Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 23, 2023


I was pretty much blown away, both literally, and figuratively speaking. I lay back on the bed, still trying to catch my breath, and let the incredible scene play out in my mind once more. I had actually seen it happening, but I still was almost unable to fathom the reality that Rick, of all people, had just sucked my cock, and eagerly gulped down my huge load. Fucking unbelievable, I thought, unbelievable, and so damn hot!

I felt him stirring, as he moved up on the bed, and stretched out beside me. I turned my head, and looked at him, and my incredulity must have shown on my face, because he gave me that sheepish little look of his, and even actually blushed a little bit. I focused on his soft, full lips, my mind conjuring up an image of my cock buried between them, and I shook my head slowly, still having trouble believing it had really happened. Rick's blush took on a slightly deeper tone, as he giggled softly, and did a really bad imitation of the old TV commercial, saying,

"I can't believe I ate that whole thing!"

I had to laugh at that, bad as the imitation was, because the line certainly fit the circumstance, so I did, and replied,

"YOU can't believe it....damn Dude...the fucking thing is...attached...to me, and I can't believe it, either!"

He scooted around a bit, his handsome face still somewhat flushed, and slid his hand down over my torso to lightly grip my now wilted penis in his hand. I flinched, once more amazed to be looking at Rick's hand actually holding my cock, and he giggled again, muttering,

Cool...it's not nearly so...powerful...looking now...actually, like this, it's just kinda...cute." he said, as his fist moved up and down my soft cock a few strokes.

For whatever reason, I blushed at that comment, and responded, "Well, jeez...thanks....I think!"

He didn't reply, but let go of my dick, and reached down to kind of heft my balls in his hand, poking his fingers at them gently. "Man..." he said, "These baby's were really packing, Dude...you cummed like a freeking fire hose!"

I felt my face heat up, blushing even stronger, and muttered, "Um, yea....well...I sorta, like, always do...and...shit, dude...I was, like, ... amazed, pretty much...I mean...wow...I just never actually...expected...that!"

Rick tugged on my balls, and glanced up to meet my gaze, and grinned widely, answering, "YOU never expected it...shit, Ry, I am like the LAST dude in the world who would EVER have thought I'd so something like that...ever!" He let go of my balls then, and slid his hand upward over my stomach, and chest, making small circles over my skin, as he inhaled deeply, then, let the breath go in a huge sigh. He ran his fingers back and forth between my nipples a couple of times, and I felt that jolt in my balls again, spent as they were. He moved then, propping his head on his hand, and looked into my eyes for a long few seconds.

"Any of this gets out, Dude, I will deny it, and, hang those cute balls of yours from the flag pole at the court house...but...I gotta tell ya, Dude...it actually was...pretty fucking hot!" he said, a wicked little grin crossing his face.

It was probably the last sentiment I expected from him, and it all but left me speechless to hear him admit it, but I managed to croak,

"Yea...tell me about it...amazing...no matter which end of it I'm on...it rocks, pretty much!"

He rolled over then, dropping his head on a pillow which he bunched up under him, and lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, and went quiet. I moved my leg enough that our bare thighs made contact, and waited for a reaction that didn't come. I shared his silence, relishing the warm skin to skin contact of our legs, and waited for the other shoe to drop, wondering what it would be. A long two, or three minutes passed, and he sucked in another deep breath, then, said quietly,

"It really never occurred to me how smooth, and... what...sensual I guess...your skin would feel...and for sure I never had a clue how...what...alive, I guess...another Dudes cock would feel...in my hands...my mouth...jeez...I am SO...not gay...but damn...that was...is...well...really special, I guess..." he rambled. "No wonder chicks are, like, all intimidated by a hard cock...at first, anyhow...and then...they, like, can't leave it alone after that first time."

I digested that, taking his word for it, since my own practical experience, or lack thereof, made repudiating his statement impossible, and decided that with the exception of the "chicks" part, he had pretty much nailed my own position on the matter. Actually, maybe not so much the intimidated part, but, the can't leave it alone part, definitely. I was hooked, I knew now, and I was sure that this cock sucking thing was definitely a part of my future, be it Rick, Jason, or whoever, it was just too intense, and pleasurable to be denied any longer, and beside that, I just plain liked doing it, I liked it a lot. Deciding to lay all of my cards on the table, I turned to him, and said,

"Look, Rick...here's the deal, OK...I'm sure by now you get it...I'm really into this...gay, I'm sure now...and...well...what you just did was totally awesome...but...I really didn't...don't...expect that you will ever...want to...again, and that's cool with me...really...but Dude...I gotta tell ya...anytime that you want...well...uh...me to....suck you...just know that I'm like, totally up for it, OK...and...there won't ever be a need to hang my "cute" balls anyplace, OK?"

Rick stared into my eyes a minute, not saying anything, then, surprising me once more, quickly slid his hand down to again lightly stroke my cock, and answered,

"Damn Dude, you really ARE a bud, know that...I mean, shit, who could ask for a better deal than that...and hey, ( a firm grip of my waking cock) you just never know what might happen, right?" Now, Dude, you got anything around here that's cold to drink....I have this really weird taste in my mouth, you know?" he chuckled.

I laughed, feigning a rapid driving of my hips into his grip on my cock, and nodded, saying, "Weird, huh...jeez, Dude...that is, like, SO rude...come on...we have some stuff in the kitchen." And with that, we rolled out of bed, and went to check out the refrigerator.

