Rugger Russ and Wrestler Owen

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 24, 2022


Russ and Owen planned a second date: that Friday "so that you can stay over. If you want to," Owen had chuckled when they spoke. "Did you think that was an issue?" Russ asked. "Not really, but ... you never know. So I picked a restaurant. Dress nice, but no tie. I hope you like seafood." Russ paused for a minute. "I have to be honest Owen, I haven't had that much of it. It was expensive back home, the family was big and... we weren't on the coast so.. but I'll give it a try." Owen dropped his voice. "Of course, we could always go right to the sausage course." Russ smiled. The rumor from the other ruggers (he was playing on Darien's team now) was that Owen didn't have the longest dick in the world, but it was cut, and thick. VERY thick. One guy, who had slept with Owen said "he knows how to use it he's just, well.. very choosy about the guy he uses it on." That had made Russ feel good. Not as good as what Owen had just said did, but good. "I can't wait. Shall I come and meet you at work? " "YEAH. That'd be great, Russ. Friday night I usually spend a little extra time with the guys who need it so... " "I'll see you there. Look for the guy in the stands." "Oh, I'll find you. Trust me, Russ. I'll see you then." Russ couldn't believe how excited he was about the date. Yeah, it wasn't Johnny, but the kiss Owen had given him at the end of the first date was genuine, and he wanted more. He called Darien to tell him about it, and as he punched in the numbers, he thought about how lucky he was to have a good friend here already. City life was rough. Darien was making it smoother. He could hear the smile when Darien was speaking. "Shermy, that's just GREAT. You know, the best thing that could happen is for the two of you to pair up. You're really perfect for each other. Sub Russ, Dom Owen, forever. That's what the valentine could say. "IS OWEN A DOM? " Russ felt his heart skip a beat. "Ha ha. I wish I could verify it, but.. that's the rumor from the ruggers. Whole buncha bottoms we are. By the way, before I forget, do you think maybe you could come by on Wednesday to help me with a surprise for Gabe?" "Sure. Is he back already?" "Nah. Not until next week. But he likes to check in and do, well, video stuff and.. if he doesn't tell me what he wants me to do, it's up to me, and I wanna surprise him with something." "Well ok. We're not gonna be..." Darien laughed some more. "No, no no. I just need an extra set of hands for getting ready. I could do it all myself but... well, when you're here, you'll see. It'll work a lot better if there's someone else involved." "Ok, D. I hope I don't disappoint." "You won't. I just hope I don't disappoint you. Can you come by at say 5:30? " "5:30 it is."

When Russ got to Darien's apartment, Darien met him with a smile. He looked HOT to Russ: a blue and white striped buttondown, two buttons opened, sleeves rolled, and pants that could have been painted on him, pale beige, almost white. "I've never seen you like this, Dar." "Thanks. I've had to step up my game since Gabe and I got together. He likes me dressed preppy. He's the reason I asked you over." "I thought he wasn't back until next week." Darien smiled. "He's not but... there are nights when he's on the book tour when he wants to, well, how do I put this, do some face time sex? " Russ was confused. "You want me to have SEX with you while he watches?" Darien laughed. "No, silly. I want you to help me. See, sometimes when we do this, Gabe wants something in particular: he wants me to strip for him, or show him my butt hole as I finger it or something, but when he doesn't say anything, it's the same thing: he wants me to pick. I know the thing he likes best is... to cocktease me when I'm tied up." Russ was still confused, although the thought of Darien tied up was making his mouth water. Darien went on. "Usually, I just pretend I'm tied up but.. if you'd do a brother a favor, maybe you could tie my wrists behind me and then... when Gabe is done, untie me again? " He smiled. "Unless you wanna sit on my cock while I'm tied up." The thought went through Russ' mind. "Let's take this a step at a time. You're sure he's gonna be ok with this?" "Oh, he's gonna love it. Just wait. You'll see. Now the rope is over there. Let me sit down. We've got ten minutes before he signs on." Russ took a deep breath. He had been tied up a couple of times and he really loved it. He had dreamed about Johnny Z tying him up, but he had never bound someone before. "Tighter, Russ. I want him to think it's real. THERE that's good," Russ pulled the ropes tighter, the way he liked it. "Ok, now stand out of the way of the viewer. It'll be better if he doesn't see you, or only sees your hands."

