Rule Breaker

By Alpha Dom

Published on Mar 22, 2022


As Titan sat in the club surveying his domain and he was in a good mood. Things were going well the bar was bringing in good money and his Wolves were having fun earning a small fortune in the private clubhouse upstairs and around town putting the white boys in their place. They had a regular posse of slaves to use at will plus a steady stream of paying customers and the fun of regular new conquests. The new Wolf candidate, John, seemed like a good addition and had fit in well working with Elijah behind the bar but he was looking forward to really getting to know the newbie and see him putting the white boys in their place. John had come highly recommended and Titan's monster cock twitched as he thought about the fun they could have at the expense of the local white boys. With things so good Titan was confused as to why he did not feel better, something was missing. He knew what it was, it was the twink from the other day, the tequila drinker. He would not settle until he had that boy for himself so he downed his drink and headed into town to find him.

"Good hunting, bro", Bruno called after Titan as he left then kicked the white boy at his feet telling him to put some effort in to sucking his cock.

Titan headed into town, it was a pleasant evening and there were plenty of people out and about. He headed to where he has seen the twink yesterday and there he was. Sitting all alone drinking tequila again. He was a perfect as before, not handsome, but the perfect white boy twink, just what Titan, and his cock, were looking for. Titan knew what he was doing. He has done this literally hundreds of times before. He just needed to walk over towards the boy then wait and the boy would be powerless, his weak twink mind would crumple, and he would crawl to his new black god and beg to be of service. It has worked with Timmy and it would work with this twink.

Titan walked up the bar and got himself a drink, on the house of course from the white boy barman he had used last week, then headed outside and positioned himself leaning against the wall sipping his drink and waiting. He saw at least half a dozen fags had their eyes on him and he could with the merest nod of his head have had any one of them at his feet and his to use for the night. But he wasn't interested in them he wanted this fag. The fucker was ignoring him. The boy had looked around and seen him there but that was it, the twink just carried on drinking ignoring the muscular black god just a few feet away.

This could not stand. Titan moved towards the twink and got right to his table towering over the white boy with the cute face, inviting green eyes, perfect hair and lean body. He grabbed his crotch coaxing his monster dick pushing it against his pants its outline clear for the boy to see just six inches from his face. "You want this boy?", Titan asked arrogantly boating off his monster, " You want to ride this 15-inch monster?"

The twink just sat there, took another sip of tequila and then in his own time turned to Titan saying, "Sorry but I got no interest in your cock. Now if you wouldn't mind getting out of my face I would like to get back to enjoying my drink."

Titan was shocked literally shocked. No boy had ever refused to his titanoboa like that and even without looking at it. No twink had ever been able to refuse him. He was a god amongst men. White boys were powerless in his presence. What the hell was going on? For the first time in his life he was confused. He knew he should just force this boy to his knees but that was not enough this boy, like all white boys, had to want him had to need him. What right did this little prick have to humiliate him like this. This was an insult. He turned and left wandering around town for a long time trying to collect his thoughts before he returned to his club.

As Titan walked through the door he was still angry at the twink but at himself. He needed relief. He looked around and saw Jerome talking with Taylor, they were laughing, almost like equals. For god sake, Titan thought, Jerome didn't even have the white boy on his knees.

"Taylor", Titan bellowed, "Crawl to me now. Its service time."

Taylor heard the words but looked at Jerome begging not to have to do this. Titan looked pissed off and Taylor knew he could not take his 14-inch cock. But Jerome said nothing he just sat there.

"Now, Taylor", Titan ordered.

Defeated and angry his boyfriend was doing nothing to stop it he complied and started to walk towards Titan.

"I said crawl, bitch", Titan demanded, "You fucking useless piece of shit, crawl to me now!"

Taylor dropped to his hands and knees and started to crawl towards Titan.

As Titan watched the white boy make his way to him he did not see the brief flicker of hatred in Jerome's eyes.

"What happened last night man", Bruno asked Titan the next evening as they sat in the club watching John and Elijah working behind the bar.

"What ya mean", Titan replied

"You were back here fucking Jerome's bitch Taylor by 9pm", Bruno taunted, "What happened with that twink you were after? Don't tell me the mighty Titan failed to land his prey."

Titan glared at Bruno. It stung that his friend was right and that he had failed but he couldn't admit it. He thought quickly and said, "Taylor is just a white boy bitch, he is a club slave for any of us to use. I was just asserting my right over the slut."