We drank our soda's, and it was awesome just kind of hanging out like that, all naked, and joking around, just like normal, only very different, all at the same time. Eventually, I locked up the house, and we went back to my room, and climbed back into bed. I switched off the bedside lamp, and we settled into my bed, suddenly really tired from an incredible day, and evening. Just before turning over to sleep, I slid my hand under the sheet, and fondled Rick's turgid cock a little, and said,

"Like I said, Dude...anytime...!"

I definitely slept like the proverbial baby, because the night just seemed to disappear in a flash, and in what seemed like minutes, I opened my eyes to a daylight filled room. I glanced at the clock, and saw that it was seven thirty in the morning, and rolled over, realizing that Rick's side of my bed was vacant, but the sheet was still warm. I heard the toilet flush then, and the sink water go on, and realized that he was up, and in my bathroom. I felt the sudden serious urge to be there myself, my bladder ringing a loud alarm, so I got up, and went to the bath down the hall to take care of business. I washed my face, and gargled with some mouth wash to chase away the morning gremlins, then, walked back to my room. As I came through the door, I stopped in my tracks, my gaze quickly focusing on Rick, and his pulsing erection.

He was lying on my bed, his back, and head against the headboard, deliciously naked, and hard as steel, his thick cock poking up off his groin temptingly, with his plump balls splayed sexily between his spread thighs. God, I thought, he is freeking killer good looking, and, that cock is amazing. He grinned widely, and chuckled at my startled, and probably hungry, expression, then, moved his hand to grip the base of that thick staff, and wave it at me, as he said just one single word,


I chuckled, my mouth suddenly flooding with saliva, as I stared at his heavy meat like a hungry dog looks at a steak bone, and nodded my head, croaking hoarsely, "Uh huh...like I said....anytime!"

Rick smiled, and waved his pretty penis again, and added, "Like...now?"

I moved to the bed, my gaze never wavering from his rigid erection, and slid between his open legs on my stomach, moving forward, until I could brush his hand away, and closed my fist around his rock hard meat, stroking its smoothness up and down a few times. I inhaled the heady scent of him, and nearly choked on the copious saliva that filled my mouth, and I felt my taste buds actually aching for his flavor. I groaned, unable to stop myself, and extended my tongue to lap at his full scrotum, wetting it, and pushing at his balls with my tongue. He sighed, and pushed his legs further apart, and I gently slipped his sac inside my mouth to suck it, then, let go, and licked up the bottom side of his erection. Reaching the plump, dark head, I swabbed it with my tongue, then, closed my lips around it, flicking my tongue tip at the tiny "v" at the bottom of his cock ridge a few times. His taste flooded my mouth, and I inhaled, then, slowly slid the entire length of his rigid cock into my mouth until his pubes tickled my nose, and I felt the spongy head of his cock in my throat. Moving back slightly, I paused, then, swallowed his tasty cock again, and moved my hand to his heavy balls, massaging them gently as I sucked his thick cock.

"Aww, fuck...Ryan...Damn...you do that so....fucking...good!" he groaned, and I felt his fingers lace into my hair as he gripped my head, guiding my movements over his throbbing tool.

Nearly instantly, I was lost to my task, savoring the feel of his thickness throbbing inside my hungry mouth, and the weight of his balls in my fingers, as my taste buds exploded with the flavor, and texture of him. Oh man, I thought, I freeking love doing this, love every little bit of it, and yea, definitely, anytime, anytime at all!

It might well have been the first time I had totally let myself go, and just went with my instincts, pulling out all of the stops. I worked his rampant cock without mercy, slobbering over it, and sucking it like it was the last day of my life, one hand working his balls, while my other hand roamed his smooth stomach, and chest, my mind reeling with al of the sensations, and flavors that flooded my senses, and Rick was suddenly the benefactor of all of my pent up desires, as I delivered what had to have been a five star blow job. He was groaning, and purring, his slim hips bucking, and his fingers tugging at my hair, as he humped his little ass at me, driving his rigid stalk in and out of my hungry mouth at a furious pace, as I strived to push him over the edge. I licked his balls, and sucked them, then, moved back to devour his cock once more, as I pinched his taut little nipples, and pushed the thick head of his cock deep into my throat, where I swallowed repeatedly, making him growl with pleasure. Finally, he was mine, his aching balls unable to withhold their treasure another second, and his rigid shaft jerked strongly, gagging me slightly, and I quickly withdrew, holding about half his cock in my mouth, eager for the pending eruption of his thick, creamy semen to coat my tongue. His hips bucked once more, and he yanked my hair painfully, and exploded, yelling my name, as his warm cum ejected into my mouth, flooding me instantly, as I gulped rapidly, only to be immediately flooded once more with his salty essence, then again, and again, and yet again, a seemingly endless torrent of the stuff flowing from his balls.

Finally, it ended, and Rick collapsed in a battered heap onto the bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly, as his deflating cock finally stopped pumping the creamy nectar into my willing mouth, and throat, and I let it slip from my battered lips. He lifted his head weakly from the pillow, and peered down at me, as I opened my mouth widely, and showed him the puddles of his thick cum, before swallowing greedily, and licking my cum spattered lips, all the while staring into his wide eyes. He grinned, his head shaking slowly, and said,

"Fuck me, Ry-man....that, is fucking amazing....just....aww...fuck me!" he croaked hoarsely.

Hmmm, I thought, he's got it sorta ass-backward...but...it IS an idea that had occurred to me.....hmmm....?

( To Be continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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