Ryan's Ass Gay - Adult Friends, Athletics

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Aug 15, 2021



Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to AtlantisGuy@aol.com

I've always been a standard-issue, comfortably straight guy. He was a standard-issue, comfortably straight guy. But we met in one of the gayest ways possible.

I was just shy of being 30 years old. I was working and taking classes to finish up an advanced degree at the time, hoping to jump start my career. Together these things pretty much torpedoed any free time I might have had. One thing that I absolutely, resolutely made time for was swimming laps pretty much daily at the local gym; the activity kept me sane after a long day of sitting on my ass. The net result was I had a nice tight build. I may not have had the bulk of some of the guys, but I certainly felt no shame in the locker room and I'd never felt better. Unlike other swimmers, or many guys my age, I never shaved my body hair or trimmed my bush... too lazy, I guess, with everything else going on. But more than that, I actually liked looking like a man. No false modesty, I was good looking and had never really had trouble with the ladies, but after a year of slaving away both at work and in the time-suck of a master's program, I was in a deep, deep romantic rut.

Because swim lanes were always in high demand, I usually hit the gym later on at night. And in truth, given the rat-race I was running, I thoroughly enjoyed having the place pretty much to myself, as it gave me time to recharge and refocus.

This one particular night, I had finished up my laps and retired to the locker room. It was deserted, and I moved into the jacuzzi room. A nice soak always helped unclench my muscles, and I feel no shame in saying I loved the way the bubbles felt on my naked balls.

And then, he opened the door and came in.

I was surprised, as I rarely saw another person this late... but whooo boy the newcomer caught my eye. Like I said, I thought of myself is perfectly straight and had never really... well, swooned over another guy before, but this guy was insane. He was the textbook definition of an all-American jock. His face was impressive enough... I mean, he looked like he just walked off a movie set. There was a bit of boyishness to him that was instantly disarming. But complimenting this was a freaking amazing body--a powerful build without being overly bulked up for just for show, like some of the gym rats I've run across. No, those muscles were built for use... I wondered what he played? He had dark hair, and like me he had a good dusting of hair across his arms, body, and crotch ... not like Sasquatch, but looking like a fucking man. And seeing him in all his naked, Olympian glory literally stopped my breath for a second. I mean, who was this guy...?

I was so struck by his manly form that it took me a minute to register that other unusual thing about him: he was on crutches.

Oh shit. That was going to be a problem.

You see, this room, and the jacuzzi itself, were not at all designed for a guy on crutches. The jacuzzi wasn't built into the floor, but sitting on top of it... forcing anyone who wanted to enter it to climb a short set of stairs, then pivot to walk down a few steps in the water to be able to take a seat. At best those steps were wet and slightly treacherous... but with a mobility issue? Plus, it didn't help that the room itself was only slightly larger than the tub, making it a tight space to navigate. He had very little room to position himself at the foot of the stairs. I immediately sensed this could get tricky fast.

The Olympian bent down and removed a brace from his right leg, and set it aside with his crutches. He hobble-hopped to the stairs, grabbed the hand rail, and with a deep breath, started hopping his way up. I saw his injured foot as he moved, and it looked nasty--a bit swollen, and huge ugly mass of purple-blue-black bruises. That must have hurt like a motherfucker. Still, he made it to the lip of the jacuzzi, and was positioned to make his way into the tub itself.

So far so good.

During all of this, I was trying to be nonchalant--I mean, really... sitting there naked, what was I going to say to a naked Greek God hopping his way into a hot tub with the grimmest of grim determination? As he moved, however, I slowly positioned myself to move fast if I needed to. But casually; I didn't want to disrespect him or his effort, or give any indication that I didn't think he could make it.

Well, he didn't make it.

What happened next was a spectacular, slow-mo disaster. He had started down the stairs in the tub, with the water churning around him. He was clutching the hand rail with white-knuckle intensity as he hopped down the first of the steps. He made the first one, but not the second. His good foot slipped, causing him to lose his balance, and he started falling forward. He desperately tried to regain his footing, while he grabbed the rail and clutched it with one hand, which somewhat broke his fall, but his momentum meant that his body swung out and continued to pinwheel sideways.

Right towards where I was sitting.

