Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on May 24, 2023


Ryan paced at his bedroom window, his focus on the apparently heated, or at least highly animated, discussion taking place across the road. His best friend Rick appeared to be verbally mixing it up with his father once again, as they stood in the driveway, both talking at once, and, being of Italian dissent, making vigorous hand gestures to emphasize the points they were attempting to make.

Ryan shook his head, concerned that the father/son relationship that his friend had been going through lately was actually advancing from a bad one, to an even worse one. The arguments between them were nearly a daily occurrence now, and, when the Dad added an over indulgence of alcohol to the mix, thing really got ugly. Ryan paused, and watched, as Rick flung his arms wildly into the air, as he verbally rained down on his father, then, stomped off, going inside the garage, and promptly closing the rollup door. Rick's Dad stood staring at the closing door, then, turned, got into his car, and backed down the driveway, and roared away in a small cloud of dust and small debris.

Ryan sighed, feeling real concern for his boyhood friend, nearly brother status, really, and rubbed his fingers through his hair. Damn, he thought, Rick is really going through a bad time, the constant trouble getting along at home, and, I know he is really struggling with the new me, as well, and with the lingering thoughts, and mixed feelings, of some of the stuff we had gotten into recently, too. Shit, he thought, just being a teenage boy is difficult enough by itself, without having your best bud suddenly wanting to suck you off every chance he gets, and worse, encouraging you to return the favor. He had too much going on all at once, definitely, and something needed to be done to release the tensions that Rick was struggling with.

Ryan paced his room, trying to find an answer that would take some pressure off Rick, and he suddenly had an idea that just might work, at least temporarily. He hurried from his end of the large house, heading to his Dads home office located at the far end of the house, hopping he would be there.

Ryan's father was, in fact, seated at his large desk, studying a stack of legal paper work that was scattered before him, and he looked up, as Ryan quietly tapped the wooden door frame.

"Sorry to interrupt, Dad," Ryan started, "Do you have a minute for me?"

Ryan's Dad smiled, and pushed his reading glassed up on his forehead, and answered,

"No problem, son...come on in....I always have time for you, you know that....what's up?"

Ryan entered the office, and eased into one of the big leather chairs that faced the desk, and smiled at his father, thanking him for the comment, and said,

"Well, you kind of know about Rick, and his Dad, right?"

Dad nodded, frowning slightly, as he replied,

"Yes, I'm aware they are struggling some....and that his Dad is flirting with a real drinking issue which only exacerbates the situation....is that fairly close?"

Ryan nodded, matching his fathers frown, and replied,

"Yea, Dad...that sort of sums things up...and....there are some other...issues....going on with Rick right now too....and....well....he is pretty much ready to boil over, I think...and...well....I'd like to help him out, if I can."

His Dad nodded, and asked,

"I understand, Son....I know how....special...Rick is to you...and I imagine that your right....some sort of relief from his situation would probably do him a world of good....just what did you have in mind?"

Ryan smiled, relieved that his father was so much different that Rick's, so understanding, and helpful. He shifted slightly in the large chair, and went on, saying,

"Well, Dad....I was thinking that getting away for a few days might help....not just out of the house....but really away...like maybe...well...how would you feel about me maybe taking him to the beach condo for a few days...just me and him....you know, give him a chance to....talk....whatever...and forget all this home stuff for a while...?"

Ryan's Dad paused, seeming to think about his son's proposal, then, met his son's anxious gaze, and replied,

"I actually think that might be perfect, Ryan....a new location....different town....surroundings, and people...yes...that just might be perfect....as long as I know I can trust you, son....no wild parties, or destroying the furniture....your Mother, you know, may not be so easy to sell on this, seeing as she prefers to think of her baby as still a little boy."

Ryan flushed slightly at the comment, even though he knew full well it was true, which was a kind of love/hate situation for him, as he really hated her sometimes treating him like he was twelve, but, at the same time, it often allowed him to exploit his Mother for his own purposes when he put on his best little boy act for her. He grinned at his father then, and said,

"Oh man, Dad....you are so the best....seriously....and, I'll work it out with Mom, no problem....and, I promise....no body gets in the condo but me, and Rick....and....no parties, ok?"