Russ moved to the side where he was out of the way, but he could still see. He saw a handsome man, maybe 15-20 years older than he and Darien, with salt and pepper hair. Good body, trim, taking off his jacket, loosening his tie, then taking it off. He turned to the screen, and smiled. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here." Russ saw Dr. Gabe smile. "Hi Sir. I hope you like what you see." He saw Dr. Gabe form a frown. "Why aren't your tits pointed out, the way they're supposed to be?" "Sorry Sir. I just forgot." Russ saw Darien suck in his gut and point them out. "Better, darius, better." (he used Darius' original name). Very hot. My favorite shirt, my favorite pants. Now, let me see you struggle. OOOH. I see you ARE tied up. You won't have to pretend." "No Sir. Remember I told you about my friend who moved here? He came over and helped me get ready for you." "Is that right? Are you planning to fuck after I'm gone?" "NO SIR. You told me not to and I won't." "GOOD. Because I WILL find out if you do. Now, where's my struggling." Russ watched as Darien started to squirm the way he had seen guys struggle on television shows. He had never seen darien this way, and it was hot. He felt his cock getting fuller and fatter. "Nice job, boy. Now, since you have a friend over.. have him get the clamps." Russ saw the look on darien's face. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR, BOTTOM? I SAID HAVE HIM GET THE CLAMPS." "Yes sir. It's just. It's just." "IT'S JUST WHAT? I SAID HAVE HIM GET THE CLAMPS." darien was thinking that Russ was not experienced with this and it could hurt, but he didn't dare defy Dr. Gabe. "Yes sir. Russ, they're in the top drawer right over there. Sir, will the regular ones be alright?" "They'll do. Save the good ones for when I'm back. Russ? You there? Get them on my boy's nips. " Russ muttered "yes sir," but it was loud enough for Gabe to hear and he laughed. "Damn. I'm dominating two guys long distance." darien winced when Russ put the clamps on his nipples. "Ok, Russ boy. Now, lift the chain up to darius' mouth. He knows what to do." "NNNNNG." darius moaned in pain as Russ lifted the chain. He opened his mouth, and then closed it on the chain. "PULL FOR TEN SECONDS. I'll count down. One, two..." As he did, Dr. Gabe stood up and dropped his pants. Russ saw a cock that was average sized, but certainly smaller than darien's. "Nine, ten. DROP IT." darius did what he was told, and he yelped in pain. Both he and Russ could see that Gabe was getting hard. "Five second break. Then do it again. For twenty seconds. " When darius had the chain in his mouth, and Gabe started counting again, Russ saw him stroking his dick. He wanted to stroke his too, but... "Nineteen , twenty.. DROP." This time the yelp was louder. "Ok. This time you're gonna hold them until I cum. Might be twenty seconds, might be two minutes. Might be longer. Understand me, boy?" "Yes sir. I do." Russ lifted the chain again, and darius pulled. They could both see Gabe smile, and hear him moan, and see his cock getting bigger and bigger. "Damn. I can't wait until I'm doing this to you myself. You like it when I work you over, daribitch?" "YES SIR." darius answered and the chain fell. "DID I TELL YOU TO LET GO? THAT'S GONNA COST YOU WHEN I GET BACK." "Sorry Sir. Should I.... ?" "No. You.. SHOULDN'T. " Huge streams of semen started coming out of Dr. Gabe's cock. Russ could see darius run his tongue over his lips, and he saw his hips pulsing in the chair. He looked scared. Then he came in his pants. Gabe smiled. "Well, you're just racking up the penalties darius aren't you? Letting go of the chain without permission and then cumming without permission..." "I'm sorry Sir. I was just too.." "YOU WERE TOO UNDISCIPLINED THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE. And I'll have to take care of it. Boy number two: get the clamps off my bitch bottom. You can untie him whenever you want. As for you darius, you came without permission. I'll be back on Tuesday. No jerking off before then. And take whatever you have on under your pants, and put it in a bag. " A big smile came over Dr. Gabe's face. "You're gonna be chewing on that as a gag for about a week." "Yes sir. I understand." "Ok. I've got to get ready for dinner so I'm signing off. " He paused. "Russ, or whatever your name is, you can get my boy ready whenever you want. I may ask you to help us out when I'm back. "Yes sir," Russ answered and Gabe laughed. "DAMN I love being called Sir. " Another pause. "darius, you miss me?" "Very much Sir. I miss you in me, your hands. your tongue. " "I miss you too, you handsome fella. Just a few more days. Then I'm home for a while. Make sure you get your studying done. That tuition isn't cheap." (The way he said it, Russ concluded that Dr. Gabe was paying darius' tuition. His old buddy was.. he was a kept man). "I'll make you proud Sir. In school, at rugby, in the sack. It's my job." "You may have to take a day off when I get back, darius, because I may keep you on your back for at least two days. " "Yes sir. I hope so." Then the screen went blank. "I'll untie you darien." "Thank you. I need to clean up. " He sighed a big sigh. "GOD do I LOVE that man. He brought out parts of me I didn't know I had. " Russ wanted to talk about what had just happened with Darien, but Darien wasn't having it. "There's nothing to discuss, Shermy. This is how I lead my life. I appreciate you helping me. " He looked away. "I'll see you at rugby on Sunday. We're playing the Cyclones. That's Johnny Z's team." Russ gulped. He already had Johnny Z on his mind. That night, when he went to bed, he started dreaming that Johnny Z did something like what had happened between Dr. Gabe and darius to him. He dreamed that Johnny Z had him tied, hands over his head, wearing nothing but gym shorts. Johnny had pulled Russ' head back and was chewing on his ear, as he slowly jerked Russ off. While he did that, he slid his cock into Russ' ass and began fucking him. He was HUGE. WAY bigger than Dr. Gabe. Bigger than Darien. Bigger than anyone he had ever had. Johnny Z whispered "say FUCK ME SIR JOHNNY" Russ woke with a start. SHIT! He had just changed the linen on the bed, and now he'd have to do it again.

