Ruin of a Boy

By christopher mannie

Published on Jan 10, 2008


The Ruined Boy

Part 4


Christopher Michael Mannie

Again, thanks for your email messages

Michael could do nothing about the burning salve, but squirm and wait. All the men had left him to wait for whatever was to come. He again pulled at the chains that still bound his wrist and ankles. As the men left, the two holding his legs had reattached the drop leaf fo the table and he lay spread eagle again. But this time with nothing but feelings of total humilation. He had just a very short time ago wanted to be without any hair around his cock and balls. When he fantasizd about boys before puberty, it was alwasy boys h knew who he had seen. They were like him, and he thought they were beautiful and sexy. Then when he started to get those first few hairs, he began to think that there was something so hot about just that little bit of bush around the other boys cock. He had spent hours rubbing his fingers through his new growth and looking just that morning in the full length mirror in his Uncle's bathroomat his cock and that hair. It cushioned the drop of his hand at each stroke on his hard cock.

And now it was gone, never to be seen again, never to grow.

How many tears had he already shed since then, but one more trickled down his cheek to land on the table where he lay.

Then he heard the noise of men talking again. Laughter and shouts! The trample of feet and then some men began to enter the room, but not before his Uncle raised up his hand, waved them back, telling them he wanted to talk to me alone.

My Uncle walked slowly over to the table as I watched him. Taking what seemed like the longest time, he looked my body over from head too toe. His nephew now a forever bald boy, never to be a man. He had a wet washcloth and small towel in his hands. He reached down with the washcloth and ever so gently began to rub away the burning hair killer. It felt good to feel the cool dampness of the rag. Soon he was finished. He patted the area around me cock witht he towel. For just a moment, and I will never forget it, my Uncle looked up at me with the saddest look. He dropped the cloth and towel on the floor and and moved his hands back to my pubic mound. He took the back of his right index finger and ever so slightly moved it across the red skin, as though.......well.... second thoughts?

Almost as quickly, he returned to the door and opened it to usher in the men. Each seemde to know what to do. They unbuckled my cuffs adn let them drop to the foor with the chains. I was lifted form the table and held by one man as the others left the room. Only he and my Uncle remained.

My Uncle steadied me as I was shaken and sore, my eyes now red and somewhat swollen from the tears of earlier. He placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned down to whisper in my ear. Today you will become a girlie boi forever. I will be watching you to see if you do your best. Make me rpoud Son.

With that he pushed me to the door, we walked down the hall and to the front door I don't remember if I worried about being nude in the out of doors. I was in a daze. Some things came and go in memmory, even ater al these years. For so much of that day, I could close my eyes and tell you every detail, but for others, it is gone and I always have to fill in the blanks.

But I will not forget the next few minutes, or even hours and its major moments. It is seered in my mind forever.

We three, my Uncle, the other man, and myself walked into the barn. It was a big barn which had obviously been used for dairy cows at one time. It had many empty stalls and still smelled like hay. It was warm and the scent of old wooden beams and animals lingered in the early afternoon air. I heard talking and noticed in the streams of sunlight that filtured through the cracks in the barn planking, bits of dust and straw floating down from the ceiling above us. Someone was up there. In fact several persons.

I was led to a vertical ladder that extendd up into the loft and told by my Uncle to start climbing.

And I did. My Uncle and the man stood underneath me and some comment was made as I climbed, some laughter and then my head began to rise above the loft floor to gaze at the same men that were in my bedroom peering down at me. Now my Uncle came under me and pushed at my ass to go ahead. I climbd out onto the straw covered foor, only to be told to stay on my hands andknees by one of the men there. So, I craweld just far enough to get out of my Uncles way and rmained in that position as they ascended to stand wit all the other men.

My Uncle then was given a leash. He came to me and grabbed my neck only long enough to place the leash on the pink collar which I had recieved in my bedroom. Then ever so slowly, he pilled on the leash and I began to make my way,like a dog across the floor. There was flash of light, and then in the somewhat dim amosphere of the hay loft, punctured only by numerous streams of sunlight between the boards, I saw a mound of straw bails that were waste high in front of me. It was placed strategically in the center of the room. Laid cross the top and over its sides was what looked to be a quilt or a sleeping bag.

My Uncle told me to stand. I did. He then began to talkt ot the men as though I was not even in the room. As though I did not exist.

"A few weeks ago, my brothered called me and told me had had a rpoblem with my nephew. He had walked in on my nephew wh was laying in th tub. He has his cock in his hand and was masterbating. My brother thought this was disgusting and wanted to know if I might help. He no longer wanted his Son to live with him or his wife. The boy was mine to do with as I pleased, but that he wanted him broken from his problem and he was mie to keep until he was eighteen, six years from now. I told him yes. He also told m he wanted to provide a place for me and if I would consent, he would make all th arrangements. We talked later, but yesterday my nephew came to live with me. Last night he learned for the first time how to give head.

I was in shock. Not only had my Uncle humiated me in fornt of all these men earlier by keeping me nude and shaving and removing my hair forever, but now he tells these men about last night!

