Ruby Red


Published on Oct 16, 2018


Ruby Red by RJ

This story is a multi-part fiction about love between a college student and a recent post-grad. If you have any comments about my work, or even just want to chat, please don't hesitate to message me.

As always, please support Nifty in any way that you can.


When I wake up, the sunlight is streaming irritatingly through the windows. It makes me squint and groan slightly, but otherwise, I'm quite comfortable still cuddling with RJ. I feel a bit groggy. I even have the faintest sense of a hangover, even though I didn't have a single sip of alcohol last night. But RJ breathing softly behind me, characteristic of him being asleep, feels cozy. I relish in the feeling for a while before I can't ignore my bladder. I reach forward carefully for my jeans, pulling out my phone to check the time. It's just after 10. I also see that Khadija had sent me a text about an hour ago: "Come in my room when you wake up."

So I do so. I very carefully -- maybe even reluctantly -- slip out of RJ's embrace and sit up. I rub my forehead, sighing before I mess with my hair a bit and then walk down the hallway in my underwear and probably-dirty shirt. I use the bathroom first before I knock on her door and poke my head in. She looks up from her phone, beckoning me in. "You have some explaining to do, mister," she says.

I smile slightly. "Morning to you, too," I say, coming over to her bed and getting under the covers with her.

She waits for me to get comfortable before giving me her full attention. "Spill."

I tell her everything. Now that my brain has had a chance to sleep on it, I feel that I can explain what happened and how I felt a little more effectively -- though not by much. Still, Khadija is an excellent listener, interrupting only for the sake of clarification. What exactly am I feeling? Why does it seem so complicated? What am I going to do if he shows up again? Is it really that big of a deal? Am I simply just not over him? Then, she asks "You're not thinking of going back to him, are you?"

I think she noticed how pensive I'm being. Even I notice I keep zoning out a bit. But I blink and shake my head. "Hell no."

"Because RJ is--"

"RJ is everything," I say.

"Exactly," she says, nodding in agreement. "And Toby is..."

"Scourge of the earth? Isn't that how you described him?"

"I was gonna say dangerous," she says with a smirk. "Besides, scourge of the earth isn't even a worthy title. I can do better than that."

I laugh. "What would be a worthy title, then?"

"Literally nothing. He doesn't deserve recognition." She reaches over, holding my hand. "RJ is so different. Like, it's almost painfully obvious, even just how he looks at you. Everyone sees it." I blush slightly but smile. "That's what you should be focusing on."

"It's just hard," I say softly.

She smiles sadly. "I know, babe."

There's a knock on the door, and when I turn around, RJ's head and bare torso are poking through the doorway. "Hey."

"Hey," I say, sitting up. "You're awake."

He steps inside slightly, just opening the door a little more. I see he put on his pants from last night, but that's all he did this morning -- even his hair is still messy. "Yeah. Hey, thanks for letting me crash on your couch," he says to Khadija.

She just smiles. "Any time, big guy."

He smiles back before turning to me. "I don't wanna interrupt or anything..." he starts to say.

"You're not," I say.

"Okay. Can we talk then?"

"Yeah." I bite my lip, scratching my head a bit before I turn to Khadija. "Would you mind just dropping us off at RJ's?" I wouldn't have asked if his place wasn't less than five minutes away. But of course, being the amazing gal that she is, she's all on board. I make a mental note to treat her to her favorite restaurant as we gather our things and head over to RJ's. I hug her goodbye, thanking her again for the tenth time before she drives off.

"Wanna come inside?" he asks.

"Actually, I was hoping we could go somewhere," I say. "Is that okay?"


I have RJ drive, not really feeling up to it at the moment. It's a half hour car ride to where I want to go, and, other than me telling him directions, we drive in silence. Soon we get to the dirt road I'm looking for, and I have RJ drive up it slowly for five minutes until we reach a little parking lot enclosed by woods. When I step out of the car, I breathe in that fresh, familiar air. This place is a comfort for me. A safe place of sorts. And I'm thankful that there's no one else here. I wait for RJ to hop out of the car before leading the way. It's a five-or-so minute walk up one of the trails, but it's an easy walk, and soon we make it to the overlook.

"Here we are," I say. The overlook is nothing more than a bench with a small clearing just off the main trail, but the view is spectacular. You can see our entire small city from up here. Cars zoom silently between buildings like ants and the river that cuts right through the city is reduced to a stream, flowing just as quietly. The only real noises are the birds and the wind rustling through the trees. Past the city, there are rolling green and rocky hills that gradually morph into the mountains beyond.

"It's beautiful," he says, and I look over at him. His eyes are slowly scanning the landscape, taking everything in before he turns to me. "I didn't even know there was a trail here."

"For some reason, not too many people know about it. Or maybe it's just not as popular as some of the other views around." I take a seat on the bench with a sigh.

He nods a little before looking off at the view again as he joins me. "It is pretty spectacular."

"Ty showed me this place. Said it helps him calm down, gain perspective. He'd always take me here whenever I got sad." About Toby.

"Are you sad now?" he asks me.

"I don't know," I say honestly. Am I? I sigh slightly before I turn to him. "I'm sorry for fucking up your birthday."

"You didn't," he says immediately. I expected him to say that, but it's still nice to hear. Before I can think of a response, he asks "Why are we here?"

"This is where I wanted to take you for your birthday," I say. "It's my favorite place around here. It's always calm, and quiet. And you can watch the sunset perfectly from here," I add, pointing towards a few of the shorter mountains in the background. RJ comes and sits next to me. "I wanted to have a nice, quiet picnic, just you and me, maybe on a blanket in the clearing nearby, while we watched the sunset." I look at him and smile slightly. "Cheesy, I know, but I thought it'd be fun. And romantic. And I wanted to share this place with you."

