Rugger Russ and Wrestler Owen

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 1, 2022


It was late Saturday morning, and russ was lying on Owen's bed, spread out just the way Owen said he would be. The restraints Owen had showed to him the night before were securely around his wrists and ankles. And russ' cock was standing out from his pubes about 7 inches. It was the result of the slow, regular stroking Owen had been doing for the last hour. He sat on the bed next to russ, one hand on russ' dick and the other stroking his belly. "I saw a porn movie once, sweetcakes, where a handsome spy had been captured, and they did this to get 'information' out of him." russ thrashed around as much as he could. "Did they ever get it?" "Ha ha. Hardly matters. Information's not what I want from you." He bent down and his soft lips touched russ' forehead, then the tip of his nose, and then his chin. "In fact, I bet you want something from me . And you're gonna get it."

russ DID want it again. The fuck Owen had thrown into him the night before had been, well, awesome. The only man he had had sex with since moving to the city was Darien, and that was, well, familiar, and he knew he couldn't count on it. Darien had told him that Dr. Gabe was wildly jealous, and just assumed Darien was cheating on him when he left for trips promoting his books. There was no question in Darien's mind that if he found out about how he had fucked russ while he was away, he would've thrown him out. Darien knew that it was likely that Dr. Gabe was going to get bored with him eventually, but he was going to ride this as long as he could.

