Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on May 31, 2023


By the third day the boys had spent at the beach condo, Rick's attitude had definitely adjusted for the better, and he was obviously happier, and more relaxed, than Ryan had seen him in some time. Part of the reason for the transformation back to his old self, Ryan understood, was simply the separation from his father, and the tension that constantly swirled around that relationship, but, he also like to think it was at least partly due to the relaxed, and certainly satisfying sex that the two had been sharing on a frequent basis since their arrival at the beach.

Ryan reflected back on that first evening they had spent at the condo, and the long talk the two had had as they soaked in the warm, frothy waters of the hot tub following a very intense exchange of blow jobs. Rick had finally opened up some, even reluctantly admitting that he enjoyed Ryan sucking his dick, and, that while he would probably never define himself as gay, he did find playing with Ryan's cock, and even sucking it occasionally, exciting, and pleasurable, as well. He was careful to point out that it was not something that would ever deter him from his relentless pursuit of finding some willing young ladies to spread their legs for him, but, when that commodity was lacking, he would happily acquiesce to Ryan's desire to please him, and relieve his tension. That pretty much worked for Ryan, and he had told Rick as much, adding that should the mood ever strike him, he would gladly spread his own legs for his special friend. Rick had looked at him strangely as he absorbed the comment, but had made no real reply, and the conversation had wandered after that. Ryan did, however, take great solace when at bedtime, Rick had simply slid into one side of the king sized bed, while Ryan occupied the other, both of them sleeping naked, and side by side, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Just the feel of his friend's naked body, and the scents of him, were enough to send Ryan into fitful slumber, frequently with a very hard cock between his legs.

On this morning, their fourth at the beach, the boy's decided to put a small dent in Ryan's Dad's gold card by going out to breakfast at a posh beachfront café located at the end of the municipal pier in the middle of town. They secured the condo, and drove into town, and found a parking spot close to the pier. They walked the length of the pier, relishing in the warm and cloudless morning, then, entered the café, and secured a table next to a window that afforded great views of the surf, and white sand beach. The hostess left them with menu's, saying that their server would be right along, and departed, as the boys began perusing the menu's. Both of them looked up in surprise, as they heard,

"Oh, cool...wow...what are you two doing here...?"

Peering over the top's of the menu's, Ryan, and Rick both blinked in surprise, as they realized the question had come from none other than Angie, Rick's oft sought, and equally as oft failed, conquest from school, and home, the very same Angie who had shown Rick the private little cove at the lake that had been the scene of Ryan, and Rick's first sexual adventure. Oh, and also the very same Angie who, thus far, had been relentlessly devoted to maintaining her virgin status until completing that stroll down the isle while wearing some flowing white gown, not that that small vow held any water for Rick, who never seemed to tire of attempts to fuck her, even though he could be assured of serious blue balls, every time.

"Hey...wow...Angie...what's up, girl?" Chirped Rick, suddenly all movie star smiles, and dripping charm.

Angie fixed them with her own version of movie star smile, and replied,

"I'm working, actually...here, I mean...my uncle and aunt own this place, and since I'm spending a few weeks with them at the beach, they put me to work for the breakfast rush."

Rick laid on more of the killer grin, and charm, and Ryan rolled his eyes, amazed as always at Rick's refusal to give up on bedding this one, regardless of the number of times she had cock-teased him, and ultimately left him hanging. He sighed, as he realized the presence of Ms. Tits was undoubtedly going to raise havoc with his growing sexual adventures with Rick.

"Really...cool...so, you aren't, like, stuck working all day then?" Inquired Rick, his facial expression much like that of a starving dog eyeing a porterhouse steak.

"Nope...just until about 11:00, usually, when the breakfast crowd dies down, and we get reset for lunch, after that, I'm out of here for the day...so, what are you two doing here, to repeat my original question.? asked Angie, practically fawning over Rick's hi-amperage attention.

