Rustic Chivalry

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 11, 2014


Rustic Chivalry

Chapter Four

Red pulled up his truck as near to the Robinson's front door as he could. Both men were shaking in their boots, and squeezing their hands together really hard. They were too scared to get out of the pick-up and ring the front door bell. They finally got themselves steeled, and got out of the car.

No need to be afraid. The front door flew open, and Sue-Ann came bounding out. She threw her arms around Bobby and gave him a slobbery kiss. Just as Red was thinking that Bobby was lost to him, he got a pleasant surprise. Sue-Ann released Bobby and gave him a similar welcome.

"It's so wonderful to see y'all. Please come in and meet Robbie and my daddy. They're just finishing up breakfast."

The men saw Mr. Robinson first. He extended his hand in greeting. If the men expected a belligerent Mr. Robinson, they were terribly mistaken. He couldn't have been sweeter to them. He was so anxious to get Sue-Ann and Robbie out of the house, and regain his castle, that he even helped them load the truck. Sue-Ann's stuff filled both the pick-up and her car. She had to leave some behind for some future trip. Red had no idea how they would fit all this in his trailer.

All the time they were loading the truck, Robbie was nowhere to be seen. Bobby asked after him, and Sue-Ann explained that he was very shy around strangers. He was hiding in the bedroom she shared with him.

When the truck was loaded, Mr. Robinson extended an invitation to stay for lunch, but they declined. He didn't seem bothered by that at all. Sue-Ann called to Robbie to come out of the bedroom, because it was time to go to their new home.

As anxious as Ken Robinson was for them to go, Robbie was just as anxious not to leave at all. In his short life he had lived in several homes with several daddies, and he suffered from severe separation anxiety. Now his Ma was pulling him away from his Grandpa. He was usually frightened of the old man's mood swings, but still, his new daddy could be worse.

Bobby could not know that his son was going through all this trauma. As far as he was concerned the boy was as anxious to meet and bond with him, as he was to welcome a son into his life.

Robbie remained in the bedroom refusing to come out, so Sue-Ann went in after him. When she came out of the bedroom she was pulling the poor boy by his arm. When he saw the two men, he began to shake. Both of them were more than six feet tall, and they looked huge and threatening to the little tyke. He asked sullenly, "Which o' ya is my new daddy?"

Bobby scooped him up and started to cover his face with kisses. He didn't realize that he was tickling the boy with his two day growth of beard. Robbie started to giggle.

"I'm your daddy," He said, "and Red, here, he's yer other daddy."

"Do I call you both, daddy?" he asked.

`If ya'd like," Bobby smiled at the boy, who was instantly captivated by his father's killer smile.

None of this conversation was lost on Sue-Ann.

Red and Bobby were smitten with the little towheaded boy. His blond hair, blue eyes and pug nose made him the spitting image of his father.

Mr. Robinson kissed his daughter and grandson on their foreheads, and didn't bother to come outside to say goodbye. He couldn't wait to rearrange his home the way it was before they came to live with him.

The instant Robbie saw the truck he begged to ride to his new home in the pick-up.

"I got an idea," Bobby said to Red. Why don't you and Robbie go in the truck, and I'll go with Sue-Ann?"

Red panicked. This is just what he feared most in the world. "I don' know about that," he mumbled. Bobby pulled him aside.

"Do it," he whispered to his partner. It'll give me a chance to tell her all about us." That brightened Red's outlook considerably. He picked Robbie up and said, "C'mon sport. I'll strap ya in, and we'll be on our way."

Along the way, Robbie was the typical seven year old brat. He asked Red to explain every sight that was new to him. Red didn't mind all the questions at all. Robbie was calling him daddy, and his heart was pumping wildly.

In Sue-Ann's car, Bobby was uncertain how to start to explain his living arrangements with Red, so he simply asked, "What're we all gonna do about Robbie tomorra mornin', when Red and I go to work, and you go to school?"

"Robbie is in the second grade. I'll skip school tomorra and enroll him at the elementary school, and arrange for him to be in after-care. After I see to Robbie's schoolin', I'll try to get me a job somewhere waitin' tables on weekends. After things get regular, I'll be home by 4:30 every afternoon."

There was silence for a bit, and finally Bobby said, "Sue-Ann, there's somethin' I gotta tell ya about Red an' me."

"It ain't necessary, Bobby. I know'd even when ya was fuckin' me."

"I did'n' know myself then. How...?"

