Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 14, 2023


All good things must end, or at least pause, and the heavenly scents of Mom's pot roast was beginning to waft throughout the house, even getting Ryan and Rick's attention. Somewhat reluctantly, Ryan stopped fondling Rick's cock, and the two boys got cleaned up, dressed, and headed off to join the parents for dinner.

The meal, as always, was both delicious, and plentiful, and the conversation was equally pleasant, with Ryan's parents treating Rick pretty much as a part of the family, so familiar was his presence at their table. The meal complete, the boys pleased Ryan's Mom no end when they volunteered to be the clean-up crew, giving Ryan's parents some quiet time together as they enjoyed their traditional after dinner liquors in the living room. Once the kitchen had been restored to order, the boys joined the parents, and they chatted for a while, with the TV playing in the background. Eventually the boys found the heavy meal was breeding drowsiness, and decided to go outside, and work off some calories by shooting hoops in the driveway.

Outside, engaged in a somewhat furious set of one-on-one, Rick paused, his gaze fixed in the direction of his own house across the street. Ryan caught the frown that crossed Rick's face, and shifted his gaze to see the source for the sudden attitude shift. He saw Rick's Dad getting out of his car in the driveway, then, head inside, a twelve pack of beer under his arm.

"Shit!" uttered Rick, "he is fucking at it, again!"

Ryan felt sad for his friend, knowing the usual problems that developed between him and his Dad when the old man was at the booze, and he said,

"Looks like, dude, sucks, big time."

Rick continued to stare at his house, silent, the one-on-one apparently forgotten, until Ryan spoke again, saying gently,

"Don't sweat it, bud, just hang here with me tonight, that way there won't be any bullshit."

Rick uttered another oath of disgust, and nodded, looking at his best friend with an expression of relief crossing his face, and said,

"You, my friend, are^Å.well^Å.your the best, bud, OK?'

Ryan smiled, a tiny pang of guilt mixing in with the pride he was feeling from the remark, as he admitted to himself that there was, after all, just a tad of self-serving interest interspersed with the offer to stay the night. He lifted his hand in response to Rick having done the same, and they bumped fists in a silent sign of solidarity.

Rick shot another concerned look at his house across the street, then, turned to Ryan, and said,

"Hey dude, can we, like, get out of here for a while^Å.if the old man spots me, sure as hell he will be yelling for me to get home^Å...about a sixer in that beer, he will be needing a pissing post."

Ryan shook his head, bummed that Rick had to deal with a semi-alcoholic father, and replied,

"We can do that, Bud^Å.hang loose a sec, while tell my folks."

Ryan returned to the house, telling his parents that he and Rick were going over to the park to see if they could find a game until dark, then, asked if it was cool for Rick to sleep over. He promptly received the "of course he can" answer he anticipated, pecked his Mother's cheek, and went back outside. The two boys boarded Ryan's car, and drove away, deftly preempting any possible problems from Rick's father.

They did, in fact, drive to the large city park a couple of miles distant, but, surprisingly enough for a warm evening, found no one engaged on the basketball courts. They resumed their own one-on-one for a while, then, decided it was pretty warm for the activity, and stowed the ball in the car, and walked off toward the big pond that centered the park. The sun had slid behind the horizon as they walked, and, as they sat down on one of several benches that lined the lakes edge, it was not quite, but near, dark. The soft yellow street lamps that dotted the park began to illuminate from their on-board photo electric cells, and the area was soon bathed in a soft, yellow tinted glow.

They sat quietly, each absorbed in his own thoughts, and enjoying the solitude of the warm evening, when Rick surprised Ryan by suddenly slipping his arm around his shoulders, and hugging him tightly. He relaxed the hug, keeping his arm over Ryan's shoulders, and said,

"You're really something, Ry, you know^Å.I mean, hell, I've known you forever^Å.like a brother, almost^Å..and still you find ways to amaze me."

Ryan tensed slightly, unsure of how he should interpret the remark, so he asked, quietly,

"Really^Å.and, is that a good thing^Åor^Å?"

