Run Away Boi

Published on Jul 21, 2023


Run Away Boi By B. Clark And K. McLean Chapter Two

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The sexuality of all characters is entirely a figment of the author's imagination, and does not reflect on any celebrities used in this story. For those of you that are NOT of legal age, please find other material to read. If male/male material offends you, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving at this time.

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Previously in chapter one:

He escorts him to his room, and sets the bag down on his bed, and turns to leave the room.

"I'll give you a few minutes to get ready son," and he leaves, closing the door behind him.

Corey looks around the room, he sees a picture on a bureau, and he can't believe his eyes as he looks at it. There is Jake with this boy of around fourteen, and the boy, other than having brown hair looks exactly like Corey.

"Oh God I'm fucked," he whispers to himself softly.

Corey opens drawers and finds clothes that the boy left behind, and he, after much searching, finds Kevin's diary. As he opens the book randomly, he reads words the causes his blood to run cold.

Monday September 4, 2006:

Dad and I made the most awesome love today, and we were lying there together when mom came in and caught us. She stood there in shock as she looked at us naked and holding each other kissing, and she ran from the room crying. Dad got up and once dressed he followed her, and I could hear them fighting in the other room. I was going to go talk to her but I heard a gunshot, and

"What happened damn it, why did I read this fucking thing," he says and throws the book back in the drawer and closes it.

He turns around and is just about to run off, when he sees Jake standing there naked...

Now chapter two:

"Oh... ah... dad you're back," Corey says surprised to see Jake standing there.

"I thought that I told you to get ready son," Jake asks as he comes into the bedroom and closes the door,

He inserted a key into the lock and gives it a turn, and places the key on the dresser top by the door. Corey slowly backs away, as Jake walks towards him, and once his back is against the bed, Jake pushes him down onto the bed. He literally tore his shirt off him, as he undoes his belt, button and unzips his jeans. He pulls them off him, along with his underwear, and stands back to examine his boy. Corey is lying on the bed trembling, never before has he faced someone that was going to rape him. His mind raced in a million directions as Jake knelt down on the floor between his spread legs, which draped over the side of the bed. He slowly guides his masculine hands up his young legs, and kneads his inner thighs.

"Please don't do this to me dad," he asks, as he remembers to use the correct name, but his hands continue to glide closer to his cock. "No dad, please stop," he cries out, but his words are ignored, and Jake grabs his cock in his hand.

"You know how much we love this son, and still you beg me to stop?" he asks.

"Yes daddy please stop," he says, but Jake shakes his head no, and he envelopes the boy's cock into his mouth.

"Mmmmm," Jake moans, as he sucks Corey's cock deep down into his warm throat.

Corey looks around him at the room, and he sees a bottle filled with colored sand sitting on the bed stand. He reaches for the bottle, and he grabs it with his hand, striking Jake in the head. The man goes still as he drops to the floor, and Corey quickly gets up. He rushes to the door, still naked as he inserts the key into the lock and turns it. He flings the door open, and just as he goes to run, Jake grabs him and throws him back into the room.

"So you want to play rough do you," Jake asks and Corey sees the blood running from the wound he had made.

"I'm not your son Jake, I'm Corey McLean," Corey says as he cowers on the bed. "You son Kevin is somewhere else, please don't hurt me," he begs crying hard and uncontrollably now.

"You can call yourself what you want boy, but you are Kevin and you know it," Jake says and strikes the boy with his fist, and it hits his face just below his left eye.

"Please stop, don't beat me," he yells at Jake, but he's out of control, as he grabs Corey by his arm, and hits him again in the face, knocking him unconscious.

Corey looks at the clock beside his bed, it reads 3:57, and the room is in darkness. He reaches up to his face to feel the bruises Jake gave him, and just the touch of his hand hurts his wounds. He is still naked, as he tries to sit up, but the pain in his head is overwhelming, and he falls back down on the bed.

"We're awake now are we," Jake's voice comes from somewhere in the darkness.

"Please sir, don't beat me again," he asks as he feels his warm hands on his leg.

He pulls his leg away as a reaction, but quickly puts it back, and Jake rubs his leg softly.

"Are you ready to concede to me boy," Jake asks and he feels him get on the bed.

"Yes dad, but please don't hurt me no more," he asks as he feels Jake's hot breath on his neck.

"As long as you do as you're told, daddy will be good to you," Jake whispers in Corey's ear, and he wants to cringe. "Now on your stomach Kevin, you know how daddy loves to fuck you like this," he says still whispering.

