Run Away Boi

Published on Jul 28, 2023


Run Away Boi By D. Clark And K. McLean Chapter Three

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The sexuality of all characters is entirely a figment of the author's imagination, and does not reflect on any celebrities used in this story. For those of you that are NOT of legal age, please find other material to read. If male/male material offends you, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving at this time. This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By clicking on the below link, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. Neither you nor any family members are an employee of any type of government, law enforcement, or investigative entity. Moreover, you or they are not performing any type of research in preparation for any forms of legal action either directly or indirectly affecting the contents of this site. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story.

Previously in chapter two:

Corey takes in his surroundings; he is in a large room in a comfortable king-sized bed. The room is untidy with clothes scattered across the floor. He looks to the bedside table on his left and notices an envelope with the word `dad' on it. He reaches for it and opens it. He only needs a moment to read the first line of the letter to have him realizing, that what he had read was Kevin's suicide note to his dad. Corey is overcome by panic as he looks up and sees Jake standing there looking down at him, clutching a can of Coca Cola, and the anger on his face terrifies Corey.

"Oh God... please don't hurt me," he begs starring at the man, with Kevin's letter in his hand.

Now chapter three:

"I see that you found my son's letter," Jake says and snatches it from his hand, as he raises his hand in anger at the boy. "You had no right to go snooping through my things," as anger grows.

"Just don't hurt me again please," Corey says as he cowers against the headboard as the dread of being beaten overtakes him.

"I should beat you for snooping, but I won't this time," he says.

"Jake please, this alone proves I'm not him," he says as he tries to reason with Jake.

"I know kid, but I miss my boy so," he says as his tears fill his eyes, and Corey now sees another side of him.

"What happened Jake, was it because of his mother's death," he asks as he lets his guard down, and Jake strikes the boy hard across the face, as he realizes what he must do now.

He leaves the room momentarily, and returns with the morning paper, throwing it at the boy. Corey picks up the paper and reads the headlines, as his heart sinks. He reads the article and turns to page six, and his picture is there.

"If the note doesn't prove that I'm not your son, then this alone should prove who I am," he says angrily and throws the page with his picture at Jake.

"I know who you are kid, but the question is... what am I going to do about it," he asks as he looks at Corey, who is once again cowering against the headboard.

"Jake please don't do this, my dad will pay whatever amount you want," Corey says pleading for his life back.

"What the fuck makes you think I did this for the money, it was you that I wanted and not your fucking money," he says, as he reaches across the bed, and pulls Corey to him.

"Don't kill me please," he begs crying, as Jake holds him to his face.

"I'm not going to kill you kid, you are going to commit suicide," Jake says shoving Corey back down on the bed.

He walks over to his desk and takes out a sheet of paper, and he places it on the desk with a pen.

"Get your ass over here kid," he snaps at him, but Corey crawls backwards towards the headboard cowering.

"I told you to get your ass over here kid, now you're making me have to show you again who is boss here," as he removes his belt and beats him with it.

"Stop...please...I'll do it, but just stop hitting me again," Corey says through his tears. "I just can't take it anymore," and he looses all control, and cries uncontrollably into his hands. "I'll do and be whatever, whoever you want me to do and be, just stop beating me please," he whines as he looks up at his tormentor.

"Sit and write me a suicide note that will even have... no wait... here, copy my Kevin's note," he says as he rethinks his plan. "Just write that you are sick and tired of not being wanted by your parents and that you have decided to end your life so that they can live without you," he says smiling.

Corey sits there in tears, as he contemplates the suicide note, as his tears fall on it, as he fears it will lead to his death. As he thinks of what to say, he wonders how his parent's will take this, and he figures that, like all else concerning him, they will take it with a grain of salt, and just move on with their lives. He also thinks of Jake's Kevin, and he wonders... if he had been treated like him, and what drove him to do this to himself.

"Jake... please tell me this first, why did Kevin kill himself," and Jake looks at the boy and sneers.