His father smiled with him, as he opened a desk drawer, and extracted a set of keys which he flipped to his son. He fished out his wallet, and retrieved a Gold American Express card, and slid it across the desk to Ryan, saying,

"Ok, hot-shot...condo keys, and a credit card for emergencies...I'll bring you some cash later today....your Mother is your own deal...keep me out of trouble, ok....when did you plan to leave, so I can call the condo manager, and tell him what's up?"

Ryan scooped up the offered treasures, and beamed at his father, as he answered,

"Well, actually, I haven't even suggested this to Rick yet, but, I will, right now, and, probably like in the morning we can get going."

His father nodded, adding that he would take care of it today, then, picked up his thick legal file, and resumed reading. Ryan understood the discussion had ended, so he rose, and left the room, pocketing the keys, and card, in his shorts pocket, as he went in search of his Mother to convince her of the desirability of his plan.

All went like clockwork, and Rick had hesitated all of maybe two seconds before jumping on the proposal, and at just past seven the following morning, the two boys pulled out of Rick's driveway, headed for the coast, some two hours away.

The drive passed quickly, the boys gabbing and joking as they drove, and Ryan sensed Rick's spirits had elevated already, just leaving their hometown behind, as they looked forward to a new adventure, alone, and yet together. They rolled past the large welcome sign that signified their arrival within the city limits of the small beach town that was to be home for the next several days, and they each lifted a hand, as they sensed an air of new freedom, as they exchanged the ritual bumping of closed fists.

"Dude!" chirped Rick, "This so freeking rocks....being here...away from....all that shit....man....you are seriously the best bud ever...I really owe you for this....big time!"

Ryan chuckled, happy to see his friend smile, and joke, and be more the real Rick than he had seen in a while, and he gave him a sinister look, and a wink, and replied,

"Indeed you do, buddy-boy...owe me, I mean....and....well...rest assured that I will think of something...to balance us out!"

Rick caught the look, and the drift, of the comment, and his handsome face flushed slightly, as he grinned back at Ryan, nodding his head, but making no reply.

Ryan guided the car through the downtown area, then, followed the coastline for a couple of miles, finally turning into the drive of a gated community of posh condominiums that sprawled over gently rolling hillsides of lavishly landscaped acreage. The buildings were of a Spanish motif, beige stucco exteriors framed by wrought iron balconies, and stairways, and were scattered in a pattern that loosely surrounded a huge pool complex, and clubhouse-restaurant complex that existed solely for the pleasure of the private residences. Rick's head swiveled in all directions, as he took in the splendor of the place, as Ryan drove up to one of the buildings, and parked the car.

The boys got out, and retrieved their hastily packed tote bags from the trunk, then, walked over to a large wooden door emblazoned with a brass number 22, and a smaller brass plate engraved with Ryan's family name. Ryan inserted his key, and swung open the door, as he turned to Rick, and smiled, saying,

"Welcome to Shangri-la, good buddy....please park your cares and woes at the door!"

Rick grinned, laughing happily, and stepped inside, then, paused in his tracks, as he uttered,

"Holy shit!"

Ryan chuckled, closing the door, as he turned to Rick, and said, dryly,

"Be it ever so humble, there is just no place like home, dude!"

Rick stared, slack jawed, as he took in the surroundings. The place was amazing, beautiful, and furnished to the teeth. His gaze followed along the large living room, and paused on the wide french doors that opened onto a huge patio, completely furnished, including a hot tub that sat in a corner next to a high, block wall that completely surrounded the patio area, affording total privacy. His astonished gaze continued around the condo, seeing the formal dining room, and the kitchen area beyond, and a curving oak stairway that led to the second floor. At the opposite side of the living room, a second set of french doors opened onto a smaller front patio, open this time, to afford an unfettered view of the huge pool complex, and the clubhouse beyond. Amazing, he thought, freeking amazing....and a second home, to boot...shit...maybe there actually is something to law school, after all!

He turned to face a smiling Ryan, and mumbled,

"So, dude, I always wondered how the other half lives....now, I know...this is...amazing!"

Ryan chuckled, and replied,

"Yea....well, actually a bit much, maybe....but....Mater and Pater do not care to rough it, so...." He trailed off, slightly embarrassed.