Ass first. Into my face.

Purely by instinct, I shot my hands forward to keep him from smashing into me... and without any thought, I squarely planted my hands on each one of his hairy asscheeks. Just like I was setting a volleyball.

"Dude! Dudedudedudedudedude!" I barked out, trying to keep him from thrashing around and making things worse. "It's ok, it's ok... I got you. I'm not letting go, you're good. Are you hurt?"

"No," he hissed back through gritted teeth. I imagine there was some pain, and an Olympic-sized heaping of absolute humiliation. "I'm ok. But... I can't... I can't stand up."

It was a preposterous situation. The guy's naked ass was mere inches from my face. My hands, while keeping him steady, were slightly pushing his cheeks apart, giving me a close-up-and-personal view of the Olympian's asshole, nestled in thick dark hair. I had never seen anyone's asshole that close, and... well, his pucker had transfixed me. It was like....

Jesus. What was I doing? Snap out of it. We have a situation, here!

"Ok. We got this," I said in what I hoped was a bright, easy-breezy tone. "I tell you what we're gonna do. On the count of three, I'm going to push you forward. Once you get your center of gravity under you, grab onto the rail with your other hand to stabilize yourself. You should be able to pivot from there. Ok?"

"Ok. Hurry." He bit off the words.

"One... two... THREE!" I pushed him forward and he was able to regain his footing. He then shifted his weight, repositioned himself, and essentially came down with a splashing crash so that he was sitting next to me in the jacuzzi ... utterly, completely, and ferociously humiliated.

Not surprisingly, he didn't make a sound as he sat there, just staring dejectedly across the bubbling water. I was pretty speechless myself... I mean, I had never had any kind of contact with another guy in any part of his... you know, business. But there it was, I had my hands fully on a guy's ass, with my face close enough to kiss it good-night.

But looking at him, any weirdness I might have felt completely evaporated. However awkward it might have been for me, it was a million times worse for him. He was likely feeling violated along with feeling humiliated. You couldn't help but feel for him, and I decided to try and break the tension.

In a relentlessly earnest tone, I said, "Well, at times like this there's only one thing left to say, and that is... thank you for not farting in my face."

Olympian's head snapped around to stare at me with slack-jawed amazement, too stunned to be mortified.

Slowly, I started cracking up laughing... and a beat later he started in, too. Within moments we were both howling with laughter. In the midst of it all, I laughed out, "I knew there would be a full moon tonight... but I never expected it to look so big." A new gale of laughter. At some point I belted out the song "MOOOOON RIVER...!" We were both nearly crying at that point.

Finally, we regained what composure a couple of naked guys in a hot tub could manage, and the laughter died down to a rumble. I cheerfully ventured, "Well, as the old saying goes, there is nothing so awful that can't be made worse by having your friends mock you for it."

He still had a loopy grin on his face. "Ah. So you're saying we're friends now?"

"Well, I certainly hope so!" I responded in a faux-scandalized tone. "Sir, I am a gentleman! Do you think I'm so loose that I'd grab just any guy's ass?"

He playfully karate-chopped a respectable splash of water in my face. After a beat, he extended his hand. "Ryan."

I gave it a hearty shake. "I'm Tim. Nice to meet you, Ryan. Well formally, at least." We chuckled again. "So, what happened to your foot? That looked ugly."

Ryan rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Jesus... it was the stupidest thing ever. I was walking down the stairs at my apartment to the laundry room. Not falling down the stairs, not skateboarding down the stairs, just walking. I stepped off the bottom stair and landed on my foot wrong. All my weight was on one side as I came down, and I essentially folded my foot in half, the long way." I violently shuddered as he said that. "I ended up snapping three bones. I went to the clinic and there's nothing they can really do... they're in the middle of my foot, so a cast wouldn't do any good. They gave me a brace to help immobilize it, but really I just have to let everything heal."

"Aw, man dude... that epicly sucks."

"Jesus, man, tell me about it. For a week I pretty much had to completely stay in bed except to eat and pee. I'm supposed to be on semi-complete bed rest this week... but I've been going out of my fucking mind. Bored to tears and completely left to my own devices. I'm at my best when active and it's been a prison sentence. Finally, I snapped and decided to come here... and every part of this trip was a disaster. Driving with my foot like this absolutely sucks. It totally fucked up my routine, and I ended up humiliating myself with the first guy I see. I mean, fuck my life!"

