Rustic Chivalry

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 31, 2014


Rustic Chivalry

Chapter Two

When Red said, "I know just how ya can repay me," something came over the usually mild-mannered man. His desire to have sex with Bobby had clouded his thinking, and he saw this as a real opportunity. He stared at Bobby with a lustful grin on his face.

Bobby knew full well what Red was about to demand, and he was filled with fear. If he didn't do what Red wanted, he would be out of a job, and lose a roof over his head. If he gave into Red, and had sex with him, he would be doing things, which he now considered to be repulsive. Word might get around town about them, and he would lose any chance of winning a good woman, who might be willing to forgive his past.

"Please," he said amidst tears. "Don't do this to me, to us. It's wrong. It won't be a beautiful thing like we had as kids. It'll be ugly."

Red wasn't moved at all. He motioned for Bobby to sit down at the kitchen table. He sat down also, and removed two bottles of beer from the six pack. He gave one to Bobby.

"Here, Bobby. Drink this and relax. I'm not askin' you to do anythin' you haven't done before. Done with great pleasure, I might add."

"Red, it was kid stuff. I'm straight. You're askin' me to do somethin' that'll make me sick. How'd you like it if I forced ya to fuck a woman?"

Red laughed. "I'd rise to the occasion. I'd just pretend her twat was your precious li'l ole bum hole." With that he removed the caps from both bottles of beer. "Drink, buddy," he said. "It'll make us both feel better."

Bobby's brain cells were going at a rate of a mile a minute. No way did he want to make love to Red. Sure, he loved Red, but not like that. He loved him more like a brother. He knew of two brothers who were corn holing each other in prison, but he was more disgusted by that, than by two regular guys going at it.

He didn't know what to do, so he grabbed the beer and had himself a swig. Somehow he hoped that the alcohol would make him see clearer, and help him make a decision. As of this moment, he told himself to walk out, and leave his future in the hands of fate, but intellectually, he knew that would be a very rash thing to do.

Suddenly Red became overly aggressive. He stood up and approached Bobby, who was actually shaking. His hands were pumped into fists, even though he knew that he could never take a swing at Red. Red pulled Bobby onto his feet. He attempted to place his lips on his best friend's, but Bobby kept moving his head in an attempt to avoid Red's lust.

"Ya told me that you owed me and wanted to repay me. God dammit! Pay yer debt," Red spat.

Suddenly all the tenseness came out of Bobby's body, and he slumped in Red's arms. "Ya win," he whispered in Red's ear. Then the most extraordinary thing happened.

All of Red's bad behavior turned to pure love. He began to cry, and sat Bobby down in his chair. He looked deep into Bobby's eyes. "I can't do this," he sobbed. "I love ya Bobby. I love ya more than any woman will ever love ya, but I won't force ya to make love to me."

He bounded out of the room and out of the house, leaving Bobby to wonder what to do next. He hoped Red would come home for supper, so he set about making a delicious meal for the two of them. All the while he berated himself for not having given in to Red from the get-go. Then when he got on his feet, he could get his own place, and leave Red to make his own way, and he would do the same.

Hell, he told himself, he and Red had played together so many times, and he had always enjoyed himself, so why had he acted like such a jack ass? He could have made his buddy happy, and nobody would have gotten hurt. The more he thought about it, the angrier he himself.

His delicious pot roast was almost ready. It was getting late, and Red wasn't home yet. Now he was more regretful than ever. He prayed that Red wasn't out getting plastered somewhere. What if he got drunk, and plowed his old pick-up into a big old tree? "I'd die," he thought. "I couldn't live without him."

Suddenly he cried out even though nobody was there. "Yer right, Red. Ya do love me more than any woman ever could. And what's really crazy is I couldn't love any woman more than I love you. Please come home soon."

Bobby sat down on a kitchen chair and cried himself to sleep. After about a half hour, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up into Red's swollen teary eyes. "I'm sorry, Bobby," Red whispered. "I'm truly, truly sorry. I was way outta line."

Bobby jumped up and embraced Red. He began to hug Red with all his might. Red was so shocked, he just stood there with his hands at his sides, not hugging back.

"I'm sorry too," he blubbered. When ya ran out, I figured I'd lost ya, and the thought of a life without ya scared the shit outta me. Don't ever do that to me again, you hear? I realize now how much I love ya, ya horny bastard."

When Red could find his tongue, he stuttered, "I kinda reckoned you'd make us dinner so I got us dessert," he said sheepishly. He put a cake box on the table, and Bobby opened it. It was a small round birthday cake, and in blue icing on the top it read, "I'm sorry. Forgive me."

"I told the lady at the bakery that it was for my wife," Red grinned. "She was all sympathetic."