"What the fuck do you care, you're just some snot nose spoiled brat who cares for nothing but himself," and he raises his hand to strike Corey.

"No please wait, I know that we have fought, and that you have won each time, but I need to know if for myself," he says. "I need to know what could drive a boy my age to feel he had no reason to live," he asks hoping to avoid another hit.

Jake looks at the boy and suddenly a damn bursts, and he sits down on the bed and cries. Corey sits there looking at his tormentor, and he feels something stirring within him for the man.

"Jake I didn't mean to hurt you with that question, it..." and Jake waves his hands for him to stop talking.

"You're right Corey, and you should know the reason why," and he got up and left the room. He returns shortly with Kevin's diary in his hand, he opens it to the page he wants, and sits it before Corey to read.

September 29, 2006:

Since my mother's accidental death, my dad has closed me out of his life. I know she died because of what she caught us doing, and to her it was sick and wrong. I cannot live with the knowledge that I helped kill my mother, and more importantly, without my dad's love in my life. I know he feels bad that she's gone, and the last memory she took with her was of us making love. I've tried to tell him that he and she were through for years, ever since he caught her cheating on him. It's funny how guilt can destroy a man that is so masculine and strong, and reduce him to a useless piece of flesh. I am giving it one more try to get dad back into my life again. Kevin.

"I'm done Jake," Corey says looking over at him.

"Turn to October second," he says quietly, and Kevin turns a few pages until he sees the specified date.

October 2, 2006:

I have made up my mind to end it all today, because my dad no longer wants my love. I have tried everything that I can think of to reach out to him, but he refuses to look at me...

I will not live in a world without my dad or his love, so if you read this someday daddy, just remember I love you. Kevin.

Corey looks up from the diary and looks at Jake, who is crying uncontrollably now from guilt. He gets up from the table and kneels before the man, and he rests his hands on Jake's knees.

"I'm so sorry about your son mister," he says as he realizes that he feels a great deal of sympathy for the man before him.

Corey realizes that if he is to live, then he must go along with this until he can find some way out of the dreadful situation. Therefore, he tries to reason with Jake however, Jake is not in his right mind.

"I don't need your fucking sympathy kid, got it, you're now mine and don't even think you can work your way around me. I'm in charge here; now you better write that Goddamn note before I beat the shit out of you," shouted Jake as he grabs Corey by the neck and forcefully kisses him.

They kiss and their tongues meet, this made Corey's stomach turn but resistance was futile. Jake grabs Corey and forces him to sit down at the desk, and he writes the note to his parents. He is told to make it convincing. Jake tells him to say his goodbyes, which sends a shiver down the kid's spine. Corey motivated by fear writes his fake suicide note with tears streaming down his face.

Dear Mom and Dad, I have been on the run for a week now, and I have concluded that my life is no longer worth living. All I ever wanted was some love and attention from you, yet all I was to you was a mere tax exemption. You were never there for me; you never cared for me, as you always left it up to Martin or Delores to care for me. To be honest with you, they were more like parents to me than you were.

I would now like to thank them for all that they had done for me, and Martin you were not just a servant to me you were a friend. Delores thank you for everything and I shall miss your cooking. Tell Beth that I will forever love her and that I'm sorry for leaving her like this. Please tell all my friends that I'm sorry for leaving them behind also. Brian I forgive you man and you know what I mean bro.

Therefore, mom and dad, I hope God will judge me fairly, when I stand before him, and perhaps someday we may be reunited. I feel there is nothing left to live for and consequently I have decided to end my life. Therefore, I do love you mom and dad, and please don't completely forget me.

Love Corey.

Once Corey finished his note, he too was to emotional to speak, because he knew that he was committing suicide mentally with his note, so he handed it to Jake without saying a word. Corey who was emotionally drained just began to weep silently.

"Good boy" Jake muses to himself as he reads the note. "Damn boy you are good, now its time to make it look like you have really killed yourself."

These words were like a dagger through Corey's heart, as he realizes that he is now completely at this man's mercy. Jake sits on the bed and thinks to himself for several minutes before proclaiming his eureka moment.

