Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Feb 23, 2023


Ryan's Impulse By Storyguy22

The following is a work of fiction, and includes acts of a sexual nature between teen boys. If this material is not your preferred cup of tea, or, if you happen to be too young to decide that, please tak a pass on reading it. Or, enjoy! Should you be motivated to comment, that would rock!

"Hello....duuh.....anybody in there?" asked Rick, waving his fingers in front of Ryan's face, snapping him from his reverie. Ryan blinked a couple of times, clearing his mind, then, chuckled, saying, "Sorry, dude...guess I was spacing."

"Ya think?" came Ricks smiling reply, "I'm all, like, earth to Ryan here, for, like, the last five minutes."

Ryan blushed slightly, and mumbled, "Ok, so I'm sorry already, I was just sorta thinking is all."

Rick picked up his soda cup, and gave the straw a long pull, then, said, "Dude, Saturdays are SO not for thinking.....but, whatever...thinking about what?"

Ryan fished the last of his french fries out of the soggy looking container, and swiped them through the mess of catsup before slipping them in his mouth, then, replied, "Actually, I was thinking about how long we have been friends.....like hanging together....seriously long time, too."

Rick looked thoughtful for a minute, then nodded, saying, "Yup, no doubt....it's like....what.....since we were, like, eight, maybe?"

Ryan nodded, and replied, "Right, and so it's, like, eight years now."

Ryan and Rick, both high school students at the beginning of their junior year, were seated at an outside table at the local burger joint, where they were finishing up a fat-laden meal of burgers and fries, the typical teen boy staple diet. Rick was the older of the two by a whopping three months, and Ryan had celebrated his sixteenth birthday the previous week. The two had met when they were eight years old, and their respective parents had just happened to purchase homes located across the street from each other. The two had quickly become fast friends, and had been all but inseparable ever since.

Their parents, and friends who knew them both well, had always been amazed at the longevity of the relationship, given the decided differences in the boys makeup, especially as they reached their teens, and high school. With advancing maturity, Rick had developed a definite interest in all things macho, while Ryan tended toward more technical, even bookish, interests, shunning any serious interest in sport participation in favor of reading, and computer sciences. Rick had about a ton of natural physical ability, easily excelling at baseball, basketball, and even competitive swimming, and, once at the high school level, had quickly emerged as somewhat of a big deal on the local campus as he lettered in two sports during his sophomore year. Ryan had no interest in even going out for any sports at school, and his personal claim to fame was more academic in nature, as he maintained a 4.0 grade point average, and was a consistent member of the deans list.

Perhaps those seemingly stark differences were the glue that held the friendship together, as their individual strengths served to compliment each others weaknesses. Ryan was able to share in Rick's notoriety, and, by virtue of his near-constant presence wherever Rick was, bask in the overflow of the adulation Rick received among their mutual friends on campus. Rick, on the other hand, would have had serious difficulty maintaining any kind of academic qualification for sport participation, were it not for Ryan's constant coaching, and tutorage, of his class work. Together, they were a study in the belief that opposites attract, and, more to the point, they genuinely liked each other, and always felt totally comfortable in each others presence.

The boys had grown up together, sharing all of life's discoveries, trials, and triumphs together, and, at times, it was almost as if they actually read each others minds and thoughts. Their sensitivity toward each others emotions was uncanny, each seeming to know exactly the mood of the other at any given moment, and knowing exactly what to say to comfort the other, even, or especially, when the proper thing to say was nothing, at all. This inert ability that each had with the other had first surfaced when Rick displayed an early interest in the fair sex, and had run the gambit of emotional trauma that most certainly accompanied that adventure in the sport of life. When Rick's foray with the current maiden of choice would run afoul on troubled shoals, and his youthful frustrations, and failures, would drive him to a level of despair far beyond that necessary, Ryan would sense it, and always have just the right antidote to show Rick that life, indeed, would go on. It wasn't that Ryan was some sort of subject matter expert on the fair sex, far from it actually, but more his uncanny sense of his friends inner turmoil that gave him the unflagging ability to hoist Rick by his boot straps, and return the stunning smile to his handsome face.

And, handsome Rick was. Both boys, actually, had seemingly been blessed with above average gene pools, the outward difference being that while Rick could be classified as possessing "movie-star" good looks, Ryan fell more on the side of "cute." At nearly six feet now, Rick had carved facial features, a kind of young Cary Grant handsome, with dark brown hair, and eyes to match. His smile was orthodontic perfection, and he showed deep dimples in each cheek when the smile was in full force, and, his longish hair had the attractive habit of falling onto his forehead, which had the affect of framing his rugged good looks in a favorable way. Rick's body was toned, his muscle definition apparent, a by-product of his constant sport activity and training. While not body-builder ripped, he was lean, and solid, tipping the scales around one-sixty, with a thirty inch waist size on his ever present Levi jeans. His toned torso was basically smooth, save for a thin "treasure trail" of dark hair that extended from below his small concave navel to somewhere below the waist of his Levi's, and his strong legs were slightly hairy below the knee. Rick had preceded Ryan in completing puberty, and as a result, had proudly shown off his rapidly sprouting patch of dark, silky pubes to his longtime friend, long before Ryan's smooth groin had shown much evidence of any impending growth. Ryan, who had always held his friend in some degree of awe, was suitably impressed with Rick's emerging maturity, and had secretly been even more impressed with the very ample appendage that he had given considerably more attention to, than the hair thatch above it, as Rick proudly exhibited his new pubes. In truth of fact, Ryan had experienced more trouble getting that image out of his mind than he liked to acknowledge.