Bobby grabbed hold of Red's face and began to kiss him passionately. Red started to steer Bobby toward the bedroom.

"No way are we wastin' this delicious pot roast and that more delicious looking cake," Bobby said. "We waited this long; we can wait a little longer. Besides, ya need a shower, ole buddy."

Neither of them was very delicate at the dinner table that night. They gobbled down their meals, and then undressed in Red's room. Unfortunately, the tiny shower would not take two big men, no matter how much they squeezed together. Bobby went first, and he lay naked in bed waiting for Red to join him.

They wrapped themselves up together and their very hard pricks ground together. They each said simultaneously, "Nice, nice."

"Whaduya wanna do?" Bobby asked Red.

"Right now, all I wanna do is hold ya and cuddle with ya, and play with your prick."

"Sounds good to me," Bobby answered.

They never did anything else that night. They kept kissing each other passionately, and playing and fondling until they both fell asleep.

In the wee hours of the morning, Red was awakened, by the most wonderful sensation. Bobby was giving him a blow job. He was more than shocked. He had figured he would have to be the leader all the way, and here was Bobby, being an active participant.

When Bobby became aware that Red was awake, he scooted up to lie beside his lover. He was not surprised that Red's face was covered in tears.

"Why are ya cryin'?" Bobby asked.

"Because I want ya to fuck me so bad, and I'm afraid to ask."

"Jerk. I put the lubricant I use when I whack off right nexta the bed. I can't wait to fuck ya, and for ya to fuck me. Would ya suck my cock a bit before ya fuck me?"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's both suck each other a little before we fuck," Red agreed. "By the way, did I tell ya how much I love ya?'

"Don't ever be afraid to repeat that over and over."

"Okay then, I love ya,

As he dove down onto Bobby's cock, Red mumbled, "I've dreamt about this ever since you started fuckin' Sue-Ann. Right now, I'm the happiest guy in the world."

"Ya talk too much. Just suck, and make me as happy as y'are."

They both sucked each other, and stopped themselves before they could cum. Finally Red said, "Fuck me now, baby."

"Do we have any rubbers?"

"I ain't been with no one `cept you, Bobby. Ah was too scared of gettin' caught. I don't keep any around."

"Since they hauled me off to the slammer, the only pleasure I've had was with my fist, so I guess we can skip the rubbers. I'm really glad about that."

"Me too," Red sighed. "Now do your thing, just like you did when we was kids."

Bobby greased Red's ass generously and then rubbed plenty of lubricant on his cock. He entered Red doggy style, and asked, "Did I hurt ya, Love?"

Actually Red hurt like hell, but he had read enough gay erotica to know that it would pass, so he said, "Not at all, Babe, but lie still and let's enjoy the moment."

"I can't," Bobby yelled. "I'm cummin." He began to pump vigorously, and he hit Red's prostate gland. All the pain was gone now, and Red yelled for Bobby to pump harder. The two men achieved the very first time, what most lovers constantly strive for, and often never experience.....a simultaneous orgasm.

When they recovered, Red fucked Bobby, and once again they fell asleep, cuddled in each other's arms. They were awakened by the early morning light streaming into the manufactured home. Much to their regret, they were forced to shower separately. Bobby had finally succeeded into getting Red to shower at least once a day.

They were seated at the kitchen table, and Red took Bobby's hand into both of his. "Are we really committed?" he asked. "Swear ya won't up and leave me. I think I'd kill myself if ya did."

"Foolish, foolish, Red," Bobby smiled. "I could no longer live without ya than I could live without my heart, so stop worryin'. Unfortunately, yer stuck with me."

"You swear."

"I swear."

"Then I got somethin' real important to tell ya. Ya never had to know this, but I figure, it's your right to know. Red's face clouded over.

"For Christ's sake, Red. You're scarin' me. What is it?"

"It's the reason Sue-Ann's family really left town."

"Please, Red. Don't torture me any longer. Spit it out.

"Sue-Ann was pregnant. She claimed that you were the father. She said that her daddy wasn't going to pursue the matter seein' as how ya'd be in prison for more than half the kid's childhood. He felt it best if the kid didn't know that his daddy was a jail-bird and a pedophile."

Bobby sat still. He was stunned. Finally, he screamed out, "The bastard. The absolutely fuckin' bastard. He wasn't going to tell me that I had a kid. If I could, I'd murder him. First he put me in jail, and now he's keepin' my son out of our lives." He buried his head in his hands and started to cry. When he recovered, he took Red's hands, and said very seriously, "I love ya, Babe. I promised that I would never leave ya again, but ya gotta know, I've gotta find my son."

"O' course, Baby. Anyway, you had me when you said, `our lives.' But please consider the possibility that you have a daughter somewhere out there."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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