"Right... this is how it'll go kid," as he gloated over his own brilliance. "I'm gonna leave your rucksack, with the note inside down, by the bridge about ten miles from here. I will also throw your wallet into the river, so if found by divers, it will be further proof that you are dead," Jake laughs aloud, as Corey sobs uncontrollably.

"Don't be such a pussy, stop crying and act like a fucking man," Jake shouts as he slaps Corey across the face. Corey then foolishly retaliates by lashing out, but Jake punches him full force in the face, knocking his captive unconscious.

Jake picks up an unconscious Corey and carries him to Kevin's bedroom. He gently places Corey down on the bed and leaves the room to fetch his handcuffs. Once he returns, he takes Corey's right wrist and puts one handcuff on him before attaching the other end to the metal headboard. He then lovingly tucks the boy in and leaves the room, locking the bedroom door upon leaving.

Jake drives past the bridge and stops the car in a rest area as he contemplates his next move. Once he is confident that he is the only person around, he places the rucksack on the pavement and throws the wallet and one of Corey's shoes into the ice-laden river below.

Upon arriving home, Jake removes his outdoor clothes and slips into his comfortable house clothes consisting of a white wife beater, grey sweat pants and white socks. Once changed he checks on Corey who is still sleeping soundly. Jake walks over to the bed and runs his fingers over Corey's hair. He looks down at the kid's badly beaten face and sighs, before climbing into bed next to him.

Corey awakens to the sound of heavy rain clattering against his window, the room is light but he still strains his eyes to see, and notices the time is just after six in the morning. He feels lightheaded and tries to move but the handcuffs restrict his movement. He desperately moves and struggles but to no avail, and he turns his head around to see Jake laying next to him, looking at him. His piercing eyes looking right through him.

"You're awake then," scoffs Jake as he looks menacingly at the terrified teenager. "I'll go and get us some breakfast," he sighs getting up and walks towards the door. "Oh, and Corey... don't be going anywhere," Jake laughs as he leaves the room.

"Asshole," Corey whimpers as he rests his head down on the pillow.

Around twenty minutes later, Jake returns with some bacon, eggs and a glass of orange juice, and the very smell of the food causes Corey to salivate.

"Now here is what's going to happen kid, I'm gonna feed you, and that's if and only if, you promise to behave. Got it?" Asks Jake as he rests the tray on the bedside table.

"Yes Jake," replied Corey, as he struggles to sit himself up, Jake slaps him across the face.

"What the fuck was that for?" screams Corey as Jake smacks him yet again.

"Listen you little brat, you will address me only as dad or daddy from now on, and you will treat me with respect. Got it?" snaps Jake as he forces his face into Corey's face.

"Eh... ye... yes dad... daddy," replies Corey overcome with fear.

"Good boy, now let daddy feed you," smiles Jake as he kisses Corey's forehead and reaches for the tray. Jake lovingly feeds breakfast to Corey as if he were a child. Kevin eats as fast as he can, because he was famished. Once Jake finishes feeding Corey, and he strokes his face as tells him that he was a good boy.

Jake then sits on the bed next to him, and tells him that he was to accept he was beaten. Corey cries while Jake gets up, and leaves the room, as Corey cries himself back to sleep.

Several days have gone by, with Corey still cuffed to the bed, and he is allowed to leave the room to use the bathroom, or to shower. Jake decides that since Corey has been behaving, he should have a television in his room, to help him pass the time. Jake rolls in the old television from his room, and places it in the corner before turning it on. Corey is merely playing the game, because he knows he has to, until a chance of escape emerges.

It had now been a week and there was no mention of the bag or Corey on the news. Jake worries if he had left it in the right area, because of fear of being seen; he simply tossed the bag against the bridge. Then on the seventh night after he had left the bag, while watching television with Corey in the bedroom, it finally happened.

"We interrupt the current program to bring you some breaking news," the female newscaster says.

