Running in the Park

By Michael

Published on Jan 13, 2007



This story is intended to be read only by adults who are legally allowed to read adult material of a homosexual nature.

Running In The Park

I live about 35 kms out of Sydney in Australia. I don't look gay and I don't act gay. In fact I have have never had a gay experience and I am 17. But I do know that I am interested sexually in guys. It is just that I do not really know how to go about it. Of course at school sports my eyes would always discreetly look at the other guys equipment in the showers and change room. I had wanked off many times thinking about Ken, one of my best mates at school, and fantasized about him sucking my cock. But I was not sure yet if I would like to suck his cock or anybody elses. Touching them seemed very exciting, and maybe that is as far as I would go. It was all like some exciting thing waiting to happen. I know what you are thinking. Why did I not go into Sydney and go to one of the gay bars. Firstly I lived at home and had never told anybody about my sexual thoughts. I wanted to have a sexual experience first to see if that was what I really wanted for my sexual life. Also I had watched the Mardi Gras Parade on TV and all of the people in it seemed very sure of themselves and their sexuality. I just did not feel comfortable enough with my inexperience to go into a bar where everybody was more at ease with their lives. As I said, I am not really gay looking, whatever that is, and am quite athletic. Almost every day I run around the local park for about an hour. This is a quiet park in a small suburb and often I am the only person there. Sometimes there is a mother and her children in the playground, and at other times some older people just sitting on the seats relaxing. One day I was almost finished my running when I noticed another person running on the other side of the park. This was most unusual. But I did not think much of it. I finished my running and went into the toilet for a piss.

Just as I was coming out, the other runner was going into the toilet. He gave me a smile and went on in. I really did not know what to do. I could not turn around and go back into the toilet. That would be too obvious. So I just kept going and went on home. On the way home, I kept thinking -- Did he follow me in there, or did he just go out of a natural need. How can I tell? Why did he smile. Was that just friendship of a fellow athlete, or did it mean something else. He was a really good looking guy, probably around 19 or so, and very fit. Probably stronger than me. He had on some short shorts and his legs looked so good. Sometimes I went to the park at different times, but the next day I went back at the same time. This time I thought I would wait until he went to the toilet, or else go in and stay a bit longer without being too obvious. But he never came back the next day or the day after. I was really having a go at myself for being so shy and discreet. "You should take advantage of an opportunity" I told myself. Then, three days later, he was back there again. I was just so nervous, and could hardly concentrate on my running. Should I go to the toilet, or should I keep running. I slowed down a little, and he caught up to me. "Great day for running" he said as he passed me by, and gave me that great smile again. My heart was beating so fast, I really did not know what to do. After a couple more laps, he went into the toilet. When I reach there I also went in. He was at the urinal pissing. This was a small park and the urinal was very small, probably three people could stand at once. I went and stood at the far end. "You're a good runner" he said to me, "very smooth action". I did not think I could reply but somehow I said "You are pretty good yourself". I had my cock out but could not piss. I must have looked strange. He finished pissing and gave his cock a shake, but he did not move. "Is something going to happen" I thought, "what do I do". I was looking straight at the urinal. I did not dare look at him. "You look to have good muscle tone. This running must be doing you a lot of good" he said. This did not seem like sexual talk to me so I put my cock back into my running shorts and went to leave. I glanced over as I was leaving and his cock was still out. It seemed a lot bigger than the first glance I saw when I came in. "your legs look good from your running" I said as I left the toilet. "Thanks" he replied. God I was so stupid, this was my chance for sex, and I had blown it again. Why had I not just stayed there in the toilet a bit longer. I knew why. It was just too public a place for me. I could have been mistaken and he was just a friendly athlete. Would he try and rape me? All these things went through my mind. I knew I had to calm down so I went back to running. He came out and after a few laps drew up beside me. "Hi I'm Darryl", he said. " Do you run here very often." "I run here every day" I replied." Then after a few seconds, I got myself together and said "I'm Andrew" Darryl said "Pleased to meet you, Andrew. Hope to see you again here and we can do some laps together. It can get boring running by yourself" and he ran off. I must admit that I was half pleased and half disappointed that nothing had happened. Although I was keen for sex, I really did not want some anonymous sex with somebody I did not know. I felt there was a bit of a bond between us and this could grow. That night I kept seeing his slightly enlarged cock in my mind as I was laying on my bed. It made my cock hard immediately. His cock looked uncircumsized, and I really wanted to touch it and feel it. Mine is cut and I have never touched an uncut cock. I have never touched anybody's cock except mine. I was trying to imagine how his cock would look when it was fully erect. I was trying to imagine him kissing me. I was trying to imagine what else we could do. All this time I was wanking myself.This was the best wank ever. I was so hot and my cock was so hard. It just felt great and suddenly I came. The first shot went over my head and landed on the pillow. The second landed on my chin and others on my stomach. I cleaned up and had a really good sleep. One of the tings I liked about running was that I could do it by myself, and I really liked being alone and running. But now I was really looking forward to running with Darryl. The next day I went at the same time and started running. This time, it did not feel as good running by myself, and I kept hoping Darryl would turn up but he did not. Again that night I pulled my cock while I thought of him. Darryl was becoming a major part of my sex life, without me ever having had sex with him. The next day I was back in the park. Darryl came running up beside me. "Hi Andrew, mind if we run together" "That would be great" I replied. We did about ten laps together. Then he said "Follow me" and he ran into the bushes behind the park. I had walked into these bushes before, but I was not really a bush runner. I preferred the flat park surface. Nevertheless I followed him. We ran down a path for about ten minutes then he stopped beside a small clearing. "I have to piss" he said and pulled down his running shorts. Darryl was not wearing any underwear. I stood beside him and pulled my shorts down and then hooked my underwear under my balls. I was feeling relaxed from the run, and a bit more comfortable beside Darryl, and this time the piss came out after a couple of seconds. We stood there side by side holding our cocks. I glanced at his cock. It looked a bit bigger than mine and had light brown pubic hairs. He looked at me and saw my glance. "I always need to piss after a good run" he said. "Me too" I replied. Darryl finished pissing and stayed there holding his cock. Out of the side of my eye I could see it growing. That made mine grow. He looked over and noticed. "All that running can get the blood flowing" He said."Looks like it has the same effect on you" and he looked directly at my cock. I do not know what made me say it but I said "I don't think it is only the running". And then I was sorry I said it, because it seemed a bit forward. "I know what you mean" he said.