Corey reluctantly turns onto his stomach, as he resigns himself to the fact he's going to be raped by this man.

"Please help me God," he prays silently to himself, as he feels Jake climb on top of him. "Oh God no..." is all he can get out, as he feels Jake's cock press against his virgin hole.

Corey takes in a deep breath, as he feels the cock pushing against his virgin hole, and he closes his eyes as the Jake's cock slides in.

"Oh my God stop," he cries out in pain, and Jake stops to wait for Corey's ass to relax.

"Remember son, you were the one to start playing rough," he whispers into Corey's ear. "Dad doesn't want to kill his son, but you are going to learn the meaning of the word obedience boy," and he bites him on the neck.

"You can beat me and rape me all you want, but I shall never obey you, nor shall I be your son," he yells at him defiantly.

"So you want to play the power game do you," Jake says as he shoves as he pulls his cock out all the way, and shoves it back in violently.

Jake is not a little man, and neither is his cock. He would brag when he was in the Marines, that hard, his cock reached ten inches and big around as his wrist. Jake's body lies on top of Corey as if a great rock had been placed on him, and Jake uses his weight to press down on the boy, just as his cock was bearing down Corey's ass. He was pushing his hips down on his ass with such force, he was expelling the air from Corey's lungs, and Corey cries out with a pain-filled groan as Jake's cock bottoms in his ass.

"No more please stop Jake," he moans out is pain, but his words go unheeded as Jake refuses to yield.

He slams his cock deeper into Corey's ass until he has the boy crying, and now Corey hasn't the strength to resist. Corey's ass was so full of Jake's hard cock that the boy screams with each thrust of Jake's hips down on him, and Corey surrenders this battle.

"Next time boy you'll listen to daddy, when he tells you to be ready," Jakes says inches from Corey's ear, and Corey slams his head up fast, almost breaking Jake's nose.

"Why you fucking brat, I didn't want to hurt you Kevin, but you are going to learn that this Marine means business," he says, removing his cock from Corey's ass, and flipping him over onto his back.

He slaps the boy's face hard several times, as he teaches him who the boss is. Corey lies there still, unable to register his pain any longer.

"You ready to be the son that I raised you to be Kevin," he yells and slaps his again.

"I can't feel your hands anymore Jacob," he says and Jake comes off the wall in anger, as he makes his hands into fists and beats the boy into unconsciousness.

Jake pulls his cock from Corey's ass, because he wants him awake when he fucks him. As he gets up from the bed, he looks at Corey lying there, and a single tear rolls down his cheek. Jake walks down the hall to his room, and he sits on the bed. He pulls the old shoebox to him, and he opens the lid as he begins to search its contents.

It has been five days since Corey ran away, and Martin is beside himself, as he tries one more time to find him.

"Good evening sir, this is Martin, Corey McLean's man servant. I was inquiring about Corey's whereabouts, and if he might be there," Martin asks of Brian's dad.

"Brian, Corey is missing and Martin wants to know if you know where he is," he father asks covering the phone with his hand.

"Ah... not really dad," he says not lying, because he doesn't know where he is, but his face betrays his words. "Brian doesn't know where he is," his dad says to Martin.

"Well if he does come by your home sir, would you kindly ask him to call me," he asks and say goodbye.

"Now what aren't you telling me son, and don't say nothing," he tells him.

"He ran away from home because his parents don't give a shit about him," he blurts out to his dad.

"Then why didn't you just say that," he says to his son, as he dials the phone, to call back Martin.

"McLean residence, Martin speaking," Martin says answering the phone.

Andrew, Brian's dad, tells him just what Brian had told him.

"I was afraid of that, and I knew it was just a matter of time before he did something like this," Martin says. "Thank you sir, and again if he shows up please have him call me," and the men hang up.

Martin calls the police department, and reports Corey as a run away kid. The officer on the phone takes down his description from Martin.

"Why wasn't this reported earlier sir," the officer asks. "This is James McLean's boy, we'll get right on it," he says after he gets more information.

A reporter at the police station overhears the officer's end of the story, and once the officer hangs up, he grills him for information.

"Well according to Mr. McLean's man servant Martin Bartholomew, Corey McLean has run away from home five days ago," the officer tells Michael Phillips the reporter.

"Isn't McLean that guy that donated a wing to the hospital last year," Michael asks as he writes in his notebook.