Russ showed up a little bit early for his date with Owen. He had dressed nice: a sharp, tight pair of black jeans, and one of his favorite shirts: sort of like the one Darien had worn, but with more narrow stripes. He let himself into the gym where practice was going on. He saw Owen, in shorts and a coach shirt, walking around pairs of college boys, grappling. Occasionally, he'd say something like "Nice . VERY NICE," or "TIGHTEN THAT CRADLE, HE'S GONNA SLIP OUT AND REVERSE YOU."

Russ had never wrestled, but he loved watching it. He wondered how Owen wrestled: did he wrestle dirty, did he wrestle clean? While he was thinking about it, he saw Owen look up and smile at him. "OK GENTS. It's Friday, so we're cutting it a little early. Everyone have a good weekend, eat clean, and stay outta trouble. Or get a good bail bondsmen." He smiled at Russ and then turned to his wrestlers. "Little Joey, hang back for a minute," "Yes Coach," a BIG handsome guy answered. He was almost as big as Owen: "Little" Joey. Russ heard part of the conversation. "How are your dads doing?" Little Joey shrugged his shoulders. "They're ok, I guess, Coach. Daddy Bill is on the transplant list. He has his good days, he has his bad days, but mostly good days. Daddy Joey makes sure he gets his medication and his rest. Sometimes, if Daddy Bill feels good, I'll see him slip onto his lap and hug him. They try not to do that in front of me, but I know it happens. "They're still in love Joey. " He seemed to wipe a tear from his eye. "Now, listen up. You make sure they know that if they need anything, they let me know." Joey began to speak, and Owen put up his hand. "I know, I know. You and Nate have it covered. You do. But then your schoolwork isn't covered. You have that research paper in history. Professor Adams told me your last draft was late. " Joey looked down. "It's ok Joey, it's ok. Life gets very tough. Don't be too proud to ask for help. Your dad wasn't." "I know, it's just..." "It's just that you're gonna listen to your coach and be a man, stud. Now come on. You wanna go varsity next year, right?" "Yes Coach." "Well, the skills are there. You just gotta get the grades." "I will COACH. I will!" He smiled. Owen signaled for a high five. "Get OUTTA HERE. Say hi to your dads for me." "I will." "Extra time under the shower today, you stink." "Yes Coach." When Joey was gone, Owen turned to Russ. He was smiling the way he was at the party. "I thought you were gonna chicken out. " Russ laughed. "I was afraid you were gonna cancel." "CANCEL? Cancel a date with the handsomest man on campus. Not happening. HEY. I gotta change. You're welcome to stay out here but.. you've been in a locker room before, and I don't have anything you haven't seen before. C'mon." Owen showered quickly, and when he came back into the locker room, Russ was thinking "FUCK. He's got a six pack. And he's hairy. OH ... " "Like what you see?" Owen smiled. Russ blushed. "Uh, yeah. Very much." "How about this?" He dropped the towel and Russ saw Owen's thick meaty cut cock. "Wondering if I'm a grower or a shower, Russ?" "Yeah. Among other things." "Ha ha. I hope you find out tonight."