Ryan, as previously mentioned, was what could be considered "drop-dead" cute, if not head-turning handsome, as was Rick. He stood about five foot ten inches, and weighed one-fifty, somewhat slender of build, without an ounce of excess anywhere on his toned body. He was gifted with a powerful metabolism, and never gained an ounce, in spite of his slightly voracious appetite for greasy, fat-laden foods. His hair was a dirty-blond, tending to lighten considerably in the summer sun, worn in a kind of shaggy manner, a random part down the center, with the divided sections falling toward each side, and mostly covering his ears. His eyes were his most stand-out feature, being such a stunning shade of blue that people had serious difficulty not staring into them. His complexion was flawless, exhibiting creamy smooth skin, with a natural, soft rose tint to his cheeks. His smile equaled the radiance of Rick's, and it was one of those natural, easy smiles that people found readily contagious. He was blessed with an easy disposition, and a pleasing personality, so that he was well liked, with nearly everyone he encountered taking to him instantly, and finding him pleasant to associate with. While he was slightly less buff than the ever active Rick, Ryan's body was also well toned, with fair definition to his pec's, and ab's. He, too, was free of body hair, with the exceptions of his underarms, and his blond growth of somewhat sparse pubes. There was a very light colored down coating the lower parts of his legs, but it was all but invisible, except when in bright light. His slim waist comfortably fit a size twenty-eight jeans, or shorts, and, while a bit snug, he could still wear some of his old favorites that were size twenty-six.

Individually, each of the boys presented handsome, healthy, and vibrant pictures of teenage health, and virility. Together, they were exceptional, almost overwhelming, to contemplate.

"So, Dude....exactly what brought up that thought....about how long we have been hanging together, I mean?" asked Rick.

"Dunno, actually.....guess I was just sorta thinking about how many Saturdays like this....me and you hanging....we must have had." replied Ryan.

Rick chuckled, and answered, "Yea, huh.....been lots, for sure....like....all the way back to shooting marbles....and gigging frogs down at the old creek."

Ryan smiled at the remembrance, a quick image flashing through his mind of the two of them, maybe eleven, or twelve, stripped to their snug boy briefs, and waist deep in the creek, silently stalking the myriad of frogs with their sharpened willow rods. He let the image play out a bit further, and once more felt the familiar tightening in his groin, as the vivid image of Rick exiting the creek, his snug little briefs soaked, and clinging to his boyhood like a second skin. That day had been the beginning of his steadily growing interest in his best friend's package, an interest that continued to this very day, no matter how hard he tried to repress it. He chuckled softly, shifting his eyes to meet Rick's gaze, and replied, "Oh man....yea....jeez....we haven't done that in a long time."

Rick grinned, nodding, and said, "Frogging.....nope....been a few years, for sure Dude." He picked up his soda cup, and slid the straw between his full lips, and drained it noisily, while Ryan watched closely, mentally scolding himself for the thoughts he was having about those lush lips. Rick set the cup back on the table, then, slid out his tongue, and licked over his lips, as Ryan felt the pull in his groin once more. Rick cocked his head to one side, looking quizzically at his friend across the table. "What....jeez, Dude....what the fuck is it with you, today?" he asked with a small smile.

Ryan blinked, quickly forcing himself back to reality, and stammered, "Shit....I don't Dude....must be getting my period, or something!" he grinned at his friend.

Rick laughed, his killer smile seeming to have some bizarre connection to Ryan's balls, as he again felt the jolting sensation there. "Yea, right.....I'm, like, SO sure, Ry....that must be it!" he said.

The boys were silent for a while then, and Rick suddenly stood up, bending over slightly, to gather up the trash from the table. His crotch was near eye level with Ryan's position, and he felt his face grow warm, as he stared at the obvious lump in Rick's snug jeans. Damn it, he chided himself, what the fuck is with you, anyway....you going gay all of a sudden, or what? Rick straightened, and turned, then, walked to the trash container, and deposited the mess. He turned back to the table, and Ryan tried, and failed, to avert his gaze from Rick's prominent crotch bulges. Helpless, he continued to stare, until Rick once more stood at the table, scant inches from Ryan's hungry gaze. Ryan knew he was busted, and his mind raced, straining to conjure up some reasonable excuse for staring at his best friends cock, and what appeared to be very ample balls. His heart hammered in his chest, and his mind was awash with confusion regarding why he was so suddenly unable to resist the temptation he had been regularly resisting for a year, or maybe even two, now. Ryan started, when Rick slid his hand under his chin, and turned his face up, so that their eyes locked. Rick smiled, and, with his free hand, offered Ryan his cell phone, saying, in a smart-ass tone, "Here, Dude...just take a picture, why don't ya....then you can stare all you want."

Ryan groaned, feeling the intense heat wash over his face, as he gazed into Rick's dark eyes, and he mumbled, "Picture of what, asshole....I was just....like....spacing, again."

Rick let go of him, and chuckled, saying, "Yea.....right....whatever, Dude.....let's just off this pop stand, ok?" And with that, he turned, and started toward his car, with the befuddled Ryan now staring longingly at his pert bubble butt.

