Russ and Me

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 7, 2023


Well, regardless of what my eager, continuing sexual education student wanted, it was late and we had both had a bit to drink. I had "the horns on," as Momma used to say, and I wanted to roll russ on his belly and forget the dildo lesson, but it would've been messy and mean. Not that there's anything wrong with that, and it wouldn't have been the first time I did it, but, let's say I was trying to turn a new leaf. So I told him "rusty" (a new nickname for him. He hated it. I loved to see how pissed off I could make him), it's too late. You wanna neck, no problem. You want me to play with your tits? No problem. You wanna get tied up? No problem. Dildos, in my inebriated state? PROBLEM. " I saw my big ole stuffed animal yawn. "Dude, you're right. I'm fucking worn out. Can we just go to bed? Try tomorrow?" "It's a date. Now give Daddy a good night kiss." I could tell russ was getting used to our sleeping arrangement. He just curled up into me, made a sweet little purr, and then he was out like a light.

Next morning, I rolled him onto his back. Russ resisted a little, because he had figured out I liked it. He did too (the man may have been goofy as all hell. Stupid, he was not). I smiled as I looked down at him. "Morning sunshine. You get a good rest?" "HELL YEAH. You know, you don't relax your grip when you fall asleep. GEEZ. I tried to get up to pee twice and it was NOT happening. " "You shoulda woken me up." "I TRIED DUDE. You sleep like the dead." Well, THAT was true. "One kiss, then I GOT to get to the can." I did kiss him, feeling my cock grow when I did, and off he went.

"So, we gonna start now, dude?" I laughed. "You wanna have breakfast first?" "I AM hungry," he said "But you gotta tell me. You're the teacher. Should we eat before, or after?" "Don't much matter, stud. Teacher isn't gonna make you get sick. Up to you." "Let's eat. I'll treat." Remember what I said about actors and free food? Let's extend that to anyone who works in theatre. "My boyfriend has a GREAT ass" I was thinking as he left the apartment, me following him. "DUDE. Get up here! C'mon, either we're together or we're not." He grabbed my hand. I felt like a 14 year old girl who had just been asked to the prom by the school hunk. I thought that he probably wasn't ready for a typical boys town Sunday brunch (and I didn't want to share him with any of the wolves in the neighborhood), so we went to a place where I would go to dinner with Phoebe: solid Middle European food. "DUDE. THEY GOT MEATLOAF!" "Uh, look what's in it before you order it, russ." I knew that meatloaf. Venison, rabbit and lamb. "SHIT. That's BAMBI isn't it?" "Uh, one of her grandchildren. Or great grandchildren." Magda, the owner/cook/waitress came over. "I think I'll have the ... " he had trouble pronouncing pierogi. "Two orders of pierogi Magda. One cheese, one potato." He smiled. "You're such a sophisticate Lane. How'd you learn so much?" I began to understand why he was good at his job.

So we had our lunch, Magda gave me the thumbs up when we left, and he grabbed my hand again. By now, of course, the boys were out promenading, cruising, whatever you want to call it. We passed by the gym and some guy I knew yelled out "LOOKING GOOD LANE." Russ squeezed my hand. "You DO look good. All the time." I squeezed back. "I think he was commenting on the guy I'm with." "NAH. I'm just your garden variety Long Island straight boy. Nothing to get excited about." "And I'm about to shove dildos in his ass," I thought. "Squat is gonna get me at some point. I just know it."

