Running with Wolves

By Me

Published on Apr 3, 2014


Running with Wolves (Part 2)


"Hello Corbin can we talk? I mean you ran off and left your stuff...I thought I would give it to you." Aiden said softly.

"Yeah? Why not give it to Ian to give it to me?" I said still not looking at him.

"Well...I uh...I just wanted to ask if you were okay..." He said sitting down and putting a hand on my shoulder.

His touch was firm and cold, and sent a tingle down my spine. My wolf cowered in his presence and I wonder why. I sighed in confusion and I smelled his scent. Aiden taking my silence as a cry for help, started to rub my back. My wolf begged for more contact, and I leaned into his touch.

"What are you Corb?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"I'm a very annoyed teenager who doesn't understand why this weird kid is stalking me." I mumbled not looking at him.

"Look...I know what I seen. Your eyes were glowing...and I wasn't imaging it, plus you're extremely strong...stronger than stop lying. I mean you probably are annoyed, and think that I'm stalking you, but-"

"Why should I tell you? You don't really know what you are, or how to control yourself! How the hell am I supposed to trust you, when you are willing to tell someone who you who might not be anything? I could be a vampire hunter, or worse a witch! You would never see it coming, and like that you could be dead." I said staring at the sky.

"Hey man, I'm new to this. I don't even know what I'm doing and I didn't ask for this. All I'm asking is for someone to get me through it. Plus you aren't a hunter, because you would have killed me already...Unless that's what you have been trying to do all theses years." Aiden protested, his jade eyes meeting mine.

"No! I can't sorry. You have your brother to help you." I said looking away again.

"SERIOUSLY CORBIN? You asshole, he's asking for your help? Come on bro!" Max my older brother said.

"Yeah I agree with Max, you are an asshole. He's asking for your help, you should give it to him." Said Chelsea, also an older sibling.

My older brother is in college and he's twenty years old. He still lives at home and goes to Oregon State. We are extremely close, but he can sometimes make my life a living hell. He has dirty blond hair and bronze skin and light brown eyes. Chelsea, who is nineteen, has blue eyes and light brown hair and olive colored skin. She had a grace to her that a queen would kill for.

"Hey Max, hey Chelsea how are you?" Aiden said smiling big.

"We are excellent. We haven't seen you in a while though. I mean not since in the halls of your freshmen year." Chelsea said pushing past me and standing next to Aiden.

"Hey man why don't you stay for dinner? Our mom is making wolf stew." Max said winking at me.

"I don't think I can. Thanks though." He started to protest.

"Yeah, he probably has other plans that don't involve being forced into eating with randoms, by my siblings." I aided.

"Nonsense! Mother said for us to come out here and request for him to stay, and you know how mother is with request." Chelsea explained, beaming at me with a creepy smile.

"Now, lets get you inside where you can get cleaned up!" Max said pulling him inside, damnit this was going to be a long night.

I was forced to sit on the couch and watch as Max, Chelsea, and Emily all showed pictures of us, well mainly me, when I was a baby. They all seemed to bond over making fun of me. Even my dad came home and joined them in the jokes. My wolf was content though, like this all felt right, it was a lot different than when Ian was here.

"Hello Aiden how are you? I'm glad that you could join us for dinner." My mom said standing in the doorway looking amused.

"Thanks so much for having me in your home Mrs. Hummel, the food smells great by the way." Aiden said standing and giving her a hug.

"Well that's sweet Aiden. I know you are a vampire so you can't exactly eat the food we eat, but your stew is actually cow blood with herbs that are extremely healthy for a new young vampire." She said smiling.

"MOM!" I said shocked.

"Corbin." She said in a warning tone, alpha like, and mother like.

With my mom making it clear where she stood with having a vampire in our house besides Ian we walked to the dinner table. Normally we have huge pack dinner with the rest of our family, which is fifty plus members usually. Now we are just sitting at the table like it's the most normal thing in the world...even though it feels like it, it shouldn't right?

"So how does your meal taste? It should quench your thirst for now." My mom said smiling at Aiden.

"It taste wellell, uh thank you...but Corbin was right. I don't know if I can trust you. I don't know what you are." Aiden said looking at me.

"Really? Wow! You are young! Most vampires would be able to smell or sense that we are different. Well I don't know about Corbin, but you can trust us." Max said giving Aiden a handshake.