Ryan shook himself out of his trance, hardly able to believe what had just happened, and struggled to his feet, hurrying after his friend, and secret idol. As Rick navigated the traffic, heading toward the center of town, Ryan tried his best to shake off the nagging thoughts of Rick's body that seemed to just keep popping up inside his brain today. Well, truth be told, it was a lot more frequent than just today. It had actually begun over a year ago, somewhere in the middle of his fourteenth year. Ryan had, around that time, developed a serious case of the hornies, and had suddenly found masturbation as a favorite activity, bordering on an obsession. He seized every opportunity to grasp his tingling cock in his fist, and stroke it, teasing the total of his nether regions, until finally, the relief-giving orgasm washed over him, providing him with the intensely amazing sensations that accompanied it, and the much needed release of pent-up tension that just seemed to overwhelm him frequently. As his feverish young mind ran the gambit of emotions that flooded his thoughts during these sessions, his overloaded brain invariably entertained briefly, and then summarily dismissed, all thoughts of whatever nubile young maiden Ryan tried to make the focal point of his current fantasy. For reasons that Ryan didn't quite understand, and frankly, even frightened him some, his mind seemed to always center directly on Rick at the moment of release. Even now, riding along next to Rick, as these thoughts processed through his brain, he felt himself blushing at the unnatural acts that he so clearly pictured occurring between him and Rick, in the moments immediately preceding his orgasmic release. He shuddered, and forced the lurid thoughts, and images, from his mind, as he straightened himself in the car seat, hoping that Rick wouldn't notice the erection that he suddenly sported inside his snug jeans.

They turned onto Mill street, the town's main drag, and joined the typical Saturday parade of their classmates. It had become the custom of the local high school set to converge on Mill street on Saturdays around noon, to repeatedly circle the few blocks that made up the heart of downtown. The usual pattern was to make several laps of the circle, each young driver proudly exhibiting his or her wheels to the gathered teens, with the usual friendly cat-calls, and hand gestures, being traded back and forth in a good natured way, until boredom won out, and the group would eventually descend upon the burger joint that was the local hangout. Rick and Ryan had broken slightly with tradition today, both of them having slept too late to partake in the family breakfast, leaving them hungry, so that they had gone to the burger place first today. As they circled the blocks, Ryan joined in with Rick in the usual banter between the cars, though inwardly, he continued to lapse back into his thoughts of Rick, and the emotional struggle he had been waging with the recurring thought that he just might actually be gay.

There, Ryan thought silently, I freeking said it, finally. Gay....G-A-Y....jeez....I SO don't need that, he thought, and, even worse....my parents don't need it....damn....my old man will freeking murder me, he thought darkly. And Rick...shit...bud's, like, forever...like brothers, even....he will SO freeking hate me, I know, if....shit...I mean, who EVEN wants to hang with some fag-boy...oh man...fag-boy....that....sucks, big time! The jumbled thoughts flashed through Ryan's reverie, and he struggled to push them aside, his damned cock still wanting to go there, obviously finding the thoughts stimulating, as the thing continued to throb inside his jeans. What the fuck, he wondered, I just jacked off...what...maybe three hours ago...before I got up...and now...shit...fucking hormones! He came out of his mental fog briefly, as Rick turned into the parking lot of the city park, and stopped the car. Ryan blinked, and glanced over at Rick, just as he slid out the door of the car, and turned back, to lean into the open widow, and say, "I'll be back in a few, Bro....need to talk to Jason a minute....besides, you're lost in space again, anyway." Ryan clearly heard Rick's words, even nodded his understanding, but his eyes, and his real thoughts, were totally focused on the very interesting bulges at the front of Rick's jeans, as he stood there at the car window, his crotch at Ryan's perfect eye level. Rick moved away then, and Ryan exhaled a deep breath, his hand dropping to his own crotch, to give his aching boner a firm squeeze. Damn, he thought, I really have it bad today, big time!

Left alone with his lingering thoughts, Ryan settled back in the seat, and let his troubled mind focus his thoughts, giving up on resisting them for now, as he processed the fragmented thoughts into lucid form. Ok, symptoms first, he decided. Rick, first of all, and the growing attraction....go ahead, butthead, say it....Ok, the physical...nope....sexual attraction... that I can't make go away. Second, the jack off fantasies.....always....even when I can make the Rick thing go away for a while....still guys....at least in the end....always....me....and....other dudes! And then there's the freeking internet....yea, that too....make myself surf all of the T&A sites....huge tits, and gaping pussies....nothing....nada....zilch...then....cave in to it.....the freeking gay sites....so freeking hot...cocks....thick cocks all stuffed into some dudes mouth....or....ass.....shit...I can feel it....taste it, even....I SO wish....all freeking turned on by that shit....stroking....shooting all over the fucking place after.....damn....so...freeking.....gay! Ok Ryan....be a man, dude....just....fuck....face it....not like it's exclusive to you, dude...happens a lot...so.....what the fuck do you wanna do, now?

Ryan had to chuckle at that last little thought....knowing full well exactly what he WANTED to do now.....that wasn't the problem.....the WHAT was not a problem at all....it was the freeking HOW.....that had him crazy. In a perfect world, he would simply give his very best friend in the world a hungry look and a smile, and sweetly say, "Yo, Rick....if it's cool....I wanna suck that awesome cock of yours....and, please....while we are at it...could you, please......fuck me?" See, asshole....how hard is that....maybe you should just go for it...like that....at least it would be over....one way, or another....finally out on the table...settled. Ryan inhaled deeply, held it, then, let the breath go, slowly, shaking his head, and muttering, "Yea, right, like, I am SO sure!"