Rick just stood there, looking into his friends smiling eyes for a minute, then, suddenly dropped his small bag to the marble floor, and grabbed Ryan, pulling him against him in a huge hug, as he nuzzled into his neck, and said into his ear,

"Thank you, Ryan...seriously....I so need this...!"

Ryan felt his penis stir inside his shorts, reacting to Rick's body pressed tightly to his own, and the scent of him, and the sensation of his warm breath as he spoke into his ear, and he hugged Rick tightly, hoping that this would be the first hug of many they might share during their time here.

The boys settled in then, opting for the master bedroom which contained a king sized bed equal in size to the one Ryan had at home, and a huge master bath, complete with a huge shower stall equipped with four shower heads, and a long marble vanity with double sinks. They walked over to the clubhouse, crossing the expansive pool, and patio area as they went, and ordered lunch, which Ryan signed onto his Dad's account. Following the delicious lunch, they drove over to the beach area, and took a long walk on the beach, unwinding in the fresh, salty air, and drank in the beauty of the coastline, and the gently rolling surf.

Upon returning to the condo, they changed into swim trunks, which afforded Ryan an all too brief glimpse of Rick's heavy penis, and plump balls, then, swam some laps, and did some diving at the pool, before once more heading back to the condo. Ryan retrieved icy cold beers from the fridge behind the wet bar in the corner of the living room, and they moved out to the rear patio area, and settled onto padded lounges, chatting, and enjoying the beers. One beer became three, and as the cooler evening air of the sea shore settled over the quiet, private patio, Ryan suggested a refill, and a warming soak in the hot tub, and idea that Rick found to be splendid. Ryan moved to turn on the tub jets, and heater, then, went inside to get the fresh beers, telling Rick to go for it, and climb in the hot tub.

When he returned, he walked over to the tub, and handed Rick a fresh bottle of beer, and smiled, as he nearly tripped over the crumpled puddle of cloth that was Rick's swim trunks, lying on the concrete beside the tub. He glanced at Rick, and saw the sly smile on his handsome face, as he extended his hand above the line of the frothing water, and beckoned to him with a crooked finger, saying.

"Come on in, Sailor...the water is....perfect!"

Ryan grinned, and set his beer on the edge of the hot tub, then, quickly stripped off his swim trunks, then faced Rick, purposely pausing to let his handsome friend see the tumescent state of his cock, then, slid into the bubbling water next to Rick.

He settled back, and sighed, saying,

"You got it right, Bud....this is perfect....really perfect."

They stayed quiet for a while, sipping the cold beers, and letting the hot, bubbling water wash over their naked bodies, and Ryan grew totally erect just from the nearly touching presence of Rick's body, and from the mere idea that they were naked, and alone together, once more. He resisted the strong urge to slide his arm around Rick's waist, trying to content himself with the slight hip-to-hip contact that they had, and almost jumped put of his skin, when Rick initiated the move instead, suddenly sliding his arm behind Ryan's waist, and pulling him close. Ryan snuggled in closely, and his hand went to Rick's firm thigh, and squeezed it wordlessly, as his mind filled with a dozen things he wanted to say, and do.

Rick held him tightly, his hand lightly running over the skin of his back, as Ryan stroked the inside of Rick's thigh, and fought the temptation to reach into his lap, and fondle his penis. Rick sighed heavily, and leaned his face in to softly press his lips to Ryan's smooth cheek, as he said, very softly,

"Hey, Sailor....if you'll touch mine....I'll touch yours...!"

Ryan's heart leapt, and his already hard cock grew harder still, as his friend spoke the very words he longed to hear, or say himself, and he shuddered against Rick's solid body, as he replied,

"Oh God, Rick....you already know my answer to that...a definite yes....but....not because you think that you...owe me...not like that...!"

Rick sighed again, and once more pressed his lips to Ryan's cheek, as his hand slid into Ryan's lap, and gripped his very hard erection, causing Ryan to moan deep in his chest.

"No, Ry...totally no....it's not like that, at all....I mean it, dude....I want this....you....want it maybe more than you do, this time...!"