"Yeah, nice try man but no changing the subject, what happened to that twink?", Bruno shot back.

"I couldn't find him", Titan lied, "I'm gonna find and claim the cunt tonight."

"I you say so man", laughed Bruno patting Titan on the back and getting up to go relieve his need to shoot his load in one of the white boy bitches on duty in the backroom tonight. He had left a little slut there a couple of hours ago and it was paying $400 an hour for the privilege so he wanted to see how it was getting on and check out whether is was worth keeping on for when the place got busier later.

Titan headed out of the club to go find this twink and make it clear it was going to do what it knew it needed to do and serve him. As he got to the bar where he had seen the boy the last two nights there he was again sitting alone drinking tequila not a care in the world looking as cute as ever. No messing about tonight he just marched up to the twink's table, grabbed him by the arm, and said "Come with me."

"What, hold on", said the twink not moving.

"I said come with me", repeated Titan strengthening his grip and starting to pull the boy out of his eat.

"OK. OK", said the twink, "But this ain't cool man."

Titan kept hold of the boy's arm and starting walking to the washroom. At least the twink was smart enough not to resist and started to follow enough for Titan to release his grip as they got to the door. There was just one man in the washroom as Titan led the twink inside but he was finishing up washing his hands and they were soon alone. Titan turned to the boy and grabbed his own crotch showing is powerful cock and said, "I know you want this. Why are you resisting me?"

Before the boy could answer three young white lads walked into the washroom. Titan bellowed at them "Get out!" and to make sure grabbed the biggest one of them and threw him out the door and his two friends followed.

Titan grabbed himself and turned to the twink and said, "Well. Tell me you don't want this. Tell me you don't need this." Getting no response he was getting angry and frustrated now so he did the obvious thing and dropped his pants and fishing his mighty anaconda dick out waving it in front of the twink saying proudly closing his eyes, "Now tell me you don't want THIS!" Titan was assuming that twink to be blown away in shock and surrendering to his mighty power of a cock. He couldn't resist at all.

"Yeah....he will be down and taking my ...",

"Nah man", the twink said, "you're OK I don't want it." he cut his thoughts.

"What!", Titan's eyes opened widely in shock. How could he say no now after watching his throbbing hard cock?

"You fuckin' piece of shit", Titan trumpeted towards him making him shit in his pants with fear.

" I have a queue a mile long of white boy twinks begging for a chance to swing on my meat and you think you can say no. You should be fuckin' grateful I put you at the front of the queue. Now get on your knees and show my beautiful mighty boa what you can do."

"Hey I'm sorry but Im not going to suck that thing", the twink responded, "I just cant. Don't you look at that size? that monstrous hunk of flesh is so enormous and ugly. Nobody could ever enjoy himself with that. I feel sorry for you man to be cursed with such a dick. Put it away before anybody sees it. I'm embarrassed for you man."

It seemed like a mountain of shock just fell on Titan. What the hell that twink even saying. twinks like him die to just have a glimpse of his cock mad here Titan for the first time showed to someone and that someone was insulting him repeatedly. He could not believe what he was hearing. Nobody had ever said things like this to him before. What gave this twink the right. White boy twinks belonged on their knees getting used not mouthing off to black men like him, to a Wolf. But, what if the boy was right, those piercing green eyes and cute face, could there be something in what he was saying.

"This kid is gaslighting me?", He thought as he doubted himself for the first time.

The twink sensed the shock and confusion and how he might have hurt him and said, "Sorry man. I didn't want to hurt or offend you. But that cock is just so huge it would hurt me, or any man, too much to fuck me with or to allow me to suck it properly."

Titan grunted, "What", this was not going the way he expected size matter and his size meant he was always in control. What was going on here what the fuck was this twink up to.

"I have a suggestion", said the twink, "I will suck you but only if we do this my way. You will drop you pants and briefs, put your hands behind your head and keep them there, you will stay silent and you wont move. Do that and I will blow you here and now."

Titan stared at the twink not believing what he was hearing no twink gave him orders. The twink repeated its offer waiting for a reply. Titan suppressed his rage and said, "No. No fuckin' way. No white boy cunt is going to tell me what to do. When I fuck or when I get blown I decide how."