"Man, I'm so sorry." I thought about something Ryan said. "So, no one to help out in your hour of need?"

At this point, much of the lightness in his face vanished, replaced by brooding. "This is just the tip of the iceberg for the shit storm of my life. I just moved here about six weeks ago. After college I was playing volleyball out in California for a time, but got out of it and lined up a job here. My girlfriend and I moved here, and pow! Just like that, she dumps me like a day after we get here and runs back home. I started my job and the guys there a cool... but I mean, I barely know anyone's name, so I can't really ask them over to buy my groceries or help me get into the shower. Work's being great about this, but at this point I kinda want to chuck everything into the garbage and start over somewhere else. Anywhere else."

"Jesus, guy. I can't even imagine." He looked over and gave me a grateful, if still glowerful smirk.

Now, normally I'm a pretty quiet guy. Friendly and easy going, sure... but again, kinda quiet and usually keeping more to myself. I don't know quite what motivated me, but I ended up doing something completely out of character.

"Well Ryan, as your best friend here in town, I'm going to help you. And I'm going to start by helping you out of this death trap." Ryan looked at me with surprise, and started to fumble out some sort of protest. I shut him down instantly. "No, don't give me that... it's going to be as tricky getting out as it was getting in. And sense we've already... broken the ice, so to speak, there's no one better for the job. I've already established I got your ass covered when you need it."

He caught the glint in my eye as I said that last part, and with theatrical exacerbation agreed to this new assault on his dignity.

In truth, I'm not sure how well he would have managed things if I wasn't there to help. We stood up. He put one arm around my shoulders and leaned in tightly into me, so we were locked naked hip to naked hip. It was a comically surreal moment, made more bizarre when we were coming back down the stairs and our dicks were flopping around in perfect unison. As that happened, I found myself making the mental note that we were evenly matched in that department... both cut and bigger than average, although I was slightly thicker. And both of us with impressive man-bushes.

Finally, I got him out of there, and we showered up to leave. I walked with him to the parking lot to make sure he didn't have any trouble. He threw his gear into the seat and turned to me. "Tim... well, thanks, man. Thanks for... everything. I am... so, so sorry about this whole situation."

"We're good man, I was happy to help. Hell, I haven't got to third base since my girlfriend dumped me a couple months ago, so I owe you!" We laughed. And on a whim, I went on. "Look, if you're new in town and all, my favorite watering hole is just around the corner. Care to join me?"

Ryan thought about it for a second and I thought he was just going to slip home, but finally he broke out into a grin and said, "You know... why the hell not. Lead the way!"

I don't know what I was expecting, but we ended up having a blast. Once we were fully dressed and on more or less equal standing, Ryan really opened up. He was a jock... 100% a jock, with a jock-like mentality and view of the world. And he was incredibly competitive. But not in, well... a jackassery kind of way. I got the sense that he was a guy who wanted to really suck the marrow out of life and was constantly pushing himself. But I was surprised to find that just under the surface, he was a massive geek. We were both into comic books--thank God, we were both DC kind of guys, not Marvel--and had an unhealthy obsession with Star Wars (the real trilogy), TNG, and Lord of the Rings. It was a long time since I just plain connected with a guy like that.

I surprised myself further by offering to swing by his place after work the next day to see how he was getting by, and was pumped that he agreed.

Over the next few weeks, we had become fast friends, and I found myself helping him settle in to his new apartment and manage on his mangled foot. He was a sweetheart of a guy--outgoing and confident, and ready for anything. He was just plain fun to hang out with. Especially at first, we usually hung out at his place to keep him off his foot as much as possible.

In time we became inseparable. Ryan... really brought me out of my shell. For a long time, I realized that although I genuinely was busy, I way too often used "being busy" as an excuse to hide. But Ryan pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I was appreciating the new perspective.

As I spent time with him, I noticed something... Ryan had a distinct scent. I mean, guys tend to anyway, but it was different with him. Stronger. I don't mean in a bad way, it was just... Ryan.

