Ryan and Lance

By Jason Clarke

Published on Dec 12, 1999


This story involves members of the bands NSYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

Thanks to everyone who have taken the time to write me. I really, really enjoy hearing from you guys, so please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Ryan and Lance - Part 14

As Joey drove back towards his house, thoughts swirled in his head. Images of the first time Lance joined the group, the times that Lance took charge of everything to keep the group in line, memories of the good times all worked to drive Joey to the verge of tears. "How could this have happened?" he kept asking himself. "How?"

The next few days were busy for the remaining members of NSYNC. Starting a short tour of towns and cities in the region, it meant that the public was aware for the first time of NSYNC's breakup. The fans, of course, had no idea what was happening and at first thought that Lance was simply sick and would return after a few concerts. After several engagements, however, it became increasingly apparent that something was not right. Nevertheless, the group tried to carry on the tour as best as possible.

Meanwhile, back in Orlando...

The media gathered in the small room that was hastily set up. Cameras were everywhere and all that was missing was the person who called the news conference.

Lance took a deep breath and walked into the room. He was immediately greeted by camera flashes. He slowly took his seat and began to read his prepared statement:

"Due to unforeseen developments regarding some personal matters, I have decided that it would be in the best interest of all those involved for me to leave NSYNC. This has been one of the most difficult decisions that I have made but I do believe that it is for the best..."

And from the radio on the NSYNC tour bus...

"...I wish JC, Justin, Joey, and Chris the very best as they continue their work. Thank you to all who have supported me over the past few years. Your care and concern did not go unnoticed and I really appreciate all you have done for me."

JC stared out the window from his seat. It had finally come true. Lance was leaving NSYNC. JC knew that after all he had done, he was naïve to think that Lance would forgive him. But he had hoped that somehow, there would be something or someone to keep Lance in NSYNC. A tear fell from his face, as he pondered the days ahead without his friend in the group.

Sitting across from JC, Justin stared blankly at nothing in particular as he listened to Lance's press release. He had no idea how things will be in the coming days, but with each passing moment, he became increasingly tormented by Lance's outburst at the hospital.

Back at the news conference...

"Why are you leaving NSYNC so suddenly?" a reporter questioned.

"As I said, I'm leaving for personal reasons, which I really don't want to discuss at this point," Lance replied calmly.

"Is this the result of a feud between NSYNC members?"

"No, this has nothing to do with that at all."

"Is this over money?"


"What do you plan to do now that you've left NSYNC?"

"I haven't decided on anything yet. But I'm pretty sure you'll still see me around."

"Any plans on going solo?"

"I have no idea at this point."

The news conference continued for another 30 minutes or so, after which a visibly emotionally drained Lance quickly made his way out of the building. Despite his best efforts, hordes of reporters were following his every step. Lance felt like he was an animal being chased by a group of hunters, he just wanted to get away from everything and everyone.


The bus finally arrived at the hotel in Tampa, where NSYNC's concert was to be held next. As Justin got off the bus, he was shocked to see a small crowd of reporters already waiting there. Not knowing what to do, he hesitantly stepped off the bus, followed by the rest of the guys.

"Justin, why did Lance leave NSYNC?" Questions were being thrown from all directions and everyone seemed to be talking at the same time.

"This is something that Lance has decided. We respect his decision," Justin replied curtly. "LIAR!!" he screamed at himself inside, "you threw him out of the group!! Justin Timberlake, you are such a lying bastard!!!"

Not wanting to answer any more questions, the four guys quickly made their way into the hotel. On their way up to their floor, everyone remained silent, trying to take in the new developments, trying to adjust to NSYNC without Lance. Finally, Joey spoke, "When do we have to be at the arena for rehearsal, JC?"

"Uh, I think, 9 in the morning..." JC answered with uncertainty. "Uh, actually, let me check the schedule first...'cause maybe it's 10."

"Don't we have an interview in the morning though?" Chris offered.

"Uh...yeah, I think so," JC answered, obviously confused. "I've gotta check the scheduling first..."

Justin sighed and looked away. "I already miss you, Scoop. I wish you were here right now..."

At dinner, no one really spoke much. JC finally got a look at the schedule and cleared up all the confusion. (The interview was at 10 and the rehearsal at noon.)

"Anyone wanna go clubbing tonight?" Chris asked as they were waiting for dessert.

"Nah, I'm kinda tired," JC replied. "I think I'll turn in early."

"Me too," Justin answered softly.

Chris was surprised by Justin's response. Usually, he's the first one to get excited about going clubbing. "Come on, Curly, it'll be fun."

"I'm not really in the mood, Chris..."

"Aw, come on guys, cheer up!! It's not the end of the world!!"

Joey glared at Chris, trying not to make it obvious, but his anger did not escape JC and Justin's observations. Only Chris seemed oblivious to it all. "How 'bout you, Joey?"

"I think I'll turn in early too," Joey replied, trying ever so hard not to look annoyed.

"Fine, guys, if you wanna stay around mope, be my guest," Chris said bluntly, with a small hint of anger, before getting up and leaving the room.

After Chris left, Justin sighed again. "I'm gonna go back to my room. I'll see you later, JC."