"The one and the same Mike, now don't go putting my name in your story, got it," he tells the reporter.

"What and kill my best source of information," Michael says with a smile.

Martin decides that it's time to ruin Corey's mom and dad's vacation, and he picks up the phone to call them.

"Room 349 please," Martin says once the hotel in the Bahamas answers the phone, and connects him to the room.

"Hello Jim McLean speaking," he says answering the phone.

"Sir, this is Martin calling, and I have some news that you should be aware of," he says.

"Did the house burn down ole man," he muses as he motions for a drink to his wife.

"No sir, it seems that Master Corey has run away from home," he tells him.

"You called me just for that Martin, he'll be home in a few hours or tomorrow," he says. "Give him a good scolding and tell him that I told you to ground him until we arrive home," he says as he takes a gin and tonic from his wife. "Thanks lovey," he says and gives his wife a kiss.

"But I think this time he's serious about running away sir."

"Call his friends, someone knows where he is," he orders him. "Let me know only if he's harmed, but other than that don't call me about my son's silly games," he says and abruptly hangs up. "And whatever you do Martin, keep it out of the papers," he says.

"You pompous self-centered old fool," Martin says as he replaces the receiver on the phone.

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rings and Martin opens it to find Michael Phillips standing there. Once he tells him who he is, Martin invites him in. Martin gives him the complete story because his name is to be kept out of the papers, and the next morning the headlines hit the street.

Son of financial wizard James McLean missing...and reported as a run away... Story by M. Phillips

Son of James and Barbara McLean was reported missing last evening. According to sources at the police station, he was reported as a run away. When I spoke to sources in the McLean household, his parents have been advised of the situation in the Bahamas. Also according to my source, they are keeping abreast of things through their servant, while on vacation in St. Thomas.

More on page 6.

Jake sat in his den, as he read the morning paper. He sees the headline, but until he turns to page six, and sees the kid's picture, he realizes just whom he has locked in his son's room.

"Kevin... Corey," he says as a moment of clarity returns to him when he sees Corey's picture.

Jake Michaels is an ex-Marine that was medically discharged when he was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. He fought to stay in but his temper eventually got him discharged for other mental issues. Back at home, he would skip his medications for days at a time, because he had been thrown out of the one thing he loved, and now he has skipped them altogether.

"Let me out of this room," Corey screams at the top of his lungs, and it brings Jake back to his senses. "Jacob Michaels do you hear me," he screams.

"What the fuck do I do now," he asks himself, "If I let him go, he'll lead the police straight to me," he says whispering to himself.

"Get your fucking ass over here and unlock this door," he screams but his screams are getting weaker, as he realizes the fate that he is facing.

Jake gets up and goes to the door, unlocks it, and when he walks in, Corey attacks him with a baseball bat that he found in Kevin's closet. He gets him across his chest, knocking the wind from his lungs, and he staggers around the room. After he falls to the floor, Corey bolts for the front door. Dressed in clothes that he found in Kevin's room, he throws open the front door, and runs outside. He runs down the road that he remembered Jake driving down towards his house, and his strength is week from lack of food. A heavy snow had fallen the previous evening and made Corey's footing hazardous and slow. He gets to the main road, he looks both ways, as he tries to determine his best route, and he runs off down the road, because it's downhill. He hears the sound of Jake's jeep as he pursues him, so he jumps the guardrail and hides behind a tree. The jeep creeps along slowly, as Jake follows Corey's tracks in the snow, and when he gets to where he jumped the guardrail, he puts his jeep in park.

"All I have to do is follow your tracks Kevin," he yells in Corey's direction. "I have the jeep to keep me warm, so all I have to do is wait for you to freeze to death," he says.

Jake walks back to the jeep, and gets inside the jeep where it is warm as he waits for his Kevin. It doesn't take long at these freezing temperatures for Corey, who has no coat, to come trudging out of the woods. Jake gets out of his jeep, and Corey can tell by his demeanor, that he is in for another beating.

"Get your ass in the jeep now Kevin," he yells at Corey.

"Not until you promise me that you won't beat me again, like you have the past five days," Corey yells back.

"Just get your ass in the jeep now, and maybe we'll talk about it," he says trying to control his anger. "Please son," he says more softly now, with his arms held wide open.

"How many times do I need to tell you, I am not your fucking son, you crazy son of a bitch!" screams Corey as he attempts to turn around to go back into the woods, before falling into a snow covered ditch, hitting his head on an old metal pipe during the fall.

