Ruling Taylor

By Justin Levatin

Published on Aug 21, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Ruling Taylor

Lesson One: Respect

Taylor Lautner woke up with no recollection of the time or when he had fallen asleep. His body was stiff. When he attempted to stretch, his bare feet were stung with the bitter cold of metal bars. His eyes opened wide as he jolted away from anything resembling slumber. As the dark-skinned boy sat up, his head collided with more bars.

A dog cage? He wondered how he had gotten there. With Twilight, weird stuff had happened in Taylor's life. But being caged was on a whole new level. What kind of fangirl had he met the night before at that party?

Taylor grabbed the cold bars and shook them hard, trying to get the door open or break it. No such luck. The cage was lodged between a wall and a futon. As he threw his hands down and slapped his thighs, Taylor realized he was quite undressed. Horror shivered through his body when he noticed he was only wearing a diaper. The morning had gone from weird to completely psycho. With renewed vigor, he shook the cage harder. It would not move from its lodgings. The room was lit by florescent lights from the ceiling. There was a wall that looked like it was hiding a few things and a pad on the floor across from where Taylor was. Then, it looked like there was another room down a small hallway and a half wall beyond the futon, but Taylor couldn't decipher was behind it.

"My my, look who finally woke up." Footsteps tapped lightly against the steps that were behind the wall that Taylor couldn't decipher moments before. The abductor was keeping him in a basement. And the voice sounded male and familiar.

The teen heartthrob came into Taylor's view in a tight pair of black leather pants that made his white Canadian skin look even paler. Confusion fell on Taylor. Was Justin Bieber really his captor?

"Baby, baby. Smells like little Taylor has made a stinky."

"Okay. Very funny. Let me out."

Justin walked over to the cage and unlocked the lock on the door. When Taylor crawled out and started to question Bieber as to why he was locked in a cage, Justin extended his hand and zapped Taylor with a stunner. Taylor dropped at Justin's feet.

"Lesson One: Respect." Justin grabbed Taylor by his short, dark hair and yanked him up on all fours. "It will be easier for you to comply and respect your new master."

Taylor was too busy trying to shake off the pain of electric currents running through his body, combined with his hair being yanked to fully listen to what wack-job Bieber was telling him. He was almost out of his stunned state when he felt himself being pulled to another part of the room. His body was complying by instinct to ease the pain. A kick to the ribs by heavy boots caused Taylor to roll over on his back on the padded area on the floor.

Justin zapped Taylor again and cuffed his arms down next to him. Volts of electricity zoomed through Taylor's body, causing all of his muscles to tense up in the screaming agony.

The immobile boy watched helplessly as Justin pushed a button, and the pad Taylor lied on raised from the floor. When it hit a spot against the wall, it stopped with a soft bump of inertia. "What are you doing to me?" Taylor croaked.

"Changing you, Silly." Justin lifted Taylor's legs one by one and locked them in to chains from the ceiling. Taylor could not pull out of them. Everything was so quiet that the ripping of the bands from the diaper was almost deafening to Taylor. His whole body was soon exposed to a barely man teenager who was cleaning up the mess Taylor had been unable to control himself from making, causing him to wonder how long he had been down in that cage. Perhaps it was more than one night.

"How did you get me down here?" A cold wipe around his most private areas caused his last word to rise up in inflexion.

"Tell me. Do you keep up with the Kardashians?" Justin's hands were very delicate and warm as they moved Taylor's bits around and cleaned him up. But, Justin had completely lost Taylor with that question. "You know. A phrase coined from the Smiths or Joneses." Justin sighed. "Do you follow celebrity gossip?" Justin's tone was that of a doctor with a patient on the table rather than a menacing captor.

"Nothing beyond my co-stars and myself."

"As you get to appear to be squeaky clean." Justin placed the smelly diaper next to Taylor's face. "And Rob Patz is heartbroken from that cheating harlot Ms. Stewart. But we know nothing is what it seems."

"What does this have to do with what I asked?"

"Education was supposed to be Lesson Two, but I see it must go hand in hand with Respect for you." Justin grabbed something and placed it in front of Taylor's face. It was some article about Justin smoking pot. "I never smoked it, you know. Only studied it. Drugs are an interesting creature. They cause people to do what they wouldn't in their normal life. Honesty serum. Brave maker. Or even a hypnotic. You mostly came down here by your own free will, but the rest was based off of a little something I picked up while I visited the hospital in the UK."

