
By IDreamCanU

Published on Jun 27, 1998


The following story is a work of fiction written for the enjoyment of the reader. Do not download or read if you are offended by stories involving teens exploring their sexuality or stories about teen males engaging in sexual activity. If you don't mind stories of this type read on and enjoy.

I would like to thank two close friends for assisting in this work, one for the time and love spent in editing thus making this a better work, and the other for the love and support he gives me. Thanks guys-you know who you are.

RYAN by IDreamCanU

Part Five

"Isn't Leo hot?" I whispered as the movie got started.

"Pervert," Steven whispered back.

Our giggles were cut short by a lady sitting two rows in front of us, her gaze could have wilted a piss hard-on. We quieted down some and watched the movie.

I felt Steven's hand slip between us and take hold of mine. From the aisle it just looked as if we were sitting with our hands down, but in truth I was feeling happy just holding my lovers hand. Holding hands and watching Leo on screen had me hard as a rock.

Steven was fidgeting and squeezing my hand "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just readjusting myself."

"Need help?"

"Shut up - you're making it worse."

I couldn't resist now if I was tied down. I reached over and squeezed his hard cock.

"Oh fuck," he hissed.

Working my fingers I was able to undo his zipper and reach inside his jeans. I could feel some moisture at his tip and realized he was soaking his underpants with pre-cum.

He leaned toward me, "Ry, man someone is going to see."

I had an idea, I had read some story on the net in the school library and thought it would work here. "Give me the popcorn." I didn't wait for a reply, instead I took the tub and dumped the popcorn onto the floor.

"What are...."

"Shhh, be quiet - you'll see." I took the tub and opened a hole on the bottom. "Poke it through the hole," I said passing him the tub.

Looking at me for a second I could see he was trying to figure out what I meant. I saw a smile cross his face when he got the full picture. He unbuttoned his pants and slipped his hard tool through the hole and set the tub on his lap. I could reach into the tub and take hold of him and to any onlooker it looked like I was getting popcorn.

"Faster," he moaned.

I felt his hips thrusting to meet my downward stroke. The pre-cum mixed with popcorn butter was making his tool very slippery and easy to work. I looked at him and saw his eyes half closed but locked on the screen, Leo was shirtless and in bed with a lady. As the camera locked on Leo I sped up hoping he could cum looking at that fine body.

"Oh!" He whispered and he erupted into the tub.

I stroked him with each spurt, working him through his climax. After he calmed down I let go of him and with a napkin wiped up his mess.

Steven leaned over and while squeezing my hand told me he loved me.

"You liked?" I asked with a smirk.

"It was great, your turn," he said handing me the tub.

I unzipped my pants and freed my little monster. I was so hard I couldn't stand it much longer. If Steven didn't do me I'd do myself all over the seats.

When I had Mr. Blinky pushed through the tub's hole my lover reached over and took hold.

"Aahhh!" I hissed as he squeezed me tight. I could already feel my balls churning as he stroked me. I don't know if it was because I was horny or that we might get caught that set me off but Steven had only given me about a dozen pumps before I was shooting my milk high in the air.

"Oh!" I sighed as I continued to spurt my cum. Steven had slowed down and let me ride the orgasm to its end.

He wiped me with a napkin and tossed the tub on the floor. We went back to watching the movie as if nothing had ever happened. Again I felt his hand in mine, we sat that way 'til the end of the movie - holding hands like the lovers we were.

Steven's dad true to his word was out front waiting to pick us up.

"How was the flick?" he asked as we climbed in.

"Great!" We answered together.

I started laughing and Steven joined in as he realized we answered as one. His dad stared at us like we has two heads then joined in the laughter. We talked about the movie, filling his dad in on every part and ruining it for him if he ever wanted to see it.


Before we could answer he had pulled into a White Castle to place an order. "Cokes or shakes?"

"I'll have a coke."

"Shake." Steven chimed in.

The order placed we pulled up to the window and got the grub. It must have only been a fifteen minute drive but between the three of us we polished off twenty mini-cheeseburgers - well Steven and I did most of the polishing.

At the house we piled out of the car and made it half way to the door before being called back to help clean out the car.

"Dad!!" Steven whined as he walked back to the car.