Rick squeezed Ryan's shoulder tighter, and nodded, saying,

"Well, strange as might be^Å.you turning out to be gay, I mean^Å.yea, it's cool^Åwhatever^Å.I'm just glad you are my bud^Åand, actually^Å.the amaze me thing^Å.you know^Åyea, actually^Å.it's awesome^Å.amazing^Å.just^Å.strange, kinda."

Ryan digested that, nodding slowly, then, replied,

"So then^Å.um^Åyou^Åare^Å actually^Å.ok^Å..with me^Å.being me^Å?"

Rick squeezed the shoulder again, and nodded, then said,

"Yea, dude^Å.I'm ok with it, sure^Å.hell^Å.it's your thing, right^Å.dude has to do his thing, right?"

In a sudden moment of boldness, Ryan shifted on the bench slightly, and slid his hand onto Rick's crotch, his fingers groping Rick's penis, as he said, sinister voiced,

"Well, right^Å.but actually^Å.it's much more fun to do your thing!"

Rick tensed reflexively for a second or two, then chuckled, as he extended his legs, and spread them, as he replied,

"Oh man^Å.jeez^Å.I suppose^Å..if you have to^Å.."

Ryan giggled softly, encouraged to continue his groping as Rick's thick cock rapidly swelled under his ministrations, and answered,

"Oh yea^Å.I do have to^Å.want to^Å..!"

Oh shit, Rick thought, as Ryan wormed his hand inside his shorts, his fingers closing around the now rigid shaft of his cock and stroking it, I practically asked for this^Å.what the fuck^Å.I am so not gay^Å..still^Å.it's just so fucking good^Å.all this shit Ryan likes^Ådoes^Å.damn^Å! He moaned softly, and relaxed back against the bench, pushing the negative thoughts from his mind, and going with the warm, pleasant feeling that coursed through his body as Ryan deftly worked his throbbing erection.

Ryan reveled in the feel of Rick's pulsing cock in his hand, and the heat, and total smoothness of the thick organ, and he realized that the sensation was especially special when he administered to Rick^Å..so much more intense than with Jason, or even the cutie Eric^Å..funny, he thought, Rick is the one that claims not to want it^Å.and yet^Å.for me^Å.it's the best with him^Å.fuck it^Å.don't over analyze, dude^Å.just let it happen^Å.

His lust rapidly escalating, Ryan relaxed his grip on Rick's turgid cock, and pushed deeper inside the shorts, until he found the heavy scrotum, and cupped his palm around it, probing the plump orbs within, eliciting another groan from Rick. He played with the heavy balls a bit, then, once again slid his fingers up the thick stalk, and passed over the smooth head, smiling to himself as he felt the wetness of Rick's flowing excitement. As he spread the slippery fluid over the glassy smooth head of Rick's cock, his mouth filled with his saliva, and a sudden wicked feeling washed over him. He leaned his face close to Rick's ear, and said, nearly a whisper,

"You gotta keep your eyes open, dude, and don't let me get busted^Å.cause^Å." he trailed off.

Rick shuddered slightly, as Ryan once more spread his drooling fluids across his throbbing cock head, and mumbled,


His lips once more pressed against Rick's ear, Ryan giggled softly, and answered,

"Cause^Å.you sexy shit^Å.I'm gonna suck you off^Å.right^Å.fucking^Å.here^Å.!"

Rick groaned, the thought instantly freaking him out, and, at the same instant, nearly making him shoot his load from the sheer craziness of it^Å..damn, he thought, he freeking means it, too^Å.holy shit!

Not waiting for a verbal response, and acting before he lost his nerve, Ryan quickly slid off the bench, and maneuvered in between Rick's beefy legs, his hands tugging at the front of Rick's fully tented shorts until they slid down his thighs. The thick cock sprang free, rigid, and pulsing strongly in the dim light, and Ryan groaned, as he stared at the sculpted organ, the glassy smooth head shining wetly. He wrapped a finger, and thumb at the base of the shaft, and leaned in, extending his tongue to lap over the glistening head several times, as Rick groaned again, and muttered his name. The nutty flavor of precum jolted his taste buds, and he felt his mouth flood with saliva as he anticipated the feel, and the flavor of the thick, drooling rod, and he leaned closer, and engulfed the entire length in a single downward movement of his head.