"Sure of what, spacey-boy?" asked Rick from the seat next to him. Ryan jumped visibly, having been totally oblivious to Rick having re-entered the car, and also unaware that he had spoken aloud. He briefly wondered exactly how much he had spoken aloud, and just how much of his thinking Rick might have heard. Shit. He blinked a few times, then, smiled at Rick, and replied, "No answer, dude, I am obviously so NOT sure of anything today, for some reason." Rick chuckled, nodding his head slightly, then, reached out his hand, and ruffled Ryan's hair. Ryan's cock throbbed harder still at the brief contact, and Rick tipped the grocery sack he was holding, showing Ryan that it contained a twelve pack of beer, which he had apparently scored from Jason, who was pretty much the groups supplier of adult beverages, given that his Dad owned the local distributorship. "Maybe a couple of cold ones will straighten you out, dude....or not....but at least you won't care so much about whatever is bugging you." Rick said, and Ryan shook off his foreboding thoughts, and visibly brightened, saying, "Coolness, dude...like Jimmy Buffet says in that tune....Why don't we just get drunk, and screw?" Rick laughed, once more ruffling Ryan's soft hair, and said, "That's more like my guy.....and, right on, dude....why don't we just do that!" He started up the car, and we roared out of the parking lot, heading toward the Seven-Eleven for some ice, and then, most likely, the lake outside of town where everybody partied, although usually at night.

Rick surprised me when he drove past the access road to the usual party spot at the lake located a few miles outside of town. I looked over at him quizzically, but he just kept his attention on the road, so I didn't say anything. A few miles later, he abruptly turned onto a small dirt road that nearly obscured by large growths of Pampas grass, and various other tall bushes. We bounced along this trail, really, more that than actual road, for maybe a mile and a half, and, as we crested a small rise in the terrain, the lake lay ahead of us maybe a hundred yards or so. Rick guided the car to a spot fairly close to the water, then, made a sharp turn, and slid through a small opening in the heavy shrubbery. As we broke out on the other side of the bushes, I saw a small, grassy meadow that opened all the way to the shore of the shimmering lake. I again looked over at Rick, wondering how he had come to know this private little paradise, given that I had been coming to this lake forever, and had no clue this spot even existed. He stopped the car, killed the engine, and smiled at me.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" he asked. "I bet you never knew about this place, huh?"

I looked around, nodding my head, and replied, "Sweet, definitely, and, you're right, I've never been here before...how did you ever find it?"

Rick gave me a slightly wicked smile, and answered, "Well, if I told you, then, I'd prolly have to kill you." He chuckled, pausing, then went on, "Naw, not really.....you are, like, the one person on the planet that I know I can tell anything to, and be sure it doesn't go any place....actually, Angie brought me here once before."

Angie, one of many of the nubile maidens that Rick had, at one point, had designs on, with regard to notching his beaver belt. And, even I could understand his interest in that particular conquest. Ms. Angela was, to put a term to it, a serious fox. A silver spoon baby from the very right side of the local tracks, and a pure Daddy's girl to her highly successful Attorney Father, who's every whim could be counted upon to become near instantly granted, both by her Father, and very nearly anyone else within her considerable sphere of influence. She was gifted with model good looks, and a body that doubtless left men and boys everywhere sleepless. Her only small flaw, according to legend around campus, was a seemingly fierce dedication to maintaining her virgin status until sometime after the traditional stroll down the isle while wearing a flowing white gown. I idly wondered how the studly Rick might have faired in that regard, especially given that she, apparently of her own volition, had brought him to this totally private little Shangri-la.

Rick pushed open his door, and got out, so I followed suit, and waited while he retrieved the iced down beers, and a blanket, from the car trunk. We walked the short distance to near the waters edge, and spread the blanket, then, flopped onto it, and popped a tab. Between pulls on the cold beers, we chatted about a variety of things, none of any particular consequence, and managed some laughs, and I began to finally relax, and push my earlier thoughts to a quiet corner of my mind. Those thoughts were not, however, destined to stay in some quiet corner for long, and quickly resurfaced, when, after a second beer each, Rick suddenly sat up, and peeled his tee shirt over his head, and dropped it on the blanket, before leaning back to rest on his bent elbows. I was sitting facing him, and I couldn't stop my eyes from drifting over his bare torso, and settling on that fine line of hair that departed the lower edge of his navel, and traveled straight south. It was a route that I very much longed to explore, sure in the knowledge of where it ended, which was another area I definitely longed to explore.

I stared longer than I should have, I'm sure, but the sudden swelling of my cock, and the serious jolting deep in my balls, made it nearly impossible to look anyplace else. Finally, after allowing my eyes to drift a tad further south, and once more ogle the tempting bulges of his crotch, I managed to lift my gaze to meet his handsome face. I took a deep pull off my beer, willing myself to hold it together, and finally found my voice.

"So dude," I started, a small croak in my voice, "not to be overly nosey, but how did it go.....Angie, I mean....and this little hideout?" He chuckled, and drained his beer, then popped another before replying.

"Well, you know Angie, dude.....the original "gonna take it with me to the wedding" girl." He said, and I nodded. He chuckled again, shaking his head slowly, and went on.

"Yea...well...it actually surprised the shit out of me....her showing me this place, you know?" I nodded again, waiting for the rest of the story.

"A bunch of us were chilling at the usual place, back there, you know, and just swimming, goofing around, the usual, when, like, out of nowhere, Angie starts really, like, hitting on me, you know?" I smiled, not the least bit surprised that she would be motivated to do so, hell, I wanted to it myself.