We hadn't showered before we left, so while russ was getting cleaned up, I began laying out my toys. I had worked on one show where there was a medical scene, and when the complaints started coming in that we had no idea how an operating room was set up, we brought in a doctor to show us. My obsessive sense of order is such that I took photos of the "operating tray" where she laid out her instruments. Now, I did the same with my collection. When russ came out , he smiled. "We got time to use ALL of those, dude?" "Probably not. We'll see how things are going." I looked at him. "You up for this russ?" He giggled, put my hand on his cock and asked. "Whatcha think, Lane?" I smiled. "Ok, so let's get started. Now, this is gonna work much better if.... Let me tie your wrists to the bed. "OH COOL. Like Melanie Griffith did to Jeff Daniels when he was cute?" "Uh, yeah. Right." I could get into doing this to a young Jeff Daniels - hell I coulda gotten in to doing it to Jeff Daniels at ANY age - but being Melanie Griffith? She was kind of sinister in that film. Ok, I could accept that. I got his wrists tied to the bed frame. He smiled. "Dude. This is so fucking HOT! I mean, I wanted a girl to do this to me once, but she fucking freaked out." "Well, " I was thinking "I'll do it to you whenever I want." I smiled. "Ok, let's get started. " I picked up the first one, which couldn't have been more than an inch and a half long. "OH COME ON STUD. My finger's longer than that!" I DESPERATELY wanted to know why that mattered but no.. let's just assimilate the data and move on. I skipped ahead to a 3 incher. "DUDE this better start feeling more interesting." "Ok. Full speed ahead" I said, and grabbed my five incher. "OH YEAH. NOW we're talking!" He said, and I knew he meant it. How? His cock started quivering. I was about to move to 7 inches, but I had an idea. In retrospect, it wasn't the smartest idea but... think about the situation and see if you blame me. "Let's make this more fun." I reached into my toy box and I pulled out a gag. "FUCK. You're gonna gag me dude? " "Yup. With something at the end that's kinda like a cock. " I was about to say open your mouth, but he had." Now, my Long Island stud was gagged. Then... I pulled out a blindfold. "I don't want you to see what I'm using. You game?" He didn't hesitate. He just shook his head yes. So on it went. "God, don't let me screw this up" I thought. I put the 7 incher into him and I didn't hear any sounds of pain or discomfort. I even asked "you good russ?" "MMMHMMMMMMMMMM" is what I got. That and an even harder cock. "Ok. I hope this isn't a mistake " I thought. My zipper went down, and my cock went in. Russ knew what was happening. I could see that he knew right away: this was "soft" and warm, as compared to cold and hard. My fingers were up on his nipples to help. He responded by separating his legs more. "Russ babe, are you ok?" I could see his mind working, but he shook his head yes. "Ok, stud. Here comes some more." I pushed in. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Yeah, he liked it. He liked it more when I began sliding back and forth. The sounds he was making were, as Phoebe would've put it , "happy sounds". How happy was he? As I played with his balls, I caught a shot of his ejaculate at my face. I laughed. "I'm gonna let it hang there until I'm done. You gotta see what you just did." Then, I did something I probably shouldn't have. I came. In him. I filled his ass with jizz. And I said something I shouldn't have. "Dude, if you were a woman, you'd be pregnant now." Bad choice. I saw him go still. "I'm gonna get ya loose now Russ. Let's talk about what just happened." I got the blindfold off first. He blinked because of the light, but he seemed okay, and when I took off the gag, he said "FUCK that was AWESOME DUDE." Seemed to me we were ok. "Don't untie me yet, dude. I like knowing you're in control. " Then he saw his jizz on the side of my face. "OH SHIT IS THAT ME? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. New film. Something about Laney." I laughed at that. I began circling his nipples. "You're gonna find, russ, that they get MUCH more sensitive after fucking. " I whispered "You were GREAT. I'm honored to be your first." "Dude, I hope I didn't disappoint you." I looked at him. "How could you think that? I wish I could recover enough to do it again. Right now." He smiled. "You probably need to clean yourself up. All that splooch, and ...." "Yeah, you're right. Lemme untie you." "Thanks Dude." It had been said, rightly, that I die in the shower. I was in there a long, LONG time, having my own little celebration about what had happened. Too long. Goddess Squat got her revenge. Russ must have just shoved everything in his bag. There was NOTHING. Not a trace of him. Just a quick scribbled note. "Awesome time Lane, but I gotta dash. Talk this week? xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo" First thing I did was call him. I left a message "Hey Russ. Lane here. I don't know what went wrong but something did. Talk to me stud " It was like the first time. Only not really.