With that the twink turned and left the washroom leaving Titan alone looking in the mirror his dick still hanging out of his pants. He stuffed his dick away and sorted himself out then left fuming at the fucking twink and furious with himself for letting this happen -- again.

Titan needed relief and he stormed into the club summoning Timmy with a single word, "Timmy", and the boy clambered after him as he headed upstairs to relieve his fury and his stress on the white slave boy.

John observed everything. It was part of the barman privilege to see and hear everything with most people not even realizing you were there. It was why John had not objected to taking the menial job when inducted into the Wolf Gang. He had seen Titan come in the last two nights totally pissed off and frustrated and through chatting with his fellow gang members, not forgetting to call them Sir as he was on probation, he had learned Titan was after a twink. John could not for the life of him wonder why a black man would be bothered chasing a particular twink. White boys were ten a penny and it did not matter to him which one he was using, as long as he was using one and making it struggle and suffer to serve his godly body and mighty dick.

John had found Elijah easy to work with and while he did what he considered a fair share of the work Elijah never had a problem if John took some time out to go fuck one of the white bitches out back or to take money off a willing punter for a few minutes of use upstairs. In reality John was probably only doing a tenth of the work of Elijah but he wasn't complaining and Bruno and Titan hadn't said anything either, encouraging John to enjoy himself and make himself at home.

Tonight the bar was quiet. John has seen Jerome head out with the white boy Taylor earlier. Bruno apparently always had other commitments on a Thursday and Titan was nowhere to be seen. Elijah was coping with serving the handful of customers at the bar and John was getting a little bored. Around 10pm a large group of black guys came in and made themselves at home, they knew Elijah, and were chatting and joking away. John was covering the bar when a couple of white guys came in. John assessed them quickly the first was a bulky guy all muscle, tall, late twenties and cocky as they come, the second was a slim guy about 5'8 and also in his twenties who avoided eye contact and clearly let his friend take the lead.

"Two beers, boy", demanded the muscle guy as he approach the bar clearly talking to John. John who was clearly a good ten years older just let it go and started to get the beers. He looked the muscle guy up and down as he handed over the drinks.

"Like what you see boy", the muscle guy asked, "200 pounds of prime American beef. Pumped and ready for action." John just ignored him and turned to serve another customer but not before he heard the guy say to his friend, "You see that. I can always spot `em. That guy is hot for me. I bet I get my cock up his ass or at least down his throat before we leave here tonight." With that he headed off to a table and his friend followed him.

John stayed busy serving a few drinks but planning in his own mind what he was going to do to that cocky bastard if he uttered another word. It was the little guy who came back to the bar to order another round of drinks. Elijah served him but John could see the white boy checking him out. Again he left it but a plan was forming in his mind. After a few minutes John noticed something going on at the table where the white guys were sat. The bulky guy was mouthing off at one of the regulars and they were squaring up against each other clearly about to get into a fight. John was over the bar and on them pushing them apart in seconds.

The black guy looked at John and said, "He was dissing Titan."

Before John could say anything the white guy announced, "That cunt, I have fucked guys much taller and more muscular than him. I eat boys like him for breakfast."

"That's it", announced John grabbing hold of the white guy.

"Ohhh. Are you going to throw me out?", the guy asked

"No. You're coming in the back with me", John announced, "You too" he said to the guy's friend.

The bulky guy winked at his friend saying, "Told ya. This boy is hot for me. Time to watch me work his ass."

"Btw people call me Jason", he introduced himself and John told him his name with a grin.

John manhandled the guy across the bar and into the back room followed by his friend and a crowd of half the guys in the bar to see what was going to happen, including Elijah, and Bruno who had got back from wherever he had been. As they got into the room John punched the guy in the stomach winding him and then slapped him hard in the face knocking him to the floor. He hauled him up and slapped him again then threw him down across a table. He then grabbed his pants, he saw no belt and just some chinos, so he grabbed them and literally ripped them of the guys body leaving a few shreds around his still booted ankles and torn pile of cloth on the floor. When the guy started to shout and complain he pushed his head hard into the table almost breaking his nose and causing an impressive spurt of blood from it. "Shut up bitch", John ordered, "You're mine now and I am going to teach you how a real man using a white boy cunt like you."

