Run Away Boi

Published on Jul 30, 2023


Run Away Boi


D. Clark


K. McLean

Chapter Four

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The sexuality of all characters is entirely a figment of the author's imagination, and does not reflect on any celebrities used in this story. For those of you that are NOT of legal age, please find other material to read. If male/male material offends you, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving at this time. This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By clicking on the below link, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. Neither you nor any family members are an employee of any type of government, law enforcement, or investigative entity. Moreover, you or they are not performing any type of research in preparation for any forms of legal action either directly or indirectly affecting the contents of this site. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site are not responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story.

Previously in chapter three:

"No please..." he moans out, but his voice is barely audible.

Charley's face was up against Corey's ear; and Corey could hear his breathing as it became faster, and smells the scent of his rancid breath... stale booze, as he slowly moves his hips up and down against the teen's ass, giving himself great pleasure as his cock was delightfully dancing inside Corey's ass. With his last ounce of energy, Corey thrusts up to get Charley off him, instead, it was all the man needed, and he howls as his sperm surges through his cock.

"Oooooo fuck kid.... aaaaaaah fuck I'm cumming," and Charley explodes his hot cum deep into Corey's sore ass.

He pounds his ass now as he continues to fill it with all he has to give. Two, three, four and five more blasts and he now dribbles the last of his cum, as the bedroom door flies open...

Now chapter four:

To find a very pissed off Jake standing there... with his fist slapping his hand...

Jake is standing there, staring coldly at Charley; his piercing eyes were looking right through him. It was as if time had stood still, everything was quiet as Jake just stared with a look of such terrifying anger on his face.

"Oh fuck... hey dude this isn't what it looks like, whoa I'm sorry... I...I just thought," says Charlie desperately, as he looks at Jake, who stood over him casting an intimidating presence.

Jake just snaps and launches for the thug, who had just raped his boy. Charley was a tough guy and could fight, but he was no match for the battle hardened Marine. Jake proceeds to violently, punch Charley's face, busting his nose causing blood to gush out everywhere. Charley is now on the floor panting, his face covered with blood and his body badly hurt, he picks him up and throws him around like a rag doll. He groans in agony as Jake kicks him in his abdomen, with his steel toe capped boots.

Corey lies watching helplessly as his captor beats the young thief, into an unrecognizable mess. He starts sobbing into the pillow; he was confused and frightened, as he turns his head and tries to detach himself from the brutal tirade unfolding before him.

Jake is now sweating profusely; sweat was dripping from his forehead and sliding down his face. He has lost all sense of control, and is being powered with sheer testosterone, as he brutally kicks and punches Charlie who is now barely conscious. Jake stops beating the young hood and kneels down to examine his exposed ass, as Charley had not had time to put his clothes on before Jake launched his attack. Jake unzips his own jeans, and took out his fully erect cock. He bends down and in one violent thrust; it lodges into Charley's tight hole. Charley lets out a faint cry as Jake fucked him without mercy.

Corey just lays on the bed silently praying, feeling physically sick with fear and revulsion to what he was witnessing. Jake was close to ejaculating, and he starts to groan loudly. One final push was all that he needs, as he squirts several ropes of thick cum into Charley's ass. He pulls out of Charley's ass, who just lays on the floor, completely bewildered as to what has just happened to him.

Jake stands up, as he pulls up the zipper, on his stone washed Levis. He just looks at the groveling hood, before giving one final kick to Charley's face. The final and most powerful kick sent several of Charley's teeth flying, like mini projectiles across the room. Charley just fell back; his once chiseled good looks are hardly distinguishable on what now remains of his face. Jake looks down at an unconscious Charley, with a momentary look of remorse on his face, Jake drops to his knees and lifts an unconscious Charley's head as if to support it.

Corey looks on, hoping Jake's violent mood has finally passed, but what happens next, causes him to vomit out of disgust and fear, as Jake grabs Charley's head and twists it to an unnatural angle causing it to snap like a twig. The bone pierces through the skin and blood slowly trickles onto the floor. Jake pushes the hood's body to the ground and gets to his feet. He looks over at a cowering Corey, who is still cuffed to the bed and frowns, as he looks at the vomit on the bed. Corey was beyond tears now, as he waits petrified, of what awaits him.

Jake walks over to Corey, who now lowers his head hoping his own death, will be quick and what Jake does, shocks him. Jake leans down and kisses his forehead and whispers, that he will be right back. Jake leaves the room and returns with a rag, soaked in a pungent chemical solution.

"I'm sorry baby," Jake whispers, as he places the rag over Corey's mouth and nose, causing him to pass out.