Corey's leg is injured; he is bleeding slightly and he begins to feel light headed as the bitter cold plays havoc with his senses. Corey gazes up at the weak Colorado sun, almost hoping that it would warm him and he is almost delirious, losing all perception of time and reality.

Suddenly...Jake towers over him, his manly body casting an intimidating shadow over the tortured teen. Corey was preparing himself for the worst, when he sees his captor looming over him. The poor kid just grovels, hoping Jake would show some mercy as he cried.

"Please... don't hurt me anymore... please... I'm hurt". Corey says tilting his head slightly towards the visible graze on his right leg, which was slowly oozing blood.

Jake just picks up the distressed boy who lay before him, and carries him towards the Jeep. Corey is barely conscious as he tries to protest, but his feeble attempt to scurry free fails, as Jake lovingly carries him to the Jeep.

"Let's go home son, and get you in a warm shower," Jake whispers to him as he helps him into the back seat of the Jeep. Corey passes out, finally succumbing to the bang on his head, and Jake kisses him as he closes the door.

Jake drives them home slowly, he keeps looking at the mirror to check on the injured boy lying on his back seat. Jake drives for almost ten minutes until he reaches the ranch.

Jake steps out of the Jeep, goes around to the back to remove Corey, who is still out like a light, and he carries him lovingly into the house to his bedroom. A few minutes later, a startled Corey awakes, still weak and confused as he looks up at Jake.

"You're shivering Kevin, I'll get a hot shower ready for you," says Jake as he removes the teens saturated clothes casting them off to one side, before grabbing a warm blanket to wrap around Corey.

A confused Corey does not fully understand what is going on so he feebly blurts out...

"Thank you," and he kisses Jake's cheek, unaware of what he has just done, as he is delirious.

Jake smiles as he rubs the spot that Corey just kissed, and he bends his head to kiss Corey's head.

"You just wait right here son, while I get the shower ready," Jake says, as he hurries into his bathroom, turning on the water, and waiting to adjust it to a tepid temperature.

When he returns to his bedroom, he finds Corey shivering under the blanket, whimpering in pain from the fall, and presumably, the collective beatings imparted upon him during the previous five days. Jake looks down at the shivering jock below him and smiles.

"Come on baby boy, daddy will help you to the shower," Jake says, as he lifts him up to take him, but his legs go weak as Corey makes a pathetic attempt to sit up but falls back down due to fatigue.

"I can't do it alone mister, will you take a shower with me so I don't fall," Corey asks looking up at his captor.

"Sure son, anything for my boy," and he whips off his clothes faster than he had Corey's.

Corey just stared in horror as he pathetically moaned,

"I'm not your son Mister, please let me go home". Jake just whispered into his ear.

"Don't fucking get smart with me kid; I'm in charge here, and it's time for your shower Kevin".

Corey got out of bed with the help of Jake, and he throws his arm around his captor for support, as they walk into the bathroom. They get under the water and feel the warm spray engulf their bodies. Corey stands under the stream with his eyes closed. The water feels good, Jake grabs the soap and slowly washes his captive, as he lets the soap and his hands caress Corey's body. He runs his soapy hands over the kid's chest, letting his fingers entice his hard nipples, and he gently pinches them, causing a soft moan from Corey. Then Jake's hands find their way to Corey's stomach, where he moves up and down the soft ridges of his six-pack, and he runs his finger around the boy's naval before moving on. Down his hands move, to the boy's cock and balls, and he lingers in this sensitive area, running his hands around the tip of his cock, and up and down the rigid shaft. Corey tries to object but his pathetic attempt to break free fails, and consequently he just lets Jake continue.

"Does that feel good baby," Jake moans out softly, as his hand gently strokes Corey's young cock, while he rests the kids head against his chest.

Jake brings his hands around to Corey's soft ass, and in between his ass's firm round cheeks. He washes his exposed rosebud, as Jake soaps up his index finger, and pushes it deep into his son's sweet pucker, as he begins to massage his prostate.

"Please don't do this" Corey sobs, closing his eyes, feeling the sensation of his captor's finger up his ass.

Corey soon feels the ex-marine's muscular arms wrap around him from behind, rubbing his nipples and gently pinching them once again. Corey can feel his tormentor's hot breath on the back of his neck and he moans with a mixture of delight and anguish. Part of him was enjoying the sensation of having a finger up his ass; the other part of him is paralyzed with fear. Once Jake had his boy's still virgin rosebud well primed, he slowly slides his soaped up cock into his ass, pausing now and then to let him get use to it.