"And I'm glad you're sharing this with me," he says. "But... I don't know." He laughs slightly. "You're making me really fucking nervous, Jake."

I glance at him, surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah. I mean, this just feels like an elaborate break-up scene or something."


"You're upset and then you take me out to this pretty overlook for one last happy moment with me--"

I laugh, shaking my head, resting my hand on his thigh. "No no no no no. That's not what this is about."

He smiles slightly. If he's relieved, I can't tell, because he doesn't show it. He just slides his hand over and rubs my shoulder with his thumb. "Talk to me."

What did I want to start with? Toby? But then Charlotte's face pops into my head and I get the sudden urge to get closure about this. "Well. I guess we can start with Charlotte?"


I look at him. "Who is she to you?"

"She's my friend," he says simply.

"Just a friend."

He narrows his eyes a bit before saying "Well, we dated a while back but--"

"Just once?"

"What is this about?"

"What do you think?" I ask, probably a little more sharply than I intended. He just urges me to continue with a look. "She's in love with you."

"What? No she's not," he says, but I notice him blushing.

"Do you not see that?" I ask, wondering how someone like him is always so blind to flirtations that have graduated from innocent to romantic. But before he can respond, I continue. "She said you guys have been on and off forever. Some shit about you two always getting back together, or how you always come back to your senses and hook up with her again. And she said it all just to undermine me."

"She wouldn't do that" is all he says.

"Wouldn't do what?"

"Try and get between you and me," he says. "That's what you're saying, right?"

"Of course that's what I'm saying."

"That's not like her." He seems firm in his belief, which irritates me.

"So, what, I'm just making it up?"

"No," he says. "But maybe you just read it wrong--"

"You weren't there, RJ."

"And you don't know her," he says. "I do." There's nothing snippy in his tone. Frankly, he's being quite patient with me. But I can't hold back my frustrations.

"Why are you even defending her?"

"Because she--"

"Do you love her?"

"Of course I love her," he says quickly, and my heart almost stops. "But not like that. Not anymore." He sighs. "We had our shot and it didn't work out and now we're just friends."

"How can you even go back to being just friends?" Before he can even respond, I remember something. It comes back so suddenly that I can't believe I wasn't thinking about it already. "What about that night after your set?"

"What about it?"

"I saw you guys making out in your room."

He waits for me to continue speaking, and when I don't, he just says "Okay."

"Okay?" I shift from frustrated and irritated to flat-out angry. "What else happened?"

"We just messed around. I've told you this," he says, looking surprised at my sudden reaction.

"You never told me who she was to you."

"Why does this even fucking matter?" he asks, and I can tell he's getting a little irritated. "Why does it matter how she feels?"

"Because I don't want to lose you to her!" I say, admitting my fear. "To anyone!"

He pauses for a moment before starting to speak. "I--" And then he stops, sighing heavily and looking around for a moment, composing himself. "Look, Jake. There's always going to be that little something between me and her. I was with her for a long fucking time. Longer than anyone else."

I just laugh sarcastically. "Amazing."

"What is so funny?"

"You still have feelings for her."

"That's not what I said--"

"That's basically what you just fucking said."

"Jake, it's not even--"

"When are you gonna leave me for her, I wonder?" I ask snottily. I know I'm being petty and annoying but I can't stop myself.

"Are you kidding?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

He narrows his eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means, I've been cheated on before, and we all know you get around--" I stop myself before I say anything else, but it's too late. I said what I said. I didn't even mean it -- it just slipped off my tongue. I look over at RJ and he's just staring at me with an undefinable expression. It's almost worse than him looking either angry or hurt, or even somewhere in the middle. I just cannot fathom what he's thinking. "I didn't... I'm sorry," I say, looking away, feeling terribly embarrassed. My face is warm. I basically just called him a whore, right? And not in our playful way. In a very derogatory sort of way.

After an excruciatingly long pause, he asks "Do you not trust me?"

"I trust you," I say quietly.

"You don't have to lie, and you don't have to trust me," he says, so softly that I almost barely hear him.

"I do trust you," I repeat, looking at my lap. "I'm sorry. Really. I'm just... I'm scared."

There's a long pause, and I find it difficult to look up at RJ, so I stare at the ground, kicking my feet around. Then he speaks. "Why didn't you tell me about Toby?"

It catches me so off-guard that I freeze in place before looking at him. I narrow my eyes. "Let me guess. Charlie told you."

"Toby did, actually," he says, and I blink. "After you punched him."


"He was trashed and came up to me rambling about how my 'stupid fucking boyfriend' punched him in the jaw. And he kept rambling. And rambling. I was pretty drunk too, but I managed to connect the dots."

So RJ knows now who Toby is to me. I can tell by the way he's looking at me. Studying me, almost in a calculating way. "I don't know what to say." Rather, where to begin. "I wish I told you earlier."

"No, I'm glad he said something to me," RJ says. Then: "I beat the shit out of him, you know."

"What?" I look shocked, I'm sure. My mouth hangs open when I look at RJ. He just shrugs. "But you're a pacifist."

"Not last night, I wasn't. I beat the shit out of him, and no one stopped me."

I can sense a little anger in his voice, but if it's directed at me or Toby, I'm not sure. I shake my head a bit, picturing the scene. I don't know if I'm happy or sad about the fact that that happened... although I do wish it didn't have to go that far. "But--"

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"I guess, eventually," I say, bringing my knees up and hugging them. "I don't know. He terrifies me, RJ."

"I know."

