Ryan's Exam

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 1, 2006



Ryan was a graduate student at a prestigious southern university. He was doing well in school, and a few months back decided to join a lacrosse team. Things were going well at first, but last week during a game he felt a pull in his groin. At first he thought it would get better, but after a few days decided to see a doctor. The university medical center recommended the doc who takes care of the football team, so Ryan made an appointment for the next day.

On the day of the appointment, Ryan walked from his off campus apartment over towards the gym. On the way he passed a few hot college students, and made his way through the tree lined streets leading to the student center complex. He cut through the student center, then across one of the undergraduate quads to get to the athletic center. He passed several groups of students, noticing some hot guys eating by themselves in a mexican restaurant and thinking he should stop by and check that out after his appointment. It was a cool fall day, and Ryan zipped up his coat a bit to ward off the chill in the air.

Ryan worked out in the athletic center several times a week, but had never been to the medical training part of it. Ryan walked by the weight machines, and casually checked out some of the guys from the football team as he crossed the room and followed the signs to the physical therapy and team doctor's office.

When he arrived at the office, he was surprised to see the doctor waiting for him. The doc smiled and introduced himself.

"Hello Ryan, how's the pull doing?"

"Um, Ok I guess. Why are you waiting for me?" asked Ryan.

"Well since I'm a team doc and no longer a general practitioner, there are no crowds of patients clamoring for attention. Now come into my office and strip to your underwear."

Ryan went into the doctor's office and put down his backback. Ryan started to strip but paused when he realized the doctor was still there.

"Go on Ryan, I'm going to see all of you anyway." the doctor turned as one of the team members came to the door and closed it behind him. "Oh Ryan, this is John. He's on the team but is a premed, and he'll be assisting me today."

Ryan paused and blushed a bit. He had seen John working out before, and was pretty sure John had noticed that Ryan got a little erect and wet at the gym.

"Come on Ryan, don't waste our time. Get those clothes off!" insisted the doc.

Ryan paused, but then continued unbuttoning his shirt. He folded his shirt neatly, then undid his belt, lost his shoes, stepped out of his trousers and turned to face the Doc and John wearing nothing but boxers and socks. Doc looked him straight in the eye, but Ryan could tell John was checking him out with a half smirk on his face.

The building heating wasn't fully turned on, and Ryan noticed it was pretty cool in the office. Ryan could feel his nipples tightening up, and he could see John was watching these little erections.

"Ok Ryan, I'm going to give you a quick exam before we focus on the pull. John here will be repeating everything I do so he can learn."

The doc pulled out his stethoscope, and John got another from a cabinet nearby. The doc instructed Ryan to breathe in and out, moving the cold instrument over Ryan's chest and back. John then came over, and did the same thing, but instead of the doctor's steady pressure, John's exam was rougher, and at one point John pretty blatantly manipulated Ryan's nipple while he was listening to Ryan breathe.

"Ryan, I need you to get on the exam table and lay back. I need to examine your lymph nodes and abdominal organs."

Ryan complied, and the doc continued to move his stethoscope, gently probing Ryan's abs while pointing out things to John. John did the same, but again his touch was much firmer. The doc then started to palpate Ryan, and explained to John were he was to feel Ryan's organs. John then followed the doc's path, but the feeling was much more like a sensual massage than an exam. Despite Ryan trying not to, he got a huge erection and started leaking precum through his shorts.

"Ahh looks like Ryan likes your touch John" Remarked the doc. "I think you should continue so we can see if Ryan can keep up the flow for a bit."

John smiled at the doc, then turned and looked into Ryan's eyes as he continued to work Ryan's abs. At one point John reached up and massaged Ryan's tits, then the doc joined in and worked Ryan's chest, really tugging at Ryan's erected nipples. After about 5 minutes of this, Ryan's shorts were soaked and he was breathing deeply from the stimulation.

"See John, this looks like a healthy young man like yourself. Now let's get to this pull. Ryan, stand up and loose the boxers and socks."

Ryan blushed again, then slowly got off the table and removed his shorts and socks. He gulped and nervously stood up, exposing his thick dripping erection to the doctor and the college student.

"Now we need to feel his scrotum and find where the pull is. Why don't you get one of your teammates in here for comparison?" remarked the doc.

John smiled and went back out into the gym. Ryan just stood there in a state of shock as he realized other guys from the gym were about to see him this way. A minute later John returned with two other guys from the team, who almost immediately started to strip.

"Hi Nate and Rick, thanks for helping." Doc said to the now naked athletes. "Come over here and stand on either side of Ryan."

The two naked men walked over and stood next to Ryan. Ryan gulped again as the well muscled 20-year men stood next to him. Ryan snuck a glance down and noticed that the men were both erect, and had strong muscular bodies. Ryan leaned back a bit, and noticed that both of the men had great bubble buts as well.

