Rustic Chivalry

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 25, 2014


Rustic Chivalry

Chapter Six

Once Sue-Ann moved out of the house, Red and Bobby got rid of Robbie's day bed, and he took possession of Sue-Ann's. They also moved the dresser back into the bedroom from the hallway. That simple move made the small manufactured home look huge to the three inhabitants.

Also the two adults were freer in their living habits. They were proud of their bodies, and had no desire to hide it from their son. They never wanted him to be ashamed of his body either. They began to walk around the house naked, and they definitely left their bedroom door open at night. Be that as it may, they refrained from love making until they were sure Robbie was asleep.

Robbie, of course was too smart for them. He had seen his dads performing an act that he instinctively knew was not meant to be seen by anyone. He was the most curious lad in town, and he wanted to see more. He would lie in bed every night, playing possum. He recognized the squeak in the floor board when one of his dads came to see if he was sleeping. He would even increase his breathing and make slight snoring sounds, when they were checking on him. He knew exactly when the father who checked up on him was safely back in his room. He would wait a few minutes, making sure that nobody was walking around. When he was certain that they were both in their room, he would get out of bed as quietly as he could and head for their bedroom. He even knew which floor boards creaked, and he deftly avoided them. He would position himself at one side of the open door, where he was sure he could not be seen. The light from the street lamp illuminated the room brightly, and he could see both his dads very clearly.

Their bodies were magnificent, and he got really turned on. He would erect almost immediately, but did not yet know how to relieve himself. Sometimes nothing would happen, and the two men would fall into a deep sleep. But that was a rarity. More often than not they would turn to each other and crush their bodies together. Robbie would imagine their two cocks smashed together, and rubbing against each other. The two men would begin to moan and wiggle, and Robbie had to control himself from jumping into bed with them. After a short time, one of them would twist around so that they were lying head to foot. They would take each other's penies into their mouths, and lick them like a lollipop. It was quite a while before Robbie learned that they were playing a game called sixty-nine. He would stare at them, hoping that their game would last for hours. It never did, and much to Robbie's delight the results were often different.

Sometimes one of them would shoot a white gooey fluid into the other's mouth, and then shortly thereafter the process would be repeated by the other. They would swallow the custard like fluid, and what they couldn't swallow, they would scoop up from their faces and feed it to the other.

Other times they would stop the game, and one of them would begin to run his tongue up and down the other's ass. Robbie would go wild watching this. He thought he would go mad if he did not experience all of this himself, and soon. After some more time passed, the father who had bathed his other father's ass with his tongue, would take a jar from the night table. Robbie was sure it was a jar of Vaseline. He would rub the Vaseline all over his penie, and then up the other's ass. Slowly he would insert his penie up his lover's ass. Sometimes the father on the bottom was on his back. Other times, he was on his stomach.

Robbie would watch, completely envious of his fathers' activities. He would listen to them moaning and groaning. Their bodies would writhe as they assured each other that they loved each other to the exclusion of all others. That always made Robbie happy for their love, and a little uncomfortable to realize that he came second in their lives. At some point, the dad on top would give out a wail, thrust deep and collapse on his other dad. He would lie this way, seemingly dead, for a few minutes, but eventually he would pull out. Sometimes the custardy fluid rubbed between them and they would eat it together. The games would then be over. Other times there was no fluid. When that happened, they would either reverse positions, or one of them would take the other's penie in hand and begin to stroke it until the white custard was produced, amidst much squealing and writhing.

His fathers would lie perfectly still for a while, and then they would take a towel from the top of the dresser and clean themselves. When that was done, they would return to bed, kiss each other, and fall asleep. Robbie would reluctantly return to his room.

In the morning he yearned to tell them what he had witnessed, and ask them to explain it all to him. What was the custard? Why did they wiggle and scream when it was produced? If it hurt, why did they do it so often? If they were screaming for joy, what sensations were produced in their bodies? But in the morning he was mute, afraid to tell them what he had seen, and certain that he would never ask his questions.

Six months after Sue-Ann left the household, she announced that she was pregnant. Red and Bobby hugged her and kissed her. Jimmy wanted to shake their hands, but they grabbed him and hugged him too.

"Yer gonna be a big brother," Sue-Ann informed Robbie, who stared at her looking bewildered.

That night Red took the whole family out to a celebration dinner. They returned quite late. He and Bobby made Robbie shower and go straight to bed. That night Robbie did not spy on his fathers. His head was too full of questions. Basically he needed to know how a woman got pregnant. He was also apprehensive that his mother might love him less. Thank goodness, he had his two dads. He was also glad that the next day was Saturday, and he would have plenty of time to ask his fathers to explain it all. He was sure that this was a subject he could approach them with, unlike the other stuff.

The secret sealed door known as sex, was about to be slightly cracked open for Robbie, and he was about to be initiated into the adult world, albeit very slowly. He was almost ten now. He would not experience his first orgasm by masturbation until he turned eleven. His first sexual experience would be shortly after his sixteenth birthday. This was all sometime in the future, but for now, he determined not to let his dads off the hook, until they told him exactly how babies are formed and women get pregnant.

He sprung it on them so suddenly that they both almost gagged on their morning toast.