Jake stands there looking down at his captive, with a tear in his eye. He takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the cuffs. He lifts the unconscious teenager and carries him to his own room placing Corey down on his bed he tucks him in snuggly. Once done, he calmly leaves the room and locks the door, and goes to work on cleaning up the mess he has made.

Jake wraps Charley's body in an old sheet before wrapping it again in plastic. He uses duct tape to secure the package neatly, before carrying it and placing it in the back of his jeep. He returns to the house, where he puts new bedding on the bed and disposes of the bedding, which Corey had vomited on. He then vacuums the room thoroughly, being sure to get all of Charley's teeth that he had knocked out. He now cleans the blood out of the carpet, using an industrial strength carpet cleaner, and the room is as good as new.

Jake showers and changes into outdoor clothes, before he goes to dispose of Charley's body. He drives for almost forty-five minutes, before he stops at the edge of a cliff. He steps out and examines the rugged terrain, and he knows from his training that very few people ever venture out to these parts. Therefore, he goes to the trunk, takes out the body, and casually drags it to the edge, before pushing it over. He watches as it hits the ground below, and reassuring him that the animals will feed on it when spring comes.

Confident with himself that Charley's body shall never be found, he drives back to his ranch, and the boy he loves. As he approaches his ranch, he sees a car on the side of the road, with its hood up. Normally he would ignore it, but because the hood is up, he decides to stop, thinking it to be Charley's. He steps out of the car, and after rifling through the car, he determines it to be Charley's. The keys are still in the ignition, so he tries it, and the car reluctantly starts. He drives it to his ranch, and hides it in his barn, before walking back for his jeep. Back inside the house, he strips of his clothes and walks naked to his bedroom. He listens at the door for signs that his boy is awake, and after feeling sure, he's still asleep, he unlocks the door and finds Corey climbing out the window. Furious with the boy, Jake grabs him by the arm, and pulls him back into the room.

"Let me go you fucking psycho," Corey screams at Jake, and Jake finally looses all patience with the teen.

"I've taken all the disrespect that I am going to take from you boy," and he grabs a thick leather strap on his bureau, and begins to whip the boy.

Using his full strength, he lashes Corey severely, showing the boy no mercy as he strikes his back and legs with the strap. Corey is cowering in a fetal position, with his hands and arms covering his face.

"Stop you fucking animal, I'll never be your boy," he screams out in pain as the tears fall from his eyes. "Kill me and put an end to my suffering," he begs, as Jake continues to strike him.

Great gashes form in his soft flesh, as an out of control Jake lashes him. After twenty or more lashes, he grabs the boy, and pins him against the wall. Now with his fists hungry for flesh, he pounds his naked body to a pulp. Corey is unconscious, when the lasts of the blows strike his face, and he slides to the floor in a heap.

Feeling little or no remorse, Jake throws the boy over his shoulder, as if he were of no weight. Flipping on the basement light, he descends the stairs to the basement, and tosses the limp boy on a pile of old clothes. He fishes a key from several that are sitting on a nearby bench, and when he finds the one that he wants, he unlocks a door. The room is total darkness, soundproof and void of any furnishings, except an old carpet on the floor. In the corner is a sink, and Jake turns the handle to test for water. When rusty colored water comes out, he turns it off and goes for Corey. Grabbing the boy around the waist, Jake literally tosses him on the floor of this room, standing momentarily staring at the boy.

"Why do you keep fighting me kid," Jakes says almost sorrowfully. "Well we will see who wins this one," he says as he closes the thick steel door, locking Corey inside. Jake climbs the stairs, locks the entrance to the basement and then fixes himself a nice steak, as Corey lies alone in a cold, damp room.

Corey begins to regain consciousness, as his eyes open, he feels a sudden rush of pain to his head. He feels his badly swollen face with his hands and his ass and back are stinging from the beating he received only hours before. He slowly sits up as he slowly attempts to gather his bearings. He cannot see a thing; for the room is literally pitch black, devoid of any external light source. Corey wonders to himself...

"Have I died and this is hell or even purgatory," he says aloud, because the room feels almost otherworldly.

It was almost as if, he had crossed over to another realm... something beyond the one he had known before, and he struggles to keep his sanity. His head is killing him and he just lies on the floor crying, wishing he were dead if he wasn't already.

Corey shakily stands and put his hands out in front of him, as he feels the wall and it was cold to the touch and feels like metal. He slowly works his way around the small room, until he detected a door handle. He pathetically attempts to open the door, but it was no use it was locked. He proceeds once again feeling his way around, when he suddenly came across something and he realizes it is a sink. He scrambles trying to feel for the faucet and once he does, he turns it. The faucet pours out cold water; he bends down, drinking quickly, before realizing it was fowl. Corey wretches over and spits out what he can, and then falls to the floor in tears.