"A blue and gold football duffle bag was found today by a man walking his dog along the Buxton Bridge. The bag is believed to have belonged to Corey McLean, son of Philanthropist James McLean and his wife Barbara. He has been the subject of a lengthy manhunt ever since he disappeared almost two weeks ago," she says and she pauses as she holds up her hand, listening to the earpiece she is wearing.

"It has been confirmed, the bag did belong to young Corey McLean," she says. "According to sources at the police station, a suicide note was found inside the bag," she says giving her best- shocked look.

"Divers spent the day searching the rain and snow swollen Colorado River, and when the currents became to difficult to navigate for the divers, the search was called off," she says softly as she shakes her head. "Our sources tell us that his parents are flying home this evening from St. Thomas," she adds before Jake switches off the television.

He looks over at Corey, who is sobbing uncontrollably while speaking...

"Only now are they coming home from their vacation," he blurts out and Jake places his arm around Corey. "It took them two weeks to get their fucking asses back home," he says bitterly, and cries uncontrollably.

"They never deserved you son," he says as he kisses the top of his head.

"I've been gone all this time, and not once until now, have they bothered to come home," and his heart breaks as he realizes how little he means to them.

"I love you son, and I'll never put you last in my life," as he cuddles Corey who sobs into his chest.

For once, this act of affection is not involuntary for Corey, because he really did need a hug, and Jake was the only person available to him. Corey buries his face into Jakes chest, the warmth made him feel secure. Corey realizes he loves the smell of his tormentor, a mixture of faint sweat and body wash and he loses himself in the moment. Jake just sat there with his arms wrapped around Corey, as he whispers reassuring sounds, telling him everything was going to be okay, and Corey just sobs as Jake lowers himself down to kiss his head.

Corey finally looks up into the face of the man he was so dependent on, his eyes were red from his tears, and his bruises were still there, but less prominent. Jake is looking back at him warmly, his stubble now prickly, because he had not shaved in two days. Jake was now horny, he had tented in his sweat pants and had not shot a load for three days.

Corey has finished sobbing and he tries to sit up, but once again, the handcuffs are restricting him. It was at this moment Jake wanted to extend this loving embrace into something more, so he leans down and whispers to Corey...

"Do you want daddy to fuck you and fill you with his warm seed," Jake asks, these words send a shiver down Corey's spine, and he whimpers like an injured dog.

"Please don't do this to me, I'm not gay Jake," Corey says as he realizes his mistake, of calling the man by his first name, a man which he abhorred. He looks up and sees the look of sheer anger on the man's face. Corey is about to apologize, however before he could utter a syllable, Jake's hand crashes down, smacking him full force in the face.

"I don't care if you're not gay, you stuck up little rich kid," Jake tells him. "You just don't get it do you when I say we are going to fuck, then we are gonna fuck. Don't ever call me Jake again kid; I'm your daddy now. You are now mine just accept it and learn to deal with it. Nobody is coming to save you now kid, the whole world thinks you are dead," says Jake, with such venom in his voice.

"Please... don't do this... PLEASE!" Corey cries as Jake smacks his face yet again, and this silences the youngster who just sobs violently into the pillow.

"Shut the fuck up" he hisses as he pulls down Corey's Nike sweat pants. Corey cries as his boxers are ripped off and thrown into a corner. Jake then removes his wife beater shirt, sweat pants, boxers and socks, and stands there naked before the teen. Jake, before fucking the teen, spits on his finger to lube up Corey's tight hole. Jake works the kid's hole, by ramming two fingers in, as he loosens him up for his ten-inch cock.

Corey just screams into the pillow, as Jake removes his fingers, and without mercy, plunges his fully erect dick into his ass in one go. He thrashes about the bed, trying in vain to pull at the cuffs that hold him prisoner. Jake was gaining momentum as he fucks Corey's ass like there was no tomorrow. Corey continues to scream in agony, it was at this point Jake grabs on of his discarded socks and shoves then into Corey's mouth. The taste made him want to wretch, but he was afraid to spit it out of his mouth, so he endures the taste.

