Ruin of a Boy

By christopher mannie

Published on Dec 31, 2007


The Ruining Of A Boy



Christopher Michael Mannie

Thanks To All Those who email me, it is appreciated.

All previous disclaimers apply here. Even though I trust my friend regarding his story too me, it is still your choice as whether to believe it or not. I have only changed the names.

Even to this day, after all these years, (this took place in 1967), I still struggle with my feelings about my Uncle.

He was very human. I try to remember that I am just as human. Sometimes I am good. Sometimes I am very bad.

He looked so much like my Father. They were not close, but as was often said, "family was family" and even though they rarely talked, they still had a way of getting the message across to each other. Little was ever directly said to me in the way of their understandig about my situation. But this I do know for sure now. My Father clearly directed my Uncle to take complete control of my life, until I was eighteen and he wanted to know very little of what procedures my Uncle used to help me with 'my problem'. He also wanted to see very little of me, accept for family holidays. I also know his feelings about me remained that way until the day he died.

I had only one month left of my twelth year when my Uncle came to pick me up. My Mother came into my room, after I had packed all my things that I wanted. She took my hands in hers, and said, 'Michael, do you know that I love you?' And I said, "Yes Mother" She then raised her hand to my face and brushed my cheek, pushed away the hair from my forehead (I had rather long hair in those days like other boys my age) and said, "Be a good boy for your Uncle". And then she turned around and walked out of my life.

I could always count on my Mother for total obedience to my Father's every wish.

My Uncle arrived then, and came up to my room with my Father. He took a long look at me, and said, "My, you have grown since I last saw you!' He was smiling. My Father was not. My Father came over to me, grabbed my shoulders with his hands as he moved behind me facing me towards my Uncle. "Son, you know what the arrangement is. I want you to be a god boy for your Uncle. If you don't I will hear about it. I expect total obedience." My Uncle was now more solemn, but had a slight smile still on his face.

Then we took all the luggage, and a couple of boxes to his car. I got in on the passenger side and looked for my Mom, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. My Uncle and Father talked for just a few moments, then my Uncle got in and we drove away. I would not see my Father or Mother for the next six months until we got together for our family Christmas. (We were only four miles from Mother and Father's house) . I didn't even look back as we drove away, for I knew it would only confirm what I already felt in my heart. I don't think I cried. I don't remember doing that, but do remember being scared.

We pulled into what would be my new home for several years. It was a nice place. Not as nice as what my folks lived in, but still not bad. Ther was a long lane back into a wooded area, and there I saw a ranch type home, single level, which seemed to have a basement. There was a barn. My uncle talked as we unloaded the car. "Soon, we are going to get some animals. I love the country, so private, you can do anything you want out here, and knowbody even knows". He said that as he looked at me.

All my clothes, luggage, and boxes were depostied in a rather plain room compared to my older one. But it wasn't bad. "This is your room Michael. I want you to unpack all your things, hang up all your clothes, put them away. And as soon as your finished come out and we'll grab a bite to eat."

Oh, all the feelings I had. I was just kind of in a daze still about what was happening. I was kind of a robot. Just going through the motions. Obeying orders and just taking each moment as it came.

So , I was done packing away everything and went to the kitchen. My Uncle sat across the table from me and we talked very little. At least that is what I remember. Maybe because I was so nervous (I hadn't seen him for almost four years) or maybe I was just in that daze I was talking about, but the next thing I remember is that my Uncle said, " Alright, I'm going to do the dishes. In the meantime, your going to go take a shower and clean up. It's been a long day for both of us. After your finished I will take a shower, then you and I will set down and talk about everything. So get going!" He wasn't grouchy or mean about it. Just matter of fact.

It was now, about eight o'clock in the evening. As I sat in my bedroom on my bed, I heard the shower, then it went off. It was very quiet until I heard my Uncle say, "Michael, come into my bedroom for a few minutes".

As I came into the bedroom, my uncle still had a towel around his waist. He was not a bad looking man. Like my Father he was good looking in his day. He was now in his late thirties.

