Running with Wolves

By Me

Published on Mar 18, 2014


Running with Wolves (Part 1)


About a week ago my brother and I got turned into vampires. We were on vacation in Hawaii and really drunk just relaxing when a local came up to us and asked where we were from. Before we knew it we were both vampires. The man said it was a gift, but it feels more like a curse. I mean we can still eat real food, but it won't satisfy me or clench my thirst. To get by we drink animal blood but everyday it's a struggle to not kill my friends.

Being a vampire is a lot like they make it out to be in those movies and TV shows. We heal fast, we are immortal (except if pierced in the heart by wood, or beheaded by another supernatural creature), we have enhanced senses, and I want blood more than anything. We are pretty much just winging it because it's not like we know other vampires to help us through it. Something I realized though is that our senses are getting stronger everyday. The vampire left us a book that he said only supernatural creatures can read, and everyday I can see more in the book. So far it says that we will settle into being a vampire, and that our thirst for blood will grow as well with everyday. It says there is a way to keep us from wanting human blood but I can't read it yet.

BUT! That's something that will come with time. For now, my name is Aiden Bentsen, I'm a high school senior in the state of Oregon. I am a pretty laid back person. I get above average grades and I work out pretty often, and have the body of a swimmer...probably because I'm in water polo and swim. My family is quite wealthy so I don't have to work, just relax. I have a twin brother named Ian who is identical to me.

We have black curly hair that is medium length. Jade coloured eyes and lightly tanned skin. We have a strong jaw line and nice bodies. We are 5'10 and could easily pass for models. I'm about 150 of muscle. Our cock size is 7.5 in and quite thick. Girls and even some guys throw themselves at me and I'm usually humble about it.

Unlike me my brother isn't humble at all. He is actually kind of an asshole to be honest. He fucks random girls and throws crazy parties and only has minimum grades to stay on the football team. My brother and his best friend Corbin are the most popular guys in school and I'm more of the background kid.

Well not just background, I mean lot of people know who I am, but that's mostly due to them thinking I'm my brother. Which I can understand by looks, but we dress way different...actually that's a lie...we dress almost the same everyday and its not even planned. It doesn't help that my older brother hates me and used to tell me that mom and dad had the choice of aborting me, but they didn't because they wanted him to have a play buddy. I mean besides us looking alike he doesn't take pride in being similar to me. Although we do drive the same car as well, 2014 Range rovers, both of them are black. That. That we do take pride in.

I have a best friend Bri who is Japanese and German. She has hazel eyes and is just as tall as me. She is also dating my brother as of a couple days ago, which still freaks me out. I mean, my brother couldn't have been more cliché dating the cheer captain being the captain of the football team. It makes me sick. I mean to know that a couple weeks ago he was hooking up with girls and saying that, "I will never be tied down" in Hawaii on our vacation doesn't really scream faithful.

But! If Bri likes him then I'll support it. That's what best friends do right? Date each other's siblings. I mean if she had one I would especially if she was a dime like Bri. I haven't had a girlfriend in a couple months so now would be the time to have one I guess.

"Hey so, are you going actually go downstairs to your party or stay here and stare at the ceiling all night?" Bri said stepping half way into my room.

"It's not my party. It's your boyfriend's, which freaks me out still by the way. I think I might need therapy." I complained slowly standing up.

"Hey, you have to admit he's hot, and not so bad once you get to know him better." Bri said flipping her long light brown hair.

"Gross!" I exclaimed smiling and looking in the mirror to check myself out. "I mean who the hell throws a party on a Sunday?"

"Your brother and YOU apparently. I mean the first day of senior year is tomorrow. Why not go back with hangovers?" Bri asked pulling a bottle behind he back and taking large gulps.

"Whoa there! Better slow down there." I suggested, taking the bottle from here and gulping down large amount of alcohol.

