
By Woodrow Harrison

Published on Nov 15, 2001



The following is a work of fiction. It is not intended to be read by anyone not legally entitled to do so nor by anyone offended by common gendered sexual activity. Comments and constructive criticism to:


Many years ago, working my first job out of college as a traveling salesman for an automotive aftermarket supplier, I was driving back to Wheeling, WV after a particularly dirty job of reboxing merchandise at a newly acquired distributor's store. His stocking shelves had likely not been dusted in my lifetime until today, and I think the owner had derived some perverse pleasure in watching this green kid in a business suit put on his coveralls and sweat for nearly six hours to produce a neat stock display.

It was a warm summer's day. The car's air-conditioning was delicious. As I topped a hill, I spotted a car by the side of the road, hood up, and a man also dressed for business peering at his engine. Figuring I couldn't get much dirtier anyway, I pulled over behind him to see if I could be of assistance.

He was a little taken aback when he saw me, dirty faced in a white shirt and tie, but was more than happy for the offer of help. I looked at the engine and asked what had happened.

"I was just driving along, when the oil light went on," he explained, "I didn't have any spare oil in the car so thought I'd come to a gas station. All of a sudden I hear this sharp rapping sound. I pulled over and shut the engine down, and now it won't start."

"Sounds as though you've thrown a rod, " I replied, reaching for the dipstick. "If that's the case it'll never start again."

Sure enough, the dipstick was dry as a sun baked bone. I offered to drive him to the next town where he could get a tow truck. He gratefully agreed and climbed into the passenger seat beside me.

"My name's Woody, " I said extending my hand.

"Tom," he replied, shaking. "I sure appreciate your stopping. I'm curious. How'd you get so dirty? Have trouble yourself?"

I explained about the work I'd been doing. It turned out that he was the owner of a plastics molder in Charleston and was driving up to a resort near Wheeling. I mentioned Oglebay Park, but he said it was a private resort. Then he asked if I could drive him there as it would only be a few miles out of my way. I agreed.

We drove about a half hour, making small talk, when he asked me to slow down. We approached a side road that was poorly marked with a small sign pointing to the right with the word "Rusticana" printed on it. Tom asked me to turn into the lane.

About a mile into this lane, we saw the beginning of a 10 foot high cyclone fence, topped by an overhang of barbed wire. It looked like a prison fence, and I thought it odd that a resort would be so close to a penal institution. We proceeded another half mile along the fence and came to a gate. A sign identical to the one marking the entrance to the lane hung on the gate.

"Not much on advertising are they?" I quipped.

"They don't hurt for patrons, " said Tom, "it's a word of mouth thing. Say, I'm really obliged to you for all the help, why not stick around a bit and I'll buy you a drink once I've registered.?"

"Sure, sounds like a plan. Besides, I'd like to see the resort."

Tom gave me a wry smile as we pulled up to a large log cabin type building. "It won't take a minute to register and get my key," he said, "I'll be right back." He walked into the lobby.

I was surprised as I saw the clerk come into view behind the counter. He appeared bare-chested. He shook hands with Tom, accepted a credit card from him and handed him a key.

Tom got into the car and had me drive down a tree-lined lane to a secluded log cabin. As rustic as it looked from the outside, the place was elegantly appointed on the inside. It was a two bedroom suite complete with kitchenette and a fully stocked bar!

"Nice digs," I said, "no wonder they don't have to advertise."

"Actually, it's a time share, and pretty well sold out at that." Tom said, "Why don't we sit on the veranda?" "I'll fix the drinks. What's your poison?"

"Gin and tonic, please, if you've got it."

"Works for me. Lime?"

"Great! They stock the refrigerator for you too?"

"You order everything you want in advance and they have it ready for your arrival. In fact, I ordered a steak for a guy who can't make it this evening. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

The prospect of a nice char-broiled steak and company for dinner as opposed to eating a greasy hamburger in a cafe by myself won me over and I agreed. We sat on the large, roomy deck at the rear of the cabin, sipping our drinks. I noticed a round, covered structure at the far end of the deck.

"Hot tub," my host supplied, noticing my curious look.