"Set down on my bed son, we need to have a clear understanding about some things here".

My uncle then came over to the bed, and still with his towel wrapped around his waist, sat on the side of the bed. I had done the same, only I was in my pajamas. That's what I always wore to bed.

I couldn't help but look at my Uncle. He was somewhat hairy, with some hair on his back, but mostly on his chest and legs. Almost immediately, he said, 'You know why you are here. Your Father tells me you have some problems. We are going to work on those. And you also know that you belong to me now, to do with as I please. Your mine. Your my property. And some things have to be learned, starting tonight!"

With that, he told me to come and stand in front of him. I was so scared. I hesitated, but not for long, as my Uncle shouted 'Come on boy! One thing you will have to learn right up front is that when your told to do something, you will do it without being told twice. If I have to tell you twice, it will result in a whipping!" With that,he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet and moved me to stand a couple feet in front of him.

My Uncle eyed me then from head to foot and said, " Well, I want to see what I've got to work with here, take that shirt off!"

Now, remember, I am twelve, he is almost forty. His voice is deep and loud. He is bigger than me in every way. I am short and thin compared to him. I began to trimble some, but i reached down and unbuttoned my pajama top. (It was the last time I wore one). My uncle never said a word as I held my top in my hand in front of me. He reached up, grabbed the top and threw it on the floor. "Now the bottoms!" I looked at him only long enough to know that he meant business. And I didn't want a 'whippin'. I had never had one before, but I had heard about them from other boys. (Back then, it was the most common way to descipline a child). So, reaching my thumbs into the elastic of my waste band of my pajama bottoms, I pushed them down to fall on the floor to my ankles. I stepped out of them and stood there. I had on white briefs.

"Well, well, you really have grown up! Now the underwear". I only looked at him and started to say something and he raised his right hand and hit me on left side of my ass with a hard smack. Grabbing my arm, he pulled me closer to him so he could look squarely into my eyes. "Boy, when I tell you to do something, I expect to be obeyed!"

Now with tears in my eyes, I reached again into the elastic of my briefs and slowly pulled down the underwear to fall too the floor.

I quickly put my hands in front of my cock. He then hit my hands. "Hands always at your side boy!"

Now I was use to jerking off, remember? But I hadn't for two days now. My uncle had just knocked away my hands from my dick and as he did he brushed the head of my cock with his hand. I started to get hard! In front of my Uncle! My uncle looked at my cock without any emotion whatsoever. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Was he disqusted at my body like my Dad? Then he looked into my face. I immediately lowered my head, and began too shed some real tears. They fell down onto my cheeks. My face turned red from embarrasment and shame.. This is the second man who saw me nude and with a boner. And it was my Uncle. And he too, thought I was dirty and had a real problem. This is what I was thinking.

"Your Father told me about your problem in the bathroom. Well, we're gonna work on that. I'm not sure what you have that's any good, but I'll do my best. If your obedient and do all I say, maybe we can make things better, ok? He then reached up and brushed away the tears with his big hands and pulled up my chin so i would look at him again. And he smiled at me.

Then he said, "Turn around boy, let me see what you've got in that ass. As I turned he reached out his hands and grabbed my waste to manually turn me around. I remember that his hands were big, and a little cold. If he had wanted too, he could have completely reachced around my little waist and touched his fingers together. But now I stood facing away from my Uncle and soon, both his hands began to feel my ass! Oh God, I had never felt that before! I heard only, "Oh my.....god yes......that is the best part of you....we can do something with that for sure.

He kept grabbing and poking and rubbing the back of my legs and my cheeks. He took his two hands and put them between my two legs on the inner thighs and pushed to spread out my legs. I could tell he was then looking at how my balls were hanging because he poked and pulled at them. he said something about the "deep brown valley....beautiful.......oh baby...yes,.....your going to work out fine, they'l love that. That's what we're looking for!"