Meanwhile, up stairs Jake was relaxing watching the news, he was wearing his loose fitting Adidas sweat pants and a comfortable tee shirt along with a pair of comfortable sports socks. He is spread out across the sofa with a beer in his hand; he had just eaten a lovely dinner and was very content. Content, because his plan to break Corey would succeed, he was thinking. Jake was so calm for a man, who had just brutally killed somebody. However, he is detached from reality, and is living in his own substitute one. He truly thinks he is doing the right thing with Corey, because he and only he knew that his real parents never cared about him. He wants to be a father to him, and he cares for Corey, in his own twisted way. He knew that he has to break the boy, making Corey psychologically dependent on him, and that leaving him in solitary confinement was the perfect method to do so.

"A week in hell's darkness will break you kid, as it tried to break me," he says aloud as he remembers being held prisoner in Iraq.

Corey meanwhile, is now facing a new dilemma he needs to piss. He tries his best to hold it in, but eventually, he gives in and pisses himself, and he sobs as he loses all self-respect.

"This time last month, I was a popular football champion, with the world at my feet, I was rich and had hopes of becoming a great sportsman," he says mournfully to himself. "Now I am cowering in a damp room, covered in my own piss," he says as his once great life was now only a faint memory, and he cries as he drifts off into a restless sleep.

He awakes after a terrible sleep, on the rough floor and he was cold and hungry. He was only wearing a tee shirt and sweatpants and the putrid smell of piss, filled his lungs as he coughed. The dampness was causing a great deal of irritation to his lungs and he got up and started screaming...

"LET ME OUT OF HERE," but it was no use, he was in a soundproof room, as he feels his way over to the sink, and drinks some of the repulsive water.

Two days later, Jake is returning home from his morning jog. He showers and changes before he enjoys a hearty breakfast of eggs, sausage and bacon. After he had eaten, he considers making something for Corey, who he knew would be hungry after two days of no food. However, he decides to let him suffer, as he puts his feet up to watch the news. He is surprised to see live coverage of Corey's memorial service on television, never mind on CNN. The President even sent his condolences to the parents and Jake just laughs to himself, as he watches Corey's mother and father crying their eyes out, as they portrayed overcome parents filled with guilt, that they had caused their child's suicide.

Four days have now passed and Corey is in pain from hunger. His stomach rumbles as his body feeds off itself, and he just groans in agony as he lies, waiting to die. He has pissed himself three times now and had given up on feeling disgusted. He sleeps for a majority of the time and spends the other half sobbing. Corey is a mere shell of his former self and he begins to blame himself for his current situation. Thoughts of 'what ifs' circle his mind as he now regrets ever running away and for not going to the celebration party. He also blames himself for annoying Jake; he feels that if only he was better behaved then his life could be so much easier. Corey feels sorry for Jake, but that is not all he feels for him, part of him enjoys the sex they had and he loves the earth shattering orgasms Jake caused him to have. He even feels sorry for the man, because he appears to have nobody. Corey burst into tears, not for himself, but for Jake. Corey thinks to himself that all Jake wants is for somebody to love him again, and possibly someone for him to love. This makes Corey sad, because he thinks that he is a bad person for causing Jake trouble, and it is at this moment he realizes he needs Jake, as Corey crouches into a ball and cries himself to sleep.

It had been six days since Jake placed Corey in solitary confinement and in those one hundred and forty four hours, he has successfully broken this former teen stud into nothing more than a weak dependent child who needs the love of a father. Corey is lying asleep on the floor, thinking of what lies ahead for him, when he hears the door unlock. He sits up and waits for the door to open, shielding his eyes from the light, which he knew would encroach his dark word. As the door opens, Corey squinted his eyes from the light, and he cries when he hears him approaching him.

Jake stands looking down and the pathetic heap that lay before him. He feels sympathy for the boy as he walks over to him, the smell of stale piss repugnant to him. Jake crouches down and looks straight into Corey's battered eyes. He has a caring but firm look on his face.

"Had enough kid, you ready to submit?" He asks firmly yet with a touch of kindness in his manly voice.

Corey just gazed up at him, now a shadow of him former self, not the strong dependable boy he once was; he was weak and dependent. Corey burst into tears as he pleads with Jake...

"Please... I'll be good I wont fight you anymore... please I'll submit just don't leave me here or hit me again," he grovels looking into Jakes eyes.

