Rugger Russ and Wrestler Owen

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 19, 2022


Russ did get to visit his folks before he had to make his trip. His dad was thrilled. "First one in the family to wear a suit to work. Can't believe it. I always knew you had it in ya." "Uh, Dad. No one wears suits to work anymore. It's all business casual." "Well, what can ya do?" He shrugged his shoulders and turned to Russ' mom. "Maybe you can persuade him to dress up at work once or twice. At his desk. Let us see our handsome son as an EXECUTIVE!" When his mom smiled, Russ blushed. It was an entry level position as a researcher at the University's economics department, and not what his folks thought, but... he'd keep quiet.

While he was home, he also called Darius. The number he had was old and when he called, it directed him to a new number. He called that one and, while he heard Darius' voice, that voice answered the phone with "Dr. Gabe's office." "DUDE. Cool trick. Dr. Gabe's office. How are ya?" There was a pause and then.... "wait a minute. This sounds like the university's sexiest winger ever. Is that you Sherms?" "It's me you stud! How's it going?" Darius took a deep breath. "Oh, it's been an interesting two years for sure. Can you talk?" "Well, I could, but I was wondering if I could talk to you face to face?" "Huh? Are you in the city?" "No, but I'll be there soon. I got a job. University economics department." "WHAT? Shermy, that's AWESOME. So you're gonna be here?" "Yeah, I'll be working for the same employer you are." Darius laughed. "Well, we've got a lot to talk about Russ. I don't coach anymore. I finished my MBA and I'm working in finance. So tell me what's going on. When will you be here?" They covered the basics, like when Russ would be arriving, what airline, etc. Darius was eager to meet him at the airport and get him to the city. "Do you have a place, Russ?" "Not yet. I was hoping you could recommend a hotel where I could stay while I apartment hunt?" Darius took a breath. "Well, how about you stay with me for a couple of weeks?" "REALLY? I could do that?" "You could. Let me give you the whole story Sherms. I'm with somebody now. I live at his place. He's not keen on me seeing exes: you could say he's jealous, which I love, ha ha. But he's on a trip promoting his book for the next couple weeks, so I'm on my own. " "Darius, I don't want to get you in trouble." "NAH, it won't be trouble. To be honest, Gabe travels so much that we've agreed to making things open when he's away, it's just that he knows about all the guys I've been with, and that's where he draws the line." "Hold on. You answered the phone with 'Dr. Gabe's office,' and I thought you were joking. You're living with Dr. Gabe? THE Dr. Gabe? Pediatrician to the rich and famous?" Darius laughed some more. "The one and only. How we met is another long story, but it was about a year and a half ago and... what can I tell ya? Whatever it is, I'll tell you when I see you. By the way, Russ, you still play?" "I haven't for a while. I miss it. Not much to do here. I looked at my Dad's league, but, well..." "The thought of being a winger on a team where everyone else is 20 years older doesn't appeal to you, you ageist?" "Ha ha. Not having a challenge doesn't appeal to me." "Well.... " Darius continued. "There are enough of us FAGS here in the city that there's a league. Yeah, welcome to the big time buddy. Not just a team, but six of us. Six full fledged rugby teams, all gay, each and every one of us. Think about it. I know our squad is desperate for a winger and... someone from state, well." "YEAH. I'm gonna need some physical activity when I get there." "Well, the university's got a gym you can use as an employee, and if you don't like that one - if you find it too basic - we can find you another one. It'll have to be a hunt at night because during the day, well... I'm pretty much hassled from 8-6." "We'll work it out Dar. I can't wait to see you." "Likewise. But one other thing, Russ. I changed my name. Actually, Gabe did, He thought Darius was too pretentious - sounded too old. He studied ancient history and he didn't want to be reminded so... I go by Darien now. Gabe likes that. Says it makes it sound like his partner comes from wealth." "Ok. It may take me a little while, but ... Darien. I think I can get used to that." "Listen, I can hear your family in the background so I don't want to take you from them. Call me closer to when you're leaving and I'll meet you at the airport. " And now, two weeks later, thoughts of his time with Darius - oops - Darien - were going through Russ' mind as the plane went into its final descent. He grinned because while the plane went into descent, thinking of those time was making him "ascend." As the plane started taxing, he sent a text to Darien: "the eagle has landed." He got a text back almost immediately: "I hope his feathers are still pretty." More ascension.

