
By IDreamCanU

Published on Oct 24, 1998


The following story is a work of fiction written for the enjoyment of the reader. Do not download or read if you are offended by stories involving teens exploring their sexuality or stories about teen males engaging in sexual activity. If you don't mind stories of this type read on and enjoy.

I would like to thank two close friends for assisting in this work, one for the time and love spent in editing thus making this a better work, and the other for the love and support he gives me. Thanks guys-you know who you are.

If you missed parts 1-7 they can be found archived at The Nifty Archive and at the ASSGM web site.

RYAN by IDreamCanU

Part Eight

I woke up around 3am and went to the bathroom. Sliding back into bed with Steven I laid awake thinking. In a few hours I would be going home to my mom and be under the watchful eye of Social Services. I wondered how my life got so complicated in the last year or so. It wasn't like I changed just the world around me moving at a different pace. At times I felt so lost and alone, I know I had Steven but even so there was only so much he could do to help. It was almost like I was watching my life through the eyes of others. I felt out of control, felt that my actions were governed by others. Nothing I could do about it now so I rolled over and snuggled next to my love.

I felt the heat from his body as I pressed against him. He was so cute and good looking, I got hard just from feeling his closeness. Feeling a little wicked I let my cock slip between his asscheeks enjoying the soft heat. Wrapping my arm around him I slowly humped his crack for a few minutes while trying not to wake him. It was so strange doing this while he slept, but god it felt so good.

I was working a slow rhythm, sending tingles from my cockhead right up my spine to some primitive area in my brain. I could feel little spasms rock my cock and knew I was expelling pre-cum adding lubrication allowing my cock to slide more freely.

Holding back moans of pleasure I increased the pace trying to get the relief I needed. Then it happened, my cock firmed up even more and my balls pulled up close to my body. I could feel an urgent burning pressure travel from my balls to the base of my cock. I loved this moment, when I could not stop the orgasm building in my loins. After a few seconds the pulsing began, forcing my semen up and out my dick. Four or five pulses, hard pulses rocked me and I sprayed Steven's ass with all I had in me. I tried to catch my breath while just loving the tingle that was still rocking my cock.


"Huh? Oh man, I couldn't help it. I'm sorry." Damn, he was awake the whole time. I could feel the heat come off my face as I blushed in the dark.

"No worries, it was nice feeling you like that."

"It was nice, I just needed some relief and you looked so nice -- boom it happened."

He rolled over facing me, his hard rod poking at my stomach. I hawked some spit onto my hand and slicked him up some. "Your turn," I said turning my ass to him.

"Mmm," he moaned as his hard-on drove into my crack.

I squeezed my ass tight to increase the pleasure he was feeling. Steven was working up a good head of steam pistoning his dick. I felt him hug me tight then was surprised to feel his cum soaking my ass and nuts.

"Yessssss!" He hissed as his cock stopped squirting his teen load.

"I love you," I said stroking his hair as we laid in each others arms. We stayed like that for another twenty minutes or so. Just talking quietly and holding each other. I felt safe and loved and I think he did also. The sex stuff was cool and boy did it feel good but this was great on a different level. I knew for sure that I loved him and would do anything for my lover.

Once again sleep took us, took us to a world where we were safe and could openly love each other while our bodies stayed close cum drying on us both.

Steven awoke before me and already showered and dressed before I was aware of the world around me.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up.

"You have about twenty minutes before we need to take off for the bus."

I rushed to the shower and got dressed in about fifteen minutes leaving me enough time to say bye to his parents while inhaling a poptart.

We met Ian at the bus stop and traded stories of the weekend. At school we headed off to our first period class.

I sat down behind Ian and wondered what would happen this afternoon with my mom and the social worker - I guess what happens will happen.


"Huh?" Ian was turned and looking at me trying to get my attention. "Yeah?"

"I was asking if you wanted to come over sometime this week, I've gotten my hands on a great porno tape and wanted to show it to you."

"Cool, I've got things to do today and might be tied up tomorrow - can we play it by ear?"

"Sure." The conversation ended when My Taylor came in and started class.

This might be cool, wonder what Ian has in mind. I'd never seen a porno tape before and was dying to see the hot dudes in it.

