Rugby Fuck

By ku.oc.liamtoh@crayrots

Published on Nov 20, 2009


All the usual disclaimers apply. Be cool guys.

After a shedload of emails asking for a part two to this story, a year later, here it is. Let me know what you think. email me at

The next few days after that night went by in a bit of a blur. I didn't get to see Mark because we were both busy with work and had two weeks off of training before I took up my spot as captain. We had swapped a couple of texts, but nothing much was mentioned about him taking my dick up his arse in the alley behind the club house. To be honest, I think he was a bit embarrassed by the whole situation. I don't think he regretted it anyway, which is a good thing.

About a week or so later, I was lying on my sofa at home after a stressful day at work when he sent me a text asking what I was up to, and if I fancied going for a drink. I was shattered, but decided it could be worth it to see what happens again, and so I told him I would meet him in half an hour down at the Kings Head, our local. I hadn't even had the chance to get changed or have a shower after work, so I was probably looking a bit undone, but since it was only a Tuesday night, I didn't expect it would make much difference anyways. My flatmate had gone away for a few days and so the flat was looking a bit messy. On the off chance that I may end up bringing Mark back with me, I kicked a load of junk under the coffee table, fluffed up the cushions and headed out of the door. On my way down to the pub, I was thinking over the events of that night, how he had made me come in the baths after the game, and how we had sucked and fucked each other to orgasm in the alley later that night, and before long I was sporting a massive hard on. The dark street I was walking down was deserted enough, but the worry of passing cars seeing me with tenting trousers, willed me to hook it up into my waistband as I walked.

It didn't take long to get to the pub, and when I walked in it was empty, with the exception of Mark, and an old man who looked to have fallen asleep cradling his whiskey. The barmaid flashed me a smile as I entered and reached for the tap to pull me my usual. I looked over at Mark, who was looking very fine and gave him a thumbs up to let him know I was there, and on my way over. Once I had paid for my drink, I walked towards him and pulled up a stool to sit down. He was right at the back of the pub, sitting on a small table between the jukebox and the outer wall. As I sat down he flashed me a nervous grin and then stared down at the floor.

"You plan on talking to me tonight?" I asked, trying to get rid of some of the obvious tension

"I don't really know what to say," he answered back. "About the other night...." he started before trailing off.

I was beginning to think by the look on his face, that maybe he regretted it after all. I wanted to speak up and say something, but I didn't really know where this was going, so thought it better to just nod and see what he says.

"Well," he carried on, "I really enjoyed myself. I didn't think that I would. Well, not that much, but I did. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since." He finally let out a little grin. "I must have jacked off 25 times in the last week just thinking about it".

That comment made us both laugh and the atmosphere seemed to ease a bit. We carried on talking about it for a while, but the conversation became more fluid and we drifted on to other topics like sport and movies and we were chatting like the old friends we were. The beer kept on flowing and we were becoming more and more relaxed with each other.

As the barmaid called time on last orders, I headed to the toilet to ease the strain on my bladder. I had only been stood there for a few moments when Mark came in and stood beside me at the urinal. His confidence must have picked up because as he stood there pissing, he was blatantly looking over at my cock with a big grin on his face. I started to tease a bit and started stroking and shaking it a bit more than was needed and it seemed to grab his attention. He quickly zipped himself up and before I had a chance to do the same, he grabbed me and pulled me into an empty cubicle.

"It's time to show you my appreciation for the other night" he declared before spinning me around and pushed me to lean over the toilet. He pulled my trousers down to my ankles, spread my ass cheeks apart and pushed his tongue into my hole. I was in heaven as he rimmed my arse and stroked my balls from between my legs. For someone who had never done this before, he was catching on quickly and had my cock standing at full mast. His hand wandered up from my balls and his he wrapped his fist around my prick and started pulling frantically. The sensation was amazing and I wanted so badly to shoot my load but I was determined to hold off for later.