Russ had been in only 3 airports in his life and this was the first time in this BIG one. It took him awhile to find his way to baggage claim, and when he got there: there was Darien but.... a preppy Darien. He had never seen his friend in anything but casual and athletic clothes. Seeing him in a tailored collar shirt and chinos was... startling. The sleeves were rolled, showing more of Darien's beautiful dark skin, and his smile was... well, the smile is what had attracted Russ to him in the first place. Darien was standing there, hands on his hips, with that big smile. "Well, look who got fat. It wasn't me, ha ha." He grabbed Russ in an embrace, and pulled him tight. "I missed you Sherms." "I missed you too. " Russ was tearing up. "Excuse me. I'm just sorta overwhelmed and seeing you like... this.... No rugby shirt, no shorts." "AHAHAHA. It's the new Darius, Sherms. Gabe has an image to keep up and, well, that means I got to do my part. I still have those clothes, and of course, when I play, yes, but day to day, between the job and the things we need to go to, I have to look good." "Well, you do." "Let's get your bags, handsome, and then let's get moving. I rented a car so we'll drive back to our place. "

On the way, Darien filled him in on his life since he had moved to the city, especially about Dr. Gabe. "He's not a big rugby fan, but one of his clients played on a team I coached, so he came with the parents once. They insisted and Gabe..." he laughed. "Gabe knows that some of these guys have kids and need doctors so... if the FAMOUS Dr. Gabe was there..." He came over and started talking to me, I was sorta lonely at the time, and he invited me out for a drink. One thing led to another and.... " "You've been together for nearly two years?" "Yes sir. First thing he insisted on was that I move in. When you see the apartment you'll understand why I didn't hesitate. " "So, I LOVE it. Dr. Gabe from TV is the recipient of the same cock I was." "Wellllllllllllll.... that's another thing Russ. Dr. Gabe does NOT bottom. No way. Sooooo, that hot top you used to date..... he's still in here but, doesn't show up much." Russ looked at him, "Not even when an old friend moves to his city?" he blushed when he realized what he had just asked. "HA HA HA. I'm glad you brought it up first because I didn't know how I would. The one rule I can't break is: no tomfoolery in OUR bed - Gabe's bed. That's a no no. We have two guest bedrooms and I have you in the bigger one, so.... " He stretched out one hand and touched Russ' leg. "You been seeing anyone back home?" "I saw one guy for a while. He was a grad student and I knew he was leaving but.... I took it hard. That was, oh, about 5 months ago. I've been a good boy since then." "You took it hard, huh? You're gonna take it hard before you know it, Russ. I remember the sweetest ass on the university... and the softest lips. " "You know, Dar, I've been wondering if we could since the plane got within 100 miles." "Ha ha. My cock must have been tuned in. If I were wearing my old jeans, you'd know it."

Russ was looking around the guest room when Darien came in and wrapped his arms around his middle. He had always been strong, and regardless of how big Russ was, he lifted him and tossed him, face down on the bed. He was on top of him, licking Russ' ear the way he remembered he liked it. "You gonna take my big cock, Russ boy?" "Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Gimme it. " "Fucking reunion." Darien reached underneath Russ and opened his belt. He heard Russ kick off his shoes, and he slid down his pants. Russ was wearing briefs, and they went off too. "God, I'd love it if he stuffed them in my mouth," Russ thought. Instead, he felt a wet finger begin probing his butt. "You're right Russel. You have not had anything up there in a while. We're gonna change that this week." "Oh... yes, yes..." He felt a second one of Darien's long fingers penetrate his hole, and he pushed his legs apart. He wanted Darien so badly. He arched his ass up and Darien smacked it. "GET BACK FLAT BOY. " "Oh shit, yes. Yes sir." "Hmmm. I didn't know you were into THAT." "Happened after you left. The last boyfriend introduced me and..." "Just shut the fuck up." He felt Darien's hand over his mouth. "It'll be more formal after this but for now... hand gag and cock. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." Russ felt so good as Darien entered him. He fucked with finesse, making Russ want it, more and more. Darien had always been an attentive lover but.... hell, if bottoming for this Dr. Gabe guy turned him into THIS, Russ was in favor of it." "TAKE ME COACH, TAKE ME." Russ yelled into Darien's hand. It's what he used to do to bring Darien to the edge. It still worked. He felt the drops of precum and then the hard thrust Darien always gave him before the cum filled his ass. "FUCK YEAH," Russ was smiling as Darien flipped him over. "Welcome to the city, Shermy." Then he covered Russ' cock with his mouth and sucked him, something he had not done when they were together. "DAMN I love what Dr. Gabe did to him," he thought, as Darien came off his cock and let him jerk. He smiled. He felt more at home than he thought he would.

