Running in the Rain

By Bryan Johnson

Published on Dec 25, 2010


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Running in the Rain, Part 2

I was back in L.A. after my first semester in college and it was raining. I wanted to get to the park for a bit of a run in the rain. We do get some actual rain in L.A. Usually most of it comes in December and January. Not usually mid-west rain really, not downpours or anything. Just what you'd call a heavy drizzle. Sometimes it gets hard enough to call rain, but not often. It's great to run in it. The cool water and the warmth of your body form this great contrast. Problem is, it takes a bit longer to warm up in weather like that. When I do run in that kind of rain, I usually start my run down by the golf course. I park at the lot at Crystal Springs road and head off towards the Zoo.

See, when you do that route, you're on flat ground for about 2 miles. No hills happen until you get down to Travel Town. You know it, the place with all the old trains. I parked the car and got out to do my stretches. They're really important when it's chilly. I started with a sweat suit on and got things a little loose then ran a few laps of the parking lot. I began to feel a bit warmed up, so I pulled off the sweats leaving me just in my regular running outfit, nylon runner's shorts, sox and trainers. Like always, I'd cut the liner out of the shorts. I like the feel of my dick swinging when I run, and my five incher does flop around. In wet weather like this, I always wear light colored shorts. The water makes them half transparent. I like the looks I get. Besides, it's a great way to tell if someone is interested in a little fun. Today it was a pair of bright yellow shorts. They go great with my curly, dark red hair.

I started out at a kind of slow pace. You know, I call it running, but I'm actually a jogger. I think I mentioned I'm too muscular to really be much of a runner. Weight lifting and wrestling had given me a broad chest and shoulders along with a nice six-pack and muscular butt and legs. I hadn't gone out for sports in college. I wasn't that high quality an athlete and I wanted to be sure I'd keep my grades up. College made some other changes in my life to.

I'd had a couple of fuck buddies in high school, but my major sex activity was Griffith Park. I really liked outdoor sex. I really liked sex with strangers to! In college, sex was much more available. Especially after my jock roommate and I finally admitted we were both gay. Not only were there a lot of hot guys available on campus, but there was always a helping hand (or mouth or butt) available in the next bed! But if there was any place for outdoor sex on campus, I sure hadn't found it. Tearoom sex wasn't my thing either. So I was missing some activity that I really liked!

Because I wasn't in sports, I hadn't cut my hair short in October like I usually did in High School, so it was over my ears and in a few weeks would probably be brushing my collar. The wet was making it loose its curl and I could feel the tips brushing my face when I turned my head.

I came out by the Zoo parking lot, finally all warmed up and picked up the pace a little. I could see a guy at the far end of the parking lot doing runners stretches. All he was wearing was a tee shirt and runners shorts. Same style as mine, but black. He was tall and looked young, maybe my age or a bit older. Tall though with a real runners' build. His body was long and lean body with strong looking thighs and little upper body development. He had very pale skin and almost white-blond hair cut fairly short. The hair was normal for L.A., but no one's skin is totally pale out here. The legs and arms are always at least a little tan but his showed no sun exposure. Unusual. He pulled off his shirt and slipped a bright green cap on his head. Bill facing forward, thank Bog.

"Nice chest, for a runner," I thought.

He reached the entrance to the parking lot, still stretching at the same time I did. He did a back stretch, looking up at the sky, arms over his head and I saw that either he had cut the liner out of his shorts like I had or he was packing a massive dick. Damn black shorts! No definition!

I was so busy perving his package, I stumbled a bit. He looked at me for a second, checking me out then smiled and waved an arm at me. Not all that unusual. When you see someone dedicated to the same thing you are, sometimes you acknowledge it. Running in this weather established both of us as dedicated. I waved back and continued on.

About five minutes later, a deep voice came from behind me.


Green cap blew by me as if I weren't moving.

"Wow," I thought, "He sure is a runner!"

I enjoyed the sight of his ass moving in these thin shorts until I couldn't see anything worth watching. He disappeared at the bend near Travel Town. I was wondering if I'd see him again, or if he was on a circuit leading back to his car like I was. About ten minutes later, he appeared ahead of me in the distance on the other side of the road running towards me. As he got closer I could see he must have removed the liner from his shorts to. His package was moving freely like mine. As I was checking him out, I looked up at his face, and he was smiling at me. He did a real obvious glance down to my equipment, and the smile got broader. I smiled back for all I was worth. Then he was gone, running a fast clip to the parking lot he'd just left.

