Rustic Chivalry

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 18, 2014


Rustic Chivalry Chapter Five

Sue-Ann's day went exactly according to plan. By 10:30 AM, Robbie was in his classroom, and was enrolled in the after-care program. She authorized herself, Bobby and Red to pick him up from the school. The principal's secretary assisted her in applying to his old school for his scant records.

She knew of two greasy spoons along Main Street. They were her next destinations. The manager of the first restaurant was polite enough. He took her telephone number, and promised to call if there were any openings in the future.

Things were quite different at the second establishment. Jimmy Foster, the owner, immediately recognized Sue-Ann from the brief time she had gone to his middle school at the same time that he did. Her reputation as a slut did not escape him. Jimmy was not considered handsome, but he had a pleasant face because he was always upbeat, and went about his life with a perpetual smile. He was bright and witty, and everyone liked him in spite of his appearance. He was only five feet, seven inches tall, and on the plumpish side, but not near to being fat.

Sue-Ann didn't remember him at all, and Jimmy was not surprised. On the other hand her reputation was embedded in his memory. His luck with the girls was almost nil, and he hoped that if Sue-Ann worked for him, and got to know him, she might feel differently about him. His hopes fell when he learned she was living with Bobby in Red's trailer.

"Don' read anythin' into that," Sue-Ann let him know. "We ain't a couple anymore, but we have a son together and Bobby is helpin' me raise him."

"What about him and Red?" Jimmy asked. "There's lotsa talk about them two."

"They're just good friends, Jimmy. You shouldn't pay attention to gossip."

Jimmy brightened considerably, and his face regained its beautiful smile. "I always have trouble gettin' weekend help, and keepin' them," he smiled at Sue-Ann. "Can ya start this Saturday?"


"Then be here at 6 AM and help me set up for openin' at 6:30." He was about to ask her if she wasn't with Bobby any longer, could he maybe take her out on occasion, but he figured it was too soon. He shook Sue-Ann's hand, and said that he would see her Saturday. He smiled at her, and something wonderful happened. His smile melted Sue-Ann's heart.

She was done with her chores now, and had the whole afternoon to kill. She went to a grocery store and bought the fixings for a wonderful meal, which she planned as a celebration feast for her little family.

The boys were delighted. Bobby cooked some, and made a fair meal when called upon, but Red was a complete waste in the kitchen. The two men and the boy gobbled up the standing rib roast, and dunked their bread in the gravy. Robbie watched his fathers closely, and did whatever they did. They all helped clean up and then went into the living room to watch some TV.

After a short while, Robbie grew restless. He ran over to Red and threw himself on Red's lap. "Can we take my shower now Daddy? I'm real tired."

"Have ya done all your homework?" Red asked.

"Yes, Daddy. I did it before you came home from work."

"OK then. Let's get undressed and into the shower." This was the moment Red had been thinking about all day, and was dreading.

All went well at first. Robbie was doing an excellent job of cleaning himself, including getting good and sterile under his foreskin. Suddenly he asked, "How come you ain't cleaning under yer foreskin like Daddy Bobby taught me to do?"

Red thought fast. "Patience young man," he said. "I save that job for last." With that he began the task at hand and against his will, he began to grow.

"How come yer penie is getting larger?" Robbie asked, staring in amazement at Red's growing cock. "Daddy Bobby's penie does the same thing."

This was the question Bobby had dreaded, but had avoided by turning away from his son. Red had to think fast. He decided to be honest and explain as best he could. Robbie would find out soon enough in the schoolyard, anyway.

"Robbie, Son," he began, "when a man's penis (he used the grown up word) is feelin' pleasure, blood runs into it and makes it stiff. My penis enjoys when I clean it, so it started to grow."

Robbie looked perplexed, but brightened suddenly and asked, "Why didn't that happen to me?"

"Well Robbie, yer still a little boy. It won't happen for a long time yet, when yer much older."

"Does it hurt, Daddy?"

"Not at all. It feels real good."