Russ settled in for his short stay with Darien. He'd go out during the day, looking for "just the right place" and report back to Darien when Darien came back from work. He noticed that if it was a day where Darien had to work late, he was particularly nervous about the nightly call to his lover. He'd check the clock and occasionally Russ heard him say "thank you Jesus," as he dialed at 5:59 or 6:59, depending on what Dr. Gabe had told him the night before. He never asked, but it seemed that Dr. Gabe was calling all the shots. He knew that Darien would send him a screen shot of how he was dressed before he left the house in the morning, and there were a couple of nights when Darien did NOT come to Russ' bed, and Russ heard grunting and groaning in the Master bedroom. Still, for most of those two weeks, he could count on a thorough reaming from Darien, somewhere between 6 and 8:30.

Darien showed him other gyms, but strongly advised that Russ wait until he was working and could use the University gym for free. "The city is expensive, babe. If you can find a way to avoid expenses, do it." Russ heard him whisper, ruefully "look what I did." When Russ found what he thought was a truly great apartment, he brought Darien to show him. The landlord misunderstood, and said "it's really not designed for two people," and Darien started laughing. "Oh no. I'm just Russ' friend from school." The landlord gave him a look. "Sure you are. Just don't plan on moving in." The apartment was far from perfect - what apartment is? - but Russ liked it, he put down the security deposit and began to plan leaving Darien's place. "You can't leave before the monthly mixer stud. " "Mixer? Like at school?" "HA. Sort of, but with less vomiting. You really need to come because it's where all the members of the gay rugger league hang out. Good to meet people, especially since, I hope.... you'll be playing wing for us when the season starts." "Uh, sure. Should I dig out my old rugby stuff?" Darien smiled. "I don't think so. It's pretty well known that the ruggers don't need to show their colors to other ruggers, and the only ones who show up that way are, well, rugby groupies, looking for some big stud to take them home and...." "Well, I already got that," Russ joked. "For now. I'm gonna be sorry to see you go. And that's another reason we need to dress you in something other than rugby stuff: you've got a job, you've got a gym, you've got an apartment. NOW... you need a boyfriend." Russ blushed. "Yeah, I'd like one of those. You think that's possible in this group?" Darien shrugged his shoulders. "Lots of the guys are single, some bring single friends, and ya gotta start looking somewhere." "You're right. It should be fun." "Now, let's see what we can find in your wardrobe to show off your "ASSetts" as well as possible. You SHOULD wear shorts because your legs are so fucking hot. Or skinny jeans. " "I'd be more comfortable with skinny jeans." "Then use the tightest ones you've got. And a snug fitting shirt. You're buff enough, but you need to show it. " They settled on some very soft gray jeans that fit so snugly, Russ wouldn't need a belt. No socks : "This is the City, Russ," and sneakers. And a plaid shirt that was really too small but... it WAS a gay party.

When they got to the party, it was clear that EVERYONE knew Darien. Introductions flew by, as Darien introduced "my old schoolmate Russ" to a room of very big, sometimes very hairy men. Russ didn't see a single woman in the place. Folks were more friendly than flirty, which suited Russ fine because he was so nervous. He looked around, wondering if his ideal man was there. "DARIEN" he whispered: "Who's that blond guy over there? The one with a big smile and those eyes...." Russ was looking at a guy who was about as tall as he was, but much broader in the shoulders, in a tight magenta polo shirt and jeans. "Oh, yeah. That's Johnny. Johnny Z. He's a player, Russ." "He's a GORGEOUS player." Darien laughed. "Not really my type. Trust fund baby. Sports car, fancy gym membership, all that stuff. I think he's had half the men in the room." "He hasn't had me," Russ laughed. "And he won't, if I have anything to say about it. Trust me babe, he's bad news. As close to poison as you can get. "You said he's a player. You mean rugby or..." "Both. He's a flanker. He's got a little rule . Says it's a secret but everyone knows it. First time he tackles another player, he takes that guy to bed." "FUCK. I wouldn't mind being tackled by him." "RUSSELL. I'm telling you. This is NOT a good idea. " As they were talking they saw Johnny, laughing, leaving with three friends. "Only one of them'll be in the sports car, and he'll be sore all over tomorrow. I just wonder which one.." Darien laughed. "Some of these guys don't learn."