I'd always thought those were peculiar to California. I'd never seen one except in the movies where beautiful people sat in them and sipped wine. Never dreamed I'd find one in West Virginia of all places. I expressed this to Tom, who laughed.

"There's a sauna room off the bathroom too, Woody. This place is first class. That's one reason I bought into it."

"Must be expensive with all these amenities." I said awkwardly.

"It's split four ways with some friends of mine, not too hard to handle. Say, I don't know about you, but I could use a shower and a soak before dinner. How about it?"

Considering how dirty I was, the prospect of a shower was mighty appealing, and I was curious about the hot tub even though I had no bathing trunks and knew Tom didn't either as whatever luggage he had was likely still in the trunk of his car. I hesitated for a moment then agreed.

"Great! You go first in the shower while I get the tub ready and deal with getting a wrecker for that car. Towels are under the vanity." Tom seemed blithely unconcerned with the prospect of the two of us soaking in the nude.

The shower was great! After drying off, I wrapped the beach-sized towel around my waist and returned to the deck. Tom was just hanging up the phone as I walked through the kitchenette.

"Make yourself another drink, I'll be right with you."

I poured another gin and tonic, whistling softly as I looked into the refrigerator for the lime wedge. He was stocked completely all right. Looked as though he had enough supplies for a months' stay! Four thick steaks were in a marinating bag on a plate. I wondered if his family was joining him, but then he had mentioned a guy not being able to make it this evening. Maybe this was a guys' getaway, like a hunting lodge or something.

The Jacuzzi was bubbling away as I stepped into it. The water was much warmer than I had expected, but the heat and pressure of the jets were quite relaxing. Stripping off my towel, I sat on the submerged bench and sipped my drink.

Five minutes later, Tom appeared with a towel around his waist and a fresh drink in his hand. He moved to the gas barbeque grill next to the tub and turned the burners on, then turned toward me and shucked his towel, stepping into the tub on the shelf opposite me.

It seemed at that point that I noticed Tom as a person for the first time. He was short and rather stockily built. Thick, dark hair on the wavy side over a smooth shaven face with dark brown eyes. He was modestly hirsute, with a little more hair on his chest and legs than I have. As is common with middle aged men, he had a slight belly, but muscle tone that indicated at least some attention at the gym. I admit I did check out his penis, but didn't think him more than ordinary in that department.

Tom set his drink down and leaned back on the bench. "How do you like it Woody?"

"This is really living," I replied, just before my jaw dropped. A runner had just appeared on the jogging path which I could see over Tom's shoulder. The man was not running hard, just jogging. What amazed me was that he was completely nude!

Tom twisted to see what I was reacting to, then turned back to me and laughed. "Did I mention that this was a nudist camp?" His eyes twinkled in amusement.

A nudist camp? Not a hunting lodge? Tom and his friends owned a time share in a place where people ran about in the buff? I sat there in stunned silence.

"Actually, it's 'clothing-optional', but you rarely see guys wearing anything."

Guys? What about women? What have I gotten myself into here? I squirmed uncomfortably. Tom just smiled, knowing his secret was dawning on me.

"Look, Woody, you don't have to be nervous about anything. I haven't any ignoble intentions toward you. I just thought I'd show a little hospitality for the favor you did me."

I didn't know what to say. Sitting naked with an equally naked man who apparently preferred other men, what the hell could I do?

"N..ot a big problem Tom," I stammered, blushing.

An awkward moment ensued. We quietly nursed our drinks as the water rushed over us. Even though I knew I should get the hell out of here fast, I was reluctant to leave the luxury of the tub. Tom climbed out of the tub, not bothering to pick up his towel, and walked naked into the kitchen. He reappeared a minute later with a platter containing two steaks and some foil wrapped baking potatoes.

"How do you like your meat? Rare or well?

"Well please," I said as he placed the potatoes on the grill. He was obviously going to cook in the nude. I couldn't help but check him out again and wondered that he could be so blase' about his nudity. There was no sign of sexual arousal, so I felt relieved that he really had no intentions toward me. He got back into the tub and sat directly opposite me.