"Yea, so....we fool around some....nothing real major, right...just, like, kissing some...all warm body to warm body, right...and, like, in no time, my motor is running, like, big time, you know?" he told me. Another sage nod from yours truly, who, by the way, has his own motor pretty much running, as we speak, as I'm still perving Rick's smooth chest, his slightly puffy little nipples, his tummy, and, that yummy little hair trail. Ryan junior is totally paying attention, as well, and is actually standing up in class, his interest runs so high.

"So....we carry on....like, major swapping spit, and stuff...and I'm thinking....wow....she's, like, never been quite this into it before....maybe....well....you know where I'm coming from at that point, right....and so...Jason says....him and Donna were, like right there on the blanket with us....so he says, Jeez, dude...you people seriously need a room! I blush like freeking crazy....feel all hot in my face and shit, right...but freeking Angie....shit...know what she freeking does, dude?" I shrug, trying to act cool, like I'm, all thinking this is awesome, when it is actually starting to really piss me off.

"Yea, right...so dude....she...freeking puts those hot lips...like...right almost inside my freeking ear....and freeking LICKS it, dude....then she, like, whispers....he's right you know....dude....I about shit myself, you know....I mean...wow...Ms. Feeking virgin is, like, almost just saying I need to take her to some motel, or something!" I chuckle, quickly imagining the abject terror of some poor room clerk at one of the local motels pondering the fallout from Angie's father, should he actually supply a motel room for his baby girls deflowering. Yea, like THAT is gonna happen in a town our size.

"So dude.....I sorta nuzzle into her ear, and say.....I wish...and she goes all giggly, right....freeking weird....anyway....so then she tells me....all quiet like, right....she knows this way cool place close by...and...we can, like, go there....and...shit....be alone for a while...I'm so freaked, dude...seriously...but....I am SO there, too...if she is serious, I mean." he went on. I nodded again, my brain silently yelling at him that "we," me and him, are already there at this private place, and, I promise not to leave him with blue balls. He shook his head again, then, went on with his tale.

"Ok, so we freeking do it, dude....right....pick up our shit...and jump in the car....just me and her....and....she shows me how to get here.....actually...almost right here where we are." He said, waving his arm slightly to indicate ground zero. "So we get the blanket down, and then we go in the water for a while, chilling, right....then....she gets, like, all kissy, and huggy, on me again....out there in the lake....so...we come back up here....and freeking LAY DOWN, dude....and...shit....she is like, ALL over me, dude....it was freeking awesome...!"

Feeling cool about him knowing I'm hard after hearing all of this supposedly titillating story, I pretty openly reach down to adjust my aching bone, and let it go ahead and poke out at the front of my jeans in an obvious way.

Rick looks, then chuckles, then says, nodding his head at my rampant protrusion, "I know, dude...freeking hot as shit, huh....so anyway...I got her freeking top all loose, and I actually have those melons in my bare hands, dude.....sweet, too...and she has, like, half her freeking arm stuffed into my swim suit....all groping the bone, and shit....fuckin awesome...and I just know, dude, that I am SO gonna fuck her, right....?" he told me, excitement growing in his voice. I shrug, like, who knows....maybe....maybe not, too, given who we are discussing here.

Yea, well...so shit, things are looking A-OK, and I'm about to lose it in my trunks, you know....her freeking hand on my rod, and shit....sweet....when....pretty much out of the same blue that started it all....she freeking jerks her hand off my dick...and pushes me off her....all freaked out, and shit...blabbering, and crying that we have to stop...she just can't....bla, bla, bla......fuck me!" he rants, obviously pissed all over again at an incident several weeks old. As poor of form as it doubtless was, I couldn't stop myself, and I laughed.

Rick glared at me, and idly pushed at what was now a very obvious hardon of his own, and muttered, "So NOT funny, asshole....that freeking cold cunt left my nuts in seriously bad shape, dude!"

I got it under control then, and managed to stifle my giggles, and gulped some air, then reached for my beer, hiding my glee behind taking a big swallow, then, another. Rick calmed down some, and drained his own brew, then looked sheepishly at me, unable to stop the grin from crossing his face.

"Fucking women!" he grunted, and I laughed again, nodding in agreement.

"Exactly, dude.....exactly freeking right.....that's how come I am seriously considering the gay thing myself." I blurted, then, bit down on my beer-loosened tongue. He looked at me seriously for what seemed like a very long time, then, said, very softly,

"Really.....yea, well....actually....I was sorta wondering about that...."

I could actually hear my heart pounding, a sort of loud roaring noise in my ears, and I just sat there looking at him. Nice going, Dufus, I thought, just go ahead and blurt it all out there, and kiss off the best bud your probably ever gonna have, why don't you. Jeez! I stared down, suddenly extremely interested in the pattern of the blanket, and listened to my heart try to explode in my chest. I started, jumping like a fool, when Rick put his hand on my thigh, and squeezed it, then said,

"Hey, Ry....you wanna go swimming, dude....it's, like, really hot all of a sudden."

My mind raced, trying to read his meaning, and knowing that neither of us had a swim suit, and pondering my shaky ability to control my urges should we suddenly end up naked together in this secret place. Sucking in a breath of bravery, I met his smiling eyes, and stammered,

I'm totally cool with that...if....you don't mind my hardon, that is!"

Rick laughed, and pushed at my erection with his hand, and said,

"Naw....it's cool dude....and, I even promise not to laugh and point at the little thing, OK?"

I made a quick dive toward him, groping his swollen cock, and replied, "Yea, well....you might be surprised, dude....it's not as little as it used to be!"

