Ryan and Lance

By Jason Clarke

Published on Nov 14, 1999


This story involves members of the bands NSYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Ryan and Lance - Part 1

"Great concert, guys!" JC exclaimed as the guys headed to their dressing room. They had just finished their final concert before a month-long vacation.

"Yes, it's over!!" Chris yelled. "Now we can finally get time for ourselves!"

Everyone sat down and grabbed a bottle of water, exhausted from the concert. Justin dried himself off with a towel and took a gulp of water. "Wow, what a night! You see those fans out there tonight?"

"Yeah," Joey replied while flipping through a magazine, "they were amazing."

"You bet!! Did you see the guys in the fifth row?"

"What? You mean that group of fags who kept staring at Justin all night?" Chris asked, not taking his eyes off of his magazine.

Lance nearly choked on his water on that comment from Chris.

"What's the matter, Scoop? Can't even drink water without making a mess now?" Justin teased.

"Yeah, yeah," Lance muttered, "whatever." He got up from his seat and walked out of the room.

"Oookkay..." Justin said after a moment of silence, "someone's over-sensitive today."

Lance walked around aimlessly. He loved doing concerts and the guys were great, but sometimes the got on his nerves. For one thing, their constant teasing was too much sometimes, and they didn't seem to be able to tell the difference between good times and bad times for teasing.

"Why can't someone pay attention to me for once?" Lance muttered to himself. He had long accepted that JC and Justin were the guys getting the most attention from the fans, and this he had no problems with. But he would've thought that at least the rest of the guys would notice when he wasn't happy or when he needed someone to talk to. "Don't be stupid, Lance, everyone's just too busy with the tour to notice these petty things," he convinced himself.

After wandering in the halls a bit, he headed back to their room since it was time to go. As he entered the room, all conversation stopped and Lance could see four pairs of eyes focusing on him. "What?" he asked nervously.

"You alright, Scoop?" JC asked.

"I'm fine. Let's just get going." With that, Lance walked out of the room, with the other following close behind.

After dropping off Justin, Chris, and Joey, the bus arrived at Lance's place. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow, JC."

"Sure thing, Lance. You get some rest, ok?"

"You too." Lance grabbed his suitcase and walked towards his house. He stood in the driveway watching the bus drive away. "Home at last," he thought to himself. "The one place where I can really be myself..." He stood there for a while longer, lost in a daydream. "I can't wait to spend some time with Eric." The thought brought a smile to Lance's face, as he grabbed his stuff and headed for front door. He grabbed his keys and opened the door, slowly bringing his things inside. As he closed the door he could see a faint light coming from the second floor.

"That's strange, I remember turning out all the lights before I left." He quietly walked up the stairs, trying hard not to make a sound.


The sounds coming from his bedroom made Lance freeze in his tracks. "No...this can't be..." Despite his fears, he found himself walking towards the door. Pushing it open, he saw three bodies entangled on his bed. For a moment, Lance could not breathe and his vision blurred. On his bed was Eric with three other guys, totally naked, in a wild orgy. It was only when Lance lost his balance and crashed against the wall did the action stop. Eric took his mouth off one of the guy's cock and looked towards where Lance was.

"L..Lance...you're home!" Eric exclaimed in surprise.

There was silence in the room and Lance was too shocked to respond. After a moment, Lance finally managed to speak. "What the hell is going on here?" Lance almost whispered.

"We were just having a bit of fun," Eric explained. "Wanna join us?"

"Fuck you, Eric," Lance shot back, furious at Eric's response. "Get the hell out of my house!!"

Eric walked over to where Lance was now standing. "Lighten up, Lance."

"I said GET OUT!!!"

Before Lance could finish, Eric's strong hands struck Lance's face, sending him reeling against the wall. "Don't you dare talk to me that way, boy!"