With all the effort I could muster, I pushed his face away from eating my hole and pulled him up by his collar. I thrust my tongue into his mouth, kissing him hard and tasting myself on his lips. As I did this I reached down and stuffed my hand into the waistband of his jeans, feeling around for his cock, which was hard and leaking precum. I rubbed my finger around the head of his cock, then brought it up to his mouth and put it inside. He sucked all of his flavour off my finger with a big smile on his face. As he was doing this he was reaching down and undoing his jeans, pushing them towards the floor and letting his 8 inches of hard throbbing cock spring up between us. I reach down and started to jerk it, and he did the same to me. The energy between us was frantic and if I knew we carried on like this we would end up covering each other in hot sticky cum.

"Let's get out of here" I said between heavy breaths.

Without saying another word, we pulled ourselves off each other, arranged ourselves so we looked decent and went back to the bar area. The barmaid was watching something on the T.V. and had probably not even noticed we were gone. We stood at our table, downed the last of our pints and left the pub, drunk and laughing.

Out on the street we looked at each other and he grabbed me again, pulling me into the wall beside the pub and kissing me hard. I was beginning to think he had a think for fucking outdoors, but the risk of being caught made me pull away, however much I didn't want to.

"Shall we go to mine?" I asked.

"I have a better idea." He said. "Follow me".

We wandered off down the road in the opposite direction to the area we lived and without asking, I knew exactly where we were going. We were heading towards the club house, and the alley in which all this began.

It took us about 20 minutes to walk there, but we laughed and joked along the way, with several stops to piss in random alleys. Perhaps we had consumed a little too much at the pub? When we got to the alleyway, he kept on walking, past the clubhouse and towards the building we used for the changing rooms.

"You got no chance of us getting in there." I said, knowing that the place is always locked up like a prison when not in use.

"That's what you think, Sam" Mark said back with a grin, before holding out his hands and revealing the keys to the building.

"How the hell did you get those?" I asked, but he just gave me a wink and turned his back to me to unlock the doors.

We walked in through the doors and turned towards changing room one. Even without being used for over a week, the room still smelled of hot men and aftershave. We sat down on one of the benches and just leaned against the wall for a bit, feeling drunk. My head was spinning a bit and i turned to lie down across the bench, but as soon as I did, Mark had his hands on my crotch and was freeing my cock. There was a wet patch on my boxers from where I had been leaking precum after our toilet encounter, and he leaned down to lick it. My cock started to go hard in his hand as he stroked it, and licked and sucked the head. I moaned loudly, knowing that there was no way in hell that we were going to get caught. I was just getting into a rhythm, thrusting my prick in and out of his mouth, when he lifted himself off and pulled me up towards him.

"Get your clothes off" he demanded, and started undressing himself. I followed suit and we were soon staring at each others' buff, naked bodies, admiring our forms and checking out the hard cocks that were sticking out from us. Mark walked over to me, kissed me hard and I could feel his cock pushing into me. As we kissed he started manoeuvring us towards the shower. Just before we got there, he pulled away and ran the last few feet, before turning the jets on.

Mark stood under the water and started rubbing his hands all over his body. I stood there and admired his form, checking out his hairy chest, and letting my eyes wander down to his tool. He beckoned me over to join him and we were soon both stood under the water with our hands all over each other. I could it no longer and dropped to my knees, taking his thick dick into my mouth and sucking as if my life depended on it. He fell back against the wall and put his hands on my head, forcing his cock deeper down my throat. I was gagging a bit at first, but soon became accustomed to the feeling of it. I could feel his dick thicken out and I knew he needed to come, so I stopped my oral assault on his shaft and spun him around so that I could eat out his hairy arsehole. Just like last time, he was loving it, but this time I let him pump away on his cock as I tongued his arse. Every time I thought he was close to shooting his seed, I made him stop.

After about ten minutes of me eating out his arsehole, I sat down on the shower floor, and pulled him down to sit on top of me. We kissed passionately as he slowly lowered himself down onto my nob. It took a while, but we got there in the end and we sound found a good rhythm where he bucked and moved his hips as I slid my pole in and out of him. As we fucked, I gently stroked his meat. Not enough to make him come, but just enough to make the fucking feel so much better.

