Ruin of a Boy

By christopher mannie

Published on Jan 10, 2008


The Ruin Of A Boy

Part 3


Christopher Michael Mannie

All previous disclaimers apply.

And again, thank you for your comments.

As my friend sat down with me and shared this story of what happened to him in 1967, I found myself more and more possessed by it. He had asked me to write it up for him. As he had heard I love to hear other people's true experiences and write them up, if possible. Fiction, has never been my strong point. Then we decided to record his telling of it, because, I wanted to keep it as much like he remembered it as was possible. So, accept for some necessary editing, and name changes, it is basically unaltered. But then again, I leave it up to you to decide wether this story is true or not, I'm just the story teller.

I awoke to voices.

They were in the house.

I had slept so well. I didn't remember even waking up at all. As I raised my head to see where those voices were coming from, I only then realized where I was at..and all of the feelings from the night before began to flood into me. I became aware that I was nude. Never before in my life had I not worn pajamas too bed. I looked around at my new room and even though it was bright outside (it was June), it was still somewhat dim. My morning boner was snuggly tucked under my body and pressing on the sheet. "AAAH". It kind of felt good to not wear to let the sheets and blankets rub ur skin, I thought. This was new too me, as were a lot of things.

I thought back to what I had learned just last night from my Uncle.

Hands at my side at all times. I was a girlie boy. No teeth when sucking cock. God my Uncles cock was big! And reaching to my mouth with my hand, I remembered how my mouth hurt. And now smiling to myself, thinking about how much I got into my mouth!

I remembered how my Uncle moaned. I already loved to give head, and I just started! It made me feel better inside when I had sex. And I loved to make my Uncle happy. And the biggest one of all now......NEVER WASTE A MAN'S SEED! I don't think I will forget that one for as long as I live!

I slowly brought my hand out from under the cover (I guess my Uncle had put it on me) and lifted it up to look at my ass. The red welts were still there, but they didn't seem to be too sore at all.

I got up and just sat there on the side of my bed for a few moments. I didn't know what time it was, but it looked to be about mid morning.

I looked around for some clothes, but I didn't see anything...nothing! I opened a drawer or two, and no clothes! And nothing in the closet either!

Those voices were just outside the front door of the house in the front yard and I thought I heard my Uncle in the kitchen on the phone. I sheepishly made my way to the bathroom looking down the hall in case I would be seen. I felt better after pissing, even though I had nothing to wear.

"Michael, is that you?

"Yes Sir, it's me!", I yelled.

"Take a shower and there'll be some food on a plate in your room when you get out.. Wait for me there, after you shower and eat!

As I stood there in the bathroom, I remembered from last night how much I liked it. It had a big round tub, and a shower in the corner. A bench lay along one wall, and a full length mirror ran the whole length of one wall from top to bottom. I spent a few minutes looking at my red marks. And I actually felt pretty good about how I looked as I saw my full body in the mirror. I turned and stuck out my ass to the mirror and bent over wondering what my Uncle saw the day before when he looked me over. And as I ran the soap over my body I couldn't help but reach down and start to jerk off for a good one. But what I usually thought of did not appear this time in my mind as I lathered and pumped my cock. No, this time, I thought of how my uncle had wrapped his lips around my twleve year old spear, how it felt. Soon, I shot onto the shower wall. Only this time, for the first time in my life, I reached over and scooped up the white globs and stuck them in my mouth, tasting my own cum. That was a first too. It was that same taste I had when my Uncle kissed me after giving me a blowjob.

I brought a towel out with me this time. And I felt warm and comfortable. In fact, I felt great! I threw my towel off and got back into my bed, snuggling in the blankets. I was sleepy.

I awoke to a hand on my shoulder. My Uncle was shaking me awake. And standing in the room with him were several men! They must have come into the room without a sound. "Wake up Boy!' He didn't give me any time too react. He reached down and grabbed the covers throwing them off the bed. At the same time two men came quickly to the bed. It happened so fast. One grabbed my now flailing arms, and another grabbed my legs. Before I knew it they had me onto a table now in the center of the room and four men wre taking each of my ankles and each wrist in hand.

"You guys know what to do!' I don't remember what I said, if anything, I was so terrified.

The lights were all turned on now and with the sunshine, the room was very bright. In the panic I looked all around me and heard the muffled laughs and comments. "Ya, Gary, he's a buet!' 'God, look at that ass!" But what i most remember was that now the four men who had my ankels and wrist were now stretching me spread eagle on this table to its corners and each was attaching a leather cuff with a chain attached to it. My Uncle now moved up to my head, not saying a word. He brought out a pink leather collar and lifted my head to lay it under my neck. Then he wrapped it around my neck and I heard a "snap!" and hoots and hollers as the collar was secured. He lifted a key and visibly showed it too me. "Now that's what sissy boys!' The whole room cheered and then clapped as they all gazed at my now exposed body and the pink collar around my neck. I was shaken and trembling. I began to cry again as I realized my condition.