The guy moaned and tried to complain but a hard slap to his head shut him up. With the crowd watching on John effortlessly pulled the underwear from his body to reveal the quivering white hole. It was clench shut in fear and disbelief but this was going to happen and John was going to have his way. John now casually shucked his pants and dropped his underwear to reveal his hard 11-inch monster and walked up to the boy, lined up with the hole, and rammed his way in balls deep. The scream could be heard half way across town but John just said, "Shut up bitch", and slammed his head into the table again while he started his brutal rhythm of pulling his cock almost fully out them ramming it home again and again. The white guy was still screaming, moaning and begging him to stop but John was not listening. A white boy in pain on his dick was exactly where a cocky bitch like this one should be. John did not mess about this was about causing the boy maximum pain and humiliation and he quickly got to the point of no return and shot his load deep into the unwilling ass. As he pulled out the white boy sighed clearly thinking his ordeal was over but he was wrong and John turned to Bruno and said, "You're up man."

Bruno gladly took John's place and took his pleasure from the this hole followed by Elijah. While the Wolf pack were having there way with this white boy's hole John had turned his attention to that cocky mouth hauling the boy further over the table and while Elijah worked his ass John demanded the bitch open his mouth and take his cock with a firm warning that if he felt any teeth he would kick and punch them out of his mouth. John got to work ruthlessly stuffing his cock down the stunned white boy's throat causing the boy to choke and gag. John had no sympathy, "Suck it fucker. I don't care if you can't breathe or if you pass out, you will suck it `til I cum." With that John got back into his rhythm fucking his mouth while Elijah fucked his ass. John made sure the boy was suffering, spluttering and almost blue and on the verge of passing out before he would pull out to allow a short breath before ramming home again. John took his time enjoying watching this once cocky bitch now suffering and trying to take his cock. Once he did cum in the bitch for the second time he announced to the entire bar, "Open season guys, have at him." With than the crowed descended on the still prone boy and ran train on his ass and throat.

The white guy's friend just stood there watching all this in shock but also in total awe at the power of the black men but especially of John. He was a little surprised when John came up to him and asked, "Like what you see", as he grabbed at the white boy's crotch feeling his hard cock. He did not know what to say but looked up into the face of this tall, muscular black god and smiled. John just said to him, "On your knees. You owe me a blow job." The boy fell to his knees and saw the monster cock in front of him but he wanted and need this so moved forward, kissed each of his enormous balls, the kissed the cock head and taking a deep breath impaled himself on the cock.

John let the boy work at first pleased to see the boy was eager if a little useless as his cock sucking technique. He let the boy work for a few minutes before grabbing his head and quickly finishing himself off dumping his third load of the night down, for the first time, a willing throat. Seeing the boy was rock hard from his service he laughed an pointed at the bulge in the boy's pants saying, "Well we need to do something about that." Then before he could say anything he said to the crowd, "Make way guys, man in need coming through", and he pushed the boy towards his still prone friend who had just taken a second load from Bruno.

"There you go, have at him", John said to the guy. When the guy hesitated John make it clear this was an order and the boy complied stripping down to reveal a moderate 7 and half inch dick that was quite thick and to be honest pretty big for white bitch-boy. John had him line up and to push into the now sloppy and loose hole and use his hands to hold on to his friend's, or the bitch's as John called him, torso to get some leverage. He soon got into it and loved it when John suggested he start abusing the bitch's nipples to make him moan while he took his cock. He was horny as fuck from the nights events and came pretty quickly releasing the bitch for the next guy to use.

John went over to the white guy as he got himself dressed and said he was welcome to stay for a second round or was free to go. He decided it was time to go and asked about his friend. John told him that he was going nowhere he had a lot more loads to take but for his friend not to worry they weren't going to kill him but that his friend either be transformed into the bitch boy he was born to be or would wish he was dead before the night was out.

Titan got back to the club around 2am. He was somewhat surprised that everyone appeared to be in the back room. While it was not uncommon for quite a few to be back there it was unusual for almost everyone to be in the `sex room.' When he went to investigate Bruno spotted him and clued him in on what had been going on and the put down John had pulled off on the bitch on the table.

As the flow of men using the bitch had slowed John had gone up to him and grabbed him by the balls squeezing and twisting hard saying, "If you want to keep these you will start to beg every man here to fuck your ass and use your throat. If I ever see you without a cock in you then your balls are gone!" This meant Titan was greeted by the muscular well used white boy bitch shouting, screaming and begging for a man to use his ass or his throat. The thing was at some point in the night the boy had realised he was screaming and begging not because of the threat of losing his balls but because he really deserved and really needed this.

