
By moc.liamtoh@rezalbnayr

Published on Oct 12, 1999


Hi. I guess some of you folks who are fans of my darling wife have been wondering how I would take her "confession". Well, I guess it's my turn, now. I read both of the stories she had posted and, just as you are, I'm going to read her latest one, too. God, she's really good! I am very, very proud of her.

I've decided to write my own stories, now. Now, surprise, surprise! I'm not a woman so if you're looking for woman to woman sexual sessions here, sorry. However, I hope you will read my stories, too. Especially, since she has graciously agreed to help me.

So, on with my story.

I could tell something was wrong. Randi was holding something back from me. Not sexually, that was for damn sure. If anything, she was more passionate than usual tonight. My cock was raw from her mouth, her teeth, her cunt. Where did she learn that trick with her pussy muscles, for God's sake? She was insatiable tonight!

But, as I lay there with my wonderfully sexy wife following a fabulous session of lovemaking which concluded with our current position with my cock buried to the hilt in her wonderful, beautiful ass, something was...wrong.

"Want to talk about it?" I whispered, kissing and nibbling at her neck.

She turned her head to the side again and glanced back at me, kind of stunned. I could see from her gorgeous eyes that something was on her mind. Slowly and very gently, I carefully, albeit reluctantly, eased my cock from her clinging asshole. Just before I pulled it out, though, her sphincter gave my cock one long, hard squeeze, her eyes flashing along with her usual evil little smile. Randi turned over onto her back and looked into my eyes as I lay beside her, my weight supported by my right elbow.

"Ryan, I...know that you think that I may have been cheating on you during the past few weeks because I have been a little distant," she said, her eyes staring deep into mine. I began to say something when her hand touched my cheek and lips to say, "No. Please let me say this before you jump to any conclusions. No, I haven't been seeing another man. I love you with all of my heart. No other man will ever touch me, no one. Only you, my Dear Love. Please believe that. There could never be another man for me except you. You do believe me, don't you?"

Uh oh, I thought. I think I know what's coming. She's been playing house with Irish. I knew that would happen. Poor kid. She's afraid to even look at me. I reached out for her shoulder and gently stroked it, trying to take away her fear.

"Come on, Honey. I know that," I said, keeping my voice just above a whisper. "I've always trusted you. I know you'd never cheat on me."

I reached for her and turned her around to face me. I touched her cheek, stroking it gently. I kissed her softly on her delicious lips. I pulled back and smiled my most mischievous smile and said, "At least, not with a guy at any rate."

Her eyes suddenly bulged out, her breath catching in her throat. "Wha...what...?"

I laughed softly and kissed her again.

"Randi, look," I started. "I've known that there was something going on between you and Irish for a long time, now. You both were so damn obvious when you thought I wasn't looking. I wondered how long it would take for you to get together."

Randi started to say something, but I stopped her with a finger to her lips.

"Look, sweetheart. I don't feel threatened by Irish. I don't feel threatened by a sexual encounter between you and another woman. I think that is a very natural thing, two women enjoying each other's bodies, experimenting, doing things that most men don't know how to do or when to do it. I've never doubted your love for me and I know what your choice would be if there were ever a conflict. I know that you love me."

Randi looked my eyes, then turned away quickly. A chill ran through me, however, because, just before she turned away, I saw something in her eyes. She was really worried about something. And, that made me worry, too.

"Ryan, I can't do this. I have to tell you the truth. If it's too much for you, please be honest with me. I'm a big girl. We can work it out. I love you so much," she said, turning back to me

Oh, boy. Something is up. Well, nothing to do but listen, I thought. I moved away and lay on the opposite side of the bed.

"Okay. Go on, I'm listening," I said, my words sounding rattled, even to my own ears.

Randi put my shirt around her shoulders and sat on the other side of the bed. I was terrified. I saw my marriage, my wife, my little girls slowly slipping away from me and, somehow, I had a feeling that there was nothing I could do about it.

"Okay, here goes. Remember, I love you." Funny, I thought. She seems more worried than I am.

For the next what seemed like hours, I listened to an absolutely incredible story, so completely sensuous that I grew a boner that exceeded anything that I had ever had. I was in turn angered, jealous, amazed, amused, sexually stimulated, turned off and turned back on. All that time, she kept moving about the room, never staying in any one place for more than a few seconds and never looking at me.

