Rustic Chivalry

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 2, 2014


Rustic Chivalry Chapter Seven

Red looked at Bobby; Bobby looked at Red; and Robbie looked expectantly at both of them. He wanted his fathers to speak to him, to explain the wonders of the world; indeed, the wonders of the universe. But they were mute. Robbie was still staring at the semen in Red's pubic hair, and Red realized that this called for action on his part.

"Go sit back down on the blanket, Robbie. Bobby and I need to have a discussion, and then we'll get to ya." There was nothing for Robbie to do but obey. His dads went into the lake to clean up.

"Look, Bobby," Red said in the water. "Robbie is a real inquisitive kid. He thinks way beyond his years. I think we better have the birds and the bees talk with him. In another kid it would be way too soon, but Robbie's ready for anything. Besides we can't go on hiding our love life from him much longer, and I ain't ashamed of it."

"Me neither," Bobby said. "Let's go talk to him. I'll start."

They returned to the blanket where Robbie was waiting, and not too patiently. They dried off with towels, and sat down beside their son.

"Remember the other day when we had a discussion about how babies were made? Well, Red and I want to explain some more to you."

"Yes, please," Robbie said with excitement in his voice.

Not only can a man and a woman fall in love," Bobby went on. "Sometimes two women can fall in love with each other, and two men can fall in love also." "Like you and Daddy Red?" Robbie asked.

"Exactly. Like me and Daddy Red. Me and him, we make our penises happy, just like Jimmy does with your mom. The only difference is, we can't make a baby."

"I'm glad o' that," Robbie laughed. "That way, I get all yer attention."

"That ya do," Bobby said, as he tousled Robbie's hair.

Robbie was tired of all this beating around the bush. "How do ya make yer penies happy?" He asked bluntly.

"Well," Red chimed in. "Take a situation like what just happened. We was fast asleep, and we turned to each other. Our co... (pause), penises started rubbin' together. They got so danged happy, they each produced the baby seed."

"But it had no egg to join up with," Robbie half said, and half asked.

"No, and that's what happens when a penis gets happy, and there's no woman around."

Robbie was determined not to let this opportunity go by. He smiled disarmingly, tossed his head coyly, rolled his eyes, and said, "I seen ya two do other things to make yer penies happy."

Bobby and Red turned white. "Wattaya mean?" Red asked.

Robbie was too naïve to think that what his daddies did was not perfectly all right. He was only silent up to now because he felt that it was their private thing. "I seen you take your penies in your mouths and in your bum, and make baby seed that way. I figure ya must be makin' your penies very happy."

Bobby and Red stared at their son in disbelief. They would have sworn they had been so discreet.

"How? When?" Bobby mumbled.

"Ya check every night to see if I'm asleep, and I been playin' possum. After ya leave, I sneak down the hall and watch y'all in the dark. I know I been spyin' on ya, but when yer makin' yer penies happy, you keep tellin' each other how much ya love one another. That makes me feel real good, but I fret y'all don' love me as much."

Bobby grabbed Robbie and held him tight. "Oh Robbie, I wish ya'da spoke up sooner, so I could explain to ya that there's all kinds o' love, different kinds. There's the love of a daddy for his son, of a brother for a brother, of a friend for a friend. Those loves can't be expressed by makin' their penises happy. That would be a sin. The ultimate love is when two adults commit to be bound together forever. Then physical love, that is makin' their penises happy, is not only allowed, but it's a beautiful thing. Do ya unnerstand, Robbie?"

"I think so, but does that mean ya love me less than ya love each other?"

Bobby hugged Robbie even closer. "Oh no, son, each of the loves I described is equal, but only the love Red and I have together is allowed to make our penises happy. Someday, ya'll find a woman who'll want to make yer penis happy, and you will bind together with her."

Red added. "Yer way too young to be thinkin' about those things anyway. Ya'll see, in a few short years ya'll be runnin' after the pretty young girls."

Robbie grew silent. He was thinking that he'd rather make his penis happy like his dad's did, but once again his sixth sense advised him to cool it for now. Satisfied for the moment, and having accomplished his goal, he asked, "Can we go back in the water now?"