But I didn't understand. What did he mean by "what we're looking for".....who is 'we'?

"Now bend over" he said as he pushed on my back and I leaned forward. "All the way! I felt his hands separate my ass cheeks. "MMMMM.....DAMN.......Yes, total cherry!......Tight as a fist!.

The feelings I had at that moment were incredible. Never before had anyone touched me like that, and especially there. My cock was rock hard and sticking up at an angle now, as my Uncle again turned me around. He again looked at the boner and said, "Well, if I didn't know for sure, I do now!'

"I'm going to help you Michael. Your going to be fine. But from now on, you will start to think what I tell you to think. You will become what I want you to become. And I am going to help you be what you were made to become.....a girlie boi!"

A what? I thought to myself. I had not heard of that before. "But I am not a gir!. I am a boy!"

"A girlie boi. Have you never heard of that before?" That is what you are, you just didn't know it. Girlie bois have nice asses like yours. God made them that way. Girlie bois get hard when they are around older men and others sometimes too.. They are very sexual, very loving, very emotional. They love to be touched, like you. And I'l bet you like to be touched here too, don't you?" He reached up with both his hands and with his forefinger and thumbs grabbed my tits. At first he just pinched them. I winced and then he began rubbing the hairless mound of my breast. Oh god, it felt so good. I began to get feelings of pleasure around my body. My Uncle said, "Oh look at that". At the end of my rigid boner was a gleaming drop of pre-cum. He took his right hand forefinger, touched the tip and put it into his mouth. "Mmmmmm". My two excited tits stood out in reddened attention as I again closed my eyes to his touch. The feelings!

With my eyes closed and my Uncle feeling my tits, I let out a small moan. Then i felt something on my cock. Immediately I opened my eyes to see my uncle pulling on my cock! He was jerking me off! Oh my god! What is happening to me? And then I saw something I had never, ever seen in my life before. He leaned into my body and took my cock into his mouth!

So, here I am, twleve years old. Only one month earlier, I had learned to jerk off. Now I look down and see this man, who I had not seen for four years begin to bob up and down on my cock. Within seconds really, I came. I jerked and moaned as my Uncle held my hips and pulled the hard cock into his mouth. And I couldn't help but reach out and take his hair in my hands and hold on, until I was done.

My Uncle raised his head and licked his lips. "God, that tasted soooo sweet! Nothing like young boi cum!"

He then reached up and grabbed the back of my head, pulling it down to his face and he began to kiss me! My first reaction was to want to throw up, but before I could even protest over his scratchy face, I tasted something. It was a salty and yet had kind of a sweet, nutty taste. Then he released my head. It was done. I leaned back up.

Then my Uncle stood up in front of me.

My head was at his chest. I looked down and thought, "Oh my god! His cock was huge!"

(As the author of this story, listening to my friend tell his experience at seeing his Uncles cock. I had to laugh. I remembered well the time I had my first sexual experience at twelve. My lover was ninteen and the older brother of my best friend. Check out 'Twelve To Nineteen" in the Nov. '06 section of 'Adult Youth'. At twelve, I thought he was huge too! And so hairy! Ha!)

In all reality, my Uncle was probably about six to seven inches, but was rather thick.

"Now boy, I just gave you 'head'. That is what we call it. You will be doing that a lot in the years to come. Girlie bois always do. And you will soon beg for it. And your first lesson with me is going to be how to give good head. I am going to teach you to be the best. "Get down on your knees!"

Remember, i was still recovering from my orgasim. And my legs felt like rubber. My Uncle saw that and he grabbed one arm with his right hand and pushd down on my shoulder with his left.

So now I am looking point blank into the very hard cock of my Uncle. He is very hairy, and I notice as I look at it that his nuts are kind of hidden, but huge too. They hung down in the bush, but one was lower than the other. His cock is a white spear, coming out of the dark mass at its base.

"The number one rule for all girlie bois is that you NEVER ever waste a drop of any man's seed son. NEVER! Do you hear me?"