Owen got into a blue button down shirt that was straining to cover him, and a pair of dress jeans. "I'm dating a fucking stud. He's SO GODDAMN HOT" Russ was thinking "And he may tear me apart if he's a grower." "Ready to go, handsome?" Owen slammed his locker door shut. "Sure. Anytime. " "How about a kiss first? No one is around." Owen pecked at Russ' lips at first and then he wrapped his big arms around him before Frenching him thoroughly. He whispered "I've been hard all week thinking about tonight, but not like this." "I... I hope I don't disappoint you." "Not possible Russ. Not possible."

As they walked to the restaurant, Russ noticed that, while he did it discretely, Owen always walked to the left of Russ, closer to the street. Somehow he remembered an old comment in an etiquette class he had to take: that the man always walks closer to the street, in case there's a splash, the woman's beauty wouldn't be spoiled. He didn't know if that was going on in Russ' mind, but he decided that it was, and he liked it. "Owen, you talked about Joey's dads? And 'LITTLE' Joey? That kid is huge. Owen laughed. Well, his dads are former gymnasts: I think Bill tops out at 5'8" and about 150, and Joey is all of 5'6". I don't know how long they've been together, but it's awhile. They adopted Joey when they got married. He told me that they named him Joey because Bill is fair and light skinned, so since he looked more like Joey, they named him Joey Junior. His real name is Giuseppe, but don't ever tell him that. The only one who calls him that is his grandmother. "It sounded like Bill was sick?" "He has a chronic kidney condition. Always has. It's gotten worse, but a transplant will fix it, the doctors say. It's just, well you know, waiting for one to become available. I'm afraid it's driving little Joey crazy. " "It would drive ME crazy. " "Well, the only thing I want driving you crazy tonight... is me. Let's go eat. I'm starving."

The only thing Russ remembered about the dinner he ate that night was that fish was not going to become a regular part of his dining rotation. Owen laughed when he saw Russ' reaction to raw tuna. "It's like hamburger, only better." Russ wrinkled his nose. Owen laughed some more. "That's SO cute. You look like Bambi." It wasn't the last time Russ would blush that night, and Owen squeezed his hand. "I think Bambi is very cute. Not as cute as you, but cute." Owen's stare didn't break. "Before we leave, I think it's only fair to say: I'd really like you to spend the night, but... there's something you need to know. I hope it's not a deal breaker." Now Russ was concerned. Owen looked very serious. "Well, I want to. I want to spend the night with you but.. what do you need to tell me." Now Owen was clearly anxious. He was sweating. All Russ could think of was the sweat pooling up on his chest and crotch and how he wanted to lick it. "One of the nicknames I got, some years ago, was 'the gentle giant'. " "I think that's accurate Owen" "Well, it's not in the bedroom. I like to take charge. And I can be rough." Russ smiled. "That's what you were worried about?" Owen shook his head. "Can we skip dessert and leave now?" Owen's face brightened. "You mean it?" Now it was Russ' turn to smile as he said "Yes sir." "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" was Owen's answer.