Once out of the shower, and Robbie was tucked away in bed, Red had to keep himself from laughing out loud at his son's questions. But later on, in bed with Bobby, he could not stop laughing. "This parenthood shit is as hard as they say," he informed Bobby.

"What happened?"

"He insisted that I clean under my foreskin, and I began to erect, so he asked me why my penie was growin'."

"Good God, man. I avoided that by turnin' him away. What did you tell him?"

"I told him that all penises grew hard when they received pleasure, and that my penis loved to be cleaned, so it grew hard. He wanted to know why it didn't happen to him, and I told him it would, when he grew up."

"Pretty quick thinkin'," Bobby said. "I don' know if I woulda done as good as ya."

"How would ya like it if I made yer penie hard?" Red asked, laughing all the way, as he fell upon Bobby and devoured his cock. Bobby felt himself cumming rather quickly as a result of all this growing penie stuff they had been talking about, and he pulled away.

"I don' wanna cum this way," he said. "I wanna fuck ya tonight, and when I'm done, I want ya to fuck me. That's the best way I know to show ya how much I love ya."

"Me too," Red said, and he kissed Bobby hard on the lips. After a little while, he forced Bobby's lips open with his tongue, and their tongues began to duel. "I love ya so much," Red mumbled.

All the rest of the week, Sue-Ann was home by 4:30 and picked Robbie up from after-care. She immediately set him to doing his homework and she started to prepare dinner. Robbie always rushed through his assignments, and then positioned himself at a window with a view of the driveway. He couldn't wait for his two daddies to come home. More than that, they alternated giving him his evening shower, and he couldn't wait for that as well.

As young as Robbie was, he himself knew that he was old enough to shower alone, but he wanted only to shower with one of his dads. He didn't ever question his motives. He was far too young to accept the answer to his homo-erotic desires.

Sue-Ann began working for Jimmy Foster the very next Saturday, and that thrilled Robbie no end. He got to spend his weekends alone with his dads, and "help" them with household chores. They gave him little easy things to do, which made him feel useful.

Jimmy was a kind and considerate boss, who made Sue-Ann's working hours a delight. She actually looked forward to going to work. She only had another year of nursing school before graduation, and when Jimmy realized that she would no longer be working for him after that, he pushed himself to be more aggressive.

His restaurant didn't open until noon on Sundays, because most of the town's folk were church going people, Jimmy included. He started to attend church with Sue-Ann, Robbie, Red, and Bobby. After a few weeks of insinuating himself into the family, he got his courage up and asked Sue-Ann if she would go to the picture show with him after work one Saturday.

Sue-Ann was thrilled, and agreed immediately. While Jimmy was being too frightened to make a move, Sue-Ann was falling genuinely in love with her sweet boss. She encouraged him in every way she knew, short of coming right out with how much she liked him, but Jimmy just didn't catch on.

Almost a year passed, Sue-Ann called the house one Saturday night and told Bobby that she was spending the night with Jimmy, and would go directly to church with him on Sunday morning.

"Ya don' mind takin' care of Robbie, do ya?"

"Ya have my blessin's Missy," Bobby said. "Jimmy's a mighty fine man, and ya two make a good lookin' couple. Ya just be happy and live a happy life. Me and Red'll take excellent care of our boy."

At this time Robbie was eight, almost nine years old. His sexual education had begun to a very small degree in the schoolyard. He had a glimmer of an idea what a man and a woman did behind closed bedroom doors. His dads had even insisted that he shower alone just a few weeks earlier, telling him that he was too old to be showering with either of them. It never occurred to him that anything could be going on between two men in his daddies' bedroom, behind their closed door.

After Robbie's shower, Red put him to sleep in his bed, but he could not fall asleep. He began to realize that his mom wasn't coming home that night, and he was suddenly afraid to be alone in the bedroom. He stayed in bed, tossing and turning, until he could stand it no longer, and decided to sleep with his two dads.

After Robbie went to bed, Bobby and Red watched TV in the living room for a while and then decided to turn in. The first mistake they made was to leave their door open so they could hear Robbie should he call for them during the night. The second mistake they made was to make love with the door open.