Suddenly it was very quiet, as we awkwardly sat there on the blanket, each of us tentatively groping the hardon of the other. Rick finally gave me one final squeeze, then let go, saying, in a very soft tone,

"True enough, Ry, true enough."

We stood then, and I looked into his dark eyes, then, tugged my shirt over my head, and moved my hands to my jeans. He watched my movements intently, his eyes following my hands, and just before I slid my jeans down my legs, I paused, and asked,

"So dude....undies....or.....skinny dipping....?"

Rick grinned a wicked grin, and yanked at the fly of his own jeans, and answered,

"Skinny dip....all the way, dude....I ain't riding home in wet undies!"

I actually thought that I heard it, the sound of that first hurdle crashing down between us, but I only imagined it, I know. Be that as it may, my earlier fears were rapidly replaced with blatant bravado, as I excitedly stripped naked, and stood there in whatever naked glory I possessed, waiting for Rick to finish stripping. He was quickly in the uniform of the day, and I actually felt suddenly weak, all rubber-legged, as I ran my gaze over his naked form. Holy shit, I thought, he is freeking beautiful.....amazing...and...shit...that cock...damn....oh....damn!

He gave me a sly little glance, his eyes settling on my erection, where it pointed straight up against my abdomen, with my slightly loose balls hanging below. He smiled, and met my own doe-in-the-headlights look, and winked at me.

"Seems like you have been taking your vitamins, Ryan...and....they seem to be working, too....come on dude...I'll race ya!" he quipped, and took off on a run toward the water, while I stood there like statue, too stunned with his beauty to make myself move. His loud splash upon hitting the water on a dead run snapped me out of it, and I quickly followed him, hitting the cool water with a fervor, and imagining that I could actually hear the hiss of steam coming off my overheated body when it contacted the water.

We swam around for a while, and splashed each other, generally grab-assing around, and suddenly we were like the little boys we had always been together, just bigger in all the right places. The casual body contact that resulted from our horse play left my skin feeling singed wherever he touched me, and I so longed to just wrap his lithe body up in my arms, and hold on. My erection stayed hard as it had ever been, and from what I could gather, Rick hadn't lost much, either. After a while, we tired of the games, and slowly made our way back to shore, and waded up on the shore. Back at the blanket, I really expected Rick to get dressed, but he surprised me again, by opening each of us a beer, and just lying back on the blanket, still nude. I settled in next to him, sitting off to one side a little, and positioned myself to have full advantage of his naked package, no longer concerned with what he thought of my desire to see him this way. Not much was said, and after a bit, he lay down on his back, and stretched his strong legs out, dropping one arm over his eyes. He sighed, sounding content, and I adjusted over onto my side along side him, propping my head on one bent elbow. I just lay there, quietly looking at his incredible body, and learned every nuance, each nook and cranny, and all but counted his ample pubic hairs. I stared hungrily at his thick cock, and reveled in the sheer beauty of it, so firm, and smooth. He must have gone a good six inches, not fully erect, but certainly tumescent, and the heavy shaft was lined with fine little veins. The head was smooth, and a nice mushroom shape, a lot like my own, and it was nicely cut, with a solid ridge of flesh lining the perimeter. I felt my mouth flood with saliva as I gazed at him, and somehow just knew that I wanted to, was going to, suck his beautiful boyhood, and I could almost already feel the pulsing thickness filling my hungry mouth. I shuddered slightly, and shifted my gaze to his heavy ball sac, my eyes focusing on the tiny hairs that dotted the crinkled skin, and the large orbs within. I longed to cup the pouch in my palm, and gauge its heft, and the firmness of the nuggets, and a small groan escaped my chest as I clearly imaged doing it. Rick stirred slightly, another deep breath filling his lungs that he held for a beat, then, let it out slowly. He suddenly sat up, his eyes meeting mine with a questioning expression, as he most certainly had caught me again, literally staring at his package, and, I suppose, all but drooling. Shit.

"Dude, it's even warmer here than I thought....I'm going for another dip. Why don't you pop me another brew....be right back."

With that, he got to his feet, and jogged off toward the lake, as I sat there blushing like a school girl, but, perving that cute ass at the same time. Jesus, I was becoming a basket case, and if I didn't get my shit together soon, I was probably just going to cave totally, and just tell him I wanted to suck his cock! Trying to distract my sordid thoughts, I drained my half warm beer, and fished two cold ones out of the ice, popped the tabs, and had another pull, waiting for Rick to come back.

A few minutes later, I watched him walk out of the water, and cross the meadow to the blanket. As he walked up, I held a beer out to him, and he took it, tipping his head back, and ingesting a long pull of the cold brew. His position placed his now completely soft cock right at my eye level, and I was once again unable to stop myself from staring at it. Even flaccid, it was a good size, probably somewhere close to four inches, and it hung downward, resting on the plump sac of his balls. I struggled against the incredible desire to just reach out my hand, and hold it, feeling it's warmth, and weight in my hand, as I stroked it to hardness, my fingers sliding over the smoothness of it, and rubbing across the spongy head, as it swelled, and stiffened under my touch. I could actually visualize it, rock hard, and throbbing, as I milked it base to tip, and I imagined the heft of his full scrotum in my other hand at the same time. I shuddered, my own cock standing straight out from my groin in unabashed view, an all too obvious indicator of my arousal. Rick looked down at me, then, folded his body down onto the blanket, and he smiled at me, then, chuckled, as he nodded slightly at my pulsing hardon.