For about a day I walked around thinking "you know, you were REALLY REALLY STUPID LANE", and I think people noticed that I was pissed. Shawn, the golden boy of the cast (no talent but no one cared. Blond, blue eyed, smooth, and a toothpaste commercial smile), made a pass at me and... I TURNED HIM DOWN. No, I wasn't pining for Russ (well, maybe I was just a little. OK, A LOT), but I was in a... there's no other word to describe it. Someday, google Ann Miller singing "I Hate MEN". All I needed was the hat and I could've been playing that role. (Momma said I was 'dramatic'. Actually, she said I was "dramatical". She was right). Five days into my fugue, Phoebe was brave enough to come up to me.

"Hey, Lane, I wonder if I could ask you something?" "Sure Pheebs. What do ya need? You know you can have it." She blushed. "Well, I'm not sure about this one so ... I'm asking." I think at the time I was trying to get lipstick out of silk - no easy task. I was glad for the break. "Sounds serious, Pheebs." She shrugged her shoulders. "Russ asked me out on a date. I told him I'd get back to him. I just...." "Yeah, sure. I think we're done, but I dunno. He walked out on me Sunday morning. I called him, no call back. Have at it." "OH. Lane. I really... I don't know what to say." I looked at her and smiled. "Say thank you, and have a good time. If you want some tips on how to get him under control: go for the nips." She laughed. "I was planning on handcuffs." "Yeah, that'll work too." She came over and kissed me. "I love you Lane. It's his loss. And now, I can tell Shawn to approach you?" "Yes it is, and no, you can't. Last think I need is a twinkosaurus in my bed." "Twinkosaurus. Is that like the other name you invented, the twinkette (for a twink who out twinks the other twinks). "They all work. Now, let Daddy get back to what he's doing. We gotta try to get them to use a different lipstick. I think I spend 1/3 of my time cleaning this shit out of the costumes. Then I went back to work and trying not to cry about the fact that the guy I thought was going to be my new boyfriend was going to be screwing my best friend. SQUAT, you're evil.

Three days later, Phoebe was standing in front of me, hips on her hands. "Listen here, Lane. We gotta talk." Phoebe did NOT adopt that position unless she was REALLY pissed. She was also NOT wearing lipstick which is another bad sign. "Ok, let's talk." "No, not here. Take a break. Fuck the lipstick on silk. Mary Jane's. " "Mary Jane's? Not Starbucks?" "NOT FUCKING STARBUCKS. THIS IS LIQUOR TALK NOT CAWFEE TAWK" Oh dear.

So we sat down. Rose came over and brought Phoebe a double bourbon on the rocks. I had gin and tonic. "Such a fucking southerner," Phoebe muttered. "Ok, now it's my turn to ask this. What's wrong?" "What's wrong? LET ME TELL YOU WHAT'S WRONG. Russ was over last night. I used the cuffs. I worked his nipples. I climbed on top of him. And..." "He yelled my name when he shot." "FUCKING A. How'd you know?" "His last girlfriend threw him out when he did it." "Lane... WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM? He's obsessed with you." I laughed. "So obsessed he can't make a goddamn phone call." "I asked him about that. He said he didn't want to talk about it." I sighed. Well... what do you want me to do?" "I want you to talk to him." "He won't answer my calls Pheebs." She smiled. "You think you're the only one who's a conniving bitch? Friday night. I asked him to go to Hoofers and Heifers after the show. YOU SHOW UP. YOU JOIN US. And we three are gonna figure this out." "Pheebs, what if he gets up and walks out?" "He's not going to. Because you're gonna sit in the booth next to him and keep him locked in. " She smiled. "I know you're good at making sure guys don't get away." My reputation preceded me.

I'm quoting my Momma again. I was "as nervous as a cat in a room of rocking chairs." But yeah, Pheebs was right. We had to have this out. She wasn't happy. I wasn't happy. And I had a feeling that Russ wasn't happy either. Every sensible nerve I had left (all 6 of them) told me this was stupid. Move on. And every nerve that had an ending in my dick (don't ask), told me do it. So... I did it.

