Rugger Russ and Wrestler Owen

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 7, 2022


russ spent most of Wednesday, and all day Thursday fantasizing about his meet up with Johnny Z. It concerned Owen when he called him "Everything alright, boo? You sound distracted." "No, No Owen. SORRY - Sir - Just some really abstract shit at work. Got to finish a project this week." "You wanna chill out for dinner on Thursday? Maybe a little massage from me, or... something else." "I can't babe. Gonna have to be late on Thursday because we finish up on Friday." "FEH. Now you know why I gave up the suit and tie life. You gonna be free this weekend?" "Until you tie me up," russ "checked in" for a minute. "Well, I like THOSE plans. So call me on Friday if you can, so we can schedule." He paused. "I made arrangements for the squared circle on Sunday if you're not playing." "In fact, we have a bye this week." russ' mind kept on switching between being naked in Owen's ropes, and whatever Johnny Z had in mind." "Just so you know, Mr. Sherman. I am finding myself very much into you and... I may not let you out of the wrestling ring." "Heh heh. Gonna fuck me right there?" "Only if you beg. I'm gonna have to go. Just hearing your voice is making me really, really hard and if I can't see you, I gotta let my imagination take over." "Check your phone." russ had just sent Owen a naked selfie he had from the past. "OH FUCK. You are a mean bottom! You'll pay for this." "Promise?" "Heh he heh. This weekend muffin." russ was hard when he got off the phone with Owen. He had no idea how much was from thinking about Johnny Z, and how much was Owen, but he didn't want to jerk off. He wanted to save everything for Thursday night.