Finally, completely talked out, Randi knelt on the bed in front of me, tears rolling down her cheeks. When she saw that my eyes were also wet, she reached out a hand to my face. She looked at me for a few moments holding my breath. Me? My heart was beating so loud, I was sure she could hear it. I pushed myself up to a kneeling position directly in front of her and reached out a hand to her face. Her hand came up to cover mine and we kissed. Hard and passionate.

"Sweetheart, I have never loved you more than I do right now," I said, my fingers wiping the tears from her eyes. "It must have really torn you up to tell me all of this. It would have been easy to just tell me it was Irish. Now, I know you love me."

I think I scored with that one. She just stared at me and suddenly began to blubber like a child. I put my arms around her, holding her tight, my hands moving on her back.

"I love you so much, toots," I whispered, holding her tight. "I know you need this so I won't stand in your way. As long as I know you love me, the kids, our life together."

"Oh, God, Ryan. You can never doubt that! I adore you, you big creep!" she said, taking my head in her hands and kissing me as hard as she could.

Well, now what? I thought as I walked about my office. I did most of my work on my clients' sites so my home office was my base. I liked to wander around in my jogging shorts and sweatshirt so I should have been comfortable. Was I?

Last night, my whole world was turned upside down. Now, I have to share my wife, my lover with others. With other women, that is. What I don't understand about myself is why this doesn't upset me. I settled behind my desk and began to review the presentation my staff had developed for a new client. Abruptly, I tossed the draft onto my desk. Right now, this is going to have to depend on the staff, I thought.

I was also beginning to wonder about what Randi said about the companionship of her friends. Was that really so important? I was never one for spending a lot of time with guys before. I never really needed it. I have always been more comfortable with women. God, all this thinking about sex has me as horny as hell.

I walked to the wall unit and unlocked a drawer, removing several video cassettes that I had received from a client a number of months ago. For the first time, I looked through them, selecting one that looked interesting. Two couples, one white, one black, doing lots of interesting things. Hmmmm...I popped the tape into the VCR beneath the 35 inch TV and settled down on my black leather couch to watch.

As I watched the group fucking and sucking, I carefully watched when the two women began to go at each other. It quickly became obvious why Randi was now involved with her friends. I began to really understand. However, I was a little unsettled at what really seemed to draw my attention. I could feel my cock growing harder and harder, a tingling running down through my balls as I watched - long, thick cocks. One black cock and one white cock. Both circumcised, both very long, longer than my 8 1/2 inches, and thick, heavily veined, with the large tube running the length of the underside of each.

I had never thought of that before. All the time in the SOP group, my military training, working out at the gym, the martial arts training. I had been surrounded by cocks and never even glanced at one other than my own. Except the time several of us compared our cocks, losing out by a large margin to my SOP partner. But, we were all drunk at the time and never thought anything about it. This feeling was strange. I put it down to Randi and her friends and, maybe, my need to match her escapades.

I found myself looking more and more at those great big cocks, wondering if I really was interested in sucking on them, swallowing them as the guys in the movie were now doing. I watched as the white guy began to lick the black cock with his tongue, swirling it around the huge head, under the bottom of it and slowly down the full length of it to his balls. Then, his lips kissed up the length of the shaft and, opening wide, closing over the head and about two inches of cock in his mouth. I watched as his hands took the large black balls into his hands, lifting them, moving them all around. His mouth continued down that black cock until it was fully buried down his throat.

I realized that my hand had slipped down to my thigh and had worked its way up under the leg of my shorts, reaching inside to grasp my rock hard cock. After a moment of stroking my cock, I reached for the waistband and, lifting my ass from the couch, slid my shorts down and off. I rested both my legs on the coffee table and continued to watch, my right hand now stroking my cock. My other hand reached down and cupped my balls

The two men on the screen were now moving into a classic 69 position as the women sat back, watching and fondling each other. I hit the pause button and looked at the girls, watching their hands frozen in time, in mid stroke as they enjoyed each other's bodies. More and more, I understood Randi.