His tears blurring his vision, Lance could feel the pain from Eric's slap. "Get out, get out!!" Lance screamed hysterically. Instead of leaving however, two of the guys came over and grabbed Lance.

Eric moved up close and began kissing Lance. Struggling to get free, Lance tried to break the hold of the two guys. "What, Lance? You don't like this? Isn't this what you've always wanted?"

"Leave me alone, Eric, please!!"

"You're fucking pathetic, Lance," Eric said in a disgusted voice. "You may be famous and all, but you're nothing but one of my toys. You've always been and you always will be." With that, Eric walked out and the two guys pushed Lance onto the floor, treating him like a piece of garbage.

Lance just laid on the floor, feeling utterly humiliated and broken. He heard the front door slam shut but he did not move from his position. He wanted to cry but no tears would come out. Finally, after lying on the floor for an hour, he went into the washroom and locked the door. He turned on the shower and stayed there for another hour. He felt dirty and useless, and he just wanted to wash all the filth away.

"Where's Scoop?" Justin asked as he finished his cereal.

"Maybe he's still sleeping," Chris suggested.

"Yeah, right!! This is Lance we're talking about."

"True, you've got a point."

Everyone sat in Justin's kitchen waiting for Lance to show up for the meeting. An hour passed and still there was no sign of Lance. "This is odd, I'm gonna give Lance a call," JC announced. He called Lance's house but no one answered. He tried his cell phone and again, no answer. "This is strange, no one's answering."

"You're right, this is definitely strange," Joey agreed.

"I'm gonna check on him, just in case," JC said as he grabbed his jacket.

"There's daddy JC again," Chris remarked, trying to ease JC's worry.

"I'll be back in a while."

"Okay, we'll be here."

JC arrived at Lance's house after about fifteen minutes. He rang the doorbell but no one answered. He looked into the garage and saw that Lance's 4Runner was still inside. He rang the bell again but still no answer. Getting worried, he tried the doorknob and found the door unlocked. As he walked inside, he saw Lance's bags still by the stairs. "Lance? You here?" There was no answer. JC looked around the first floor and saw no sign of Lance. He walked upstairs and searched the various bedrooms. Finally, he came to Lance's bedroom. JC slowly pushed the door open and looked inside. The bed was a total mess but there was no sign of Lance. He walked farther into the room and then he saw...Lance curled up on the floor in a corner, his head buried in his hands.

JC walked up to where Lance was sitting and kneeled in front of him. "Lance? You alright?"

When Lance did not answer, JC shook him gently. "Lance? You okay, buddy?"

Lance recoiled in fear, "Leave me alone, leave me alone!!!" He buried his head tightly in his hands and his body shook as he spoke.

"Hey, take it easy, Lance. I was just worried about you!"

Finally hearing JC's voice, Lance looked up to see JC's concerned look. "Oh, sorry JC, didn't know it was you."

JC gave Lance a puzzled look. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, JC. Just a nightmare, I guess." Lance got up and looked at the clock. "Oh shit! I totally forgot!! I'm so sorry, JC." Lance rushed around the room and fixed himself up.

"Slow down, Lance, you don't have to rush."

Within minutes, Lance was ready to go. He dragged JC down the stairs and headed for JC's car. "You are giving me a ride, right?"

"Sure, Scoop, why not?"

The ride to Justin's house was silent. Lance stared out the window as images from the previous night flashed in his mind. JC's mind was on the image of Lance curled up on the floor and the pure terror that was on his face when JC approached him. "What's up with Lance? This is totally unlike him..."

"Damn it, Lance, anymore of this and you'll blow your cover. What do you wanna do? Let all the guys know that you're gay?" Lance thought to himself.

"Lance, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I'm gonna find out. I'm gonna find out, buddy," JC muttered under his breath as he continued driving towards Justin's house.

...to be continued....

Hope you enjoyed this segment. Let me know what you think!!

As always, any comments/ideas/questions are welcome. E-mail me at jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Next: Chapter 2

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