He was still hauling ass. I wondered if I'd see him again while I was in town. I'd sure like a little quality time with him! Fifteen minutes later, I had passed Travel Town and was hitting the first of the hills. They're nowhere near as steep as the ones on the Sunset Trails, but they do slow down my pace a bit. I was sorry that I wouldn't get a chance to check out Green cap. That was one hot body.

"Left," the deep voice came from behind me.

And he blew by me again. I watched his hard butt muscles pumping in his black shorts and his bright green cap disappear around the bend. Damn! I wish I was more of a runner. I knew there was no point in trying to match his pace. He'd just be the one that got away. Actually? One of the many that got away!

The downhill stretch goes past the Zoo Veterinary Center. There's a little curving road that leads off to the right and rejoins the main road in about half a mile. There's a toilet in the small meadow in the middle and several picnic spots. It's a really cruisy area in the summer. I've had a lot of fun there over the past few years. I was just coming up on the gate for the road, when I saw a familiar bright green cap hanging from a branch about 30 feet down the little road. The bush it as hanging from was at the opening to a small trail that lead back into the bushes.

"Oh, Yeah!" I thought.

I turned onto the road without a pause. As I did, I saw a tall, pale body half step out of the bushes and reclaim his cap. I wasn't totally sure, from that distance, but I didn't see any shorts, just what looked like a really creamy, muscular butt!

"Jackpot!" I thought.

As soon as I entered the mouth of the trail, I stopped and looked for Green cap. He was nowhere to be seen, but there was only one way he could have gone. I began to walk up the path, then I stopped. Had he really been naked? If he had the balls to do it, I sure did. Besides, I hadn't seen another person on foot all day and folks in cars couldn't see what was going on over here, so I wouldn't be startling any tourists or families. I didn't think it would be much of a risk. Besides, I'm a major exhibitionist! I love strutting my stuff. And more importantly, there were some serious issues of first contact to consider here.

Running in a cool rain feels great. It's liberating. It lets you connect with your body. It shows off your nips like you wouldn't believe. There is a problem though. It does lead to a certain amount of, let's call it equipment shrinkage. If Green cap was anywhere near as hung as I thought, I wanted him to know that I had more than enough for some serious playtime! I'd met a few guys here in the park who were bigger than me, but my thick eight inches usually got the respect it deserved. If I took off the shorts now, I knew I'd be ready for some fun in a few minutes. Strolling naked through the park always gets me pool cue hard.

I peeled off my shorts. Yep. Shrinkage. I warmed up my dick, stroking it and fondling it a little. It didn't take much. One of my fuck buddies in high school had called me the `Energizer Bunny', once it starts, it keeps going and going and.... you get the picture. In about 30 seconds, I was pointing to the sky, my dick swaying as I walked. I looked down at my prick.

You know, I really like my meat. When I find myself getting shy or nervous, it sort of takes over for me and helps me get into really interesting situations. When it feels shy, like in cold weather, I find things it likes to do. Like follow hot looking guys in the hopes of finding a warm place it can burrow into!

I didn't see Green cap, but I really wasn't disappointed. I knew he was waiting for me ahead somewhere. I was naked and hard, the rain felt wonderful, it was a beautiful moment. I took the little packed of lube I always keep in the key pocket of my shorts. Maybe I'd get a little more turned on before I met up with the tall stud. I stepped off the trail and slathered the lube on my aching dick. I closed my eyes and began to slowly stroke my meat and a soft sigh escaped me.


"Can I do that for you?" came that deep voice. He had some sort of a Scandinavian accent.

My eyes popped open and a primal `trapped animal' thing started until I realized it was Green cap. I looked at him dumbly for a second, mouth opened. He had incredibly blue eyes and in spite of his short hair, long sideburns, clipped short, that framed his face. Strong nose, a bit of color from the running showing on his cheeks, pink, kissable lips, his face was really handsome. Nice strong runners' chest with just a slight dusting of light blond hair. My eyes drifted down his torso. His taut stomach had a nice subtle six-pack thing going. No treasure trail at all. His pubes were soft looking and, again, very pale blond. His dick was a bit longer than mine, maybe eight and a half uncircumcised. It jutted out from his hips pointing almost straight at me. The foreskin had begun to embrace the crown again, only about a third of the glans exposed and dripping honey.

Green cap didn't wait for an answer to his very polite question. He reached out and wrapped his warm hand around my shaft. The warmth after the coolness of the rain focused all my attention back to my dick. I looked down and, for a second I was totally confused. My eight inch dick was almost totally covered by his hand! Just an inch or two of the head extended onto his wrist. I looked at him again and my perspective changed drastically.