I released the picture and watched as both men stroked and massaged each other, hands running over backs, legs, hips and asses. I particularly watched as they began stroking each other's cocks, slowly jacking each other's cocks, bending their faces to the cocks, kissing and licking, taking each other down their throats.

I had always thought I would be repulsed by two men sucking each other. Now, I was being turning on enormously by the sight. I began to pump my hard cock in tempo with their sucking. I could feel my cock hardening, my balls tightening and realized that I was approaching an orgasm. I reached for my shorts and wrapped them around my cock, feeling that lightheadedness that comes with an overpowering orgasm. I shook violently and cried out as my orgasm hit, my cum flying into the shorts, spurt after spurt as if I hadn't come in a month. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced.

Lying there drained, I came to the full recognition of what Randi must have experienced once she realized her need for female companionship. The women in the picture, throwing out the fact that they were professional actresses, were holding each other as well as finger fucking and sucking. Just enjoying being with each other. It was also true of the men. No pretensions that we put on when we try to appeal and please a member of the opposite sex. Freedom to enjoy. To be free and safe for a time. With our own.

It didn't reduce my need or desire for women. For Randi. Not a bit. If anything, I felt able to give more to her than before this - epiphany. Now, I understood completely.

But, did this mean I want to make love to a guy? Whoa! Wait a minute. I stood up and walked into the laundry room to drop my shorts into the washing machine. I went upstairs to the bedroom and put on another pair of shorts. All the while, I wondered, considered, thought of what I was going to do.

I decided it would be a good time to put a few miles on my new 4X4 Blazer. I do some of my best thinking while driving and just parking alongside the roadway. I grabbed my wallet and car keys and decided to take a drive. I opened the garage door and backed out of the drive and turned down the road, heading toward the city reservoir. As I reached the corner, I suddenly jammed my brakes. There in front of me was one of my neighbor's kids on a skateboard. I had missed him by about two feet.

"Damn it, kid! What the hell is the matter with you?" I yelled from the window. "I could have killed you!"

The kid came around to the driver's side window and looked in. "I'm sorry, Mr. Hilliard. I wasn't thinking. I'll be more careful next time."

Suddenly, I felt like a heel. "Jerry, I'm sorry. Guess I've got a lot on my mind now and lost it. Okay?"

"Sure," he smiled. He was a good-looking kid, ready for college now. He had cut my lawn many times during the past six years Randi and I had lived here. Pushing six feet and muscular, he was headed for a football scholarship at Notre Dame in the fall. I looked at him in a new light, now, trying to judge him as I would a male lover just to see what I would need to do.

"Are you okay, Mr. Hilliard?" he asked. I guess I must have been staring at his muscular legs in his jogging shorts, his arms and abdomen from the cut off T-shirt a little too long.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm fine, Jerry. Just have a lot on my mind today. Driving around aimlessly is the best way for me to think so I missed seeing you."

"Yeah? When I have a lot to think about, I use the skateboard," he said, resting his hands on the open window frame. "I'm not sure I really want to go so damn far from home, be away from April - that's my girlfriend. You know, that sort of stuff."

"Throw your board in the back and climb in. We can worry about things together. Misery loves company, that sort of thing. Right?"

Jerry brightened and smiled. "Alright," he said, dashing around to the passenger side door, opened it and threw his board in the back. He jumped in and slammed the door.

I put the car in gear and, as we drove, we settled on Rush Limbaugh, me to listen and him to argue about virtually everything he said. We drove around for almost an hour, just talking about his worry at leaving home and April, about all the things that two men had in common, sports, politics. When we finally returned to the neighborhood, I invited him in for a drink.

We went into my office where I showed him some of my martial arts trophys, photographs. We had just settled onto the couch when Jerry said, "You know, Mr. Hilliard, all we talked about were my problems today. You really helped me, you know? I've made some decisions today and you helped me. How can I help you?" he asked,

I looked at Jerry for the first time in a not-friendly way. From his football history, I new he was 6 feet 2 inches and 215 pounds of muscle. His hair was a dirty blonde, almost brown color with no facial hair and, thankfully, no rings in his nose, ears, etc. I wondered if I could take him into my confidence on this and decided that I could. First of all, he was a very confident and intelligent kid and, secondly, he was on his way out of the state soon.