"Hmmm....somebody is thinking bad thoughts, I see....is Mr. Happy there still thinking about my little Angie story?" he asked.

I felt my face go all hot again, and I felt my balls tingle just from his staring at my cock like that.

"Yea....something like that, I guess....its a pretty hot story, actually....and.....dunno....just sorta horny, I guess." I stammered, and it didn't sound very convincing, even to me.

Rick stretched out on his back, and I watched, astounded, as his hand moved to his crotch, and gripped his cock, idly stroking it a few times. It instantly began to unfurl as he rubbed it, growing fully erect in a matter of seconds, as I watched, incredulous that he would feel so comfortable openly stimulating himself that way while I watched. He ran his fist over his now fully hard meat another time, or two, then released it, and took another pull from his beer. My eyes were locked onto his turgid erection, scant inches from where I sat, and as he set the beer down, he looked at me, a small smile turning up just the corners of his mouth.

"Warm sun....cold brew....and pussy talk....really does make a dude catch a case of the horns, big time!" he said.

I nodded dumbly, as I felt my mouth flood with my saliva, so intense was my desire to just lean forward a foot, or less, and slide that steely hard cock into my hungry mouth. I was actually shocked at my nearly uncontrollable urge, and my brain was spinning, as I tried to process the myriad of mixed emotions that flashed through my consciousness at warp speed. So much of me wanted to just go for it, damn the consequences, while a very small part of me screamed no way, not unless you are willing to lose him as a friend. I also knew he was watching me, doubtless reading my hungry expression, which I was sure was telegraphing my thoughts. My heart was hammering so hard, I actually was hearing it, like a loud roar in my head, and I felt slightly light headed, dizzy, and totally unable to stop staring at his pulsing erection. From my peripheral vision I saw him take another swallow from his beer, and toss the can onto the small pile of empties at the edge of the blanket, then, he edged slightly closer to me, as the scent of him flooded my senses. His turgid cock was now no more than a couple of inches away, and he lay back, moving his hands behind his head. I gulped, hopeless, and totally unable to stop staring, as his soft voice suddenly penetrated the jumble of thoughts that coursed through my ravaged mind.

"Hey Ry....seriously, dude....it's cool if ya want....uh....I....um...well.....shit....you know, dude!" he mumbled.

I gulped again, a strong shudder suddenly coursing over my trembling body, and I tore my gaze from his gorgeous meat long enough to look up at his face, not really believing what I had just heard him say. He had his eyes closed, and was just lying there, his smooth chest rising and falling with his somewhat rapid, and shallow breathing. I looked back at his cock, so hard, and so thick, lying against his groin. I looked at his plump scrotum, and saw the shape of his balls, large, and oval, as they hung slightly loose below his erection. The whole picture went slightly fuzzy, as it swam before my eyes in a kind of soft blur, and I really couldn't believe it, when my hand, seemingly all by itself, slowly extended across the scant distance between us, and came to rest on Rick's firm, warm thigh, mere inches below that pulsing cock. He flinched slightly at the contact, and I froze, then, my mouth hanging open in utter disbelief, I watched my hand move slowly upward, then, higher, until my fingertips grazed his heavy ball sac. Rick flinched again, as my fingers moved over his sac, and actually probed each of his large nuggets, prodding them gently, as they moved within the plump pouch.

"Awww, shit!" I grunted, as my palm opened, then, closed around his balls, and I hefted them slightly, reveling in the weight, and fullness of them. He shuddered slightly, a soft sound escaping his chest, and I tugged gently on his sac, my heart threatening to tear through my heaving chest wall. Rick parted his legs wider, and the full weight of his scrotum suddenly rested in the palm of my hand, and I stared, unable to fathom the fact that I was actually playing with is balls. I shook my head, in an effort to clear it, but the whole scene continued to play out in a sort of surreal slow motion. I saw my fingers prod his full balls again, then, release them, and move upward, my fingers splaying, before closing around the rigid shaft of his throbbing cock.

"Oh fuck....jeez....oh man, Rick.....damn....!" I stammered, my fist firmly gripping his thick cock, and stroking the creamy smooth skin up and down, as instinct took over. I was panting like a dog on a hot day, my saliva so copious in my mouth that I needed to swallow repeatedly to keep from drooling, and I stroked him, amazed at the movement of the satin skin as it effortlessly slid back and forth over the rigid tube of tissue it covered. Oh God, I thought, I'm actually doing it, finally, I'm pumping this incredible piece of meat, stroking a cock, and it just feels so fucking awesome in my hand. All of those hours of pounding my own dick, and wanting it to be somebody else, countless time spent drooling over hot pictures on the internet, and in magazines, imagining over and over what it must actually be like, and, wow, here I am!

As I found a rhythm in my stroking of Rick's turgid cock, he lifted his head off the blanket, and looked down across his chest, his eyes going wide, as he focused on my fist wrapped around his stalk, pumping it, and he groaned loudly, his head moving side to side slowly, as if utter disbelief of what was happening. I looked up at him, our eyes locking, and, as I looked into his eyes, I suddenly just knew that I was going all the way. I had dreamed this, over and over, and now, fuck the consequence, I wanted this beautiful thing where it belonged, in my mouth, and throat. Still looking into his wide eyes, I slowly leaned forward, my face inching ever closer to his throbbing shaft, the scent of him filling my senses. I extended my tongue, and let it slide over his plump ball sac, laving the flat of my tongue over the soft, and wrinkled bag, again and again, as my hand continued to stroke his rock hard tool.