"We are werewolves. In the past werewolves and vampires haven't gotten along, but we have literally watched you and Ian grow up, and nothing you do will make us hate you." My dad said smiling.

"Thanks! That means so much! This is exactly what I need...I think?." Aiden breathed out relieved.

"Daddy! You're not even a werewolf!" Emily said laughing.

"Wait how does that work?" Aiden asked confused.

"A werewolf can have any mate; it can be a witch, a vampire, werewolf, or a human. Though its usually a human or a werewolf there has been some cases when it was been a witch...but extremely rare for a vampire, though just as accepted. There love is actually more rare because werewolves and vampires are both immortal so it would be for forever unless the bond is somehow broken." Chelsea explained.

"That sounds cool! Does everyone get a mate?" Aiden questioned sounding excited, and my wolf whined softly...but soft enough to go not unnoticed by my mom.

"Yeah, every werewolf gets at least one." Emily beamed.

"How do you know you have one?" He asked looking between everyone like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Uh, well you just know. For some it comes easy, others it takes time to develop. Like me! I already know who my mate is, so does Chelsea. Max and Corb haven't realized there's yet, but it's always more difficult for boys than girls." Emily said giving me a wink.

"Well who's yours, if you don't mind me asking?" Aiden asked, eyes lighting up.

"Mine is Conner." Emily squealed.

"Seriously?! Can we stop with the talk about mates?" I yelled standing up.

"Well someone is a little grumpy wolf pup." Aiden mumbled, and everyone laughed. I squinted my eyes and felt a rage come to me. Before I could respond the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Emily yelled, standing up and running to the door.

When she left Max and Chelsea explained the in's and out's of being a werewolf. I don't know why though...he's a vampire. It shouldn't matter! They even exchanged numbers and Max sat extremely close to Aiden and I wanted to growl at him.

"Grrrr" I growled not so softly...again.

"Is everything okay little bro?" Max said with an evil grin.

"Yeah just fine Max." I said

"What's up guys!" Ian said walking in with Bri.

"Hey up guys! We are just finishing up dinner. Mom, we're going to go up to my room. Aiden you know your way out the door. And since you're so comfortable with Max maybe he can show you out if get lost." I said, already walking away.

I left and Ian and Bri followed me to my room, and Aiden left. I know this because my wolf started to whimper and Bri looked pissed. Ian sort of looked odd as well and like he wanted to say something. When we got to my room it was extremely awkward, until Ian broke the silence.

"Hey man, don't you think you were a little too harsh on Aiden?" Ian said carefully.

"Compared to you? No."

"Maybe you should apologize." Bri said pushing me against the wall.

"Why? You're a witch! You're not even supposed to be friends with him!" I yelled, I felt my nose get wet and I smelled blood.

"Even your wolf side thinks so." Bri said squinting her eyes. "If I were you I would think about a change of heart until its too late." She said pressing a finger to my nose, making more blood come out. "It looks like your wolf thinks you should have a change of heart as well. You better hope you listen to him soon, because next time it won't be your wolf making your nose bleed, it'll be me!" She said while storming out.

"What the hell is wrong with you Corb? Even I'm not that cruel...Hey babe wait!" He yelled calling after Bri.

I heard the house get silent, my family clearly listening into my conversation with Bri and Ian. I felt my rage grow and all I wanted to do was punch someone in the face. My wolf was on the same page apparently because I started to growl, but not at the door where my friends just left, but at the mirror I was staring into.


"Hey man thanks for uh walking me out..." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah no problem. I'm sorry that my brother is such an asshole. Look, don't take it personally, he acts that with everyone." Max said putting his hand on my neck.

"Uh, yeah its fine. Nothing new...but anyway, thanks again Max. You're a cooler guy than I remember." I said smiling like an idiot.

Max was just as beautiful as the rest of his family. I mean they all had things that made them special; like Mrs. Hummel's ability to command so effortlessly, Emily's optimism, Mr. Hummel's sense of humor, Chelsea's grace, Max's wisdom, and Corbin's ability to manipulate and piss me off! I mean by looks tthey are pretty equal, Corbin admittedly has the most unique features of the bunch, but that only goes so far when your personality sucks.

"You're more attractive than I remember." Max whispered, but thanks to super hearing he might as well not have.

"Wait, what?" I said looking at him in disbelief.

"I mean you look good." He said louder than the first time.