About a half an hour later, Russ went up to Darien again. "Hey. There's that REALLY big guy over there, against the window? Keeps on checking me out, I think, smiling. " Russ looked over at a guy with a small, soft beard, and a cauliflower ear. He was MASSIVE. He probably outweighed Russ by 40-50 pounds, but he wasn't fat. He was just... MASSIVE. He had on a white t shirt that let you know his arms were huge, his chest was huge, and hairy, and a pair of jeans that hid what looked like a pair of legs that could pass for tree stumps. Darien smiled. "That's Owen. He's a friend of one of the ruggers. Coaches wrestling at the university. And you're right. He IS looking at you. And he's smiling." "Doesn't do anything for me," Russ answered. "Too bad. Reputation is that he's a very, VERY careful, tender lover, who .. well, let's just say I wish I had said yes when he asked me out. Russ, don't be a spoiled brat. He'd be much better for you than Johnny. Trust me." "Well, I like to live dangerously," Russ answered and Darien shook his head. "That's not the Russ I knew but... you're a big boy now."

It was about twenty minutes later that he heard Owen's baritone voice. Russ had gone over to the bar to get a refill, and Owen was there, too. "Hi. I haven't seen you at these parties before. I'm Owen." Russ looked up at this giant. He was.. handsome. He looked like some big, stuffed teddy bear, and his smile... It was warm in a way Darien's wasn't." "Oh, I'm new. I just moved to the city. I'm Russ. I'm staying with Darien until I move into my new place." Owen held out his hand. "Nice to meet you and welcome to our fair city. How are you finding it so far?" "Heh heh. It's culture shock. Everything is so new." Owen chuckled. "It can be that way. Darien's probably a great guide ." "He is. " Then there was silence. "So, are you going to need help moving into your place? I'm pretty strong and if schedules work out, I'll help you unload." "Interesting pick up line" Russ thought. "Oh, that's really kind of you. I think the movers will take care of that. I need to call them tomorrow, see where the truck is. " "Well, I won't try to force my number on you, but if you need help, Darien has it. " Then, Owen did something very bold. He hooked a finger through one of Russ' belt loops. "I really think you're cute Russ, and I'd love it if you'd give me a chance by having a drink or something with me. Maybe after work sometime." "Yeah, Iet's do that. " "Ok handsome, call me. I'm gonna have to head out. Last day before my boys grapple so, I should get some sleep. I'd kiss you goodnight but... " he smiled. "Maybe another time." Russ watched as Owen got a jacket, shook the hand of the host (something he hadn't seen anyone else do), and walk out. He turned before the door closed, smiled at Russ and waved. "SO. DID YOU GET A DATE?" Darien was over within 5 minutes. "He came onto me, and he asked me out, but.." "YOU SAID NO? DID YOU LEAVE YOUR BRAINS BACK AT THE UNIVERSITY?" "I... I didn't feel anything. " "Russ, I'm telling you. This is one you don't want to pass on."

So it took a few weeks before Russ saw Owen again. Russ was in his new apartment, he had started working and he had begun going to the university. gym. He was AT the gym, working out, when he saw Owen. Or, rather, Owen saw him. He was at the other side of the gym, doing weights while Russ was getting in cardio. That baritone voice carried over the weight room, and everyone turned to see who "Russ" was. Owen waved, but down the weight he had in his hand and came over. "How's it going?" "Busy. REAL busy. Between the new job, the new place, I haven't even had time to see Darien." Owen flashed his smile and Russ began to realize how attractive it was. Owen had on a university wrestling singlet, and it was soaked. He could see Owen's hairiness and his.. pouch. "I wonder, Russ. I could use a spotter. I'm trying to push my lift up some today, and ..." "Uh, sure." "I'll spot for you in return." "Yeah, sure. Let me turn off the treadmill." He walked over with Owen, making small talk. "You need to adjust the plates?" Russ saw a barbell with three 60 pound weights on each end. Owen laughed. "Nah. It's a light day for me, so I don't need the other plates. Let me just get in position. " He lay down on the weight bench and Russ got a closer look at just how full that pouch was. "Uh, Russ. The barbell is up here. Not down there." "OOOPS. Sorry. Ok. Anytime you're ready." Owen pushed up those weights like nothing. He did ten reps before he eased the down in the holder. "Thanks. I think I'm a little under the weather so I wasn't sure. Want me to spot you now?" Russ looked at the weights. There was NO WAY he was going to be able to do three plates on each side. On a GOOD day, he could do two, and maybe get to 8 reps. "Uh, sure, but I gotta go down." "You wearing a supporter, Russ?" "Uh, yeah." Owen took off his weight belt. "You wanna try for the three, I'm here, and if you fit this around you, I think you'll be okay. " He grinned. "We all have to push our limits sometime. " "He's flirting with me again. He's good," Russ thought. "Well, ok. I'm not sure, but... " "Just try two. " "Ok." "Now focus. Focus. Just you and the weights, because I'm here to grab them if you need help." Russ closed his eyes and pushed as hard as he could. He got them up. "WAY TO GO STUD" Owen was clapping his hands. Told you you could." Russ did a second one and put the weights down. He might have gotten a third one out but Owen was standing so close to him that he could almost stick his tongue out and lick his balls. "Go for a third one. You can do it. You'll be sore tomorrow, but happy." Russ sighed. He could see that Owen was a good coach. And just as he put his hands on the bar, but before he closed his eyes, Owen reached out and grabbed the bottom of Russ' tanktop and whispered "belly belly." "OWEN. Don't do that." "Sorry. I couldn't help it." "Ok. Don't do it again." Russ got back in position and then... Owen did it again. He was laughing now and Russ was pissed. "OWEN COME ON. STOP IT." "Ha ha. I'll stop it but..only if you have a protein shake or coffee or something with me when we're done." "Sure. Just let's finish up the workout and we'll get something to drink." "Ok stud. Gimme two more. " And meanwhile, Owen was thinking "that'll be four. I got more than that and I wanna give you each inch."