The other thing that was never far from my mind was just what a great body he had. And it was... memorable. So many guys keep themselves smooth as a 13-year-old girl, but with his body hair Ryan just fucking oozed casual, confident masculinity. Maybe for comfort, maybe because he knew I had seen it all anyway, he usually just hung around in gym shorts, with or without a T-shirt. He never wore underwear, as evidenced by his bouncing bulge. And more than once when he was just sprawled out on the couch, his dick was... sprawling out, too.

But the weird thing is... I still thought about his killer ass. Well, just sometimes. I mean, I don't really go for that thing. I was straight. Totally straight. But... well, sometimes... if I was hanging out with him and he turned around, there was... I don't know, a flash of memory. I mean, I had never come close to grabbing a guy back there. That was completely off-limits, forbidden territory. Guys are forever flashing their dicks, comparing each other's dicks, laughing about their dicks. But a guy's butt was, you know, dirty. Ugly. Nasty. The "butt" of raunchy humor.

But not Ryan's.

I had always loved the pear-shaped softness of a woman's ass, but Ryan's was something totally different. Perfectly rounded, and yet straight direct lines. And I mean, it was... raw. Powerful. The thing was solid muscle. And recalling he had a covering of man-fur added to the impact, making it... so fucking masculine. So...

...fucking sexy.

Wait, what the fuck? Again, I'm not gay. I'm not into that shit. What the hell was wrong with me?

And yet, why was I daydreaming about him working out naked, thinking about that masculine ass flexing as he....

Jesus. Stop. I'm not creeping on my buddy. Who is straight as an arrow. Hell, we're both straight as an arrow.

And yet, that straightness... well, that was part of the allure. In a weird sort of way. Forbidden. Dangerous.

Fuck. Stop. Don't blow up a friendship over something so stupid.

So anyway.

At some point, after he had fully healed, Ryan and I decided to do a "Lord of the Rings" marathon. With the extended versions, obviously. This took a degree of planning, as we wanted to do them all back-to-back-to-back in one sitting. We both wrangled a totally free Saturday out of our schedules and planned on starting off at 11 AM... figuring that with bathroom breaks, stretches, and eating, we would still be going strong after midnight. We drew up a list of food so that we could indulge in a nice, steady gorge. I also sprung for the booze, so we could finish up everything in a blaze of glory. On the appointed day, we gathered at his place, killed the phones, and strapped ourselves in.

It was a wonderful wallow. I mean, we both love the movies and totally let ourselves get swept into the story. After 11 hours and 26 minutes of viewing time, we were pretty much useless blobs of flesh splayed across his couch, even with regular stretch breaks to keep us limber. The final hour or so of "Return of the King" always keeps me absolutely riveted, and puts me through the emotional ringer, no matter how many times I watch it... I barely moved a muscle at all.

We had fallen into a companionable silence as it finally ended, as we both took long draws of whiskey. Reflecting. I finally broke the silence. "You know, no matter how many times I see it, that part where Sam says "I can carry you!" makes me cry like a baby. Amazing."

There was a long silence, that seemed... significant. Finally, Ryan responded, in a voice quieter than I had ever heard from him before. "Tim? ... You know... I'd carry you up that mountain."

Young guys, including Ryan and I, pretty much run on snarky comebacks and ball busting. But I had nothing to say. No retort. I just looked over at my friend, mere inches away from me on the couch, and took him in, in quiet wonderment. Ryan finally went on. "You... you came into my life at a really dark time. A really dark time. You got me through everything and always had my back, never asking for anything. Never flinching with any crazy idea I had. Just... always there. Solid. I've... I've never had a friend like you."

I... I don't quite know what was going through my mind. Or maybe it wasn't going through my mind, but my heart. Without thought, I reached over and lay my hand on his shoulder. I think the gesture was originally meant to just be friendly, acknowledging.

But... the feel of him....

The heat of him. The muscles rippling with power. I think my hand... trembled. We looked at each other. Really looked at each other. And my heart... started racing. I had never had a friend like him, either. A guy who was ready to take a bullet for me. Who always pushed me but was there in a heartbeat to catch me if things went south. There was... something I couldn't explain racing between the two of us. Connecting us. In response to my touch, he reached over to me, with his fingers gently sliding around to the back of my neck. Ryan all but cradling my head. No, it wasn't cradling... it wasn't... well, gentle. It wasn't rough, it was just... strong. There was an intensity.