He then did something unexpected; he started to rub his face against my neck and hugged me. I felt a little sting all over like I did a couple nights ago, except this time it was different. Max had an evil-knowing smirk on his face. He then stepped back and looked at me like he knew something I didn't.

"You'll thank me soon." He said and winked.

Extremely confused I walked back to my car and drove home. When I got there I seen Ian's car already there. I was extremely confused because I just seen him at the Hummel's house, so I walked inside skeptically. Ian was probably pissed that I even talked to one of his friends.

When I got inside my parents, Bri, and Ian were sitting on the couch. My parents looked relieved and Bri ran to me and gave me the biggest hug she ever gave me. Ian did the same, which surprised me more than being a vampire.

"If he ever talk to you like that I will kill him." Ian said looking into my eyes.

"What? You don't mean that, he's your best friend." I said pushing Ian away a little.

"But you're my little brother! It's our last year until we start the rest of our lives. If I'm going to change then I need to stand up for you! I love you bro, and I'm sorry...for everything!" Ian said hugging me again.

"Aww boys that's what I like to see! It's about time." My mom said standing and hugging us.

"Long time? I don't remember them ever hugging!" My dad added, also joining the hug.

The next couple days were even more odd than the first. Ian talked to me in school and even more out of it. Even weirder I didn't feel as repulsed of Bri and Ian being together, and the Hummel's agreed to help Ian and I control ourselves. Corbin decided to go back to ignoring me, even though I could feel his eyes on me in class and in the halls. We pretty much had a silent agreement that we didn't want to see or talk to each other, and this worked out pretty well and I haven't seen him since that day in his house...Now, Conner decided to drag Bri, Ian, Emily, and I to a party in Mt. Hood, which sounds pretty lame but there were actually like three hundred people at this party. He said that we all were going to stay the weekend there and come back home Sunday.

"This is crazy!" Emily yelled over the loud music.

"Yeah it's pretty wild no?" Conner said looking around the party with a huge smile.

"Let's go grab some drinks guys!" Bri yelled walking to the kitchen.

Inside the party was pretty crazy. Everyone was dancing, talking, or drinking. We all took shots until we were pretty drunk and danced for a couple hours then went to the backyard. The cool breeze was relaxing and the smell of nature calmed my blood thirst. I looked over and Conner and Emily were hugging and wrestling in the grass while Ian was lying back with Bri's head on his lap. It made me wonder what is was like to have something special like that.

"Hey Aiden are you alright?" Ian asked looking at me with concern.

Something I noticed after turning is that we have an odd connection with each other. Usually whatever he feels I can feel too. Someone even physically I can feel what he feels.

"Yeah, just thinking that I am going to go find another drink, do you guys want something?"

"Judging by how EMILY and CONNER CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING WE ARE SAYING, I think we're fine." Bri said smiling at me.

"Want me to come with you bro?" Ian asked getting ready to stand up.

"No, ha, stay with your girl friend. I'll be fine." I said walking away.

As I was pouring another drink I felt all tingly. My senses were heightened and I felt time go slow. I then felt someone's eyes on me and I turned around and Corbin was standing about ten feet away. He was wearing a white V-neck that hugged his body nicely and a thin leather jacket, dark denim jeans, and faded boots. His dirty blond hair was messy and his sky blue eyes were pulsing with confidence, his legs were walking towards me.

"Hey Aid. I didn't. uh , expect to see you here. How have you been?" He asked nervously.

"..." I ignored him.

"Look, I uh...I know I have been a jerk, but-"

"A jerk? You've been a complete ass! I don't want to talk to you... I don't want anything to do with you actually. So if you'll excuse me." I said cutting him off.

"I'm sorry man. Look I want, uh, I want to be nicer to everyone. All I need is a second chance." He pleaded grabbing my arm.

"Will you look at this? A were apologizing to a vamp? And the Vamp is shrugging the Were off? Now I've seen everything." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around and there were three guys that all were wearing similar clothes. They were all of Japanese descent and about five feet and nine inches. All of them had glowing amber guys and a strong smell of dog. It's obvious that they wanted to fight so I took a step closer to them.

"How about you mind your own business, before I show you something that you for sutr haven't seen before." I said stepping closer until Corbin grabbed me back.

