, when I finally had given in to Ryan's Impulse.

The End Storyguy22@yahoo.com

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