And my breath became ragged.

We looked at each other, and slowly drew ourselves in... for a hug. My face at his right ear. And I closed my eyes.

And... the scent of him. That smell of Ryan, strong at the end of a long day. Strong as anything. It filled me. And a thousand feelings exploded inside me all at once. His scent somehow sparked images in my mind. His cocky grin. His strong hands rubbing my shoulders. The low baritone of his voice. His sweat after a workout. The way he flushed when he was active. The power this guy had. The confidence. The way he pushed me. The way he made me feel like a million bucks every time we were together.

I don't know what came over me. It was all entirely instinct. I felt myself, turning my head, leaning in, and lightly dragging my lips across his skin. Tasting him. Breathing him. I was hard as a rock.

His breath caught sharply as I did so, and he breathed out a growl like a wolf catching the scent of prey.

And then it was on.

Without any warning I found myself in the most intense... fuck, the most violent kiss of my life. I had kissed plenty of girls in my time, and I pretty much knew the procedure, especially for a first, unexpected kiss: it should be subtle, engaging, asking for more, testing her interest.

Not this kiss. Not with a man. As a kissing partner, Ryan was a force of nature. The power of this guy, even in his lips. He was simultaneously trying to rev my engines, suck out my tongue, at eat me alive. I had to respond force with force... blaze as fiercely as he was blazing, or risk being burned. All of the feelings I had thought about him, whether they were conscious thoughts or not, roared to life. I became an animal, driving hard. Encouraging him to burn hotter. With our lips locked together, Ryan rolled on top of me, our hands grabbing each other. I was simultaneously glorying in the touch of his skin under my fingers, and grabbing for leverage as I readied a new assault.

And pressed together like that? With Ryan on top of me? Oh yeah, I could feel just how much he was into this.

After a few minutes, I needed more. The fucker's body had teased me for far too long. I abruptly pushed him back and sat up so we were looking each other square in the eye. The intensity of that gaze was something else... in any other context, I would have been scared shitless. But not now... it was exactly what I needed to see: hunger.

I crossed my arms and in one quick motion ripped my T-shirt over my head. He watched with open lechery, then mirrored the gesture himself. Fuck. That fucking chest, bristling with man hair, was all mine.

I dove forward and attacked his chest with my mouth, starting with his nipples. It was a sloppy meal, wet with spit. I tasted the salt of his sweat. "Oh yeah FUCK DUDE!" Ryan barked out. I was leaning hard against him, and he started bucking hard against me, letting out a rumbling growl of pleasure. I dragged my now 12-o'clock stubble across his chest, causing him to snap his neck back and hiss, and I started devouring his other hairy nipple, sucking it for all I was worth. Ryan's torso rippled with excitement, and one of his powerful hands grabbed my head in encouragement, his fingers forcefully massaging my scalp. His other hand shot upward, as he roughly ran his fingers back through his hair as he moaned.

Doing so flashed his hairy arm pit at me, close to my face. I don't know what the hell possessed me, but in that moment, instinct kicked in. I left his nipple and buried my face in his pit. Breathing in his scent. Slobbering through his fur with my mouth and tongue.

This brought an immediate response from Ryan, who howled in surprised pleasure before dissolving into garbled words of desperate encouragement. Fuck. I breathed in his scent again and again--a scent of sweat and testosterone, the bedrock of masculinity. I was used to it from being around guys, but this was infinitely more potent and personal. It nearly overwhelmed me, hitting me in ways I couldn't imagine. I had never experienced anything like it. What the fuck? I'd always thought the smell was nasty, what we took showers for. But this was just making my cock harder and bringing out the animal in me.

Finally, Ryan grabbed my head and hauled my face back up to his, landing a massive kiss on my sloppy lips that hit me like right hook. His rabid-dog make-out style made me unleash a desperate moan.

But Ryan was just getting started.