I kept quiet and picked up what I could see, we had trashed the back of the car with wrappers and napkins so it was only fair to clean.

"This sucks."

I looked Steven shrugging my shoulders, he was right it sucked having to clean up but shit we made the mess.

We went on upstairs to his room after telling his parents goodnight.

I watched my friend undress, I was lost in thought sitting on the bed watching him. I was getting a major hard on watching his ass move behind his underpants and wanted to touch him again. As I watched him standing there in his underwear my mind started to wander and I found myself back in my fantasy world.

We were both nude and on the beach, Steven was looking at me with lust filled eyes. I held out my hand and without a word we were locked in each others arms.

"I love you," he said as he leaned forward and kissed my lips.

"Hmmm" I moaned. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and clamping my lips down started sucking on it. His arms were arms rubbing my back while the kiss continued. It was like we were one, with my hands running over his body and his on mine I had no idea where he ended and I began.

Breaking the kiss I rolled him onto his back, his cock was standing proud and the pre-cum glistened in the sun. I bent over him and started nibbling on his neck, taking little licks and bites causing him a little pain loaded with pleasure. All the while he tried to move my head closer to his dick. I would have none of that - I was going to drive him into a sexual frenzy.

Moving to his chest I worked on each nipple, teasing it with my tongue and teeth. My ears were filled with his moans of pleasure and I could almost see his heart beating through his chest. I watch Steven get more and more turned on and it was driving me nuts.

"Please make me cum." He pleaded. I could hear lust in his words and his eyes were so glazed with passion I almost came looking into them.

"Anything for you," I answered. I loved him so much and his wish was my command.

I let my tongue travel to his navel teasing the tight knot. Feeling his stomach pull back and his hips slide forward I knew he couldn't handle much more. I smiled at him as I moved my mouth to his hard cock.

He was panting and nodding his head "yes" as my tongue lapped up the pre-cum oozing from his boy toy.

"No" he moaned as I took my mouth away.

"Soon baby."

I moved to his sack and took each ball into my mouth rolling it around. I could smell the days sweat coming from between his thighs and it was stinging my nostrils sending lust through my body. Taking one last lick I went back to his dick, back to the one thing I knew would give him the relief he needed.

I held his sack with my left hand while my tongue snaked up his pole to the fat red head. I opened up and vacuumed him inside letting him go as far as possible.

"Shit, yesss!!" He yelped as his head hit the back of my throat.

I pistoned up and down on him with a speed I didn't know I could manage. He bumped my face with his hips and groin on each of my down strokes working together in rhythm with the goal to bring him off.

"Oh man! Ooohh Sshhhiiittttt!"

I felt his hands on my head and he held me tight to his groin - his cock was in as far as it had ever been and I couldn't breath. I felt the head swell up and jet after jet of cum shot straight down my throat.

I was able to slip out if his grip and sucked up his pole getting the last bit of cum out.

His face was flush and I knew I gave him one of the best cums he would ever have, my chest swelled with pride at that thought. I slipped beside him and again we were hugging each other tight. We laid there for a few moments feeling the sun evaporate the sweat on our bodies, his skin felt so smooth and warm against mine.

I felt his hands on my shoulders pulling me on top of him. I wasn't sure what he wanted until I felt him guide my rod between his legs right under his ball sack. When I was "in" as far as I could go he clamped his legs shut trapping me with his smooth thighs.

His sweat and my pre-cum mixed lubricating him allowing my cock to slide freely.

"Damn, fuck!! This feels great!" I was lost in a sexual world - nothing else mattered but my penis. I was humping with short jabs feeling the friction and heat between his legs. I hugged him tight while my hips took over thrusting me towards a super cum.

"I love you Ry."

"I love you too," I panted back. "Oh man I'm gonna squirt!"

Just then I snapped back to reality, holy shit! I could feel my balls pulling up and I came without even touching myself.

"Ryan what's wrong?"

I realized that Steven was standing in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

"Nothing, forget it." I couldn't believe it - how was I going get out of this one.

"Ry? You OK?"

"I'm fine." I decided if I couldn't tell him everything then we weren't the friends we should be. "I just came, that's all."

"No shit? How? Why?"

He was looking puzzled and I could see his prick swelling in his BVD's.

