Ryan and Lance

By Jason Clarke

Published on Nov 16, 1999


This story involves members of the bands NSYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Ryan and Lance - Part 3

Lance continued to stare at Ryan and Scottie as they finally released their embrace. Scottie was now realizing that there was a third person in the alley. He glanced up at Lance with curiosity but did not say a word. Ryan, too, remembered Lance's presence and looked up from where he was to see the blond singer's shocked expression.

"Thanks again, Lance," Ryan said softly, feeling unashamed to have revealed his place of residence to Lance. "I guess you should get going now." He really didn't want Lance to go, but he didn't want to embarrass himself any longer nor did he want to put the singer into an awkward situation.

"Ryan...you...I mean..." Lance was struggling for words. "I mean, this is where you and Scottie live?"

Ryan looked to the ground and avoided Lance's eyes. He merely nodded his head and tried to look away. "You really should get going, Lance, before anyone recognizes you."

"No...I didn't mean it that way, I'm sorry..." Lance was incoherent and his mind was scrambling to make sense of the situation. After several minutes, he managed to regain control of himself. "Ryan, you're not going to stay here. Not if I can help it," he stated. "You're coming with me."

"You don't have to do that, Lance. We'll be fine." He appreciated Lance's gesture, but convinced himself that Lance was merely being polite.

"I know I don't have to, Ryan, but I want to."

"Lance, you don't know what you're doing...you're a celebrity," Ryan reasoned. "You don't understand what the media circus that would occur if people found out." Ryan paused before continuing. "Lance, you are a very kind-hearted person, and I'll be forever grateful to you...but the truth is, you can't afford to associate with people like us." Ryan tried to hold back his tears as he uttered those last words.

Lance knew deep down that Ryan was right. The media would have a field day if they ever found out. As a matter of fact, he was risky his reputation just by being here in the alley at this very moment. Lance knelt down close to Ryan and Scottie. "I don't care if I'm a celebrity or not, Ryan. I just know that you and Scottie can't stay here. Who cares what the media says. If they can't tell the difference between doing what's right and doing what's wrong, then they can all go to hell for all I care."

Ryan was amazed by Lance's words. He could tell that Lance was sincere and that it wasn't just some prepared speech. He looked into Lance's face and saw the look of a concerned young man.

"No one deserves to have to live like this, Ryan, no one," Lance continued. "Do it for yourself...do it for Scottie...please." He was close to pleading by this point.

Ryan glanced at Scottie who was holding him tightly. After a moment of thought, he finally gave in and nodded. "I guess you have a point...and I guess I owe you another one, Lance."

Lance smiled at Ryan and got up. "Well, let's get going then."

Ryan picked himself up and held Scottie's hand. Together, the three of them headed to Lance's 4Runner. As they got back onto the main street, they could see a police officer in the process of writing a parking ticket for Lance's car. "Oh shit," Ryan mumbled.

The officer turned around as he heard the sound of footsteps. He immediately recognized Lance and he stopped writing. "Oh, I didn't realize that this was your car, Mr. Bass."

Lance slowly walked to the sidewalk and glanced up at the no parking sign on the light pole. He then walked back to where the officer was still standing. "It's okay, officer. It's my fault, I shouldn't have parked here."

Ryan stood there with his mouth open. "What is he doing???" he thought.

The officer was equally startled. "But..."

"It's okay, officer, I'll take the ticket. I won't do it again in the future."

The officer reluctantly finished the ticket and gave it to Lance, who apologized for the umpteenth time. Finally, the officer took out a pad from his pocket. "Could you..."

Lance smiled and took the pad from the officer. "Of course! What's her name?"


Lance autographed the pad and handed it back to the officer. "Thank you so much, Mr. Bass, my daughter will be so thrilled!"

"No problem!"

With that, the officer headed back to his cruiser. Ryan and Scottie got into the 4Runner and Lance began driving back to his house.

"I'm sorry, Lance," Ryan finally said.

"For what?"

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have gotten the ticket."

"It's okay, Ryan. Nothing serious."

Scottie had fallen asleep by the time they arrived at Lance's place. Ryan tried to pick Scottie up without waking him but was unsuccessful. As they got into the house, Scottie's eyes widened with surprise. "Wow!!"

Lance laughed at Scottie's reaction. He knelt down beside Scottie, "make yourself at home!"

"Are you serious?"

Lance nodded.

"Cool!!" With that, Scottie began exploring the house, leaving Lance and Ryan in the foyer.

"He's so adorable!" Lance remarked as he watched Scottie explore the rooms.

"Yeah, he's great," Ryan said with a smile. "He's the only one that I have."

Lance could sense a great amount of sadness overcome Ryan as he spoke, but he didn't want to pressure Ryan into talking, although he did make a mental note to talk with Ryan at a later time. "Well, let's not just stand here, I'll get your room set up."

Lance walked upstairs and Ryan followed close behind. He tried to hide it but he was just as amazed as Scottie. "Wow, what a place!!" he said to himself as he walked up the stairs.

Lance opened a large door which led to a bright sunlit room. "Like I said before, make yourself at home, Ryan."

Now Ryan was really in awe. He had never seen such a beautiful room. It was like heaven compared to where he and Scottie had been sleeping over the past year. "Oh my god," he whispered.

"Is everything okay?" Lance asked, not sure if Ryan liked the room or not.

"This is amazing, Lance," Ryan replied. "It's almost like a dream!"

Lance smiled at Ryan's facial expressions. "The washroom's over there," Lance said, pointing to a door at the far side of the room. "I'll get you some towels and things in a sec. I'll set Scottie up in the room next door, is that okay?"

"No...yes...no...I mean, Scottie and I can share this room. I mean, it's so big!! I don't want to take up so much of your space."

"Relax, Ryan, who else is going to use all these rooms? I live alone, remember?"

"Okay, I guess, as long as it's not too much trouble."

"It's no trouble, Ryan...get it through that thick skull of yours," Lance joked. "I did ask you to come, didn't I?"

Ryan laughed at Lance's mock-frustration. "I guess."

"Good. It's settled then. I'll go get you some clothes to change into and then we can go to the mall later on to pick up some stuff for you guys."

As Lance was getting the towels and stuff, the doorbell rang. "Can you get the door for me, Ryan?" Lance yelled from his room.

"Sure!" Ryan opened the door and almost fainted. There, standing in front of him, were Justin, Joey, Chris, and JC. They all had a confused look on their face.

Chris was the first to speak. "Uh...we did come to the right house, didn't we?"

"Who are you?" Justin blurted out.

...to be continued....

Hope you enjoyed this segment. Let me know what you think!!

As always, I'd love to hear any comments/ideas/questions. Please e-mail me at jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Next: Chapter 4

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