I was stunned at how physical it was being with a guy. Like we were on the court on a sweaty one-on-one session that was going to determine once and for all who won a long-running bet. Every time I'd been with a woman, it was teasing, seductive. She responded to me. But Ryan? He initiated. He knew what he wanted and fucking took it.

So, he essentially threw me backwards across the couch, and dove hard onto my chest with his mouth. His scruffy face raged across my chest, setting my hairy pecs on fire with his stubble. Oh yeah... I was definitely with a guy. He swung back and forth with his open mouth, his lips soothing while his chin scoured. He swung upwards and fucking attacked my neck... one of my hot spots. I hissed out a jubilant "Fuck YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!" as he man-handled me, with my hands raking his back, which was starting to get slick with sweat.

Fuck...sweat. Sweat is, generally, that essential lubricant that greases the wheels of so many male relationships. It was now taking on new meaning for me. It wasn't just the slickness of it as I felt his skin. The familiar, distinctive tang of man-sweat was filling my nose, seared forever into the memory of man-sex with Ryan. It was never going to be same being around guys in a workout.

I then felt his hands slide down my hairy torso to my waist. Without hesitation, his hands started wrenching my shorts and underwear down, and with almost a snap! you could hear my steel-hard cock spring free and slap against my hairy crotch. With no hesitation, Ryan dove down and took me into his mouth.

"OH MY GOD!" I bellowed, arching my back and nearly lifting off the couch. Fucking fuck! His lips sealed around my cock head and he sucked in hard. Then I could feel his tongue circling my cockhead in his mouth, making my whole body shake. There had never been any indication whatsoever that he had done anything with a guy before; I think was pure instinct and masculine awareness of what a man needed. Whatever, it was fucking brilliant. He then started bobbing up and down a couple of times, getting used to me, and then opened up his jaw and dove down as far as he could go. I was stunned. My dick is a good 7" long and fucking thick, and nearly very woman I'd been with couldn't handle sucking it. Ryan could. And right there I had gotten the best-feeling blowjob I had ever experienced. No other woman's even came close. The fact that it was being given by the sexiest, most ruggedly masculine guy I knew ratcheted up my excitement a thousand-fold.

Ryan kept doing a couple of deep dives, slurring his tongue down my shaft as he went. He'd pull back and then do a few rapid-fire bobs on my cockhead. He then slid down and attacked my balls. By this time, I was yelling out an unending stream of expletives. He worked each of my hairy balls, sucking them one at a time and grinding his face into my crotch. He swung his head to the side and spit out a couple hairs, but went back at it with greater ferocity. I had never been so hard in my life. My balls were absolutely churning in response to him, and when he went back down on me, I realized how close I was to blowing my load.

Fuck that... not yet.

Fighting every instinct I had, I pulled him off my cock and locked lips with him again. After I second, I pulled back, fixed him a primal glare and snarled out, "My turn."

I pushed him back, in wrenched his gym shorts off. And I determined that I was going to repay his efforts with the best fucking blowjob he had ever dreamed about. It was fucking amazing taking his dick into my mouth, it was both harder and softer than I would have expected. He was longer than me, although not nearly as thick, giving me a different challenge in sucking him. But as a guy, I knew the secret to great head was to actually suck the dick, not to limply bob around it. Pressure, and variety were the keys. And I was sucking for all I was worth as I dove down this shaft, making him roar. A part of me wondered if we were being way too loud for apartment living... but fuck that shit. We were unleashed, and there was no tip-toeing around for a pair of manly guys diving each other wild.

I had no experience, and that first deep dive down his cock made me gag. I mastered myself, and tried again, realizing my limits. I made some headway, but thought about taking a different approach. I puckered my lips and then slid down his shaft sideways, and he arched his back while belting out a "Fucking YES man! SUCK ME!" After doing this a couple times, I buried my face in his man bush, and breathed him in. His man musk drove me absolutely wild. His sweaty pits were crazy enough, but this new scent had a musk drenched in pheromones. It was completely different from going down on a woman, and far... richer. It was the absolute essence of masculinity, a raw musk screaming his need to mate without the need of words. I kept after him. Ryan's hands wrapped around my head, his fingers digging into my scalp in a fearsome massage. With one hand, I reached up to start jacking him off slowly, while my other hand reached up to work his hairy nipples. I tickled his balls with my tongue and, encouraged by his shouts, went after them one at a time. Breathing his musk. I was in heaven.