About that time, I noticed my Uncle move around so he was in between my legs. "Now men, I want you to gather around. Each of you needs get a better look and feel of my nephew before we begin today. There are drinks in the kitchen. Enjoy yourself. I'll leave the slut here for the next half hour for your pleasure, then I want us all to meet in here again for the rest of it." And with that he almost left the room before he stopped and said ,"Oh yes, just one thing, nothing in the pussy!" And with that, he laughed and all the men with him, and he left the room along with a few others.

The next half hour or so I was fondled, pinched, cussed at, grabbed, twisted, examined, called names , and a couple of the men were kind and just patted my cheeks and wiped away the tears, telling me it would be alright. But that brought me no comfort. Now the moisture in my eyes seemed a never ending stream. I was lost. It is so noisy. I was feeling so good. Why me?

I closed my eyes, but that did not help as i winced again from a pinch or hand feeling my cock. I don't remember all the remarks. I was constantly kept hard. Just when I thought I would cum, they stopped. My cock was now uzzzing precum and the touching and feeling was making me so horny. I even found myself writhing some on the table to their fondling, wishing someone would help me feel better. I wanted to cum! No, I wanted to be rescued!

I could smell the beer and liqour and it was obvious that the men were much more relaxed now. Soon the room grew more crowded, and then my uncle came back in. The two men who had held my legs earlier now reached too the cuffs and took them off my ankles. But at the same time, they continued to hold onto my ankles firmly. The room grew strangely quite. Many of the men ranging in age from their early twenties to a couple in their fifties held a beer or glass as they watched intently.

While the men held my legs, still spread widely apart, my Uncle, moved between my legs, and reached under the table. While still holding my ankles by one hand, the men reached under my my ass and they lifted my rear off the talble. I heard a "pop!" It was a release under the table that supported that end. The last third of the table dropped beneath my hips. My Uncle moved up, now close to my ass. They then lowerd my ass down.

Now the edge of the table was at the end of my ass. My legs still suspended by the two men.

My Uncle motioned over the crowd for someone, and another man came through the crowd to stand beside my uncle. They again cheered as he made his way though smiling. He was carrying a tray. On it was a bowl, and a small package. My Uncle took the package and brought out one tube of something, and I looked down through my my lifted , held legs, and now fully vulnerable body, with its still very hard and leaking cock, too see what else was in the package..

The realization of what he was about to do did not sink in until he brought out the shaving cream. I said "What is that for?"

But already knowing. No one said anything as my Uncle continued to lay out a razor on the tray.

My Uncle stopped and looked directly at me then with the meanest face. He looked just like my Dad did that day in the bathroom.. " My girlie bois do not have a hair below the neck.....for life.... Today I wilI shave all the hair on your body below your neck. I will then put this lotion on all the places you have hair. It will burn for a short tme. I will wipe it off and you will never have hair there the rest of your life. It is permanent."

My uncle then nodded to another man who brought up a camera, and in horror, I watched as he took a close ups of my cock and the small patch of hair that surrounded it. Then my Uncle pressed the button of the shaving cream and applied it to the few wisp of hair aound my cock. I was now sobbing. I went between lifting my head and looking at the quick progress of my Uncle to laying my head back down and despairing. Then the Men lifted my ass again and pulled a part my legs to give my Uncle greater access to my ass. He laughed, "Well, I see only a couple hairs on this baby, that won't take long. He put the razor down and reaching here and there, he simply yanked and pulled the hairs out individually. I yelped my protest and jerked my hips with each yank. But no one listened. No shaving cream was applied there. My Uncle then asked the men around the table to examine me closely for any hair he had not seen. Again I felt hands and one even had my ass lifted again to see if any was on my back. But my Uncle motioned it down saying, "I'll take care of that later".

"Now don't move Son, or I might cut your balls off! (Laughter) But, hell you won't need them anyway. (More laughter)

With just a couple of swipes of the razor, the only hair I would ever have, was gone, and it was rubbed away with a towel.

Then, as I closed my eyes, I felt my Uncle's now warm fingers apply the salve to my pubic mound and left it there.

He put away his tools. And as the man carried it all away, my Uncle said loudly, "Ok boys, more refreshments in the kitchen, help yourself! We'll let that salve do it's work, and in one hour we will all meet in the barn!'

The rest to follow soon. Thank you for reading!

Chris (

Next: Chapter 4

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