"The potatoes will take a few minutes longer than the beef," he said, "I've got a tossed salad in the 'fridge."

I wondered if he expected me to eat in the nude too. Since my divorce, I'd been pretty lax about dressing around the house and often had eaten dinner without bothering to dress. This was quite different. I wondered if I would insist on dressing.

More nude joggers passed by as we sat there sipping our drinks. By time Tom climbed out to turn the potatoes and put the steaks on, I was growing accustomed to the environment. Maybe it was the drinks, I don't know, but I found myself checking him out with growing interest. I'd had a few J/O sessions at summer camp when I was a preteen, and had enjoyed the feel of my buddy's hand on my dick while I gripped his hardness. Idly I wondered what it might feel like to have Tom's hand on me. I tried to push the thought from my mind, feeling sure he'd want to go further than that given the opportunity.

The meat sizzling on the grill, Tom returned to the tub and resumed his previous seat across from me. Despite myself, I felt a little disappointment that he didn't try to move closer. Maybe it would make me feel better about myself were I to spurn an advance. True to his word, he made no move toward me, and a small feeling of rejection welled deeply in my psyche. Suddenly, not knowing why, I stretched out my leg and touched his knee with my toe. He jumped slightly in surprise at my bold move and looked at me quizzically.

"What was that for?" He asked, staring at me.

"I'm not sure Tom, I don't know why I did that."

A smile spread across his face. His foot reached to the center of the bottom of the tub. I hesitantly extended my leg and touched his foot with mine. We sat there awkwardly touching just like that. As if on mutual cue, we each scootched toward each other until we sat side by side, our thighs touching. Strange, exciting feelings were welling within me. I could sense a tightening in my gut. This was so weird!

Tom made no move to touch me with anything other than his thigh and shoulder. I began to tremble slightly as my breathing became a bit harder. My cock began to stiffen between my legs. I turned toward Tom and in a trice our lips were together. Instinctively my mouth opened and his tongue found mine. Rising, he pulled me to my feet without breaking the kiss. He reached down and grabbed my cock, placing it beside his own in his palm.

I made no resistance. All I felt was excitement as he manipulated our cocks together. We were both out of breath as we broke the kiss. Tom looked deeply into my eyes, smiling.

"You feel so good, Woody, but we can't let those steaks burn." He let go of my cock and got out of the tub to turn the steaks.

I stood there, my hard-on pointing up at my chin, staring at his equally hard cock. Getting out of the tub, I walked over to him, took him in my arms and began another kiss. He placed his cockhead against the tip of mine, sending a thrill though me. Now it was my turn to grip his swollen member and I had to admit it felt great. Much better than I remembered. We stood there rubbing each other until the steaks were done.

Tom went to the kitchen and returned with a tray of plates, silverware, and two bowls of salad with two types of dressing. He set the table and then served the meat and the potatoes. He sat next to me.

The meal was delicious! All through it we played footsies and kneesies. Despite the tasty fare, I was eager to see what might come next, and found myself fairly wolfing down my food. Tom, for his part, ate leisurely, savoring his meal, but all the while touching me and building the excitement in my gut.. Finally he pushed his plate away.

"I'm not eating any more of that," he said, grinning and gesturing toward his empty plate.

"It was great food. You know how to deal with a piece of meat." I said, not realizing at first the opening that double entendre made.

"Oh yes," Tom said, reaching over and gripping my cock which immediately sprang up hard, "I'd like to deal with this piece of meat too."

"You mean out here, on the deck with people coming by?"

"Would you prefer the privacy of a bedroom?"

The wave of excitement swept over me again. I was almost tempted to say no, but finally agreed that I'd be more comfortable out of sight. I followed him through the kitchenette and down the hallway to the master bedroom. Once there, Tom placed his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me down to sit on the edge of the bed. As he did so, his purplish cockhead was just inches from my face. I'd never seen a hard cock that close before and stared at it fascinated.

Tom dropped to his knees, took my cock in his hand, smiled up at me, then took the head into his mouth. It felt sensational! During my marriage we had never had any oral sex. My wife had considered it "dirty". It seemed I was about to get my first "blowjob", and from another man!