"Look vampire I don't think you know how it works in our territory, we make the rules and you follow them. Now here's how it's going to work. You are going to say sorry to this fellow werewolf and then you are going to leave-"

Before he could finish I punch him in stomach. Then threw him against his other friends. I knew they were stronger but I was faster. They were up in seconds and before I knew it I was punch in the face. My face throbbed and I knew my mouth was bleeding. Corbin decided to join the fight and he took on the two guys while I handled the asshole that called me out.

"Stop fighting!" Bri yelled, and I heard a screeching in my head and it felt like my head was going to explode.

"PARTY IS OVER GUYS! THAT'S IT, MOVE IT OR LOSE IT!" Conner yelled grabbing them and pushing them towards the door.

"We're not finished, you will regret this." One of the guys yelled walking out the kitchen.

After the fight Conner decided to end the party. It took about thirty minutes for everyone to clear out the house and about two hours to clean up. Since the house had three bedrooms Ian and Bri shared a room, and Conner and Emily decided to pair, leaving me with Corbin.

"Here, this might help with your face." Corbin said handing me an icepack.

"Why does it hurt so much? I thought I'm immortal." I asked him, putting more pressure on my face.

"Yeah you are, but you're a new vampire so you're not that strong yet, and werewolves are extremely strong, but it will heal." Corbin explained taking off his shirt showing his eight pack.

He then took off his pants, giving me a view a full view off his body. I felt my heart rate pick up and once again my senses heightened. He bent over to get something from a bag he brought and I thought I was going to lose control. His flawless body had an even more flawless ass. He stayed bent down for about a minute and I found myself hard. He all of a sudden stood up and turned to me sniffing the air. His eyes were closed and he stepped closer to me. Wait can werewolves smell arousal?

"Grrrr" He growled.

"Are you okay Corbin?" I asked slowly.

"Why do you smell like Max?" He asked, suddenly right in front of me.

"I don't know, we hung out a couple times this week. I guess your brother is a hugger because he does it every time I see him." I explained taking a few steps back until my back was against the wall.

Corbin took a couple steps towards me his eyes still closed and the grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. He then opened his eyes and they were glowing blue and then he moved to my neck. He started to rub his neck against mine when I tried to move him away he would growl. He rubbed his face against me and he held on to me and even licked my neck a couple times.

Corbin is 6'1 and weights about 180lbs and is not too buff or too skinny. He has a slim waist, perfect pecs, and pretty big arms. His legs are muscular and dangerous. He grabbed me and his scent filled my nose and I felt light headed. His naked body on my clothed one was like torture to me.

"Uh... guys?" Ian asked through the door.

"Shit! I'm sorry." Corbin exclaimed running to the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Uh, do I want to know?" Ian asked coming inside.

"Probably not..." I said blushing and turning to look away.

"Okay then. Well I cam here to tell you that mom and dad said they needed to talk to us when we get home. They said it's important, but I don't think we have anything to worry about." Ian said rubbing his eyes.

"I wonder what it's about." I responded, also rubbing my eyes.

"They probably want to say that they need to spend more time with us or something. Well, anyway good man. You two boys don't have too much fun in here." He said smiling and walking away.

"Fuck you Ian!" Corbin said through the door.

I don't know what Corbin was doing in the bathroom but I heard grunting and coughing. I smelled blood for a bit and I wanted to break the door down and ask Corbin what was wrong. He still didn't come out so I changed clothes and climbed into bed. Since there was one bed that means that Corbin and I could be sharing the same one. I tried to not think too much about it because I was confused about how I felt about him. Plus he just mounted me against the wall less than ten minutes ago. It must be a werewolf thing.


Damn it Aiden, what are you doing to me? He smells so good that I can't help myself. I love making his scent turn from spicy cinnamon (what its normally like) to a sweeter cinanabon (with arousal). If Ian didn't come I don't know what I would have done. In the bathroom my noes started to bleed and I started coughing up blood. I don't know what's wrong with me? Why is my body reacting this way?

I was in there for about an hour, then the bleeding just stopped. I went back into the room and Aiden was already fast asleep. His curly black hair covered half of his face and he seemed happy. His muscles were relaxed, but still looked sculpted like he was flexing. I never noticed how beautiful he really was. He shifted to his side, like almost inviting me to come to bed with him. My wolf urged me to go lay to what was mine...I mean next to Aiden.