Jake just smiled to himself, he was happy that he had beaten this kid, and yet he felt terrible for having to torture him the way he had. Jake picks Corey up and carries the sobbing teen out of the basement, as he brings him to the bathroom. He strips Corey of his soiled garments and places him in the bathtub. He uses the shower hose to get the worst of the grime off, before lovingly soaping him up and rinsing it off. During the shower, Corey drifts off to sleep, so Jake carries the dripping teen to his bedroom. He dries him off before placing a soothing ointment onto the wounds on Corey's face and body. He also puts some band-aids on some of the deepest cuts on his face. With Corey now dried and patched up Jake dresses Corey in some clean clothes before tucking him into bed. He looks at his sleeping boy lying there, and he leans down to kiss the sleeping teen on the forehead, before he closes the light and leaves.

Jake prepares a wonderful dinner of steak and French fries with a side plate of salad for Corey. Once he is finished cooking he carries the food into the room. Corey was still asleep on the king-size bed buried under the thick protective duvet. Jake smiles and places the tray on the bedside table.

"Corey it's time to wake up" he whispers as he sits down on a chair next to the bed. Corey stirs slightly as he slowly came to. He let out a small monotonous groan and looks over at his captor. He automatically backs up slightly; a look of terror fills his face as Jake just smiles to reassure him.

"Don't worry little guy, I'm not gonna hurt you, in fact I'm here to feed you, because you must be staving," says Jake softly as he stands up and arranges the pillows to support Corey's neck and back. Corey lies back as Jake proceeds to feed him. The smell of the food was fantastic, never mind the taste. Jake feeds Corey slowly, and he devours each bite, which is placed in his mouth. Jake starts to talk to Corey about what was going to happen.

"Okay Corey, this is what is gonna happen from now on, are you listening?" Jake asks as he feeds Corey some salad and Corey nods his head compliantly.

"Firstly, I would like to apologize for my 'erratic' behavior," he says beginning.

"This was caused because I neglected to take my medications, but I'd like to assure you that I am now taking it again and I will not relapse," he says as he pierced the steak with the fork and places it in Corey's mouth.

"Secondly, we established earlier that I can't ever let you leave here, but don't worry because if you obey and respect me then I will look after you," he says looking at Corey who nods.

"Good boy, I hope that I can look after you and treat you like my son, I know your folks never really had time for you but I will. I'm here for you kid, all you need to do is let go and accept this is your life from now on," and Corey just looks up and nods his head in agreement.

"Please sir may I say something?" asks Corey as he gazes into Jake's beautiful eyes and Jake just smiles and replies.

"Sure you can son, you don't need to ask permission, but I would prefer if you call me dad or daddy, as I abhor too much formality."

"I accept that I can't leave, but I hope you understand I'm not your son?" Corey says who was expecting another beating.

"I know my son is dead Corey, but I want to look after you, because you need to be loved and cared for. When I read your note that night I realized that you have never really experienced a father's love," replies Jake, as he looks at Corey who has tears in his eyes.

"All you need is, to be looked after and cared for Corey, and I know that you will comply. It's gonna be hard for both of us but I know you need me," Jake adds as he places the empty plates on the tray.

Corey burst into tears and agrees, as Jake smiles knowing he has won. He hugs his beaten boy and whispers reassuring words, as Corey rests his head against Jake's chest. Corey calms down as he breathes in Jakes manly scent; he inhales as his cock grows.

"Wow it looks as if somebody is horny," Jake laughs when he notices Corey's erect penis tenting in his grey Nike sweat pants. Corey gazes up at Jake who is looking back at him warmly.

"Why am I turned on by this?" asks Corey as he leaks some pre- cum.

"You are gay son, and please remember to call me dad," he reminds him.

"I'm not gay dude... sorry dad," replies Corey as he realizes his mistake and rests his head back on Jake's chest.

"You must be bisexual like me then son. Stop denying it; you do enjoy it when I fuck you its obvious by your orgasms. Just let yourself go kid and enjoy it," says Jake, as he brushes his fingers through Corey's soft hair.

"Okay dad may I jack off?" asks Corey looking up at Jake who just grins back at him.

"No kid you can't jack off, I'm gonna give my little guy a blowjob," Jake replies, as he moves down to Corey's crotch, and pulls down his sweatpants. Corey moans with pleasure, as Jake took his fully erect cock in his mouth. He sucks his cock like a pro and works the head with his tongue. Corey whimpers in sheer pleasure, as this hot marine lovingly gives him the best blowjob he has ever experienced.