Titan was happy to oblige the plea from the boy as it had been a stressful night and while he usually was not into sloppy seconds he knew his python would still cause this bitch some pain and to force the boy to notice him in the crowd of other men that used him and he was not disappointed. After he had dumped a couple of loads, the second being a spit roast with Bruno, he went off to get a drink and reflect on the events of earlier in the night.

The twink was all Titan could think about. He admitted to himself he was getting obsessed, and this was ridiculous. The twink had no right to refuse him or try to tell him, the black god of all white men, the man with Titanoboa in his pants, what to do. He had decided this would not stand and it was time to do something about it. If talking and showing him was not going to work then it was time for something more radical.

Titan had headed across town to a contact he had in another club who was a known drug dealer. Titan did not do drugs himself, it was a loser's game, but it was time for desperate measures and if the twink would not submit willingly then a little GHB should change his mind and allow Titan to have his way. Titan was not going to pay for drugs, he did not pay for anything. He considered getting one of the rich guys that paid for his escort services to stump up the cash but that was too complicated so instead he took Timmy with him and offered the dealer his ass in return for the goods. The dealer wasn't keen but when Titan sweetened the deal allowing the dealer to pimp Timmy out to whoever he wanted for the rest of the night that sealed it.

Titan felt the vial safe in his pocket and started to plan how he was going to get the drugs to the twink and where he was going to take him afterwards. Bruno came up to him at this point and asked him, "Fuck that twink you were after yet?" Titan smiled and said "No", then added, "but, next night's the night."

******* The next night that twink came to his bar and Titan found the opportunity to make his dream come true. He that twink and asked him something to start a conversation.

"Hey,....can I ask you something kid?", He faked a request that he never do in reality.

"The might Titan needs my permission?", The twink stared at him mad Titan had to fake a smile.

"Btw what is you name kid?", He asked smiling.

"Wikling but you can call me Wik", he said with a nice smile.

"Let me offer you drink. Actually let me buy for you", and he signalled Elijah who understood and started making drinks.

"So what do you wanna ask big guy?", He said making him comfortable. Wikling possessed an aura and Titan felt it. He was not like the regular twink he had fucked. He was rather composed, calm and authoritative and also the cutest twink he had ever been with. He never understood what attracted him to himself?

"Hmmm....why do you...think cock is ugly?", He asked and he actually wanted to know cuz everyone was so jealous of his size and there was Wikling who was not impressed at all by his size.

"Titan....I told you last is fucking so huge....besides I'm not into big any cock is I just don't get attracted to it....I'm more into...", He stopped.

"More into what?", I was curious he was I to men but not into dicks. How?

"I'm a top Titan....", He said turning his eyes away and Titan couldn't stop and grinned looking at this little top and that grin changed into a small laugh.

"Sorry....I ...I just can't believe there can be a twink like you who was a top can exist", Titan repressed his laugh but when Wikling revealed his role he looked so cute.

"Yeah yeah....they all laugh until they have my dick in them", he said coldly not looking at him.

" there is only one way you can prove what you claim. What is your dick size? It must be huge then?", Titan was curious.

"It is not always the size that matters", Wikling said with confidence and then the drinks came up.

"Ok...I'm actually ready what you said to me yesterday so after drink let's head to my personal room", Titan winked and handed Wikling his drink and then he smiled at Elijah who smiled back and nodded his head.

"Man...what a bad song....Titan can you please ask the DJ to change the song", Titan was angry on being ordered around but it was his last chance so he complied and went to DJ.

"How is this one?", He asked him taking his glass and gulping down all the drink.

"Good", Wikling also drank all and within seconds he felt dizzy.

"Are you alright?", Titan asked. "How did the drug affect so quickly....but whatever my work is done", he thought.

"My head is spinning", Wik said.

"Let me take you to my room", and saying this Titan supported Wik and took him to his room winking at Bruno who gave him a thumbs up.

The twink was lying cutely on the bed and Titan was so happy that finally the twink was all his. He never uses drugs to fuck anyone who he wants but Wikling was something else and a top. He took his shirt off flexing his huge pecs and muscles and came over Wikling.

"You are mine", as he whispered that his vision blurred but he ignored and stood up but then he felt everything to be spinning around and then he fell on bed alongside Wikling.

Next: Chapter 3

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