We took shots and got pretty wasted and just talked about what we wanted our senior year to be like. Bri distracted me from the booming music downstairs and all the peer pressure to be popular...and just everything. It didn't last long because soon Ian was missing his girlfriend.

"Hey Bri, your boyfriend is pretty drunk down there and he is whining for you. I would go put a stop to it before he starts cryin' or somethin' " Corbin said coming into my room.

"Fine, I'm going now. Hey, Corb. Maybe...maybe you can get this guys to go down da, the uh stairs." Bri slurred.

With that Bri was gone and I was left with a conflicted Corbin. He looked like he wanted to walk away and just leave me here, and then there was something else. He eventually decided and sat on my bed next to me.

"Hey Bentsen you know you're pretty drunk did you want some water?" He asked not looking at me.

"No, I'm fine man. You know you don't have to be here and pretend." I said laying back down on my bed.

"Pretend?" He said now looking at me with a face that was too hard to read.

"Why do...why do you and my brother hate me?" I asked suddenly.

He looked at me shocked. His blue eyes were wide and hard to read. Corbin is Greek and half Egyptian. He has a bronze skin tone that literally was the same colour of a new penny. He has sky blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He looked like an Egyptian pharaoh mixed with a Grecian god. He has sharp features on his face and a butt chin made him look too perfect.

We actually were best friends until middle school. When we started to go through puberty that's when he stopped talking to me instantly and in high school he sat there while my brother would pick on me. We have also gotten in multiple fist fights through out the years...This actually our first time being alone since one time in the bathroom sophomore year, and he seemed to hold his breath like I smelled or something.

"I don't know about your brother but I don't hate you...I just don't like you." He said looking away, in a monotone.

"Okay, well you have a good night Corbin." I said standing up to go find some better company.

Downstairs the party was in full motion, everyone was dancing and making out and drinking/smoking. Apparently we had a band that consisted of some of the students at my school and they were actually good. I was just sitting on one of the couches just talking to random students until I heard an angelic voice start to sing. I looked up and it was Corbin. He said he would be singing a song he wrote and it was actually good!

"Can you hear me, I'm calling for you in your dreams. Hear me. Need me. Want me. Please don't leave me. I love you so, and you don't even know. You can't know. Do you know? Please Know. Know me, please." He sang with so much emotion I knew that it had to have come from his heart.

It looked like he was searching the crowd with his eyes, until the fell upon me. When he finished the song everyone screamed for him to do another, and eventually he gave in and did...this one more upbeat than the other, but the pain was clear in his voice. I decided that I didn't want to watch someone sing about his feelings that didn't even like me. So I went to go find some more drinks. When I was there someone stopped me and I turned around and it was my big brother Ian.

"Well hello brother. How's it going, did you throw up yet?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"No, actually I didn't. Have you cheated on my best friend yet?" I said taking a shot.

"You would like that wouldn't you? I mean it's obvious that you liked her. I'm sure she realized you were gay and went on to something way better. Well anyway, enjoy the party little bro. Its probably the one you will be invited to, actually you weren't even invited to this one." He laughed walking away.

My dick wad brother disappeared into the crowd and left me standing there pissed off. I could still hear Corbin singing in the distance so it distracted me shortly. I then started to feel the alcohol so I leaned against the counter behind me and watched people take body shots.

"Your brother is a major asshole. How are you man?" Conner, one of my good friends and teammate said.

"Hey man, yeah he is. I mean sometimes I think he wants to kill me with his words." I said laughing.

"How did he even convince your parents to let him do this?" Conner said looking around in wonder.

"He just said, hey I'm throwing a party so I need the house. It gave them a reason to go to Vegas for a couple days." I explained looking around with him.

"It's going to suck cleaning this up..." Conner said with knowing eyes.

"Yeah it will. Except he won't be helping at all, it will most likely be me and the maids."

"Well if I'm here I'll help, but for now lets go f

ind some hot chicks to give us a good night."