Teasingly, Tom just took it a little bit at a time, his tongue working hard all over it. The loud slurping sounds contributed to my excitement, and I wanted him desperately to take it all. At last he did! An incredible feeling pulsed in my gut as he slowly bobbed up and down on me, pausing occasionally to smile up at me with his twinkling eyes. Obviously he was enjoying this as much as I was, and I wondered just what he got out of it.

Curiosity gave way to abandonment, and I felt myself pulling him up onto the bed beside me, lying head to toe. He resumed sucking me as I regarded the thick engorged cock with its keyhole shaped piss slit. My hand held it by the base pushing into the thick black mat of pubic hair. Gingerly, I opened my mouth and inserted the tip. It was slippery yet brick hard, with a slightly chalky taste that I found not unpleasant. More and more of it entered my mouth, though Tom did not make any effort to thrust or intrude at a more rapid pace. He knew what was about to happen and didn't want it to turn me off.

The cockhead finally touched the back of my mouth and my gag reflex took over. I gagged and coughed. Snot ran out my nostrils as I tried to recover. Tom stopped sucking me and reached his hand down to the top of my head.

"Take it easy, Woody, be comfortable with it. You don't have anything to prove. Just enjoy yourself."

He resumed sucking me. I took his cock back into my mouth as far as I could and resumed sucking him. Suddenly I felt his mouth go off my cock and a moment later, take one of my nuts between his lips. I squirmed at this new thrill, then he exchanged it for the other, then resumed his attention to my cock. Not to be outdone, I returned the favor, causing him to squirm with delight. I felt myself getting pretty close to the edge and told Tom I was about to come.

"So am I," he said, "do you want the load?"

I barely got out the "no" when I felt a dizzying. My body went stiff, and suddenly I was spurting. Tom never let off me. He swallowed each shot, tightening his lips around me as I relaxed between spurts. Then I felt him tense. I knew he was about to shoot and pulled my mouth off his cock. The load spurted onto my cheek, then on my neck, and finally dribbled a bit onto my chest. We both went limp for a few seconds then I felt him shift on the bed and his head was beside mine. He rolled on top of me, smearing his cum over our chests and licking the sperm off my cheek and neck. He parted his lips and pulled me to him in a French kiss. I've tasted my own cum before (who hasn't been curious?) but tasting it mixed with his saliva made it much sweeter. We lay there side by side, enjoying the afterglow of what we'd just given each other when suddenly the door opened and two men stared in at us!

"Hey Dan, Brad!" Tom jumped from the bed, walked over to the door and shook hands with them. He gestured toward me. "This is Woody. Woody, this is Brad, and this is Dan."

Feeling awkward as hell I walked over and shook hands with them. They were all smiles. The obvious fact that I had just been in a sexual romp with their friend didn't seem to faze them in the slightest. Apparently these men shared a lot more than a cabin in a nudist camp.

We made our way out to the deck. After wrapping potatoes in foil and preparing to feed the new guests, Tom fixed drinks for all of us and suggested Brad and Dan join us in the hot tub. They disappeared into the cabin, leaving Tom and I alone in the tub sitting side by side.

"Well Woody, for the first time you gave one hell of a blow job. Or was it your first?"

"First. Either way." I said, feeling a little proud at the odd compliment.

"Did you enjoy it?" He pressed, looking at me intensely.

"Well...yes...I guess I did."

"Then you wouldn't mind if things got a little raunchy as the night progresses? That is if you want to stick around. You're certainly welcome."

The intense experience of my first male sexual encounter still had me wound up. Nothing awaited me back in Wheeling but a motel room and the usual boring TV. I agreed to stay and see what played out.

Brad was by any measure a handsome man fully clothed: Tall, dark complected, black curly hair and ocean blue eyes, but when he appeared naked, he was an Adonis! Though slender, he had pronounced pecs, solidly developed arms, washboard abs and rippled thighs and calves. His body was dusted with thick black curls and a 3" penis hung over his nuts. He would definitely draw a lot of attention on the beach.