And we jump forward about an hour. They're sitting at this little cafe', drinking coffee. Owen IS wearing a rugby shirt this time, with the buttons opened and showing his hairy chest, and a pair of very short shorts, probably from his coaching gear, that showed big, muscular hairy legs. Russ had on shorts too: longer ones, and a button down shirt he had worn to the office that day. He was enjoying the coffee. Owen said very little about himself, but asked about Russ, his family, his interests, what he did, everything. When he spoke about himself, he would smile. "Oh, I was always a big kid, and I used to love watching professional wrestling. " He laughed. "I signed up for wrestling at high school because, well, I thought it was professional style. It was a BIG shock. "Did you like school, Owen?" "I did, but I liked wrestling better. So I made the switch out of history into phys ed and... now I'm sitting across from the handsomest guy I've met in a long time. " Russ blushed. "Owen, I'm..." "I'm sorry Russ, sometimes I jump ahead of things. I shouldn't have said that. At least not yet. It's just that... well, I don't want this to end without having a commitment for a REAL date." "It would be my first REAL date in a long time, Owen. It would. " Then, something clicked in Russ. "How about we have a FAKE date tonight? Get some dinner or something, and then have a REAL date in the future." "A fake date? What's that? " "It means I'm not ready to put out." Owen snapped his fingers. "DARN. And I thought you were gonna be an easy winger." He laughed. "Nah, too soon to do the deed. We barely know each other. " Then he laughed some more. "I know, I know, we know each other more than a lotta guys do when they jump into the sack. "But I'm not like a lotta guys," they said in unison, and laughed. Coffee, drinks, dinner, and then the manager walking over. "Hey lovebirds. You're attracting business because everyone wants to see who's gonna make the first move, but... come back for that. We're closing. " "I got this," Owen put his hand on the check. "Then I get the check on our REAL date." "It's a deal. I say sometimes I'd coach even if I didn't get paid but.... I wouldn't." They determined that Russ lived closer, and they walked to his building. While they were walking, Russ could have sworn he felt Owen's hand on the small of his back, but it was SO gentle, he wasn't sure. And he didn't want to spoil the evening by asking Owen to stop. He didn't want him to either. "Well, this is my building Owen so... I need to say goodnight. " "Not gonna change your mind and invite me up are ya, Russ?" The thought of having that big stud in his bed was very, VERY appealing to Russ, but... he didn't want him to think he was a slut. "Next time?" he pleaded. Owen smiled. "Next time. But I get a truly excellent good night kiss." "I can do that." He saw that Owen closed his eyes before he pressed soft, light lips against Russ'. He heard Owen making contented sounds, and now he DEFINITELY felt Owen holding him. When his tongue pressed against Russ' lips, Russ didn't protest: he tried to pull more tongue in. "You're an excellent kisser, you know that Russ?" Owen was smiling. "And you have a hot ass. I wanna see it naked next time." "I promise. Next time Owen. Thank you for the evening." "Thank you. Thank you for not being afraid of "THAT BIG GUY. " He kissed Russ again. "Just so you know, I'm gonna be thinking of you when I get to bed." He walked off. Russ watched him until he couldn't see him anymore. Every night since the party, Russ had fallen asleep masturbating to thoughts of Johnny Z on top of him. That night, it was a mix of Owen and Johnny. "FUCK ME OWENJOHNNY" he yelled as he came.

Next: Chapter 3

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