Jake continues pounding Corey's ass for fifteen minutes, with Corey no longer experiencing sensations of pain, but those of sheer pleasure, and he is now moaning into the sock. Corey was now hard, not through choice, but through his prostate being stimulated, and he was close to ejaculating, as is Jake.

Jake whispers into Corey's ear...

"You ready for daddy's seed boy?" as he lets out an almighty roar, and shoots load after load of cum into the boy, as Corey whimpers from a mixture of fear and pleasure.

That one last nudge of Corey's prostate, makes him shoot a thick wad of cum onto the sheets. Jake spent and exhausted from his sex falls down on top of Corey, and forces the air out of the kid's lungs.

Corey lies whimpering, as Jake pulls out of him and leaves the room without a word being said to Corey. Once Jake locks the door, Corey spits out the sock and cries himself to sleep, as he remains covered in his own cum, with Jakes running out of his torn ass until morning.

"I'm going to get groceries kid," Jake says as he sticks his head into the room. "I'd take you but you seem to be tide up at the moment," and Jake laughs sadistically as he closes the door and locks it, hanging the key on a nail beside the door.

Charley Branson was a common hood, and down to his last few dollars and looking to rob the place. He was sitting in Max's Diner having a coffee when Jake walks in, and sits beside him. He listens to Jake talking to the waitress about his ranch and Charley looks over quickly at him, and realizes that this man has money, judging it by his appearance.

"So you still at the same place honey," she asks.

"Yep, 1532 Mountain Road, and I have no plans to give it up, anytime soon," he tells her and Charley makes a mental note of the address.

Jake places his order and tells her how he has to drive over to the next town for groceries and some other supplies. Charley finishes his coffee, leaves his last dollar as a tip, and books.

"Charley throws his truck in first, and takes off down the road to Jake's place. He keeps glancing down at the service engine light, and wonders if maybe his friend was right about having it checked before he drove it to much further. He is looking at the light and it goes off, setting Charley's mind at ease, as he turns onto Mountain Road.

"Stupid fucking light, is must be a malfunction like Perry said it was," and he drives on, content that his truck is going to make the long climb up the mountainous road.

Charley throws in his favorite CD, and cruises along singing to the music.

"WHAT THE FUCK," he shouts as his truck dies, and he pulls it to the side of the road. "This is just not my day," he says hitting the steering wheel with his fists.

He gets out of the truck and looks under the hood, but he's no mechanic, so he leaves the hood up, as he looks for a house for help. He notices a mailbox up ahead, so he walks off towards it, and cannot believe his luck, as he turns down the driveway through the open gate. It's a long walk to the house, but once there, he rings the doorbell, to make sure that no one is home. Corey hears the doorbell and tries to yell out, but he is too weak from Jake's beatings.

"Hello is anyone here," he calls out to no one in particular, as he forces the door open.

"In here," Corey barely whispers, as he struggles against the cuffs restraining.

Charley walks towards around the house, and eventually comes to the room, which Corey is in but finds the door locked.

Charley looks around the door for a way to open it, when he spots the key hanging on nail. He takes the key, unlocks the door and when he opens it, he freezes in shock. There naked and cuffed to the bed, is a naked teen.

"Who the fuck are you," he asks, as he walks into the room.

"What are you doing here, and who are you," Corey asks, as Charley looks over the naked teen.

"I'm your worst nightmare," he says sitting on the side of the bed.

"Find the key and unlock these cuffs," Corey tells him but the key is nowhere to be found.

"Not on your fucking life kid," he says and Corey fears for his life.

"Please don't hurt me," he whines as Charley runs his cold hand up his leg to Corey's cock.

"You look fucking hot kid, laying there naked," he says moving closer to him.

"You're a sick fucking fag aren't you," Corey say irritated, more than afraid at this point, at this man.

"Yeah, and you are as they say, tied up at the moment," as he runs his hand fondles his balls.

"Get your fucking hands off me homo," Corey yells, and realizes that he's yelling at his only hope to get free.