"Okay," JC answered, "I'll be up shortly."

Justin walked dejectedly to the elevator, leaving Joey and JC sitting at the table. "Curly's taking this so hard..." JC said sadly.

"As if you aren't," Joey said gently with an understanding smile.

JC lowered his head and stared at the floor. "I guess I'm just finding everything so different. I mean, I can't even get our schedule straight, for crying out loud."

"It's okay," Joey reassured his friend. "It'll take some time."

JC looked up at Joey with a surprised look. "You're not angry with me anymore?"

"Well, I must admit that I was very angry with all of you. I was furious. And I probably still harbour some anger in me. But the fact is, what's happened has happened, and we'll just have to accept reality."

"I'm not giving up on Lance," JC said with a determined voice.

"Neither am I," Joey answered. "I can see that both you and Justin were sorry for what you did. But Chris..."

"He pretends like nothing has happened," JC said angrily.

"Give him some time...he'll come around. I worry about Justin though...and you too."

"I'll be fine, eventually. But Justin...I don't think he'll ever forgive himself for what he did..."

The sun was setting and the water was calm. Justin sat at the boatside and looked out at the peaceful scene. Suddenly, a strong wind picked up and the waves started to throw the boat around in the water. In one strong gust, Justin was pushed overboard and thrown into the water. Yelling frantically and trying to keep afloat, Justin could see the boat shatter into pieces. Suddenly, a pair of arms grabbed Justin and held him tightly...it was Lance. Scared to death, Justin held on to Lance for his dear life.

"It's okay, Just, it'll be okay," Lance whispered.

As quickly Lance grabbed him, he released him again, letting Justin be sucked in by the whirling water.

"No!!!!! Lance!!!!"

Lance became fainter and fainter, and Justin was being sucked deeper and deeper into the water, until he was totally submerged. Suddenly he was in a room with all the guys. He could see Chris and JC standing at the far end of the room...and wait, he could see himself there too!!! Justin moved closer to see what was going on. As he got closer, he could see himself, JC, and Chris kicking someone who was lying on the floor. He could hear cries of anguish coming from the victim. That voice!! Justin knew that voice!! LANCE!!!! He tried to call out but no voice came out. The three guys continued their vicious attack on Lance until they all suddenly disappeared. All that was left in the room was a bloodied Lance lying lifelessly on the floor.

"NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Justin screamed. He sat up in his bed, sweat dripping from his forehead, his breathing heavy.

"What's the matter??" JC asked as he rushed out of the washroom to Justin's side.

Still breathing heavily, Justin buried his face in JC's shoulder. "I saw him, JC, I saw him!!"


"Scoop...I saw me, you, and Chris kicking him to death...I didn't mean it, JC...I was so scared when he told me. I didn't want to hurt him...I really didn't!!!!" Justin explained through his sobs.

"I know, Justin, I know you didn't mean it..." JC said, trying desperately to comfort his friend.

"I almost killed him, JC. I'm a murderer...I almost killed my best friend!!!"

"Justin, don't do this to yourself," JC pleaded, without much success.

"I miss him so much, JC. I miss him so much!!!"

Meanwhile, at a local bar...

Chris downed his eighth bottle of beer. He was never a drinker but on this night he didn't care. He just wanted to drink beer and forget everything else that was going on. Everything was so messed up...he just wanted to get away from everything. He was so drunk that he didn't see a young man taking a seat next to him.

"Aren't you Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC?" he finally asked.

"Yeah...what do you want?" Chris replied.

"Just wanted to say hi. I'm sorry to hear about the group's breakup."

"We are not breaking up!!" Chris growled.

"Of course not. What I meant was Lance leaving the group."

"So what if he leaves the group? We can make it without him."

"So why did he leave anyways?"

"Money, of course. Isn't it always over money?? Money corrupts everyone..."

JC got out of the washroom to see Justin just waking up. "Morning, Curly. Feeling better?"

"A little bit, I guess..." Justin answered shyly.

JC was surprised that Justin was not grouchy at all, even though he didn't have his cereal yet. "Wow, Curly, you said a complete sentence before having cereal...I'm impressed!!" JC remarked, trying to cheer Justin up.

The blond singer giggled a bit. "I have to grow up sooner or later...I felt sorry for Lance...he was always stuck with the job of waking me up..." Realizing that he just said Lance's name and that he used it in past tense reminded Justin of everything that he wanted to forget. His smile left his face and he again slumped into depression.

"Come on, Curly, we have a long day ahead of us. Get dressed and get some breakfast over at Joey's room."

"Ok," Justin answered. "You go ahead, I'll be there as soon as I'm done."

"Cool...don't take too long." JC left the room and headed down to the lobby to grab a newspaper. He took a copy and began to read it in the elevator. As he read the cover story, he could feel his anger rising in him. On the front page was the headline: "NSYNC MEMBER GOES OUT-OF-SYNC OVER MONEY."

...to be continued....

Hope you enjoyed this segment. Let me know what you think!!

As always, I'd love to hear any comments/ideas/questions. Please e-mail me at jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Next: Chapter 15

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