My god, he must be 6' 7" tall! He was a foot taller than me, at least. That made that proportional dick more like nine and a half or ten inches! Maybe more!

I opened my mouth to say something and his face came down and his lips found my mouth. Actually? I've never found kissing to be part of sex in the park. It's usually much more directly moving onto the action. This felt good, though. His lips were full and soft. The only part that seemed unusual was there was no stubble at all. His facial skin was smooth and soft.

Green cap abandoned my lips and squatted between my legs. His big hands grasped my hips and he examined my dick.

"You've got a real nice one. Nice and juicy!" Was that a Swedish accent? Norwegian?

Okay. Now like I said, I've always liked my dick. Its' not porno huge, but eight inches is real respectable and not so big to be scary. The shape is hot to. Its' like a horn or a tusk, the head is just average, or maybe a little less. The shaft, however, gets much thicker as it goes down to the base. When you get to where it joins my body, a lot of guys can't quite get their hands around it. Its' light tan, smooth. No veins interrupt the surface. My roommate at college says I was born to fuck virgins. My dick is the perfect shape. He should know, he let me be the first one to tap his ass after we'd been sucking each other for a couple of months. He'd even hooked me up with a couple of his friends who wanted to try getting fucked for the first time but were nervous. No kidding, he was promoting me as a good first fuck. I'll tell you about that sometime if you're interested.

He moved his head forward and gave my dick a closed mouth kiss. Then, as his head continued forward, the lips parted and wetly caressed my crown as he slowly pulled my meat inside him. The pointed head had just completely entered when his tongue came up and started tickling under the tip and probing my slit. He paused there, and began to suckle on my dickhead. One cool hand left my hip and began to caress my balls.

I put my hands around his head and felt the wonderfully soft hair on his head. As I looked down, I could see his awesome dick thrusting out from his hips. He continued his motion and my cock continued to invade his mouth, his tongue wrapping around it, exploring it. He continued the suction as he took me inside. I felt the head of my dick penetrate the opening of his throat. He continued moving forward, my crown opening his throat and sliding into the tight sheath. Green caps' nose slowly buried itself in my pubes. The tip of his tongue explored the junction between my shaft and my balls.

"Oh my god, you're good. You're mouth is so hot, Please keep sucking me!" I groaned.

He began masturbating my dick with his mouth, moving it so the head of my cock slid into them out of his throat, his tongue continuing its' exploration, the suction pulsing. Every time the head of my cock entered his throat, he swallowed, dragging the precum out of my slit. I had NEVER been sucked by someone as talented as this guy! I knew I'd become a talented cocksucker over the past few months, but this guy made his cock sucking an art! His huge dick stayed hard, bouncing as he thrust his head into my crotch, but he ignored it. All of his attention was focused on me.

He pulled his head back, and I realized he was pulling off. I'd never been so reluctant to move on to the next part...whatever that was. I mean, I really wanted to get that huge dick in my mouth, but he was doing such a good job on my meat. I wish I could let him know that if he finished me off, I'd totally return the favor. That doesn't work very well in during sex in the park. Someone goes down on you and brings you off, they expect you will just walk away and leave them dripping with a bad case lovers' ache. Of course, a lot of guys in the park do just want to suck you off and then move on to the next guy.

My fingers tensed around his head, and I was so tempted to pull it back and keep my dick in the warm, wonderful cavity of his mouth. That would be too selfish. I gently pushed his head away, letting him know I agreed and eased my meat out of his mouth.

He smiled up at me, and then stood up, all 6' 7" of him. My dick was dripping his saliva and precum, and the honey seemed to be oozing out of his slit in a steady stream. I really wanted to work on that beautiful prong. Positioning was going to be a problem, though. My head just came up to the middle of his chest. Kneeling I'd be too low. I'd have to squat, but I wouldn't be able to rest on my heels. Hmmm, how to do this.

"Come with me, there's a place near."

He took my hand and began to lead me up the trail. He didn't let go of my hand. It felt good, in a strange way. Cool rain still coming down, we walked hand in hand, naked and very hard up the trail. He turned off the trail and gently pulled me through a thin screen of brush, the cold wet leaves dripping water along my body.

There, was the solution to the immediate problem, a big, flat stone about 8 inches high for him to stand on and raise his meat to the right height for me to worship his dick with my mouth. More than that, there was a big, flat piece of cardboard. Wet, but clean, it obviously hadn't been there too long. Someone could get on their hands and knees and still be out of the mud.

If you've never walked the trails looking for sex in Griffith Park, this may sound strange, but trust me. It's not that unusual.