It didn't take long for us to find some hot chicks to be on our laps making out with, and it took an even shorter time for Conner to take her to his room. I stuck with just making out with her until she stopped all of a sudden and looked up behind me. I followed her gaze and Corbin was staring at us with a pained expression.

"Oh no, that's my big brother! He looks pissed. Maybe we should take this up stairs?" The random girl suggested.

"Wait what's your name?" I asked, sounding like a jackass.

" don't remember me? When you and my brother used to have sleep overs I would invite you guys to have tea parties then leave you two alone." She explained.

"We were like were six how did you remember that?" I said moving her off of me.

"I dunno, I remember everything! Anyway so up stairs or no?..." Emily said getting impatient.

"You are a beautiful girl, but I can't. I for sure can't hook up with Hummel's little sister. I think he would actually kill me, and I'm sure by just kissing you he already hates me even more than he already does." I said more to myself than her.

"Hate you? Corbin doesn't hate you he talks about you all the time." She said looking at me like I was stupid.

"Wait what? Why?" I asked seriously confused.

"That's enough Em! Go clean yourself up, I'm taking you home." Corbin demanded appearing out of nowhere.

" Yeah Corb you're too drunk to drive me home. You wouldn't want to put me in any danger would you?" She said trying to sound really sweet.

"If you don't move now you I'll show you danger!" He yelled and I could swear I saw them glow white.

"Hummel, she's right. You she can stay here for the night. She can sleep in my parent's bed. You really shouldn't be driving with her." I suggested.

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! Don't you tell me what to do with my sister!" He yelled pulling me up from the couch and face to face to him.

His were glowing blue and he was breathing hard. His skin was hot and his smell made me feel light headed. His face was mere inches from mine and his eyes were roaming all over my face. A heated moment of anger all of a sudden seemed like something else.

"Whoa what the hell is going on here?!" Bri yelled looking at us like we were crazy.

"Corbin wants to drive me home and he's drunk. Aiden suggested that I stay here and now they were...about to fight I think?" Emily explained looking at us confused.

All of a sudden Corbin let me go, and looked down like he was in deep thought. He didn't look as pissed as he did confused, I mean it did look like he wanted to kiss me...with his soft lips...and wait do I want him to?

"I wanted you to bring him downstairs to party, not almost fight him Corb. I'm going to take Emily upstairs, you guys better be best friends when I come back or I'm kicking some ass." Bri threatened, Emily turned around and had an evil grin on her face and then winked at me.

"Hey, I'm sorry about all of that- oh...I don't feel so good." I moaned all of a sudden feeling sick.

I ran outside past everyone who was in the pool and into a bench we had in the far corner of our backyard. It felt like my body was aching and extremely hot. I felt like I was going to throw up and have a heart attack. All of a sudden it became too much and I fell on the ground and passed out. Even while being passed out I could feel my skin burning, until it didn't anymore. Then slowly I started to open my eyes and I heard someone calling my name.

"Bentsen...Bentsen can you hear me?" a voice said sounding far away.

My vision started to focus and I saw sky blue eyes staring back at me. Corbin looked relieved to see that I was awake. He then stared at me and put his hand on my shoulders and I felt like I was high. I felt a pleasure that was deep down that I couldn't explain. Before I knew it I was standing and Corbin's hand was taken away from me. He looked at me then lead me to a nearby bench.

For a while we sat in silence and I still had that odd feeling of being high. It would peak whenever his knee would bump mine or when our elbows would touch. I looked up at the sky the moon shone bright, it was half full so in a week or so it would be full. I looked over to Corbin and he was humming softly to himself. He then noticed me staring at him and then smiled.

"What? Does it sound that bad?" He asked a cocky grin.

"No, it sounds...pretty." I said looking away.

" know that I don't hate you right? I heard what you said to Emily. " He explained putting a hand on my shoulder.