"NO! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO," Corey screams but Jake just slaps him across his badly bruised face and tells him to shut up.

"I love you Kevin," Jake says, breathing heavy on Corey's neck. Corey winces from the pain of having this stud's ten inches of cock rammed up his ass.

Jakes hands move from Kevin's now sensitive nubs, down his firm abs, to his hard cock, and starts to stroke him off as he fucks him. As Jake continues to pound Corey's tight hole, he picks up his pace, and with each thrust Jake gives he hits Corey's prostate, sending a wave of pleasure throughout the boy's exhausted body. Corey begins to lose control of his thoughts, as he surrenders to the pleasure of being fucked.

"Oh fuck... that feels good," Corey screams out in ecstasy.

"I love you so much son," Jake says repeatedly, as he fucks his captive more rapidly now, thrusting his cock in and out of Corey's ass, while Jake wanks Corey's cock. Rapidly and repeatedly, Jake pounds his ass, until neither, can hold out any longer.

"Oh fuck Kevin... I am going to cum, I am going to cum in your hot ass," and Corey feels his captor's hot cum shoot into his ass just as he reaches his own climax, shooting five or six times onto the shower wall, as his kidnapper fills his young ass with his own seed.

An exhausted Corey falls into the corner of the shower panting from the most intense orgasm he's ever had. He felt so violated and yet confused about why he had enjoyed the experience that he burst into tears.

"I love you Kevin," Jake says as he turns the faucet to the off position.

Jake then lifts Corey out of the shower and holds him in a loving embrace. A terrified Corey, still sobbing, tries to push himself away from the man who thinks he is his son, but his resistance is weak.

Jake just pulls Corey's face into his well-defined chest, but Corey tries to resist, as the Marine just holds his head there as his cheek rubs against the firm muscles.

Once Jake has dried Corey off and has his cut attended to, he carries him to his own bedroom, and he looks down at the boy in his arms and says.

"I want you to sleep with your daddy, I want to keep you warm," Jakes says slightly above a whisper. "This is our room now son, no more do you have to sleep alone," and he places the sobbing teenager onto his king-size bed.

He then places a thick duvet over the boy and supports his head with pillows. Jake softly kisses Corey's head, and he drinks in the soft sent of his boy.

Corey now drifts off to sleep due to sheer exhaustion; Jake gets under the duvet also and presses his body against Corey's, and lets the warmth of his body warm Corey's cold body.

"I love you Kevin," he whispers softly and falls to sleep holding him tightly to him.

Several hours later, Corey wakes to find Jake missing from the bed, as he attempts to get out of the bed. He realizes he can't move with his leg and just lies there. Suddenly the door opens and Jake is carrying a tray of food into the room.

"I made dinner son, it's your favorite; spaghetti," he says sitting the tray on a bedside cabinet.

Corey just sat there looking up at the man he was so dependent on and smiled. He thought to himself that he had better just play along, until he could arrange another escape.

"That's really nice of you... um dad, thanks," and spaghetti was in fact, one of Corey's favorite meals. Jake then sits Corey up, as he fluffs several pillows to support him; he brings the tray over, and begins to feed Corey like a child.

"Yeah you're welcome son, and I hope that you don't mind. You were sleeping so soundly that I didn't want to wake you, so I got up and made dinner," he says as he smiles.

Corey is confused at why he is being fed like this, and before he has a chance to register what is happening, Jake asks if he would like a Coca Cola. Corey nods and Jake goes to the kitchen to get one.

Corey takes in his surroundings; he is in a large room in a comfortable king-sized bed. The room is untidy with clothes scattered across the floor. He looks to the bedside table on his left and notices an envelope with the word `dad' on it. He reaches for it and opens it. He only needs a moment to read the first line of the letter to have him realizing, that what he had read was Kevin's suicide note to his dad. Corey is overcome by panic as he looks up and sees Jake standing there looking down at him, clutching a can of Coca Cola, and the anger on his face terrifies Corey.

"Oh God... please don't hurt me," he begs starring at the man, with Kevin's letter in his hand.

To be continued:

Your remarks and/or comments are most welcomed and please, if you do comment, respond to both of us. Thanks David and Kevin

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Next: Chapter 3

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