I nodded, even though inside me I was so full of so many things..all new..and so different from what I had known before. I barely heard him, but understood that 'seed' meant cum and i would be sucking it out of men's cocks, like he did mine.

"So, when a man cums, you learn to catch it all in your mouth and swallow every drop! Unless he tells you different. Sometimes a man will tell you to hold it in your mouth, or he'll just pull his cock out and shoot it somewhere else. You will always do as you are told. And you will make me proud. So, you NEVER waste a drop of a man's cum. If any falls outside on your body, or on a sheet, or on the floor, you are to clean it up with your tongue. Is that understood?

There is also life in the cum. It will help you grow and your own cock and balls will grow bigger the more you eat.. The more cum you swallow, the bigger you will get!" (And you know what? I believed very word he said at that age! How did I know any different?)

My uncle then grabbed his cock with one hand and brought it level with my face. He reached and grabbed the top of my hair with with the other hand and pulled my head forward. Now his cock touchd my lips. He looked down at me and smiled. "You want to be a good boy don't you son?

You know, everytime my Uncle said that word 'son', I wanted to please him, even when I was older. It did something too me.

I nodded my head, yes, i wanted to be good boy, and please him.

"Now, kiss my cock head son." I did. I gave it a quick kiss, barely touching the slit with my lips. "No, I mean really kiss it, like you can't wait to kiss it some more!" My Uncle saw that I was responding to his now direct but gentle lessons. He smiled. And i did too. The feelings of depression and badness were gone. And I could make my Uncle proud and make him feel good. I lowered my eyes to his cock and decided I would try harder. I now wet my lips with my tongue and partially puckered my twelve year old red lips and again leaned into my Uncles cock. But this time I really kissed it and within seconds I opened my virgin lips to allow in more of my first cock. My Uncle sighed and said, "Oh yes baby, that is so good....mmmmm.....ok, now open up that mouth more and take in that head......Oh Ya......Oh god.....mmmm....suck it like a pop cicle now son".

And that is all I needed to hear. I found myself loving the feeling of sucking, like someone who desperately takes a drag on his much needed cigarette. I knew right then that I had found out my purpose, and I gave him all my virgin innocence and trust. I would obey, completely. And I loved his taste too. A musky saltiness in the precum and dark hair now touching my nose as I went evr deeper on the shaft.

I had only begun and had my little mouth about a third the way down his cock when he said, "Ouch...Damn..the those teeth! You'll get ur head slapped if you do that too the wrong man. I want to show you something else anyway."

He pulled out and I noticed the wet stick fell down some and I reached up to wipe the slobber from around my mouth. He put both hands on the side of my headand said, "Open up boy!" and again put his cock into my mouth. Now he began to slowly pump his cock back and forth into my waiting mouth and quickly reached the back of my throat. I gagged, recovered, then again I gagged. He pulled out. He said, "son, your going to suckng on some long cocks someday, and you need to learn how to take that whole cock into your mouth. You do that by 'deep throating' Good girlie bois can do that well. You only learn that by practice. Relax and open up the back of your throat. Learn to breath through your nose. You will learn fast. I can tell. You were born for this. "Let's try again".

I had not yet learned to deep throat, it seemed impossible to me. I gagged several times and my mout began to hurt. I was wanting to stop but my Uncle did not stop this time. He didn't seem to care now,he just pounded my boy mouth. And then I felt i felt his cock swell.

He shot a huge load, much more than aboy liek me, a virgin mouth and ass, could ever take. It filled my mouth, faster then I could swallow. It ran out of my mouth and down my chin. And after three separat thrustand alot of noise, I had cum all over my chin, down on my chest, and even some in my hair around my face.

My Uncle fell back on the bed and just lay there for moment. He was still breathing hard. My mouth hurt, and so did my head. I still remained on my knees, and pulled the cum from my hair and before I thought I wiped it on the sheets. Completely forgetting what my Uncle said about not wasting any man's seed.