He then turned to face me and his cock was at full mast. I looked at his face and he gave me that great smile again. I then looked at his cock. I did not know where to look I decided it was now or never and turned to face him. My cock was standing at attention and was ready for anything. "I think you could do with some help there" he said and took hold of my cock. I was in heaven. This was the first time that anybody other than me had ever really taken hold of my hard cock. I moved closer and touched his. I felt the foreskin. It was different to mine. This would move more and I could move it back and forward over the head. I felt at home. My first gay sex and it was more exciting than I had ever imagined. But I was about to come. "Stop" I said "This is too much I am about to shoot". Don't worry he said and kept wanking me. My legs became all unsteady and I almost collapsed as I shot a monstrous load. It went everywhere. I had taken my hand off his cock when I was about to shoot. And now I put it back there. I enjoyed the feel of it in my hand. Just holding and pulling his cock felt really great. It was incredible. The excitement of it made my cock go hard again. Darryl noticed this and went down on his knees. He kissed my stomach and then went lower. He licked some of the sperm off the head and licked the length of my cock. He then put my balls in his mouth one after the other. The feeling was amazing. This was all my wet dreams come true. Then he went back to the head. He put it in his mouth. I could not believe this was happening. This was sex sex sex. All I knew was that I wanted to do the same to him. I had never really wanted to suck a cock before. He then took my whole cock in his mouth. His lips were right at the base of my cock. This was even better. I asked him to stand up and I slowly kissed down his body from the nipples down to where the tuft of hair started and then down to his cock. At first I just looked at it as I put my hand on it. I had never seen a cock so close. It was so enticing. I licked the pre-cum off and loved the taste. All I wanted to do was put his cock in my mouth, but I followed his movements. I licked the length of the shaft and then licked his balls. I put one in my mouth. He moaned. I know just how you feel I thought. I then went to the other. Then I could not stop any longer I had to go to the main prize. I put the head of his cock in my mouth. It was bigger than I expected, but felt really right. I could tell he was enjoying it also. He put his hand on the back of his head and slowly pushed me further down the shaft. I was happy to do it. There was a bit of a gag part way down and I stopped for a while. I went up and down the first half of his cock. I swirled my tongue in and around his foreskin. I loved the taste of his cock, I loved the feel of it and I loved the foreskin. I knew then that I was gay and would always enjoy sex with men. "Careful" he said. "I am getting close." Now my inexperience came to the fore again. Do I take my mouth off before he comes. Do I take it in my mouth. Do I swallow or spit. I decided that this first time I wanted to watch him shoot. I sucked a couple more times then I felt his cock get even harder and I knew he was about to come. I let it slip out of my mouth and put my hand on his raging cock. I pulled a couple of times and suddenly a spurt came out landing on my forehead. Then another which hit my lips. I licked it off my lips. I kept pulling until he was finished. This was so exciting that I came one more time without even touching my cock. "Thanks" he said. And he gave me a kiss. My first man-man kiss and was another high point of the experience. He then licked his cum off my forehead. After it was over we pulled our running shorts back up and I followed him back to the park. "I will be seeing you Andrew" he said as he ran off. I really hoped so. I wanted to explore more with Darryl. I wanted to be naked in a bed with him. I wanted to experience all that sex could offer. My life had taken a definite turn and would never be the same again.

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