"Oh fuck... uh uh uh oh fuck... I'm close daddy... oh God, uh yeah oh fuck!" Corey pants as he shoots several loads of thick white cock milk down Jakes throat.

"That was intense," he groans as he falls back against the mattress.

Jake just grins, because he now has the kid loving every second of being blown, and his own ten-inch cock now stands fully erect in his pants.

"Do you like calling me daddy?" Jake asks looking at Corey lovingly and Corey just smiles and replies.

"It's a little strange but I guess I'll get used to it, so what now... dad?"

"I wanna fuck you son," Jake says without hesitation.

"Ok dad but please be gentle with me" Corey replied as he turns over and presents his ass to Jake.

"I will son don't worry, I want this to be special for us both," Jake says, as he takes some lubricant from the top drawer of the bedside cabinet. He lubes Corey's pink hole and slowly works it with two of his fingers, causing Corey to moan gently.

Jake lubes his cock and slowly slips it into Corey's teen pucker. Corey just groans with utter pleasure, as the tip of Jakes cock taps his prostate, and both Corey and Jake are in ecstasy. Jake proceeds to fuck Corey, who just surrendered his hole to his new father. Jake was seriously horny, and begins to shout obscenities at the top of his lungs, which makes them both hornier. Things like:

"Yeah you're daddy's little boy pussy; you want this meat shoved in your tight little ass."

And this:

"Oh fuck I own your ass son, its mine, I'm gonna mark you with my hot seed kid."

Jake was close, so he grunts in Corey's ear, that he was gonna shoot up his ass. Corey just groans in pleasure as Jake begins to loose control.

"Oh baby... oh shit... oh yeah I'm coming boy... oh yeah uh uh uh fuck yeah." Jake cries out in pleasure, as he dumps his massive load up Corey's ass, and Corey sighs as he feels his new father's seed shoot inside his boy pussy.

Both Jake and Corey lay in a haze of sexual pleasure, recovering from one of the most erotic experiences in both their lives. Corey now realizes that this is where he belongs... with this man who showed him that he needs cock. Jake was satisfied with himself, that he had finally broken Corey. Corey is now a submissive kid that is desperate to please his daddy. Jake loves Corey, not only as his new son, but also as a lover in his own right.

Corey no longer fears Jake, but feels an odd mixture of love and desire, to make his new father happy. He knew that he was leaving behind a great life of privilege, but when he was with Jake he felt complete, he was loved and he had somebody to love. Jake sits up and turns to Corey, who is looking at him smiling. Jake strokes his badly beaten face and begins to sob, as Corey pulls himself up and puts his arm around Jake.

"I'm so sorry son for causing you all that pain and suffering; I was not in my right mind at the time. But I'm taking my medication again and I swear never to frighten you like that again."

"Its okay dad, I know what you did was wrong, but I guess I needed to learn that you are in charge," Corey replies as he kisses Jake on his left cheek and smiles.

"I think we should have a shower together Dad," suggests Corey as he gets off the bed and heads towards the bathroom, then pauses, as he extends his hand towards Jake.

"Yeah I'd like that son" Jake smiles as he follows his boy into the bathroom. Jake and Corey take a long hot shower to wash the day off them. They hug and kiss passionately, as the hot water trickles down their bodies, and they are consumed with passion...

After their shower, Jake and Corey settle down to watch television in the living room. Both clad only in bathrobes, as they watch evening news and the fire laps gently as it warms them in its glow. Corey is so happy and content, and he falls asleep, in Jakes strong protective arms. Corey now snoozes happily, as his daddy gazes down at his son, and Jake presses the mute button, to ensure his boy sleeps undisturbed.

"I always win kid," he whispers as he kisses Corey's forehead and gently stroking his hair. However this new found happiness is at risk of fading away, when Jake looks up at the television screen, and his mouth literally drops with shock as he reads the breaking news banner at the reads...

BREAKING NEWS: Tragedy strikes the McLean banking family yet again.

Jake is shocked, so he quickly presses the subtitle button on the remote control. He is bewildered by what he was reading. Jake learns that James and Barbara Mclean, Corey's parents, are missing and presumed dead, after their private plane crashed while en route to Guam in the South Pacific. It was revealed that they were going to visit family, to mourn in private for their son. The flight disappeared from radar screens eleven hours into the flight, and weather conditions were reported to be terrible in the area at the time.

Jake turns off the television in shock; he did not know if he should wake Corey and tell him, or if he should keep it from him altogether. He feared if he told him, then he would lose all power over the teen. Jake opts not to tell him, and is determined to never, let him find out, because it could jeopardize everything he has done to take control. Jake suddenly realizes that he is holding in his arms, the sole heir to a multi million-dollar fortune. However, money did not interest Jake, he knew it corrupted people and he is determined to never, let his boy become one of them.