Pheebs, always a good, GOOD sneak, had picked a booth so that Russ' back was to the door. He couldn't see me come in. She did, and looked away. "He's gorgeous even from the neck up and from behind," I thought. "Give me strength" I told myself, and walked in. I sat myself down next to Russ. I saw him go red. "Hey dude," I smiled and looked at him. "How've you been?" It took him a minute to recover. "LANE!!!! OH SHIT. I'm sorry man. I keep on meaning to call you but... " "But you're a chicken shit" Phoebe added. I put my hand on my face to hide my smile. You could always count on Pheebs to... well, push the issue. Russ seemed to relax after she called him out. "Yeah, I am. I owe you both an apology." "AND, an explanation rusty." Now Phoebe laughed "WOULD YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT? IT MAKES ME SOUND LIKE A REDHEAD." "Is there something wrong with that?" "Well, no. Not really, but..." He sighed. "It sorta goes to the situation. I'm not a redhead. I'm Russ. Not Russel, not Rusty, just plain Long Island Russ. What you see is what you get." "HUH???" Phoebe's eyes were bugging out of her head. "Look, let me try to do this, ok folks. And then, you can leave me here, or tell me to leave , don't much matter." He looked at me. "Lane, what are you looking for in this relationship?" I looked back at him. "Do we actually HAVE a relationship?" "Yes Lane, we do. You had your dick in me." Two tables quieted down as Russ' voice carried. "I did. Then you walked out." "Yeah, I did. Because you made me feel like I was your GIRL. Like your WIFE to be." Now, MY mouth dropped. "HUH???" "You said that if I were a girl, I'd be pregnant when you were done." "Real classy, Lane" Phoebe muttered. I gave her a look. "And you thought... you thought... OH SHIT Russ. I am so sorry. SO SO SORRY." I squeezed his bicep. "Take a guess. When was the last time I had sex with a woman. Or a girl." "I'd say never, dude." He smiled. "BINGO. I'm gonna buy you a drink. No Russ, I never thought of you as a woman, a girl, a wife, I made a very stupid joke." "I agree" added the always helpful Phoebe. I squeezed his bicep. "Know what, stud? Now my few things. I'm surrounded by gay men. " "He is," my life coach added." "And I could have almost any of them." "He's had all of them," she added, and I got distracted "I HAVE NOT . " "Ok. He's had all but five." I blushed. "Four. Shawn last night." Phoebe gave her "i'm shocked" look. "YOU SLEPT WITH SOMEONE ELSE WHEN YOU'RE DATING ME? " Russ was genuinely upset. "HOW DARE YOU?" I pointed to Phoebe. "YOU SLEPT WITH SOMEONE ELSE WHEN YOU'RE DATING ME? HOW DARE YOU?" He quieted down for a minute. "Yeah, that's true. Stupid comparison. But I have a reason." "Let's hear it rust stain," Phoebe said as she folded her arms. "It better be good." Russ began to sweat. "Look... I... I don't know what happened that day on the train platform. I guess I've been cruised before, I just never noticed it because, well... Lane you were so damn obvious about it and you were so damn sure you were gonna get me in bed. I never did any sex stuff with a guy before. You're the first. And I liked it. No, I more than liked it. It was GREAT. It was AWESOME. But... I... I still like sex with women." "Which explains why you yelled Lane's name in my bed" Phoebe added. "Phoebe, you did everything that he did." "WHAT? " She looked at me. "Did you let him fuck you ?" "FOLKS. SOME DECORUM PLEASE." a large older man at another table shot at us. "OH BE QUIET WHORE OF BABYLON" I shot back. I knew the guy. If I was a ho, he was a slut. "No, Pheebs, I did not." Russ smiled. "See?" "NO" we answered together. "Look, I want both. I want to fuck women. And I want to get fucked by men." More tables quieted down. I saw guys writing down their phone numbers. "No, I mean, Lane, I want YOU to fuck me." I heard paper getting ripped up. Phoebe and I looked at each other. For the first time in the history of human sexuality, we were both at a loss. "Have you folks ever thought about three ways?" Russ gave a weak smile, as if he knew the answer. "Absolutely not," Phoebe answered. "Well, I've done them" I answered "YOU HAVE?" Phoebe looked at me. "We need a lunch, Lane." "ONLY WITH MEN. I don't like them. Someone always feels like they've been cheated." "Well, I guess that's out of the question." Russ continued. "I had a feeling you were gonna show up dude. I thought this was gonna come up sooner or later. I had a thought. When you were in school, did you ever study something called the Line of Demarcation?" I looked at Phoebe confused. She pulled out her phone. She was googling it. "OH SHIT YEAH. This is when that pope divided the new world between Spain and Portugal. Portugal got Brazil, Spain got everything else. " "Well... I like sleeping with you both, for different reasons. " He took a deep breath. "If I were honest with you both... could we do that? I mean, could I sleep with you sometimes Lane, and Phoebe, could I sleep with you the rest of the time?" Pheebs and I looked at each other. We were NOT ready for this. "We'd have to talk about it, Russ, " I said. "But I think I can honestly say... if either of us found out you were sleeping with anyone else, one of us would cut off your balls." "Amen, sister," Phoebe added. "Let Phoebe and I talk about it." I started to get up , leaving some bills on the table. "Phoebe asked you out so, she's your date tonight." "Pheebs, would you mind if I kissed Lane goodnight?" "Hell no. Make it messy." He did. I made it even messier with my pre-cum leak. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So Phoebe and I DID talk about it. We both thought of Russ as this eager, fun puppy, and neither one of us wanted to give him up. So we decided: if sharing him was the only way we could have him, so it would be. I swear, it was as if he won the lottery when we told him. "And I get you tonight Russ, so you get your ass to my apartment. And be ready to catch up REAL fast on the lessons you missed." "Yes sir," he said, smiling. I'm glad he hadn't forgotten anything.