Owen had woken before russ had, and when russ did wake up, he felt Owen's massive leg over his, and his arm tightly around him. Owen whispered into his ear: "roll over. Unless you want it doggy style." "I'm too sleepy Owen. Not yet" was russ' reply just before he tried to curl up into a fetal position. Owen just chuckled. "Oh, I thought you ruggers were brighter than that. You're in the grip of a heavy weight wrestler, and you don't wanna get rolled over? You sure about that?" "I'm not giving it up" russ teased, and tightened his position. Owen started pushing his hand and forearm through russ'. russ had his arms pulled in tightly, and if he had been in bed with anyone else, he would have been able to hold his own. With Owen? He didn't have a chance. "It's called a chicken wing, muffin." Owen flipped russ on his back easily. "C'MON STUD. IT'S TOO EARLY!" Owen smiled. "Tell my dick that. Better yet, tell yours." russ was as hard as Owen was. "You gonna give me trouble when I restrain you?" "HELL YEAH. " russ squirmed, and he actually got a little frustrated when Owen started laughing. "No way am I letting you away, handsome. I got a chain under the bed and I'll shackle your ankle if I have to." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I have practice today." "You sure do. Right now, you're gonna practice being my bondage bottom." Owen had no trouble spreading russ' legs, but instead of diving in, he moved his finger down to russ' "taint," and began massaging it. "THIS is the way they shoulda gotten information from that spy. Especially with THIS." His beard rubbed russ' ear, and his tongue lapped at it as he whispered "I want your ass, bud. I want it NOW" "THEN TAKE IT. TAKE WHAT'S YOURS OWEN. TAKE ME." The ankle restraints had some give in them, and Owen got russ' legs up far enough so that that thick piece of meat could go back in. "You're not as tight as you were last night, russ. I wonder why." "I think it's cause I got fucked by a redwood log." "Maybe. It sure is a woody. MMMMMM. You feel so good." Owen had started forcing his cock into russ' ass. One time had not prepared russ' butt to take a cock that thick, and it resisted. Owen rolled russ' balls in his hand. "You need to be relaxed sherman? Cause I got my ways of relaxing you." He moved his mouth to russ' nipple. "OH GOD. OH GOD." At the second moan, russ seemed to open up and Owen was in, completely. "FUCK. OH MY GOD YOU'RE HARDER THAN LAST NIGHT." Owen smiled. "Yeah, because I'm more excited. THIS time, I'm not nervous. THIS time... I know what you like." He had paid attention. He fucked russ very slowly, and when he felt russ stop moaning, he RAMMED in hard. He slid back and forth, pushing hard, 4 or 5 times before changing back to a slower cadence. "You want me to untie you russ?" "HELL NO. " russ answered back. "This feels SO GOOD." He saw a twinkle in Owen's eye. "I think I'm gonna have to tie you up in some way whenever I fuck you. And I intend to do it again." "GOOD. Because I'm planning on it. Sir...." Then russ made a sound like he was swooning. He closed his eyes and... an image of Johnny Z on top of him filled his mind. His cock stayed hard, and later, he was grateful that he hadn't accidentally moaned "fuck me Johnny. Fuck me HARD." No, he had used Owen's name. Actually, that wasn't true. He forgot Owen's name and he just said "STUD" It was enough. Owen had no idea and continued to plow his rugger. "I'm gonna fill you boy. I'm gonna fill that tight ass with wrestler juice. You think you can handle it?" "Yes sir. I can handle you. I can handle all you got." "Well, we'll see about that. But for now." russ felt like he was being ripped in half with the last thrust, but as the jizz filled him, he didn't think of Johnny: he thought of Owen. And a thought went through his head. "He could be my husband. He COULD." "Time to get my little stud done. You like blowjobs russ?" "HUH? Do I like blowjobs? Do I have a cock?" "Heh heh. Good point. You give them more than you get them, isn't that true?" "Yes sir. Very much." "Well, let's keep this our little secret." Owen's beard tickled, and scratched russ' pubes, but his mouth went down on russ' cock and took it all. He played with it with his tongue, and then slipped his mouth up so that he was only sucking russ' cockhead. "HOLY SHIT OWEN. MY GOD. I'm....." "Go ahead sweetheart. Gimme a protein shake. Go ahead." russ lost control and screamed. His cum started filling Owen's mouth, and russ felt... guilty. "Now you know what you gotta do? You gotta kiss me while I've got your jizz in my mouth. " "Not a problem Sir. Not a problem." They necked for about fifteen minutes. "I don't want to get loose Owen but... I have practice today. We have a game tomorrow. The Cyclones." "AH. The Cyclones. Big physical team. You better practice. There are at least six of them who go after wings like a hungry guy at a Super Bowl party." "You gonna come and watch?" Owen sighed. "I wish. Two reasons I can't. One, I gotta coach the kids. Second... " he blushed when he said it. "You know you're gonna get tackled in rugby, and if I see any of those guys tackle my boyfriend well.. no promises that I'll control myself." russ saw Owen's face change, from smiling to concerned. "I shouldn't have said that russ. We had one date. I shouldn't have called you my boyfriend." "Why not, big man? " "Well...." russ sighed. "I think there's potential that we WILL be. " He laughed. "After our SECOND date. Which I hope is soon." "Yes. Me too." Owen smiled. "You want me to be the butch and ask you out, like I'm courting you?" "OOOOOOOOOOH. I like the sound of it. Flowers and chocolates?" "And dick." "I like that even more, Sir."

Of course, russ had to call Darien as soon as he got home that Saturday. He didn't want to talk about Owen in front of the team, but Darien... "NICE, SHERMY, NICE. Good to know you may have hooked one of the good ones." russ laughed. "Thanks. He seemed to enjoy our time and... he wants to court me. COURT me!" "AWWWW. And you're such an old fashioned girl. " Darien paused. "Ok, listen. I woulda told you this at practice today, but since you're on the phone... you know that Johnny Z plays for the Cyclones." russ felt a flush. "I THINK I remember someone telling me that, but I had forgotten it. So, Johnny's gonna be on the field. "Johnny Z. That's all anyone ever calls him. We don't even know what the Z stands for. But listen. His tackles are legendary for being really, REALLY hard." russ was thinking "I could get really hard from his tackle." "And russ... he'll be targeting you because you're 'new meat'. You haven't played against the Cyclones before." "New meat?" "Kiddo, Johnny Z likes to bed new players. Not all of them but... if he decides he wants you underneath him, he'll tell you 'you just got Johnny Z's kiss." That means you better be available for him when he wants you." russ laughed. "I don't think I'll have any problem with that." "RUSSELL SHERMAN. ARE YOU LISTENING? Johnny Z is a player. Period. I think I know 8 or 9 guys he's taken to bed. Once. Then he moves on. Someone told me the last time he brought someone home twice, was about 4 years ago." "Well... that's not necessarily bad. " When Darien was quiet, russ continued "Darien, Owen and I have had two dates. We didn't promise monogamy or anything like that." Darien sighed. "I'm just trying to look out for you bud. Don't fall into ... how can I put it, a trap of some kind." "DARIUS. THIS HARD ON IS NOT GOING TO SUCK ITSELF." russ heard Dr. Gabe's voice in the background and he heard Darien "Yes sir. I'll get off the phone right away." He spoke to russ again. "I gotta go. Don't forget what I told you. " "DARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIUS!!!!" "Yes sir! Yes sir! See you later, bud."