He heard the blast of a horn at 8:05. He looked out the window and saw Johnny Z, wearing reflector sunglasses and a black leather jacket. He was in a two seater red sports car with an open roof. He had a big smile on his face. russ almost fell over his feet getting down to the car." "Ya feel like you're with Fonzie, rusty man? HA HA. Trust me. I'm a LOT sexier than he is." "You are." russ got in the car. "You look good Johnny." "ALWAYS. ALWAYS STUD. Johnny Z ALWAYS looks good. By the way, you can call me Mister Z" Sounds better than Johnny. Johnny sounds like some wimpy boy, and that's the LAST thing I am." russ smiled. "Ok Mr. Z it is." "You look good too rusty. You clean up for me?" "I did." There was red in russ' shirt, and he was glad he had picked it because of the red car. "Long stripes. DAMN. You're so lanky already rusty, I feel like I'm gonna be fucking a redwood." russ was silent, and then Johnny laughed. "You DID know that's on the menu tonight didn't you rusty? No backing out now. Just backing up to take more of Mr Z's magic wand." "I knew that Mr. Z. I just wondered what else..." "OH, lots of stuff. Lots of stuff before I drive ya home. And we can get started in a few minutes" They were pulling up in front of a modest sized house. "Here's the Z estate. Not as huge as the one I grew up in, but does the job." As they got out of the car, russ felt Johnny's hand on his forearm. "Nice bicep. Not as big as mine but... heeeeeeeeey, you gotta work during the day, Johnny Z gets to play all day." "You don't work?" "NAH. I hate the words but I'm a trust fund baby. That's how I paid for Lolita." "Lolita?" "The CAR. Geez, you're beautiful and dumb." russ blushed and Johnny started laughing. "Nah, you're not dumb. A dumb guy woulda said 'I'm seeing someone I can't go out with you,' but you didn't." "I'm not seeing anybody Mr. Z" "HO HO. Think Owen would like it if I told him you said that?" russ blushed. "We just went out a few times. And how do you know all this?" Johnny ignored the question. He just smiled. "And ya did the deed. He claimed your ass. But I'm taking it tonight." "We're not boyfriends. I don't know what he's doing tonight." "Betcha he'd tell ya if we called him." "NO! Don't call him. PLEASE." "Now, ya see? You can't like to Johnny Z. You wouldn't act like that if he weren't your boyfriend. It's ok though.. Ha ha. I don't really care who's doing whom as long as I get what I want." Russ was intrigued by the art hanging on the walls. They were sketches: abstracts, but if you looked at them closely you could see they were all men, naked, in some kind of bondage. A few seemed to be struggling, others not, and some were gagged. They were all " portraits". You never saw who had done the tying. Russ felt Johnny hook his left arm behind him, and then his right, once they were pinned, Johnny spoke. "We can talk about art later. You didn't come by to see an exhibit". "You're right Mr Z" "You're here to get your brains fucked out of you handsome." russ began breathing hard as Johnny started opening the buttons of his shirt. "Yes Mr Z." "You want it wet, or you want it dry?" russ had been grinding against Johnny since Johnny pinned his arms. Johnny's jeans were tight enough for russ to know: he was sizeable. "Who am I kidding? Even a slut like you is gonna need lube for this." He began to kiss russ' neck. Now, his voice dropped "you are such a pretty man. Now show me you know how to get to your knees." "Yes Mr. Z" It was something russ was looking forward to: he KNEW how to suck cock. Everyone had told him that sucking cock made him passive, but he thought that with all the work he put into it, HE was the active one. Whomever was fucking his face didn't have to worry about anything: russ took care of it. Johnny seemed to be enjoying it, as he took russ' hair in his hands. He pulled it, and the pain was combined with a sensation of pleasure russ had never felt before. "SUCK IT RUSTY. SUCK IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT. YES. YES. LET ME HEAR THOSE GURGLES." So, Johnny liked noise, huh? russ slurped, he made sounds as if he were enjoying what he was "eating," and occasionally, he was able to look up and see the blissful expression on Johnny's face. Johnny pushed him off his cock. "You get your fucking clothes off, rusty. I gotta get some lube. Who am I kidding? You didn't make me wet enough to not rip you in pieces." russ had to work to get his jeans off. They were skin tight, and he was very, VERY hard. "On my back or on my belly, Mr. Z?" Johnny laughed. What do you think, winger man?" "I bet you want me on my belly." "DAMN RIGHT. Who gives a shit about your face once I've fucked it. GET ON THE BED!" russ didn't want to fight it: he preferred to see his partner's face, but Johnny had told him, and "I SAID GET ON YOUR BELLY YOU FUCKING BITCH." "YES MR Z. SORRY." russ got in position. "Let me see you flex those cheeks. Squeeze em. One and then the other. MAKE THEM FUCKING DANCE." russ did the best he could. "I SAID MAKE THEM FUCKING DANCE." he felt the hand smacks against his ass. He worked his cheeks harder. "THAT'S BETTER. I want you locking on my dick like a keyhole, rusty boy. " He felt a wad of spit hit his sphincter, and then he felt Johnny push his cheeks apart and then... nothing. For about two minutes. Then he felt a finger running along the insides of his cheeks. He began to moan. "OOOOOOOOOH. PLEASE MR Z. PLEASE. I'm.. I'm so hot for you. PLEASE." Then the begging turned into