"No, you don't." I sigh heavily. "I know he's rude, and calculating, and manipulative, whether or not it's on purpose. But I still get drawn to him. Even when we were together, even when I knew it was bad and I had to get out for my own safety, I always made excuses for him. I always consoled him, always apologized for whatever he complained about, always stayed. Because I was attached to him. I believed him when he said he was all I had. And even though I knew he was a liar, and a cheater, and abusive, I was still afraid that maybe he was right."

I glance at RJ briefly, but when I see him looking at me so intently, I look away. He puts his hand on my thigh and gives it a squeeze. "Keep going."

I sigh again, but it's shaky. "I don't know. Seeing him last night made me realize that I'm still not okay. He still has power over me. I let him have power over me. When I saw him, I thought... I thought I genuinely wanted to go back to him," I say, biting my lip. "It was only for a moment, but it was so... instinctual. I didn't even think about it. And it makes me feel so fucking weak, RJ." I pause for a while, biting my trembling lip, using every ounce of my will-power to not cry in front of him right now. I inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, and then sniffle a bit. Then: "I'm sorry for coming at you like I did." I want to also specifically apologize for my comment about him "getting around", but I don't know how to word it properly.

I hear RJ sigh a bit before he slides over, closer to me. He puts his arm around me and I immediately sink into him, shifting so that I'm pressing my face against his chest and he's enveloping me in his arms. He rubs my back and plays with my hair. It's harder now to keep myself from full-on sobbing, but I keep it together, maintain composure, breathe steadily. I notice my fingers are clutching onto his shirt in a tight fist after the fact. I'm latching on to him.

"What do you want to do?" I ask.

"Right now, or in general?"


"Right now, I want a long, hot bath," he says, and I laugh slightly.

"You do kind of smell," I tease, sniffling again.

He just squeezes me into him a little tighter, making me laugh. "In general, though... I don't know," he says. There's a pause before he kisses the top of my head. "You know I love you, right?" he adds quietly.

I smile, nodding against his chest. "I know."

We don't push each other for more questions and answers. We just sit in silence, his fingers running over my scalp soothingly. I imagine he's looking off into the distance, maybe studying the landscape a bit, thinking hard, but I stay in place, eyes closed, breathing steadily. After a while, RJ stands up, offering his hand to me. I take it, and he guides me off the bench, leading the way back down the path and to his car. Like the way here, we don't really talk, but at one point, while his hand is on the shift, I reach over and hold it. He looks down and then at me, smiling before bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it. He holds my hand all the way back to his apartment, stroking it with his thumb.

I'm glad Stevie's not home when we arrive. It's just us as we step inside and head to his room. He removes his shirt first, tossing it in the hamper before kicking off his shoes and then rummaging around his dresser for fresh clothes. I just take my shoes off, sitting and waiting for him, watching him gather up two pairs of shirts, a pair of boxer briefs, a pair of boxers, and a pair of sweatpants -- clothes for both of us. He then turns to me and then nods his head towards the bathroom. "C'mon."


"I was serious about that bath," he says with a slight smile, leaving the room. I bite my lip and then follow. When I get to the bathroom he has already started filling up the tub. The only light filling the room is the sunlight from the window above the tub, which adds a sort of calm, romantic haze. He grabs bubble solution from one of the cabinets and pours it into the tub, soap bubbles forming as it fills. And then he turns to me, starting to undress me. He does it slowly, as if he doesn't want to hurt me, taking my shirt off first and then my jeans before removing my underwear as well. I stand naked in front of him as he stands up, kisses my cheek, and then strips down too. He waits for the tub to fill before shutting off the water, and before he can climb in, I stop him.


He turns, looking at me. I step forward and then wrap my arms around him, pressing our bodies close. He gets the hint and hugs me back tightly, just standing there holding each other for maybe a solid minute before I let go. He combs my hair with his fingers before he climbs into the tub, resting his back against one end of the tub, his knees poking above the surface of bubbles and his arms resting against the rim. "C'mon, handsome," he says.

I smile and step in as well, sitting on the opposite side. The water feels so good as I lower myself into the tub that I almost moan. I sit essentially between his legs, keeping mine together, my toes nudged against his ass. "How's it feel?" he asks, relaxing.

"So good," I say with a sigh, moving some of the bubbles around. "I can't remember the last time I took a bath."

He smiles. "They're good every now and again."

I look at him, smiling softly. Under the water, I rub one of his legs gently, sort of playing with his leg hair. "I feel like I just wanna keep apologizing to you."

"Don't, Jake," he says softly. "I get where you're coming from. Honest."

"I want you to know that I really do trust you," I say, resting my hand on his knee. "I think I was just projecting my fears onto you."

"It's okay," he says.

"And please don't think that I think you're a whore or anything. In a bad way."

"It's okay," he repeats. He slides his hand over mine, the one that's above his knee, and soon, we lock our fingers together. "You were a little emotional," he adds, but it's in a playful way.

"Shut up," I say, blushing and smiling.

He smiles back at me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm not going to tell you how to feel. But I'm here if and when you need me. Okay?"

I nod, gushing over him all over again. It's just what I needed to hear. "I can't tell you how happy I am that I met you," I say after a while. He just keeps looking at me with that little smile from across the tub. Eventually, I ask "Do you ever think we won't work out?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Does it matter?"

I blink. "I mean... doesn't it?"

"Okay, sure, maybe a little. But I'm in love with you," he says, and I get those little chills he always gives me. "And I'm here. I'm in this. And right now, that's all that matters to me. Something could happen down the road, yeah, but I'm in this for the present." I stare at him, just smiling for a while, long enough for him to eventually laugh. "What?"

"Just... thinkin'," I say, shrugging playfully.

"What are you thinking about?"


He smirks. "What about us?"


He licks his lip slightly and then leans forward as much as he can. "Come here, then."