Rick explained about Ryan's folks condo, and that they were just getting away from home for a while, and kicking back at the really plush condo, and the beach. His description of the place left Angie drooling, and Rick, ever predictable, seized the opportunity to extend an invitation for Angie to come by, and have a swim, or hot tub, or both, whenever, which she promptly accepted, making a date for that very afternoon. Ryan rolled his eyes once more, then, smiled, and ordered breakfast, though his appetite had suffered a serious blow by the appearance of Angie. Fuck it, he decided, chances are good that I will eventually get to finish whatever she starts, anyway.

The delicious meal finished, an event accompanied by several fawning visits by their prick-teaser waitress, Ryan paid the bill, and the boys departed, with Angie promising to stop by the condo after work. They strolled slowly back down the pier, settling the large meal, and then walked along the beach for a while, and finally went back to the car, and drove back to the condo, with Rick effusing hopefully regarding Angie's upcoming visit, and the chance to have her alone in the private hot tub. He implored Ryan to be cool, and be a bud, by joining them for a swim at the complex pool, and then disappearing, once they returned to the condo to use the spa. Ryan rolled his eyes some more, but of course agreed, not even bothering to try to point out the probable end result of such a strategy. When those cute balls of yours are blue to the point of pain, buddy boy, he thought, you know where to find what you really should just stick with in the first place.

As promised, Angie showed up at the condo shortly after one in the afternoon, very alluringly bedecked in a micro-bikini topped with a lacy little beach shawl. As Ryan let his gaze drift over her very feminine curves, and creases, he could almost understand Rick's unflagging desire to jump those very well assembled bones, and tissues, because she truly was a beauty, and built like the proverbial brick house, even he had to admit. She actually gushed over the condo layout, as Ryan conducted a small tour, with Rick all but drooling over her, as he followed like a lost puppy, seizing every small opportunity to touch her, or compliment her.

Ryan produced fresh beach towels from the linen closet, and Angie peeled off the lacy shawl, leaving about eighty percent of her creamy skin displayed where it all but overflowed the tiny bikini, and they headed over to the pool complex. Over the next couple of hours, they swam, and sunned, gabbing about their summers, and various mutual friends from school, and eventually the increasing heat of the afternoon drove them to seek the indoor relief of the condo. Back inside, Rick skillfully suggested a soak in the hot tub, and Ryan dutifully declined, claiming a sun-headache, as he headed off to the master bedroom to have a nap, while the ever hopeful Rick led his prey to the spa on the private, walled in patio.

Ryan actually took a refreshing shower, then, stretched out on the bed, his mind picturing Rick's futile, and no doubt frustrating, attempts to con Ms. Tits out of the small bikini, as he actually did drift off to sleep. He woke with a start, nearly jumping out of his skin, as the bedroom door slammed loudly, surprising Ryan that it stayed on the hinges, so forcefully did it slam. He rolled onto his back, blinking, and glanced at the bedside clock, realizing that he had been asleep nearly two hours. He blinked again, and looked across the room at a furious Rick, who was naked, and about as erect as it was possible to be.

"That fucking cunt!" he groused, "Am I ever going to get it with her....shit, dude....I fucking let her do it to me again!"

The phrase "told you so" popped into Ryan's head, but he bit his tongue, not wanting to further piss off his friend, and beside that, he was seriously enjoying watching Rick's very nice cock bounce around as he stormed about the room, cussing Angie in every way possible. Ryan nearly giggled, stifling the urge at the last second, as he told himself those cute balls actually seem to have a slight tint of blue to them.

"Can you fucking believe this, dude...?" ranted Rick, "She fucking comes on like gangbusters, all kissy-feely, right...?...even got the top off her....all licking those hot nips, and shit...even got a hand inside the bottoms....touched that juicy quim, and everything, man....shit...and she yanked off my suit, too...playing with this pole like she fucking loved it, right....?...then, fuck...I'm all trying to get her bottoms off her....SO gonna fuck her, this time, right....? and...aw fuck, Ry....she just fucking ups, and climbs out of the fucking tub....same shit...."I just can't, Ricky...I'm sorry Ricky...SHIT.....FUCKING...DOUBLE SHIT!" He roared, his fist slamming the dresser so hard Ryan thought the mirror might shatter.

