Ryan and Lance

By Jason Clarke

Published on Feb 16, 2000


This story involves members of the bands NSYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to write me. I really, really enjoy hearing from you guys, so please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Ryan and Lance - Part 18

Lance hesitated before answering. "I don't think so, Just," he finally replied.

Justin's heart sank as he heard those words. "Why?" he pleaded.

"Let's not dwell on the past, Justin. I mean, we've got to move past it. You guys have moved on, and you're doing great. I've moved on and I am happy with the way things are now," Lance answered. He tried hard to convince himself that this was the truth, but he was fooling no one.

"Are you really happy with the way things are, Lance?" Justin questioned. He knew Lance all too well to be fooled by his explanation.

Lance turned away and tried to avoid answering.

"Well?" Justin persisted.

"It doesn't matter anyways. You guys are doing amazing, there's no point in fixing something's that's ain't broken."

"Damn it, Lance," Justin retored, obviously frustrated. "Don't you see? The group that won the award tonight wasn't NSYNC. NSYNC was what we were back when we were together. We want NSYNC back, Lance...we want and need you back."

With tears streaming down his face, Lance turned to face the younger blond. "I'm so sorry, Justin. I...I..."

Seeing Lance like this broke Justin's heart, and he felt bad for raising his voice at Lance. "I'm sorry, Lance...I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay, Justin. I'll admit it...I miss NSYNC...I never stopped missing the times that we had together...but I can't come back..."

"Why?" Justin asked with a hint of desperation in his voice.

"I can't come back if that means some of us not feeling comfortable...and..."

"You mean Chris?"

Lance nodded.

Before Justin could answer, the door opened and JC, Joey, and Chris walked in. "Lance," Chris began, "I'm sorry for what I put you through. I know it's not an excuse but I was just scared when I found out that you were gay...and, I guess the only way that I knew to deal with it was..."

"...was to lash out at me..." Lance finished. Chris looked away in shame, not knowing what else to say. "I'm sorry, Chris, for keeping it from you for so long. I know it was a shock for you to find out...but that's all in the past...we all have to move on."

"I don't want to move on, Lance, not without you in NSYNC," Chris stated firmly.

"Neither do I," JC agreed.

Justin and Joey in turn voiced their agreement also.

"Guys, don't do this...you're not thinking," Lance reasoned.

"Lance, all you have to do is say look at us in the eye and say that you're happy the way you are and you never want to be a part of NSYNC again and we'll leave you alone," JC challenged the blond singer.

Lance looked at each of the guys successively, gauging their reactions to JC's statement. It was clear that they all agreed with JC. "I...I..."

"Please, Lance...come back, please," Justin pleaded again, tears streaming down his face once more.

Finally, Lance gave in, nodding slowly. JC ran over to Lance and hugged him tightly, his soft sobs echoing in the room. "Thank you, Lance...thank you. I'll not let you down again...I swea..."

Lance stopped JC before he could finish. "No, JC...don't say that...not again..."

It took a few seconds before JC realized why Lance didn't want him to finish. Remembering his last broken promise, he sadly nodded and looked at the floor. Lance hugged JC again. "I'm sorry...I just don't want you to be hurt again..."

"I'm so sorry, Lance. I'm so sorry for everything that I did to you...I'm so sorry..." JC's sobs intensified as he clutched Lance harder.

"It's okay, JC. It's all in the past...it's okay. I forgive you..." Lance tried his best to comfort his friend, but the scene only caused the others in the room to cry also.

After a few minutes of crying, everyone dried their tears and moved to a group hug. "Welcome back, Lance," Justin said happily.

"Thanks, guys. But what are we going to tell the media? And..."

"And what, Lance?" JC asked.

"And...what if your fans don't want me back?" Lance asked nervously.

His question was answered by a chorus of laughter, which only made Lance even more confused.

"Believe me, Scoop," Joey finally answered, "they want you back. Wait till you see the huge bags of fan mail that we saved up for you."

A grin broke out on Lance's face and he relaxed a bit. "Well, I guess the best thing is to wait till we get back to Orlando before we let the media know."

"Hey, now that Scoop's back, we can finally get our schedules and stuff straight," Joey announced.

"You're firing me?" JC asked with mock hurt.

Everyone laughed again, not having been this happy in a long time.

The next day, in Orlando...

"Wow, Scoop, I don't understand how you can keep this place so neat and tidy all the time. It's scary..." Chris observed.

"Hey, it's not all that neat...it's just that your place is all dirty and messy, that's all..." Lance replied with a grin. "Well, you guys make yourself at home, I'm gonna take Justin upstairs so he can rest for a bit. I'll be down in a few..."

Lance helped Justin up the stairs. His leg didn't hurt as much today but it still felt kinda weird. Luckily, the injury was not as serious as they first thought and the healing should be pretty quick. After making it up to Lance's room, the older blond helped his friend to the bed. "Wow, for someone as skinny as you, you sure are heavy!"

"Hey, it's all from the muscles!!" Justin protested.

"Yeah, yeah...you better change your bandages while you're here, Just."

Meanwhile, downstairs...

"I wonder if Ryan will be as forgiving as Lance," JC finally said. He knew this was the question on everyone's mind. It's just that up to now, no one has had the guts to say it out loud.

Before anyone could answer, the front door opened and Ryan walked in. Closing the door, he walked into the living room, only to be confronted by the sight of JC, Joey, and Chris sitting on the couch. They looked at each other for a minute, no one saying a word.

"What are you guys doing here?" Ryan finally said. It was almost a whisper, but one that was full of anger.

"We came back with Lance," JC explained.

"Haven't you guys done enough?" Ryan continued. "Why can't you guys leave him alone??"

"We've made up, Ryan," Chris answered. "He's rejoining NSYNC."

Ryan was confused by this new piece of information. Nothing seemed to make sense at the moment. He needed time to sit down and think this through. Without saying a word, he turned around and walked up the stairs. He could see Lance's door slightly open. He walked slowly towards the room, wanting to see if Lance was okay.

As he pushed the door open, he gasped and his heart stopped. Sitting on the bed, Lance and Justin were engaged in a passionate kiss. Ryan quickly turned around and tried to walk back towards his room. But he only took two steps before his tears overcame him. He leaned back against the wall and slid down to the floor. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed quietly, not wanting Lance or anyone to hear. His sobs stopped after a few minutes and he could hear a conversation going on in Lance's room.

It was Lance's voice. "...I think I've finally found the one I love."

Ryan got up and ran to his room, collapsing on his bed in a torrent of tears.

...to be continued....

Hope you enjoyed this segment. Let me know what you think!!

As always, I'd love to hear any comments/ideas/questions. Please e-mail me at jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Next: Chapter 19

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