"Well, whatever I tell you, you have to keep it in complete secret. Right? Can I count on hour keeping is quiet?"

"Yeah, sure, Mr. H," he said, leaning forward to hear.

"It seems that my wife has - gotten involved," I began.

"Oh, come on, Mr. H. I've watched your wife with you and she wouldn't get involved with another guy. She loves you. I may be young, but I can see that much."

I looked at this young man and smiled. "I never said it was with another man, now, did I?"

He looked at me with a confused face for a moment. "I don't get it. If it's not another guy, what..."Then, it struck him. "Oh, man! Oh, wow! That is so cool!"

I looked at him and laughed. The way youth looks at things now. Nothing gets to them.

"You mean you wouldn't mind if April were getting it on with another girl?"

"Damn, no, Mr. H. To me, that would mean she loved me too much to cheat on me and spent time with women to do some of the things that I'm not able to do. No, I wouldn't mind as long as she was honest with me. That means everything," he said.

Damn! From the mouths of babes, I thought. "What about you?" I said.

"Me? What do you mean?"

"What if you got involved with another guy? Would that be the same thing?" I asked, waiting with baited breath for his answer.

"I don't know," he said, moving somewhat uncomfortably on the couch. " I never thought about it. I guess it would be okay if I were really close to some guy. Someone I could trust. I guess I could if that were the case. How about you?"

I looked at him. He was staring directly into my eyes, searching for an answer. "Before my wife began this, I would have definitely said no. Now, there's a difference, I think. Now, I guess anything is possible."

I drank some of my ice water and placed my glass on the table. On a whim, I reached out to Jerry and, with both hands, gently pulled his face to mine and kissed him on the lips. I pulled away from him and watched as he gulped visibly. He stared at me, then at the Coke in his hand and then back at me. He put the drink down and moved closer to me. As one, we moved our lips together, his hands on my bearded face, mine on his smooth, youthful skin. At first, we just kissed lightly, our lips pressing firmly against one another. Then, I felt his tongue press first against my lips, then my teeth and finally into my mouth, seeking my tongue. When I felt it touch, an electric current shot through me as we began to swap saliva.

I let my hands fall to his shoulders, squeezing the muscles that were dominant on him. His hands fell to my legs and he began to gently run his hands on my thighs, from my knees to the edge of my shorts. I was getting very, very hot, now, feeling tingling wherever his hands touched my skin. I let my hands slide down his arms, feeling the muscles and tender, young skin.

My God, I thought. I'm a man almost 50 years old about to have sex with an 18-year-old kid!

We broke the kiss and sat back staring at each other. "Jerry, maybe we should stop now. This isn't what I planned on when I picked you up earlier. I..."

"Mr. H, don't say anything. Just kiss me again."

I smiled at him. "Jerry, I've never done anything like this before. Have you?"

"No. But, I really want to. With you, that is."

I took his hands and helped him up. We wrapped our arms around each other and kissed. Our tongues were swerling now, taking in every part or each other's mouths, our groins grinding against each other. I could feel the hardness of his cock against mine and became more and more excited. As one, our hands grabbed hold of each other's asses, drawing us closer together.

I reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head and off, baring his wide, muscled chest. Man! I used to look like that, too, I thought as I lowered my lips to take in one of his nipples, sucking it into my mouth, nipping it with my teeth. He groaned and threw his head back, letting the flow of energy pass through his body. While I licked at his chest, he pulled my sweatshirt up. I backed off long enough for him to pull if over my head and off. My wide, muscular chest also came into the open, the curly black and gray hair standing out.

Jerry ran his hands through the chest hair and leaned down to lick at one of my nipples. God, this was amazing! I thought. It was so intimate, more intimate than anything I'd ever experienced.

I knelt before the young man and opened his shorts. I skinned them down his hips and ass until his cock impeded further movement. As I pulled it away, his cock sprang into view. I was face to face with a long, thick cock, circumcised, with sparse hair around the base. His balls were absolutely huge.

He pulled me up to stand before him and knelt, sliding my shorts down, releasing my equally long and thick cock. He stood up before me and we melted into each other's arms, two naked men, our cocks pressing against one another. I led jerry up the stairs to the bedroom, feeling his eyes on my ass as we climbed. As I led him into the bedroom, he said, "Wow! This is where you and that gorgeous wife sleep."