I smile, staring at his lips before I lean forward to meet him halfway. I press my lips to his and we kiss softly once. Then again. Then again, but deeper, smiling, teasing each other with our tongues. Eventually I pull back slightly, just going down to kiss his scruffy chin. "I love you, too," I say softly. Our faces nudge against each other gently a few times before RJ takes my face in his hands and kisses me with more intention. I practically melt in his hands, sinking into his lips, finding myself shifting closer to him until I'm lying over his body a bit. His hands slide down my sides, resting on my hips and rubbing my lower back before he breaks the kiss with a loud breath. I smile at him before turning around in his grip and then pressing my back to his torso. We lie together in the tub for quite a while, soaking in each other's presence in the heat of the bath. His arms wrap around me nicely as he gently strokes my torso. They're teasing touches. Light and playful, but with a hint of sexual intention. Occasionally he'll dig his fingers in just a little harder, or he'll tease my nipples slightly, and I'll let out a little breath as he kisses my ear or neck or cheek.

Eventually I reach between my legs to grab myself, lifting my hard-on up so the head pokes out of the water. "Look what you caused," I say, giggling slightly.

He laughs, reaching down to grab me, making me moan. "I'm sorry," he says, kissing my neck a little deeper. He gives my cock a nice squeeze and I raise my hips a bit, whimpering slightly as I try to hold back my moans. He lets go, sliding his hand back up my body and running up and down slowly. I tilt my face towards him, getting closer and closer to kissing him until our lips finally make contact again. We kiss each other a little more intently, and I roll around again, resting our fronts together, grinding my cock against his. He grabs my ass firmly while we continue our slow, deep, quietly passionate session of kissing and touching and grinding in the bath.

Soon I pull away for a breather, sitting on my heels between his legs. He rests his arms on the sides of the tub again, looking me up and down with a little grin. "We should probably actually bathe," I say.

He laughs a little before scooping up some suds and then sliding closer to me, kissing me once before he starts to run his soapy hands over my torso, washing me. I do the same, starting with his shoulders and arms before working my way down. "Remember when you said you wanted to watch me?"

He cocks an eyebrow and then grins when he realizes what I'm talking about. "Yeah?"

I rub his knees and his inner thighs, biting my lip before saying "I want you to watch me." I lean in and peck his lips. "And I want to watch you," I add, letting my hands grab his cock under the water. He lets out a deep little groan before kissing me back. I rest my hands on his chest, kissing him a few times before pulling away with a sigh. I lick my lips. "Is that a yes?" I ask with a smirk.

"Don't get cheeky," he says with a chuckle, pulling me in between his legs more. He runs his hands down my sides and to my ass, giving it a nice squeeze, groping me. "Turn around," he says, and I do so, bending over enough so my ass is sticking out of the water. I feel his hands gripping my cheeks again before his fingers rub against my hole. I moan a bit, biting my lip as he washes and teases me for a while. I feel a finger gently enter me -- his thumb, stretching my hole as it pushes in side. But soon, he pulls away, giving my ass a loud smack before leaning back against the tub.

"Bastard," I say, laughing. I stand up in front of him, dripping as I loom over him. He licks his lips before leaning forward and giving my cock a kiss as he stands up. He pecks my lips once before stepping out of the tub and grabbing a towel, drying himself off. I take out the stopper in the tub before stepping out as well, letting him dry me off. Once finished, he takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. I kneel on his bed as he rummages through one of his bags before taking out what he was looking for: the dildo he bought for me. It's one of the life-like ones, and even has a pair of balls at the base.

"I think it's the closest one to my size," he says, opening the packaging. It's not as big as RJ is, I notice, but close, and good enough for some solo time. "I didn't want to get something too big," he adds, laughing.

"I appreciate that." I smile as he pops off the plastic with a grunt, pulling out the dildo and holding it in his hand, feeling it out before tossing it to me. He reaches into his nightstand to grab lube as well, throwing that my way before he takes a seat in his chair and swivels around to face me. I look at him, licking my lips slightly. Part of me wants him to put on his new harness and jockstrap, but I almost prefer us to both be bare naked for right now. "What do you want me to do?"

"Pretend I'm not here," he says, reaching down and giving his cock a tug.

That'd be hard to do. Honestly, I don't want to pretend he's not here, but I play along. I lick my lips slightly, reaching down to touch myself. I want to give him at least a little show, so I bring the toy up to my lips, rubbing it across my mouth lightly before gently sticking my tongue out. I can feel his eyes on me as I take the toy into my mouth, suckling on the head. I stroke myself slowly as I move the dildo back and forth in my mouth, guiding it deeper and deeper until I can take as much as I can into my throat. When I pull it out, it's nice and wet, and I bend over on the bed. I reach behind me, taking the dildo and slapping it right against my hole, making myself moan out slightly. "Fuck," I whisper, my cock throbbing. I rub it against me a few times, enjoying the sensation before I grab the lube.

As I lube up the dildo, essentially jerking it off, I glance over at RJ. His eyes are glued to the toy as he strokes himself, one hand on his cock and the other running gently over his chest. I lick my lips a bit. I want to pounce on him so badly but I know this is hot for him. I turn so that my backside is facing him. I arch my back to stick out my ass a little more, lubing myself up with a few fingers and letting out soft moans. I don't waste too much time. I hold the fake cock upright and slowly slide down on it, groaning louder and louder as it gets deeper. I whimper slightly, taking my time sinking down on it, making sure to get it all the way before I slide back up. It feels so strange. I've never used a dildo before, and I'm so used to RJ's cock now that this almost feels wrong. But knowing that he's watching and masturbating right near me makes me continue. I raise and lower myself over and over slowly, rocking my hips in circles as I go. With my free, clean hand, I jerk myself off, closing my eyes, rocking my head back as I get lost in the sensations. I grind deep on the toy, moaning out and then biting my lip.