I turned off the light and climbed into bed. The bed was big enough that I wasn't touching him, but I could still feel the coolness of his skin. I closed my eyes and laid on my back listening to his heartbeat to put me to sleep. Before I slipped into unconsciousness Aiden turned and laid his head on my chest, our heartbeats in sync the wolf finally let me sleep.

"Boys!...Hey!" A distant voice said.

"Grrrhmmm" I growled grabbing the cold pillow on my chest protecting it.

"Aw, this is cute and all, but I didn't make breakfast for nothing. Wake up!" The voice said yelled threatening my cold pillow that needed protecting.

"Fine, I guess I'll just take pictures and send them to the whole family." The voice said again.

I took a sniff of the cold pillow and it smelled like cinnamon. My wolf purred in content and I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Emily taking pictures of me. I looked down and Aiden was fast asleep on my chest, hugging to me for dear life.

"You guys are quite adorable I might add." Emily said snapping another picture.

"Ugh, go away Emily!" I said moving Aiden off of me...which too a lot of willpower.

"How is he not awake? You would think that with super hearing he would have woken up a long time ago.

"Why are you still here?" I asked annoyed, annoyed I couldn't be alone with Aiden.

"Fine I'll leave, grumpy pup. Be downstairs in ten for breakfast." Emily said smiling and walking out.

After Emily left I brushed my teeth then stared at Aiden. As creepy as it sounds, I want to just stand there and watch him all day. Something in my head was slowly falling into place and it was doing so faster than my brain could process it. I walked over to the bed and touched his neck; his skin was soft and cold. It was soothing against my perpetually warm skin. This seemed to wake him, because his jade colored eyes fluttered and he smiled.

"Good morning Corbin. You look extremely happy." He said in a sexy morning voice that caused things to stir in my sweats.

"I'm just a happy morning person." I said smiling and making eye contact.


Aiden looked at me and blushed and then his smile got even bigger. I felt my face get warmer and I turned to look a way. I mean I would be lying, if I said she was lying. It was just a lot to process because I don't know how I should feel.

"Or it could just because there is a full moon tonight." Ian said calmly.

The smile left Aiden's face and he broke eye contact. He looked like he was thinking about something and then he opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it. He then smiled and walked into the bathroom and I smelled mint so I decided it was time to walk downstairs. This was going to be a long day.


Waking up next to Corbin and have him look happy isn't exactly how I expected to start the day. I mean he is a cool guy and I'm glad that my friendship can help him with his grumpiness. I mean he must have been lonely these past couple of days. Ian has been spending more time with me than him; actually his whole family has now that I think about it...

When I went downstairs to eat breakfast I was surprised to see Stacy was there. She had on a white dress and sandals and her long red hair was in a ponytail. She had a huge book with her and she seemed to be deep in the book. Ian and Conner seemed to be having some pancake eating contest. Emily was looking drooling over Conner like a little puppy, while Bri shadowed over Stacy also looking at the book.

Corbin, whom I didn't know was standing so close, was standing really close. He seemed to be doing what I was doing, taking in everyone else. It's weird because he was already down here before me, so why is he mirroring me?

To test this I took a couple steps back and he with out even noticing followed. I did the same going forward and back to see if he would notice and he didn't. I looked to Bri, and she and Stacy were observing us. Deciding that ignoring them was a better option I thought I should take care of my hunger and go hunt a rabbit or something I took two steps towards the door.

"Uh... where are you going?" Corbin asked stepping even closer, almost as if he could sense I was leaving.

"I'm going to go get some breakfast. I mean since pancakes can't really do anything but taste good temporarily." I said putting my hand on the door but he stopped me.

"Oh you don't have to do that... here, uh Chelsea caught this for you. It's deer blood. It should help wing you off the stuff my mom makes you. It's good for now but it can make you sick because its only meant for young vampires. I, also heated for you." He ranted, handing me a bottle full of blood.

This offering for some reason made me lose control of my senses. Everything was focused on Corbin I mean everything! My heartbeat struggled to match his. My body language match his, my emotions were put aside for consideration of his. His smell flooded my nose and I was drunk with temptation. As I was drinking the blood imagined it was his. I don't know how long this trance last but all I know is when I cam back everyone was staring at me and I had Corbin pinned against the wall.

I love writing this story, and I love the feedback! I'm glad you guys love it. I have so many ideas where this story can go. Let me know what you think on my email;

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