I shifted up to suck his cock again, working him like an oil well until my jaw started to hurt. I went back to his balls and dug deep.

And then it got interesting. While down there, I flashed my tongue to his taint, knowing how much I loved getting attention behind my balls. Fuck... my man Ryan did, too. Clearly. His body absolutely convulsed as I did so, while Ryan unleashed an explosive grunt. I repeated the move, and if anything his response the second time was even bigger. I started working his hairy taint hard with my mouth, and his cries escalated. Along the way, his musk was getting... stronger. Darker.

And I had an idea. One that I think had been in my mind ever since that first day we met. I had... a hunger inside me to reacquaint myself with his ass. There was no discussion. There was no request, no consent. I reached my hands under his ass cheeks, and quickly lurched him up so his ass was lifted off the couch, nearly folding Ryan in half. His breathing and guttural sounds slowed for a second, as if he wasn't sure what was about to happen.

And I dove face first into his hairy ass.

It was electric. For all my newly-discovered appreciation for the scent of a man, nothing prepared me for the overwhelming masculine musk of Ryan's butt. It was earthy, primal, slightly sour... raw masculinity. His funk filled my nose and I went into full-on Grizzley Bear mode. I think I was minutes away from hyperventilating, desperately dragging my face through his hairy trench, scenting myself with him.

And then I opened my mouth and fucking ate his ass like it was my last chance at life.

Ryan fucking roared louder than an entire pack of wolves baying at the moon. "FUCKING EAT MY ASS DUDE!! FUCKING.... OH FUCKING FUUUUUUUUUCK!!"

It was far, far hotter than eating a pussy. Especially since I gathered Ryan had never in his life experienced anything like this and was clearly losing his fucking mind. I found his hairy hole and sealed my lips around it, sucking for all I was worth. As it opened up, I drove my tongue inside him as deep as it would go. Then, I started making out with his pucker, as violently as we had been kissing. I started fast, sweeping shakes left to right, then did a long, obscene lick that started at the top of his crack and led back to his hole. And started all over again.

He started bucking against me, with one hand reaching down to pull my face into his hairy ass as far as it would go. The other arm hooked behind his knees to keep them out of the way.

God, I had never, never been so fucking horned up in my life. It was insane... this was the deepest, most personal part of a guy's body. Yet my Greek God of a buddy was openly giving it to me. And as exciting as it was for him, it was a thousand times better for me. I was fulfilling a fantasy I realized I had wanted from the second his ass nearly crashed into my face. This was a dream fucking come true.

Well, almost come true. I realized that there was another way his ass had been calling to me. And I had to have it. I guess I should have asked him, but I was far, far too gone. My body was flooded with testosterone, and my dick was hard enough to cut diamonds. And every fiber of my being was throbbing with animalistic hunger. And my prey was there at my feet.

I sat up to reposition myself. I sucked a finger, and slid it deep inside his twitching hole while I went back to sucking his balls. He loved it, undulating against me while tossing his head back and letting out a rattling howl. I slid in another finger, and then spat into my hand, so I could lube up my cock. When ready, I leaned forward and lined up my cockhead with his hairy hole. And gently pushed it up and down.

Ryan could have no delusions about my intent. He just looked at me, panting, his lips pursed slightly open to reveal clinched teeth. I pushed forward again. Nothing. I pushed harder. Still nothing. I then shifted to put more weight into it, and with pop, I broke through.

We both let out animal sounds... me from the incredible tightness of his chute that siezed my dick in a glorious death-grip. It was heat. It was pressure. It was the best fucking feeling I ever felt. Ryan, however, shouted out in pain. His head swung down and his body clinched as he tried to accommodate the steel girder invading his innards. Every instinct I had was screaming for me to dive in, to make my dick come alive. But somehow, I held back. No. Ryan and I were in this together.

"Its ok bud," I whispered forcefully. "I got you, I got you. Just breathe. Breathe. Let your body work. It knows what it wants. Just breathe. We'll play through the pain together. Breathe." Ryan nodded curtly in response, and I started rubbing my hand in lazy circles across his hairy chest, working his nipples. "Breathe, man. Just breathe."