Then I feel RJ behind me. I feel his hands on my back before they drift down to my sides, one of them sliding over my ass. Soon I feel his lips against my neck and his cock poking at my lower back as I ride the dildo. I whisper his name and he grabs onto me a little harder before reaching around to stroke my cock a few times. I lean back into him, breathing heavily, letting his hands roam my body and touch as he pleases.

Soon he bends me over, and I let my face fall onto the mattress, keeping my ass up high. He takes over, one hand on my lower back as the other hand grips the base of the dildo and guides it back and forth inside of me. I moan out, my toes curling, my fingers gripping the sheets. "Deeper," I beg, and he complies, pushing it in all the way and twisting it lightly, making me arch my back as much as I possibly can. Then he flips me onto my back, getting to his knees. He gets in between my legs and, as he moves the dildo back and forth, kisses my cock. I reach down and hold it up for him, which he takes as a sign to blow me. He doesn't hesitate. Immediately, his lips are wrapped around my shaft and he's bobbing up and down, slowly but deeply. I whine and moan, closing my eyes and spreading my legs more to give him full access. I listen to him slurp on my cock sloppily, feeling the spit dribble over my balls as he works me into his throat over and over while giving me every inch of that toy.

And then he stands up, slowly pulls the toy out of me, and replaces it with his cock. Even if my eyes were closed, I'd be able to tell the difference. He's warm and real, and bigger than the toy. This feels right. Now I feel full. Complete, almost. My eyes open and I feel my hole stretching to accommodate him. My legs wrap around his hips, my heels digging into his ass to pull him in deeper. He fucks me slowly, his eyes focused solely on the penetration. I always find him sexy standing over me like this, watching his manhood disappear inside of me over and over. I reach down and stroke his happy trail, and he looks up at my face, smiling slightly before leaning over to kiss me. The kiss is deep, and he makes sure there's lots of body contact as he grinds deep into me.

The fuck doesn't last long. After barely two minutes, he pulls out of me and then climbs onto the bed, jerking off close to my face. I reach down and jerk myself off, tilting my mouth towards his dick, looking up at him. I open my mouth slightly, readying myself for his load. Soon, he cums, his breath getting more ragged before he grunts and pushes his cock forward. Right after his cock starts to spurt across my lips, I take the head into my mouth, sucking deeply and moaning with pleasure as my tongue laps at the tip to coax out every drop I can get. I swallow his cum down as I receive it, jerking myself off faster and faster until finally, my orgasm follows. I thrust my hips up, my lips still on RJ's shaft as I empty my load all on my lower torso.

I breathe heavily through my nose, letting my tongue slide around the head of his cock. He pulls away from my lips and I take a deep breath before I feel his lips on mine, kissing me deeply. I kiss him back slowly, his tongue diving in to taste the remnants of his load before he pulls away. When I open my eyes, he's smiling softly down at me, and the light streaming in from the window looks almost comically heavenly surrounding his silhouette.

"You look like an angel right now," I say, laughing.

He chuckles, leaning down to peck my lips before lying on the bed next to me. "Am I a pretty angel?" he says in a little-girl voice.

I laugh, turning onto my side and patting his cheek. "The prettiest."

He grins a little before his hand snakes around to the small of my back and pulls me into him. He kisses me a few times, giving me soft, loving kisses on my mouth.

I lick my lip slightly when he pulls away, just staring at me with that cute little smile of his. I sigh through my nose, playing with his chest hair. "Listen," I start to say. "I'm sorry--"

But he cuts me off. "If you apologize one more time--"


"I'm over it, Jake," he says with a laugh. "You don't need to apologize to me."


"Stop feeling sorry," he says, holding my chin gently with his index finger and his thumb. He leans in and kisses me once. "You love me, right?"

"Yes," I say sheepishly, smiling a little.

"And I love you. Fuck Toby." He presses his lips to mine. "And forget Charlotte. And whoever else. It's just you," he says, kissing me again, "and me."

I smile widely, pressing into him a little more, holding onto him. "Just you and me."

And it remains just the two of us. Over the next few months, RJ consistently proves (without trying) that he's all about me. Sure, he's flirtatious with other people, but I don't fault him for that. That's in his nature. Even I can be pretty flirtatious too, but the thing about RJ is that he tends to attract strangers his way, and that's out of his control. But he's never gone beyond that "innocent flirting" stage. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks about other people, because sometimes, when I'm alone, Toby crosses my mind, closely followed by a series of negative emotions. But being with RJ makes those thoughts and feelings way less frequent. He's my safe place. I always feel (for lack of a better word) happy when I'm around him, whether we're out and about or just staying in and doing absolutely nothing.

This is one of those "absolutely nothing" days. RJ stayed over last night, and we've been lounging in my room practically all day watching movies, talking, and only once going outside to get some fresh air. It's late now, closer to midnight, and I lie on the bed on my side, watching him do some basic core workouts on the floor. "I really need you to decide what you want to do," RJ says, halfway through his crunches.

Tomorrow's my birthday, and he's been pestering me for two weeks about whether or not I want to do something. "I don't know," I whine, shrugging again. "We don't have to do anything, babe."

"That's my line," he says with a chuckle before switching over to a plank. "It's your 18th. Kind of a big deal."

"I guess so." I smile over at him, eyeing his body. He's just in a pair of shorts, so I get an eyeful of his musculature while he's in a plank. He's breathing steadily, focusing, but he must notice that I'm looking because he tilts his head towards me and smiles.

"What?" he asks.

"Just looking," I say, blowing him a kiss and laughing. He just rolls his eyes and continues to do his plank. "We can do something small," I suggest.

"Very specific," he says sarcastically.

"Well, what the hell do you wanna do?"