Jake carries Corey to their bedroom, and lovingly places him on his bed; he pulls the duvet over his boy, and tucks him in, kissing him goodnight. Jake returns to the living room and pulls out his laptop, and once online, he does a little research on the prestigious McLean family. He discovers that the family originally made its fortune in the slave trade, and that one of Corey's ancestors was romantically linked with Jefferson Davis, the first and only President of the Confederate States of America. Once the Civil war was lost, the family reinvented itself, making a fortune in the gold rushes of the west, and bought shares in oil companies. Corey's great grandmother married the brother of William Howard Taft. Jake was amazed at how rich this kid's family history was. Corey's parents made their own millions from banking and investments.

He had found somebody to love and someone who is dependent on him, and he could never allow Corey to leave him. Jake logs off his laptop, climbs into bed next to his boy, and hugs him tightly as he drifts off to sleep.

Jake awakes the next morning, to the sound of rain tapping against his window. There is a storm outside and he is shocked to find Corey was not next to him. He shoots out of bed like a bullet, grabbing his robe from the hook on the door, and runs out of his room looking for his boy. He mind is racing as he looks for the boy, he is hoping Corey had not heard the news or worse yet escaped.

He is relieved to find Corey in the kitchen making breakfast; he is dressed in Levi jeans, one of Jakes wife beater shirts, and is just dishing up the food, when he notices Jake standing there.

"Oh hey dad, I was just gonna bring you breakfast," he says looking at a startled Jake. "Are you okay Dad?" he asks, now worried that he had done something wrong to piss off Jake.

"Have you watched the television Corey?" Jake asks coldly, praying Corey would say no.

"I turned it on dad, but I couldn't get any reception, it must be the storm outside that is interfering with it," Corey replies innocently as he looks at his keeper.

"That's okay son, I just don't want you watching too much television, it's not good for a kid like you," Jake tells him as he sighs a breath of relief and smiles at his boy.

"You didn't have to make breakfast son, it's my job to look after you, not the other way around" Jake says looking at the delightful looking spread Corey has put on of pancakes, bacon and hash browns, and he had even made coffee.

"I wanted to make you happy dad; you've shown me that I belong here as your boy, and I wanted to thank you for that," replies Corey as he passes a cup of coffee to Jake.

"Oh son, come and give your dad a hug," Jake says as he holds out his arms, and the troubled teen meets him in a warm embrace.

The loves Jake is feeling for this boy goes beyond words, and he knows he could never bring himself to tell Corey about what happened to his parents. Once they had devoured their breakfast, they sat on the sofa and just kissed passionately. Jake gives Corey his morning blowjob, sending the teen into a realm of sheer bliss, as he works his cock to perfection. Corey shoots his teen load deep into his daddy's mouth and Jake swallows lovingly, his boy's ball milk. After Jake's finished, Corey doesn't even need to be told, he pulls his jeans off and assumes the position. Jake lubes his boy's hole with some spit and slides his cock in. He fucks him gently for twenty-five minutes, and he is getting close to ejaculating, when he stops fucking Corey.

"Why did you stop Dad," Corey asks confused, because he loves having his keeper's seed up his boy pussy.

"I want you to eat my cum boy," Jake replies as he pushes Corey against the sofa in a playful authoritarian manner. He looks down a Corey and smiles, as Corey smiles back and says.

"Okay dad, I'll swallow your jizz," and he pauses before adding, "I'll do anything to make you happy pops," Jake just loved having this teenage stud as his surrogate son and lover.

Jake shoves his cock in Corey's mouth causing him to gag at first, but once he has control of his breathing, he is sucking like a pro. Jake's knees are trembling as Corey works his cock with such devotion.

"Oh yeah kid work my cock; taste your boy pussy on my cock boy... that's it...oh my God yeah... work the head with that tongue. Mmmmm... oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck... daddy's cumming," Jake yells as he fires load after load of his sweet nectar down Corey's throat, and never before has someone given him or his cock such pleasure, as Corey does now, sucking the juice from his balls.

"Oh God kid you can suck my cock anytime," he says as he surrenders the last of his cum to his boy.

Corey and Jakes lay there panting for breath, as Jake pulls his son to his mouth, and they kiss hard and rough, as their sweet afterglow overtakes them.

"You gonna be a good boy and drink all of Daddy's milk, it's good for you son," Jake asks as he scoops up some of his cum that leaked onto Corey's cheek and feeds him it.