Red faced I told him that I got hot watching him and just came thinking about being in his arms.

He was smiling, "no shit? You came? What were you thinking about?"

A little embarrassed I related the fantasy I had not leaving out any detail. When I looked up I saw a bead of sweat on his upper lip and he was breathing heavily.

"You want to try it?" He whispered.

I stood up and as an answer placed a warm kiss on his lips. "You first."

I undressed and double checked the lock on the door before joining him on the bed.

I rubbed his stomach and pulled him on top of me. Looking into his hot deep eyes I guided his cock under my balls and clamped down on him.

"Don't squeeze so tight, let me move."

I loosened a little and we slowly worked into a rhythm.

Steven was on top of me and had his whole weight pressed into me. I could hear and feel his hot breath on my ear as he panted while thrusting away.

"This is so cool." He breathed. "It feels great."

His weight and breathing had me rock hard - pressing me into his stomach as we bumped and thrust together.

"Fuck man, I'm gonna cum."

Before I could answer I felt him throb and then felt a warm liquid running over my leg and down my ass crack.

"You OK?" I asked. He was propped up on his elbows and looking at me with a blank stare. I could the sweat running down his face and he was breathing very hard. "Steven?" I asked again.

Shaking his head like he was clearing cobwebs he finally answered.

"Yeah, I'm OK - that was fucking awesome."

I felt like a million dollars knowing I had made him feel so good.

"If everything we do feels at least this good I'd die happy."

"Don't talk like that - no one is dying. But you are right this was way cool."

We rolled around for a little bit laughing and tickling each other all the while exchanging kisses. The feel of his sweaty body mixed with my heat was fantastic. They say there is a perfect match for everyone and I felt I had found mine.

Calming down some we got up and put on some shorts to sleep in. When we had settled down some we headed to the kitchen for a snack.

We were stopped by his father as we entered the kitchen.

"You guys fighting?"

I didn't know what to say but Steven broke the second of silence. "Fighting? Oh, the noise - no not fighting just messing around."

Yeah, Steven thinks he is stronger than me so I had to prove him wrong." I chimed in.

"How about taking it easy, sounded like you two were tearing the room apart."

"OK dad."

We grabbed a couple 7-up's and a bag of chips then went back to our sanctuary.

"That was close," I said closing the door.

"Not really, Dad's cool about things."

"What you mean?"

"Nothing really - he knows we fool around and stuff."

Now my head was spinning. "What?!?!"

"Got you," he laughed. "Shit man you should've seen your face."

"Cock sucker." I shoved him a little letting him know that was a mean joke.

"Really Ry, he is cool but not that cool. If we keep the noise down he'll never know."


Without a word I slipped into bed snuggling up like a spoon as we drifted off to sleep.

In the morning I awoke and went to the bathroom to relieve my full bladder.

"Ryan, could you come here a minute?"

I looked up and saw Steven's father by the stairs.

"What's up? I asked following him to the den.

"Nothing's wrong I just needed to talk to you before Stevie woke up. If you talk to him later that is your choice."

I sat and waited for what he had to say. I already suspected it had something to do with my mother.

"I talked to your mom last night and she is doing fine."

"She didn't want to talk to me?" I guessed right about it being about mom but couldn't figure out why she didn't want to talk to me.

"She called late and didn't want to wake you..."

"But.." I interjected.

He put up his hand stopping my words. "

"She didn't want to wake you and needed to talk to me about the situation you two are in." He paused for a second then continued. "She has spoken to the local Social Services office. I think she wanted to be forced to take care of the problem."

"You mean she turned herself in?"

"Well yes and no. Social Services is not a police agency they help families who are in trouble."

He went on to explain that they approved of her coming for help as well as making sure I was in a safe environment. He told me they were going to work with her and with me also, to help us get over the problems.

He gave me a good bit to think about as I climbed upstairs. In a way I was relieved, it looked like I could get my real mother back and not have to be hit. I was also afraid now, if she messed up then the Social Service agent might take me away. This was a little too much first thing in the morning.

I hit the shower and did some thinking - I figured that I'd talk it over some with Steven and maybe he could help me sort it out.

(End Part 5)

Next: Chapter 6

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