The doc resumed the examination "John, I want you to feel each of the three men's testicles, and tell me if you feel anything different about Ryan's".

John smiled and started feeling his friend Nate's sack. Nate was an italian guy, and had dark pubes and low hanging testicles. John gave Nate a quick tug, which had the effect of getting Nate to breathe in deeply.

"That's an interesting twist on getting them to cough John" remarked the doc. "You'll make a good physician someday."

John moved over to Ryan. He started as before with Nick, then administered his tug, and Ryan gasped in response. John's had massaged Ryan's sack, and found the pull in Ryan's groin. John massaged it for a bit, then have Ryan a forcefull tug, getting Ryan to yell out in surprise. The Doc smiled, and Ryan could hear Nate and Rick chuckling on either side of him.

John moved over to Rick, who has a muscular german guy with lots of blonde fur on his chest and abs, leading to a thick bush of blonde hair above his thick erect dick. John continued to examine him, but had to wipe away some streams of precum before finishing.

"So John, do you see how easy it is to detect the pull? He'll be fine in a few days, but to be thorough we should make sure he can ejaculate properly. Ryan, get back on the exam table. John, Nate and Rick, get him into the stirrups."

Ryan tried to speak, but the two footballers on either side of him pushed him back onto the exam table. John pulled out the stirrups, and the men lifted Ryan's legs into position and strapped him down. John went over to the medical cabinet and got a couple of bottles of lube.

The doc moved to behind Ryan's head to a position where he could watch the three men work over Ryan. "Ok guys, let's start by massaging Ryan's prostate and working his tits."

John moved between Ryan's legs and slipped a lubed finger into Ryan. Ryan gasped as he felt the finger move up and find the lump of his prostate, then felt a shiver as the student's finger massaged his gland. Ryan tried to look away, but couldn't escape the stares of the muscular men around him. To make it worse, Ryan knew he'd be seeing these guys every day at the gym and all around the university campus.

Nate and Rick started to slowly work Ryan's body. Stimulated by the strong hands of the three college men, Ryan quickly lost himself in the sensations spreading outwards from his prostate. For a student, John certainly had a way with his hands. In only a few minutes Ryan had coated his abs with a layer of precum and sweat, and he started to become vaguely aware that Nate and Rick were sporting huge hardons and had started to rub their cocks on Ryan's arms and body.

The doc smiled as he monitored the mens' progress. "John, Now increase the stimulation of his prostate, and Nate, bring him off using your hand."

John smiled and really went to town on Ryan's ass. His fingers moved in and out with a steady rhythm, then picked up the pace by inserting other fingers and occasionally a thumb, driving Ryan crazy.

Nate then reached over and started to jack Ryan's dick. Nate had a slightly frantic approach common to younger men, but his grip was firm and he clearly knew what he was doing. In a matter of minutes Ryan had started to thrust up into the college stud's hand. The doc and the three guys watched intently as a sexual flush spread over Ryan's body and Ryan lost himself in the sensations of being manipulated to orgasm by these men. Finally Ryan groaned and threw his head back as his cock spasmed and coated himself and the exam table with a huge load of cum.

Ryan slowly started to recover, but John, Nate and Rick were now totally aroused. Ryan looked up to see Nate and Rick kissing above him, then feeling each other up as they jacked each other off. John was doing the same, having pulled a surprisingly huge dick out of his sweatpants. The three men wasted no time reaching orgasm, and added their loads to the fairly large pool of ejaculate on Ryan's chest.

The guys could see Ryan squirming with the combined loads mixing on his fair skin. The doc noticed too, but remarked:

"Guys, let the loads sink into him for a bit, then take him to the showers and clean him up. Ryan, your pull should go away in a few days, these guys will work the pull a bit in the shower." The doc turned and left the four men in the room.

John looked at the other guys and smiled, then all three panting men looked at Ryan, stuck squirming on the exam table covered in cum. They quickly started to feel bad for Ryan, and Nick and Rick undid the stirrups and restraints while John stripped off his clothes.

The men then smiled at Ryan and led him over to the team showers. Unlike the gym showers, the team showers were completely open and there was plenty of room for the men to shower together. Nate and Rick started to make out with each other, but helped John scrub all the cum off Ryan. The guys also took turns massaging Ryan's scrotum and sure enough Ryan could feel the muscles relax. After 20 minutes of massaging and showering, the guys dried off Ryan and brought him back to the office and helped him find his clothes. Ryan dressed as the still naked men looked on. Ryan sheepishly grabbed his coat and left the office, but Nick gave Ryan's ass a firm slap on the way out.

As Ryan walked back to his apartment, his pulled muscle felt a lot better, but he couldn't decide whether or not the guys were into him, or were just having fun at his expense. Either way he wasn't exactly looking forward to going back to the gym, but figured he got lucky maybe John, Nate and Rick would have some fun with him again.

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