Corey just smiles and sucks his Dad's cock milk from his finger, and swallows it, as he mentally vows to love the taste of cum, and bring Jake pleasure by being his good little cocksucker...for now, and then kisses his daddy. Corey enjoys having gay sex but there is still a tiny part of him, which craves freedom and his old life. He knows Jake is stronger than he is, and could cause him great suffering, but he has grown to like and even love his tormentor.

"Why are you wearing my clothes anyway?" Jake asks as he looks at Corey in a warm but almost confused manner.

"Oh um... I didn't wanna go into that room and get my stuff since... well you know what happened," replies a nervous Corey selecting his words carefully.

"You know I did what I did to protect you son, he was hurting you and I had to look out for my boy," Jake says as he hugs Corey warmly.

Corey is confused, because Jake did the exact same thing as Charley did, so how was he protecting him he wonders. Jake had lied, he was not being overly protective he was merely being possessive. Corey remained silent and just lost himself in Jake's loving embrace. Several days had passed since Corey was broken and Jake wants to keep his boy in shape, so he takes Corey on a jog through the majestic Colorado countryside. The two speak of the things they have in common, they both love the same sports and teams, and they even had the same favorite players. They return to the ranch both exhausted from their rigorous jog, and fall asleep in each other's arms, as the snow begins to fall outside.

Several hours later, Corey awakes; he pulls back the thick duvet from himself. He quietly leaves the bedroom, and goes into the living room, to start a fire to warm the place up. Corey is unsure why Jake has forbidden him to watch television, but he has not watched it in three days, and decides that Jake would not be angry if he watched a little, as he had been a good boy. He was surfing through the channels, looking for something to watch, when his world suddenly came crashing down yet again, for the second time in the space of a month. He has turned to CNN, and is struck by what the headline says, along the bottom of the screen...

Breaking news: McLean plane found in the Sunda Trench off the coast of the Johnson Islands, it read.

He sits sobbing for his parents as the news report continues with all the details of the crash, and how finding any survivors, five days after the initial crash would be impossible. He is overcome with anger and despair, as he became aware of why Jake had forbidden him to watch television. The feelings of love he had for him were now overshadowed by feelings of utter animosity.

Corey is relapsing from the Stockholm syndrome, which had caused him to accept his life up to this point. He grabs some clothes and dresses quickly, ensuring he is dressed warmly, as it was extremely cold outside. It was now or never, he thought, he had to escape, and he looks frantically for Jakes car keys, but to no avail.

Given over to the fact that he had to walk, he slowly trudges through the thick snow. The cold stabs through his clothes at his skin, like a thousand knives. Corey is distressed and grieving for his parents, as a new revelation enters his mind, he realizes that he now has nobody. Although, he may have been wealthy, what good is money when you are alone and miserable. His parents loved him in their own way he says in his mind, but he remembers how they never had time for him. Therefore, he comes to the realization that in a way they had been dead to him for years. It was now dark and cold, and Corey was scared and alone, as he falls to the ground and cries as the blizzard worsens.

He needs Jake, he was not completely sure why he did, but he did. He needs love, and he needs his dad as he realizes that Jake has kept it from him to protect him. The feeling of hatred has subsided and he once again becomes the weak boy who needs the love and care of his daddy. The tortured teen gets up and heads back for home, determined to make it work with Jake.

Meanwhile, at the ranch, a groggy Jake awakes to find Corey is not by his side. He thinks to himself that he must be making dinner, and then he hears the faint sound of the television, coming from the next room. His heart misses a beat as he scrambles for his robe, and runs into the living room, only to find it empty. He searches the entire house quickly, and he can find no trace of Corey. He panics and realizes that he must be outside and he worries now for his son. The blizzard has worsened, and he knows that Corey could not survive much longer out there, as he hurries to dress.

He throws on some jeans, a sweatshirt and jacket, and is just about to leave to look for Corey, when he hears a knock at the door and his greatest fear attacks him. He is terrified as he expects it to be the police coming to arrest him. He opens the door cautiously and a scared Corey is standing there on the other side. Corey is in tears as he falls to his knees from the cold and fatigue and Jake lifts him up and carries him over to the fire. He removes Corey's wet clothes and warms him, holding him tightly to him, because Corey is shivering, as Jakes rubs his pale skin to bring back the warmth.

"I'm so... so... sorry for running away daddy," Corey cries fearing he is going to experience the full brunt of Jakes wrath.

"Don't say sorry baby, daddy's not mad at you," he says kissing the top of his head "daddy is just glad you're home safe," Jake replies warmly as he wraps Corey in a blanket.