"Just kidding man," he says hoping to sooth his stinging words to the man.

"Yeah kid, I'm a fag but you are so fucking available like this," he says grabbing the teens cock and jacking it.

"STOP YOU FUCKING FAGGOT," he yells as his anger takes over.

"You want me to help you and this is how you treat me," he snaps back to Corey, and begins to remove his clothes. "I'll help you kid, but first you're going to pay me for my services with that hot ass of yours. You can't tell me that you haven't been giving your sweet ass up to Jake," Charley says. "I can smell cum all over this room," and he climbs on the bed, forcing Corey's legs apart, and climbs between them.

"You fucking touch me and I swear that I'll kill you once I get loose," he says, but Charley is totally ignoring him.

Charley lies on top of him, and takes Corey's legs in his hands, shoving them onto his shoulders. Corey starts to yell out, but Charley thrusts his tongue into Corey's mouth, and they kiss, while his hands explore Corey's bruised hot body.

"I want to taste your cum, kid," Charley says longing to feel a cock in his mouth.

"Please don't do this to me, please stop," he whimpers, as he realizes that Charley is no different from Jake, who just thinks of himself.

Charley sees someone's cum running from Corey's ass, and he scoops it up with his hand, rubbing it on his cock. He pushes Corey's leg higher, as he places his cock's head to the teens leaking hole, and slides it in, not stopping until he bottoms.

"Why, please help me get loose," he cries as Charley lies down on him.

"I'll help you kid, but first I so fucking need to do this," he says, as he pulls his cock out of Corey's ass, and he goes down on his teen cock.

Charley drives his mouth up and down on Corey's rigid cock, as he causes Corey's cock to give off precum, which flows freely into his mouth. Charley teases Corey's hole by running his finger around the outside of it. He runs his fingers around each side of his ravaged rosebud, as he releases Corey's cock from his mouth, and moves to his balls. He extends his tongue so he can lick Corey's hard ass cheeks, and he moans with lust for this kid. He licks one side then the other, switching from licking to biting, and tickles his pucker before guiding his tongue into Corey's very sensitive pucker. Corey jumps because he has felt such an erotic sensation before, and it caught him off guard.

"Oh fuck... I can't take this no more," Corey says, and Charley takes it, as Corey needs to be fucked now.

This was the first time Corey has ever been rimmed and although he was disgusted with Charley, he had to admit to himself that it was a very pleasant and unexpected sensation. Every time Charley's tongue circled Corey's hole, he let out a moan. Charley gives one more push with his tongue into Corey's sweet hole, and then licks his way up to his balls as he now swallows his teen cock once again. This is all Corey could take, and he shoots his cum down Charley's throat, followed by his second, third and final shots, as he cries. Charley moves up to his mouth, and he kisses him, filling his mouth with his cum covered tongue, in a kiss that was lustful and hard, as Corey cries silently. While he is kissing Corey, he reaches down and puts his cock to the boy's pucker, and slowly slides his cock deep into Corey's ass once again.

"No please..." he moans out, but his voice is barely audible.

Charley's face was up against Corey's ear; and Corey could hear his breathing as it became faster, and smells the scent of his rancid breath... stale booze, as he slowly moves his hips up and down against the teen's ass, giving himself great pleasure as his cock was delightfully dancing inside Corey's ass. With his last ounce of energy, Corey thrusts up to get Charley off him, instead, it was all the man needed, and he howls as his sperm surges through his cock.

"Oooooo fuck kid... aaaaaaah fuck I'm cumming," and Charley explodes his hot cum deep into Corey's sore ass.

He pounds his ass now as he continues to fill it with all he has to give. Two, three, four and five more blasts and he now dribbles the last of his cum, as the bedroom door flies open...

To find a very pissed off Jake standing there... with his fist slapping his hand...

To be continued:

Your remarks and/or comments are most welcomed and please, if you do comment, respond to both of us.

Thanks David and Kevin

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Next: Chapter 4

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