I let out a soft moan as I leaned into his hand. He looked at me in surprise, obviously hearing my small whimpers. He took it away and then put it back, but this time with both hands and more pressure. He kept doing this until I felt cum building inside of my already oozing cock. I told him to stop...panting and he laughed.

"I think I was drugged Corbin." I moaned leaning against him.

He started at me again this time his reaction was obvious. He looked confused then like he just realized something he long forgotten. His face then turned hard he went back to his assholeness and suggested we get me inside.

Inside most of the party died down because we did have school the next day. So I went straight to my room. Once in my room I went to lie down and instantly fell asleep. I do remember hearing someone come into my room and got that high feeling again, even in my sleep.

When I woke up I felt surprisingly refreshed. Even though I had like five hours of sleep, it felt as if I slept a full eight or nine. I instantly smelled bacon and eggs with blueberry pancakes, probably orange juice too and cereal. This was my favourite breakfast so I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.

When I went downstairs Corbin and Bri were cooking and Emily and Ian were sitting at the table with hungry faces. I sat next to Emily and everyone stared at me. Ian looked like he was going to say something, but for once he shut the hell up. I was distracted by the smell of the foods and It put a huge smile on my face.

"What's wrong with him?" Corbin asked Bri.

"I think that he may have convinced a guy to have pity sex with him." Ian said already sounding annoyed by me.

"Well Bri knows what I like in my food, and fuck you Ian." I said smiling.

"Well actually Corbin made all this, I just helped." Bri said slowly.

I looked at Corbin and he was smiling and looked embarrassed. He looked away and handed me a big plate first, Ian gave him a surprised look before reaching over and grabbing his own plate. He stared at me until Emily cleared her throat and then it was like he was snapped out of a trance and his face went back to being distant to me. I wasn't surprised so I started to eat. The food tasted amazing and we all scarfed it down pretty quickly before getting ready for school.

I put on a white V-neck some jeans and brushed my curly hair before getting in my car and driving to school. The drive took about ten minutes and once I got there I seen mostly familiar faces, besides the scared looking freshmen. I parked in my usual spot next to my brother who was probably going to be fashionably late to our first period. We only had to take four classes as seniors and two of mine was weights, and water polo and the other two were History and Math.

When I walked into history I seen Conner, Bri, Corbin, and my other friends Isaac, Stacy, and Drew. Isaac and Drew were my friends who were on the cheer team with Bri and Stacy.

Isaac and Drew were both straight and got lots of girls, but because they were so close people still joke about them fucking each other when they're bored. Isaac had chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair, while Drew had short brown hair and blue eyes. They were both about 5'7 and pretty buff, with similar body types. Stacy was a red head with freckles and green eyes she was about 5'1 and really skinny and also Bri's best friend.

"Mr Bentsen's! Will you please pay attention!" Mr Jackson said.

"Yeah, sorry" Ian and I said at the same time.

"You guys are like real twins!" Stacy exclaimed.

Ian looked at me and actually smiled and winked. He then turned back to the board but I looked to Corbin who still had a hard look on his face. He sniffed and grunted and then looked back to the board. I could hear his heart beat pick up and then it settled. I found myself listening to his heartbeat the whole day. Even while swimming after polo practice I could heart it pumping faster while he was at football practice. This happened until I was walking to my car and I smelled something that caught my attention, blood.

All of a sudden time moved slow, and I didn't even know what I was doing. It was like I having an outer body experience. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion and I was moving to the guy who was bleeding. Before I knew it was standing in front of a crouching Corbin in his football gear holding his nose.

I stalked closer to him the smell literally controlling me. I felt my fangs come out, which felt like heaven, similar to the release you get when holding your breath too long. I could almost taste his blood just from breathing and it brought me to come closer. I took one step closer and Corbin's head instantly snapped towards me like he was having an outer body experience as well.

"Aiden? What are you doing? Stay away from its not safe." He growled.