He stood up on the rock and I kneeled in front of him. I moved my face towards his meat and touched my tongue to the tip, tasting the sour sweet honey. I eagerly wrapped my lips around the head and used them to push the foreskin back. There was a reservoir of tasty fluid that drooled onto my tongue. My mouth slowly opened as his huge dick forced into my mouth. He didn't move, allowing me to control the entry. I was thinking, with such big meat, he probably was used to being careful. He probably had a lot of trouble with teeth to.

Green cap was in for a surprise. My roommate, Carl, was real thick also. I hadn't done a very good job on him the first few times, and he gave great oral. I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel. So I began practicing with a cucumber. After a few weeks, I could do a great imitation of a sword swallower. I could relax my throat muscles and my gag reflex was totally under control. Carl wasn't near as long as Green cap, but he was certainly as thick.

I slid his dick into my mouth, slowly, rubbing the tip of my tongue along the cum tube, feeling it collapse and spring back under the pressure. The big crown stretched the opening of my throat wide. The airflow cut off to my lungs and I swallowed, using my throat muscles to massage the head as it continued down my throat. I inhaled as strongly as I could. No air moved in, so a strong suction formed, pulling him deeper into me. My throat muscles clenched onto the sides of his dickhead while the suction pulled on the tip. I could feel a small stream of liquid on the inside of my throat. My nose finally nestled in his soft pubic hair. There was still a musky smell of masculine sweat from his run.

I started caressing and pulling gently on his balls with one hand and wrapped the other around one of his cheeks. I slowly pulled off his spike and tried to exhale as hard as I could, pressing with my breath on the head of his dick, still buried in my throat giving it a new and different sensation. At the same time I moved my fingers into his crack and started searching for his hole. The oil I had used earlier was still on my fingers, and it let them push into his hole. He was tight. I felt him push out with his ass muscles to help me enter.

I reversed direction on his pole and started traveling down again. When I reached bottom, his dickhead buried in my throat again, I slid my finger the rest of the way in and found his button. His hips lurched forward a bit forcing my mouth wider open and his dick just a little further down my throat. The suction of my breath helped. He was tentative at first, like he wanted to be careful not to hurt me. As he continued his strokes got more forceful. He was beginning to realize I could handle his meat and he didn't have to be gentle.

I worked at using my tongue, throat muscles and force of my breath to make his dick feel good. Finally, his hands came down and grasped my head tightly. I let him set the rhythm. He was fucking my mouth. I heard his guttural noises as he enjoyed forcing his cock into me. He was holding my head in place as he fucked. I kept thinking he'd probably never had the chance to just fuck face and not worry about hurting the guy he was with.

The rain picked up a bit. Cool water dripping on my body, a hot dick in my mouth. Warm hands were clutching the sides of my head, warming my ears and every couple of seconds, my face was pressed into a warm pair of muscular thighs. I was in heaven!

"Damn, hot mouth. Suck it! Uhh, take...all of it! Swallow it! Take my dick down your throat!"

I felt his balls beginning to pull up. I knew I was going to get his load real soon. I thought for a second, if he came, he might not help me get off. I'd be stuck with blue balls.

"Hell with it!" I thought. I can always jack off if he leaves. I want to finish this guy off so he remembers my mouth for days!"

My fingers were pistoning in and out of his butt as his dick half raped my mouth. Half raped, because I really wanted him doing just what his dick was doing!

"Gonna do it! Gonna cum. Take it guy! Take my load! Swallow my sweet seed!"

I felt his meat swell even more as he nutted. He slammed it back into my throat and held it there by forcing my head into his crotch and not letting me move. His dick spasmed in my throat and I felt the blast as he spewed cum straight into my stomach. Two big jerks in my throat, then he pushed my head away, so only the top half of his dick was in my, thrashing around in my mouth, flooding it with his sperm.

I kept sucking on the meat still in my mouth, using suction to keep the cream flowing. He pulled the last inches out and the final two ropes of cum splashed over my face.

He stood there, breathing heavily, panting, really, and released my head. I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around his dickhead and sucked the oozing cum from the slit as I cleaned the sperm off cleaning his dick and under the foreskin.

He ruffled my hair and stepped off the rock. He walked past me.

"Oh, well," I thought. It was worth it even if I have to get myself off."

I wiped the last of the oil from my fingers onto my throbbing dick, when I heard a sound from the cardboard sheet. I turned around, and there was Green cap on his hands and knees, ass pointing towards me, massaging some sort of oil into his butthole.

"I guess we're not finished yet!"

Next: Chapter 3

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