Rick groaned loudly, his hands instinctively moving to Ryan's head, and his hips slid forward on the bench, as his friend began moving his warm, wet, mouth up and down the shaft of his rigid cock, as his hands groped his heavy balls. Rick shuddered, pleasure coursing through his entire body, as he forced himself to twist his head, checking for any nearby observers, and was relieved to see what appeared to be an empty park. He griped tufts of Ryan's soft, thick hair in his trembling fingers, and moaned again, then mumbled,

"Fuck Ry^Å..damn^Å.your so fucking good^Å..at this^Å.shit^Å.crazy fucker^Å!"

Ryan never broke his rhythm, his velvet soft mouth continuing to drive Rick wild, as he mumbled incoherent noises around the thick penis that filled his mouth, and he tugged downward on Rick's plump balls, savoring the thick head bumping the hollow of his throat, and the silky feel of Rick's pubes on his nose.

Rick realized his hips were bucking, keeping sync with Ryan's magic mouth, and he could feel his near constant flow of precum oozing from his rampant cock, and he felt his balls tighten, and pull taut. He was there, oh shit, was he ever, and his fingers yanked at Ryan's hair, as he thrust strongly forward, and yelped,

"Agggggg, fuuuuuuck^Å^Ågonna^Å..shoot^Å..Unnng^Å.!"

Ryan felt the slippery cock spasm, and swell in his mouth, and his fingers lost grip on the ascending balls, and he moved his head back slightly, centering the fully primed cock head over his tongue, and released a low moan of pleasure, as Rick's cock erupted, and spurted the opening salvo of thick, warm cream into his mouth. He savored the sensation of it coating over his tongue, and sliding to the back of his throat, just in time for the next thick burst, then another, and two more after that, flooded his mouth, rapid fire, so that he didn't have time to swallow, and his mouth overflowed with the viscous fluid, small trails of the creamy substance escaping the corners of his stretched mouth to drizzle over his chin. He held all that he could handle, letting it fill his mouth to capacity, then, swilled it, the acrid flavor somehow satisfying his burning hunger, then, swallowed, as he savored the sensation of the slick essence sliding down his throat.

Drained, and panting like a sprint runner, Rick sagged back against the bench, his chest rising and falling as he gasped for air, as he listened to his heart hammering inside his chest. He shuddered, as Ryan slid his wilting penis from his mouth, and captured the sensitive head between his lips, and sucked it strongly, before letting it go entirely, as he moved back up to sit on the bench to sit beside him. He turned his head, feeling the sweat on his flushed face, and looked at the grinning Ryan. He smiled, and chuckled softly, extending a finger, and swiping at the errant drizzles of his semen that clung to Ryan's chin. He winked at the still grinning Ryan, and pressed the finger against his soft lips, and said,

"Here, dude^Å.you missed a little^Å."

Ryan smiled, and slowly opened his mouth, letting Rick slip the coated finger inside, then, closed his lips around the finger, and sucked it gently, as he looked deeply into Rick's astonished eyes, and broad smile. Releasing the finger, Ryan winked coyly at Rick, and said,

"Ya know^Å.I sorta liked^Å..dessert^Å..better than dinner^Å!"

Rick laughed, and reached out to pull Ryan against him, holding him tightly, as he replied,

"Your pretty nuts, you know that, dude?"

Ryan clung tightly to Rick's thick trunk, as happy as he had ever been, and answered,

"Nawww, dude^Å..thanks, really, but^Å.your nuts are way prettier than mine^Å.!"

And they laughed together, arms tightly holding each other, satisfied, and ecstatic, the gay boy, and his slightly bent, straight buddy.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 21

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