The rest of the day was slow going and nothing really happened until sixth period. I was in study hall when my guidance counselor came in looking for me. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the office with him.

"Have a seat," Mr. Grant said.

I took a quick look around the office and saw hundreds of pictures of teens. His walls were lined with photos of boys and girls some in sports poses and others just normal school type poses.

Seeing me looking at the walls he answered my question without me even asking. "I try to get a picture on the wall of every student I help in some way, I think of them as my second family.

"Cool." I answered.

"Ryan," he said plopping into his chair. "I know there are some problems at home with you and your mother."

I look up in surprise, trying to figure out how he knew.

"Social Services called me this morning and filled me in on what they know. I work with them on cases like this. It makes it easier if someone from the school that the student knows is involved - standing up for his rights."

"Oh," didn't know what to say, this was sort of uncomfortable. I knew I'd have to face someone soon before I went home to my mother but this seemed a little sooner than I expected.

"Ryan, I shoot straight from the hip and will get to the point. First off let me say that I'm on your side and that anything we talk about stays in this office. I do need to tell you that there are a few exceptions to that rule. I must speak up if there is a danger to you in anyway - I'm obligated to get you help and protection. Other than that nothing will be passed on."

I shrugged my shoulder not speaking.

"Okay, I know this is strange but I'll tell you what is happening. I need to talk to you for a little while, I need to know what has been going on. After we talk I'm taking you home. There we will meet with your mother and the social worker assigned to your case. Your mom is with the social worker right now answering the same questions you are. I know this is hard but we want to help, you know your mom has a problem and with some help from us as well as you two I think we might be able to solve this little mess."

"What happens if we can't?" I was worried that it would all fall apart and voiced my real fear aloud for the first time.

"I wouldn't worry about that at all. You have a few things working for you right now. The most important thing is that your mother asked for help. Asking for help is the first step in recovering from a problem. That is what it is a mental problem she has, she can't control her anger and you are the target. With my help, the social worker, as well as you we should be in great shape.

We spent the next hour and a half talking, he would ask me questions about the beatings and home life and after a while I opened up and answered all the questions he asked. When we finished he allowed me to get my homework and books from my locker and told me to meet him in the faculty parking lot and we would go to my house.

I was in a daze as I got my stuff and headed out to meet Mr. Grant. We made some small talk while driving and before long had pulled into my driveway. I saw my mother's car there as well as a Ford with state tags, I assumed it was the social worker's car.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door, not knowing what to expect.

"Ryan!!" My mom called as she went to me wrapping me in a hug. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

I felt wet tears on my face as she held me. If she hugged any harder she would be behind me, I almost couldn't breath. "I know hon, I love you."

We held onto each other for a few minutes before walking into the living room to talk.

It was awkward for a while but I could see my mom was trying. We had to go to counseling together and she had to continue to go to anger management classes. We were told that for the nest few months a social worker would be checking in two to three times a week to see how things were going. It seems that some deal was worked out with Steven's parents so if I need a safe house I could go there.

I figured we had a lot of work to do before things turned around and became normal again but felt with time they just might work out.

After an hour or so Mr. Grant left and we continued to chat with the social worker as she laid out the "rules of the road" I was sort of shocked to find that I also had things expected of me. A curfew and schoolwork requirements as well as a once a month meeting with Mr. Grant to talk over any problems I was having. I was also informed that Mr. Grant had an open door for me and that any time I needed to talk I could count on him. That sort of made me feel okay inside.

I was asked to excuse myself while my mom and the social worker finished up with some paperwork.

I headed upstairs, I wanted to call Steven and let him know what was happening. As I sat by the phone I felt like my life was taking new turn. What happened was in the past and this was my opening to a new life and adventure. For the first time in years I was completely happy, not just content but truly happy.

(End Part Eight)

Author's Note: This ends the first part of Ryan's saga. It is in no way the end of the story. I'm taking a few months off and working on a few other projects. Ryan will return around the first of next year with some new adventures. These adventures will include Steven as well as Ian. Plus Ryan needs to deal with his mother and their new life together and who knows maybe the closet door will open for either Steven or Ryan. Haven't made my mind up on that.

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