When the water started running cold, we held hands and walked back to the changing rooms. We used bits of old kit that had been left behind to dry each other off, and then we made ourselves comfortable on the floor, lying in a 69 position where we could stroke and suck each other off. We wanted to make this last all night, and the fact that it was nearly 2am told me I probably wouldn't be showing up for work at 7.

I lay on the floor next to Mark, enjoying the feeling of having his fat cock slide in and out of my mouth, as I played with his balls. Every now and then I would let my tongue wander down to his arsehole to tease him, but then would quickly bring it back up to his shaft again. I felt him move and was disappointed when he pulled his dick from out of my mouth. He leaned over, kissed me on the lips then walked off out of the room. When he came back he had a bag in his hand. He sat down next to me on the floor and showed me the contents. It was filled mainly with lube, but I also noticed a blindfold and some cuffs in there too. He grinned up at me and we started laughing. I had no fucking idea how he managed to get this stuff in here, or how he had the keys.

"I want you to fuck me" he said. Not gentle like just now in the shower though. I want you to fuck me hard and fast like you did in the alley. Can you do it?"

I nodded to him as he took the handcuffs out of the bag, slipped the blindfold on himself and then bent over the bench, while kneeling on the floor. He managed to put the handcuffs on himself and strapped himself to one of the central heating pipes. I nearly shot a load just looking at his beautiful hard body, leaning there and waiting to get fucked. His knees must have been killing him on the floor, so to make things a bit more comfortable for him, I put my shirt underneath him and readied him up to take my 7 inches.

I smeared some lube on his arse and held the head of cock towards his hole. I started to ease myself in and there was hardly any resistance. I guess the quick shag we had had earlier had loosened him up somewhat. It didn't take long for me to be balls deep in his arse, and without any slow starts, I starting fucking his arse like a madman. He was screaming and panting with joy, shouting at me to fuck him harder and deeper, all the while pushing his arse down onto my cock to get even more of me inside him. I smiled at the realisation of what was happening. Two weeks ago, this man's man was the centre of my wank fantasies, and now I had him handcuffed and blindfolded and riding my prick like a pro. Sometimes life just deals you an amazing hand.

Sweat poured down my face as I pummelled his arsehole. I fucked him with more effort and force than I have ever fucked anyone and the sensation of it was incredible. I could tell that he wanted to stroke his cock so badly, but his self inflicted handcuffs prevented him. I decided that when I was ready to come I would toss him off and let him shoot his load, but before I even had a chance he spoke up to demand something else.

"I want you to make me come." He said. I want you to make me come so bad. And then, I want you shoot your load in my mouth."

I wasn't about to argue with that so as I fucked his arse hard, I started jerking away at his cock. It was harder and thicker than I had ever felt it and it didn't take long before he was coating my hand, and the floor in front of him, with jets and jets of his hot spunk. I have never ever seen anyone cum as much as this man. I thought last time was a one off, but here he is again, shooting his cum everywhere, in what seems like a never ending stream. He moaned and panted with the feeling that washed over him. I took a few more thrusts before pulling out and walking around in front of him. Even with his blindfold on, he had no trouble finding my prick and greedily took into his mouth and started sucking ferociously. It didn't take me long to shoot my load and when he could swallow no more I shot the last few loads onto his face. I crashed down in front of him and watched as he smiled, totally wiped out after our session.

We talked for a while afterwards. I had no idea if he was uncomfortable, but I was too tired to move and undo his hands or blindfold, so I left him as he was. The conversation turned back to the great sex we had just had and soon the blood was pumping through our dicks again. He told me he wanted to feel me inside him again, but before I even had a chance to move, something moving in the doorway caught my eye. I looked up to see Dale, one of our team mates standing there. A wave of fear rushed over me, but I still couldn't muster the energy to move. He looked a bit nervous.

"Erm, Mark told me I should show up here tonight." He said with a slight grin. I saw you two in the alley last week and asked if I could maybe join in sometime."

I looked over at Mark, still wearing his blindfold, and he just smiled up at me.

"I told you I was going to return the favour." He said

Next: Chapter 3

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