Ryan again suppressed the urge to laugh, and say I told you so, and his eyes focused on the rigid erection that weaved off Rick's groin, and he licked his lips, as he extended his arms toward the still seething Rick, and said,

"That's our little Angie, buddy-boy....and you really ought to know it by now, by the way...but hey....screw it...you can't fuck her...you could always just...fuck me...."

It hung there maybe a minute, and Rick stopped short, looking across the room at Ryan where he lay naked on the bed. Finally, a slow smile crossed his handsome face, and he dropped a hand to grip the thick shaft of his erection, and stroked it slowly, as he asked,

"You serious, dude...?"

Ryan's heart lurched in his chest, as he registered the seriousness of Rick's question, and he felt his own cock stir to life, hardening to full erection, as he suddenly wasn't sure of what he had just offered. While he pondered whether to make a joke of his offer, or commit to it, Rick crossed the room, and stood beside the bed, his throbbing cock swaying in front of Ryan's eyes. Ryan stared at the impressive weapon, and gulped, as he slowly reached out his hand, and gripped it, feeling it's heat, and hardness under his fingers. Fuck, he thought, yes, I do mean it...oh God....I do...I really want him to....oh man...fuck me....I do...damn....I really do! He stroked Rick's very erect cock, and heard him release a low groan of pleasure, as he rolled his eyes up to meet with Rick's serious stare, and he nodded his head slowly, as he croaked,

"Yea dude....I am...serious....I really, really....am!"

Not letting himself think about it any further, having said it, Ryan quickly rolled into a sitting position on the bed, his feet going to the floor, as he tugged Rick closer, and slid his rock hard cock into his mouth, as his hand gently cupped those blue tinted balls. Rick moaned again, his fingers moving through Ryan's hair, as he relaxed, and let his friend suck him, wondering why he didn't just stick with this talented boy who quite honestly gave him more pleasure in an hour than all the girls he had ever fooled around with combined. In an unusual gesture, Rick let his palm run across Ryan's smooth chest, his fingers lightly teasing the small, erect, nipples, as he said quietly,

"Um....Ry...God, that's so good, dude...um....so...we need...like....lotion...or something....right...?

Ryan's heartbeat doubled hearing the question, and his cock throbbed in his crotch, as he suddenly realized that Rick was actually interested in fucking him, really fucking him...oh man....and he released the rigid cock from his mouth, still stroking it, and replied,

"Lie down, man....I'll deal with it, ok....just....oh man...jeez....just lie down, ok...?"

Rick dropped onto the bed, rolling onto his back, as his hand resumed where Ryan had left off slowly, stroking his cock, as Ryan took off to the bathroom. Damn, he thought, holy shit....is this actually going to happen....wow....I never actually fucked anyone....and now....for a first....oh man...a guy....no....not a guy....Ryan...oh Jesus...I am going to...fuck....Ryan...!

As those jumbled thoughts ran through Rick's feverish brain, Ryan reappeared, and lay down on the bed, sheepishly depositing a bottle of something labeled Astroglide onto the bed, as he nudged Rick's hand away, and resumed stroking his cock. Rick gulped, a small feeling of fear creeping into the pit of his stomach, as he watched his friends hand move over his leaking cock a few more times, then pause, as he picked up the bottle, and squeezed a large dollop of the clear gel into his palm. Again gripping Rick's heavy penis, he applied a coating of the slippery gel to the bulging cock, and Rick groaned loudly at the incredible sensation of the added slickness.

Ryan released Rick's well lubed cock then, and fumbled behind himself, shyly applying the lube to his ass, then, swung his leg over Rick's torso, straddling him, and leaned down to kiss him, his tongue sliding fully into Rick's mouth. Rick swabbed at Ryan's tongue with is own, his hands moving to cup the firm globes of Ryan's ass, and he groaned around the thick tongue in his mouth as he realized how soft, and yet firm Ryan's ass was in his grip. Holy shit, he thought...holy, fucking, shit!