Robbie approached their bedroom door. There was sufficient light coming in through a lamp post on the front lawn, so that Robbie could see clearly that the door was open. Everything else in the room was well illuminated. When Robbie approached the door, and saw that it was open, he thought that was quite unusual, and maybe an open invitation for him to join them in bed.

When he reached the doorway, Bobby was just inserting his enormous cock into Red's asshole. Robbie could clearly see the size of his father's instrument, and how he was using it. He stopped dead in his tracks. His first thought was to ask his fathers what they were doing, but an inner voice, some instinct, told him to beat a hasty retreat.

Back in his room, he realized that his cock was as hard as his daddy's. It was the first time he had achieved a full erection. He thought a long time about how to handle the situation. He concluded that he would tell his daddies about his erection in the morning, since his mother wasn't home, but he would not tell them what he had seen. That would be his secret, at least for now. A sixth sense also told him that he could not share what he had seen with his school chums, except maybe his best friend, Timmy. The two boys shared everything.

Another hour passed, and still the boy could not fall asleep. He got out of bed and crept stealthily toward his fathers' bedroom. He looked in and could see that they were now sleeping peacefully side by side. He could also see that Red had thrown his covers off and he was naked. He assumed Bobby was naked also. He removed his underwear, and crept into their bed between them. In his sleep, Bobby wrapped his arms around his son and held him tight. He was still holding him that way when they got up in the morning. He and Red both decided not to make anything out of the fact that they were all naked in bed together.

"What're ya doin' in our bed, sport?" Bobby asked. "I was afraid to sleep alone in my bedroom. I know I'm a big guy now, and I shouldn't be scared, but it's the first time I ever slept alone.

"It's Ok," Red reassured him.

At the breakfast table, Robbie said, "Daddy Red, remember ya told me that when a man's penis feels happy, it gets big and hard?"

Red blushed. "Yes?" he said, with a question in his voice.

"Well, last night my penis got big and hard, and it wasn't particularly happy."

His two fathers tried hard to stifle their laughs, but it was a losing battle. Finally Bobby said, "Robbie, there's another thing that makes a man's penis hard. It gets that way when he has to pee. Maybe ya had to pee."

"I don' think so," Robbie said, trying to look perplexed. He was hoping his dads would say something more, like what was going on in their bed, but they weren't falling for his bait, and he dropped the subject, much to their relief.

Over the next few weeks, Sue-Ann stayed over at Jimmy's on Saturday nights more and more. When she did, Robbie crawled into bed with his fathers, always making sure that he was naked. They, on the other hand, were always wearing briefs or pajama bottoms, and never made love anymore if Sue-Ann was not home.

When Sue-Ann graduated, Jimmy closed the restaurant, and the whole family attended the ceremonies. Sue-Ann was to begin her job at Carterville's only hospital two weeks hence. After the graduation ceremonies they all went to Jimmy's restaurant to celebrate. He kept the restaurant closed to the public that day.

During the wonderful meal that Sue-Ann and Jimmy prepared, Sue-Ann told Red and Bobby that Jimmy was closing the restaurant for a week, and they were getting married by a judge the next morning, and going on a short honeymoon. The boys were happy for her and embraced her and kissed her. They even kissed Jimmy on the lips, and he turned red.

Then Sue-Ann dropped a bomb. "I've spoken to Robbie, and he said that he wants to live with his two fathers. At first I cried and objected, but Jimmy'll be wantin' to start a family of his own, and I began to see it as maybe bein' a good idea. We'll only be a few minutes apart, so it's not like I'd be abandonin' Robbie or anythin' like that. O' course, I won't allow it, if y'all object."

They both embraced Sue-Ann and told her that it would be an honor if Robbie lived with them. Robbie was standing a little way off and heard the whole thing.

"Yes," he yelled, and ran over to embrace his two dads.

Jimmy was also standing by, and heaved a sigh of relief.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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