He came to my house that Monday night, directly from work. Blue checked oxford. Black pants. That jacket, which he slipped off. I opened the door. "Hey dude. It's good to be back here, " he said. "TURN AROUND" was how I answered. "OOOH. YES SIR." Once he was against the wall, I frisked him like I was a cop. I played with his ass for a few minutes before I whispered "I'm gonna FUCK you pretty man." "OH SHIT YES SIR" He grunted out as I tied his wrists together. I pushed him into a chair. I was working very hard NOT to mention Phoebe, and I refrained from asking if she made his nipples feel the way I did. Instead, I just opened his shirt and attached clamps. "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOA" he screamed, and I smacked his balls. "Another outburst, and you get a gag, fucktoi." "yes sir. Sorry Sir" he answered. That was the first time I introduced him to what scruff feels like on nipples. And then in bed, after I had spread him out, and forced my chin into his neck, I whispered "I could make you the talk of the office with a hickey." "OH SHIT NO SIR. NO. " "Then you're gonna have to suck me better than you did that first time. " "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. My mouth is ready." It was, and he did a better job. MUCH better. I looked at him. "I want your ass." "THEN TAKE IT. IT BELONGS TO YOU SIR." I LOVED how he was talking. He had been doing 'independent study' clearly. That was also the first night he learned about how far a tongue can go up an ass. Some would say I was torturing a Ken doll. I think he's handsomer than Ken. And I don't know how a Ken doll could have an ass that hot. (Shawn certainly didn't). I've been around actors. I can spot a fake. Russ wasn't faking. He was enjoying every single thrust. As I sped up, and begin banging my balls against his ass cheeks, he was yelling "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ME SIR. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me." When I shot, both of us were smiling. I undid his restraints, even though he wanted to stay tied up. "I missed you stud." He said to me . "I missed you too dude." He laughed. "Hey, I get to use the word dude" "You get to do... what I tell you to do." I dug my fingers into his ribs and he began almost choking with laughter. "STOP. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. When I gave him a breather, he said "You can't control what I say when I'm not here." I smiled. "I'll find out and... if I'm not pleased.... " I went back to his ribs. "OK OK. OK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAAHAAHA. I regretted that I didn't have his feet tied but... I grabbed them, shoved them under my arm. "HEY . NO. NO. NOT MY FEET." He tried to get up and stop me but once my fingers got to work, all he could do was lay back, helpless, and laugh. "You may be regretting you did this dude." "Not for a millisecond." I let go of his feet and took his cock in my hand. "OH FUCK. OH SHIT YEAH... I began to jerk him as I covered his mouth with mine. His kissing had improved too. I could feel him getting closer and closer, and when he came... he grabbed me and whispered "Don't let me go Sir. Don't." I didn't plan to. I have to share him, but I haven't let him go. And the relationship has been 'interesting.' There's more to come.

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