Practice went well, and russ and darien's team would always go for a drink afterward. russ saw a mark on darien's neck. "Someone hit you too hard in practice?" Darien's skin didn't show blushing. "No. Dr. Gabe bit me hard because I wasn't there to take care of him right away. " He looked down and then away. "I told you to not fall into a trap. I did." "I don't understand," russ answered. "Seems to me you have a good life." Darien chuckled. "Everyone does. Maybe I do. Who knows?"

There's no such thing as a rugby match that's not physical, but the one between russ and darien's team (The Storm) and the Cyclones was particularly rough. The Cyclones were known as a team that stressed defense over offense. Their players were big. Most of them were slow, but they had guys like Johnny Z who were big AND fast. No one had exaggerated to russ about how good a player Johnny Z was. By the end of the first half, he had 6 tackles, most of them pretty hard. In a few of them, the Storm player had lost control of the ball. Still, it was clear that he played for himself and not the team: by the time the first half was over, Storm led by 24 to 17. russ had scored on two tries, and had managed to get the kick across for one. "He's gonna be after you russ. Just know that. We're embarrassing them, and that means we're embarrassing HIM." The ref blew the whistle for the start of the second half. russ found himself in the clear and took a pass. He didn't have it in his hands more than about 5 seconds, when ... BOOM. He got hit at the waist, and he got hit hard. He saw the ball dribble away, and just before Johnny Z grabbed it and started sprinting, he whispered "You just got kissed by Johnny Z rusty. heh heh heh." And just like that, the score was tied. "DAMN. That was...........awesome" russ whispered to himself. Johnny Z had only been on top of him for about 10 seconds but... he had to clear his head... there was a game to be played. But he couldn't. Johnny Z seemed to have russ' number, and he tackled him three more times before the coach called a time out. He changed the game plan and they would double, or triple team Johnny Z, and they'd start using the other winger. Soon, they realized that if russ didn't have the ball, triple teaming Johnny Z wasn't necessary. What WAS necessary was catching up: The Cyclones had gone ahead by 34 to 29.

And they had picked up Storm's game plan. Now, they were swarming the other winger. In desperation, they went to russ, who gulped. He could see Johnny Z coming for him and the double teaming had failed. "HOLY SHIT." He screamed and took off. He hadn't sprinted that hard in his life. Johnny Z got his legs too late: his tackle actually pushed russ over the goal line and now the score was tied. "You're gonna pay for that rusty," russ heard Johnny Z whisper before he laughed. As they lined up for the kick, Darien came over and spoke to russ. "Don't let your dick run your mind, sherman. PAY ATTENTION." russ concentrated. It took a LOT of concentration and... .he got the extra points. 36-34, Storm. He looked up and he saw Johnny Z smiling and pointing to him. Then he looked up and.. there was Owen, who must have hurried over after coaching. He was on the sidelines watching the game with two people: a small dark haired guy with curly hair, and a big blond who looked like he could have been a marine. "Nice couple" russ thought "Wish I had a DOM like that big blond." If he only knew... He saw Owen smile, and throw him a kiss. russ knew he should've gone over to Owen but... that old song "torn between two lovers" started going through his head. He knew it was stupid but... " "Yo, superstar...." Darien came over. "Glad you woke up. Listen, I saw Owen so I asked him to join us for beer. That ok with you?' "Yeah, that'd be great." Now he went over to the sidelines. He smiled at Owen. "I didn't know you were coming." He saw the smile come over Owen's face. "I didn't either. Joel called me - he represents the University. His husband ed wanted to see the game. He's thinking of trying out next time, so.. " He lowered his voice. "Joel is ridiculously jealous. He thinks everyone wants to fuck ed, so... he doesn't really let him hang around at gay stuff unless he's there." "So....." Owen laughed. "Yup. The big guy isn't always the topman stud. But with us... " He kissed russ. "You wanna come over on Tuesday night? Pack an overnight bag? Just some takeout and tv?" "That'd be GREAT. I'll need Monday to recover from the game but... " "Trust me. I'll make you sore in places you aren't. I'm already thinking about it. " He whispered into russ' ear. "I can't stop thinking about you and because I can't, I'm fucking horny all day."