As they walked to Owen's place, Russ teased: "any hints on what you're gonna do to me?" "I think you have a pretty good idea, flirt. But I may surprise you in how I get there." "I like surprises, Sir" Russ answered, and Owen responded "And I like being called Sir. I think it makes my cock grown an extra 1/4 inch." "mmmmmmmm. I'm glad I skipped dessert." They hadn't been in Owen's apartment for more than a few minutes before he had Russ pinned up against the wall. He grabbed Russ' wrists and pinned them above his head. His mouth found Russ' and his tongue forced its way in. When Russ began to moan with pleasure, Owen pushed harder. Then he pulled out and began rubbing his short beard over Russ' neck and ear. "FUCK. That's driving me CRAZY Owen. CRAZY." Owen stopped and pushed his knee against Russ' crotch. "What did you just call me." "It's driving me crazy SIR. OH SHIT...." Owen increased the pressure and Russ thought he'd pass out. "You wanna make out on the sofa first, or go straight to bed, Russ?" "You're in charge Sir." "Then... " He wrapped his arms around Russ and hauled him off the floor. "WE are going to the bedroom. Right now." Russ began to squirm when Owen was on top of him, and Owen kissed him all over his face. "You're not gonna forget I'm a wrestler tonight, muffin. And I know how to keep a man pinned down. As the tv show says: 'resistance is futile' " "Sir, fuck me. Please fuck me. " "Oh, I will, I will. But we're gonna get there MY way. " Owen's way was to roll off of Russ just enough to first unbutton his shirt, stopping after each button to kiss the skin he had exposed. When Russ' shirt was completely opened, Owen pinned him down again and began gently running his beard over Russ' torso. When he found a spot that particularly aroused Russ, he played with it some more, chewing on it, licking it, kissing it. "OH GOD SIR. DO THAT TO MY NIPS AND I MAY EXPLODE." "Heh heh. I don't want pretty boy all over my walls. OH WHAT THE HELL?" Another growl, and Owen was on Russ' nips, licking, chewing, and getting groan after moan after "YES!" out of Russ. He slid his hands under Russ' butt and pushed his hips into the air. "I'm gonna peel these off of you and then.. I'm gonna put seeds in that melon." Russ began to laugh. "That's the WORST line I've heard in forever." Owen laughed too . "Don't insult my sense of humor, stud. You may wind up... REALLY SORE. Or... out of breath." He grabbed Russ' ankles. "You have brothers.. I bet you got tickled before this." "NO! NO! DON'T. PLEASE NO SIR. I won't make fun of your jokes ever again." "I wouldn't do that to ya, Russ. Little secret: tickling is my weakness. Sort of my Achille's heal." "Good to know...." "You'll never get the chance, sweet stuff. GOD. I want these OFF of you. Why did you wear such fucking tight pants?" "To show off my ass and drive you crazy, Sir." "IT WORKED. IT WORKED REAL WELL." Owen got them off and then he pawed at Russ' jock. "Wait. I don't need to get this off. I can get in.... RUGBY BOY GET THOSE FEET ON MY SHOULDERS." "HELL YES SIR." Owen had been stripping along the way and now, HIS jock came off. "I'm a grower AND a shower Russ. And you're gonna feel it." He pushed Russ' legs back to the point where any further would have started to hurt, and then he shoved his tongue into Russ' hole. "FUCK ME ! I think ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOH." "Never had that done to you boy?" "Never Sir." It was the truth. Russ had eaten ass, but no one had ever done it to him. "Well, you better like it because. . I LOVE eating my bottom's ass. SCRUMPTIOUS." He had his fingers on Russ' nipples while he explored his ass with his tongue. "Sir... Sir... It's bad manners to cum before the Top Man does but... if you don't stop.. I'm going to be a very rude guest." "Well, then. I guess I should get on with it." Russ was glad for the lube from Owen's eating him, because his cock was so thick and so long now. "Am I hurting you Russ?" Owen asked at one point, with real concern "A little Sir. But not enough to stop. Please. I've never had anyone as big as you in me before." "I'll slow down." "DON'T YOU DARE." Owen pushed in harder. "OH MY FUCKING GOD SIR. I'M SEEING STARS." "I'm seeing the hottest guy on the planet. And I'm FUCKING him too. And I'm gonna BREED him. I'm gonna breed him GOOD." He breathed in so he wouldn't scream, but Russ felt the juice filling him. It just kept on coming. "How the hell am I gonna take that cock a second time? I'll figure it out," Russ was thinking. "SHIT. How am I gonna SIT tomorrow? " "Well.. when is the prettiest boy in school gonna shoot?" "Would you edge me Sir?" "I'd be delighted. " Owen turned out to be as adept at edging as he was at fucking. He stopped along the way, kissing the tip of Russ' cock, and running fingers up and down the sides of Russ' cock. Russ began to beg for him to finish him off, but Owen just smiled. "Maybe I'll just leave you like this, come back in half an hour and continue... you never know. "PLEASE DON'T DO THAT SIR. I'll. I'll do anything you want." Owen gave him a very earnest look. "You'll go out with me again? " "HELL YES." "Promise?" "YES YES YES" "Then I'm gonna let my man shoot." He squeezed the base of Russ' cock and it all just came out with Russ screaming as it did. "You care to cuddle after that handsome?" "MMMMM. Please Sir. Let me feel you on me some more." Owen was the biggest man Russ had ever slept with. And he had never enjoyed the sex as much as he did. Owen held him tight until he fell asleep. That's when Russ learned the disadvantage of sleeping with a bigger man. He couldn't get out from underneath him. He didn't want to but... if he had to, he'd tickle the giant's ribs. He didn't have to. Apparently, Owen needed to pee and woke up. "OH. No wonder I felt so good. I had you underneath me. " "I want to stay there, Sir." Owen gave him a kiss. "You will. And tomorrow.... reach down to the side of the bed. See what you find. " Russ pulled up a long restraint. "Yup. Tomorrow you're gonna be my sweet sexy starfish. " Russ couldn't wait.

Next: Chapter 4

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