"Gawd, Bobby, all ya ever did was talk about Red, even when we was makin' love. I was jealous then, but I ain't jealous now. I just wish I can find a guy to love me as much as you two love each other. In case ya don' know it, it's a beautiful thing the way you two look at each other. Ya both looked at Robbie the same way when ya met him, and I just know it's no mistake for me to let y'all inta his life."

"Ya're an angel Sue-Ann. I promise, me and Red'll take good care of ya and Robbie too, o' course."

Fortunately for all concerned, Red's mobile home came with a very large detached storage shed. It was practically empty when Sue-Ann moved in with them, and they were able to store about half her stuff in it. They found room around the house for the rest of her things, and the house began to look like a real home, especially after Sue-Ann cleaned all the dirty dishes and flat wear.

"A little paint and a new front door should put the finishin' touches on the place," Sue-Ann announced proudly.

The biggest hurdle was fitting Robbie's small junior bed into the spare bedroom along with the twin bed. They were able to manage only by moving the dresser out into the hallway. By dinner time, their home was neat and cozy. Sue-Ann made some T Bone steaks that Red had gone out to buy. It was the first time Red had used the barbecue in weeks.

After dinner, Sue-Ann announced to Robbie that it was bed time and he should get ready for his bath.

"Ya wanna bathe him Bobby?" she smiled at the new father. Bobby panicked.

"Ya sure he isn't big enough to take a shower instead?"

Before she could answer, Robbie chirped up, "Yeah Ma, please let me take a shower with daddy." He grabbed Bobby's hand and wouldn't let go.

"I guess yer elected," she grinned at Bobby. "After yer done, I'm gonna shower and go straight to bed myself. Today has been exhaustin', luggin' all my stuff around, and tomorra I got a big day with Robbie and school and stuff."

"OK Sport," Bobby said, "Ya go get yerself nekkid and I'll get us towels."

Bobby was looking forward to the experience of showering with his son. He and his father had showered together until Bobby was seven years old. He recalled what a fun experience it had been. He suddenly remembered that he used to wonder why his daddy's cock always seemed to be a different size, but he was too chicken to ask. He made up his mind that if Robbie had a similar wonderment, he would explain as best he could the phenomenon of the ever changing prick size. He didn't know what he was in for. Had he driven in the truck with his son, he would have realized what a curious lad the boy was, and how passionate he was with the desire to gain more and more knowledge.

Bobby got the shower temperature to his liking, took Robbie's hand and stepped inside. All the time Robbie was staring at his cock, and Bobby was getting uncomfortable in spite of his determination to be straight forward with the boy. Robbie had never seen a mature male cock, not to mention one as well-endowed as his daddy's. He couldn't stop gawking.

Bobby couldn't stand it any longer. He grabbed the soap and started to rub it all over Robbie's body. He only hesitated for a moment, and he pulled back his son's foreskin. His little cock head was covered with a cheesy substance. Bobby almost gagged.

"Lesson number one," he said. "Always make sure yer nice and clean under yer foreskin. Let me show ya. He pulled back his own foreskin and soaped his cock thoroughly. "And always make sure ya dry it good and proper when you get outta the shower."

"Yes, daddy."

Bobby realized that he was beginning to erect. He turned Robbie around facing away from him, and continued to soap him up. Then he soaped himself and rinsed off both of them. His cock had softened, and he was able to turn Robbie around. He dried him thoroughly. Then he dried himself.

They both came out of the bathroom dressed only in their briefs. Sue-Ann took a good look at Bobby's package and laughed. "Ain't ya the lucky one, Red?" she asked. Then she herself went into the bathroom.

"I'll go next," Red said.

"Can I take another shower with ya, Daddy?" Robbie asked Red.

"Not tonight sport, but tomorra, I'll shower ya. Now ya should get your hide into bed and no arguin'."

"Yessir," the boy said and ran off to his bedroom.

When they were alone in bed, Red started to fondle Bobby, and was not surprised, but had to wonder, why he was already as hard as a rock.

"How'd it go with Robbie in the shower?"

"Don' ask. I started to get hard and had to turn the boy away from me."

"I read about this shit alla time on the internet. Daddies and sons are hot for each other, and eventually have sex." Red broke out laughing.

"Shut up. Ain't no such thing happenin'. I was just showin' him how to clean under his foreskin. Now that the hygiene lesson's over and done with, it'll never happen again. It'll be easier for ya tomorra."

It wasn't.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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