The ruggers all had each other's phone numbers and emails in a directory for the league. russ got the call from Johnny Z that night. "Hello?" he didn't recognize the number and then he heard the voice. "RustEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Johnny Z here. How'd you like your kiss?" "Uh, I was warned, but I wasn't prepared." "Ha ha. NO ONE is ever prepared for the force that is Johnny Z, Rusty." "Uh, my name is Russ, not Rusty." "You need to be greased up, boy. Something that needs to be lubricated, is Rusty. And that's you stud. And I'm gonna do just that. Thursday. I'll pick you up at 8." russ was going to say something else, but he answered: "Uh, sure. See you then."

russ wore shorts to Owen's place. And an oxford shirt that he knew fit him well. It worked. Owen wrapped his arms around russ and just before he mashed his tongue into his mouth, grunted: "I think you're gonna have to wear some kind of big garbage bag when you come over because everytime I think you can't make me even crazier about you, you do." russ could only laugh as the stronger man carried him off to the bedroom. "You ever been taken from behind , russ?" "Yes sir. I like it." "Well, we'll do it. I like seeing your face but... gotta try everything. Get nekkid boy." russ had to be careful: he was so hard that he thought his zipper was going to do damage. Owen was wearing sweat pants, so there wasn't as big an issue. Where there WAS an issue was when he took off his t shirt and russ saw the mounds of hair and could smell Owen's work sweat. Owen had showered but... there was a muskiness about him that russ loved. "Can I... can I just bury my face there, Sir? Just a few minutes" "DO IT STUD. And you just gave me an idea. OH, you're gonna love it. Or maybe not, but I am. " russ was making the noises he made when he really enjoyed something he was eating . He ran his face all over Owen's chest. He kissed every area he could find. Then... Owen lifted his arm. "Get your tongue in there, boy. LICK IT. LICK IT CLEAN. " "OH SHIT YESSIR. YESSIR." When he dove in, he felt Owen put a headlock on him. "He could snap my neck right now and I wouldn't care. I fucking wouldn't care." russ just dug deeper. He couldn't get enough of Owen's pit. "Don't neglect the other one, rugby boy. " "No Sir. I wouldn't mmmmmmmmmph" Owen shoved russ' face into his other pit. russ wrapped his arms around Owen's middle and dug in. He wasn't finished when Owen pulled him off. "I got one more thing to do. I wanna make sure you don't move too much when I go in, so.... " He grabbed russ' cock and russ felt him put a slip knot on it. "Gonna attach this to the bottom of the bed. Gonna make sure you stay in place. Or else..." "Yes sir." russ felt Owen tighten the slip, and then he felt the tug as he tied it to the bed. There was enough slack for russ to get on his belly, but if he squirmed too much, the rope pulled back. "NOW you're gonna get it pretty boy. NOW you're gonna feel BIG DICK" Owen moved his cockhead over russ' ass. He kept it there for a minute. "Take me rough SIR. Take me like I'm your... your fucking SLAVE SIR" "russ, I can't do that. Sorry. I can't. I'm just... I'm afraid I'll rip you apart if I do that. Please. Let me do it my way." It was the first time russ was disappointed in their sex. He had a feeling Johnny Z didn't care how his bottom felt (he didn't), and he wanted this man - this slab of prime beef - to treat him that way too. Maybe he could... convince him. russ pushed back as Owen entered him. He kept on muttering "harder. PLEASE HARDER." And Owen DID fuck him harder but... he never hurt russ and russ wanted to feel that hurt from a man who truly treated him as his bitch. Owen had slipped his hands underneath russ, and he was toying with his cock. "I'll change the sheets when we're done but... I want you to cum russ. I want russell sherman's jizzin my hands and on my bed. Just like you'll have my jizz in your sweet ass." "YES SIR. YES SIR. BREED ME. " When Owen screamed, russ thought the walls were going to come down and his jizz went so far up russ' ass that he thought he'd start crying cum. Then his own dam broke, and russ was sticky with his own jizz. He felt Owen lay down on top of his back. He had russ' ear in his mouth. "You were FUCKING GREAT russboy. FUCKING GREAT. GOD. JUST FUCKING GOOD." "Thank you Sir," russ whispered and Owen laughed. "I should keep you tied down until I want you again, stud." "Yeah, you should," russ thought. "USE ME. USE ME OVER AND OVER." But it wasn't to be that night. Owen's thick fingers were untying the rope holding russ' cock to the bed. He was clumsy, and every pull made russ wince, and smile. "You want to shower before we order food?" "How about we order food and then I'll shower. But you better not," russ smiled at Owen. "You like me smelling rank, stud?" russ looked at him. "Next time you work out, can you keep your jock? Gag me with it? Please Sir." Owen laughed. "I thought I was the kinky one but... SURE. I think it'll be fun to hear you moaning through a gag."