He laughed. "Come on, Mr. H. Every guy in the neighborhood envies you. You wife is beautiful. I used to have fantasies about her. I never thought being in here would be with you," he laughed as he sat on the end of the bed.

I walked to the bed and knelt before him, his beautiful, hard cock, barely inches from my face. I put my hands on his hard, smooth legs, running them from his knees up to his hips, enjoying the feel of his soft skin under my hands. I took his cock in my hand and began to stroke it, bringing a groan from Jerry. I reached my other hand down to cup his large balls, squeezing them, hefting them. I bent down and took the head of his cock into my mouth, letting my tongue glide over the skin, dipping into the hole at the end.

Jerry's hands reached out to twine in my hair, keeping my mouth on his cock. I moved both my hands around to his hips, holding him while I let my mouth move just a bit further down his long shaft. God, it was wonderful, feeling him in my mouth! His cock was velvety smooth to my tongue as I explored the ridge at the end of his cock head. I removed the cock from my mouth and licked every inch of it, over the bulging veins, the long tube that ran the length of the underside. I pushed the tip of my tongue back into the hole, tasting the creamy precum that was puddled there.

I reached up and pushed down onto the bed and lay beside him. I took him in my arms as we held each other, our hands running over every inch of our bodies. Our lips met in a passionate kiss as I felt the skin of his back, his sides, down to the taut skin of his ass. I pulled his leg over my hip so that I could keep his thigh skin under my hand. We couldn't get enough of each other, holding and touching.

I let my hand roam around to the front, running over his stomach and further down, grasping his hard cock in my hand, pulling and squeezing it. He responded in kind, taking my cock in his hand. I felt that familiar tingling sensation over all of my body.

After a while, I gently pushed Jerry down onto his back and lay atop him. I began to move down his body, kissing and licking as I went. I took one of his nipples into my mouth, holding it in place with my lips and playing my tongue over it. I moved over to the other nipple and worked it over and over and over. Slowly, I slid down his broad chest to his stomach, licking over the fine blonde hairs to his belly button. While tweaking his nipples with my fingers, I buried my tongue deep into that depression, pressing with all my strength. Jerry began to writhe beneath me, his hands holding my face against him.

I released his nipples and moved my hands down to his hips as my lips and tongue slipped lower to his pubic hair. As I kissed and licked his groin, my hands slid down to his thighs and spread them apart. My lips continued down to the base of his beautiful, rock hard cock, licking all around the circumference, poking my tongue into the depression where his cock burrowed into his groin. I reached up and held his cock with my right hand while I licked all the way up to the top and down again, using the other hand to hold him in place. He was bucking so hard, it was becoming harder and harder.

"Oh, God, Mr. H! Keep licking my cock. I love that! No one has ever done it like that before. Oh, Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he screamed.

I took hold again of his hairy balls, feeling how heavy they were. I slid my mouth further up his gorgeous cock to the top and wrapped my lips around the head and slowly worked my mouth down his shaft. When I was half way down, I stopped, my tongue working away at the head and the delicate underneath, super sensitive part. I kept my hand wrapped around the base of his cock, working it up and down in tempo with my sucking mouth. Jerry's hands kept my head in place.

I could feel his cock hardening even more as I continued to suck him. I released his balls and wet one of my fingers. I moved it down beneath him to his ass, pushed it in between his ass cheeks and over his asshole. He gasped loudly at my touch and spasmed as I pushed my finger inside him up to the second knuckle. He began to rock in direct relation to my finger fucking and my sucking on his cock.

"Oh God, I'm going to come! I'm going to come now!"

I moved my mouth further down his cock, sucking faster now, my finger in his ass fucking faster. Suddenly, Jerry froze in mid rock and the first spurt of come shot out of his cock into my throat. He began to moan and cry out louder and louder as shot after shot of cum poured out of his cock into my mouth as I shortened the length of his cock in my mouth. I wanted to taste it, to swallow it, to provide him with his greatest orgasm. Youth! He kept coming for so long, his cum leaked out of the corners of my mouth. Finally, sated, he fell back on the bed, exhausted. I lay there for a few moments, his cock still stuffed in my mouth, my finger still buried in his asshole.