"I wanna at least take you out."

"Then take me out," I say, grinning. "Long as there's some good sex at the end of the day, I don't really care what we do."

"As long as you don't injure me again," he says, trying not to laugh.

I giggle slightly. Last night, during a particularly rough lovemaking session while Ty and my mom were out, I accidentally cut RJ's nose with my nails, and even bit his shoulder hard enough to draw a little blood. He has a Band-Aid across the bridge of his nose right now. To be fair, though, I have plenty of hickeys and bruises, so he got his vengeance. And he looks kind of cute with the Band-Aid on anyway. "I'll be nice," I say. I lick my lips slightly as he sighs and then rolls out of the plank, stretching slightly. "When I'm eighteen, will you still find me sexy?" I ask.

He looks over at me with a grin. "Might be hard, but I'll try."

"Fuck you," I say, laughing.

"Fuck me," he replies with a smirk, coming over to the bed.

I laugh as he gets closer. "No."

"No?" He just grins, reaching out to cup my neck as he leans over me and presses his lips to mine. He hums against my mouth, his hand sliding down my shirt, steadily getting lower and lower. I raise my hips up in anticipation but then, just as his fingers pass my navel, my mom yells my name from downstairs.

"Fucking damn it," I groan, and RJ just laughs, pulling away. "What?!" I call back.

"Come down here please!" she shouts.

I look at RJ, who's just smirking at me. I push his face away so that he falls back onto his side, laughing. "I'll deal with you in a minute," I say in a teasingly threatening voice, pointing my finger at him.

"Yeah?" He starts reaching out to grab my hand before I have time to pull it away. He tugs me down to him and I fall with a yelp, and he kisses me hard and passionately but for only three seconds. Then he pushes me away, standing up, leaving me a little flustered. "Hurry up, then," he says, cocking his head towards the door.

"I hate you," I say, licking my lips. I eye him up and down before slipping out of my bedroom and heading downstairs, wondering what my mom could possibly want.

When I get downstairs, Ty and my mom are standing facing each other. And when they see me come in, I notice the strangest, happiest expression on my mom's face. Even Ty looks less broody than usual, smiling at me as I walk in. I look between them, confused. "What's going on?" I ask.

My mom looks like she's going to burst if she doesn't spill the beans, but Ty says something first. "We have some news."

"Okay?" I look at him, but he looks at my mom, who's practically jumping up and down. No one says anything for a moment, so I speak up. "Are you gonna tell me, or...?"

My mom turns to Ty before holding up her hand to me. Her left hand. Specifically the ring finger, which now has a glittering ring I've never seen before on it. "We're getting married!" she says excitedly.

I freeze for a moment, letting that information sink in. They're getting married. Ty and my mom are getting married. I feel my mouth split into a grin as if in super slow motion before I squeal in excitement with my mom. "Oh my god!" I come over and hug her tightly, and she's laughing and crying, hopping on the balls of her feet, clearly ecstatic. When she finally pulls away, I look over at Ty, who's practically beaming. I rush into his arms and hug him tightly, and he grunts but laughs, hugging me back.

"About time!" I say, and they both burst out laughing, all three of us with wide smiles plastered on our faces. I'm feeling those happy jitters throughout my body. "When's it official?"

"We're shooting for the summer," she says, grasping Ty's hand. "Something small. A little ceremony, small party or reception or whatever. Nothing crazy."

"That's so soon!" I say. But then again, it's not soon enough. This news excites me so much that I feel wired, even though I'm usually asleep by now. "Oh my god, guys." I laugh again, rubbing my face before I hug them both at the same time.

"Another thing," Ty says, pushing me back lightly. He scratches his head a bit before saying "Was kind of hoping you'd, uh, be my best man. If you want to," he adds, as if not wanting to pressure me.

I almost cry. I'm feeling so emotional all of a sudden. "I'd fucking love to," I say, and they both laugh.

The three of us chat for a bit about ideas for the wedding, thinking that we'll do the ceremony at Ty's mother's house since she has a huge property with a lake and an insanely beautiful rose garden. She'd be more than happy to accommodate us. My mom starts to get sleepy after a bit, so we all head upstairs and hug each other goodnight. I give them one last congratulations before I turn into my room, shutting the door. RJ's on my bed on his phone, and he turns to me, looking me up and down. He grins slightly. "You look happy."

"I am," I say, rushing over to the bed. I straddle him, sitting on his lap, my hands on his shoulders. "Guess what?"

He laughs, kissing me. "You know I'm bad at guessing games."

"My mom and Ty are getting married."

His eyes go wide in surprise before he laughs. "Really?"

"Yeah!" I sigh happily, biting my lip. I'm aware that I'm shifting in RJ's lap, but I can't be still. I'm so excited.

"About time," he says with a chuckle, and I laugh.

"That's what I said." I lean in more, draping my arms casually behind his shoulders and kissing him once. "I'm so excited. Ty's so good to her. And to me."

"I know." RJ smiles, rubbing his hands up and down my sides. "That's great news. I'm happy for your mom."

"Me too," I say, leaning down and kissing him, still smiling. "And," I add, pulling back lightly, "I'll need a date for the event."

"Oh yeah?" RJ says, grinning. "Who are you thinking of taking?"

"Preferably someone dumb and handsome," I tease, poking the Band-Aid on his nose.

"Hey," he says, laughing and giving my ass a squeeze. "I'm more than that."

"Fine, I guess you're kind of hot." I stroke his lip with my index finger before kissing him slowly. He starts to pull back, maybe to say something, but I only lean in more, maintaining the contact. He holds onto me tightly, wrapping his arms around my body as we kiss. I raise my hips up slightly before bringing them down against his crotch, feeling that lovely appendage between his legs. I feel his groan against my lips and I smile, even giggling slightly.