After they finished eating, and russ had cleared the dishes and washed them "because that's what bottoms do Sir" he said, squirming out of the way before Owen smacked his ass with his napkin. When he came back, russ cuddled up against Owen, who put his arm around russ' shoulders, pulling him close. When Owen picked up the remote, russ asked. "Sir... can we.... no, it's embarrassing." "What? You wanna watch cartoons or something?" Now russ was blushing. "Well, no but... tonight the professional wrestling league is on." Owen laughed. "I can't believe it! You like that stuff?" "Well, yeah, I do. I always have. If I didn't do rugby, I think I'd wanna be a jobber. The guy who gets thrown around, pinned, never wins." Owen pulled him closer. "Well, you're handsome enough to be one, but.... if anyone's gonna abuse you in a wrestling ring, it's gonna be me. We clear on that?" "OOOOH YES SIR. You'll tie me up in the ropes and torture me until I beg to submit?" "MMMMM. Now THAT sounds good. And I DO know where there's a squared circle not far from here. I think I just figured out where I'm taking you on our next date." "AWESOME SAUCE" russ smiled, before Owen kissed him. They watched for about an hour and then... russ heard the sweet, almost childlike sound of Owen snoring. He waited until the program was over and then he thought... "I'm gonna have to wake this beefcake up. Hmmm. Didn't he tell me...." He dug his fingers into Owen's ribs. "WHAT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAHAHAAHA. OH YOU SHIT. That's gonna cost you a blowjob before you leave tomorrow." "That's PUNISHMENT?" russ smiled. "What's gonna be punishment, young man, is ... if I find out where YOU'RE ticklish, one of these days I'm gonna go after it and make you pee yourself." "I guess you'll have to tie me down and find out where those spots are, Sir." "I don't think I'll HAVE to, but you're right. Ropes make it more fun. Now let's get ourselves to bed." russ cuddled against Owen. Darien was right: he was GOOD man. A really wonderful man. But as he fell asleep, and dreamed about his wrestling fantasy, it wasn't Owen who was abusing him. It was Johnny Z.

Next: Chapter 5

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