That night Robbie did not hear his dads check to see if he was sleeping. When he thought the coast was clear, he got out of bed, and went down the hall to their room. Their door was tight shut. That night was the last time Robbie would do any spying on his dads. He never caught them making love again, and he was sorely disappointed. As he grew older that was pretty much all he thought about. His fantasies never once included girls, only his dads. In time, his dads faded from his dreams, and he began to dream about having sex with some of his male teachers and school buddies.

When Robbie was in sixth grade, and half way through his eleventh year, he learned about something new and exciting. Billy Saunders was a very slow learner and he was at least two years older than his classmates. One day in the schoolyard, during recess, he gathered the boys in his class and asked if any of them whacked off yet. The only whacking any of them knew about was the boxing their ears got, when their fathers were meting out punishment. Billy patiently explained that he had a different kind of whacking in mind. He assured his friends they would love it when they tried it, and would be thanking him a lot.

After Billy described the process to his younger class mates, Robbie asked, "Will it make my penis happy?" To his credit, Billy thought that Robbie was being cute or he would certainly have embarrassed the boy.

"Oh yes," he answered. "It will make your cock very happy." That was the first time Robbie had ever heard a penis referred to as a cock. The fact that he was introduced to a practical way to make his cock happy, and he didn't have to involve any girls, made him very happy.

He ran all the way home from school. He wanted as much alone time as possible before his dads came home. He ran into the bathroom and locked the door. It was the first time the bathroom door had ever been locked since Red had moved in. Robbie dropped his pants, sat on the commode, wrapped his fist around his still immature cock and started stroking. Well, it felt good enough, but Robbie didn't sense that his cock was getting happy. It was still very limp. He closed his eyes and thought back to the days when he secretly watched his fathers making their cocks happy. Thinking about that, everything began to change.

Finally his cock must have gotten happy, because it was stiffening. Now Robbie could stroke with more ease. He remembered that his dads spread Vaseline on their cocks before entering their bum holes. He stopped long enough to get a jar of Vaseline. He rubbed some of the gooey stuff all over his stiff dick and then started stroking again. He was still picturing his dads sucking their cocks and entering each other, when his body began to feel strange. The feeling was new to him, and he grew frightened. He wanted to stop, but he was unable to give up the stroking. Besides the strange feeling was not something dreadful. His whole body was deriving pleasure from what he was doing. His cock was getting happier and happier as it got stiffer and stiffer.

Suddenly his toes began to tingle. The tingling feeling went through his body like an electric current, until it was all over his body. His cock was reacting in a way he had never experienced before. To say it was happy, would be the understatement of the century. He was obliged to pump harder and faster. He could feel something running through his cock, starting at his balls and spurting out the crack. He could not put into words the feeling his body experienced. He tried to stroke more and harder, but now his cock was too sensitive and he had to stop.

He had felt the baby seed flow out of him, but when he examined himself, he could only see a little bit of a translucent fluid. Where was the custard, he so much wanted to taste? Now he was frightened, and feared something was wrong with him. Maybe he needed to see a doctor. He determined that he had to tell his fathers all about this. If he needed medical help they would know what to do.

He cleaned up his pubic area, and dressed himself. Then he proceeded to do his homework at the kitchen table. He wanted it done before his dads came home. If they didn't want to talk to him about this, they wouldn't be able to send him off to do his homework. Even though he took precautions not to give them any excuses, he was really certain that they would talk to him about it, explain everything, and make it all right.

That night at the dinner table, Robbie attempted to describe his "whacking off" procedure. He did all right until it came time to describe how his body felt when he made baby seed. He was at a loss for words, but he did describe how scant the seed was and how loose as compared to their thick custardy emissions.

Robbie wasn't sure what to expect, but he didn't expect what happened. Both fathers jumped up and embraced him. They kissed him and cried.

"Finally Bobby spoke. "Yer becomin' a man, sonny. Yer spunk was watery `cause ya ain't mature yet. Ya'll see, before you know it, it'll be as thick as ours." Robbie was relieved.

"Then ya don' mind if I whack off?" he asked.

"O' cause not. It's perfectly normal. We men do it all our lives."

"The light suddenly dawned on Red and he asked, "What were ya thinkin' while ya was whacking off?"

"I was rememberin' you two makin' your penies happy when I was little and used to spy on ya."

Robbie's two dads looked at each other and smiled. "Don' jump to conclusions," Red said to Bobby.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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