I could feel some of the tension leaving his body, and was hoping it was working... Jesus I sure hope it was working, because I fucking wanted to plow him harder than I had ever wanted anything before in my life. He looked up at me, and our eyes bored into each other. It was a connection... deeper than anything I had ever felt for anyone else. We breathed in unison, together. I instinctively slid my hand around his dick, and began to jerk him off with slow, insistent pressure. As I watched, his eyes slowly filled with lust.

"It's better," he said thickly. "Yeah. Better."

"Buddy, 'better' is just getting started."

I started small thrusts, little more than rocking back and forth, and watched as his body slowly started to respond. Soon he started rocking in time with me, matching my movements, and I could finally start to feel myself sliding into him.

And it was fucking fantastic. Tighter than anything. I could feel the muscles gripping my dick and I started pushing in more insistently. "OH GAWD," Ryan said as his eyes rolled back. I pushed in a bit more. He took in a sharp breath and yipped out "THERE! Do that again!" I did, and Ryan's head flew back and his whole spine rippled. "Fucking YES!" I knew I had hit his magic spot, and started thrusting hard, triggering him again and again. I increased my thrusts. Back and forth. Back and forth. Deeper each time. Whatever pain the guy had felt before seemed to vanish, along with any reservations or inhibitions. "Fucking FUCK me man! JESUS! You're so fucking BIG. Give me your fucking COCK!"

This was my cue. I had held off far too long. The hunger was far too great. I grabbed Ryan tight, and went for glory, driving my hairy cock to the hilt, as far as I could go... my man bush scouring his hole. It was a release and an absolute thunderbolt for both of us, as we both let out a primal scream. When we gasped for breath, we locked eyes... and I leaned down and drove our mouths together. As we kissed, I cantilevered my torso and started fucking him hard.

I can't begin to describe how hot it was, our faces together, looking each other in the eye as we breathlessly panted against each other. Each dive inside him made my dick fucking sing, gripped by the hottest, tightest hole... as if every muscle inside him was violently milking my entire shaft at once. Ryan bore down on my cock as each stroke pulled out, heightening the feeling. I felt like I was fucking on top of the fucking world.

And it wasn't like I was dominating him, he was throwing down as hard as I was, fucking me as hard as I was fucking him. He threw his body against me harder than I thought possible, especially given his awkward position. It was like we were both reaching for something deeper, stronger, and finding it inside of ourselves... and together. That was it... it was shared. It was the most violent fuck I had ever had, but somehow it was the most intimate thing imaginable. Given how guys are such animals anyway, I didn't know man sex could be that intimate.

And I was pounding him like a piston, each stoke making us howl all the more. I always thought that gay sex was week, effeminate. This was hands down the most masculine experience of my life. Our sweat ran together, and he fucking raked my back with his fingers, finally pulling us as tightly together as we could imagine.

But given my excitement, given the intensity, there was no way I could last. Sure enough, and far too soon, I could feel that familiar rush as my balls got ready to explode. My thrusts became more wild, less controlled, and my breathing got more ragged. As loud as I had been through all of this, my grunts turned into a full-throated roar. To my absolute astonishment, I could Ryan getting ready to fire, too. His head started swinging wildly, and his fingers dug into me like a jaws of life. Without warning, or him even touching his dick, his head finally snapped back and he let loose the most terrifying sound I had ever heard from him... and his dick exploded in cum that fucking shot everywhere. I mean, thick ropes of jizz that splattered across both our chests.

More to the point, his ass clenched down so hard I though it was going to sheer my dick right off. It was the greatest feeling of my life, and I exploded deep inside him. My ears filled with a roar like a tornado, and I swear my entire body convulsed as I let loose. I don't think I'd ever cum that hard in my life.

I think I kept thrusting inside him for a bit as we both recovered. We both... well, luxuriated in the feeling of coming down together. Completely unwilling to break that incredible intimacy we shared. We never wanted it to stop.

As we caught our breath, our lips found each other and we made out passionately. It was absolute euphoria.

I was on top of the world. Ryan's ass, which had haunted me for months, was finally mine.

...And it was better than I could have possibly imagined.

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