Ruin of a Boy

By christopher mannie

Published on Jan 11, 2008


The Ruin Of A Boy

Part 5


Christopher Michael Mannie


All the previous disclaimers apply

Thanks again for all the messages!

I was tied face down to a stack of straw bails in my Uncle Gary's barn. We were in the hayloft. And there were close to twenty men there that day. I was the only boy and at that, twelve years old.

They had just watched me as my Uncle shaved what little hair I had around my cock and then applied a salve that burnt like hell and left it there. The salve was to burn away and kill all my hair follicles so I wouldn't ever grow hair there again. He had told me that as he applied it, in front of the men, so that I would feel more pain and think about it as it burnt away my future. Sometimes he loved to see me suffer.

He got off on my pain.

Now, in the hayloft, my red and sore pubic mound rubbed against the material of a guilt that was layed under me on top of the straw. My cock, as usual was hard. It was rubbing that blanket and I was excited.

But I was scared shitless at the same time.

As I looked out at the men, most of them were naked now. And I knew what was coming. I strained at the ropes that held my hands, but to no avail. The straw was soft enough to give some to the pulling of my arms, but not enough to matter.

It was then that my Uncle came back up the ladder into the hay loft. He carried with him a sack. Moving to within just a few feet from my ass, he lay the sack on the floor and reached inside.

"My Nephew slut here has a lot to learn. "Michael?" "Yes Sir", I mumbled as my head lay to the side on the bale. "From this day forward, your name will be Michelle! Do you hear me Michelle?" (Laughter and giggles) I paused long enough for my Uncle to shout angrily, "DO YOU HEAR ME MICHELLE?"

I sniffled, "Yes Sir!"

Also beginning now you will no longer dress as a boy. All your previous boy clothes have been burnt. Girlie bois dress like girlie bois. But actually, even that doesn't matter much because while in the house, and around the farm, u will wear nothing. Unless you are given permission to do so, you will never wear clothes. Is this understood?"

"Yes Sir"

"And finally. Beginning this day you will never be allowed to touch your cock, balls, or ass again, ever! Those do not belong to you any more! They belong too me!"

My Uncle paused, as though he wanted that to sink in.

I had only begun to absorb it all, of course. And now they were little more than harsh words said to an overwelmed and frightened twelve year old boy, who had already undergone so much.

(I had little idea that he meant evey word, and, accept for a few fleeting moments over the next few years, I would never touch that area of my body again until after I left. By then, I seldom wanted to touch myself. It never feels right, even now, and I feel guilty when I do. I have tried to get help because the only time I cum is when giving head or when being fucked. My Father's wish that my Uncle break me of my sexual 'problem' had been accomplished by then. I am dirty and ugly down there. But, it was my Uncle who drilled in me [wired into me] that I was beautiful when I was pleasing another man.)

I felt something cold about that time being applied to my balls "In fact, if I choose to cut off those boy parts at some time, I will do it!" (Laughter)

Only later in the afternoon after I was released fromt the bales to serve in other positions, did I realize that my balls had been painted pink.

Now, i realized that my Uncle had reached into his sack again and now brought out a flat paddle. To my horror he moved behind me again and said, "And Michelle you will also be spanked at anytime, in any way I choose.!"

With that he lifted the paddle and began my education in the art of bondage and the life of a slave. I had no rights, no privileges, no feelings, but was totally subject to the desires of my Uncle from that moment on, until a few months after I was eighteen.


My bubble butt jiggled with each hit too the awe of the crowd. And they watched enthrawled as the twelve year old boy screamed and pleaded. I winced and moaned and cried my despair, but too no avail. I was at his mercy.

I'm not sure how long it lasted, but soon felt hands move to my ass. The men moved closer and it was getting so hot, and my ass hurt from the paddle. I quickly looked back to see my Uncle chuckling over the cheek he held with one hand, as a friend slapped my welted ass and yelled drunk, "Go ahead Gary, break that bitch!"

It was then I felt something squirted on my ass. I suppose it was some kind of oil or lube, but then a rough finger pushed into my boy hole. There was no hesitation, just a thick finger in my cunt.

And then it was pulled out.

I felt a hand on both my ass cheeks now and they were spread painfully far apart to the laughter of some, and then a proding of my hole.

Some pressure.

And I felt my Uncle's prick move some at my door of innocent virgin boyhood.

Then I felt my big Uncle's hands grab just above my hips on both sides, the hands practically covering completely my entire waist. A strong grip.

A pause, like the calm before the storm. A held breath, on my part, to prepare myself.

And then my childhood was gone forever.

The huge swollen cock that had waited for this moment now for several weeks, did its savage work on my twelve year old boy pussy.

He mounted me like a horse with a rutting "AAAAAAH!" to the applause of all the men who boistrously shared their glee at my initiation.

"God Damn!....Oh God!.... What a tight pussy!" His man bush was pressed to my ass.

I violently jerked at the intrusion. My red fisted hands pulled with a heavy spasm at the ropes that bound me to my destiny. My legs left the floor and rose up now between my Uncles legs to kick and rebell against the searing pain in my ass. I had never before felt so much pain! He felt like a log in my rear, and I wanted at all cost to remove that invasion!

And I tried, Oh, how i tried!