"Men, you know me pretty well. We have all seen our share of beautiful boys haven't we?" They all, almost in a chorus of agreement confirmed that they had. "And I have had my share of boys bobbing up and down on my cock. But men, I have to tell you that I was damn proud of my nephew last night. Even though he has some learning to do (and he looked at me and winked), he gave the best first time head I think I have ever had from any boy!"

He then looked at me and smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen from him yet. I'm not sure I knew what to think, but I do remember my reaction t my Uncle when he made the next statement.

"Today to mark this first day of my nephews new life as a girlie boy, I want him to show you what he can do when he sucks a man's cock."

About that time my Uncle nodded and two men from behind me grabbed my shoulders and firmly brought me over to face my Uncle. My Uncle looked down at me, puting his hand on my shoulder and simply said, "Michael, would you show these nice men how much you love to suck cock?

I looked up at my Uncle just for a moment and then lowered my eyes.

I slowly dropped to my knees and knelt in the straw, now looking up into his face, then down to his pants. I reached up and slowly undid the belt of his pants. He never moved a hand to help me until I had actuallt begun to pull apart the wings of his jeans and expose the fact that he had no underwear on. His cock lay hard and falt against his skin until with one push of his hands, the jeans fell to the floor and th cock sprang to life in front of my face. There was such silence, event though the smells of hay and straw and wandering dust in sunlight pervaded the air. It was sureal.

And then I lifted my hand to wrap it around my Uncle huge cock and I leaned into my destiny.

The smell of my Uncle filled my nostrills as iopened my mouth to take in the member. I rolled my eyes to look up into his. He had a sheepish smile on his face and then I lowered mien again to survery my work.

Thinking back, I think it was hearing that he was proud of me and the fact that he called me son again that did it. I wanted nothing more at that moment than to show him and all those men what I could do.

I rmember thinking that, no, i wouldn't kiss it lik last night, I would take as much into my mouth as I could fromt eh very beginning and I opened mouth wide and and engulfed as much of that spear as my mouth could hold, and closed my mouth around it

Ther was a wild cheer and round of applause as i pulled off again and then began to kiss th head, raise it up and kiss it underneath, then placing it again back in my mouth and bgan toslowly bob up and down, looking up quit often to the satisfaction on my Uncles face.

It wasn't long before I felt the cock begin to swell in my mouth and soon my Uncle grabbed my hair and pulled off. I wasn't sure oif I had done something when he said, "Openyour mouth boy!" And with that he rubbed cock only a couple of times and begant o shoot into my wide open mouth.

More laughter and clapping as the shots filled my mouth. The my Uncle bega to shoot on my face and told me to close my mouth and he placed his cock on my face adn then just smeared what was left to leave his cock all aound my face.

I rased my hand ad wiped soem off where I might find it and quickly put i in my mouth. Even then I could not catch it all. Soem dripped down to rest on my Uncle's knee a drop on th floor. I bent over and with my tongue and their were 'ooohs" and "aaahs' as I did as I had been taught.

I knew my Uncle was proud of me now. In those few moments, I completely forgot about my searing pubic mound. I completely forgot about being humilated earlier. I completely fogot about being nude in front of lust filled older men.

All I wanted was to feel ahppy again, and I knew that I was happy when jerked off and when I sucked my Uncle's cock. It was when I was having sex that I felt happiest, and I loved it.

'Whew! God, that was awesome son!" I heard my Uncle say as he looked me in the eyes. And I smilled the biggest smile back. I had made him happy!

It was only then that I noticed that the men were in different states of undress. Some were still the same, but others had there cocks partially out and had been jerking off, it seemed. A couple ofthe guys wer totally naked and now causally were resting on assorted bales of straw around the loft. I was still on my knees when I saw my Uncle move off to the side.

It was then that two men came up to me and grabbed me under my arms and lifted me up.There was more hooting and hollering and a growing sense of excitement. "Yes, go ahead and strap him up men, I need to recover some," my Uncle replied.

At twelve, I'm sure I was so naive. Today I look back and wonder at my innocence and why I couldn't see it, but I couldn't. I was so sheltered. I had no friends. I had been a loner for years as a child. I learned to jerk off by accident from rubbing myself, for God's sake!. Before my Uncle, I knew noithing about sex. That was changing by the minute.

The men took me to the mound of bales in the center of the room and stood me in front of them. I wondered what was next, of course. I was nugged clser to the sleeping bag covered bales and then someone pushed my back to get me to lean over the bales. He continued to push until I wasface down on the bales. But my feet were, at that moment still on the floor. A man came and grabbed my right hand and tied a rope some whattightly around the wrist, and with the rope went to the far end of the mound and leaned down to fasten it too something ont he floor. Then another man did the same to my left wrist as I watched and wondered. Many of th men wre drinking again and there was laughing and comments, much of which I did not understand. Then when they were both finished with the ropes, they pulled them not totally tight, but still I could move my arms very little in any direction. Each of them pointed away from my body across the tops of the bales at a forty-five degree angle.

I now was splayed across the bales on a sleeping bag, my chest and head now resting flat. My ass pointing back as my feet rested squarely on the floor.

I lay there for a few minutes waiting, wondering what this was, and slowly, as I watched the men ad listened to their talk, and saw some undress even more, it dawned on me what was going to happen.

The final chapter is to follow. Please email me for comments. Thanks! Chris (

Next: Chapter 5

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