Ryan shuddered again, even stronger, now that Rick's hand was moving steadily up and down the rigid shaft of his cock, and he gave off another moan of pleasure, as he shifted slightly, and reached into Rick's lap to grip his own equally hard penis. He shuddered again, once more amazed to find himself touching his friends rampant cock, and he turned to face Rick, mumbling his name softly, as he moved to press his open mouth over that of his incredible friend, kissing him with all of the rising passion he felt inside. He urged his tongue into Rick's mouth, and stroked his rock hard cock, as their tongues washed over each other, and their blood boiled in their veins.

After a bit, Ryan pulled away, and smiled happily at Rick, as he released his grip on the steely smooth cock, and tugged at Rick's muscled arms, urging him up, out of the tub, and to sit on the carpeted edge. As Rick settled, Ryan dropped to his knees on the bench of the tub, and moved between Rick's solid thighs, as he once more reached for the pulsing penis that weaved in front of his face, scant inches away. He stroked the length of it, up and down, savoring the smooth skin gliding over the rigid tube of tissue below, and his other hand hefted the heavy balls, prodding gently, as he looked up at Rick, and said,

"Aww, man....you know I just...have to....want to....want to so damn bad....oh, man....!"

With that, Ryan eased forward, and let his tongue lap over the flared head of Rick's thick cock, then, licked his way down the shaft, and tongued the plump scrotum, as Rick eased back on his elbows, and parted his legs wider, a deep groan of pleasure coming from his chest. Ryan licked, and sucked the plump nuggets, taking each tender orb between his soft lips to suckle it gently, then, ran his tongue back up the underside of Rick's heavy cock, once more lapping over the sensitive, and now leaking head of it, before opening his mouth, and sliding the entire penis inside in one steady movement. Rick groaned loudly, his hands moving to grip Ryan's head, as he moved it up and down Rick's cock, sucking the glassy smooth tube of rigid flesh like a starving man.

Ryan's senses exploded, as he reveled in the fullness of Rick's cock filling his mouth, and the smoothness, and heat of it, as his taste buds tingled with the slightly acrid flavor of his heavily flowing precum. His hand filled with Rick's balls again, and he closed the thumb, and finger of his other hand around the thick base of the throbbing boyhood, and stroked it there, in sync with his moving mouth. Rick gripped his head tighter, guiding his movement now, and muttered babble above him, as his orgasm began to rise from deep inside his balls.

"FUuuuuuuck....Ry...ohhh God...!" Rick wailed, his slender hips bucking now, as he matched Ryan's fluid movements, and he groaned again, as Ryan plunged, taking the smooth head of his drooling cock deep in his soft throat, as his hand tugged sharply on his aching nuts.

Ryan held Rick's cockhead in his throat, and swallowed rapidly several times, each movement of tissue swabbing against the sensitive head of his cock, and Rick wailed, feeling his balls draw up, and spasm, as his hot load released, and flooded the tube of his throbbing cock.

"OHhhhh....Fuuuuuuck....Ryan...!" he roared, as Ryan withdrew, and rapidly pumped the jerking base of Rick's exploding cock, and his lips closed over the ring of flesh that defined the head of his cock, just as his molten load erupted. Ryan's mouth was instantly flooded with the warm, thick cream, again, and again, as Rick ejected rapid jets of semen, forcing Ryan to swallow rapidly, and repeatedly, to managed the heavy volume. Finally, he was drained, and lolled back onto his elbows, his heart hammering loudly, and his balls feeling utterly spent, as Ryan continued to suck gently, and use his fingers to milk the rapidly wilting shaft, urging the remaining drizzles of creamy nectar to coat his tongue. When there was none left to capture, Ryan released the now soft penis from his mouth, and moved up, settling in on the tub step to wrap his arms around Rick's lower legs, and hold on, as he savored the salty after taste of the incredible load he had been given.

After a time, Rick stirred, and slid back onto the hot, bubbling water, and wrapped Ryan in his strong arms, holding him, as he reached into his lap, and fondled the extremely hard cock he found there. He stroked it, and pulled his head back to look deeply into Ryan's smiling eyes, and he said,

"Hop up there, Sailor...it is definitely pay-back time!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 27

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