Taylor yanked at his restraints. The little scrawny shit in front of him had drugged him, to what, force him to be his—Taylor didn't want to think about it. He wanted out and not naked in front of him. So, he fought with all his might, but the metal cuffs just cut into his skin.

Meanwhile, Justin had replaced the paper with a new item. "Back to Respect." The wooden paddle cracked down hard on Taylor's ass. He had been bent over his dad's knee as a child, but this one hit brought instant tears to his eyes. Taylor was too proud to scream out in pain.

"It's okay, Lautner, I built this to be completely soundproof to practice in. Scream out. No one will hear you."

The board cracked against Taylor's ass a few more times. Each time the paddle hit Taylor's ass, he gritted his teeth harder and harder. It felt like his teeth were about to break. The tenth crack against his burning ass made him grunt in his throat.

Justin placed a ball gag in Taylor's mouth and wrapped it around his head, buckling it in. "No more talking."

Taylor moaned in reply.

Over the next hour, Justin spanked Taylor with the paddle, a horse tail whip, and a belt. A half an hour into it, Taylor started to get hard. His ass was burning and probably bright red, maybe even bleeding, but the pain was becoming a smooth pleasure. His eyes roamed all over Justin's body. The tattoos gave him a manly appearance, but his little nipples and faint patches of armpit hair gave him a boyish look still. Taylor shook his head. Was he really thinking this boy who was spanking him was somewhat cute and sexy? Taylor yanked his arm up to slap his forehead but was met with the resistance of the cuff.

Justin put the belt down. He ungagged Taylor. "Let's see if you learned respect. Today is A day. You respect me, and I will grant you one answer. Lick my armpit." Justin lifted his arm and put his pit against Taylor's lips. "A for armpit." Suddenly, Taylor was on a twisted episode of Sesame Street.

Taylor slowly extended his tongue toward the slightly hairy armpit. At least it didn't have deodorant mixed in the hair. But his nose took a huge whiff of the pit. It was as putrid as Taylor smelled after a martial arts practice or a workout., so he figured Justin had had dance practice recently and no shower before checking on him. Taylor's tongue connected with the pit. The acrid taste of sweat perked up his taste buds. He licked it from bottom to top.

A soft moan hummed from Justin's lips as Taylor's tongue lapped all over Justin's armpit, fully cleaning it. He adjusted to the other side to get his other pit serviced. Without being told, Taylor licked and kissed Justin's other pit, sponging up the sweatiness.

Justin stepped back and put his arms by his sides. "One question." He moved to a bag and got out a fresh diaper. The diaper was placed under Taylor's ass. Justin pulled the straps over and connected them to the diaper. The heat from his butt intensified with the thick material insulating the heat.

Taylor tried to keep his tone even and calm. "Why me?"

Justin grabbed another belt-like device and pulled it around the diaper. "Two reasons. The first is the nastier. Without you in the world, my fan-base will rise crazily. You hold many google-eyed girl fans who will rush to me with you gone."

"That's insane."

Justin opened the locks. "Respect or punishment."

Taylor stood, but he didn't try to run. He was yanked by his ear toward a new spot of the basement. "You will not be able to take that diaper off. But you have earned some time in your special room."

Taylor was pushed down the other hall which lead right into a bigger cage. It was filled with work out equipment. Justin slapped his abs. "Got to keep up your jock bod because that's what I like in my men." Justin pointed to the end of the weight bench. "That is number two."

Taylor marched over to the book lying there, cringing every step of the way. The book was filled with the most private thoughts Taylor had. He trotted over to it and opened it to the front page. On that page was a number 1 and a picture of Justin Bieber. Under that, Taylor had written his truest dream: to have sex with Justin. There was a sticky note posted to it, saying, If you are good, maybe your wish will be granted.

Taylor closed the book. He knew Justin owned him now. He knew all of Taylor's deepest secrets. It was so stupid of him to write any of that down anyway.

"This isn't what I had in mind," Taylor muttered.

"Maybe you will learn to be more specific then." Justin moved away from the larger cage. "Why don't you get it all out with a workout? By the way, that is a copy of your real book. I went through a lot of trouble for you. I'll be back later to feed and change you."

Justin was Taylor's number one crush since the moment he had started making youtube videos. Taylor picked up a dumbbell and did curls while he thought about being a slave to the boy he wanted most in the world. Taking a second look at the book he had created, he felt like every dream he had would come true. But in the most twisted ways possible.

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Next: Chapter 2

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