I could tell he wouldn't be an easy kill and this somehow made his smell even more intoxicating. I stepped closer to him until we were five feet apart, and his head was down...his heart beating extremely fast. I could smell something on his that wasn't that I haven't smelt from her. He was grunting and sweating heavily. He looked up at me and his eyes were glowing blue.

"Aiden STOP! Don't come any closer I don't want to hurt you." He moaned out.

"You hurt me? I think it's you that needs to-"

Before I could finish Corbin was on top of me. He had me pinned to the ground and his face was growing light hairs. I couldn't move, so that means that either Corbin had to be stronger than a vampire or something else. He smelled sweet and his a faint smell of a puppy.

"Aiden, I- I'm gonna let you go...and you need to run from me okay?" He grunted half moaned.

I used this time of weakness and grabbed him, I was obviously quicker than but...but he was way stronger. He grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall. His blue eyes glowing and his face chanced from pain to amusement faster than I could process. He tilted my neck and smelled me, like taking in my sent or something.

"Corb, what are you" I asked not wanting to drink his blood anymore.

"I...I have to go." He said letting me go and then running away, leaving his football gear, that had a smell that intoxicated me...made me want to follow him.


I was about twelve when my mom and dad told me we were werewolves, and that every month I would be forced to turn into a werewolf. I had to give up a lot of things, like having any really good friends, and to be socially awkward until I could control transformations, which sports helped so then I started to hang out with Ian more.

Ian was the total opposite of Aiden. Where Aiden was naturally kind hearted and fit in well, Ian used his charm and good looks to get to the top. Ian and Aiden are both extremely athletic, the only difference was that Ian played football and was good at it...and that Football happened to be the main sport for a guy at our school.

Over the years I could that Aiden forgot about me, and it made me resent him. I know that I didn't talk to him, but it was because I couldn't. I didn't want to hurt him, and when I was sure I wouldn't, he already had Bri, Conner, and Stacy! SO I turned to hate him, which went well because it made it easier to stay away. Ian acts like he hates his brother but I know that he just feels threatened by him, by how he does everything so effortlessly.

Since they became vampires they seemed to be closer, which is a good thing, because I have been getting weird vibes from them...well not them, just Aiden. Something about him pulls my senses towards him and I can't control them. My body even aches and, I even get nosebleeds and headaches. This hasn't happened to me before it's kind of odd. My wolf is being clear about what it wants me to do. It's hard to tell what he wants when I shut him out.

"Corb? Are you okay" Emily asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine sis." I said staring at the forest.

"Are you sure? You don't look that well." She pressed.

"Well its just that my wolf isn't listening to me and isn't clear, and its all this big mess."

"Maybe you're not listening to him. See my wolf and I have it down to a science, we respect that we are one and we have different aspects that makes us complete. We essentially want the same thing. I mean our wolves are more stubborn and logical with facts, but we have more emotional connection with things. Mom says that we all find unity with the wolf eventually. I already have it, you probably should have had it a long time ago...I don't know why you haven't. " Emily stated standing up.

"You're really smart sis. I wish I could be closer to my wolf." I said looking down.

"I think you're getting closer. Just don't hold anything back. Well maybe you should close your eyes and think about what you want. Listen to him Corb. I'll see you later.' And before I knew she was gone.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. I welcome my animalistic side and allowed myself to become closer to nature. My wolf was excited to have my welcome it so freely. All of a sudden I smelled cinnamon and my wolf became extremely excited. The smell was getting stronger and I knew I had to find out where it was coming from. Soon I opened my eyes and I greeted with a confused Aiden.

"Hello Corbin...can we talk?"

For some reason I can not understand my wolf seemed to want to talk to him. I closed my eyes and sighed, the smell was coming from Aiden, damn it!

Thanks so much for reading running with wolves part one! I really enjoyed writing this story, but I would like to hear feedback from you guys. Tell me what you think

Next: Chapter 2

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