I don't remember every detail. But I remember forgetting everyone around me and all that had happened up to that point, and being obsessed by one thing. How to get that huge spear out of me! And I tried. I jerked and pulled and cussed, and yelled, and screamed, and looked back and buried my face in the bale, bawling, and squirmed and closed my cheeks around my Uncle's member. Then, just as quickly, I tried to push my ass muscles to release it, but it was not to be.

Nothing worked.

My Uncle grunted his approval at my rebellion. He only became harder and thicker and more savage as he held onto my little hips and to make himself feel at home in his new boy toy.

He began the long rape of my most private world, which no longer belonged to me. It was now his possesion to do with as he pleased. And he wanted me to know it. And he would re-wire my mind to understand the realities of this new universe, this new life.

I would trully never be the same again.

My Uncle pounded my ass with his shaft and with a loud "AAAAAH! soon released his seed into his nephew.

I was no longer a boy, but a boi.

And his cum filled my insides. I felt that. It was so strange and different. As he held on tight to my hips, his cock buried deep in my ass, I felt his cock slowly loose its rigidity.

Then he pulled out. That hurt some too, but not nearly as bad, and then...... that vacancy.

I lay there, legs separated, bubble butt now opened, wet and slimy. I was sweaty, hot, ........and used goods. Now temporarily empty.

"He's all yours boys!"

And now my worst boy nightmare began.

Another pair of hands grabbed my hips. He took my Uncles place The emptiness in my pussy was soon filled.

And I moved with the motion, and my butt jiggled to the slapping of flesh to flesh. And I felt a slight difference in width and length, and sound now. A new man. And a new cock. And he finished with a groan.

And another took his place. I was slapped and grabbed, and my cock rubbed more on the cloth.

Now rather quickly, something else began to happen. I had feelings begin to wash over me. And my bouncing cock, rock hard, drooled my boy's response to these manipulations.

The rocking and strong thrust rubbed against my prostate, sending ever stronger ripples of pleasure to my sore body. The burning of my now hairless pubic area seemed so little to everything else. The ripped rose bud of my once virgin hole now was losing its tightness, ever opening now to each invasion. The pain was leaving and i was beomming addicted irrivocably to sex.

I cum. Then I cum again. I felt the wetness of the sleeping bag against my cock with each movement.

The hands feeling my body were ever present. The stimulation to my young body never stopped.

The place was hot, and smelled like sex, and hay, and animals. And i knew I was an animal, and I was a bucket, and I was a recepticle, and served no other purpose than to please my master and his friends. It ws my destiny.

I was released and only then aware that I was stiff, and yes, sore. My ass did hurt. And I walked somewhat bowlegged to a blanket, only to realize that cum was running down inside my legs from the few men who had already had me.

I was leaking cum out my new girlie boi pussy.

But I had no strength to clean it up.

As men held my legs apart, and I lay on my back, I was repeatedly raped by man upon man. I was almost senseless after awhile. I could not have begun, at that time to remember a face. I began to recognize the sounds of impending orgasim, and its movements. The names they called me made little difference after awhile.

I was written on with a permanent marker, 'Cum Bucket", 'Girlie Boi", 'Slave'.

I was moved onto my hands and knees. I was rammed from behind, my head being pulled up by my hair as one man rode me, then another. My head was pushed down into the floor, then brought back up by another who wanted his cock sucked by my young boy mouth. I gagged again, but this time, his cock went down into my throat.

I don't remember when, but once after gagging, the bile ran up my throat and into my nose to come out my nostrils. But a cock filled my mouth. I was released and allowed to vomit into my blanket. It was cum mostly that came up. The cock went back in.

I thought I would pass out from lack of air, at times. I swallowed I don't know how much cum. I moved from feeling nautious to peaks of unbelievable pleasure.

And then despair.

I remember being tied up to hang on from the rafters near the end. As one man after another pissed on me, often calling me names as they did, asking me if I enjoyed that or something similar.

But the end did come. It was later that night. Rope burns now marked my wrist and ankles. I stunk of piss and cum. My hair was totally matted. I was wasted and sick.

Finally I just fell asleep for the last time to another fucker.

The next morning, I awoke, naked, filthy dirty, and laying on a blanket stuffed inside a dog cage.


I did not know at that moment that I would literally be a slave to my Uncle. I spent hundreds of hours in that cage, always nude (growing very uncomfortable if I had clothes on to this day). I did not know at that time that my Uncle, would, in fact, make thousands of dollars off of me. I was sold and rented out for periods of time. Almost never knowing where i was going.

Later, after I was gone from his presence and into my own life, I would think back to these events thousands of times.

And it overwelms me sometimes to think that within the span of three weeks, I went from accidentally finding out how to masterbate, to becomming a whore for my Uncle, at twelve.

But I am, above all things, a realist. I do not judge anyone, for what was done. That is wrong. I am only responsible for my life. It was my life. Those are my people. In essence, I love them. I have become like them in some ways, in others not. I have a serious appreciation for the culture of S&M.

People rarely understand us. But I do. And I love much about it. It has it's own values, loves, and dislikes. It has it's own beauty (especially when it wraps itself around our young). It also has it dark shadows, that invite danger, and even disaster.

But doesn't every culture?

Thank you for listening to the story of my young life.

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