Ryan broke the kiss then, and maneuvered above his friend, his heart hammering inside his chest, as he reached down to grip the slick shaft of Rick's pulsing cock, and center it with his greasy asshole. He jumped, when the smooth head of Rick's cock touched his small pucker, and he moved it back and forth a few times, as sensations he had only imagined coursed over him. He sucked in a deep breath, and held it, as he slowly lowered his weight, adding pressure to their intimate contact. Rick grunted, his hands firmly gripping Ryan's slim hips, and his face contorted in a grimace, as Ryan pushed sharply downward, forcing the smooth, round head of Rick's cock past his sphincter, and a good two inches into his previously virgin ass.

Ryan paused, groaning deeply, as he suddenly felt as if a 2x4 had entered his asshole. The feeling of sudden fullness was amazing, and he briefly wondered if he was going to cause one hell of a mess. That urges passed then, and what he now felt was a kind of dull pain, not sharp, but steady, as he gritted his teeth, exhaled, and sucked in another big breath, as he slowly sank down another two inches on the impaling meat of his buddy.

"AGgggg...Jesus...that's fucking awesome....!" Grunted Rick, his hands gripping Ryan's hips so tightly the tips of his fingers turned white.

"UMmmm....damn, dude...you are....so...fucking...big...!" hissed Ryan, once more moving his slick, snug sheath downward to swallow the remainder of Rick's meat until he actually felt the silky pubic hairs on his smooth ball sac.

Rick gripped Ryan's hips tighter still, and held him still, as he lifted his head to look down over his torso, and see his entire cock buried fully inside Ryan's ass. He groaned, and dropped his head back on the pillow, sweat forming on his face, as he savored the unbelievable pleasure washing over him. His cock throbbed, feeling as if it were trapped in a velvet vice, and he groaned again, as he felt Ryan retract his ass muscles, as he clamped tightly on the thick tube in his rectum. Holy shit, he thought, this is amazing....like the best thing ever...damn....and, damn, again!

Ryan slowly adjusted, his body getting used to the sense of fullness, and the dull ache deep in his gut, and he sucked in more air, and slowly lifted upward, his slippery sheath clinging firmly to the rigid penis in his rectum as he rose up on his knees until only the bulbous head remained. He grunted, and watched as a drop of his sweat fell onto Rick's smooth chest, and he grunted again, as he once more lowered himself to swallow Rick's throbbing hardness once more, nearly exploding in pleasure, as the wide knob slid over his prostate. Fuuuuuckk....that's awesome, he thought....wow...lets try that....again....and he lifted once more, paused, and slid fully back onto Rick's fleshy pole, again sliding over the hard little gland, causing his balls to draw up tight. He paused only briefly, moving his hands to rest palm down on Rick's heaving chest, then, he found his rhythm, and began steadily riding the rock hard cock of his best friend, stimulating his little gland on every stroke.

Rick couldn't believe how incredible it felt, the clinging sheath of Ryan's ass gripping his shaft, and sliding up and down it's length, and he closed his eyes, as his hand wandered to Ryan's smooth chest, and toyed with his nipples, as Ryan deftly slid on his drooling cock. He felt his balls lurch, and tighten, and he knew he was there, oh man, right fucking there, for sure, and he released a low wail, as his cock swelled, and spasmed, and his pent up cum erupted, flooding rapid jets of warm, slippery semen into Ryan's clinging rectum.

Ryan actually felt it, Rick's cock growing thicker still, and jerking deep in his bowel, and he felt the strong ejaculation of each strong jet of cum that Rick pumped repeatedly into him, as his own cock jumped, and thickened, his balls exploding, and releasing several long ropes of thick cream onto Rick's chest and stomach. His head lolled on his neck, and his mouth hung open, drooling saliva to cascade down onto Rick's stomach, mixing with the creamy cum that he had just sprayed there, and he gulped air into his searing lungs, as he tumbled forward onto Rick, and felt the strong arms of his friend wrap around him, and hold him, as they struggled for normal breathing, tangled together, sweating and puffing, on the very rumpled bed.

The copious volume of Rick's ejaculation had so slimed Ryan's tunnel that it was impossible not to have his wilting penis slip out of its warm sheath, and it made an audible popping sound as it came free. The boys giggled softly at hearing it, and Ryan rolled over to his side, as Rick pulled him closer, and kissed his wet mouth, as he held him, and then, kissed him again, as a mutual feeling of total amazement settled over both the panting boys.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 28

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