"How did the baby get in Mommy's stomach, and when will it come out? How will it come out? Will they cut her open?"

Then silence, as his two fathers stared at each other, hoping the other would speak first. Bobby was Robbie's biological father, so he felt he should speak up.

"Let's have breakfast and get dressed," he said. "After breakfast, we'll sit down in the livin' room, and we'll explain it to ya." Robbie was satisfied for the moment. He ate his breakfast quickly, and ran into his room to dress. He was sitting patiently on the living room sofa, when his fathers finally joined him.

"We've already explained to ya that a penis gets hard when it feels happy," Bobby started. Robbie nodded. "Women don't have penises, Robbie. They have vaginas. It's like a big cave."

"I know that," Robbie said impatiently.

Inside the vagina, women produce eggs, pretty much like chickens do." That was a bad example, and Bobby could have kicked himself, but Robbie nodded his head in understanding. "When a man sees the vagina, his penis becomes happy and gets really hard," he went on. He inserts his stiff penis in the vagina and strokes in and out. That's called making love."

Robbie could picture his dads inserting their penies into each other's asses, and yelling, "I love you." He was about to ask if that was like what he and Daddy Red did, but he suddenly realized that he could not reveal his secret.

"The strokin' causes the penis to shoot out a fluid called semen," Bobby continued.

Robbie was overwhelmed. Now he knew what the custard like fluid was.

"The semen contains thousands of seeds. The seeds swim toward the eggs. When one of the seeds hooks up with one of the eggs, a baby is made and begins to grow inside the woman's body."

"Wow!" Robbie interjected. "Go on."

"It takes nine months for the baby to grow big enough to live in the world. When the baby is ready to be born, the woman's vagina expands and the baby slips out."

Bobby stopped talking, and he and Red looked at Robbie, praying he wouldn't ask any more questions. Fortunately, he did not. His brain was too busy processing what he had just been taught. He was also trying to equate a man and woman making love to the actions of two men making love, namely his two fathers. It was too much for his immature brain, and all he could mutter was, "I see."

He stood up and said, "I think I'll go over to Timmy's to play."

"Be home for lunch," Red admonished him. "It promises to be a hot day. Maybe we'll go swimmin'."

As soon as Robbie was out the door, Bobby turned toward Red. "I hope you don't intend takin' him to our swimmin' hole."

"Why not? He's kinfolk, not some stranger. Besides, when he's older, he'll have a place to take some willin' young girl."

"God, I hope he doesn't grow up too fast," Bobby lamented. "We ain't likely to have another kid."

When Robbie came home, Red told him to climb into the truck. "We're goin' swimmin'," he said, "to a secret place. I packed a picnic basket, and we'll have lunch down by a lake that belongs just to Bobby and me."

It all sounded so conspiratorial to Robbie. It's like a mystery movie, he thought. He jumped into the cab of the truck. Although it was a two-seater, Robbie was small enough that all three of them sat comfortably. When they arrived at a position where a thick forest began, Red parked the truck. They each carried a blanket, towels and the picnic basket, and Bobby led them to a small clearing, which was almost indiscernible. A short walk through a hidden pathway, brought them to the lake in the forest. Robbie gasped when he saw it. It was indeed The Garden of Eden.

"Never tell anybody about this place," Bobby instructed him. "It's our family's secret place. Your momma don' even know about it."

"I promise," Robbie said solemnly. It was like he was being inducted into a secret society, and he felt so grown up.

Red was carrying the blanket and he spread it at the edge of the lake. They put the picnic basket and the towels on the blanket and the adults began to strip, so Robbie did also.

"We forgot to bring swimmin' suits," he advised his dads.

"Don' need `em," Bobby said and removed his briefs. Red was soon naked too, and Robbie followed suit. His fathers took Robbie by each of his two hands and ran with him into the water. They plunged right in.

The water was cool, but not cold. Much to Robbie's delight, they splashed each other, and tried pushing each other's heads under water. At one point Bobby put Robbie on his massive shoulders and then flipped him over into a dive. Robbie came out of the water spitting and coughing.

"Are ya OK sport?" Red asked.

"Yeah, I am, but I'm awful hungry."

They came out of the water, dried themselves and sat down on the blanket. Bobby opened the basket, and took out three pieces of cold chicken, which they all devoured with a can of coke.

They washed their hands in the lake, and then lay down on the blanket. "Let's get a little bit o' sun," Red suggested. He and Bobby lay down side by side on their backs. Robbie lay down on his back also, next to Bobby. In a few minutes all three were sound asleep.

In their sleep, Red and Bobby turned toward each other. Their cocks ground together, and stiffened. Not even realizing what they were doing, they began to dry hump each other. In moments, they gave off little squealing sounds and they both came. Robbie was watching them both intently.

His two fathers kissed each other and got up to go clean themselves in the lake. When they stood, they realized that Robbie was awake and had been watching them. They were frozen in their tracks, speechless and ashamed.

Robbie realized that this was his opportunity to ask them all about what he witnessed almost nightly. He wasn't going to let the opportunity slip by him.

He put on his most angelic face, and touching the semen coating Red's pubic hair, he asked. "Is this the stuff that the baby seeds are in?"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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