"You're not going to beat me and put me in that room again," he asks.

"No son, daddy loves you and I am sorry for all those things that I did to you," Jakes holding the boy close to him, and his own tears of shame were falling.

Corey slips off to sleep in his dads arms, feeling safe and secure. He knew this is where he belongs now, and understood Jake was trying to protect him from the news of his parent's deaths. Jake is overjoyed that Corey had come back to him, of his own accord, and he was ecstatic that his boy was warm and safe as they sleep by the fire that night, basking in its warm protective glow.

As dawn broke the next morning, the snow was still falling but less heavy. Jake is still cradling his boy in his strong arms, the fire now smoldering embers. Jake awakes and carries a still weak Corey to their bed. He then makes Corey breakfast and carries it into him, and he wakes him up by gently by whispering to him...

"Time to wake up sleepy head," he whispers and kisses his cheek.

He looks warmly at his baby boy as he slowly wakes up. Corey's hair is messy and had that adorable just out of bed look, as he smiles back at his dad, as he sits himself up for breakfast. Jake lovingly feeds his son, as Corey sits back and enjoys the love and attention that he is receiving. He feels at home and knows he belongs here with Jake.

After breakfast, Corey tries to apologize and explain himself to Jake, but Jake doesn't care, because he has his son home and that's all that matters to him. They sit in a tender embrace, as Corey grows curious, and wants to explore his daddy's body. He lowers his face and starts to suck on Jakes nipples, gently nibbling on them, and this sends Jake into a sexual frenzy, as his cock immediately tents his boxers.

Corey moves down and takes his dad's cock in his mouth, Jake groans in pleasure, as Corey swallows his cock down to his balls. He grunts in an animalistic manner, as Corey works his cock like a pro. Corey bobs his head up and down causing pleasurable sensations to course through Jake's body, as his tongue licks droplets of pre-cum off his dad's swollen cock head. Corey fondles his balls using his hands, as he works his dad's dick with his mouth. Jake is close, as his breathing accelerates, and his heart races in his chest. Corey loves making his daddy feel good and it gives him pleasure as he services his father.

"Oh shit baby I'm cumming oh... yeah... oh yeah," he moans loudly as he fires volleys of his cum down Corey's throat. Corey swallows the sweet nectar, without hesitation, until he has gotten all there is, and then pulls himself up, to passionately, kiss his dad.

"Fuck me son," Jake sighs in between breaths and Corey looks at him in shock.

"You really want me to Dad?" he asks as he kisses Jake again.

Jake assumes the position pointing his perfectly symmetrical ass in the air, offering it to his boy.

"No dad, lie on your back, I want to look into your eyes, and see the love you have for me, in them," he says as Jake turns over unto his back.

Jake lifts his legs high, as Corey lowers his face down and starts to lick around Jakes hole. He loves the musky taste of his dad's asshole, as he slowly teases his rosebud with his tongue, and sends more waves of pleasure through Jakes hardened body. Each time Corey's tongue circles Jakes hole he moans loudly. As he licks and sucks his way back up to his dad's mouth, Corey slowly slides his cock into his daddy's pucker, and he proceeds to fuck his keeper's ass slowly. Corey is in heaven as he experiences surges of pleasure as he screws Jakes ass, and quickens his rhythm. Jake pushes up to meet his boys cock, groaning from the pleasure of his prostate being stimulated.

Corey can't last much longer, as he feels his semen rising up from his balls, and Jake feels his boy's cock swelling deep inside him as Corey reaches his peak.

"Damn I'm cumming daddy," he screams as he shoots his teen cream into his daddy's well-fucked ass. He pounds Jakes ass with the stamina of a stallion as he shoots the last of his cum, and collapses on top of him, giggling in pleasure as he surrenders the last of his cum.

"I love you dad," is all he can say panting heavily as he looks into Jakes deep blue eyes.

"I love you too son," He replies as their mouths meet in sexual bliss in a sensual French kiss with his boy.


Jake and Corey continue to live happily together as their love continues to grow for each other. Corey has forgotten about his previous life and settles into his new life of love and passion. In time, Jake starts to raise cattle again and his business is lucrative once again. He and Corey work as partners to ensure the J & C Ranch is prosperous, and they live a financially comfortable life. Although because of his faked death, Corey could not inherit his parent's fortune, the money went to a very good charity. Therefore, he was happy, and along with Jake's dedication to taking his medication, their life together was blissful. They got on as both father and son great but as lovers, they were fabulous.

Corey had found somebody who loved him and Jake had found somebody to love.

The End...?

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Thanks David and Kevin

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