Soon, my Uncle lookd over at me and said, " I saw that boy".

My mind was racing because i felt so many things. My mouth was hurting, I was still rock hard and leaking pre-cum in strings now and it was dripping, but now I was terrified that i was about to get a beating. I was so confused. I thought Ihat I had pleased my Uncle and I was so proud, but , I guess I had disappointed him instead.

"Get up boy!" My Uncle rose up from the bed too. He didn't say a word but took one of my wrist with his huge hand he pulled me along with him into the hall. We came to a door inside the kitchen that I had not noticed before. He opened it and there was a descending stairs. He reached around the corner and turned on a light. "Go on down those stairs boy"

Just a few minutes ago I was so happy and had so much pleasure. Now, I was terrified of what was to come. My cock and balls wre now bouncing wiht each step, as I had totally lost all my hardness by then. Tears again began to well up in my eyes. Some went down my cheeks. I began to sniffle and wiped away a tear or two with my hand. I had never been whipped before in my life.

The room was just a basement like all basements but this one had several hooks in the ceiling, some benches and several boxes, yet unpacked, scattered around. My Uncle led me by his hand on my shoulder to one spot in the basement and told me to stand there. A chain hung from the ceiling above me. And I noticed on each end of the chain there was a leather collar like cuff. He told me too hold out my hands. He then pulled the leather cuff around each wrist and began to pull now on the chain and my hands and arms went higher and higher until I was on almost on my toes

With that I saw my Uncle pull open a dresser drawer. He brought out a bar wiht cuffs on each end. Soon I heard him say behind me, "Spread those legs boy!" And he put this bar between my legs, cuffed each ankle and now I could not move my legs much at all. He adjusted the chain above me some. Then I saw him reach onto a yet unpacked box and bring out a leather strap. I began to plead with my Uncle. "Please, i won't do it again. I'll do better next time! I do remember his spear of a cock that i had just pleasured with my still hurting mouth was now rigid and pointing straight out in front of him.

He drew back his hand.


I jumped and screamed "Ohhhhhhhh........OOOOOOOOOOO." Please NOOO!" WACK! "AHHHHHHH! I began to blubber and shake all over. I was red with anger and hurt and pain. WACK! I began to piss! I remembered pissing that first beating. And i could not control it.

. "Tonight you will recieve five hits with the belt since this is your first learning experience."

I whimppered knowing I had two more. "What did you say boy?" "Nothing", I said. You will respond with "Yes Sir" from now on. Is this clear? I sniffled and said quietly......."Yes Sir". "Louder boy!" "Yes Sir!"

By the time I had recieved two more hits from the strap I was in agony. He had hit one on each cheek of my ass, one on each of the insides of my inner thigh, one on my back. I had freely screamed and yelled, balled, pissed and whimpered.

M Uncle put away the leather strap, he came back over to me lifted up my chin adnlooked me in the eyes. "The next time you waste a man's seed boi, you will pay. Right? "Yes Sir" I responded through tears. He uncuffed me and led me holding me all th way.

He layed me face down on my bed. " I have something that will make your ass feel better" My ass hurt so much and I reached a hand back to feel my ass. I couldn't se much, there was only a light from the hallway, but I new that it surely had to be bleeding. But i didn't see anyting on my hand, and from what I could see as I looked around at my ass, it only seemed to be red welts.

Soon, my uncle came back and sat down beside me. He opened up a can of something and then I felt a cold hand on my ass. No, it was that ointment. At first it was almost unbearable. It was so cold. But almost instantly it began to feel good. The pain left and now, it just felt cooling and god when my Uncle kneeded my cheeks I started to feel good again.. Up and down and around he went. Soon, i felt him move his finger into the crevice of my ass crack. he put the ointment on all my welts, all five of them. Oh, that felt so good. i loved this.....ummmm......oh god........ And with his touching mesaging of my ass and now all my body, I soon fell a sleep.

Please email me, if you'd like at The rest of the story will be coming shortly

Next: Chapter 3

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