Dan, in contrast, was almost delicate in his build, though his uncut cock hung lower than any of ours. He was dishwater blonde with baby-bright blue eyes. His body was virtually hairless.

They joined us in the tub. Tom got out to prepare their steaks on the grill while the three of us chatted in the tub. Dan, it turned out, was the president of a bank in Pittsburgh, while Brad was an executive with a nationally known steel company. Older, successful men exude a sense of power in my experience, but these two, naked in a hot tub with me were hardly awe-inspiring or threatening in any way.

Tom rejoined us seated across from me as the steaks sizzled on the grill. Four men in a hot tub is about as many as would fit and at that we were touching knees and toes. I was surprised at myself that I did not feel the slightest bit uncomfortable with it. I'd come a long way in the past hour.

"Woody did me a favor this afternoon, helping me when I had car trouble. I invited him for a drink and dinner since Paul wasn't going to be here." Tom explained my presence, then actually made me feel a bit embarrassed by adding that what they saw the end of was my first male sex experience. With that he climbed out to turn the steaks.

That intelligence led to Dan and Brad relating their first time experiences. I was amazed at how humble these powerful men described their shyness and apprehension. Dan had been seduced by an uncle on a camping trip when still a teenager. Brad had been a commanding officer in the military, unexpectedly chanced upon his First Sergeant blowing the orderly. He'd been so turned on at what he saw that he did not discipline the men and was later sought out by the orderly and introduced to male sex. Both had married subsequently, but kept actively bisexual. Both of them had met Tom and Paul at a gay bar in Pittsburgh, hitting on each individually, and that was how they'd gotten to know one another. From time to time they'd get together renting a motel room, and finally joined forces in the time share purchase.

Tom announced that the steaks were ready and the two men climbed out of the tub to dine. I felt a little awkward sitting in the tub alone as Tom served up their plates and bowls of salad. I noticed two young joggers who had stopped on the path a few feet away. Oblivious to their audience, they embraced. After a few moments of kissing, the taller of the two dropped to his knees before the other and began giving him a first class blow job. Although he was firmly gripping his man by the ass cheeks, I could plainly see the stiff cock entering all the way then coming back out almost to the end.

Even though I had engaged in the same exercise just a few minutes ago, I found the sight so erotic that I felt myself becoming firm again. Tom walked up and stood beside me, looking at the two men and soon his cock was pointing at them. Playfully, I reached up and took hold of it.

"One good show deserves another," said he, "how about it?"

I rose to my feet and without a moment's hesitation gobbled the stiff cock into my mouth. I sucked him slowly, fondling his nuts and running my hands up and down his hairy thighs. Forgotten were the two on the path as well as the two men eating their dinner. All that my mind was concentrating upon was the hot meat I was sucking and the pleasure of the man to whom I was ministering.

Tom's breathing grew labored and he pulled me off his cock.

"Time to switch." He indicated the joggers who had indeed switched positions and the taller man was now feeding his companion.

"Wow! Anything goes around here eh?"

"You ain't seen nothing yet."

I climbed out of the tub and stood before Tom. He dropped to his knees and took my straining champion into his mouth. Unhurriedly he took the full length of it into his mouth. I wondered at that as I'm at least 7". The end of it must have been poking into his throat, but there wasn't the slightest hint of gagging.

I saw the tall fellow on the running path throw his head back and close his eyes. His cock came out of his friend's mouth and began roping wads of spunk onto his friend's face and chest. When the spurting subsided, the cock receded into his bush. The two kissed and resumed their way down the path.

Tom had me right on the edge of cumming. Between the hot scene I'd just witnessed and his expert manipulations I felt myself growing slightly dizzy. My body tightened like a compressed coil spring and then let go. There couldn't have been much semen as I'd had less than a half hour to recover since my last orgasm, but the feeling of this one was even more intense. I would have fallen had not Tom stood up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to him in a passionate embrace.

Suddenly I remember that Dan and Brad were just a few feet away at the dinner table. I blushed at my own brazenness and peeked over to see if they were watching. They were. Having finished eating, they were also busy fondling each other's cock. This had the promise of an incredible evening in the making and I was not going to be disappointed.

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