serious moaning as a big, thick cock ran into his ass. It was NOTHING like the reaming he had taken from Owen, which was persistent, but almost gentle, stopping when russ moaned or expressed pleasure in some way. Johnny had no patience for that. He RAMMED in and kept it there. "What did I tell you about tightening your cheeks, boy?" "Sorry Mr. Z. I didn't know when." Somehow, Johnny pushed in harder. "You give me more lip, I'll fucking gag you, bottom. NOW TAKE IT. SQUEEZE IT. " When he did, he heard Johnny sigh. "YEAH. That's the way. DO IT. COME ON BOTTOM. SHOW ME I'M NOT WASTING MY TIME." While he squeezed, russ tried to shift his hips up so he could get more. He felt Johnny's hand on his neck, pushing him back down on the bed. "NO YOU DON'T. NO YOU DON'T. YOU DON'T TAKE CHARGE HERE BOY. LAY THERE AND DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD." Johnny began sliding back and forth. "Mr. Z. You feel so good." "Damn right I do. Johnny Z is the best fucking top in the city. Even better than wrestler boy." He shoved once and began shooting into russ' ass . He whispered. "I fucked wrestler boy too. He'll never tell you the story but I will. JUST TAKE THIS COCK." The shooting continued and now russ was confused. Johnny had fucked Owen? That was one he'd have to hear about. Johnny flipped russ over. He was smiling. russ' ass was still pulsing from what had just happened to it. "You like that rusty? You like what Johnny can do to you?" "OH, YES MR Z. YES INDEED. " He felt Johnny's hands over his chest. "You've got a stunning body, rusty. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. I can't wait." "Wait? But you..." "Take a look at the drawings, rusty. Know who they are?" "Uh, no." "They're all boys I had over here. Boys I FUCKED. Boys I thought were hot and handsome and whom I drew. And I'm gonna draw you too. Just like I drew your precious Owen. Right over there." He pointed to a drawing. russ couldn't make it out but before the evening was over, he looked. Yes, it was Owen. In the drawing, his wrists were tied and he was spread eagled, and there was a sex toy at the side. A puddle of cum was all over his lower belly. "Johnny Z has had an interesting career. You know anything about pro wrestling, rusty?" "Hell yeah. I love pro wrestling." "Know what a heal is?" "Yeah. He's the bad guy. He cheats. Does what he can to win." He looked at Johnny. "You were a..." "You betcha. That's where Johnny Z comes from. Meanest heal in the business. And if you know how Owen feels about pro wrestling...." russ was quiet. He didn't tell Johnny what Owen had promised him. "We never liked each other, still don't. But I can always say: I topped ya big boy." "But.... HOW?" Johnny smiled. "Owen doesn't fight dirty. I do. We decided to have it out cause we were both going after the same boys. Still do. High stakes too: winner fucked the loser. " "And...." "Yeah, I won. No holds barred. And I won because...." He poked a finger into russ' navel and russ yelped. "Owen's a ticklish bear. I found out in the middle of the match and when I got my fingers into his ribs, he was done. "YOU TICKLED HIM?" "I tickled him so hard he was on his back. And then... I didn't pin him. I tickled his belly. I tickled him until he was so helpless that I could say "all I wanna hear is 'I give.' Took a little more time, but he did and then.... I FUCKED him the way I fucked you." "I don't believe that," russ answered, and in response, Johnny rolled on top of him and pinned down his wrists. "Ask the man. Tell him what I told you." Then he bent down and kissed russ. "But for now." He kissed him again. "Tell me I'm gonna see you again. Tell me I'm gonna fuck you a second time. And tell me you're gonna model for me the way these other boys did." As russ squirmed under Johnny, he was getting aroused again. "I thought you never fucked a guy twice." "Not true. I make exceptions. And you, rusty.. have an exceptional ass, and an exceptional mouth. And I don't know WHY I'm asking you if I'm gonna see you again, because I am. If I have to drag you here bound and gagged. Which I'm SURE you'd like." "I wanna come back Mr. Z. I do." "You're gonna. And I'm gonna fuck your brains out again. Now get the hell up, get dressed and get downstairs. I'll drive you home." "Yes Mr. Z." "Not tomorrow night. I got another date tomorrow. I'm doing a threesome with that guy Darien and his partner, that sick fuck Dr. Gabe. Not a spit rust: two cocks in that boy's ass. Not that I mind. It's a HOT one. But when I call, I want you here. Or it's done. It's over. Clear?" russ wanted to ask: "what if I have a date with Owen?" He didn't though. He knew that wasn't something Johnny was going to care about. He just answered. "Yes Mr. Z."

Johnny drove russ home and gave him a solid kiss on his lips. He smiled. "You're a great lay rusty. For Johnny Z to say that, it's the truth." Then russ was out of the car and Johnny Z was gone. His phone rang. "Hey there. Owen here. Hope your night went well." "It did. " "You feel like spending it here? Just sleeping in my arms?" It was appealing. VERY appealing. russ was going to say yes, until he thought "I'm a fucking slut." "Tomorrow, big boy?" He could hear the smile on Owen. "Tomorrow's too late, but it'll work. Wear something sexy. Nah, never mind. EVERYTHING you wear is sexy." "I guess I don't have to call, stud. I'll see you tomorrow?" "Pack for the weekend loverboy."

Next: Chapter 6

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