"Aggg.....fuck, Ryan.....God damn!" he croaked, his voice dry, and craggy sounding.

I opened my mouth, and sucked one ball inside, gently sucking the firm orb, and probing it with my tongue, as he groaned again, and dropped his head back on the blanket. I moved, and slid the other ball into my mouth, repeating my efforts, then, released his scrotum, and ran the tip of my tongue up the underside of his thick shaft. My taste buds exploded, his flavors alive in my mouth, and as I reached the spongy head of his cock, I lapped over it, making small licks, and reveling at the incredible smoothness of the taut skin. My tongue tip stabbed repeatedly at the small slit that centered the smooth head of his cock, and I suddenly tasted his nutty flavored precum as it began to ooze from the small opening. I gripped the base of his shaft in my finger, and thumb, lifting it off his groin, and wiping the crimson head across my cheek, and lips. The smell of him was intoxicating, and my head swooned again, a kind of dizzy feeling, and I opened my mouth, lowering my lips over the mushroom cap of his pulsing cock.

Closing my lips just behind the firm ridge of skin that formed the shape of his cock head, I applied a gentle suction, as my fingers stroked the shaft. He groaned louder still, and his hands suddenly gripped my head, as he once more lifted his head off the blanket, and looked down, across the expanse of his heaving chest. I glanced up at him, as I slid another inch of his cock into my mouth, and I saw his eyes go wide, a look of total amazement crossing his face. Yea, Rick, I know, I thought, ain't nobody here any more amazed than I am, dude. Still looking into his eyes, I took another inch, and another, until the whole of him was buried in my hungry, cocksucking, mouth. I felt the thickness of him filling all the space of my mouth, and the spongy head bumped at the back of my throat, gagging me briefly, and I swallowed, clearing my throat of the flood of my own saliva. My eyes flooded with tears, and the drops ran down my cheeks in wet rivulets, leaving long, wet trails on my flushed skin. I swallowed again, a dull ache working along the line of my jaw bone, and I pulled my head back some, letting about half of his thick shaft out of my mouth. I opened my mouth, quickly grabbing a deep breath around his thickness, then, once more wrapped my lips around the shaft, and slid my mouth back down his length, my nose being tickled by his silky pubes.

I closed my tearing eyes tightly, and closed my mind equally as tightly, not allowing myself to think about what I was doing, or the consequences of it, and found a rhythm. I moved my head over his length, setting a steady up and down pace, my thumb and finger working the base of his cock in sync with my sucking, and I could feel the slippery wetness of his shaft on my battered lips. His nutty flavored precum was coating my tongue, and mixed with my copious saliva, and I shuddered as it slid down my throat, providing a dull acing sensation in my taste buds. His shaft seemed even thicker to me now, and I paused briefly, savoring the feel of it pulsing strongly against my tightly closed lips, where they surround it. As my movement stopped momentarily, Rick's hands tightened their grip at my temples, and he urged me to resume my hungry sucking of his rampant cock, eager now, and so very close to giving me the reward that I so desperately sought. I swallowed again, the slightly creamy mixture of my saliva, and his free flowing precum, sliding easily down my throat, and I moved a hand to cup his churning balls. I gripped, and released them, urging them to give up the creamy essence of him, and sucked harder on his thickening stalk. He groaned repeatedly, a near cadence of staccato like grunts deep in his chest, and I felt his hips thrusting against my sucking mouth, desperate now, to drive his turgid meat into my throat. I gripped his plump sac again, and speeded up my sucking, and I felt his shaft jerk strongly inside my mouth, as his hands slammed my head down on his exploding cock, and I felt it suddenly erupt, as it suddenly jetted thick ropes of his warm, slippery cum into my mouth in rapid pulses. My already full mouth quickly flooded with his salty juices, and I gagged briefly, then, swallowed, the thick fluid draining down my throat, as his cock erupted again, and again, and again, each time flooding me to the point of choking. I rolled his draining balls in my fingers, and struggled to keep up with his amazing volume, as the tears ran down my cheeks, and some dribbles of his thick cream escaped the stretched corners of my mouth, until finally, he was spent, and sagged limply onto the blanket. I continued to suckle his wilting cock, my fingers milking the softening shaft, as my lips sucked at the head, capturing the final, weak dribbles of his discharge, until there was none, and I let the soft cock slip from my bruised lips. His after taste was strong in my mouth, and my jaw throbbed with a pulsing, dull ache, as I lay my sweating face on his still heaving abdomen, and tried to recover my breathing. Holy shit, I thought, as I gulped ragged breaths of air, holy, fucking, shit!

For what seemed like a long time, we just lay there, getting our breathing under control, and neither of us moving, or saying anything. My overwhelming passion now sated, my mind began racing with thoughts of the probable aftermath of my actions, and I almost dreaded what would happen next. Part of me worried mightily that I had very probably just ruined the best friendship of my life, and I hated that thought, while another part of me decided that if that was, in fact, the case, then so be it, it had been nearly worth it. The act had been everything, and more, that I thought it would be, and if I lived forever, I would never totally regret having the experience. I loved Rick even better than a brother, and wanted his friendship always, but, Rick or no Rick, I had just completed myself, confirmed my long held suspicion of who, and what, I was at my core, and I decided then, and there, that I would no longer deny myself that true identity, no matter the cost in friendships that couldn't accept that. Rick and I would talk about this, and reach some area of understanding, or not, but I now knew without question that I wanted to, and would, do this again, and then, again.

The End Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2: Ryans Second Impulse 1

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