"Mmm, wait," he says, holding my hips still and smiling against me. "Happy birthday."

I glance over at the clock on my nightstand and see that it's a little past midnight. "Oh man," I say, laughing.

"You're officially a big boy now," he teases, kissing my jaw and chuckling.

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, Dad," I say, putting my hands on his shoulders and pushing him back against the headboard. I grab the hem of my shirt and pull it off with one swift motion, tossing it to the floor before bending down to kiss him again. The kiss is at a decent speed, but it's passionate, including tongues touching and lips being bitten. I catch his bottom lip gently between my teeth and pull back. When I release it, he grins at me, but I'm already moving down his body. I spend time on his torso, kissing and licking around his chest and abs as I get lower and lower. I rub my palm against his crotch, feeling his thickness underneath the fabric. My mouth instantly starts to water, and now I only have one thought in my head: suck his dick for all it's worth.

I pull his shorts off completely before gripping his mostly soft cock and then wrapping my lips around it. I love starting when he's soft. Feeling him getting hard in my mouth is almost magical. I suck slowly, and he moans, his fingers in my hair already. After a little bit, I feel his cock getting warmer and start to grow slowly and steadily. I take him deep while his cock is still flexible, humming on his shaft until he's a solid piece of meat. I pull off, holding it up and gazing lovingly at it. I shake it a bit, and we both chuckle before I go back to blowing him. I focus on the tip, using deliberate tongue as I stroke the base, totally relishing in the feel and taste of him. He rewards me with copious amounts of precum, and I swallow the sweet liquid down as I receive it. I'm practically nursing on his cock, making gentle love to it with my mouth before, after a few minutes, I start taking him deeper. I'm well-acquainted with RJ's body by now, so taking him into my throat is mostly a cinch. Sometimes I struggle or choke a little, but I think he likes that anyway. I even get tears after coughing a few times, but I just sniffle and get back to work, bobbing in deep strides until RJ says he's getting close. He tells me to stop or he's gonna cum. I don't stop. He grips my hair and tries pulling me off but I'm determined. I hold onto his thighs and keep working him over until he grunts and moans, his hips twitching as my mouth floods with cum. The force of his orgasm surprises me, his cum shooting out fast and hitting the back of my neck. I choke a little but maintain my place on his dick. My slurps get a little louder, cum slipping from my lips, but I swallow as much as I can and then clean up the rest with my tongue.

"Goddamn," RJ whispers, panting slightly.

I smile up at him, giving his cock a little lick before I climb back up and peck his lips. "Don't fall asleep on me."

"I'm not done with you, boy," he says, reaching between my legs to grip my crotch firmly.

I moan and laugh. "I'm not a boy anymore, daddy."

"You're always gonna be a boy to me, baby," he says with a smirk, opening and closing his fingers on my crotch. I moan a little more. I'm already rock-hard from sucking him off, so it's easy for him to reach into my shorts and grip me tightly in his warm hand. He holds tight and pulls on it, tugging my body further up his torso until I get the hint. I straddle his chest and pull my cock out for him, slapping it against his lips. He sticks out his tongue and lets me hit it a few times, or otherwise rub the head of my cock against it, before I push forward and thrust, making him take me all the way. He handles it so well, making it look so easy. I pull back, and he just keeps sucking, bobbing his head and making sure to take me into his throat over and over. As he works me over, his fingers grip the waistband of my shorts and he starts tugging them off. After a little bit of maneuvering, I'm naked, and he's totally focused on my cock. He slurps and sucks, clearly enjoying himself until he slowly pulls off. He looks up at me, stroking me and rubbing my sensitive head on his facial hair. I whimper a bit, running my fingers through his hair. He hums slightly and smiles before kissing my cock and then going lower.

His hands move to my ass to push me up further so that he can lap and suck on my balls lightly, my cock resting against his face. I moan softly as his tongue slides effortlessly over my sack before it darts even lower. He lifts my ass up again, sliding me up even higher, and then I realize his intention. I feel his tongue right against my hole and I resist moaning too loudly -- but that's hard to resist when he's got such a silky, talented, wild tongue. As he laps, I grind against his tongue, jerking myself off slowly. I can't resist a smile as his warm tongue pokes inside of me repeatedly, giving me goosebumps all over.

When he pulls back to catch his breath, I move down to sit on his chest. He's breathing heavily, smiling up at me with his face all flushed. He gives my ass a nice squeeze. "What'll it be, birthday boy?" he asks. "Top or bottom?"

I lick my lips as my cock pokes his chin. "Why can't I have both?"

He laughs, leaning his chin down to suck on the head of my cock once. "Good point." He licks his lips before shifting quickly, and we both laugh as we roll around each other to find a good position. I end up on my back, and as RJ leans down to kiss me, his fingers probe around my hole before slipping inside of me. I moan against his lips, wrapping my arms and legs around him, grinding against his fingers.

"C'mon," I say with an insistent whine, and he gets exactly what I'm referring to. I can't wait. I want him now. With a grin, he pulls his fingers away and mounts me better, rubbing the head of his cock against my hole before slowly pushing forward. I gasp out lightly as I feel the tip push into me, followed by the rest of his shaft. Inch by inch, he gets deeper and deeper until it's all the way in. "Jesus," I pant out. Somehow, every time he's inside me, it feels almost like the first time.

He slowly starts to grind, gradually picking up the pace until we find a good rhythm that's not too fast as to disrupt my mom and Ty, but passionate enough for us to be very into it. I tug on his hair a bit, grinding with him, my cock throbbing every time he moans in my ear. He kisses and nibbles on my neck and my earlobe a bit as we move, and I'm in heaven. Blissful heaven.