After a few moments, he groaned. "Oh, shit! Mr. H, that was fabulous! That was the greatest orgasm I have ever had! You were great!"

I slowly let his spent cock slip from my mouth and crawled up alongside him. He looked at me and kissed me hard, his tongue licking up his own residue from my mouth and face. I looked into his beautiful gray eyes and asked, "Then, I take it you enjoyed it?"

He laughed. "What's not to like? That was great. Wow! What have I been missing all these years?"

"All these years? You're only 18 years old, for God's sake," I laughed.

"Hey, it's your turn now, Mr. H," he said, his hand reaching down to take in my cock. He began to jack my cock as he began licking his way down my body. I stopped him for a moment.

"Jerry, I want to fuck you. I want to fuck your ass"

He stopped his movements on my body and looked up at me. He thought for a moment, then smiled. He moved off my body and turned onto his stomach, looking over to me with a grin on his face.

I reached into the nightstand drawer and took out a small tube of vasoline and opened it. I squeezed a cold dab onto my cock and let Jerry rub it all over, jacking my cock with it so expertly that I could feel my come begin to accumulate.

I leaned over and put a large dab onto my fingers and very carefully spread his ass cheeks apart until his puckered asshole winked back at me. I placed my coated finger over his asshole and moved it all around the opening and inside his channel. Jerry groaned from the penetration and began to rock against my finger. I swung my leg over Jerry, straddling him.

"Jerry, are you sure? We don't have to do this. It's your call," I whispered into his ear.

"Yes, I'm sure, Mr. H. But, only if I get to do you next. Okay?" I smiled at his words and leaned down and kissed him. "You've got it."

I leaned down and kissed his beautiful, round, firm ass, working both cheeks as I they were a woman's tits. Squeezing the soft flesh, the tiny blonde hairs covering the ass cheeks, I spread them apart, watching his asshole winking back at me. I placed my cock against his asshole and slowly began to press forward. At first, Jerry's sphincter resisted my pressure. I continued to massage his ass cheeks, relaxing him. Suddenly, the head of my cock passed the threshold and plunged in. Jerry jerked beneath me, but kept muttering, "Yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck, fuck..."

Slowly, gently, my cock entered Jerry's asshole, moving further down into his rectum. The feeling was unbelievable, even better than a woman's ass. His hard muscles made it even more intense as I invaded his body. I had to concentrate on anything else that I could think of to keep from coming right then.

When I was halfway buried in his asshole, I stopped to give Jerry a chance to adjust to the feel of my cock in his ass. I leaned on my hands to reduce the pressure and kissed his cheek. He smiled back at me.

"You can keep it coming, Mr. H. It feels so fucking great. I love it! Fuck my ass! Now!"

I pushed myself back up and began to lower my full cock into Jerry's asshole. Slowly, it moved deeper until, suddenly, my balls were bouncing against his beautiful ass. Buried to the hilt in his asshole, I rested for a moment, my hands wrapped around his waist and his cock.

How do you describe the feeling of having your cock surrounded by a beautiful asshole? It was so intense, the pressure on all parts of my cock, I barely held back from coming. Slowly, I began to pull my cock from his asshole until only the head was still inside him. Then, I began to return my cock to his depths. I began to fuck Jerry for all that I was worth, harder and harder, feeling the intensity of my orgasm building to an overwhelming level, feeling Jerry's cock harden in my hand.

"Oh, God! Fuck me, fuck me hard! Fuck my asshole, now! Come in me! Come, Come!"

I pistoned harder and harder, faster and faster, feeling my come begin to move up from my balls. Jerry was already coming in my hand as I let go with the first spurt of my come. The intensity of my orgasm was enormous as my cock was clutched harder and harder by Jerry's spasming asshole. When the last shot of my cum spilt into Jerry's asshole, I collapsed onto his back, exhausted. And, fully depleted.

"Oh, wow!" Jerry whimpered, my cock still buried to the hilt in his ass. "We definitely have to do this again, Mr. H. And, next time, I get my chance in the driver's seat."

"You got it, Jerry. You've definitely got it."

If you enjoyed this story, please let me know. Constructive criticism is always desired since this is my first time. In more ways than one. Email me at ryanblazer@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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