We fuck like that for a while before he switches it up. He sits up straight, rocking his hips back and forth against my ass while he holds my hard cock up straight. He spits down on it and coats my cock with his saliva, making it nice and wet. At the same time, his cock is nudging against that sweet spot inside me, over and over, and I can't handle it all. I groan, my legs immediately tensing. "You're gonna make me cum," I say.

He chuckles, letting go and just teasing me with his fingertip. "Can't have that," he says. Then, he pulls out of me slowly. I immediately feel empty, but he at least goes down on me, licking up from my freshly-fucked hole all the way to the tip of my cock.

I moan out, sighing heavily from how relaxed I feel, even with his tongue all over me like that. I watch him for a bit, letting him kiss and lick as he pleases before I say "Bring that ass over here, big guy." He glances up at me and smirks a bit before shifting around and straddling me until we're in a nice 69 position. He keeps licking my cock, occasionally lightly sucking on it, and I bite my lip as I gaze at his ass above me. I grip it, shaking his thick cheeks playfully before I spread them, glance at his hairy little hole, and dig in. He moans around my cock before continuing to blow me steadily. I eat him out hungrily. I keep a good grip on his lower back, and it's straining my neck to keep my head up but I do it for as long as I can, working my tongue in circles and getting to the point where he's dripping wet.

I collapse back on the bed to give my neck muscles a break, panting slightly. Maybe RJ takes that as a signal because he shifts, turning around and straddling my lap. My cock gets lodged between his cheeks and he grinds against it before holding it up straight, raising himself, and then slowly sinking down on me. We both let out the same moan at the same time, which makes us both laugh a little. He holds me down with one hand on my chest as he takes my cock, his eyes closed until he's sitting firmly in my lap. "Damn, you feel huge today," he says, chuckling.

"I'm a big boy now, remember?" I joke, laughing.

He grins. "Shut up." He then takes both of my wrists, bringing my hands above my head as he bends over and kisses me. He starts to grind, working me slowly and deeply. Our kisses are sloppy and wet and I love it. It's a soft sense of urgency between us that keeps us at it. Soon he lets go of my wrists and sits up straight again, bouncing a bit and working his hips in fluid circles. I slide my hands up his inner thighs until I get to his cock, jerking him off. He responds with a nice little moan, biting his lip as he stares down at me. One of his hands roams the front of my body, giving me chills wherever he touches. But when he gets to my nipple, squeezing it gently between two fingers, my balls twitch, bringing me instantly closer to orgasm.

"I'm close," I say softly, looking up at him.

"Don't cum in me," he says with a laugh. "I have work early in the morning."

"Then you better stop," I warn, half-laughing and half-moaning.

He bites his lip before sliding off of me. I whine slightly, but his ass is quickly replaced with his mouth, and he sucks me off eagerly. I swear under my breath, one hand on my forehead and the other on the back of RJ's neck as he takes me deep. That's when I lose it. I cum hard in his mouth, and he takes it with gusto. I practically see stars from how hard I clench my eyes as my body tenses and my orgasm washes over me, but I eventually relax. When I open them, I see RJ licking the cum off of his lips before he smiles up at me.

"You're so cute," I say. He'll forever be the perfect mix of adorable and plain-old hot.

He just laughs, blushing. "Thanks." He kisses me cock once more before looking up at me.

"Come here," I say with a tired smile.

He crawls over me and kisses me gently. I wrap an arm around him and push him lightly so that he's resting on his side, cuddling with me a bit as we kiss. I keep a little separation between our torsos so that I can reach in between and stroke him. He's still hard, and I want him to get off again. I tease the tip with my thumb as I move my fist up and down slowly. We kiss over and over, keeping them mostly light and playful but adorably sexy. I love his deep, short moans and the way he grips my side when I tease his thick cock. I kiss him, saying "Cum for me" against his lips. He kisses me back slowly, using tongue as he holds the back of my head. Soon his moans become a little higher and a little more frequent, and so I speed up my hand until his cock is spurting cum in between us. His thick load gets all in between my fingers and when I pull away from his dick, I hold it up, laughing. "You're so messy."

"That's YOUR hand," he says with a grin before I hold my hand above him. He tilts his head and sticks out his tongue as some of the cum drips from my fingers and right into his mouth. He reaches up and quickly sucks on my index finger and I laugh, watching him grin, lick his lips, and swallow. I wipe the rest off onto his chest. "Hey!" he says, laughing.

"You can shower in the morning," I tease, kissing him gently.

"Mmm. I don't wanna leave you tomorrow," he says, pulling my body right up against his and rubbing my back slowly.

"You've been here for almost 48 hours. I need a break," I tease.

"Damn, is that how you feel?" he says with a grin. "You're getting cheeky in your old age." He kisses my nose before he rests, closing his eyes.

I laugh. "You're gonna sleep right now?"

"Too comfy to get up," he says softly.

I roll my eyes, smiling and pecking his lips. "Give me a sec." He resists me getting up, but I manage to get out of his grip, laughing as I head into the bathroom to wash up a little and then brush my teeth. I come back in my room to see RJ under the blankets already, eyes closed. I smile, putting on a pair of briefs and shutting the lights off before I crawl under the covers with him, pressing my back against his torso. He immediately adjusts, wrapping his arm around me and spooning me snugly. "Wake me up before you leave," I ask.

"You sure?"


"I told you it'll be early."

"I don't care," I say. "Wake me up. I like seeing you off."

"Mmmkay," he says, kissing my head. "I will."

"Thank you."

He chuckles softly. "G'night, babe."

"G'night," I respond, smiling softly. I reach down to touch his hand that's on my chest and lock our fingers together. Even as I drift off to sleep, the smile on my face remains.

Next: Chapter 6

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